Usage of Marijuana in The PH

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Marijuana is one of the known dangerous drugs here in the Philippines because many
people abusing this kind of drug. Marijuana is derived from cannabis and contains five to twenty
percent Tetrahydrocannibal. The recognition and acceptance of marijuana by most varies, some
are bad and some are good. After all, it is a drug and the drug has a positive effect or proper use
and is negative when abused. According to the study, if a person takes marijuana, it will give
different effects on him mentally and physically. According to the expert in case the
Tetrahydrocannibal and other chemicals are present in the plant and it gets into your bloodstream
until it lands in your brain.
 Acceleration of its heartbeat
 Dizziness
 Lack of coordination of different parts of the body
 Drowsiness
 Often followed by grief
People who use marijuana get low scores on their test memories compared to non
-users, In addition, if this person uses too much, his or her memory will be worse, the brains of
teenage users are more affected compared to adult users because their brains are still developing,
It is hard to think that most drug users are young people because they are influenced by the
people around them If this behavior of the people continues, many will be affected So it is really
bad for people to use marijuana. Because other people think it’s legal in another country so they
think it’s safe. But their bodies and minds will be affected by their use of illicit drugs. If a person
is too addicted to using drugs they can experience some other long-term illnesses.
 Anxiety
 Depression
 Paranoia
 Acute Psychotic Reactions
 Insomnia
Therefore I conclude that stop using Marijuana because many people are looking for
medicine or guidance to get rid of their addiction, there is no cure for this type of disease but
there are various therapies that can help them to prevent and gradually stop the addiction. Based
on the information, our country is the fourth most dangerous country in the world due to the
series of deaths of civilians and it is connected to drugs. And it also appears from the reports that
the number of deaths is only due to drugs and to this day still continue to crack down on drugs
due to reports and deaths related to it. This is the reason why its use is strictly prohibited.

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