Ac s17 Week 17 Task Assignment Final Assignment Part I

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What can you do Huancayo?

The city of Huancayo is located in the
central part of Peru, in the middle of the
Andes Mountain range. Huancayo has a
temperate subhumid climate. What can be
found in Huancayo is very varied, there are
very beautiful landscapes as well as tourist
places. In the morning you can visit the
recreational complexes where you can do
many sports such as: soccer, cycling,
swimming, etc. What can be done at night
is to visit the clubs and bars, you can also
camp outdoors where you can clearly see the

What can you see?

There are many places where you can spend

many good times in Huancayo: Wanka
Identity Park that is known for its
recognition of culture, Constitution Square
that houses a very good history since it is
the main one in the Junín region in Peru,
Huancayo Cathedral Basilica, Torre Torre
geological formations, etc. In the same way,
periodically during the year in Huancayo you
can see different festivities the main one is
"El Santiago" is the largest traditional
festival in Huancayo along with Huaylarsh
one of the most important expressions of
the entire Mantaro Valley.

Where can you buy (souvenirs)?

There are many places where you can buy

souvenirs and gifts in Huancayo. The Plaza
of the Constitución located in extension
Puno, Huancayo 12001. There are many
stands open from 10:00 am to 21:00 pm.
It is located to the right of the
Huancayo Cathedral and to the left
of the Constitution shopping center.
Where you can find typical objects of the
region such as textiles and articles of the
Where can you eat in Huancayo?

A good restaurant where you can eat typical

Huancayo food and enjoy the atmosphere is "La
Tullpa". In it you can enjoy: pachamanca, grilled
trout, red guinea pig, patachi, roasted beans. You
will also enjoy typical Huancayo drinks such as the
girl of jora and mulle. You will have an
unforgettable moment and you will want to try all
the dishes.

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