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Running head: EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

The University of the West Indies - Open Campus

This Paper is Presented in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements of

EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Trimester 1 - 2021/2022

Students: Andreen Green-Walters ID: 320038954


eTutor: Dr. Leroy Hill

Course Coordinator: Dr. Leroy Hill

Date Submitted: December 1, 2021

EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Overview –

The storyboard that was chosen to work on was created by Javian Patterson. The topic chosen for

the Interactive Multimedia was Primary and Secondary Colours, designed for the Primary level

ages 9 to 12. We selected Articulate 360 (Rise 360) as the web authoring tool and Weebly as the

site to host the project. Several other tools were used along with Articulate 360 to create the

interactive activities and enhance the lesson such as Nearpod, H5P, Canva and YouTube to name

a few. Shernell Gill and Sasha Griffith were asked to evaluate the project.

Storyboard –

One evaluator stated that the storyboard consisted of almost all of the elements. While the other

said the nine events of instructions evoked good following of the storyboard. Recommendations

were made to number the slides externally, placing the numbers inside the slide could be added.

Example 1 of 19.

Relevance –

The topic relevant to learners, age appropriate and follows Gagne’s nine events of instruction.

There was a wide and varied use of technology integrated in the programme.
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Development –

Both evaluators agreed that Gagne’s nine events were evident, and the instruction was

appropriate for the age group. A variety of instructor created material was integrated that

checked for knowledge. One evaluator stated that there was no activity that portrayed or asked

users to transfer their skills.

Appropriateness –

The topic relevant to learners, age appropriate and follows Gagne’s nine events of instruction.

Sufficiency –

There was sufficient evidence of fresh ideas to present the information. Audio and video were

appropriate as they both added to the project to entice and enrich the learning process without

making it too cumbersome.

Functionality –

Both evaluators agreed that navigation was adequately coordinated, however, one stated that in

some instances, it was a bit confusing whether to select the next button or move on to the next

element. All graphics and multimedia used worked appropriately and as intended. They were

also age appropriate as well.

EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Instructional Events –

Both evaluators agreed that the programme followed Gagne’s nine events of instruction.

Additional Comments Made by The Evaluators About the Programme –

Further comments given by the evaluators were:

➢ The multimedia project has a high usability

➢ There was evidence of collaboration and teamwork.

➢ References were included in the unit. No evident copyright infringements.

➢ There was a logical sequence, content for the multimedia was well organized and the

information flowed to build on each aspect of the unit.

➢ While not an original topic, the presentation of the topic was original and quite

captivating for learners. There was sufficient evidence of fresh ideas to present the


➢ Subject knowledge was evident. The information presented is clear and not confusing.

➢ The graphics were of a high quality and well-coordinated with the text in the multimedia

project. There was evidence of photo editing which was of a high quality. The graphics

created a synergy that would captivate the intended age group.

➢ There were no spelling and grammatical errors evident.

➢ Audio and video were well used and were in the correct and appropriate amounts. They

both added to the project to entice and enrich the learning process without making it too

EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Changes that should be made based on Evaluators comments –

Based on the feedback given by the evaluators the following changes will be made.

(While the slides are numbered externally, placing the numbers inside the slide could be

added. Example 1 of 19)

➢ Page numbering will be added accordingly for example pages 3/19 to allow viewers to

keep track of where they are. According to Ritter (2017), If the numbering is out of order

or there’s a gap that’s telling you something. Storyboard numbers are a great way to

identify individual storyboards. They can also be used to track changes over time and

show the relationships between different storyboards.

(Navigation is clearly outlined. In some instances, it was a bit confusing whether to select

the next button or move on to the next element. Perhaps instructions at the beginning of

learning activities could clarify this)

➢ After carefully reviewing the evaluation made by my peers, I am in total agreement that

there’s a need to correct the way in which the programme flowed. As suggested by the

evaluator, one way to rectify the problem would be to give clearer instructions at the

beginning of the learning activity to help learners understand exactly what to do.

Secondly, a more child friendly presentation could have been used for example one that
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

allows all the presentation to click on the arrows going to the right or using all the arrows

or buttons located at the same position. This was a concern that we noticed that could be

changed by starting over and changing to a new template to work with, however, when

we realized we did not have sufficient time to make the correction and still submit the

presentation on time. If there was more time or if we should do over our presentation this

would definitely be the first thing that we would change.

(Unfortunately, there was no activity that portrayed or asked users to transfer their skills)

- I disagree with this point as an activity was created for the learners to use the three primary

colours and three secondary colours to design a work of art. I think if we should add another

activity as this one it might have been too much for the age group, however, an enrichment

activity could have been added to allow the learners to gain some experience in using (real)

paint, however they would not be given feedback on that activity, it would only be designed for

the learners to experience mixing real paint and to see the outcome.
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media


Ritter, A. (2017, April 13). Storyboards: What's in a number? Retrieved November 29, 2021,

Appendix A: Multimedia Evaluation Report by Sasha Griffith

EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media


Multimedia Project
Scoring Guide
(40% of Total Course Grade)
Student Name: Javian Patterson, Nicholas Dillon
Project Team: 2
Evalutator: Sasha Griffith
Grading Scale:

5= Sophisticated demonstration of skills

4= Above average demonstration of skills
3= Average/ Expected demonstration of skills
2= Somewhat naïve or limited demonstration of skills
1= Show no demonstration of skills
0= No submission

Requirement Score Weight % Maximum % Comments

(Out of
Organisation, 5 4 4 8.0 There was good
sequencing, accuracy, following of the
appropriateness storyboard. The nine
events of instructions
were evoked as a
Relevant & 4 2 1.6 2.0 The topic is relevant
appropriate instruction to learners, age
(Instructional events) appropriate and
follows Gagne’s nine
events of instruction.
There was brilliant
use of instructors
checking for
Unfortunately, there
was no activity that
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

portrayed or asked
users to transfer their
Relevant & 5 5 5 2.0 There was a wide
appropriate technology and varied use of
integrated. There was
also evidence of
material which stood
Cooperation/ 5 5 5 3.0 There is evidence of
collaboration/ good group cohesion
teamwork and collaboration
Multimedia evaluation 5 3 3 5.0 An appropriate
report multimedia
evaluation report is
Subtota 11.7 12.0
Navigation 4 5 4 2.0 Navigation is clearly
outlined. In some
instances, it was a bit
confusing whether to
select the next button
or move on to the
next element.
Perhaps instructions
at the beginning of
learning activities
could clarify this
Text placement/ layout 3 3 3 2.0 Text is placed
throughout the
project. The project
does not seem too
wordy or too scanty
and is unlikely to
overwhelm learners
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Animation/ video/ 5 5 5 3.0 All graphics and

graphics artefacts multimedia used
worked appropriately
and as intended.
They were also age
appropriate as well
Visual layout- design 3 3 3 2.0 The theme is visually
theme appeasing. Graphics
and images used are
vibrant and go with
the topic of the
Copyright 5 5 5 1.0 Used materials and
artefacts were
adequately cited
Website usability 5 5 5 10.0 The multimedia
project has a high
Subtota 25 19.2 20.0

Appendix B: Multimedia Evaluation Report by Shernell Gill

Multimedia Project
Scoring Guide
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

(40% of Total Course Grade)

Student Name: Javian Patterson
Project Team: Royal Designers
Facilitator: Dr LeRoy Hill
Grading Scale:

5= Sophisticated demonstration of skills

4= Above average demonstration of skills
3= Average/ Expected demonstration of skills
2= Somewhat naïve or limited demonstration of skills
1= Show no demonstration of skills
0= No submission

Requirement Score % Maximum % Comments

(Out of
Organisation, sequencing, 4 0 8.0 The storyboard consisted of
accuracy, appropriateness almost of the elements.
While the slides are
numbered externally,
placing the numbers inside
the slide could be added.
Example 1 of 19.
Relevant & appropriate 5 0 2.0 Gagne’s Nine events are
instruction (Instructional accounted for.
Relevant & appropriate 5 0 2.0 Technology was appropriate
technology for the age group of
Cooperation/ collaboration/ 4 0 3.0 Evidence of collaboration
teamwork and teamwork were evident
0 5.0
Subtota 0 12.0
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Navigation 4 0 2.0 Navigation to the different

areas was adequately
Text placement/ layout 5 0 2.0 All text included were
relevant and well placed
Animation/ video/ graphics 5 0 3.0 These elements were of a
artefacts high quality. Evidence of
photo editing at the
Visual layout- design theme 5 0 2.0 The design and layout was
well orchestrated.
Copyright 5 0 1.0 References were included in
the unit. No evident
copyright infringements.
Website usability 4 0 10.0 The website is accessible.
Subtota 0 20.0

Storyboard and planning sheet

The storyboard developed made it easier to develop the multimedia project. It give great
guidance to what needed for development.
Organisation of Content
There was a logical sequence. The content for the multimedia was well organized and the
information flowed in order to build on each aspect of the unit.
While not an original topic, the presentation of the topic was original and quite captivating for
learners. There was sufficient evidence of fresh ideas to present the information.
Copyright and Documentation
No evidence of copyright infringement. Authors/ creators could have stated the programs used
for the various templates with throughout the project. For example, templates for PowerPoint or
Canva, etc.
Format and Platform transferability
Some of the elements were created in h5p and so platform transferability was evident.
EDID6508 - Developing Instructional Media

Subject Knowledge
Subject knowledge is evident. The information presented is clear and not confusing
Graphical Design
The graphics were of a high quality and well-coordinated with the text in the multimedia project.
There was evidence of photo editing which was of a high quality. The graphics created a synergy
that would captivate the intended age group.
There were no spelling and grammatical errors evident.
Screen design
The screen were not cluttered or confusing. Information was adequately spaced on the screens.
Navigational elements were placed on each screen and were not confusing to the user. There
was a logical sequence to the navigation of information
Use of enhancements
Audio and video were well used and were in the correct and appropriate amounts. They both
added to the project to entice and enrich the learning process without making too cumbersome.

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