This Study Resource Was: Q1 - What General Networking Principles Does Heidi Roizen Follow?

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Q1 - What general networking principles does Heidi Roizen follow?

Following are the general networking principles Heidi followed:

1. Making the most of opportunities to network (Ex: sitting in top management meetings, she
established a direct connection with the CEO & ensured her work was known)
2. Pushed the boundaries in terms of the variety of people she met by attending conferences &
events, joining professional & trade groups & being active in them
3. Capitalising on her outgoing behaviour & desire to meet new people
4. Connecting with people she found interesting, smart & talented – this made it easier to put in
time & effort to develop her relations
5. Waiting through the gestation period for her connections to bloom (instead of just networking
with already important people). It’s always easier to get to know people when they’re not
famous & when they become famous, you already have a relationship.
6. She facilitated connections within her network but only when she knew it would be a win-
win situation for both the parties AND regulated the number of times she ‘used’ a contact
7. Whenever she asked for a favour, she ensured there was payback in that request itself or in
the promise of a future exchange

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Q2 - What specific behaviours led to her current network? How were ties formed?

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1. Her positions of responsibility (CEO of T/Maker, President of Software Publishers
Association & VP of Apple) helped her create an extensive professional network

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2. Blending professional & social networking: Dinner parties that were attended by the who’s
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who of the tech world
3. Gave complete attention to the person she was speaking to, added a unique idea or 2 to make
the conversation memorable & leave a lasting impression on others
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4. Attended several industry conferences & events & optimised the shortest conversations
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How ties were formed: Heidi’s ties were majorly formed through extensive networking she
capitalised on using the official positions of responsibility she held & her adeptness at
capitalising on the tiniest of opportunities to build connections. After establishing a connection,
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she made sure to send an email the next day appreciating their meeting & built the connection
over years – nurturing it, and focussing on quality over quantity of interactions.
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How Heidi maintained her ties:

1. She invested time and effort into developing and maintaining ties with people she found
interesting & smart

2. She focussed on consistency & performance over frequency of interactions


3. Whenever she asked for a favour, she ensured there was payback in that request itself or in
the promise of a future exchange AND that it was a win-win connection for both parties

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