Langauage Development

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Victoria Clements

Honors English 9

Mrs. Bella

March 13, 2020

The Race Against Time

Today there are between six and seven thousand languages being spoken around the

world. Millions of children all over the world are learning a second or even third language

beginning before they reach high school. For instance, China has more than two hundred million

students studying English in elementary school, while the United States has a mere twenty-four

thousand learning Chinese. The lack of bilingualism has become an ever-increasing problem

with the people in the United States’. Providing opportunities for students to learn a second

language at an early age will increase problem solving skills, cognitive skills, and academic


The expectation is to be fluent in another language to get into a good college but four

years for only forty five minutes a day is not nearly enough. The part of the brain that is

responsible for language development slows down drastically at the age of ten to twelve.

Students learn the language that is spoken to and around them, based on where they live, for at

least twelve years starting at the age of just four. Even those people still do not know everything

even after all that learning but definitely know more than they would after just four years. If

schools would begin alternative languages classes or at least add them to the curriculum as an

option for younger students while the language development part of their brain is still in function

it would increase the number of bilingual adults in america.

Schools should start language classes at a younger age so kids will have a good chance of

actually remembering and doing better in language classes. Most people who “studied Spanish or

French for 4 years during high school can’t seem to be able to ask for basic directions.” Second

or first grade is when these classes should begin. This would give them a better chance of

actually learning and speaking fluently in more than just one language. Bilingual children learn

faster and easier, have improved problem solving skills and creativity, and have more career

opportunities in adulthood. Most importantly, it's much easier to learn a second language at an

early age. In addition, learning a second language isn't as difficult as it used to be. Children who

are exposed early to other languages display more positive attitudes to cultures. The experience

of learning a language introduces them to the world in ways they might otherwise have not


However, some would say that children do not need to be learning another language at a

young age causing confusion between languages making it harder for them to retain both

languages. If given good teachers kids would not get confused but learn multiple languages to

help them get further in their future careers and break language barriers.

Language development skills need to be used in more classrooms. Teaching foriegn

languages needs to begin at a young age while the language development part of the brain is very

active. Learning a second helps with problem solving skills, cognitive skills, and academic


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