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Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

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By Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Strengthening Ties
Allah u sent His beloved Prophet a as a mercy for all
creation. All of creation from angels and man to animals
and birds benefited from the mercy of the Prophet a. The
Holy Quran says:

We sent thee not but as a Mercy for all creatures [21:107]

Just like a father is delighted when there is harmony and

unity amongst his family members, the Messenger a of
Allah will be very pleased if all of his nation can learn to live
in peace and harmony as one.
Differences between people are not uncommon, nor are
they an obstacle. Allah u says in the Holy Quran that He
created mankind in different shapes and colors so that man
may recognize His Greatness. Hence if people are physically
different from the time that they are born, then there are
bound to be differences in the ways that they think. There
are two sides to everything and thus very understandable
that two people view the same thing from different points of
view. However, what is important is that human beings live

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

together as a family despite holding different opinions and

views, which is not difficult.
Today the disease eating away at the Muslim nation is
that Muslims view a difference of opinion between
themselves as enmity and a reason to fight. The close family
relations between a father and son; a mother and daughter; a
brother and sister; a husband and wife, or a wife and her
mother-in-law are a reason for strong family ties and not
enmity. However, most often such parties become estranged
from each other because they regard a minute difference of
opinion as a reason for enmity and malice.
The strangest and most fascinating thing is that two
brothers may share the same opinion on ninety-five percent
of issues, and differ on only five percent. However, they will
not live as brothers by focusing on their agreements but will
make the five percent that they disagree on a basis for their
estrangement. At other times a father or an elder brother
may take offense because the younger party failed to deliver
the proper degree of respect to the other. This deep offense
hence takes root in the heart, becoming a cause of animosity
and sometimes even a cause of revenge.
The problem with the majority of Muslims today is that
they reply to sticks with stones, and in this case they need to
seriously ask themselves if this is what Islam has taught, or
has it shown us a different and higher path of forgiveness
and unity? People become ready to part ways very readily
instead of trying to find common ground for unification
and resolution. The Holy Quran clearly says that Muslims
will be uprooted and destroyed as a nation if they separate
from each other. As an example Muslims are in enormous

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

numbers in this world, yet they are being treated and killed
like cattle everywhere. Why? The answer is that there is no
honor and dignity of the kind that our righteous
predecessors had.

A Recipe for Anger

A person is naturally very angry when he begins thinking
about revenge, and the Messenger a of Allah has given
great guidance on how to conquer such anger. It is
transmitted in the hadith collections of Bukhari and Muslim
that at one time the Messenger a of Allah said, “The
strongest man is not the one who can overcome people with
his strength, but one who controls himself when in a fit of
It is transmitted in another fascinating hadith that the
Messenger a of Allah said, “Allah u loves the person who
controls his anger.” This is something that Muslims need to
pay close attention to and understand within the depths of
their hearts. Whenever angry, one should reflect on whether
it is better to carry through with one’s anger or to forgive
and calm down, as a result of which Allah u will love him.
It is one thing to love Allah u, but a totally different thing
to be loved by Allah u and become His beloved.
The Holy Quran instructs the Messenger a of Allah to
tell the people, “If you profess to love Allah u then follow
me, and Allah u will love you.” Indeed such is the
grandiose example and teaching of our Prophet a, that we
will become the beloved of Allah u if we follow his sunnah.

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Forgiveness Above All

Hadith states that the Messenger a of Allah said that Allah
u will increase the honor and dignity of a person who
forgives another purely for the sake of Allah u when in fact
he has the power to exact vengeance. We should reflect on
this if we should ever find ourselves in a position wherein
someone has wronged us and we have the authority and
power to exact revenge. Allah u will elevate us in status
and honor if we forgive the other party in those
circumstances purely because the other is a servant of Allah
u and His Messenger a.
Usually people exact vengeance on others because they
believe that they have been disgraced and dishonored in
some way. The majority of the time such people exact harsh
vengeance so as to reaffirm their position in front of others.
However, Islam teaches forgiveness for the sake of Allah u,
in return for which Allah u promises His love and increase
in honor both in this life and the next.

Forgiveness for Enemies

The beautiful examples from the Prophet’s a glorious life
are too numerous for one discussion. It is one matter to
forgive peoples’ small mistakes, but quite another to forgive
a sworn enemy.
Hadith literature tells us that once the Messenger a of
Allah and his Companions (Sahabah) were outside Madinah
where they stopped to rest in the early afternoon. The
Sahabah suggested that the Messenger a of Allah rest
under a tree that offered cool shade against the sweltering

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

heat. The rest of the Sahabah dispersed to rest and nap

under other trees.
Meanwhile, an unbeliever happened to be traveling past
this place and noticed the Prophet of the Muslims lying
under a tree with his sword hanging by one of the branches.
He was overjoyed at this unique opportunity and seized the
sword, determined to strike down the Prophet of Islam. The
Messenger a of Allah woke up at that exact moment and
the unbeliever said, “Who can save you from me now O
Muhammad [a]?”
To this the Messenger a of Allah said “Allah u!” with
such devotion and power that terror seized the unbeliever.
He started trembling and dropped the sword. The
Messenger a of Allah picked up his sword and said, “Now
tell me who will save you from me?”
At this the unbeliever started begging for his life,
highlighting the Prophet’s a mercy toward the people.
Listening to his pleas the Messenger a of Allah
immediately forgave this sworn enemy who would have
himself spared no time in murdering the Prophet a. The
Prophet a of Islam said, “Go, for I have forgiven you” and
therefore laid a shining principle for all mankind to follow
because he was sent as a mercy to all creation.
The unbeliever was astonished that the Messenger a of
Allah would forgive such an unforgivable action, and the
Prophet’s a merciful words touched his heart. He said, “O
Messenger a of Allah, you have forgiven me; now please
make me a Muslim so that Allah u may forgive me also.”
Thus this person accepted Islam at that moment. This is

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

such one glorious example of mercy that we find in the life

of the Messenger a of Allah.
Amama bin Athal was an idolater who would ponder and
reflect on killing the Messenger a of Allah. One day he
was captured by the Sahabah, who brought him into the
Mosque of the Prophet a and tied him to one of the
pillars. The Messenger a of Allah had heard of his plotting
and now saw him when he entered the mosque. Coming
close, the Messenger a of Allah asked, “What were you
plotting and what should we do with you?”
Amama bin Athal said, “If you kill me that is your right,
but I have heard a great deal about your mercy and am
confident that you will show forgiveness.” The Prophet’s a
exemplary character was so renown that sworn enemies
would not lose hope of his mercy even when in chains and
with no chance of escape. Hence even in that state Amama
bin Athal was confident that his life would be spared.
The Messenger a of Allah smiled and said to the
Sahabah, “Forgive and release him.” The Sahabah were
stunned by this but were compelled to obey, and so untied
Amama’s ropes. He was now free, but the Prophet’s a
words and spiritual attention had impacted Amama’s heart.
He said, “You have untied these physical ropes, and now
please connect my spiritual rope to my Allah u and make
me Muslim so I may repent from all my previous sins.”
Saying this he accepted Islam.
The people in Hadrat Amama’s g home village were
very receptive towards Islam when he returned and started
preaching, and were shocked to learn that the Quraish
would persecute such a noble man as the Messenger a of

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Allah. Since the town was a large wheat exporter, the people
decided to stop exporting their crop to the Quraish. This
served as a shock for the Quraish since it signaled the
beginnings of rebellion from tribes previously subjugated by
them. The leaders of Makkah now realized that if Islam
could influence people in their own backyard as it were,
then someday it would span the globe. The Messenger a
of Allah and the Sahabah have left beautiful and fascinating
examples of character for us.

The Self Control of Imam Husain g

Once Hadrat Imam Husain g was entertaining some
guests and so he told his maidservant to bring some food.
There was one dish of meat curry in the house that she
warmed and brought out to the guests. Just as she entered
the room she tripped and the hot food fell onto Hadrat
Husain g, who instantly became very angry.
The servant girl became terrified but being an attendant
in that house she also knew the superior level of his
character and self-control. Seeing his glaring face she quickly
recited a verse from the Holy Quran:

(They are the ones) who restrain anger [3:134]

Hearing this Hadrat Husain’s g countenance immediately

changed and he said, “Very well, I have restrained my
The maidservant bravely continued:

And pardon (all) men [3:134]

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Hadrat Husain g replied, “Very well, I have pardoned this

mistake of yours.” The girl again recited from the Holy

For Allah loveth those who do good [3:134]

Hadrat Husain g then said, “Go for I have freed you; may
Allah u accept this from me.”
History cannot offer us better examples of character and
self-control than that of the Messenger a of Allah and the
early Muslims. At one moment Hadrat Husain g is glaring
angrily at his maidservant for making this grave mistake and
not only controls his anger but frees her all due to his strong
adherence to the values taught in the Holy Quran and by
the Messenger a of Allah. These were people who would
take blows from the enemy and still supplicate for them.
Such living examples are still among us today, and may
Allah u give the Muslims guidance and the ability to
implement these wonderful guidelines in their daily lives.

Glorious Examples for Eternity

A thief crept up to Hadrat Junaid Baghdadi’s i house at
night and tried to break in. Hadrat Junaid i heard the
noise but was at that time supplicating to Allah u and did
not want to disturb that precious time with Allah u.
In that special moment he perceived that his prayer had
been accepted and that a prayer would be accepted if he
made a special supplication for someone to be accepted as a
friend (wali) of Allah. Hadrat Junaid i got up from his

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

place of prayer and confronted the man who had come to

steal from him. Hadrat Junaid i asked his name and then
supplicated to Allah u. Through this supplication Allah u
included the thief, Yusuf bin Azdak amongst His Friends
Such glorious examples are not only found amongst the
Sahabah and Auliyaa, but even among those who learned
and benefited from them. Aspects of Hadrat Umar bin
Abdul Aziz’s i life are well known, as are those of
Aurangzaib Alamgir i. These were all rays of light from the
sun that was the Messenger a of Allah that sought out and
illuminated the hearts of whomever they touched.
We all yearn for Allah u to forgive all of our sins. It is
written in hadith that Allah u will forgive a person’s sins as
hastily as he himself forgave the sins of others; accept a
person’s apology as hastily as he himself accepted the
apology of others, and deal as harshly with a person as he
himself dealt with others.

The Disease of Malice

There is a vast difference between discipline and malicious
abuse that people need to understand. Islamic Sacred Law
(shariah) has defined certain limits for Muslims that they
need to live within. For example, striking a child for
disciplinary purposes so he learns in the future is allowed by
the shariah. However, striking the same child out of sheer
malice is definitely prohibited.
Malice is a very strange thing in that it takes over a
person’s being and it seems that flames are shooting out of
his eyes. A person’s face reddens when he is angry, proof

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

that a fire has been ignited within him. The degree of anger
is directly proportional to a person’s level of ignorance and
barbarity: the more ignorant and backward the person, the
more anger he will have. Some are inherently angry, while
in other cases the surrounding environment and social
system creates such an atmosphere of anger and tension that
creates lifelong family blood feuds, such as was the case in
pre-Islamic Arabia.

Steeped In Ignorance
There are numerous examples of baffling stupidity and
inhumanity from this time period. In a show of strength, a
man from a certain tribe once arrogantly extended his leg in
other people’s path in a plaza and said, “Is there anyone
bold enough to dare move my leg?” Another man was
armed with his sword and immediately severed the leg into
two pieces. The wounded man’s relatives hence killed this
person and very soon this so called show of strength ignited
into a blood feud that claimed three hundred lives by its
end. Such was the level of utter ignorance among these
It was among these stubborn people that Allah u sent
His Messenger a. The people of Arabia are stubborn to this
day, and do not recognize anything except black and white,
and so convincing such people is a great feat.
A story in Pakistani literature mentions a Pathan boy
who was being taught the Holy Quran by a maulana. The
boy was stubborn and naughty and would not learn his
daily lessons, and so one day his teacher smacked him across
the ears. The boy went into his parents’ room and brought

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

out a gun, intending to reply in his own way to what his

teacher had done. His teacher was shocked and immediately
disarmed the boy, during which time the boy’s father came
home and the teacher related the whole story.
The father laughed and said, “Maulana Saheb, the truth
is that we can always get more teachers, but at least my child
should not miss his very first shot.”
The truth is that man is filled to the brim inside with this
utter ignorance and barbarism because of which he is always
plotting “better” ways of vengeance against his brother.
Why doesn’t he plot this way and indeed act this harshly
against his own nafs? Why isn’t he determined to act harshly
against his nafs if it takes him toward sin? There he does not
find such anger and desire for vengeance. Man is so utterly
foolish that he intentionally breaks the bonds that Allah u
has commanded him to preserve with love, and works hard
to please and satisfy the nafs that is bringing him closer to
Hell everyday.

Advent of the Messenger a and Liberation of Makkah

The Messenger a of Allah came into such an atmosphere
and prohibited vengeance toward another man if that
vengeance were to be driven solely by selfish desire.
A famous story is one of Hadrat Ali g in which he had
overpowered an enemy on the battlefield and was about to
deliver the final blow. At that moment the enemy spat at
him in hatred. In the heat and emotion of battle Hadrat Ali
g immediately stepped back. His enemy was
dumbfounded as to why, and asked, “Why have you pulled
back from killing me?”

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Hadrat Ali g answered, “I was previously fighting you

for the Cause of Allah u and would have killed you for His
sake. However, because you have spat at me I cannot be sure
whether my personal anger has tainted my sincerity towards
killing you solely for Allah u. I have stepped back because
I might have to account for this on the Day of Judgment.”
Can we even begin to comprehend the level of self
control in these people? Can we even begin to comprehend
their magnanimity? The Prophet’s a beautiful example was
a beacon for them and hence they would forgive the worst
of enemies.
When the Messenger a of Allah and the Muslims set
off from Madinah during the march leading to the conquest
of Makkah, various tribes also joined them along the way.
At that time it was custom for an army to cook at just one
or two central locations and distribute the food to all, but
the night that they stopped outside Makkah the Messenger
a of Allah instructed everyone to prepare their own food.
The Sahabah did not understand his reasoning but dispersed
in groups of two and three and prepared their own food.
The result was that the whole valley became bright with the
light of hundreds of individual bonfires.
The Quraish of Makkah had heard that the Muslims
were advancing on Makkah and so Abu Sufyan was
dispatched as a scout. He was terrified at the sight of so
many bonfires and realized that no one in Makkah would
survive if such a large army started towards the city. In the
morning he arranged a meeting with Hadrat Abu Bakr g
who brought him to the Messenger a of Allah. Amazed at
the thousands of people whose hearts had been blessed with

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

the wealth of Islam, Abu Sufyan also entered the fold of

Islam and became Hadrat Abu Sufyan g. The Messenger
a of Allah was pleased that one of the leaders of Quraish
had finally accepted the truth.
Hadrat Abu Bakr g was an extremely wise and
intelligent man, and so when the army got underway the
next morning he stood with Hadrat Abu Sufyan g at a
location from which the latter could see each platoon as it
passed by. Hadrat Abu Bakr wanted Hadrat Abu Sufyan l
to clearly see the strength of the Muslim forces. Hadrat Abu
Sufyan g was amazed because almost every second or third
man he saw had been an unbeliever at one time.
Having seen the strength of the Muslims, Hadrat Abu
Sufyan g mounted his horse and reached Makkah before
the Muslim army. There he convened a meeting with the
other leaders of Quraish and advised them that their only
hope was to surrender otherwise the massive Muslim force
would massacre them if they chose to resist. The Quraish
leaders hence decided that they would not resist the
advancing army.
Hadith states that the road to Makkah was desolate in
front of the Muslim army. Before the Migration (Hijra) to
Madinah, the Prophet a had pleaded with Allah u
clutching the cloth of the Kaa’ba that he did not want to
leave. In reply Allah u had promised:

He Who hath given thee the Quran for a law will surely bring
thee home again [28:85]

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

The Messenger a of Allah had been thrown out of this

city years previously, and now he was at the head of an army
of his loving Sahabah. The stage was set to enter Makkah as
a victorious army enters a conquered city in pomp and
glamour. However, the Messenger a of Allah was beyond
such behavior and taught another important lesson to the
Muslim nation at this occasion.
The Messenger a of Allah was astride his camel and
advancing before the main troops with tears of joy
streaming down his face. Hadith states that his head was
bowed so low in humility it would at times touch the
camel’s neck. He was reciting various praises and
supplications: “There is no god save Allah u: He has no
partner and His is all sovereignty. All praise is due to Him,
and He is powerful over everything. There is no god save
Allah u alone, Who fulfilled His promise, helped his
servant, and alone routed the confederates.” The Messenger
a of Allah entered Makkah in this state of humility and
As the army entered Makkah the Quraish were terrified
at the prospect of facing the people whom they had tortured
and ridiculed for over thirteen years. Today those same
people whose relatives were killed by the Quraish, who were
made to endure countless and unimaginable hardship and
torture, were returning to their home city as victors. Today
the tide was turned and the swords were in the other hands,
and the once proud Quraish were trembling in fear that
they would be torn to pieces and their women shamed and

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Upon entering the Grand Mosque approaching the

Kaa’ba the Messenger a of Allah announced, “Today
whoever stays in his house will be safe.” This announcement
alone is staggering and monumental when we reflect upon
how savagely the conquered are usually treated by their
conquerors. At this time Hadrat Abu Bakr g requested that
Hadrat Abu Sufyan’s g residence be declared a safe house
since he was a leader and had since accepted Islam. Hence
the Prophet a added that whoever took shelter in Hadrat
Abu Sufyan’s a house would also be safe.
When the Messenger a of Allah came in front of the
Kaa’ba one of the first among the Quraish to venture
forward was Hinda, Hadrat Abu Sufyan’s g wife. This was
the same Hinda who had had the Prophet’s a dear and
noble uncle martyred. She had then disemboweled the body
and arranged the organs in a necklace around her neck. At
that time she had been deluding herself that she had
defeated Hadrat Hamza g, but was unaware that she was
the one who would be defeated.
Hinda came forward and repented because she was now
very ashamed. The Messenger a of Allah was so merciful
to all that he even forgave this woman who had committed
such evil. Wahshi was the man who had martyred Hadrat
Hamza g at Uhud, and knew that if captured he would
surely be killed. He thus crept up carefully through the back
streets and in this way confronted the Messenger a of
Allah, wishing to repent for his crimes. Allah u had given
His Messenger a such remarkable character and fortitude
that he even forgave Wahshi of the murder of his beloved
uncle and accepted him into the fold of Islam.

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

The rest of the Quraish leaders then came forward, and

the Messenger a of Allah asked, “What do you think we
should do with you now?” The Quraish were masters at
diplomacy and said, “We are family, and so you should treat
us as a brother would treat his brothers.” Hadrat Sa’ad bin
Ubada g was seated nearby and said, “Today is the Day of
War and the day that we cleanse the Kaa’ba of your false
The Quraish grew frightened at hearing this and feared
once again for their lives. Hadrat Abu Sufyan g
approached the Messenger a of Allah and told him what
this Companion (Sahabi) had said. Hadrat Sa’ad bin Ubada
g had been carrying the banner of Islam, and the
Messenger a of Allah took it from him and handed it to
Hadrat Sa’ad’s g son as a reprimand for having made such
a statement.
The Messenger a of Allah then got up and announced,
“Today is a blessed day: a Day of Mercy in which we shall
honor the Kaa’ba!” He again turned to the Quraish and
asked what should be done with them. This time they
answered, “We are your brothers, and if you choose to kill
us that is your right. However, if you forgive us then you
will find us ever desirous of your mercy.”
The Messenger a of Allah replied, “Yes you are indeed
my brothers, but have treated me the same way that Hadrat
Yusuf’s e brothers treated him. Today I reply to you the
same way that Hadrat Yusuf e replied to them.”

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

This day let no reproach be (cast) on you: Allah will forgive

you and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.’

Hence all of Makkah was granted full amnesty that day; the
Quraish were astounded and could not believe what they
had heard. They returned to their homes uncertain whether
they could trust such an amnesty and remained
apprehensive of any retaliation. Hence both men and
women of the Quraish stayed awake that following night
worrying that the Muslims might enter anytime to rape and
kill them. However, these people were used to living in
another time in which they knew nothing else but such
violence and were unfamiliar with the magnificence of
The Messenger a of Allah also retired home after
finishing the day’s business and the Quraish thought that
the Muslims would now pounce upon them in the dead of
night. They stayed awake in worry and terror but a good
portion of the night passed and everything was silent. The
streets of Makkah were empty and there was not as much as
a knock on the door.
The Makkans were surprised and so some of them
worked up enough courage to venture out of their homes
into the streets to see where the Muslims were and what
they might be doing. Searching thus they reached the
Kaa’ba and were even more surprised at what they saw.
Some of the Muslims were standing in prayer to their
Lord while some were kissing the cloth of the Kaa’ba and
supplicating. Others still were lost in reading of the Holy

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

Quran while others were weeping in prostration. The

Quraish were stunned by this display because they had never
seen conquerors that would cry with such humility to
anyone. However, they knew nothing of the Muslims who
had spent all night in worshipping the true Lord of Kaa’ba.
These people who had been thrown out of their homes,
never to be able to see the Kaa’ba again and now they were
weeping in gratitude at having been allowed to worship
there again.
The next morning the Quraish admitted to themselves
that the Muslims were truly the people on the Straight Path,
for being conquerors they never laid a hand on the
vanquished but only spread their hands out in gratitude and
repentance to Allah u. Hence that day the inhabitants of
Makkah started coming forward in large numbers to accept
Islam at the hand of the Messenger a of Allah.

The Best of Legacies

History cannot give a better or nobler example of fortitude
and mercy as that displayed by the Messenger a of Allah at
the conquest of Makkah. People cannot name a conqueror
or general throughout history who may have shown as much
courage and mercy towards their vanquished enemies as the
Messenger a of Allah showed that day.
Keeping these glorious examples of our noble Prophet in
mind we should all this day make firm intention to forgive
others and hence change the direction of our lives. If every
man and woman makes this intention they will quickly see
their troubles vanishing. These every day troubles that have
chained us to misery are of our own making: we are

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

determined to exact hatred and revenge, we seek out and

publicize others’ faults. In this way we are only increasing
our own burdens and troubles. Hence if we start on this
path of forgiving others we will quickly notice that our
troubles will evaporate into the air. Allah u will give peace
to our hearts, and we will be strengthened in love towards
each other instead of being torn apart by useless malice and
Furthermore, keeping this beautiful example of mercy in
the forefront, we should seek to forgive anyone who might
have done us the least injustice, as the Messenger a of
Allah magnanimously forgave the Quraish. In return for this
action of ours, Allah u will not only bestow honor upon us
but He will love us even more.
After the Messenger a of Allah and the Sahabah, no
one illustrates this better than the Auliyaa. Here is just one
example of their wisdom and incredible insight.
One of our elders was going on pilgrimage and had all
his money with him in a small purse. There was only hard
coinage in those days, not the paper and plastic that we are
accustomed to today.
A thief managed to join the pilgrimage party and stole
this man’s money and ran away. Having run some distance
the thief suddenly became blind, and so became terrified
and started screaming. He realized that the person he had
robbed must have been a very pious man and Allah u must
have taken away his sight as a punishment of his crime
against that man. His screams attracted a crowd to whom he
told the whole story and asked to be taken to a certain shop

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

in front of which he had robbed the pilgrim, so he could

return the stolen money and repent.
Hence some people took him to the shop that he
specified and asked the shopkeeper if they had seen one of
the pilgrims that the thief had described. The shopkeeper
said that he would point out the man when he passed by for
the next prayer. The pilgrim they were searching for came
by soon after and they took the thief over to him so that he
could return the money and apologize.
The thief dropped to the pilgrim’s feet and started
begging for forgiveness for having robbed him. The
gentleman said, “I forgave you the moment you ran with
my money.” The people were very surprised to hear that
someone would so quickly forgive the thief who had robbed
him only moments before, and so they asked why.
This elderly gentleman replied, “The Prophet a said
that he will not enter Paradise until the accounting of
everyone in his nation has been completed. I thought to
myself that if I were not to forgive this man right away, then
this case will be presented in Allah’s u Court on the Day
of Judgment and would delay my Prophet’s a entry into
Paradise for as long as it takes to be resolved. I do not wish
to be a cause of delay for my beloved Prophet’s a entry into
Paradise. This hadith came to me as soon as this man stole
my purse and so I forgave him immediately.”
The depth of this man’s insight is so remarkable and
fascinating that it leaves one amazed. A thief has just stolen
probably all that he has for his journey, and this man
forgives him immediately because the only thing on his

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

mind is that this case, if left unresolved, would keep The

Messenger a of Allah waiting on the Day of Judgment.
Muslims should reflect long and hard on this hadith and
think of all their irresponsible and insignificant quarrels that
they are obstinately prolonging every day. Such Muslims
will indeed be dishonored before Allah u because of these
feuds, but what they fail to keep in mind is that they are
unnecessarily prolonging the Prophet a from entering
Paradise. Now what would be a better trade? Surely those
Muslims should swallow their pride and forgive others so
that the Messenger a of Allah enters Paradise that much
earlier. This way we as Muslims may win his favor so that he
intercedes for us on the Day of Judgment. By uselessly
prolonging and increasing old feuds, we will not only be
disgraced but will have to forego Paradise in exchange for
Hence on this topic and for the sake of the glorious life
of the Messenger a of Allah, Muslim brothers and sisters
should forgive and forget any grievance that they may have
toward anyone. We as Muslims have to forgive others and
cleanse our hearts of the filth of this hatred and only then
will we have peace. The Prophet’s a heart was absolutely
pure of such feelings toward anyone, and Allah u will
grant us success both in this life and the Hereafter if we but
adhere to this one beautiful example from the Prophet’s a
Hadrat Ibrahim bin Adham i was the king of Balagh
who relinquished his kingdom to pursue a righteous and
ascetic life, for which Allah u gave him the kingdom of

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

wilayat. He would dress simply and move about humbly

and unnoticed.
Some teenagers had rented a boat for an outing and
happened to come across Hadrat Ibrahim bin Adham i.
They took him on board thinking that they would take
advantage of his obvious simplicity and thus have
themselves a mode of amusement for the duration of their
boat trip. Hence they mocked and ridiculed Hadrat Ibrahim
bin Adham i to the point of physically abusing him, all of
which they thought was very humorous.
Allah u became intensely angry at this treatment and
said to Hadrat Ibrahim bin Adham i, “Ibrahim bin
Adham! All you have to do is supplicate to Me and I will
capsize this boat so all of these disrespectful people drown!”
However, the glory of auliyaa is beyond our comprehension,
for these auspicious people have received guidance from the
brilliance that is the Messenger a of Allah. Perceiving this
inspiration in his heart Hadrat Ibrahim bin Adham i raised
his hands and said, “O Allah u! If You can overturn this
boat then You can surely overturn their hearts as well. Please
change their hearts from this evil and bring them toward
righteousness.” Allah u accepted this supplication and no
one on that boat died without having become a wali of
Allah u.
No nation in the entire world can present such examples
of righteousness and selflessness. We should all learn from
these examples and put their message into action in our own
lives. We should forgive each other and open our hearts to
each other in love rather than close them in hatred. Only

Mercy for the Worlds by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed

then we will find that our lives are suddenly free of worries
and troubles.
The Prophet’s a message was love and selflessness, and
we should spread this wherever we go so the flame of his
guidance burns forever. Our hearts will be cleansed from
hatred, envy, greed and other destructive evils and come
together in love and harmony. We can listen to numerous
lectures regarding the Prophet’s a life but we can truly
realize something of his auspicious and noble example by
eliminating these animosities from our lives and coming
together as one nation under Allah u full of love and

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