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Fall 2021 Research Colloquium

Political Climate on College Campuses

A Comparative Analysis of Recent Findings
Eli Mckown-Dawson under the supervision of Dr. Samuel Staley

While conducting a comparative Background Figure 2. Sample size of selected

analysis of recently conducted In recent years, increased attention surveys.
political climate surveys, a set of has been paid to the political climate
consistent findings emerged. on college campuses, as well as the
frequency of student protests and
A substantial number of students demonstrations against controversial
report at least an occasional speakers.
unwillingness to share their views on
sensitive topics. Students appear to Numerous surveys have attempted to
be worried about the views of both ascertain whether anecdotes from
professors and peers. students and outside observers
regarding the silencing of unpopular
Another common theme amongst viewpoints on campus are indicative
most surveys was that party of broader trends.
identification tends to have an
This report deals with seven such Each survey found a significant
outsized impact on students’
surveys, which have been assessed number of students—between 43%
willingness to share their views.
both for their findings and and 80%—who expressed at least an
methodological rigor. The focus of occasional unwillingness to share
Study Overall Conservative Liberal each varies significantly, but there their views due to campus climate.
are substantial commonalities among
Sheila and their findings, indicating that further Common reasons for this reluctance
57% 42% 66%
research in this area may be were fear of criticism by both peers
warranted. and professors, and concern over
College Pulse 47% 44% 49%
grades (see Figure 1).

UNC Chapel
54% 32.1% 75.9% Six of the seven surveys found that
Republican/conservative students
38.2% 26.7% 41.8% were more likely to feel reluctant to
speak than their Democratic/liberal
Knight counterparts (see Table 1).
38% - -

McLaughlin &
46.5% 36.5% 46% Conclusions
Perceptions of a closed campus
Gallup 46% 38% 45%
environment do not seem to be
anecdotal. The relationship
between political ideology and
Table 1. % of students who report being Figure 1. Reported reasons for student views of campus climate appears
comfortable sharing their views on reluctance to express views on a
campus. to be quite robust and may merit
controversial topic (Heterodox Academy).
References further study.

DeVoe L. Moore Center at

Florida State University

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