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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Networking Plan Template
Section 1: The Career Decision Matrix
As you move through the data-gathering phase and begin to generate options for potential jobs
and potential employers, this is when you can build and use a Career Decision Matrix. Following
the information from Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration,
Chapter 4, pages 92-94, you will research, gather, and analyze information from your self-
assessments (i.e. the Kuder assessments in Unit 1, in particular), thematic analysis (themes),
career resources and more to create your Career Decision Matrix.

Career options are broader than jobs. They are paths you can take to get to where you want to be.
Here is a resource that can assist you in determining:

Answer the following:

1) As you have gathered your data take the time to share and fully describe your top
four (4) possible career options. You want to be specific, as this creates a more
meaningful matrix. Describe each career with as much detail as possible. Consider
the following to be used in your 2-3 paragraph response per career option: career
field / organization / job-related responsibilities / opportunities for advancement /
future outlook of the career field. These responses need to demonstrate that you
have gathered your research and analyzed it, so there should be citations referencing
where you got your information, using APA standards. Remember to include why you
are choosing each career option.

a. Field: Food Service Management

Organization: Starbucks (likely), other food service companies
Job-Related Responsibilities: Food service management involves many
responsibilities including both organization specific responsibilities as well as
general management. Some general management responsibilities include
resolving customer problems, monitoring employee activities to ensure safety and
organizational compliance, and scheduling and payroll tasks (Food Service
Managers, n.d.). Organizational specific tasks would relate to the product being
sold, maintaining the organizations brand image, and living the organizations
missions and values.

Last Update: November 2021
Opportunities for Advancement: With many companies, the possibilities for
advancement are huge. At Starbucks for example, store managers have the ability
to promote to District Manager, further to Regional Manager, and continue into
upper management. At Starbucks there is a proud tradition of employees working
their way up from barista level to reach upper management, spending many years
at the company. My goal in food service management would be to reach a district
or regional level where I am able to interact with lower level employees on a
regular basis. I wouldn’t want to move much higher than a regional management
level as I feel my skills are best realized when dealing directly with low level
Future Outlook: The Covid-19 pandemic decimated the food service industry,
with traffic to food service locations declining by up to 67%. Despite this, the
industry as a whole is expected to increase by 3.7% of its pre-pandemic business
by 2026 (United States Foodservice Market, n.d.). In the North Texas region
alone, Starbucks is expecting to open an additional dozen or so store due to how
profitable we remained during the pandemic.
Why This Career? There are two main reasons I would focus on this career. First
and most practically, I have spent nearly my entire working life in the food
service industry, with several of those years at Starbucks. I am well aware of how
many companies structure their store operations, and I have a unique disposition
that enables to me do quite well at store level management and customer service.
Additionally, my thematic analysis personal vision statement was, “In everything
I do, I seek to see the person in the problem, help people see the best in
themselves, and make others smile.” (Parrish, 2021). This vision statement is best
employed at a store level, interacting with bottom level employees and customers
directly. I have always felt personally connected to customers and coworkers, and
working at a level where I can interact with those low level employees is
important to me.

b. Field: Film and Video Editor

Organization: Various, ranging from Hollywood studios to independent contract
work for organizations.
Job-Related Responsibilities: Creating computer generated graphics,
determining presentation of content, splicing and compiling video content,
syncing voice overs and graphics with video, audio engineering and splicing
(Film and Video Editors, n.d.).
Opportunities for Advancement: Career advancement for film and video editors
is very lateral, with editors often moving only a handful of times. The greatest
career advancement would be moving from independent contract work to
Hollywood studio work.
Future Outlook: The film and video editing career field is expected to grow
Last Update: November 2021
around 30% from 2020 to 2030, which make career prospects very good (US
Bureau Labor Statistics, 2021). As we move into an increasingly digital age, film
and video editors will be required for more jobs, and by more companies, making
even independent work steady and profitable. As an occupant of Texas I am also
in a unique position in that many companies from California and Silicone Valley
are moving this direction to the Dallas Metroplex, and will be in need of video
and film editors for various projects.
Why This Career? I have always enjoyed video and audio editing, and I began
my college career in that field. Since video and film editing is a skill that is
learned rather than inherent, engaging in my hobby on the side as I finish up my
degree will allow me to be in a position to turn my skill into a career.

c. Field: Gunsmithing
Organization: Various, independent shop or government contractor
Job-Related Responsibilities: Gunsmithing requires designing modifications,
repairing damages, mounting sights, zeroing sights, and cosmetic work on
firearms. Depending on the organizations (government or non-government)
weapon systems can range from handguns to mounted heavy machine guns
(Gunsmith, n.d.). As a requirement, most gunsmiths must have an Federal
Firearms License or Special Operations Tax from the US Government to accept
and work on firearms, as well as keeping a log of all incoming and outgoing
firearms and performing background checks on firearm purchasers.
Opportunities for Advancement: Advancement in the field of gunsmithing is
narrow to gun related enterprises such as moving from an independent shop to a
government contractor, or providing firearm experience on movie sets.
Future Outlook: Information on gunsmithing is very hard to come by, and is
often lumped into metal and wood working. As of 2018, prospects for metal
workers was expected to drop 8% by 2028 (Gunsmith, n.d.) In addition, the
political climate in the US is a huge deciding factor and is often quite volatile in
the gun industry. While a gunsmithing career may be strong in the Southern US in
our current political climate, current anti-gun rhetoric and lobbying could make
the field disappear almost overnight.
Why This Career? I enjoy firearms and firearm mechanics very much. The way
that firearms function at a micro level is quite fascinating, and it is a field I have
spent time researching and personal time engaging in with my own firearms.

d. Field: Early Childcare Education

Organization: Various organizations exist, from public schools to privately run
daycares and religious schools. The path I would likely take would involve early
childhood ministry in a church, or religious school. Ministry-oriented childcare
Last Update: November 2021
would require knowledge of how to blend theology, developmental needs of
children, and educational philosophies beyond normal childcare education (MA.,
Job-Related Responsibilities: Job related responsibilities of ministry-oriented
childcare include but are not limited to; The ability to develop and execute
educational curriculum, engaging with parents as well as children to ensure a
healthy home learning environment, working with children with special needs or
learning disabilities, and building both an educational as well as faith foundation
that will help children succeed later in life (MA., n.d.).
Opportunities for Advancement: In terms of traditional advancement, early
childhood ministry and education offers little to no advancement potential, aside
from accepting higher paying jobs at larger childcare centers or churches. There is
the potential for continued career progression, moving from early childhood to
youth education and ministry, or other ministry-oriented jobs.
Future Outlook: The future of the American Church is uncertain, but will remain
in some form for decades to come. With an early childhood education degree,
there are other, non-ministry childcare fields that can be explored. With an over
900% increase in ECE in the last thirty years, there will always be a need for early
childhood educators (Cherrie, 2018).
Why This Career? I have already spent a considerable amount of time in early
childhood education, specifically in ministry. While none of my education has
centered around this sector, it is something I know I am equipped to handle, and
the technical minutiae can be learned easily. In addition, I have had several ECE
recommend that I pursue a career in ECE as I do very well when I worked for

Now that you have determined these four options, take a step back and share a fifth
UNTHINKABLE (UT) career option, that you would never do, but are trained for
by what you have learned by earning your degree. Think about skills you have
acquired while earning your degree, which would be transferable to something
completely different.

. Anything Office Oriented. Throughout my OGL degree I have obtained skills

for management. Many of these classes have discussed management that would
usually fall in an office setting. I know that I would be absolutely miserable in any
formal office setting as I would not be able to get up and move around, interact
with coworkers and customers on a regular basis, or use my other skills outside
those I have learned in the OGL degree course. The only exception I could
imagine would be an office job where I am in-office once or twice a week, and
the rest of the time is spent outside in the field (i.e. video production, where I
spend some time filming).

Last Update: November 2021
2) Using the information you have gathered and shared above it is time to fill in your
Career Decision Matrix. You can find an example in Table 4.2 on page 93 of our
text. When you complete the matrix below, be sure to remove any unnecessary

a. Down the left hand side of the matrix, you will list your ten (10) life themes
from your thematic analysis. You can also add more that were not part of your
presentation as Theme 11 and so on.

b. Across the top of the page, you will list the five (5) career options you are

c. Next, fill in each cell with a high (h), medium (m), or low indication of the
match between that theme and the alternative under consideration.

d. Calculate your Career to Theme Consistency Points (CTCP) aka Summary, by

assigning high = 5, medium = 3, and low = 1, and then adding them up to
determine the ranking of your career choices to your themes. Not all themes
can have high designation (if everything is important, nothing is important).
The goal is to identify how your career options align with your life themes, so
you have better information to determine which aspects are most important
to you in your next career step.

Food Film and Gunsmithin Early Office

Service Video g Childhood Oriented
Managemen Production Education Job

Self- Low Low Low High Med


Micro- Low High High Med Med

(Low is high,
negative Theme)

Communicatio High Med Low Med Med


Leading by High Low Low Low Med


Relational High Low Low Med Med

Level-headed Med High High Med Med

Last Update: November 2021
Family Low Med Med Med Low

Ethical Med Med High High Med

Respect Low Med Med High Med

Hard work Low Med High Med Low

CTCP 26 28 30 35 26

3) Now that you have determined these career options in relation to your life themes:
a. Reflect to what extent your Career Decision Matrix development process has
helped your career development decisions.

I have known for a long time that I don’t want to stay at Starbucks or other food
service jobs. I don’t feel fulfilled in these positions, despite reaching the rank of store
manager. While I enjoy the fast pace, and some of the themes I discovered apply to
Starbucks, it was one of my lowest scores on the Career Decision Matrix. I don’t
think the Matrix has opened my eyes to new career development, but it has reinforced
that I would not be happy working for Starbucks for the next 40 years.

b. Share which career option(s) you feel would be worth researching more and
pursuing as you begin to think about your networking plan.

I think it is pretty clear that gunsmithing and early childhood education are the two
areas that are worth exploring as I move into the networking portion of this
assignment. Not only are they both high on the Career Decision Matrix, but they are
both options I have been suggested to pursue in the past.

Last Update: November 2021
Section 2: Networking Plan
Now that you have completed your Career Decision Matrix we now need to move forward and
develop a networking plan that you can use to help you reach your career goals. Review
Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration, Chapter 4, pages 77-83.
Developing and managing your network of people who can help you is an important ongoing
process whether or not you are currently happy in your career.

The purpose of this activity is to:

• Help you assess and enhance (extend or strengthen) your developmental network relative
to major challenges you will face in the next 1-3 years
• Help you develop a networking strategy that will work for you
• Help you develop a specific plan to pursue over the next 6 months to 1 year
• Create an accountability mechanism

Research on leadership development has demonstrated that people benefit from a variety of
developmental relationships, including short-term and long-term alliances with bosses, peers,
senior executives, coaches, subordinates, and family members, the more diversity and depth
there is in your developmental network, the better. Depending on our dominant learning tactics,
we are more or less likely to pay attention to the quality of our developmental network.
This assignment was adapted by Professor Kathy E. Kram from a worksheet developed by
Professor Deborah Kolb, Simmons Graduate School of Management. Adapted by permission.

Answer the following:

1) As you think about the major changes that are likely to take place at your place of
work in the next few years, what major challenges and opportunities do you foresee
that you will need to deal with in the next 1-3 years?

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Challenges here:
a. Starbucks is currently running low on workers, partly due to the pandemic worker
shortage, and partly due to how they treat their workers. Over the next 1-3 years it
is going to be very hard to hire and retain talent, especially at pre-pandemic skill
and numbers. As a new manager who has little experience with hiring as it is, I
think that staffing my store properly will be incredibly difficult for the next few
b. At the manager level and above, Starbucks is very political in the advancement
and assistance department. I have seen good store managers be overlooked for
promotions or given the bare requirements to run their store because they didn’t
worship their boss or made store decisions that their boss wasn’t a fan of. Overall
I know that I am not a very political person, and I will do what I think is right in
most cases rather than what I am told to do. I can foresee this causing problems
over the next few years as I get my own store and look to either continue with
Starbucks or find other employment.

Last Update: November 2021
c. As it is, I am not a fan of working for Starbucks. The time I put in to the company
doesn’t feel like it is well spent, outside of ASU and the experience I’m gaining. I
want to stay as a store manager for at least a few years to continue gaining that
experience and have a nice management job on my resume, but it will be a
challenge to stay with the company for that long. There are other jobs I would
prefer to do, and other careers that would be more personally fulfilling despite all
the work I have taken to get here, and I don’t want to throw that hard work away
too quickly.

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Opportunities here:
d. Starbucks management looks fantastic on a resume due to the company’s strict
requirements for their management. In addition, the longer I stay in a managerial
role, I have more opportunity to learn different tricks and strategies that will help
me in any other career I go to. This experience and resume building opportunity is
worth more than a few years of discomfort working in an industry I dislike.
e. At Starbucks I get the opportunity to engage with people, both customers and
employees. In my thematic analysis one of the themes I discovered was that I am
very relational, and I value interacting with people on a more personal basis
(Parrish, 2021). One thing that many of my other career options lack is a deep
relational aspect aside from a handful of people.
f. Starbucks pays managers very well, including paid college and a great healthcare
plan. A few of my other career options are on the lighter side in terms of benefits
and income, with early childhood education and gunsmithing providing less than
the poverty line in some areas. Working at Starbucks for the next three years will
provide me a good time to save money and build up a decent investment portfolio
that can carry my family if my other career options don’t take off right away.

2) Given these challenges and opportunities, what type of help are you most likely to
need? Check one and explain why.
a. Help in getting the job done ______
b. Help in advancing my career ______
c. Emotional support ______
d. All of the above ______

I don’t have difficulty doing the job, nor do I have any trouble advancing my career. I have
already started talking to my District Manager about the next step after Store Manager and
how/when I can begin that process. The area I need the most support is in the emotional

Last Update: November 2021
aspect of working at a job I dislike and maintaining a positive outlook toward the future. I
know that I tend to fall into ruts where I try and ignore my emotions and feelings, and that
could end poorly if I don’t acknowledge the idea that I have something more fulfilling to do
with my life.

) If your major challenge or opportunity is related to your work, how well positioned
are you to get information, advice, and resources about new opportunities and
possibilities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.
Very Well ______ Okay ______ Need to Expand My Network ______

I have cultivated a nice network of contacts while at Starbucks, including three former
managers I have worked under, three different district managers including the one I am
working for now, and two regional vice presidents I have talked to a few times in the past. In
addition to this, I am a member of a private management group for the North Texas area on
Workplace Chat and I have spent time engaging in teambuilding coffee tastings where I get
to know my peers.

) If your major challenge or opportunity means making a move into a leadership

position, do you have relationships with people who can give you advice and
effectively advocate or champion you for important assignments or other
developmental activities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.
Yes ______ No ______

While I have already made the move to management, I did and still have a close relationship
with two different managers who knew me as a barista and actually promoted alongside me.
These two were a huge help when I was promoting, offering me advice and instruction while
also talking to our District Manager in my favor.

) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need emotional support, to
what extent do you have people who can give you support? Check one and explain
who can help you and why.

a. I have a strong support network to help me. _____

b. I don’t have people to help me through changes I will have to make. ____

I have a few people who offer me emotional support. Currently I speak to my wife about
many of the difficulties I encounter at work as she is a former Starbucks employee. I also

Last Update: November 2021
have two current Starbucks employees I talk to about the company, including my reluctance
to stay with the company for too long. These three people offer me both emotional support
when I am struggling with my career path as well as advice on when and how to tackle the
emotional challenges I face at work.

) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need help getting the job done,
advancing your career, or getting emotional support, do you have people in your
network who can fulfill these functions? Check one and explain who can help you
and why.
Yes ______ No ______

See answers above.

) What is your approach to building relationships? How are you at initiating

relationships? In what settings are you most comfortable meeting people?

a. Joint or shared work, projects, and committees ______

b. One-on-one appointments, with specific agendas ______
c. Informal “no agenda” social settings ______
d. Going for coffee, lunch, or drinks ______
e. Leisure activities such as golf, tennis, or theater ______
f. Other ______

I have a preference for informal settings like coffee or drinks for relationship building. I
think that people who are relaxed are more able to show their true side, and that is the
side I like to know when I am working with the person when they are stressed out or
nervous. On the other hand, I prefer formal, direct agenda meetings as I personally find
those the mist helpful to nailing down a plan of action and ensuring deliverables and
deadlines are clearly communicated.

) What is your preferred style?

a. Occasional phone calls or e-mails just to ask “how are you?” ______
b. Phone calls, e-mails, or visits with specific requests or questions ______
c. Holiday cards and letters ______
d. Dropping in or calling when you’re in the neighborhood ______
e. Arranging in advance to get together at professional meetings ______
f. Relying on the chance that your paths will cross ______
g. Inviting people to join you for lunch, coffee, golf, and so on ______
h. Contacting people when you find some information, an article, or an opportunity that
might interest them ______

Last Update: November 2021
i. Other ______

From my personal perspective I have always viewed random “how are you” texts or
dropping in randomly as insincere and forces. I much prefer networking by learning someone’s
personality and then sending them articles or information that fits their personality. This opens
the conversation not only for work related conversation, but further discussion about whatever
topic I initiated and leads to personal connections that are authentic.

) Now turn your attention to the “Action Planning” part of the exercise (top of page 82).
Respond to the following questions:

a. What are your goals in developing a professional network? Be specific.

Developing a professional network as I proceed to move up in the company is a daunting

task. As a Shift Supervisor I spent time getting to know various managers and reach out
regarding advice and asking to shadow them as I prepared to promote. Now that I am moving up
in the company and possibly looking to go further, I have spent time not only strengthening that
network with my now peers, but also reaching out and connecting with District Managers and
Regional Managers. My goal is always to build authentic relationships with my peers as well as
my direct supervisors and show my worth through my action over my words. This approach has
served me well, allowing me to advance from Barista to Store Manager in just two years.

b. How will a well-developed network of contacts help you achieve your career goals?

A well-developed network provides me with a few benefits. First, my name is constantly being
shared between peers and superiors, and my work ethic and management style is well known in
the areas I would potentially promote. Second, a well-developed network provides me with a
means of asking for advice and seeking mentorship. This will enable me to always ensure I am
doing my job to the best of my ability as well as provide me with people I can discuss promotion
with as it pertains to my skillset and abilities.

c. What are some of the characteristics of the people you are looking to include in your

I really want people who will be open and honest with me in my network. I have formed
similar, smaller networks before with less success because people in those networks were not
willing to be honest for one reason or another. I also want people who are experienced and I
know work hard. Those who work hard will offer advice to that effect, whereas poor performers
will offer advice that is subpar.

Last Update: November 2021
d. Where might you come in contact with these people? How will you grow your network /
initiate contact with new potential networking contacts?

These network contacts are most often found in the various stores around the area. One way I
am initiating contact currently is by offering to cover shifts in other managers stores. This gives
me not only the opportunity to network with those managers, but it shows them directly my skills
and expertise, as well as showing my superiors I am willing and able to take on tasks that aid the
company and my peers. Once I promote and I am unable to covers shifts, networking will turn to
visiting stores in the area and introducing myself to managers, as well as engaging with optional
Workplace live events where we all get to have discussion regarding current work events and
district problems.

e. Who in your network are you looking to enhance your relationship with? How will you go
about enhancing these relationships?

At the moment I am looking to enhance my relationship with my boss’s boss, the Regional
Manager. I have had a few discussions with him voicing concerns over a few policies and
procedures, and he has always listened and communicated well. I have made sure that I also offer
positive feedback when being critical of things happening in the company, so I don’t seem like
someone who is just critical. I want to sit down and meet the RM for a coffee tasting and get to
know him and what he values in employees. So far he knows that I am a hard worker and full of
ideas about how to improve the company, which I think is a good first step.

f. How can you leverage your existing network? Might some of your existing networking
contacts know others who you should be in contact with?

I have yet to discuss networking with my current network contacts, aside from asking for
manager numbers who need assistance. I know that most managers spend time together or have
their own networks, and I my next goal will absolutely be to discuss networking with my current
network to see what other options are available.

Last Update: November 2021
Section 3: SMART Career and Networkings
Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your Career Plan, and the other related to your Networking Plan. Both of these goals
need to be things that you are passionate about accomplishing.
Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the Unit)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to
two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.
Include Gantt charts or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to address
your approach to tracking/measuring your progress.

1) What is your Career Goal?

While I do not want to stay at Starbucks long, my career goals will focus on the next 1-3
years where I intend to remain as a manager. I really want to focus on growing and
maintaining my network of peers, and slowly work toward becoming the best possible
manager I can be.

a. Specific: In growing my network, I want to volunteer at various stores in the district

when managers go on vacation or are sick. I also want to have met each store manager in
my district, and possibly the store managers in the districts closest to me. In my store I
want to maintain a window time, sales metric, and customer metric in the top 3 of my
district. This goal will set me apart from my peers, and is a direct measurable metric I can
use to measure my performance.

b. Measurable: I want to have temporarily managed at least four (4) stores before gaining
my own, and at least two (2) a year while I am a store manager. I want to keep my store
weekly window time average at or under forty-five (45) seconds, which is 5 seconds
faster than standard. I am hoping to achieve seventy-five percent (75%) comp, and
maintain a seventy-five (75) for the customer connections score.

c. Attainable: These goals are reasonable, especially if I move to a store with an established
team. Most stores hover around 50 or 60 seconds window time, 50% to 60% comp, and a
50 customer connect score. I have had massive success with raising customer connect
scores, and I have every confidence I will be able to do so again, while proper comp and
window time comes down to properly managing the store.

Last Update: November 2021
d. Relevant: The scores I hope to maintain are within the top three in my current district,
with the customer connect score being better than every other score by 10 points. As I
have maintained this score at a previous store for my daypart, it is a point of pride for me
to achieve such a score. Managing other stores temporarily will provide me with a
diverse range of experiences, and allow me to encounter problems that might arise in a
situation where I have less at stake and a support system to lean on in terms of the
existing staff of the store.

e. Time-Based: These goals come in two parts. The first part will take about a year and will
involve subbing at stores in the district to gain experience. The second part will require a
bit more segmented approach, meeting each goal in around three months. These goals are
not sequential, and can be worked on in any order. The final three month period of the
year will be allowed for extra work if a particular goal takes longer to reach.

Last Update: November 2021
2) What is your Networking Goal

My networking goal for the next 1-3 years is to continue reaching out to various
managers for sit down coffee tastings and find a core group of managers who I can count
as mentors.

a. Specific: In networking with other managers, I want to make sure I not only spend
time getting to know them, but also their stores and their method of operations. I
would like to get to know each of the managers in my district (13 currently) as
well as the managers in the district bordering my current store.

b. Measurable: By my first year as a manager I would like to know the fifteen (15)
managers that are in my district and surrounding. I would also like to know the
names of the surrounding district managers, as well as get to know my Regional
Manager better. In addition, I would like to have subbed in three (3) stores and get
to know their baristas.

c. Attainable: Since my career goal involves subbing in four stores, part of my

measurable will already be accomplished. The rest of my measurables can be
achieved through a little extra effort to meet managers when they are already in
store, likely during admin on Mondays when many store managers visit other

d. Relevant: Because I intend to stay at Starbucks for a few years at the least, and
potentially promote further, getting to know the managers in the area is very
important. If I am able to get to know the managers I will have more opportunities
to pick up knowledge, have a good network, and be prepared to manage them if I
ever promote to District Manager.

e. Time-Based: Realistically I can meet the remainder of the managers in my district

by the end of my first year, as I already know half of the 15. The remaining store
managers in the areas surrounding me would take another year or so, since I don’t
know anyone outside of my district. Finally, getting to know the Regional
Manager would take anywhere from 6 months to two years, depending on his
schedule which is often reserved for District Managers.

Last Update: November 2021
Last Update: November 2021

Parrish, C. (2021). OGL 482 Thematic Analysis. Unpublished manuscript, Arizona State

Cherrie, P. (2018, May 23). What is early childhood education? 7 things to know about the field
forming future generations. The Wheelock Blog. Retrieved November 17, 2021, from

Film and video editors. Minnesota State. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2021, from

Food Service Managers. Minnesota State. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2021, from

Gunsmith: Job Duties, Career Outlook, and Educational Requirements. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 17, 2021, from

M.A. in children's ministry. M.A. in Children's Ministry | Graduate School of Ministry | Dallas
Baptist University. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2021, from

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021, September 8). Film and video editors and Camera
Operators: Occupational Outlook Handbook. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved
November 17, 2021, from

United States Foodservice Market: 2021 -26: Size, share, trends - mordor intelligence. United
States Foodservice Market | 2021 -26 | Size, Share, Trends - Mordor Intelligence. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 17, 2021, from

Last Update: November 2021

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