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29/10/21 17:53 Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

Program > Unit > Evaluation

First Period

Listen, read, answer and submit the 30 questions (units 1-6)

Total score: 14.00
Score of approval: 9.80
Incorrect answers lower your score: No
Open: since 28/10/2021 00:00 until 29/10/2021 23:59

Date: 10/29/2021 5:05:07 PM

Achievement time: 00:47:59 Passed - 12.13
Number of times done: 1
Quantity of right answers: 26 / 30

Listen to three conversations. For each question choose the correct answer.


Why does Ryan annoy his teacher?

He is lazy. 

He doesn´t pay attention.  

He is disrespectful.
(0.47 score)

What does the neighbour do to annoy the speaker? 1/10
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She is not friendly.

She parks her car in front of her door.

She is always complaining.

(0.47 score)

Ryan´s classmates:

Doesn´t pay attention to him.

Follow him.

Enjoy the class.

(0.47 score)

Another thing that annoys her is:

She never cleans up when the dog makes a mess.

She never says please or thank you.

She never cleans her house.

(0.47 score)

Why are the new manager´s emails so annoying?

They are impolite.       

They are disrespectful.

They are too long.

(0.47 score)

Language Section
Read the statements and choose the correct word or phrase to answer.

When I arrived at the airport, the plane had __________

arrive 2/10
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(0.47 score)

When I was a child, I used to __________climb trees.



(0.47 score)

He´s _________ his assingment for eight weeks.

been done

being working

been doing
(0.47 score)

I´ll take the kids to the park ____________ they finish eating.

as soon as


(0.47 score)

He got used to _________ to the gym every afternoon.



(0.47 score)

I´m used to _________  in big cities. 3/10
29/10/21 17:53 Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]



(0.47 score)

How many times _________ to Italy? 

have you been

did you

has you been

(0.47 score)

Language Section II
For question 13 to 20 read the text and decide which answer best fits.

The Story of Cinnamon

In the Indian Ocean, there is an island so beautiful that its ancient name, Serendeep,
(13)............ us the modern word serendipity – to find something wonderful by chance.
This island of (14)............ tropical jungles and heavy rains also (15)............ a great
secret of thousands of years, for it was the only source of one of the world’s most
precious spices, cinnamon. Today the island is (16)............ as Sri Lanka. Cinnamon was
first (17)............ in Chinese writing from 2700 BC. Yet despite its long use, its origin was
obscure. Ancient thinkers guessed that cinnamon was (18)............ in fishing nets by
sailors on the Nile. It was an Arab philosopher who first surmised that it was a product of
the East. But what exactly is cinnamon? It’s actually the bark of a tree. People take it off
the outside of the tree and dry it on the ground where it curls up into tubes. Interestingly,
today both plantation owners and workers share the profits of this trade. The workers get
one-third of the sale price with the rest going to the landowner. Sharing the wealth
(19)........... everyone to produce the best quality cinnamon.

Production of the spice is of enormous importance to Sri Lanka. Although it’s no longer a
luxury good, it is used in cooking worldwide. In the USA, people eat it with toasted bread,
or use it to bake cakes. In the Middle East it is added to roast lamb, and it is (20)............
with meat and vegetables in traditional Persian stews.

18. ___________


taken 4/10
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(0.47 score)

14. _____________




(0.47 score)

19. __________




(0.47 score)

16. _____________




(0.47 score)

15. ____________



discovered 5/10
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(0.47 score)

13. ____________




(0.47 score)

17. ____________




(0.47 score)

20. ___________




(0.47 score)

Reading I
Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. Choose the answer. 


  In a world where we have more and more responsibilities to juggle, and less time for
cooking, fast food has become an increasingly cheap and easy option. It´s everywhere: in 6/10
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vending machines, drive-through restaurants and 24-hour convenience stores. We´re

addicted, and it´s a difficult habit to stop once you´ve got used to it.

And that habit starts early. Most children want to eat fast food before they´ve even set
foot in a restaurant. Fast-food companies spend millions on child-targeted marketing. If
they sell the idea of fast food to children, they will want to come with their parents and
grandparents. This tactic creates brand loyalty in child customers that lasts until they are

The system is working. There are now 40 million restaurants worldwide selling fast food.
McDonalds had, at the last count, 30,000 local restaurants serving 52 million people in
more than 100 countries every day. You can now find fast-food restaurants almost
anywhere in the world, unless you go to very isolated places.

But it wasn´t always like this. In the 1960s most restaurants were local businesses.
Today, local companies find it difficult to compete with the big multinationals. This is
because fast-food restaurants are mostly franchises that lower costs by having self-
service, standardised menus and a production-line kitchen. Instead of highly paid chefs,
they tend to use part-time employees. And as soon as you enter, you notice the bright
lighting and uncomfortable seating used to increase turnover by discouraging customers
from staying too long.

The global progress of fast-food chains was initially slow in countries where café culture,
local restaurants and street food accounted for a large share of the market. However,
many have started to tailor their products to suit local tastes. McDonalds has veggie
burgers and nuggets for the large non-meat-eating population of India. In China, KFC
offers seasonal vegetables with its chicken instead of coleslaw. And the list goes on.
Many restaurants are also adapting their menus to accommodate healthy eating. A range
of salads is often provided and some chains are starting to cook their fries in healthier
oils. Dessert is as likely to be a fat-free frozen yoghurt as a chocolate-covered ice-cream

All this means that fast-food outlets will continue to conquer their target markets by
thinking globally and selling locally. The winners will be the customers who can eat out at
low cost, but the losers will be those who want to find authentic (and probably more
nutritious) local fare on sale in their town centres.

Fast-food restaurants are mostly multinational companies.


(0.47 score)

Fast-food companies are adapting to changes in eating habits.


False 7/10
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(0.47 score)

Local businesses are able to compete with multinationals.


(0.47 score)

Fast-food companies focus their marketing on adults.


(0.47 score)

Fast-food restaurants keep their costs low.


(0.47 score)

Reading II
Read an extract from an article which is about a mission to the red planet. Choose the
correct answer.

Mission to Mars

On Monday, 14 February 2011, human beings finally walked across the surface of Mars.
First, they investigated the local terrain. Then they made a hole in the planet surface to
take rock and dust samples. After leaving three flags representing the international crew
– from China, Russia and Europe – the courageous explorers returned to the safety of
their spacecraft, Mars 500 … except that it didn’t happen quite like that.

In fact, the three men were walking along the floor of a building in Russia. They hadn’t
travelled through space. They hadn’t even left the Earth’s atmosphere. They were taking
part in the Mars500 project, a simulation to see how human beings react on a long
journey through space. 8/10
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We are not at the stage of a manned mission to Mars yet because there are still a lot of
unanswered questions. For example, what is the effect of radiation on travellers in deep
space? We don’t know yet. Before they can take the risk of sending a spacecraft across
the solar system, scientists also need to know how six people react to living in such a
small area for over a year and a half.

To do this, they developed the Mars500 project, where six volunteers agreed to spend 519
days in a space ship, separated from the outside world – and pretending to go through
space. Their only contact with the outside world was via the internet. However, even that
had a 20 minute delay to represent the time it takes messages to travel across space
from Earth.

Before their arrival on the red planet, the men had been performing a series of tasks to
see how resourceful they needed to be. There were more than 100 experiments
programmed. These included performing mock operations, as there would be no access
to surgeons or other experts during the trip. Thankfully, they were well-prepared because
they had spent months practising with the staff of Mainz University before the trip began,
and they performed their operation (on a model- not a real person!) without any major

The next step is the hardest, and will test how resilient the six men really are. They must
turn around and return to Earth, facing another difficult 240 days on board. Then finally
they can meet their waiting families and tell them their stories of the year and a half that
they spent travelling….nowhere.

In the third paragraph, what is true about the Mission to Mars?

They know the effect of radiation on travelers

They sent a spacecraft across the solar system

Scientists want to know how people behave

They are ready to send a mission to Mars

(0.47 score)

What did the men take to place on the surface of ´Mars

´? They….

took rock and dust samples.

left three flags.

investigated the local terrain.

left a spacecraft
(0.47 score) 9/10
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How did the astronauts practise their medical skills?

Making about 100 experiments

Performing real operations like surgeons

Acting out surgeries

Helping surgeons from Mainz University in the crew

(0.47 score)

The Mission to Mars was a…..

risky project

journey through space

Russian mission

(0.47 score)

In the fourth paragraph, we know that…

The Mission to Mars was just a plan

Six people spent more than a year in the space

Six volunteers went through space

The Mission to Mars had volunteers and scientists on board

(0.47 score)

Previous Next 10/10

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