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Lasisi Deborah
Here are the contents we are looking into.

1. What is fear?

2. The origin of fear.

3. Discover the weakness of fear.

4. How to destroy the strong holds of fear


Fear is an emotional response to threats and danger. Fear is a survival mechanism,

and usually occurs in response to specific negative stimulus.

About 80% or Christians all over the world are living in constant fear of one thing or
the other and they are struggling daily with the spirit of fear.

Fear sends the victim into captivity and renders him helpless and hopeless. Life is a
spiritual adventure, so likewise is everything that exists in Life bearing one name or
the other has a spirit behind its existence.


Life originated from God at the beginning of Creation and it is important to also
understand that fear originated from someone at a particular location. The truth that
names exist for different objects both living and non-living is enough reason to
believe that all things have a beginning no matter how long they’ve been in

Likewise, Fear is a name and it came into existence in one day. The focus here is to
discover the origin of FEAR. Fear originated from the Garden of Eden. Satan, the
serpent was the originator of fear in the Garden of Eden. Man's disobedience to God
in the Garden of Eden made man to be afraid of God's voice and his divine presence.


The spirit of fear came into the world through the devil and it has succeeded in
injecting the grasshopper mentality into the human nature. Man is full of doubt even
when he has every reason to believe God for whom he is. As a result, the ability to
live and behave can like God is under attack of the devil because of the strongholds
of fear.

It's Your Choice to Decide

The issue of choice is very important in relation to the release of power to overcome

Whatever comes your way in life is as a result of choice you made at one time or the
other. When you understand what you're to do to get out of fear then. How to do
what to do will emerge. Your choice is your strength and it's your right and that is
why you can't afford to toil with your choice of living without fear in life any longer.
Your life is in your hand as you want.

The plague of fear is worse than the plague of any diseases no matter how deadly or
incurable the disease may be.

Fear is satanic

Fear is demonic

Fear is deadly

Deuteronomy 30:15-19

See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil... I call heaven
and Earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death,
blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live...

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me and that which I was afraid of is
come unto me

Job 3-25
I once heard of the story of an unmarried Christian sister who goes from one church
programme to another praying against barrenness even though she was not married
but she was living in fear of becoming a victim of barrenness. She eventually
becomes a victim long after her wedding.

Your decision to live without fear in life is important because indecision is a

graveyard to good intentions, the devil is not your friend and the only weapon he has
for him to gain full access into your life is the weapon of fear.

Fear Doesn't Attract Good

2 Corinthians 4-4

What goes on mind is very important because it determine what happens around
you. You're a product of your thought. Fearful thoughts in the mind will always
attract evil. No good thing can come the way of fearful man.

There is no limit to the reasoning capacity of your mind but the spirit of fear in your
life would always close the door of your mind to great ideas that is capable of
transforming your world.

The only way to have ok, peace of mind and enjoy kingdom benefit is to live without
fear. No Good thing can come the way of a fearful person even when good is coming
he Will be afraid to embrace it because of fear of responsibility.

Every outstanding success in life always responds positively to achiever's boldness.

The quality of boldness you have is directly proportional to how much of God's
presence you carry and it takes being word-full to be a carrier of God's magnificent
presence which would always give birth to outstanding accomplishment in life. The
word of God helps you grow your faith, and when your faith in God is intact your fear

Mark 11-12 Romans 10-17


Great wealth, good health, good success and general well-being I.e. Prosperity are
products of great boldness in applying kingdom principal for creating the right
atmosphere fit your miracle to be birthed.

Your Discovery of the weakness of the spirit of fear will liberate you from the cage of
fear. As powerful as the spirit of fear seems to be, it is highly deficit in strength and
authority when your eyes are opened to its weakness.

Fear itself is fearful. It will always limit itself to the boundary it is permitted to dwell.
Fear does not have the ability to dominate your life without invitation either through
words of mouth i.e. negative confession or through your actions.

Those living in fear have succeeded in making fear to dominate their life due to LACK
of knowledge about the weakness of the spirit of fear.

The Power of Knowledge

Therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge and
their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.

Isaiah 5:13

The truth is that fear is weaker than the weakest thing you can imagine on Earth but
it will always feed on your spiritual strength in order to dominate and control your

Fear always enter a man's life through the door of his heart when there is no spiritual
guard at the entrance to check the spiritual signals received from the spirit of fear.

Proverbs 4:23

Psalms 18:45

Don't Give In To Fear


When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Be prepared to do
whatever it takes, for as long as it takes.

The spirit of fear would always want to attack your mind in form of suggestions
during your thought processes but the more conscious you become yourself image in
Christ. The more fearful your fear becomes and eventually it will fade away.

Level of Consciousness

Freedom from the bondage of fear is a matter of locating your new spiritual status.
The conscious you are about yourself image in Christ and your Faith in your ability to
succeed the closer you are to stardom in life.

The worst enemy of success is not laziness as it was but the fear of failure which has
been programmed in the mind of the victim without his full knowledge of it.

There are three levels of consciousness of the mind

1. The conscious mind

2. The subconscious mind

3. The super conscious mind

Each mind consciousness has its own characteristics.

The conscious mind: This is your rational, logical, analytical, and productive mind. It
is masculine in natural and operates personally, selectively and judgmentally. Your
conscious mind creates and develops your thoughts.

The subconscious mind: This is the emotional, feeling mind. The subconscious mind
is feminine in nature and operates impersonally, non-selectively, and non-

The super conscience mind: The super conscience mind is the source of all creativity
and faith. It is your spiritual mind, which is neither masculine nor feminine. Your


super conscience mind operates on subconscious level at all times. It has complete
and total access to all ideas, feelings and information stored in your subconscious
mind. It also has unlimited access to all knowledge and information in existence.

Your super conscious mind is the source of all intuition, inspiration and internal
motivation. It is capable of goal oriented motivation, and is stimulated by Clarity of
thoughts and decisiveness of actions.


It is not the size of the ram in fight that matters, so much as the size of fight in the
ram. Your ability to recognize that fear is real and that it has the ability to destroy
you if you don't fight back will help you to take the right steps and gain access into
God's Divine plan for your life.

You need to fight your fear for you to be liberated from the strongholds of fear. You
must fight with all your energy and determination to gain your freedom from the
torment of FEAR. If you know that determination will determine your destination,
then you must be determined to determine your determination.

The Devil Can't Stop You

It always amazes me when I listen to people complaining that the devil is the major
obstacle on their way to greatness because of the operation of witches and wizards
around them. You're no more a victim but a victor and the ability to remain
Victorious has been given to you and me through redemption.

Daniel 11:32-33

The Fear of God

The first type of fear is the fear of the LORD. This type of fear is not necessarily fear
that means to be afraid of something. Rather it is the reverential awe of God, a
reverence for his POWER and Glory. However, it is also a proper respect for His wrath


and anger. In other words, it is a total acknowledgement of that entire God is, which
comes through knowing him and all His attributes. Fear of the LORD brings with it
many blessings and benefits.


Faith is putting all your eggs in God's basket and allows him to watch over it without
any iota of doubt.

Contrary to the general worldly opinion that you should not put all your eggs in one
basket, and if must do so you have to watch over it with all diligence. The fear of God
gives you access to all the kingdom benefits through Faith in God.

Faith in God makes life beautiful and colourful. Your faith walk with God determines
your level of boldness and your level of boldness and confidence in God determines
your level of kingdom exploits.

The Power of Love

Show me a man who is deeply in love with God and I will show you a fear less man
with a loin’s heart. There is no fear I love and perfect love would always cast out fear
from your life anytime anywhere.

Your love for God is made perfect when it is extended toward your fellow man. Use
hospitality one to another without grudging.

1 Peter 4:9-10

The fastest and easiest way to cast out fear Is to have genuine love for God's
kingdom works on Earth and have the same love extended to the less privilege
around you. Love is a fruit of the spirit and the only way to show that you're divinely
connected to your heavenly father is to love genuinely.



Fear is like a yoke and it requires the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to
destroy the yoke of fear. Be very determined to live without fear for the rest of your
life time and you will soon become a superstar.

The journey to stardom requires your determination to live without fear. Pray for the
release of the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon your life to destroy the yoke of fear.

If you Know that determination will determine your destination, then you should be
determined to determine your determination.

You can turn your life around with determination to live without fear forever. Hence,
be determined to pray until something happens (PUSH).

Give your fear a knock out and get the burden of fear of evil off your shoulder and
the yoke off your neck. Pray for the release of the anointing to destroy the yoke of
fear from your life, don't accept fear as part of life.

The Power of Thoughts: The positive thinkers’ feelings are centred on knowledge
and understanding, courage and faith. What you become is a product of your

Likewise, 70%-85% of your fear is a product of your thought process. If you can
change how you think, you can control how you feel and reach to situation and if you
can control your emotional feelings then you can change your Life.

FEAR NOT be strong and be good courage, Fear not, nor be afraid of them, for the
Lord thy God he it's that doth go with them. He will not fail there, nor forsake thee.

I'll drop my PEN here

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