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Samantha Murray

DMC Blog Draft

The revitalization of the college community in Tallahassee in theinoccurred within the

lpast 15 years has occurred at a rapid pace. Though, Aas the region continues to develop, road
infrastructure remains the same. Transportation networks have not expanded, although the
population and overall traffic flow have. While traffic congestion has increased, pedestrian
traffic has remained relatively minimal despite housing proximities to the main Florida State
University campus. When considering the expansion of the college town urban space, future
infrastructure must focus on promoting pedestrian and bicycle traffic. In order to sustainably
support the potential economic growth that the college town community possesses, future
transportation networks must prioritize increasing walkability.

Land previously utilized as abandoned warehouse space has transformed into a

neighborhood with thriving commercial businesses and nearby private apartment complexes
dedicated to student housing. Utilizing data from the interlocal Tallahassee Leon-County
Geographic Information Systems Department (TLC-GIS), __ percent of the warehouse space in
college town underwent a change in land use from 2005-2020. Of that land, __ percent
transformed into apartment complexes. The greatest amount of land use transformation occurred
between 2012 and 2015, and the presence of student apartments gradually increased.

Traffic data from the TLC-GIS Department and the Florida Department of Transportation
calculates the average daily traffic volume on Leon County roads per year. Traffic patterns near
new housing developments can be closely observed between the years 2015-2020, although we
only observe up to 2019 due to possible traffic irregularities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Comparing data from 2015 to 2019, there is a __ percent increase in traffic volume on ___ street.

While additional housing facilities led to higher traffic volumes, supplementary routes
dedicated to pedestrian and bicycle traffic have not appeared. Observable pedestrian traffic has
remained relatively low, although the rate has not yet been quantified. However, more students at
Florida State University commute to campus by car than they do by walking or bicycling.

Urban infrastructure within the college town community is not tailored for pedestrian
traffic, however it must adapt in order for the region to maintain steady flows of traffic. Students
residing in the area have the advantage of living in close proximity to campus, although
pedestrian traffic is not widely encouraged or convenient in opposition to driving.

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