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Analysis of two proposal

Result of Report Structure Comparison

This segment was separated into four parts: the front sections, the introduction, the body, and the

Proposal 1 Proposal2
Criterions (Provision of Accounting and (Business Improvement
Payroll Services) Proposal)
1.Proposal Structure
1.1 Front Sections
1.1.1 Title / title page There are all the necessary There are details less than
details in a formal form. the first report.
The table of contents was
1.1.2 Table of contents The table of contents was
allocated next to the
allocated next to the title page.
executive summary page.
1.1.3 List of illustration There is no mention about the There is no mention about
list of illustration the list of illustration
In contrast, this report
The executive summary was
allocates the executive
allocated next to the table of
summary next to the title
1.1.4 Abstract/ Executive
summary This report is separated from
It contained three
an executive summary into
subsections which are
three subsections which are the
assessment, relevant and
objective, the goals, and the
chosen proposal, and
This report does not show a
conventional introductory
This report shows an
1.2 Introduction introduction part as one of
But there is a description about
the main topics.
this report briefly on the title
It does not state the
It is included in an
1.2.1 Background background information in this
introduction part.
1.2.2 The Issues Statement
There are no specific
This report mentions an
objectives but it is combined
1.2.3 Specific Objectives objective part in the executive
in an introduction part as a
summary section.
There is no mention about the
scope of the report directly but There is no mention in this
1.2.4 The Scope of Report
there are goals that describe report.
the point of this report.
There is no mention in this There is no mention in this
1.2.5 Preview
report. report.
There is no specific body
The body part was separated part. Although, there are
into different topics which are three topics, analysis of
1.3 Body
not arranged in a pattern. situation, justification, and
behavioural changes that
can sum up as a body part.
There is no mention in this There is no mention in this
1.3.1 Methodology
report. report.

There is no mention in this There is no mention in this

1.3.2 Results
report. report.

There is no mention in this There is no mention in this

1.3.3 Discussion
report. report.
There are figures and tables
There is no mention in this
1.3.4 Figures/ tables in justification and appendix
The conclusion obviously
1.4 Conclusion There is no conclusion part.
existed in this report.
There is no mention in this It is included in a conclusion
1.4.1 Brief Statement
report. part.
There is no mention in this There is no mention in this
1.4.2 Recommendation
report. report.

There is no mention in this There is no mention in this

1.4.3 Evaluation
report. report.

The first thing we can figure out about this report is the report structure, and it is the first
thing that the readers use to analyze the report. In this case, the front section of both reports starts
with the title page. The first report which is a Provision of Accounting and Payroll Services is
giving all the necessary details in a formal form as it should be. Whereas, the second report
which is a Business Improvement Proposal, has details less than the first report. Then, the table
of contents of the first report was allocated next to the title page before the executive summary
part, but the second report was allocated next to the executive summary page. Besides, both of
them do not mention a list of illustrations, but there is an appendix part in the second report that
gathers necessary figures and tables. Next, the abstract and executive summary parts are
mentioned in both of the reports as an executive summary that gives brief details of those

For the introduction part and conclusion part, the first report does not contain an
introduction part but there is a description of this report briefly on the title page. In contrast, the
second report has a specific introduction part. Neither the first report nor the second report
mentions the Issues Statement, the Specific Objectives, the Scope of Report, and Preview
directly. Both of the reports have a similar pattern which is not arranged in a pattern but
separated into three different topics. Then, a methodology, results, and discussion do not contain
in both of the report’s body parts. In the second report, there are figures and tables in the
justification and appendix part. In the conclusion part, the second report is mentioned as the main
topic and contains a brief statement while the first report does not contain the conclusion part. In
closing, both of the reports do not have a recommendation or an evaluation part.

Conclusion of Visual Elements Comparison

This section will be the comparison of elements which are heading, font and sizing, and pattern
and term.

2. Visual elements
2.1 Heading The heading was used in Very clear heading and
different colors which is subheading which is easily
understandable to separate followed by the information
from the information.

2.2 Font and sizing Some parts are used in Proper design on the heading
different sizes and fonts but it which is easily seen and
is good for different examined.
intentions. Subheading is the standard
layout of the proposal.

2.3 Pattern and Terms The proposal uses a lot of There is no bullet point which
bullet points to describe the sometimes might be difficult
significant information in to fulfill and understand
each subheading. clearly on the main topic in
The layout was designed to each subheading.
illustrate information for the The layout was designed in a
manageable tasks. good format and it was
arranged in the proper
position of the proposal.

2.4 Demonstration and Least demonstration of Tables and pictures in most of

Graphing information. the subheadings can make the
information more

The visual element criteria were divided into four significant investigations which are
heading, fonts and sizing, patterns and term, and demonstration and graphing. Both proposals
have been done amazing on heading and each subheading which is what the decent proposal
should be. In terms of font and sizing it was used in similar patterns but the first proposal has
changed a little bit of font and color in some significant part which is the benefit of the readers.
On pattern and terms, the bullet points are shown in both proposals which the first proposal
mainly uses to describe all the significant information in each subtitle. Last but not least, the
demonstration in both proposals used describing some of the subheadings to demonstrate the
information even more clearly. Moreover, the second proposal has used a lot of tables and
pictures to demonstrate their information.

Language usages

This part highlighted the language use and we separated it into 4 parts. There are language use,
grammar, capitalization and spelling.
3. Language usages

3.1 Language use Quite formal language Quite formal language

3.2 Grammar Fluency Fluency

3.2.1 Grammatical correction The sentences are The sentences are

grammatically correct. grammatically correct.

3.3 Capitalization Using capitalization correctly Using capitalization correctly

3.4 Spelling No misspelling No misspelling

3.4.1 frequently using words This proposal has an This proposal has many
infrequency of used words. repeated words in the whole
proposal body.

Both of the proposals are quite different on frequently using words but other sections are
the same. We decided to use the parts that are the same from both proposals as the example in
order to have various optional changes. Moreover, the infrequency of used words is an excellent
example that should be followed from the first proposal as frequency used words can make the
proposal look unprofessional and boring.

Logical Thoughts

This criterion will be mainly discussing logical thoughts which contain three points: relation in
each paragraph, appropriation information, and transmission information.

4. Logical thoughts

4.1 Relation in each There is a good connection There are many long
paragraph between the data in each of paragraphs in this proposal
the paragraphs. It contains that have a clear information
references to the topic with a and exemplification. Most of
reasonable introduction, as the paragraphs are written and
well as a comprehensive and explained deeply so there are
easy-to-understand valid relationships in the
explanation of the paragraphs.
information on that topic of
the paragraph.

4.2 Appropriation This proposal is quite In this proposal, some

information informative and has a clear information is provided in the
description of both numerical form of predictions, analysis
and explanatory information. and recommendations which
The numerical and statistical may contain information that
data are well attribution and is the opinion of the author.
comprehensive and are Therefore, it may cause
properly written. confusion in understanding
which leads to

4.3 Transmission information This proposal does a good job This proposal is primarily
of transmitting information. aimed at analyzing data. It
The main goal is to clarify provides detailed information
and assist in accounting with and reasons, some of which
information that is visual and may be the viewpoint of the
easy to understand for author but are conveyed in a
exposure. way that is understandable.

Information is a needed thing to write a report or proposal. Therefore, the use of

information should be used in the correct manner including describing, compiling, and
transmission. This part demonstrates the analysis of correlation, suitability, and transmitting data
which is essential to be accurate and easy to understand to avoid confusion in reading and
understanding. However, these two proposals have both good and bad points but the most part of
these proposals was presented properly. Only at some point do they have some errors in the
accuracy of the information but overall it is a good 2 proposals in terms of information.

Result of Credibility Comparison

For this part, we divided into three parts which are citation and reference, appendix, and data

5. Creditability

5.1 Citations / Reference There is no citation or This proposal also has no

reference in this proposal. citation and reference .
They contain only
information to contact and a
proposal template.

5.2 Appendix There is no appendix in this This proposal provides an

proposal. appendix which is named
Fish Bone Analysis.

5.3 Data source This report is about the This report was developed by
company that the writer owns a group of students where the
which a source will mainly information might come from
from their own information in anywhere. They did not state
the company. a citation.

For the last part, creditability, this part can be defined as a crucial part which can show
how quality and professional the proposal is. First, citation and reference are the most common
part of every report and proposal. For the first proposal, Provision of Accounting and Payroll
Services, did provide any citation and reference. But they give information about project
management which provides email, telephone number, and location. Moreover, Orbis property &
people protection 24/7, also did not provide any citation and reference. Second, appendix, the
first proposal did show any appendix. On the other hand the second proposal provides 8
appendices such as Fish Bone Analysis, Rich picture, Force Field Analysis, Stakeholder
Analysis, Statement of comprehensive income, Costs of four proposals, Managerial Account,
and Cost benefit analysis. Third, data source, these two proposals did not provide citation and
reference which mean that the information is reliable or not.

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