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Chapter 41

Alisa L. Newton* and Roxanna Smolowitz**
*Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY, United States; **Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI, United States

INTRODUCTION o­ smoconforming at high salinity and maintaining hyperos-

motic status at medium to lower salinities. Terrestrial inver-
More than 99% of all animal species and nearly 1 million tebrates maintain salt and water balance against evaporative
named and an estimated 30 million unnamed species are losses through drinking and food consumption (e.g., major
invertebrates (Ruppert et al., 2004). They suffer from a ions are obtained from the diet) (Larsen et al., 2014).
variety of diseases related to their vertebrate counterparts. Invertebrates rely on innate immunity for their primary
By necessity this chapter will focus on a small number of protective response to infectious agents and lack the type
diseases in only a fraction of all invertebrates and aims of adaptive immunity, challenge-specific long-term protec-
to provide an approach to assessing disease processes in tion mediated by immunological receptors, present in ver-
other invertebrates. The four major phyla (Cnidaria, Mol- tebrates. Whether invertebrates have an alternative adaptive
lusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata), subphyla, and diseases immunity, which allows for some degree of antigen specific
selected in this chapter were due to their ecological impor- response and immunologic memory, remains a matter of
tance, commercial value, and importance to species in man- debate (­Arala-Chaves and Sequeira, 2000; Kurtz and Armit-
aged care. These factors have driven the need for diagnostic age, 2006). Invertebrate innate immunity relies on the inter-
pathology and ancillary diagnostic testing in invertebrates actions between the cellular and protein components of the
to advance veterinary care. hemolymph. The primary cellular components are generically
termed hemocytes, coelomocytes, or in some species amoe-
UNIQUE FEATURES bocytes. They perform physiologic functions, such as nutri-
ent transport, digestion, shell mineralization, and excretion,
Clinical Pathology in addition to innate defense and wound healing. These cells
The coelomic fluid and/or hemolymph serve as a transport vary in differentiation depending on the species. A variety of
medium for nutrients, respiratory gases, and metabolites and approaches have been used to characterize the cell types, which
contain proteins and cells of innate defense. Invertebrates include morphology, cytochemistry, function, flow cytometry,
inhabit a wide range of habitats and diverse physiological density gradient configuration, and monoclonal antibodies to
mechanisms are involved in salt and water balance across surface proteins (Aladaileh et al., 2007). The simplest clas-
phyla. Normal clinical chemistries and electrolyte values sification, which allows for comparison across species, sepa-
have been reported in some species and are reflective of this rates cells into three types based on the size and amount of
balance (Gustafson et al., 2005; Punzo, 1983; Riddle, 1985; cytoplasmic granulation: hyaline (few to no granules), semi-
Robertson, 1953, 1939; Schartau and Leidescher, 1983; granular, and granular cells (Johansson et al., 2000). These
Zachariah et al., 2007). Many marine invertebrates are are also typically the only defining cellular features evident in
osmotic conformers, maintaining the ionic concentration hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stained sections.
and composition of extracellular fluids (hemolymph) simi- The humoral components of hemolymph serve an
lar to that of ambient sea water. All freshwater species are important role in innate immune defense. They include
osmotic hyperregulators and maintain an extracellular fluid proteins involved in proteolytic cascades, such as coagula-
osmotic concentration higher than the environment. Brack- tion, melanization, and activation of Toll-like receptor and
ish water inhabitants show a combination of these factors, complement-like reactions, as well as chemical m ­ ediators,

Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals.

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1020 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

such as cytokine-like factors. These proteolytic cascades

and chemical mediators are able to provide quick response
to pathogens and their components bear some resemblance
to those present in mammals. Hemolymph coagulation is
typically the first response of invertebrates to trauma or
pathogen invasion, particularly to bacterial pathogens.
This process has been best described in arthropods (fresh-
water crayfish and Atlantic horseshoe crabs) and less so
in insects and is discussed in more detail in the section
on non-infectious diseases. Different clotting processes
and proteins exist in different species (Jiravanichpaisal
et al., 2006; Ottaviani et al., 2004). Complement component
homologues identified in invertebrates include C3, Bf, and
mannan-binding lectin serine protease (MASP). Similar
to mammals, complement system opsonization enhances
phagocytosis, though alternative and lectin pathways are FIGURE 41.1  Nodulation, encapsulation and melanization in the
believed to be less complex in invertebrates (Nonaka and digestive gland of a goliath bird eating spider. There is a focal area of
Yoshizaki, 2004). Cytokines identified in invertebrates digestive gland necrosis surrounded by a rim of brown pigmented hyaline
include interleukins (1α, 1β, 6), tumor necrosis factor α, material (melanization) and followed by a rim of hemocytes (nodulation
platelet derived growth factor (AB), transforming growth and encapsulation).
factor (α, β, β1), epidermal growth factor, neurotrophic
factor, growth promoting factor, hemokinin, imaginal disc of melanin. P ­ henoloxidase is also important in pigmenta-
growth factors, hemolymph trophic factor, and fibroblast tion, ­sclerotization, wound healing, and encapsulation of
growth factor. Growth factors regulate cell proliferation, foreign materials (Cerenius and Söderhäll, 2004).
differentiation, programmed cell death, stress response,
matrix production, and wound repair. Several cytokine-
like factors have also been identified in invertebrates. Anatomic Features
These are important for immune responses because of Prior to performing a necropsy examination on an inverte-
their effects on cell activation (PDGF-AB, TGF-B1, and brate species, it is important to have an understanding of the
IL8) and chemotaxis (IL-1 α, TNF- α, IL8, PDGF-AB, general body plan to assist in identification and determine
and TGF- β1). Other cytokine-like activities in inverte- whether organs should be sampled or specimens should be
brates that are similar to those in vertebrates include IL-1 processed whole for histopathology. In addition to these
induction of TNF- α by hemocytes (Cerenius et al., 2010; materials, texts of invertebrate zoology, invertebrate medi-
­Ottaviani et al., 2004). cine, and comparative histology as well as those that discuss
Hemocytes provide defense through the process of sampling and ancillary diagnostic testing serve as important
phagocytosis, nodulation and encapsulation, and pro- additional resources (Berzins et al., 2012; Williams, 1999).
duction of reactive oxygen intermediates. Phagocytosis Gross anatomy checklists are available in the Supplemen-
is initiated in an individual cell by recognition of a tar- tal Materials of the necropsy chapter for the invertebrate
get agent (e.g., bacteria) either through receptor binding phyla presented here. There is considerable anatomic vari-
or opsonization factors. Nodulation and encapsulation ety among invertebrates, and between them and their ver-
occur in response to agents that are too large for phago- tebrate counterparts. Detailed description and images of
cytosis. In this process, multicellular hemocyte aggre- normal anatomy and histology are provided in the online
gates wall off pathogens in tissues. With chronicity, ­Supplemental ­Materials.
these hemocyte foci demonstrate histomorphology not Invertebrates are frequent asymptomatic hosts of many
dissimilar to granulomatous inflammation in lower ver- viruses, protozoa, and metazoa, and can serve as reservoirs
tebrates (Jiravanichpaisal et al., 2006). A unique hemo- for other species. When reviewing histopathology and ancil-
cyte modulated response in invertebrates to infection or lary test results from new species, it is critical to assess for
focal tissue destruction is the formation of a tan to brown associated tissue reaction to determine the significance of a
pigmented, homogenous, often firm material referred as given result.
melanization (Fig. 41.1). Prophenoloxidase is produced
and stored in hemocyte granules. When released and acti-
vated by microbial components like lipopolysaccharides
(LPS) and peptidoglycans from bacteria and β1–3 glu- Invertebrate diseases are frequently complex multifactorial pro-
cans from fungi, the enzyme ­catalyzes the oxygenation cesses and the common terrestrial model of one-pathogen one-
of monophenoles to quinones and ultimately the synthesis disease simply does not apply in many cases. The ­fulfillment
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1021

of Koch’s postulates, where a single species of disease-causing of tissue architecture, tissue necrosis to secondary zooxan-
pathogen is successfully (1) isolated from an infected animal, thella necrosis (Glynn et al., 1985). If prolonged and severe,
(2) grown in pure culture, (3) reinoculated into a healthy indi- bleaching results in coral mortality; milder bleaching events
vidual, and (4) produces the same disease, is particularly chal- can be reversible in weeks or months.
lenging in invertebrates due to limited invertebrate cell lines Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a complex syndrome
and the difficulty of culturing many invertebrate pathogens. affecting honey bee colonies, the hallmark of which is rapid
The marine environment is also particularly complex due to loss of adult worker bees. CCD is discussed here, prior to
the higher taxonomic diversity of hosts and parasites, differ- other infectious diseases of bees, as some of the identified
ences in life histories, the more open nature of recruitment, contributory factors will be discussed in more detail later in
differences in anthropogenic impacts, and the potential for dif- the text. In the fall of 2006, large scale losses of 30%–90%
ferent modes of disease transmission (Mccallum et al., 2004). of honey bee colonies were reported in the United States
It is important as we approach disease investigations in inver- and symptoms in affected colonies were not consistent
tebrates to consider the significant contribution of environ- with known bee pathogens (Ellis et al., 2010). Character-
mental and other factors to susceptibility and pathogenesis and istic findings in affected colonies included (1) rapid loss of
to employ methods of investigation that include detailed ana- adult worker bees; (2) brood populations in excess relative
tomic descriptions, ancillary diagnostic testing, and controlled to remaining adult bee populations; (3) lack of dead worker
experimental design to arrive at the case description, etiology, bees within or surrounding affected hives; (4) delayed inva-
and pathogenesis of a disease (Work et al., 2008a). sion of common hive pests, such as small hive beetles and
The majority of coral diseases are complex processes wax moths; and (5) kleptoparasitism from neighboring honey
and a single primary etiologic agent has been confirmed bee colonies (VanEngelsdorp et al., 2009). In colonies that
in only a handful of diseases to date. Even in those dis- had not yet completely collapsed other findings included
eases, other contributory factors are likely to be signifi- (1) insufficient number of bees to maintain the number of
cant. A thorough summary of the current understanding of brood in the colony; (2) a workforce composed predomi-
coral diseases was published by Woodley et al. (2016), and nantly of younger adult bees; (3) persistence of the queen;
exceeds what can be covered in this chapter. A few impor- and (4) remaining bees that were reluctant to consume food
tant disease examples will be discussed later. offered by bee keepers (Ellis et al., 2010). The three major
Bleaching in cnidaria, particularly scleractinian corals, hypotheses regarding the cause of CCD include (1) novel or
is the result of a breakdown of coral-algal symbiosis due to resurgent pathogens; (2) poor nutrition and resultant devel-
loss of symbiotic photosynthetic algae (zooxanthella) or a opmental disorders; (3) environmental contaminants, which
reduction in their per cell pigment concentrations. Temper- include agricultural pesticides or chemicals used to control
ature extremes and solar radiation have received the most common bee colony pests (Cornman et al., 2012). Other
focus, but other environmental factors, which include salin- possible factors suggested in the literature include man-
ity extremes, sediment, low temperature, desiccation, low agement stress and poor genetic biodiversity in the queen
light, ultraviolet light, and reduced pH are considered as risk source (Ellis et al., 2010). Potential synergistic interactions
factors. Contaminants, such as herbicides, copper, cyanide, between two and more of the aforementioned hypotheses
oil, and sunscreens may also serve as initiators. The primary (and potentially others) are likely.
gross lesion associated with bleaching is patchy to diffuse To date, no single disease agent has been associated
pallor of the affected colony (Baker and Cunning, 2016). with CCD, although infections are believed to play a critical
Three different tissue changes result in reduced zooxanthel- role. Epidemiologic studies of CCD have shown a higher
lae densities in affected corals. These include degeneration incidence and abundance of infectious agents in CCD col-
of the zooxanthellae within gastrodermal and epidermal onies, which suggests they either are exposed to greater
cells, release of zooxanthellae from the gastrodermis lin- numbers of pathogens, that coinfections can act synergisti-
ing the mesenterial filaments, and sloughing of the gas- cally, or that the colony is immune compromised ­(Cornman
trodermis and secondary loss of the zooxanthellae (Brown et al., 2012; VanEngelsdorp et al., 2009). In particular
et al., 1995). By light microscopy, intact zooxanthella should RNA viruses of the family Dicistroviridae [Israeli acute
be circular with a distinguishable nucleus, pyrenoids, and paralysis virus (IAPV), acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV),
assimilation bodies. Degeneration of zooxanthella is char- Kashmir bee virus (KBV), black queen cell virus (BQCV)]
acterized by a loss of circular profile, vacuolation, and in and Iflaviridae [deformed wing virus (DWV)] and micro-
some cases extreme enlargement. Zooxanthella loss from sporidia (Nosema spp.) have been implicated. Factors that
gastrodermal cells is believed to be related to the changes can affect colony immunocompetence include poor nutri-
in coral metabolism associated with stress. Environmental tion and chronic sublethal exposure to agricultural or bee
bleaching is typically due to a mixture of these three tis- keeping pesticides. Evidence for low-level exposure to
sue changes. Additional associated lesions seen with tem- ­environmental toxins is equivocal and neither individual
perature stress include epidermal and gastrodermal atrophy chemicals nor chemical load have been associated with
and erosion, retractor muscle atrophy, and ultimately loss increased risk of CCD. Nutritional resources can affect
1022 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

overwintering survival and bee longevity but analysis of candidate disease-associated pathogens remain under
bee colonies for body weight, protein components, and lipid investigation; to date no infectious agents, including the
stores has not shown a direct link between food resources sea star-associated densovirus, have been demonstrated
and collapse (VanEngelsdorp et al., 2009). by light or electron microscopy within affected sea star
Epizootics of a process termed wasting disease have tissues or lesions. Investigations of contributory envi-
been reported in the northeast Pacific across all sub- ronmental factors to SSWD development and population
phyla of echinoderms including sea stars, sea urchins, recovery are ongoing. Small changes in temperature, both
brittle stars, and sea cucumber species since 1978 (Bates increased and decreased have been shown to influence the
et al., 2009; Dungan et al., 1982). Recently a large-scale progression and intensity of disease in different species
mortality event affecting at least 20 species of sea stars (Kohl et al., 2016; Menge et al., 2016). Seasonal changes
devastated populations of sea stars along the Pacific coast. in reproductive potential, fluctuations in temperature (both
During this outbreak sea star wasting disease (SSWD) increase and decrease), host condition/acclimation, and
ultimately affected wild populations at more than 240 sub- anthropogenic factors may further impact the dynamics of
tidal and intertidal locations from southeastern Alaska to the disease (Bates et al., 2009).
southern California, and at least five Pacific coast public
aquaria that utilized “open” water systems. Pisaster, Pyc-
nopodia, and Evasterias were the most impacted genera NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASES
and mortality approached 100% in select species at many
locations. Clinical and gross findings associated with
wasting disease include (1) loss of body turgor (deflation) Emaciation and dehydration in terrestrial invertebrates
and weakness; (2) foci of body wall pallor and tissue loss; are most apparent within the digestive organs, typically
(3) sloughing of multiple rays and/or rupture of the body the digestive gland. These organs often serve as sites
wall with evisceration; and (4) death (Fig. 41.2). Consis- of energy/nutritional storage, similar to what is seen in
tent histologic changes include epidermal degeneration, the liver and adipose stores of vertebrates. Gross lesions
necrosis, and ulceration with dermal separation, necrosis, are most apparent in arthropods and hexapods, and con-
and inflammation. Community fingerprinting and bacte- sist of a pronounced decrease in the size of the abdomi-
rial metagenomics performed during the recent mortality nal segment or opisthosoma (Fig. 41.3A,B). Externally,
event identified three candidate disease-associated bacte- the reduced size of the digestive system will be grossly
rial families including Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacte- apparent in some species. Histologically, the digestive
ria, and Spirochaetes. Viral metagenomes prepared from glands/organs are typically composed of pyramidal cells
symptomatic and asymptomatic sea stars identified several with abundant cytoplasm that has variable vacuolation by
candidate disease–associated metazoan viruses including species. With emaciation, these cells are reduced in size,
a sea star-associated densovirus (Parvoviridae) (Hewson vacuolation, and granulation. Etiologies are highly vari-
et al., 2014). Links between the histologic lesions and able and can be compounded by debilitation due to other
illnesses. Husbandry should always be investigated, par-
ticularly the lighting in photosynthetic species and prey,
water sources, lack of humidity or over ventilation in ter-
restrial invertebrates.
Molt death syndrome (MDS) of larval decapod
crustaceans is related to lipid nutrition, specifically low
dietary phospholipids, cholesterol, and n-3 highly unsat-
urated fatty acids. Gross findings are best described in
American lobster and include animals dying in a partially
molted condition or animals molting and having missing
or deformed appendages. Multifocal calcium deposits are
associated with the inner surface of the exuvial skeleton
and are visible grossly with the aid of a dissecting micro-
scope and scanning electron microscopy. These range in
size up to 0.2 mm diameter, are pink to colorless and are
primarily found on the inner surface of the claws and car-
FIGURE 41.2  Characteristic white lesion associated with sea star apace. In severe cases, there is mottling of the carapace
wasting disease in an ochre sea star. Lesions begin on the ray near the
junction with the disc. White lesions may be areas of epidermal pallor or
and the cuticle of the thoracic limbs, tail segments, uro-
areas of tissue loss with dermal and skeletal exposure. (Photo Courtesy of pods, and telson. Deposits are similar to calcite (CaCO3)
M. Miner, University of California, Santa Cruz) and may adhere to the new inner exoskeleton and cause
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1023

deformities that make shedding of the exuvium difficult

and may lead to death (Bowser and Rosemark, 1981;
Wang et al., 2016).

A wide array of organic and inorganic toxins is described
in invertebrates; many are intentionally used in pest
control. These agents are summarized in Invertebrate
Pathology: Noncommunicable Diseases (Sparks, 1972)
and Pathobiology of Marine and Estuarine Organisms
­(Gardner, 1993). One toxin of note in aquatic invertebrates
is copper. Copper is an essential micronutrient but toxic
concentrations of the bioavailable forms result in adverse
effects on aquatic and semiaquatic invertebrates. Environ-
mental factors, such as dissolved organic and inorganic
ligands, competition with dissolved cations (water hard-
ness), all significantly impact bioavailability and there-
fore total copper levels in water samples are insufficient
to predict toxicity. Sensitivity, morbidity, mortality, and
tissue response vary significantly by species and are inti-
mately related to species physiology and life stage (Arnold
et al., 2010; Grosell et al., 2007). For example, adult oys-
ters and clams are largely resistant to copper toxicity and
can sequester copper in hemocyte clusters in the gills and
mantle resulting in green discoloration in these areas,
while larval oysters, adult, and larval mussels (genus Myt-
ilus), and some echinoderms (sand dollar, sea urchin) are
considered some of the most copper sensitive taxa (Arnold
et al., 2010; Sparks, 1972).
The proposed pathogenesis of copper toxicity includes
oxidative stress, DNA damage, altered ion regulation, and
metabolic derangement due to impaired oxygen uptake.
In invertebrates, lesions described with copper toxic-
ity are similar to those described with other heavy met-
als and pollutants and are not specific to copper. Gross
lesions include “distress syndrome” in freshwater pulmo-
nate snails, which is characterized by immobility, muscu-
lar spasms, extension of the cephalopedal mass, inability
to attach the foot to substrate, swelling of the tentacles,
and epidermal sloughing. Gross findings in sea stars are
described as muscular weakness, loss of righting abil-
ity, lack of tube feet coordination, mouth relaxation, and
gastric eversion. Histologic lesions described in inver-
tebrates include zooxanthella expulsion in cnidarians;
branchial epithelial necrosis, amoebocytic inflammation
in the connective tissue, and necrosis and sloughing of the
mucosa in gastropods; nephridial necrosis in sea hares;
mucosal necrosis in the stomach and digestive gland atro-
phy in oysters; inflammation, necrosis, and vacuolation
in the digestive diverticula, kidney, and intestinal tract
of clams; branchial necrosis in crabs; and epidermal
FIGURE 41.3  The normal opisthosoma (A) compared to an opist-
hosoma in a goliath bird eating spider with dehydration (B). Note the
ulceration and irregular epidermal contour in numerous
overall decrease in size of the opisthosoma as well as the irregular contour aquatic invertebrate species. The latter is believed to be
(wrinkling) of the cuticle. the result of copper-induced peroxidation of membrane
1024 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

lipid and impaired epidermal cellular membrane struc- degranulation of local hemocytes resulting in the formation
ture and function (Eisler, 2007; Gardner, 1993; LaDou- of a protein aggregate or “soft clot.” These proteins become
ceur et al., 2016). crosslinked in some species (the “hard clot”) and later
infiltrated by other types of hemocytes (scab formation;
Fig. 41.4) that seal the hemocoel from the outside environ-
ment and serve as the scaffolding over which the epidermis
Senescence occurs at the end of a brief, single reproduc- can regenerate, cover the wound site, and replace the scab.
tive event in many invertebrate species (Moltschaniwskyj In cnidaria sedimentation and increased turbidity from
et al., 2007). It is hypothesized due to the energetic costs dredging, drilling, and agricultural runoff interferes with
of gamete production and the act of mating (Franklin coral autotrophy and heterotrophy by decreasing avail-
et al., 2012). However, some species are able to mate over an able light and photosynthetic activity, which causes polyp
extended period of time and moderate the effects of reproduc- retraction and interferes with prey capture. This is believed
tion, resulting in an uncoupling of reproduction and senes- to produce negative energy balance that may be further
cence. Among invertebrates in managed care, senescence is complicated by increased energy demand to clear excess
most often seen in cephalopods after spawning. Histologic sediment. Sediments can also cause local and systemic tis-
lesions associated with this process include nephritis, adenitis sue injury (Riegl and Branch, 1995). Gross lesions include
of the accessory nidamental gland, generalized edema, and polyp swelling, tissue thinning, discoloration, pallor and
frequently bacteremia. Bacteria can often be cultured from tight polyp retraction along with distention and discol-
the hemolymph or renal sac (Smolowitz, unpublished data). oration of the oral disc (Vargas-Angel et al., 2006). Early
histologic changes include multifocal to diffuse changes in
Trauma and Environmental/Anthropogenic the number and size of mucous secretory cells (mucocytes)
in the epidermis and gastrodermis. Mucocytes may show
The most common non-infectious disease processes encoun- variable uptake of pentachrome dyes with special staining,
tered in invertebrates are direct trauma or organism stress. suggesting a change in the composition of the mucus. At
The etiologies vary by situation but frequently overlap. 3–4 weeks of exposure, colonies develop attenuation of the
Environmental stress (e.g., temperature, pH, and anthropo- epidermis and gastrodermis, atrophy of epidermal muco-
genic), handling/husbandry, and social interactions are the cytes, decreased mucus secretion, and eventually tissue
most frequent factors. Some examples of traumatic injuries damage and necrosis.
are discussed later under idiopathic diseases where environ- Ulcerative lesions of the umbrella (bell rot) have been
mental factors and husbandry may be a significant compo- reported in a number of jellyfish species in managed care
nent. Gross lesions consistent with trauma vary from areas including moon jellies, Pacific sea nettles, Atlantic sea
of epidermal discoloration, tissue loss, and a loss of surface nettles, lagoon jellies, blubber jellies, Sandaria jellies, and
features to exoskeletal fractures. Damage to the cuticle, epi- white-spotted jellies (Fig. 41.5). Although a specific etiol-
dermis, or exoskeleton can result in loss of osmoregulatory ogy has not been identified, trauma and environmental stress
capacity, hemolymph loss and shock, opportunistic infec- are considered significant contributing factors. Husbandry
tion, and in many cases death.
The histologic response to injury has been described in
detail in many invertebrate species including soft and hard
corals (Meszaros and Bigger, 1999; Palmer et al., 2011),
black abalone (Armstrong et al., 1971), oyster (DesVoigne
and Sparks, 1968), freshwater mussel (Pauley and Hea-
ton, 1969; Pauley and Sparks, 1967), drosophila (Bidla
et al., 2005), wax moths (Rowley and Ratcliffe, 1978), horse-
shoe crabs (Bursey, 1977), sea cucumbers (Cowden, 1968;
Menton and Eisen, 1973), penaeid shrimp (Fontaine and
Lightner, 1973; Lightner and Redman, 1977), leeches
(Huguet and Molinas, 1992; Huguet et al., 1999; Tettamanti
et al., 2005), and octopus (Polglase et al., 1983; Feral,
1988). In most invertebrates, wound healing begins with
the formation of a hemolymph clot, which rapidly prevents
further hemolymph loss and entraps microbial pathogens
before they can enter and spread through the hemocoel FIGURE 41.4  Response to injury in a goliath bird eating spider. Clot
(Jiravanichpaisal et al., 2006). Clotting initiation is either formation, hemocyte aggregation, and melanization at a site of focal limb
the result of a primary proteolytic cascade or is initiated by trauma.
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1025

practices resulting in irregular tank flow may allow for with secondary bacterial infections often resulting in septi-
collisions with tank walls, and increased tank density can cemia and death; bacteria of the genus Vibrio are the most
allow for conspecific collisions. Gross lesions range from common opportunistic agents. Trauma to the mantle apex
erosion to ulceration of the peripheral and dorsal aspects of (Fig. 41.6A) due to collision with tank walls after startling
the bell ranging from 1 to 2 mm and up to 6 mm diameter. or while trying to escape perceived threats is a frequent
Lesions can progress to full-thickness tears with secondary occurrence in managed care (Seeley et al., 2016; Sherrill
herniation of the internal viscera. Histologic lesions include et al., 2000). These lesions can be acute or chronic (follow-
epidermal necrosis (cell swelling, pyknosis, and lysis) of ing multiple episodes of collision) and can result in deep
the exumbrella and on occasion the subumbrella with ulcer- ulcerations that extend into the subjacent connective tissues
ation and local amoebocyte infiltration. Cnidocytes are and ultimately in squid and cuttlefish into the pen or cuttle-
spared. Secondary algal and bacterial invasion may be pres- bone sac. In cuttlefish, mantle abrasions are reported due to
ent (LaDouceur et al., 2013; Steers et al., 2003). crowding and territorial competition between males. Cuttle-
The epidermis of cephalopod mollusks is very fragile fish have also been reported to develop a gas pocket beneath
and heals poorly. The simple columnar epithelium is easily the skin of the mantle secondary to hovering in the stream
damaged. Infection with opportunistic bacteria is common of bubbles from an air stone. These gas pockets later rupture
resulting in a focal ulcer leading to similar complications as
blunt force trauma (Scimeca, 2012).
Cuttlebone fracture (Fig. 41.6B) is a frequent addi-
tional traumatic injury seen in cuttlefish. The cuttlebone
consists of lamellae of calcified chitin arranged in parallel
layers separated by pillars that are sealed along the lat-
eral and anterior margins by a thick calcified layer. These
layers are added sequentially, with new chambers added
ventrally. Ultimately what is created is a series of cham-
bers filled with either gas (ventrally) or fluid (dorsally)
that allow for near neutral buoyancy of cuttlefish. Fracture
is a common occurrence in both free ranging and managed
cuttlefish due to external trauma by predators or intraspe-
cies aggression, compression fracture due to excess hydro-
static pressure, or self-trauma (e.g., collisions with tank
walls) (Boletzky and Overath, 1991). Nutritional deficien-
cies and stressors, such as abnormal water temperatures
FIGURE 41.5  Umbrella ulcers in a moon jelly. Along the aboral sur-
face of the bell there are numerous irregular areas of cavitation (dark ar- or elevated nitrogen cycle metabolites may impact nor-
eas) at sites of exumbrella ulceration. (Photo Courtesy of N. Mylniczenko, mal cuttlebone mineral deposition in animals in managed
Disney’s Animals, Science & Environment) care leaving it brittle and more easily fractured (Sherrill

FIGURE 41.6  Traumatic lesions in cuttlefish. (A) Mantle trauma in cuttlefish (b) Cuttlebone fracture in a cuttlefish. (Part A: Photo Courtesy of
K. Conley, Disney’s Animals, Science & Environment; Part B: Photo Courtesy of C. Rodriguez, Disney’s Animals, Science & Environment)
1026 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

et al., 2000). Fractures can be either longitudinal or trans- spp., and Staphylococcus spp. The etiology of this syn-
verse. Gross lesions are most often evident along the ante- drome is unknown, but hyperesthesia secondary to the neu-
rior rim near the nuchal mantle edge. They consist of mild ral and vascular lesions is suspected.
thickening of the dorsal aspect of the bone and character-
istic dark lines along the ventral surface. Healing of lateral
shell fractures may result in an asymmetrical cuttlebone
shape, as recovery of normal shell growth is not always Neoplasia is a documented occurrence across all inverte-
possible after healing (Boletzky and Overath, 1991; Oest- brate taxa, but challenges remain with regard to tumor diag-
mann et al., 1997). Chronic low-impact trauma can cause nosis, identification, and treatment. Spontaneous, hereditary
prolapse and proliferation of caudal cuttlebone membranes or acquired (e.g., radiation, chemical, or viral) genetic alter-
and dermis reminiscent of a neoplasm. Occasionally the ations, well described in vertebrates, also occur in inver-
stomach and cecum will herniate or the dorsal mantle will tebrates (Robert, 2010a; Tascedda and Ottaviani, 2014).
detach from the cuttlebone. These complications often Reports of neoplasia are frequent in phylum Mollusca and
lead to death (Oestmann et al., 1997). Healing is facili- subphylum Hexapoda (class Insecta), infrequent in phylum
tated by secretions of the shell sac epithelium. Cnidaria and subphylum Crustacea , and are not yet docu-
mented in phyla Porifera or Echinodermata. This distribu-
tion is likely biased by the intensive monitoring that occurs
Inflammatory Non-infectious
in invertebrates of economic importance.
Eversion syndrome is an idiopathic condition of captive There are many challenges to documenting neoplasms
scyphomedusa jellyfish that results in bell eversion into a in invertebrates. Images and descriptions of gross and
concave position. This results in exposure of the manubrium microscopic findings in the older literature, which would
and gastric cavity, which often leads to death. The primary allow for comparison or peer evaluation of the identifica-
histologic finding is striated muscle degeneration (loss of tion, are inadequate (Scharrer and Szabo Lochhead, 1950).
striation and swelling) and necrosis and mesogleal degen- The classifications that exist for mammalian tumors are dif-
eration characterized by thinning, fiber loss, and disarray. ficult to apply to invertebrate neoplasms and may not be
Affected species include moon jellyfish, fried egg jellyfish, appropriate. Ancillary testing to facilitate cell identifica-
Pacific sea nettle, Atlantic sea nettle, Northern sea nettle, and tion, such as immunohistochemistry, is generally unavail-
purple striped jellyfish. Affected age groups are either young able. Therefore, it is critical for pathologists to be familiar
growing animals (1–2 months old) or older animals (greater with the identification of invertebrate tissues, normal tissue
than 6 months). A common etiology has not been identified reaction, inflammation, and wound repair in a given species
despite investigations into husbandry practices, environmen- when considering a diagnosis of neoplasia. The character-
tal, and nutritional factors (Freeman et al., 2009). istics used to define neoplasms in vertebrates, such as self-
­Idiopathic self-trauma (automutilation syndrome) sufficiency in growth signals, insensitivity to antigrowth
has been described in three species of octopus in man- signals, evasion of apoptosis, unlimited replicative poten-
aged care: giant Pacific octopus, California two-spot octo- tial, sustained angiogenesis, tissue invasion, and metasta-
pus, and Mexican four-eyed octopus (Dombrowski and De sis, may be challenging to fulfill across invertebrate taxa.
Voe, 2007; Reimschuessel and Stoskopf, 1990). Animals Organs, organ systems, cell types, and metabolic reactions
develop circular ulcers on the mantle, proximal arms, or are different and the anatomy of most invertebrate circula-
both. Mantle lesions begin as punctate ulcers that gradu- tory systems (partially open or lacking organization) makes
ally enlarge over several weeks. They typically occur on documenting angiogenesis extremely difficult (Hanahan
the anterior surface between the eyes or immediately above and Weinberg, 2000; Peters et al., 2012).
the origin of the arms. Limb lesions include ulcers on the The fundamental characteristics used to differentiate
dorsal surface, loss of suckers, or loss of the tips of mul- benign from malignant neoplasms include (1) degree of cel-
tiple arms. These lesions are described as occurring acutely lular differentiation and anaplasia; (2) rate of growth; (3)
(often overnight) with no history of exposure to live prey local invasion; and (4) evidence of local or distant metasta-
or conspecifics. In many cases, the suckers and arm tips sis (Kumar et al., 2015). These features should be applied
are later recovered within the stomach of the animal, con- with caution as invertebrate neoplasms have rarely been
firming self-mutilation. Histopathology has identified axial studied over time, mitotic figures can be transient, cell divi-
nerve abnormalities including edema, neuritis, and necrosis sion may be under heavy hormonal control, and evidence
in many cases. Vascular lesions including brachial artery of local invasion and metastasis can be difficult to assess in
thrombosis within the arms and mantle have also been noted species with open circulatory systems (Peters et al., 2012).
as well as myositis adjacent to areas of mantle damage. A The majority of neoplasms described in invertebrates have
mixture of common opportunistic bacteria have been iso- been reported to be benign, largely due to a lack of variation
lated from these lesions including Aeromonas spp., Vibrio in cell size and shape (anaplasia), lack of mitotic figures,
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1027

and a lack of organ invasion or metastatic spread (­Robert, signs of poor doing in bivalves including emaciation, pallor
2010). The establishment of the Registry of Tumors in of the digestive gland and mantle recession (Barber, 2004;
Lower Animals (RTLA), a cooperative project between Elston et al., 1992).
the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH), National Cancer An etiology for disseminated neoplasia has not been
Institute (NCI), and the Smithsonian Institution’s National identified in bivalves or crustaceans. A clear consensus has
Museum of Natural History in 1965 greatly advanced our not been reached regarding the exact cell of origin in most
understanding of the occurrence, gross and microscopic tumors. Most authors favor a hemic origin due to similari-
pathology, and etiology of invertebrate neoplasms. It is ties between the neoplastic cells and granular or hyaline
notable that out of the 1550 invertebrate submissions made hemocytes and detection of neoplastic cells first in the cir-
to the RTLA database and evaluated by the RTLA patholo- culatory system; a gonadal origin has also been proposed
gists between 1965 and its closure in 2007, only 30% were (Barber, 2004; Farley, 1969b). A relationship between prev-
ultimately designated to be neoplasms (Peters et al., 2012). alence and environmental carcinogens, biotoxins, stress, and
Disseminated neoplasia of presumed hematogenous genetics has been suggested but not proven (Barber, 2004;
(hemic) origin (also termed hemic neoplasia, hemic sar- Böttger et al., 2013; Walker et al., 2011). There is a varia-
coma, hematopoietic neoplasia, and hemocytic leukemia) is tion in the occurrence of disseminated neoplasia between
one of the most commonly described neoplastic conditions species, locations, and time of year suggesting that tumor
of invertebrates. This condition is described in 15 species of development is likely a complex, multifactorial process
bivalve mollusks as well as white shrimp, and mutant strains (Walker et al., 2011). In a single case report of disseminated
of Drosophila (Farley, 1969a,b; Lightener and Brock, 1987; neoplasia of shrimp, lesions consistent with penaeid shrimp
Shrestha and Gateff, 1986). The cytologic and histologic virus (IHHN) were present in the neoplastic hematopoietic
features are similar across species and include the presence tissue suggesting a possible viral infection (Lightener and
of large, round, anaplastic cells in connective tissues, blood Brock, 1987). Metzger et al. (2016) has recently shown
vessels, sinuses of the visceral mass, muscle, and mantle that these tumors in bivalves are most likely the result of a
tissue (Fig. 41.7). These cells are 2–4 times the diameter of transmissible neoplastic cell, and in most cases these cells
a normal hemocyte, with a nuclear to cytoplasmic volume are species specific (or at least only infect closely related
ratio of 1:1. They contain one or more prominent nucleoli species). A high number of Steamers, a retrotransposon, are
and one to several vesicles containing neutral triglycerides expressed only in neoplastic cells.
and lipids. Mitotic figures are common. Infiltrating cells Tumor-like lesions of the carapace have been described
cause displacement, compression, and necrosis of the gill, in crustaceans and classified as papillomas or hamarto-
gonad, and connective tissue, and arrest gametogenesis by mas, a proliferation of disorganized tissue indigenous to the
causing gonad atrophy and degeneration. Death is the ulti- examined site (Peters et al., 2012; Shields and Small, 2013).
mate outcome of this tumor due to the effects of organ dis- Carapace tumors arising from the abdominal somites occur
ruption and dysfunction of the immune system. Gross findings in brown shrimp, California brown shrimp, American lob-
in affected individuals are nonspecific and considered general ster, and other lobster species (Peters et al., 2012; Shields
and Small, 2013; Sparks and Lightener, 1973). Affected
crustaceans are often adults at an intermolt stage. Carapace
tumors are broad based, firm exophytic proliferations with a
papilliform to rugose surface and increased apical pigmenta-
tion (Fig. 41.8). On cut section, tumors are fibrous with a
superficial convoluted cuticle of variable thickness covering
the surface. Histologically, the epidermis and subepidermis
are continuous with the adjacent unaffected areas, but epi-
thelial cells within the mass demonstrate altered histomor-
phology described as hypertrophy and hyperchromasia in
shrimp and columnar with globose apical vacuoles in lobster.
Adnexa (tegmental glands, setal inserts, and pigment cells)
are locally to multifocally absent. When present in shrimp,
adnexa are increased in number and in an abnormally deep
location relative to the epidermis. Mitotic figures are not
observed but the strong hormonal control of cell division in
crustaceans may limit the ability for mitoses to occur outside
times of eccdysis even in neoplastic lesions. Tumor stroma
FIGURE 41.7  Disseminated hemic neoplasia in the gill of a softshell
clam. Neoplastic hemocytes fill and expand the vascular spaces of the gill
is composed of fibrous connective tissue with scattered mus-
resulting in distortion of the tissue architecture. cle fibers, few arterioles, and small numbers of infiltrating
1028 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

and specifically malignant is controversial but is based on the

histologic features that suggest rapid, uncoordinated growth
of the tissue and skeleton, and destruction of adjacent normal
tissue (Domart-Coulon et al., 2006; Peters et al., 1986). Lack
of anaplasia and mitotic figures are cited as the reason for
considering these growth anomalies or hyperplasias rather
than true neoplasms (Robert, 2010; Work et al., 2016). In
areas of anomalous growth, the loss of polyps and mucus
secretory cells makes affected corals susceptible to sediment
accumulation, which causes tissue necrosis and filamen-
tous algae overgrowth in the coral skeleton and can cause
regional polyp or entire colony death (Peters et al., 2012).
Although the normal argonite crystalline structure is retained
FIGURE 41.8  Hamartoma of the carapace of an American lobster. A in areas of growth anomalies, the skeletal density is reduced,
bright blue broad based exophytic papilliform mass protrudes from the ar- further predisposing the affected area to erosion and preda-
throdial membrane between the thorax and the abdominal somites. (photo tion. In Montipora spp., similar anomalies reduce fecundity
Courtesy of J. Shields, Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
of affected colonies and in some cases nearly 70% of the
colony is replaced by growth anomalies (Burns and Taka-
hemocytes. The etiology of these carapace lesions is cur- bayashi, 2011). The etiology of these lesions is not known.
rently unknown. Infectious agents have not been identified. Viral infections and UV light exposure have been proposed
In lobster, local trauma, bleeding, and wound repair are a but remain to be proven (Work et al., 2008b).
suggested etiology, but the lack of adnexa suggests epider- A number of different benign external tumors, papil-
mal disruption is more complex than simply failing to unfold lomas, polypoid tumors, or polypoid growths, affect the
during eccdysis, and is more consistent with a neoplasm. It body wall in gastropod and bivalve mollusks. The locations
is not clear if animals affected with these lesions can survive and species affected include the foot of freshwater mussels,
molting due to the lack of tegmental glands, which provide oysters, and a butter clam and the base of the siphon of soft
lubrication during eccdysis, and the size of the lesions, which shell clams and a horse clam (DesVoigne et al., 1970; Pau-
would likely adhere to the instar during molting (Shields and ley, 1966; Pauley and Sparks, 1967; Pauley et al., 1968).
Small, 2013; Sparks and Lightener, 1973). These tumors are focal, exophytic, and firm with a tex-
Growth anomalies in cnidaria are reported in more than ture and color similar to the adjacent tissue of the foot and
40 species of scleractinian coral, 5 gorgonians, and 1 hydro- siphon; some cases have a firm but flexible stalk (Pau-
zoan (Domart-Coulon et al., 2006). Despite having a simi- ley, 1966). Histologically, the tumors are covered by normal
lar external appearance and gross features, the histologic tall columnar epithelium that is often thrown into convo-
morphology of these lesions have significant interspecies luted folds. Multifocal hyperplasia of the basophilic glan-
differences and not all growth anomalies have been clas- dular cell layer may occur. The neoplastic portion of these
sified as neoplasms (Burns and Takabayashi, 2011; Loya growths consists of a compact, disorganized proliferation of
et al., 1984; Peters et al., 1986; Work et al., 2008b). Growth smooth muscle cells originating from the muscle beneath
anomalies present as discrete, nodular protrusions from the the epithelium of the foot or siphon. Mitotic figures are not
colony and share the gross characteristics of fewer polyps a feature of any of the described tumors and all are classi-
per surface area, decreased pigmentation (fewer zooxan- fied as benign. The etiology of these neoplasms is unknown
thella per polyp) and finer (more porous) skeletal structures although some authors have suggested environmental con-
than normal. These foci also grow more rapidly than the taminants while others have described them as spontaneous
adjacent normal appearing tissues. (Odintsova et al., 2011; Pauley and Sparks, 1967).
Calicoblastic epitheliomas, tumors resulting from Exophytic lesions grossly similar to those described
abnormal proliferation of the ectodermal cells that produce earlier in bivalves have been described in apple snail and
the aragonite skeleton, are described in both Acropora spp. giant African snail, Pacific oyster, Sydney rock oyster, and
and Montipora spp. corals (Peters et al., 2012). Histologi- multiple planaria species. Histologically these tumors are
cally, there is proliferation of gastrovascular canals and the composed of large altered epithelial cells forming convo-
associated calicoblastic epidermis (calicodermis) with a luted acini and covering a fibrous connective tissue stalk
loss of normal polyp structures and decreased numbers containing bands of muscle. The altered epithelial cells
of ­gastrodermal zooxanthellae, mesenteries, and gonads. indicate a different cell of origin and tumor type and the
Affected calicoblasts, instead of having a squamous mor- term adenopapilloma, epithelioma, or epidermal papil-
phology, are cuboidal to columnar and resemble those loma is applied to these lesions (Mitchelson, 1972; Peters
found near the rapidly growing regions in corals (Peters et al., 2012; Tascedda and Ottaviani, 2014). All are similarly
et al., 1986). The designation of these lesions as neoplastic described as benign and of unknown etiology.
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1029

Gonadal tumors are described in 14 species of marine mortality in aquacultured animals, first in France, then in
bivalve mollusks from 3 continents. Species include ocean other locations on the Atlantic coast of Europe and in Italy
quahog, bay scallop, cockle, Pacific oyster, Eastern oyster, (Renault et al., 2014). Disease outbreaks are associated with
chalky macoma, Northern quahog, hybrid quahog, soft shell warmer summer temperatures (>16ºC). Infected animals
clam, blue mussel, bluff oyster, and razor clam (­Darriba do not show disease at lower temperatures (13ºC) (Pernet
et al., 2006; Hesselman et al., 1988; Peters et al., 1994). et al., 2015). Another OsHV, a different strain from the one
Three histologic patterns are documented in these neo- previously mentioned, has also been implicated as the cause
plasms: germinomas, tumors of germ cell origin; fibroma/ of mortality in aquacultured juvenile Pacific oysters in Cali-
myofibroma, tumors of stromal/connective tissue origin; fornia and other locations along the west coast of the United
and gonadoblastoma, mixed tumors containing both com- States. Eosinophilic inclusion bodies are noted in the hyper-
ponents (Peters et al., 1994). Germinomas are composed trophic nuclei of hemocytes, connective tissue, and epithe-
of undifferentiated germ cells that fill individual follicles, lial cells in oysters from Europe but not in oysters from the
efface the gonadal area or spread to other adjacent tissues. United States. Despite these differences, OsHV associated
Stromal tumors are composed of neoplastic cells that are mortality has been confirmed in Europe and the United
myxoid to vesicular to spindle shaped and efface normal States using molecular methods (Friedman et al., 2005).
reproductive tissue as they grow. In mixed tumors, there is Abalone viral ganglioneuritis due to abalone her-
a central region that consists of dense fibrous tissue and the pesvirus (AbHV) (OIE and USDA reportable disease) is
surrounding margins are neoplastic germ cells with either reported in farmed and wild greenlip, blacklip, and hybrid
ovarian or spermatogenic differentiation. The latter group abalone in Australia and cultured diversicolor abalone
of tumors is reported infrequently but has an aggressive cohoused with black abalone in Taiwan. Mortality rates
pattern of growth with evidence of extension through the across all age groups of up to 90% and 70%–80% have
follicular basement membrane, invasion of the adjacent been reported in Australian outbreaks and in adult and
connective tissue of the gill, and mass formation along the juvenile abalone in epizootic and experimental infections
wall of the branchial vein (Peters et al., 1994). Small foci of diversicolor abalone, respectively. Horizontal transmis-
of isolated neoplastic cells in the gill microvasculature in sion has been confirmed experimentally. Affected animals
a soft shell clam were consistent with metastasis. Gonadal demonstrate curling of the foot, excessive mucus produc-
neoplasia has also been described in a male limpet (Carella tion, swelling and protrusion of the mouth parts, eversion of
et al., 2009). The etiology of gonadal neoplasms is currently the radula, and abnormal spawning or bloating. Foot abnor-
undetermined. Environmental pollutants and/or viruses are malities may include irregular peripheral concave elevation
proposed but causal relationships remain to be confirmed of the foot, lack of foot movement, poor righting reflex, and
(Peters et al., 1994, 2012). reduced pedal adhesion to substrates. Death occurs within
1–2 days. Histologically, there is individual cell necrosis
of the nervous tissue including cerebral, pleuropedal, and
INFECTIOUS DISEASES buccal ganglia, branches of the pedal nerve and peripheral
Viral-like particles (VLPs) have been reported in the plum- nerves. Margination of the chromatin and central pallor
rose anemone, a cnidarian that lacks symbiotic zooxanthella, suggestive of intranuclear inclusion bodies may be seen in
and the temperate sea anemone, which do not. In corals VLPs neurons (Hooper et al., 2007). Conventional and real-time
are reported in Pavona danai, Acropora formosa, Acropora PCR testing and in situ hybridization are available for con-
muricata, Zoanthus spp., and Montastraea faviolata, and firmation (Crane and Corbeil, 2016).
their zooxanthella. It remains undetermined if this asso- At least 20 viral diseases have been identified in shrimp
ciation is mutualistic, opportunistic, or pathogenic. Viruses and prawns (Ganjoor, 2015). Only a few will be discussed
have also been reported but evidence is not definitive. here. For information on all of the viruses on the WOAH
list, please see (
DNA Viruses The agent of white spot disease (WSD) also termed
Large DNA viruses of the families Poxviridae (Entomo- white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a species of Whis-
poxvirinae), Iridoviridae, Ascoviridae, Baculoviridae, povirus. The virus, a DNA virus and the only member of
Nudiviridae, Hytrosaviridae, Nimaviridae (Whispovirus), the Nimaviridae family, can be found in all decapod crus-
and Malacoherpesviridae, and small DNA viruses includ- taceans in many locations throughout the world, but is
ing family Parvoviridae (Densoviriae), Bidnaviridae, and best known for causing disease with significant morbidity
Circoviridae are important pathogens of aquatic and terres- and mortality in several species of aquacultured penaeid
trial invertebrates. shrimp. Characteristic gross lesions are white spots in the
Herpes-like viral infections of larval and juvenile carapace. Depending on the severity, the spots can coalesce
Pacific oyster caused by oyster herpes virus 1 microvar- to form extensive areas of white discoloration across the
iant (OsHV-1 µv), have resulted in disease and high carapace. Microscopically, the virus infects ectodermal and
1030 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

­ esodermal tissues and forms large, eosinophilic to baso-

m epithelium, hematopoietic tissues, and connective tissue;
philic inclusions in hypertrophic nuclei resulting in necro- but not tissues of endoderm-derived organs (hepatopan-
sis of infected cells (Fig. 41.9). White spots in the cuticle creas and gut epithelium, etc.). Histologically it causes
are due to infection and necrosis of the underlying cuticular multifocal acute necrosis of the cuticular epithelium and
epithelium. The virus is very stable in dead tissues and sur- dermis (Lightener and Brock, 1987) (Fig. 41.11). The
vives freezing (Reville, 2005). Heavy infections have been disease first occurred in the 1992 in Ecuador and is now
reported in other decapods without marked disease. Gross found in shrimp farms throughout the world however, evi-
and microscopic findings combined with disease outbreaks dence indicates some strains of the virus were acquired
and molecular identification of the virus are used in diag- from wild broodstock in waters not contiguous with the
nosis. In addition to cultured shrimp, the virus has been Americas (Tang et al., 2012).
responsible for disease outbreaks in semicultured crayfish Monodon baculovirus (MBV) disease (also Penaeus
in Louisiana (Baumgartner et al., 2005). Numerous other monodon-type baculovirus), (USDA reportable disease),
crustaceans and aquatic insects are thought to be carriers/ occurs in various species of cultured penaeid shrimp and
reservoirs of the virus. is found in global shrimp culture (Bower et al., 1994). The
Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus can be horizontally transmitted in water contaminated
(IHHN) (OIE reportable disease) is a densovirus (brevi- with broodstock feces and also appears to be vertically
densovirus) in the Parvoviridae family. IHHN causes
acute disease with high mortality in juvenile and subadult
aquacultured blue shrimp. Infected animals exhibit abnor-
mal behavior in the water column and irregular white to
buff colored spots are seen through the carapace. Chronic
infections resulting in poor growth and deformities, such
as bent bodies, deformed rostrums, and wrinkled antennae
cause runt-deformity syndrome (RDS) in white shrimp
(Ganjoor, 2015; Lightner, 2006). Histologically, eosino-
philic intranuclear inclusions are noted in the cuticular
epithelium and other ectodermal and mesodermal origin
tissues in acute outbreaks (Fig. 41.10). Inclusions are not
identified in chronic disease and diagnosis in these cases is
usually accomplished using molecular methods.
Taura syndrome virus (TSV; Discistroviridae family
Aparavirus genus (OIE reportable disease) infects sev-
eral shrimp species. It causes disease primarily in newly
metamorphosed, postlarval (PL) aquacultured blue and FIGURE 41.10  Infectious hypodermal and hepatopancreatic necro-
white shrimp; however, larger shrimp may develop disease sis virus in shrimp. Throughout the cuticular epithelium there are numer-
if not previously exposed. The virus infects the c­ uticular ous eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions.

FIGURE 41.9  White spot disease in shrimp. Within the cuticular epitheli- FIGURE 41.11  Taura syndrome virus in shrimp. The cuticular epithe-
um, hypertrophied nuclei contain large eosinophilic to basophilic inclusions. lium (right) demonstrates characteristic acute necrosis.
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1031

transmitted (Kanjanasopa et al., 2015). The disease causes lamellae, subcutaneous connective tissue, gut, antennal
slow growth, decreased feeding, lethargy, and gill fouling. gland, gonads, and nervous system (nerve tracts and gan-
Mortality can be high in late larval to postmetamorphic glia). Histologic lesions include characteristic deeply baso-
juvenile shrimp (Bower et al., 1994). Adults generally do philic cytoplasmic inclusions approximately 2 µm in size
not express disease. Heavily infected larvae and early juve- or smaller. The lymphoid organ, stomach, and gills are the
niles exhibit a white midgut that is visible through the thin best locations for detection of inclusions. Lymphoid organ
abdominal carapace and have an enlarged hepatopancreas. necrosis may also be seen. Confirmation is through in situ
Histologically, the enlarged hepatopancreatic or midgut hybridization along with RT-PCR and sequencing.
epithelial cell nuclei contain eosinophilic triangular inclu- Infectious myonecrosis of shrimp (OIE reportable dis-
sions (paracrystalline occlusion bodies) with marginated ease), is caused by a double stranded RNA totivirus and
chromatin (Fig. 41.12). Necrosis and sloughing of the epi- causes significant mortalities in juvenile and adult farmed
thelium follows. These paracrystalline inclusions may also Pacific white shrimp. Pacific blue shrimp and black tiger
be detected in squash preparations of the dissected hepa- shrimp have been infected experimentally. Disease out-
topancreas or in the feces stained with malachite green breaks may follow stressful events, such as feeding, capture,
­(Kanjanasopa et al., 2015). or sudden environmental changes (salinity, temperature).
Gross and histologic findings are similar to those seen with
white tail disease of shrimp. Animals present acutely with
RNA Viruses
focal to locally extensive white areas in the striated muscles
Yellow head disease of shrimp (YHD) (OIE reportable that correspond to areas of necrosis. The distal abdominal
disease) is caused by yellow head virus (YHV), gill- segments and tail fan are the most severely affected and can
associated virus (GAD) and six other closely related viral become necrotic and red in some shrimp. The primary tar-
strains. YHV is related to nidoviruses in the Coronaviri- get organs are striated muscle (skeletal and less often car-
dae and Arteriviridae families. GAD is considered a new diac), connective tissue, hemocytes, and lymphoid organ
member of the genus Okavirus (Lightner et al., 2012). Both parenchyma. Histologic lesions include coagulation to lytic
are ssRNA viruses in the family Roniviridae. YHV is pri- necrosis frequently accompanied by edema and hemocyte
marily seen in Asia while GAD is reported in Australian infiltration in affected striated muscle. With chronicity,
shrimp farming facilities. There are no confirmed cases of inflamed muscle fibers are replaced by fibrocytes and con-
YHV in the Americas. YHV is potentially lethal to most nective tissue interspersed with hemocytes and regenerat-
cultured penaeid shrimp strains. Mass mortality occurs in ing muscle fibrils. A consistent finding is hypertrophy of
the early to late juvenile stages. Gross lesions are character- the lymphoid organ caused by accumulation of lymphoid
ized by bleaching of the carapace and yellow discoloration organ spheroids and spheroids in ectopic locations (gills,
of the cephalothorax due to the abnormally yellow hepato- heart, antennal gland, and ventral nerve cord). Transmis-
pancreas. The hepatopancreas is frequently soft in affected sion can occur horizontally through cannibalism. Vertical
animals when compared to healthy shrimp. YHV targets transmission is suspected in carriers. Confirmation and dif-
the lymphoid organ, hemocytes, hematopoietic tissue, gill ferentiation from white tail disease requires a combination
of nested PCR or ISH and histopathology (Nibert, 2007;
OIE, 2013; Poulos et al., 2006).
Two agents, Macrobranchium rosenbergii nodavirus
(MrNV) and extra small virus (XSV) cause white tail
disease of shrimp, an OIE reportable disease that causes
severe mortalities in larval and postlarval giant freshwater
prawn. Early juveniles are also susceptible while adults
are resistant and can act as carriers. Target organs include
gill, muscles of the head, heart and abdomen, ovaries, pleo-
pod and tail muscle. Transmission via horizontal routes is
reported in hatcheries and a vertical route of infection is
suspected from carrier animals. Hosts include artemia and
aquatic insects. Clinical signs include lethargy, opaque
abdominal musculature, degeneration of the uropods, and
telson with up to 100% mortality in 4 days. Histologically,
striated muscle of the cephalothorax, abdomen, and tail
FIGURE 41.12  Monodon baculovirus disease in shrimp. Within the
demonstrate acute necrosis characterized by hyaline degen-
hepatopancreatic tubules are characteristic eosinophilic triangular intra- eration, necrosis and lysis, and intramuscular edema. Large
nuclear inclusions. oval or irregular basophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies,
1032 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

1–4 µm diameter, are present in the muscles of the abdo- results in two distinct syndromes, both of which can be pres-
men, cephalothorax, and interstitium of the hepatopancreas. ent in affected colonies to varying degrees. Bees with type 1
Diagnostic confirmation includes RT-PCR, dot-blot hybrid- syndrome are unable to fly, often crawl on the ground or up
ization, in situ hybridization, and ELISA testing (Hameed plant stems, and may form masses of thousands of affected
and Bonami, 2012; Widada et al., 2004). animals that huddle together on top of the cluster in the
Caribbean spiny lobsters, an important commercially hive. Affected animals develop severe abdominal swelling
fished species, are endemically infected with Panulirus secondary to distention of the honey sac with fluid. Symp-
argus virus 1 (PaV1). Infection occurs by water exposure tomatic animals die within a few days. In severely affected
and contact is potentiated by the behavior of these gregari- colonies there can be sudden colony collapse at the height of
ous lobsters. High mortality (>40%) can develop in infected summer leaving only the queen and a few workers remain-
juveniles. Uninfected lobsters can detect infected juveniles ing. Type 2 syndrome has several names (black robbers,
and behaviorally segregate themselves from infected ani- little blacks, and hairless black syndrome) that all reflect
mals. Adults appear to be resistant to the ­disease but that the characteristic loss of hairs on the body, which causes the
may be partially behaviorally based. Grossly, juvenile animals to appear dark to almost black and shiny or greasy.
lobsters are lethargic before death and have milky hemo- They are smaller than healthy animals, have a broad abdo-
lymph that does not clot (Fig. 41.13A). Microscopically men and can fly initially but are attacked by healthy bees
large eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions with marginated in the colony and become flightless, develop body tremors,
chromatin can be found in the fixed hemocytes of the hepa- and die. The virus is neurotropic and in situ hybridization
topancreas (Fig. 41.13B) and connective tissues through- has demonstrated infection and replication within neurons
out the body as well as in circulating hemocytes. Infection of somata and neuropile regions of the protocerebron and
causes destruction and hemocytopenia as the disease pro- deuterocerebron. Targeted neurons in portions of the brain
gresses (Behringer et al., 2011). include the mushroom bodies and central complex, which
The most significant viral pathogens of honey bees are are involved in sensory processing, learning, memory stor-
chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV), deformed wing virus age, control of motor patterns, locomotor control and orien-
(DWV), and viruses of the family Dicistroviridae: acute tation behavior, and the antennal lobes which have primary
bee paralysis virus (ABPV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), and sensory function (Olivier et al., 2008; Ribière et al., 2010).
Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV). The honey bee mite Histopathologic lesions other than localization of viral
Varroa destructor is an important vector of these viruses. replication in these regions are not described. A two step
Chronic bee paralysis (CBP) is caused by a unique virus RT-PCR test with a fluorescent probe to quantify viral load
with a fragmented positive-stranded RNA genome com- has been described (Blanchard et al., 2008, 2007). Viral
posed of two major RNAs. It shares some characteristics spread is horizontal and associated with host density within
with Nodaviridae and Tombusviridae family viruses, but the hive. Confinement and crowding of bees due to poor
is considered as the type species of a new group of posi- weather conditions, or increased bee colony density within
tive-stranded RNA viruses (Ribière et al., 2010). Infection areas of limited foraging promote viral spread. Increased

FIGURE 41.13  Panulirus argus virus 1 in Caribbean spiny lobster. (A) Milky white discoloration of the hemolymph characteristic of affected
animals. (B) Histologically large eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies are present throughout the fixed hemocytes of the hepatopancreas. (Photos
Courtesy of J. Shields, Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1033

bee contact due to crowding results in cuticle abrasion and

transmission (Genersch, 2010).
Until recently there were no described viruses of echi-
noderms. Metagenomic studies in three species of healthy
urchins from Hawaii and five species of sea stars recovered
viral sequences matching single stranded DNA densovi-
ruses (family Parvoviridae). Densoviruses have received
a great deal of attention due to their association with sea
star wasting disease (discussed previously) (Gudenkauf
et al., 2014; Hewson et al., 2014). However, to date, no
studies have confirmed a location of viral replication or the
presence of densoviral particles in association with lesions
of wasting disease.

FIGURE 41.14  Bacterial sepsis in a greenbottle blue tarantula. He-
Bacterial infections in invertebrates are common particu- mocytes within the pericardium (bottom) and ventricular lumen (top left)
larly in situations where other environmental factors (abnor- contain cytoplasmic aggregates of small bacilli consistent with circulating
mal temperature, biofouling, and toxins) contribute to bacteremia.
debilitation. The respiratory apparatus and digestive system
are primary targets in hexapods and arthropods. The epider- factors to the development and progression of disease. Vib-
mis and body wall are most frequently affected in echino- rio shiloi causes the death of endosymbiotic zooxanthella
derms. Gram-negative bacteria, often mixed populations, within the gastrodermis. Vibrio coralliilyticus causes tissue
are frequently identified. However, filter feeding bivalves lysis due to the synthesis of a potent metalloproteinase at
can accumulate large numbers of bacteria from surround- temperatures above 26ºC. Gross lesions in V. shiloi infection
ing sea water and can act as passive carriers, therefore it is include multifocal areas of loss of pigmentation particularly
important to consider that a positive culture does not neces- in colonies in shallow water at depths of 1–6 m. Histologic
sarily correlate with disease (Lauckner, 1983). Gross lesions lesions confirm large aggregates of bacteria at the border
are often not apparent in arthropods and mollusks. In echi- between affected and unaffected tissue and surrounding
noderms, particularly sea urchin, multifocal loss of spines, released zooxanthellae on the tissue surface. Transmission
pedicellaria, and tube feet, epidermal ulceration with swell- electron microscope (TEM) images demonstrate intracel-
ing of the epidermis at the tissue margin, and black discol- lular bacteria within the ectoderm, vacuolar change in the
oration of the exposed test are evident, a condition known gastrodermis, and degeneration of zooxanthellae. Gross
as bald urchin disease (Becker et al., 2008; Maes and Jan- lesions in V. coralliilyticus infection include white patches,
goux, 1984). Histopathology associated with invertebrate typically starting on the outgrowth/polyp extensions of the
bacterial infections may include multifocal lamellar necrosis branch and later become confluent. Tissue lysis results in
in the gills or book lungs, multifocal necrosis and hemo- exposure of the underlying skeleton. Scanning electron
cyte infiltration in the digestive gland, multifocal necrosis microscopy (SEM) confirms high numbers of rod-shaped
and hemocyte infiltration in the connective tissue, and in bacteria on the surface, below the necrotic tissue and on the
cases of sepsis bacteria present within circulating hemocytes zooxanthellae. (Woodley et al., 2016).
(Fig. 41.14). Histologic lesions associated with bald urchin Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (also called
disease include multifocal epidermal necrosis, disorganiza- early mortality syndrome) of penaeid shrimp is caused by
tion of the skeletal muscle, coelomocyte infiltration, and the a unique strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus that produces
presence of mats of bacteria with frequent secondary invad- a plasmid-encoded toxin. Grossly, the hepatopancreas,
ers (i.e., ciliates, algae, and fungi) (Gilles and Pearse, 1985). which usually appears brown, appears white when exam-
Vibrios are Gram-negative, motile bacilli that are wide- ined through the carapace (
spread in coastal and estuarine environments. Some spe- tions/health/disease-cards/ahpnd-disease-card-2014.pdf).
cies comprise serious pathogens of aquatic invertebrates. Microscopically, infection results in acute necrosis of the
­Vibrio-induced bleaching is one of the few coral diseases for hepatopancreatic tubular epithelium, sloughing of degen-
which Koch’s postulates have been fulfilled. Two examples erate cells into the lumen of the tubules, marked intratu-
include bacterial bleaching of Oculina patagonica due to bular hemocytic inflammation, and late development of a
Vibrio shiloi and coral bleaching and lysis in Pocillopora secondary massive bacterial infection (Tran et al., 2013).
damicornis and Paramuricea clavata due to Vibrio coral- In addition to gross and microscopic findings, molecular
liilyticus. Environmental temperature and nutrients are risk methods to detect the gene responsible for toxin production
1034 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

have been developed. ( may result in adhesions of the old shell to the new, inability
eng/Internationa_Standard_Setting/docs/pdf/Aquatic_ to completely molt and mortality. If an animal can molt suc-
Commission/A_AAC_March_2015.pdf). cessfully, there are generally no indications it was affected
Brown ring disease caused by Vibrio tapetis predomi- before molting. No significant internal tissue changes are
nant 1 (Vibrio P1) causes severe disease and mortality in noted in animals without ulcerations. Affected berried
aquacultured Manila clams in Europe. Cockles and other females, who usually carry eggs (berries) on the ventral
bivalves in affected areas are infected but do not show dis- abdomen for 9–12 months, will molt early; early molt and
ease. Grossly, brown rings of conchiolin are observed at the egg loss are partly responsible for decreased lobster pro-
edges of the pallial line and the edge of the shell. Micro- duction in diseased areas. The cause of ESD has not been
scopically, the brown rings are composed of a mixture of determined but evidence suggests that elevated water tem-
necrotic periostracum and inner poorly formed layers of peratures at the time of molting (Glenn and Pugh, 2006)
the prismatic and nacreous shell along with hemocytes and the occurrence of specific types of bacteria (Aquima-
and other cell debris from the mantle. It appears that the rina homaria and others) in the lesions are important in the
­bacteria attach at the palladial line—an area where the shell development of the disease (Chistoserdov et al., 2012).
epithelium of the outer mantle lobe detaches from the shell Other forms of shell disease described in American lob-
(Paillard and Maes, 1995). Disease is associated with colder sters are enzootic shell disease (EnSD), which is similar
temperatures (4ºC) and is not noted at temperatures above to ESD, but is rarely found in fished populations and is of
22ºC. In animals that recover, nacre covers the inner surface unknown cause, black spot disease which presents as focal
of the shell lesion forming an irregularity in the inner shell to focally extensive deep black erosions that develop sec-
surface, a process termed nacrezation, and circumferential ondary to carapace trauma, and impoundment shell dis-
growth can then continue. While soft tissue lesions are not ease (ISD). ESD can be grossly distinguished in early stages
noted with this disease, a decrease in glycogen occurs and from ISD when ISD has not yet spread across the surface of
may be the cause of mass mortalities in the stressful winter the shell (Smolowitz et al., 1992). Early ISD begins around
period. Disease caused by V. tapetis has been noted in fish the bilaterally symmetrically positioned tegmental gland
in areas where infected clams are found (Paillard, 2004). ducts and sensory hairs and therefore lesions are bilaterally
Shell disease is a general term used in reference to any symmetrical; ESD lesions are not. In all three of these dis-
crustacean with carapace erosions. In the American lobster, eases bacteria are frequently cultured from lesions, but are
epizootic shell disease (ESD) has recently been identi- considered secondary invaders not primary pathogens.
fied (Fig. 41.15) and is common in wild caught American Gaffkemia (red tail) in lobster is caused by the bac-
lobsters along the northeast US coast (specifically Massa- terium, Aerococcus viridans. This Gram positive polysac-
chusetts and Rhode Island) (Smolowitz et al., 2005). The charide capsule producing coccus forms tetrads and infects
disease begins as deep erosions on the dorsal cephalotho- American and European lobsters. Most infections occur
racic carapace in late summer (a few months after molting). through breaks in the carapace during molting. The bac-
Lesions progress both laterally across the carapace surface teria proliferate in the open vascular system of the lobster
and into deeper layers of the carapace, and can result in (Fig. 41.16). Grossly, infected animals are lethargic and the
ulcerations into the underlying carapace epithelium and arthrodial membranes on the ventrum of the tail as well as
dermis with significant dermal inflammation. Ulceration hemolymph samples are pink to red. Hemocytopenia even-
tually occurs and the vascular system is filled with tetrads
of bacteria. The bacteria do not cause direct organ necro-
sis in chronic disease, rather tissues atrophy. The increased
density of captured lobsters maintained in impoundment/
holding areas at >16°C is considered a contributory factor
to disease development. The disease is not seen in recently
caught wild animals. Gram stains of hemolymph and his-
tologic examination are commonly used diagnostic meth-
ods as is culture of the bacteria. Oxytetracycline has been
approved by the United States Food and Drug Administra-
tion (FDA) for use in treatment of this disease.
Necrotizing hepatopancreatitis (NHP) is an OIE
reportable disease that causes high mortalities in penaeid
shrimp. It is caused by a Gram-negative, dimorphic
intracellular rickettsia-like organism (RLO; unclassi-
FIGURE 41.15  Epizootic shell disease in an American lobster.
fied alphaproteobacterium) that targets the tubular cells
Throughout the dorsal cephalothoracic carapace and extending along the so- of the hepatopancreas. Based on genome sequencing
mites are extensive, frequently coalescent areas of severe cuticular erosion. information, the name Hepatobacterium penaei has been
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1035

FIGURE 41.16  Gaffkemia in an American lobster. The vascular spac- FIGURE 41.17  Necrotizing hepatopancreatitis in shrimp. Within the
es throughout the hepatopancreas are distended and filled with bacteria hepatopancreatic interstitium are numerous hemocytic infiltrates that sur-
(Aerococcus viridans). round aggregates of the rickettsia-like organism. Adjacent tubules are di-
lated and contain luminal hemocytes.
proposed. Early in infection small, pleomorphic, intra-
cytoplasmic bacteria are present in the apical cytoplasm field diagnosis. A month after the ropy phase, the larval
or fill hepatopancreatic tubular epithelial cells resulting material dries to a hard, dark scale (foulbrood scale) tightly
in cellular hypertrophy of individual to small patches of adhered to the lower cell wall (De Graaf et al., 2006). The
cells. Later in infection, there is more prominent tubular scale contains millions of spores that are a source of disease
epithelial cell hypertrophy or epithelial attenuation with transmission between colonies and can remain infectious for
tubular dilation. Hemocytic infiltrates are present and more than 35 years and withstand heat, cold, drought, and
tubular necrosis is mild and typically affects distal tubular humidity. Bacterial spores are transmitted orally by nurse
segments. At the end stage of disease, there are linear areas bees or via spore contamination at the base of a brood cell
of tubular epithelial necrosis that extend to the medial and (OIE, 2008). Transmission via hive contamination neces-
proximal segments. Necrotic tubules are collapsed, contain sitates hive destruction by burning to prevent subsequent
luminal hemocytes, and have a hyalinized and fragmented transmission from colony to colony. Spores are infectious
basement membrane. Melanization and lamellar peritu- only to larvae, which are most susceptible 12–36 h after
bular interstitial fibrosis is present and remaining tubules hatch. These spores pass through the foregut and germinate
demonstrate moderate to severe dilation and epithelial in the midgut where they colonize the epithelium and mas-
attenuation (Fig. 41.17). The RLO are Gram-negative but sively proliferate, eventually filling the lumen, penetrating
discrete organisms are best seen by Steiners staining (Fre- the peritrophic membrane, and passing through the epi-
lier et al., 1992). Elevated temperature (near 30ºC) and thelium to the hemocoel. Histologic lesions include initial
elevated salinity [30 ppt (part per thousand)] contribute to vacuolation and eventual lytic necrosis of the midgut epi-
disease occurrence. Diagnosis is confirmed by PCR (Loy thelium. Diagnosis is based on confirmation of the bacte-
et al., 1996; Nunan et al., 2008). ria and clinical signs either through direct testing of colony
Two of the most economically important bacterial dis- material or following specialized culture with Paenibacillus
eases in honeybees are American and European foulbrood, larvae agar (PLA), MYPGP agar, BHIT agar, and Columbia
both of which are reportable to OIE (Forsgren, 2010). sheep agar. A conventional PCR test for rapid confirmation
American foulbrood is a bacterial infection of the larval and identification after culture and a nested PCR that allows
stages of the honey bee (Apis mellifera and other Apis spe- for direct analysis of spore solutions are also useful in con-
cies) by the Gram-positive, spore forming bacillus Paeni- firming infection. Colony samples should consist either of
bacillus larvae. It occurs worldwide. Gross lesions consist a section of comb (20 cm2) containing affected brood cells
of a mottled appearance of the colony due to a mixture of or collection of affected larval remains with a sterile swab.
healthy capped, unhealthy uncapped, and empty brood cells Smears made at the apiary can be used to confirm diagnosis
(OIE, 2008). Capped cells containing infected larvae are through the presence of characteristic small Gram-positive
moist and dark colored and become concave and puncture bacilli both singly and in chains, or with carbol fuchin stain-
as infection progresses. Affected larvae change color from ing of larval smears which highlights the spores. Appropri-
creamy white to brown, and develop a semifluid, glue-like ate sampling techniques, storage, shipping, and testing are
consistency (ropy stage) that can be drawn out as a thread described in the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vac-
with a probe or matchstick, and can serve as a method of cines for Terrestrial Mammals, 2017.
1036 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

European foulbrood of honey bees caused by (Melis- digestive tissues stained with the nucleic acid-specific fluo-
sococcus plutonius) is the most widespread brood disease rochrome Hoechst 33258. Pedal atrophy is characterized by a
in England and has broad distribution that includes most diffuse decrease in the size of skeletal muscle fibrils with sec-
locations where apiculture is practiced except New Zealand ondary wide separation of the fibrils by extracellular matrix
(Forsgren, 2010). The name is derived from the foul odor material. Transmission is likely fecal-oral and early infection
associated with infected colonies. This disease results in the is located in the posterior esophagus and to a lesser extent in
death of larvae at 4–5 days of age predominantly in unsealed the intestine. The pathophysiology of the disease is physio-
broods. Gross diagnostic features during colony assessment logic starvation secondary to the digestive gland changes that
include dead larvae that are not in their normal coiled posi- result in depletion of glycogen reserves, catabolic changes in
tion but are instead stretched lengthwise within the cell or the pedal musculature, muscular and digestive gland atrophy,
twisted along the walls, and a distinct larval color change and ultimately death (Friedman et al., 2000).
from normal white-tan to yellow, progressing to brown, Diagnosis of WS requires consistent gross lesions with
and finally black-gray as larvae decompose. Some larvae confirmation of RLP infection either by histopathology
die in sealed cells resulting in sinking of the cap, similar to or in situ hybridization (method of choice) coupled with
American foul brood. M. plutonius is a microaerophilic to PCR (conventional and quantitative) and sequence analy-
anaerobic, Gram-positive, lanceolate coccus found singly, sis (Antonio et al., 2000; Crosson et al., 2014; Friedman
in pairs and in chains. Secondary/concurrent bacterial infec- et al., 2000). Definitive diagnosis of WS must be conducted
tion is common and can lead to misdiagnosis of other bacte- according to World Organization of Animal Health (OIE)
rial etiologic agents. Pathogenesis includes ingestion of the standards in the Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic
bacterium with contaminated food followed by rapid prolif- Animals (OIE, 2013).
eration within the larval midgut. Although not all infected A second RLP, the stippled RLP (ST-RLP) has been
larvae may be killed, those that survive infection are stunted identified in California abalone but at this time it is consid-
compared to uninfected animals. Confirmation of infection ered nonpathogenic and is found in tissues only at low lev-
can be made through smear preparations of larvae showing els. A phage hyperparasite of the WS-RLP has been detected
gross lesions or with a rapid detection kit. that may reduce the pathogenicity of the bacterium. WS-
Withering syndrome (WS) is an OIE reportable, fatal RLP and ST-RLP the phage variant can be differentiated by
disease of abalone caused by the rickettsiales-like pro- light microscopy based on their differential staining proper-
karyote (WS-RLP) Candidatus xenohaliotis californiensis ties on routine HE staining and the cytoplasmic location of
(Friedman et al., 2000; Gardner et al., 1995). All members the inclusion (Crosson et al., 2014; Friedman et al., 2014).
of the genus Haliotus in free ranging, cultured and labora- Roseovarious oyster disease (ROD, also known as
tory settings can develop infection although susceptibil- juvenile oyster disease, JOD) is caused by an alpha-pro-
ity varies by species. Black and white abalone populations teobacteria, Roseovarius crassosstreae. The bacterium
suffer severe mortality, with only moderate mortality seen infects juvenile eastern oysters and causes significant accu-
in red abalone and little to no mortality seen in free rang- mulation of flaky/mucoid conchiolin between the membra-
ing pink and green abalone (Friedman et al., 2007; Moore nous mantle and the nacre of the shell. Affected animals
et al., 2009, 2001). The disease is most prominent in free show cupping of the left valve and shortening of the right
ranging and cultured populations along the Pacific coast valve with death of affected animals (often >90%) within
from central California through Baja California, Mexico, but 6 weeks of initial signs of infection. The disease was first
the geographical range is broad due to global culture of red identified in 2002 and is noted sporadically in aquacultured
abalone and secondary exposure of native species. Infected juvenile oysters in the northeastern United States from
abalone are known to have been transported to Chile, China, Maine to New York. Histologically, mantle epithelium pro-
Taiwan, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Spain, Thailand, and Japan. gresses from a hyperplastic/hypertrophic condition to ulcer-
External gross lesions include poor body condition and foot ation of the shell epithelium of the mantle with buildup of
muscle atrophy following a clinical period of anorexia and debris (conchiolin) between the ulcerated mantle and the
lethargy. Internal gross lesions include retraction of the vis- shell. Increases in hemocyte numbers are noted throughout
ceral tissues and digestive gland atrophy. On ­histopathology, all tissues in early to mid-disease stages. This agent prolif-
the target organ is the digestive tract. Organisms invade the erates in juvenile oysters less than 25 mm in shell height and
epithelium of the posterior esophagus and digestive gland only in seawater greater than 21ºC and salinity between 25
causing epithelial hypertrophy, necrosis, and low cuboidal and 32 ppt. Larger juveniles show signs of the infection but
to squamous epithelial metaplasia. Deeply basophilic, api- survive the disease. Diagnostics include characteristic gross
cal cytoplasmic bacterial colonies form inclusions that range lesions, histological evaluation of tissues, and PCR identi-
from approximately 10–20 µm diameter and are evident in fication of the bacteria from infected oyster tissues. Resis-
affected digestive tissue on routinely stained sections. WS- tance to the disease appears to develop in the F1 generation
RLP inclusions are also detectable on squash preparations of by using survivors as broodstock (Boettcher et al., 2005).
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1037

Fungi and Algae staining helps with identification. Histological sections are
also diagnostic. Molecular methods are available but due to
Fungal infections, similar to bacterial infections, are com-
the many strains of fungus, may not be accurate.
mon in situations where other environmental disruption
Fungal, algal, and cyanobacterial diseases are common
(abnormal temperature, biofouling, toxins) also contributes
causes of exoskeletal and respiratory disease in Atlantic
to debilitation. Microsporidia are important pathogens of
horseshoe crabs. Green algal (chlorophycophytal) infec-
invertebrates, infecting host groups from all major taxa in
tion of the carapace is one of the most common diseases in
all environments. Of the genera identified to date, nearly
wild and captive animals. It causes severe pitting and defor-
half infect aquatic organisms including 50 genera in aquatic
mity of the dorsal exoskeleton, eyes (ocelli), arthrodial mem-
arthropods and 21 genera in aquatic, nonarthropod inver-
branes, and the base of the telson resulting in shell deformity,
tebrates (Dubuffet et al., 2013; Stentiford et al., 2013).
abnormal molting, end stage eye disease, and full thickness
They cause significant morbidity and mortality in beneficial
perforation of the carapace. Lesions have a characteristic
insects (pollinators), farmed Crustacea and in some cases
dark green color. Histologically, there is multifocal erosion
are used as biological control for insect pests. Horizontal
of the cuticle with rhizoidal processes of algal zygotes seen
and vertical transmissions are both possible. Though most
extending between the chitin laminae of the carapace. These
major organ and tissue types can be affected, infection is
lesions can be full thickness, penetrating the carapace, and
typically restricted to one organ, tissue, or cell type in an
infiltrating the internal viscera and creating portals for sec-
individual. Regardless of tissue type, histologically micro-
ondary bacterial infections. Histomorphology in one study
sporidia are evident in large numbers in the host cell cyto-
identified the algae as being from the family Ulvaceae
plasm. Some form sporophorous vesicles, a barrier between
(Braverman et al., 2012). Fungal infections are an issue seen
the parasite and the host cell cytoplasm. Host cells are fre-
primarily in managed care when animals are housed without
quently hypertrophied. Xenoma formation occurs in numer-
sand substrate and can have similar lesions to those previ-
ous hosts and tissue types.
ously described with algal infection (Fig. 41.18A,B). Infec-
Crayfish plaque (also Crayfish aphanomyciasis, La tion primarily targets the book gills and operculum resulting
Peste etc.) (Edgerton et al., 2002; Longshaw, 2011) is a in thickening and yellow discoloration of the cuticle and
fungal disease primarily of the carapace (cuticle) of many book gill leaflets. Ultimately there is extensive necrosis of
species of crayfish. It is caused by the Oomycetes (water the book gill lamellae with extensive tissue loss. Cyano-
mold), Aphanomyces astaci. The fungus infects through bacterial gill disease due to filamentous blue-green algae
small breaks in the arthrodial membranes primarily at (Oscillatoria spp.) can also colonize the thin chitinous book
molting and proliferates within the carapace tissues. Gross gill lamellae. Gross lesions include swelling and rupture of
lesions include dark brown-black (melanized) or white to gill leaflets and extensive tissue necrosis and loss (Smith and
brown spots and patches on the arthrodial membranes of the Berkson, 2005) (Fig. 41.19A). Lesions in fungal and cya-
ventral cephalothorax and abdomen. The fungus is highly nobacterial gill disease are histologically similar. Gill leaf-
branched, approximately 7 µm to 9 µm in width, and non- lets are expanded by increased numbers of hemocytes that
septate. Spore formation is absent until late stages of infec- frequently form large aggregates obstructing the lumen of
tion. Examination of wet mounts with and without Giemsa the leaflet (Fig. 41.19B). Distal to these aggregates ­leaflets

FIGURE 41.18  Fungal infection of the ocellus and gill in an Atlantic horseshoe crab. (A) The ocellus and surrounding carapace are multifocally
eroded and an irregular white-tan plaque covers the local surface. (B) Within the gill lamellae there are multifocal areas of white discoloration, regional
lamellar thickening and necrosis.
1038 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

FIGURE 41.19  Cyanobacterial gill disease in an Atlantic horseshoe crab. (A) Gross lesions include black discoloration of the gill lamellae, lamellar
swelling, and multifocal lamellar necrosis. (B) Histologically a thick mat of cyanobacteria covers the lamellar surfaces and the lamellar vascular spaces
are infiltrated and obstructed by hemocyte aggregates.

often show signs of regional necrosis similar to embolic dis- Chalk brood of honey bees due to the fungus Asco-
ease. With fungal disease, hyphae are present both within sphaera apis typically affects colonies in the spring during
the sinuses as well as penetrating through the gill leaflets. cool and humid weather conditions and affects larval stages
With cyanobacterial gill disease, thick mats of organisms fre- exclusively. Larvae typically die before pupation, which
quently coat both surfaces of individual leaflets. affects colony populations. Infection is spread through the
Aspergillosis of sea fan corals (Gorgonia spp.) due to colony by food contaminated with fungal spores (asco-
infection with the Aspergillus sydowii causes mild morbid- spores). Ascospores germinate in the midgut of infected
ity to severe localized mortality events in the Caribbean larvae and the fungus invades the viscera. White masses
(Alker et al., 2001; Kim et al., 2006). Gross lesions affect of mycelia are visible through the skin of infected larvae
primarily the fan portion of the colony and include multifo- and eventually break through the posterior end of the lar-
cal tissue loss, distinct purple discoloration of the viable tis- vae after death. Following death, hyphae cover the entire
sue at lesion margins, and large nodular growths (galls) on cadaver growing from the posterior end toward the head
the fan of otherwise normally pigmented and intact colonies. (Aronstein and Holloway, 2013).
Lesions characteristically occur away from the colony edge
along major veins. The purple discoloration is the result of Metazoa
increased production of purple sclerites (skeletal elements),
a nonspecific response to exposure to biotic agents. Histo- Invertebrates serve as intermediate hosts for a wide variety
logic lesions include fungal infiltration, tissue necrosis, and of metazoan parasites. Pleurocercoids (intermediate forms
extension of fungal elements into the axial skeleton. Granu- of tapeworms) of Callibothrium verticallis are found in the
lar amoebocyte infiltration and melanization often surround anterior midgut ceca of Pagurus spp. The final host is the
fungal hyphae. The margin between infected and healthy dogshark. Pleurocercoids cause significant damage to the
tissue is devoid of coral polyps and has a lower density of blind ended tubules of the glands and cause severe necro-
zooxanthella (Smith et al., 1998). Stressors, such as ele- sis, rupture, and secondary bacterial infections that lead
vated temperature and nutrient pollution likely contribute to to death (Smolowitz et al., 1993). Numerous pleuroceroid
disease development (Woodley et al., 2016). larvae can also be found in the cecal lumen of squid and
Algal infections are reported in echinoderms. Cocco- other cephalopods. Typhlitis secondary to pleuroceroid lar-
myxa ophiura infects two species of brittle stars (ophiu- vae has not been reported. Licnophora sp. (Phylum Cili-
rids) causing multifocal patches of subepidermal green ophora, Class Spirotichea) infest several genera of animals
discoloration along the aboral surface of the disc and rays. including gastropods with and without shells (limpets and
Histologically, the algae infiltrate the dermal and mutable sea hares) as well as seahorses, corals, clams, and others.
connective tissues of the body wall in the space between Their importance as a disease causing agent varies by host
the dermal ossicles. Lesions progress and coalesce resulting species and environmental conditions, which may promote
in epidermal necrosis, dissolution of the dermal ossicles, their sometimes opportunistic, nature.
infiltration of the connective tissue, and ossicles with algal Nematode infections of arachnids are restricted to the
cells and eventually ray autotomy. A similar disease process Mermithidae family. At least 51 species of spiders and
caused by C. astericola occurs in sea stars (Jangoux, 1986). harvestmen have been recorded as mermithid nematode
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1039

hosts across various habitats. Poinar provides a detailed

summary of recorded instances of mermithid infection in
arachnids (Poinar, 1985). Symptoms include abnormalities
in body size and shape including swelling of the opistho-
soma, altered epigynum, malformed palpi, legs that are
shorter and thicker than normal, and poorly developed
male secondary sexual characteristics. Coils of the para-
site may be visible through the integument as the nematode
eventually occupies the entire abdomen and occasion-
ally the cephalothorax. This results in the digestive gland
reduction or absence, and loss of the prosomatic muscles,
the entire digestive system, or the reproductive system
(Poinar, 1985).
Nematodes are also common endoparasites of milli-
pedes and are found across a similarly wide range of species
(Hopkin and Read, 1992). Rhabditiform and rhigonema- FIGURE 41.20  Rhabditiform nematode infection in the midgut of
tid nematodes have been recovered from fecal samples of a millipede. Extending from the mucosa deep into the submucosa is a
myriapods (Chitty, 2012). Although previously not thought dense hemocytic infiltrate surrounding innumerable cross sections of adult
to be pathogenic, nematodes with morphology consistent rhabditiform nematodes.
with rhigonematids have been documented to cause midgut
ulceration and transmural hemocytic inflammation in Puerto
Rican white and giant African millipedes (Fig. 41.20). At Dicyemids tend to infect cephalopod species that spend
necropsy, affected animals are also in thin body condition time in the benthic layer (primarily octopi and some spe-
with evidence of digestive gland atrophy. cies of cuttlefish). An inflammatory response is usually not
Shells of various invertebrates are often infested by associated with infection, but kidney necrosis and increased
various shell boring organisms. Some types of sponges debris in the renal sac may be seen in heavy infections
(Cliona spp.) infest the shells of bivalves, dissolving the (Furuya and Tsuneki, 2003).
shell and establishing colonies on the shell surface. Colo-
nization results in brittle, easily broken shells or pinpoint
round holes in the shell when the sponge is no longer
present. The shells of most bivalves and some other inver- Coccidia are global pathogens that affect a wide range of
tebrates, such as abalone, are infested by Polychaeta (Poly- organs and species of invertebrates. In gastropod mollusks,
dora spp. and Boccardia spp.) worms that borrow into the the renal coccidian Merocystis kathae has been reported in
matrix of the shells and form tunnels. Sand and mud is often dog whelks. Margolisiella haliotis is also often seen in the
found in the tunnels along with the worms and forms “mud renal epithelium (nephridium) of black, red, pink, green,
blisters” when the tunnel is viewed from the inner surface of flat, and pinto abalone concurrently affected with wasting
the bivalve shell. These tunnels occasionally serve as homes syndrome (González et al., 2014). These coccidia do not
for other invertebrates. typically result in gross lesions or morbidity. All develop-
Dicyemida (Rhombozoa) are a phylum of unusual mental stages include oocysts, macrogametes, microgameto-
organisms that may be related to round worms, although cytes, and meronts are evident on histopathology with no to
their life cycle is not similar. All life stages, vermiform moderate hemocytic nephridial infiltrates present ­(Friedman
embryos, nematogens, rhombogens, sexually produced lar- et al., 1995; González et al., 2014). All life stages exist
vae, and infusoriform embryos are found in the renal sacs within a parasitophorous vacuole. Transmission is direct and
surrounding the appendages (kidney) of cephalopods. The horizontal; the life cycle is completed within a single host.
number and maturity of the organisms parallels the age/ Many species of decopod crustaceans can be infected
growth of the cephalopod. Dicyemids are host-specific but with histophagous, holotrich ciliates causing bumper
more than one species of dicyemid may be found in the car disease, so called due to the shape of the organ-
same host. The method of infection is not known although ism. The most commonly diagnosed infection occurs in
it is suspected that the infusoriform larvae may both exit American lobster and is caused by Mugardia sp., but
and enter via the renal pore that empties into the mantle cav- other genera (Paranophrys sp., Anophrys sp., etc.) o­ ccur
ity. Dicyemids attach to the renal tubule/crypts of the renal in other ­decopods i­ncluding several crabs (Hibbits and
appendages that fill the lumen of the renal sac into which Sparks, 1983). The disease can be found in low prevalence
urine is deposited. Some species have also evolved to only in several types of decopods and only rarely causes severe
live in the sac surrounding the branchial heart appendage. disease in wild animals, typically in late winter/early spring.
1040 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

The method of entry appears to be through cuticular breaks filling the vascular spaces. Single nucleated amoeboid tro-
and may occur most commonly in the gills (Cawthorn phonts can be easily mistaken for hemocytes histologically
et al., 1996). Clinically, animals are lethargic. Histologi- and on examination of hemolymph samples. Diagnosis is
cally, when present in low abundance, the parasite is pri- by gross and histologic evaluation and molecular methods.
marily located in the sinusoids around the hepatopancreas. H. perezi can be diagnosed by staining a sample of hemo-
As the disease progresses, small granulomas/encapsu- lymph with oil red O, which results in lysosome staining
lations occur in several areas (including the gills) and in in the parasite but not in the hemocytes (Stentiford and
late stages, hemocytopenia occurs and abundant ciliates Shields, 2005).
may be found in the vascular system throughout the ani- Marteilia refringens belongs to the protozoan parasite
mal but especially in areas underlying the carapace. Direct phylum Paramyxea and causes Marteiliosis, an OIE report-
or Giemsa-stained examination of the hemolymph for the able disease. It causes significant disease in aquacultured
characteristic, active, ciliated, bumper car-shaped protozoa, and wild populations of European flat oysters on the west
or histologic examination are used for the diagnosis. Direct coast of Europe. However, other species of bivalve, includ-
or stained imprints of the hepatopancreas may detect early/ ing clams, scallops, and mussels can be infected with M.
light infections in lobsters. refringens, or a closely related species, in various parts of
Paramoebiasis in decopod crustaceans has been respon- the world. Associated morbidity and mortality vary greatly
sible for both endemic and epizootic disease and mortality in and some bivalve species may be carriers. Tissues of mor-
blue crabs and American lobsters. Paramoeba perniciosia bid animals are thin and edematous. Infection occurs via
infection occurs at molting. Lobsters may sustain a back- ingestion when a primary/stem cell enters the digestive sys-
ground infection without progression to mortality. Infec- tem and infects digestive gland epithelial cells forming a
tions of blue crabs lead to death and most mortality is noted “nurse cell.” Nurse cells undergo consecutive internal cleav-
in high density holding tanks in the fall and winter (John- age to produce 8–16 intracellular sporonts, each containing
son, 1977; Newman and Ward, 1973). Grossly, crabs show 4 spores and a few refringent bodies that can be seen histo-
gray and lobsters red discoloration along the ventrum when logically (thus its species name) (Fig. 41.21). Histology is
the disease is most severe, and hemolymph is white (crabs) used to diagnose the infection but smears/digestive gland
or pink (lobsters). Early in disease development, P. perni- imprints on Wrights Giemsa stained slides can be used in
ciosa are histologically found in the connective and neural moderate to severe infections. Molecular diagnostic meth-
tissues and are associated with hemocyte micronodulation ods are also available.
and encapsulation. In late stages of the disease, hemocyto- Perkinsiosis caused by the dinoflagellate Perkinsus
penia and lack of response to the proliferation of organisms marinus (also termed Dermo) is an important, OIE report-
in the vascular system is noted. In lobsters with chronic low able disease in bivalves. P. marinus is one of the two dis-
grade infections, fewer and melanized (chronic), micronod- eases that have caused great reductions in the population of
ular foci containing paramoeba are found in neural and eastern oysters on the east coast of the United States. The
other tissues (Mullen et al., 2004). Since the range of these infectious form, a trophozoite, enters primarily though the
two crustaceans overlap, it is possible that lobsters may be
a reservoir host.
Hematodiniosis in several species of crustaceans
including copepods and amphipods is caused by parasitic
dinoflagellates in the family Syndiniceae (Stentiford and
Shields, 2005). Infection by the genus Hematodinium sp.
produces the most economically important diseases in deca-
pod crustaceans. These include gray crab disease of the blue
crab, bitter crab disease of snow crabs, and postmolt syn-
drome in Norway lobsters. Ingestion and infection of the
hemolymph through the gastrointestinal tract is the primary
method of infection (Walker et al., 2009). Severely infected
animals take on a cooked appearance and the hemolymph
becomes milky (Small, 2012). Histologically, as the disease
progresses abundant mononucleated or binucleated amoe-
boid trophonts can be seen in the hemolymph along with
occasional vermiform plasmodia. Small encapsulations in
FIGURE 41.21  Digestive gland of a European oyster infected with
several organs are seen in early infections. In late infections Marteilia refringens. Digestive gland epithelial cells form a “nurse cell”
(1–2 weeks after infection), there is wasting of the tissues containing 8–16 sporonts per cell. Each contains four spores and a few
and hemocytopenia with abundant dinoflagellate forms refringent bodies.
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1041

Other Perkinsus species have been isolated from vari-

ous bivalve species around the world. The most important
of these is P. olseni, which is an OIE reportable disease.
Grossly, P. olseni and other Perkinsus sp. infections result
in small to large, white to brown nodules in the tissues of
the body, gill and mantle. Microscopically, foci of infection
are characterized by hemocytic inflammation that contain
and surround or attempt to surround signet ring and rosette
forms of the parasite. Trophozoites of P. olseni can be up
to 40 µm in diameter, much larger than those of P. mari-
nus. P. olseni has been identified in Tridacnid clams (dis-
played in aquariums) and other cultured bivalves, such as
Palourde clams, and infection has caused major mortality in
these and other bivalves. It is also a directly infective agent.
Perkinsus species can be cultured in RFTM, but culture is
FIGURE 41.22  Perkinsus sp. infection in the gill of a soft-shelled clam. nonspecific if more than one Perkinsus species is present
Hemocytes are distended and contain sporangia filled with trophozoites. (Sheppard and Phillips, 2008).
Haplosporidium nelsoni, also named multinucleated
sphere unknown (MSX), is in the Class Ascetosporea,
gastric epithelium and digestive gland tubules and can also Phylum Cercozoa. MSX produces spores but they are con-
enter through the mantle and gill epithelium. The parasite sidered more primitive than other Cercozoa. It was first
is most active in oysters in seawater at a salinity of 12–28 identified in eastern oysters in late 1950 to early 1960 in cul-
ppt and at temperature greater than 18ºC. The trophozo- tured animals from New Jersey to Virginia (United States).
ites are engulfed by the hemocytes in which they prolifer- It is now found in eastern oysters throughout the northeast
ate and form signet ring profiles consisting of a hemocyte United States and into Canada and along with P. marinus,
containing a 2–4 µm round parasitic vacuole. Occasionally, and is responsible for decimating populations of aquacul-
a refringent vaculoplast can be indentified in the vacuole. tured and wild eastern oysters along the eastern United
The mature trophozoite undergoes karyokinesis, then cyto- States. Its most common form in tissues is a multinucleated
kinesis to form a rosette within the cells. Mature rosettes, plasmodia. The infectious form is a spore that is first found
called sporangia, are filled with trophozoites causing swell- between epithelial cells of the gill, where it develops into a
ing of the hemocyte (Fig. 41.22). Evidence strongly sug- multinucleated plasmodia (Fig. 41.23). The plasmodia later
gests that the agent can inhibit apoptosis of the hemocyte breaks through the basement membrane of the branchial
until it has finished its replication cycle, at which time epithelium and enters the open vascular system, where it
the host cell lyses and the newly formed trophozoites are continues to proliferate through multiple serial divisions
released to infect naïve hemocytes. Infected hemocytes cir- that produce more multinucleated plasmodia. Inflamma-
culate throughout the open vascular system of the oyster. In tion at sites of infection in the gills is intense and local-
early infections, moderate mixed hemocytic (granulocytic/ ized to areas of infection. The inflammatory response is
agranunlocytic) inflammation is noted, especially in and ineffective in destroying or isolating the plasmodia, which
adjacent to the gastric epithelium or digestive gland tubules. proliferate in the open vascular system. As the disease pro-
In late infections, few normal hemocytes remain in the tis- gresses, the inflammatory response is greatly muted. Ter-
sues and tissues appear thinned and edematous. The agent minally, connective tissue and other cells are shrunken and
is directly infective and trophozoites are released from animals develop generalized edema with increased “brown
dead, decaying animals as well as with the feces from live cells” (spent tissue hemocytes) in the tissues. Mortality
animals. The slowly progressive disease has spread and is is most severe in the late summer/early fall. The parasite
now found in aquacultured and natural populations of east- grows best in oysters in salinities greater than 15 ppt and
ern oysters in the United States from Maine to Louisiana in warm water up to 20ºC; H. nelsoni is reported to die in
where it usually causes death in the fall. P. marinus has also oyster tissues at temperatures greater than this. Spores are
recently been identified in other oyster species in the Gulf formed in the digestive tubules of juvenile oysters in some
of Mexico, and the Pacific oyster, which is cultured on the circumstances, but the reason/conditions for this are not
west coast of the United States, can become infected but understood. While sporulation kills the juvenile oysters, the
does not exhibit disease. Histopathological examination is spores are not infective to other adults or juveniles indicat-
not as sensitive or specific a diagnosis as is PCR/qPCR, and ing that this is an indirect infection that requires another
is not as sensitive as the Ray’s fluid thioglycollate media host in the parasite’s life cycle. To date, other hosts have not
(RFTM) method (Smolowitz, 2013). been identified but movement of infected animals to areas
1042 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

FIGURE 41.23  Multinucleated sphere unknown (MSX) in the digestive gland of an eastern oyster. (A) Multinucleated plasmodia in the sinusoids
and (B) sporulated plasmodia of Haplosporidium nelsoni in the digestive gland epithelium.

without disease results in ­transmission indicating that the

other hosts are commonly found in many areas. The agent
and a mild form of the disease in low prevalence have been
identified in Pacific oyster. Transport of Pacific oyster to the
east coast of the United States is believed to be responsible
for the introduction of MSX into eastern oyster popula-
tions. Histopathological examination of tissues (especially
the gills in early infections) is the most common method of
diagnosis. Molecular methods have been published but are
not commonly used.
Haplosporidium costale, also called seaside organism
(SSO), is a close relative of MSX and also infects eastern
oysters. The disease was first identified in 1962 in oysters
grown in high salinity waters on the Atlantic coast of Vir-
ginia (United States). Recently the disease has been found
in aquacultured oysters in more northern states. The portal FIGURE 41.24  Seaside organism (SSO) in the digestive gland of an
of entry is primarily through the digestive tract epithelium, eastern oyster. Multinucleate plasmodia of Haplosporidium costale with-
unlike MSX. Early SSO infections are identified when in the connective tissue surrounding the digestive tubules.
multinucleated plasmodia are present in the sinusoids in
connective tissues around the stomach and digestive gland no intermediate host has been identified. The parasite grows
(Fig. 41.24). As in MSX, plasmodia proliferate over time best in oysters held in salinities 25 ppt or above. Diagnosis
and fill the vascular system of the oyster. Inflammation is of SSO is hampered by the similar appearance of the plas-
moderate in early infections but as the disease progresses, modia to that of MSX. MSX plasmodia are usually slightly
the number of viable hemocytes decreases and inflamma- bigger and more eosinophilic, but that is not consistent in all
tion is not seen late in the disease. Unlike MSX, plasmodia cases. Molecular confirmation is very helpful in these cases.
of SSO synchronously sporulate throughout the sinusoids in Bonamia spp. parasites are considered members of
late May to early June in adult oysters. If abundant plasmo- Haplosporidia although no spore form has been identified.
dia are present in the sinusoids, the animals will die during The disease, also termed microcell disease and hemocytic
sporulation. If few plasmodia are present, the animals will disease, was first reported in the United States during the
survive the event. Those that survive often appear thin and mid-1960s, but disease caused by Bonamia spp. occurs
edematous. Microscopically, the only remaining sign that an worldwide. Several species of bivalve can be infected by
animal was infected are numerous “brown cells” in circula- the two most important species, which produce varying
tion. It only rarely causes severe disease in wild animals, morbidity and mortality especially during warmer months.
typically in late winter/early spring. Transmission using B. ostreae is most problematic in European flat oyster. B.
spores from infected oysters does not cause infection in exitiosa, and the genetically similar B. roughleyi, are found
naïve oysters so indirect infection methods are suspected but primarily in European flat oyster in New Zealand, Spain,
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1043

and Italy. Importantly, some species of oysters, including

Pacific oyster, a commonly aquacultured oyster in Europe
and the United States and Suminoe oyster, which was con-
sidered as a replacement species in aquaculture for Eastern
oyster, become infected but do not develop disease, and
are considered carriers. Bonamia spp. infect the hemo-
cytes of oysters (primarily adults) and form few to many
2–5 µm round cells within the cytoplasm of the hemocyte.
It is directly infective. Grossly, yellow discoloration of
the gills may be noted. Histologically, in early stages of
the disease, an increase in circulating hemocytes is noted
in affected animals and multifocal hemocyte aggregates/
small encapsulations contain few to many Bonamia sp.
organisms within the cytoplasm of some of the hemocytes
(Fig. 41.25). Interestingly, da Silva (2008) found a cor-
relation between high percentage of agranulocytes in the FIGURE 41.25  Bonamia spp. in a Suminoe oyster. Within the diges-
hemolymph and increased probability of infection of that tive gland connective tissues, hemocytes contain numerous 2–5 µm round
strain of oyster. Histology and molecular methods can be parasites within the cytoplasm.
used to diagnose the disease. Additionally, imprints of the
heart on coated slides stained with Giemsa stain can be unusual forms in the gastrointestinal tract of the host
diagnostic. B. ostreae and exitiosa are both OIE reportable. (Estévez et al., 1996). Both gametogony and sporogony
Quahog parasite unknown (QPX) is a protozoan occur in the submucosa of all parts of the tract, but are usu-
belonging to the phylum Labrinthomorpha and class Thraus- ally most notable in the cecum. Grossly, infection is char-
tochytrid. It is an opportunistic pathogen that causes disease acterized by white, sometimes confluent, nodules (1 mm
in hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) on the east coast of and less) throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Microscopi-
the United States. It was first identified in clams in Canada cally, in severe infections, numerous parasites in various
in the late 1940s then in aquacultured clams in the United life-stages are seen (Fig. 41.26). Severely affected animals
States in 1996. It has caused disease in New York and Vir- show a loss in body condition (Gestal et al., 2002). A sec-
ginia, however, the prevalence and severity of the disease ond less well known, ciliated parasite, Chromidina sp., is
were highest in areas of Massachusetts. The protozoa infect sometimes found in the renal sacs of epi- and mesopelagic
the mantle of clams close to the base of the siphon; almost squids and octopi (Furuya et al., 2004).
all infected animals show nodules and swellings in this area. Bodonid flagellates of the genus Ichthyobodo have
This is the area where pseudofeces are deposited and it is been intermittently reported in cephalopods, particularly
hypothesized that the increased contact time between the octopus, but their host-parasite interaction has not been
parasite, pseudofeces, and the mantle allows for infection studied in detail. The parasite is free-swimming in the water
into the tissues of that area. More advanced infections show column and can attach to epithelial surfaces, particularly
spread of the organisms throughout the clam vascular sys- targeting the gills in octopus. There are no gross lesions and
tem. The inflammatory reaction to the invading parasite is diagnosis is primarily made by histopathology. Histologi-
seasonally dependent. In the early spring and late fall, the cally there is swelling, degeneration, necrosis, and erosion
inflammatory response is poor to moderate and character- of the branchial epithelium with hemocytic infiltration of
ized by numerous proliferating organisms within an often the submucosa. Ichthyobodo spp. are pyriform, 6–10 µm
thick coating of tenacious mucus (produced by the para- long, 3–6 µm wide and are attached to the apical epithelium
site) surrounded by only a few layers of responding hemo- frequently in large numbers that are densely packed (Seeley
cytes. In the summer (when metabolism of the clam peaks), et al., 2016).
the inflammatory response is intense with many layers of
hemocytes ­forming hemocytic nodules with the occasional
occurrence of hemocyte derived multinucleated giant cells
and histologic evidence of destruction and phagocytosis of Tubellarids (flatworms) of many different genera infest and
the invading organism. Diagnosis can be accomplished with infect several types of invertebrates. A commonly encoun-
stained or unstained squash preparations of the nodules in tered example is the Triclad tubellarid (Bdelloura spp.)
the mantle or with histological examination. Molecular found on the gills and body of Atlantic horseshoe crabs.
diagnostic tools are also available (Smolowitz, 1998). Large white flat worms are visible on the gills, ventrum, and
Many benthic oriented cephalopods, including most arthrodial membranes. Adults are not believed to cause dis-
octopi and several species of cuttlefish, are infected by ease, but the egg cases in the gills can cause pressure necro-
Aggregata sp., highly host specific coccidians that develop sis of the lamellae causing inflammation and opportunistic
1044 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

infections (Fig. 41.27A,B) Tubellarid (Rhabdocoela) infec- During larval development gravid females select host
tions of the opalescent nudibranch used in research, involve medusa, bite holes into the tissue, and place larvae into
a flat worm that invades the coelom through the digestive the openings near the gonadal and gastric tissues. Devel-
tract prior to collection. The turbellarid develops there, and oped females feed on host tissues and on prey captured by
eventually lyses the body wall of the host causing death. It the medusa (Boonstra et al., 2015; Crossley et al., 2009).
forms cocoons and the resulting embryo invades a new slug Dugesia, Waminoa, and Convolutriloba sp. flatworms can
host. Tubellarians also infest the gills and digestive tracts cause significant ectoparasitism in coral reef tanks. Flat-
and potentially cause disease in various bivalves (Brun worms of the order Polycladida are of particular concern
et al., 1999; Uddin et al., 2011). and affect acroporid corals (Acropora eating flatworms).
Amphipods, small copepods, flatworms, and nudi- Gross lesions in affected Acropora consist of white bands
branchs are important ectoparasites of cnidaria. All cause of tissue loss which begin at the base and move dorsally
tissue damage and loss to their respective hosts resulting along the branches. Diagnosis can be made through scrap-
in morbidity and mortality. Hyperiid amphipods are obli- ings at the margins of tissue loss or through identification
gate parasites of gelatinous zooplankton that cause ecto- with a dissecting microscope (Fig. 41.28A,B). The cope-
parasitism in jellyfish and comb jellies in managed care. pod Tegastes acroporanus is an ectoparasite of acroporid
corals and actively feeds on coral tissues causing reduced
polyp extension, loss of coral tissue, and zooxanthellae pig-
ments, reduced growth and death (Carl, 2008). The com-
mon name for this disease is “red bug” and the copepods
are visible to the naked eye and with a dissecting micro-
scope (Fig. 41.29A–C). Nudibranchs can be ectoparasites
in coral reef aquaria, feeding on Montipora plate corals
and earning the moniker Montipora-eating nudibranchs
(Fig. 41.30). These organisms also cause tissue loss in
affected coral colonies and are visible with the naked eye
or by dissecting microscope though they can be difficult to
detect during daylight hours (Carl, 2008).
Acarapisosis (also acariosis or acarine disease) of
honey bees is an OIE reportable disease caused by the Tar-
sonemid mite Acarapis woodii, an internal pathogen of the
respiratory system of the adult honey bee Apis mellifera
and other Apis species. Disease has been documented in
FIGURE 41.26  Agreggata spp. in the esophagus of a cephalopod. Ex-
North and South America, Europe, and the Middle East.
panding the submucosa are nodular aggregates of coccidia demonstrating These mites reproduce within the respiratory tract and feed
both gametogeny and sporogony. upon the hemolymph of host bees. They are approximately

FIGURE 41.27  Bdelloura infection in the gill of an Atlantic horseshoe crab. (A) Cytology of a gill leaflet contains a focal egg casing from a Triclad
turbellarid. (B) Histologically, adult Bdelloura are embedded within the gill lamella causing focal distortion.
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1045

FIGURE 41.28  Acropora eating flatworm infection in Acropora spp. coral. (A) A single branch of an affected coral demonstrating tissue loss begin-
ning at the base of the branch. (B) Cytology of the margin of the viable tissue recovered characteristic planaria.

FIGURE 41.29  Tegastes acroporanus (red bug) infection of an Acropora spp. coral. (A) The affected branch demonstrates regionally extensive pallor
and multifocal tissue loss, (B) Superficial copepod parasites with a yellow body and prominent red focus on the caudal ramus consistent with Tegastes
visible on the surface through a dissecting microscope and (C) recovered in a mucus sample.

the airways, physical obstruction of the respiratory tract by

mites or lesions, and hemolymph loss. With heavy parasit-
ism gross lesions, specifically opaque brown-black foci in
the tracheal walls develop due to inflammation and mela-
nosis. Mortality from this infection is moderate to high and
can be a cofactor in colony losses (Cepero et al., 2014).
Diagnosis is by microscopy, enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) or the observation of guanine, a mite waste
product. Microscopic confirmation requires identification of
the mites first within the trachea and then after removal for
positive identification. Spread is through direct contact with
newly hatched (less than 10 days old) bees who are the most
susceptible to novel infection.
Small hive beetle infestation is caused by Aethinia
FIGURE 41.30  Montipora eating nudibranchs on a Montipora spp. tumida, a beetle native to Africa that was introduced to the
coral. A representative branch affected coral demonstrating tissue pallor
United States, Egypt, Canada, and Australia by commercial
and loss with visible ectoparasitism. Innumerable nudibranch parasites are
present at the border between viable tissue and tissue loss. bee movement. Adult and larval beetles consume larvae, pol-
len, honey, and bee brood. The adult females lay eggs in the
150 µm in diameter and are found predominantly in the pro- hive and the beetle larvae feed within the hive, then leave
thoracic trachea but can be present in the head, thoracic, and to pupate in the soil where the adults hatch and can fly to
abdominal air sacs. Infection causes mechanical d­ amage to new hives. Spread can be rapid and over a range of several
1046 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

kilometers. If infestation is severe, bees will abandon the hive. Varroosis of honey bees, an OIE reportable disease, is
Diagnosis is made by positive identification of beetles within due to infection with an ectoparasitic mite that affects both
the hive (World Organisation for Animal Health, 2016a). adult bees and the brood. Of the four species of mite, Varroa
Tropilaelaps of honey bees is an OIE reportable disease destructor is the most important. These mites have nearly
due to infection with a few different species of Tropilaelaps a worldwide distribution with the exclusion of ­Australia
mites, most frequently Tropilaelaps clareae and T. koeni- and the southern island of New Zealand. Gross findings
gerum. The mites feed on the brood (larvae and pupae). include shrunken abdomens in adult bees and visible exter-
Gross lesions include an irregular pattern of sealed and nal mites. Spread is by direct contact between adult bees
unsealed brood and deformities in adult bees. Spread is by and ­movement of infested bees or bee brood. In addition to
direct contact, either bee to bee or by movement of brood direct effects, this mite is also an important vector for viral
frames. Diagnosis is by positive morphologic identification, diseases of honey bees, including transmission of a virus
although molecular testing is available (World Organisation that causes wing deformity (World Organisation for Animal
for Animal Health, 2016b). Health, 2016c).
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1046.e1

41.e1 Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) infection, eastern oyster, whole body. These two sections are taken through
the bodies of two eastern oysters. The sections show tissue changes and hemocytic inflammation associated with
infection by parasite, Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX). (see Fig. 41.23). eSlide: VM05211
41.e2 Perkinsus infection, eastern oyster, whole body. The bottom section shows a severe infection with the parasite,
Perkinsus marinus (Dermo) associated with a diffuse hemocytic inflammation. (see Fig. 41.22). eSlide: VM05212
1046.e2 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

ADDITIONAL UNIQUE FEATURES invertebrates, the coelom is partly or completely divided
into a connected series of compartments, such as the peri-
The four major phyla (Cnidaria, Mollusca, Arthropoda,
cardium, renocoel and gonocoel of molluscs, or the tubular
Echinodermata) and specific subphyla (Table e1) and dis-
systems in echinoderms.
eases covered in this chapter were selected due to their
Most invertebrates have a complex body wall formed of an
ecological importance, commercial value, and importance
external epidermis, a medial connective tissue ­compartment
to species in managed care. The majority of invertebrates
and an internal epithelial barrier that lines either a simple body
discussed in the chapter “ Invertebrates” are Eumetazoa
cavity (pseudocoelom or coelom) or a gut cavity (gastroder-
and have true tissues that are divided into germ layers and
mis). The epidermis forms a critical barrier to the external
dedicated to one or few functions. Functional counterparts
environment and allows for internal regulation and homeo-
of familiar vertebrate tissues are frequently present and
stasis. In some species, it is also important for nutritional and
include integumentary systems, skeletal systems, circula-
respiratory transport functions. As in vertebrates, the epider-
tory systems, digestive systems, respiratory systems, ner-
mis is composed of a single layer of epithelial cells bound
vous systems, sensory systems, and excretory systems. A
together by intercellular junctions composed of cell adhesion
pseudocoelom exists in Nematodea, Acathocephala, and
proteins (cadherins). The cells are often ciliated (one or many
five other minor phyla. Most other invertebrates have a true
cilia per cell) and can further differentiate into structural and
coelom, a body cavity formed within the mesoderm that
secretory cell types with intervening pigment cells in some
contains coelomic fluid and multiple organ systems often
species. Epidermal cells secrete and lie upon a thin layer of
suspended by mesenteries. The coelom provides ample
dense, fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM), the basal lamina,
space for gonadal development and expansion of gut to
which is composed of collagen type IV; hemidesmosomes
accommodate large prey and is the basis of the hydrostatic
composed of integrins anchor epithelial cells to the basal
skeleton in some species (discussed later). In more complex
lamina. The epidermis is covered by a secreted glycoprotein
extracellular matrix (ECM), the cuticle, which varies in com-
plexity by species (Fig. e1A,B).
Invertebrate connective tissue compartments consist of
TABLE e1 Phyla and Subphyla of Ecological, a minimum of proteoglycan ECM and embedded protein
Commercial, and Captive Importance fibers; most species also have an additional cellular compo-
nent. The thickness varies as does the composition. In some
1. Cnidaria
a. Anthozoa—anemones, soft and stony corals, sea fans species, the connective tissue compartment consists only
b. Scyphozoa—sea jellies of the epidermal and gastrodermal basal laminae. In oth-
c. Hydrozoa—Hydra, Portuguese man-of-war ers, a loose ECM, the reticular lamina, and additional cells
2. Mollusca (fibroblasts, amoebocytes) are present. Similar to mamma-
a. Gastropoda—sea snails, sea slugs, freshwater snails, abalone
lian tissues, collagen is a common connective tissue fiber in
b. Cephalopoda—octopus, squid, cuttlefish, nautilus
c. Bivalvia—clams, mussels, oysters invertebrates. The extracellular matrix provides attachment
3. Arthropoda points for cells, pathways for cellular movement, and an
a. Chelicerata environment for cellular differentiation.
i. Arachnida—spiders, scorpions The skeletal systems in invertebrates can be fluid or
ii. Xiphosura—horseshoe crabs
solid and develops from modifications of the internal or
b. Crustacea
i. Malacostraca—crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp external ECMs (connective tissue compartment or cuticle).
c. Myriapoda Skeletons form a structure that supports and transmits the
i. Chilopoda—centipedes force of muscular contractions and provides protection
ii. Myriapoda—millipedes from predation, injury, infection, and the environment.
d. Hexapoda
Fluid or hydrostatic skeletons are a feature of cnidaria and
i. Insecta
1. Hymenoptera—bees many annelids. Their bodies are supported by the balance
2. Lepidoptera—butterflies between ­pressurized water within their gastrovascular cav-
3. Coleoptera—beetles ity or coelom and the body wall which is often reinforced
4. Echinodermata with a mesh of inelastic fibers arranged in crossed-helical
a. Asterozoa
pattern. These fibers are composed of proteins, typically col-
i. Asteroidea—sea stars
ii. Ophiuroidea—basket stars lagens, which are either embedded in the cuticle (annelids)
b. Echinozoa or in the reticular lamina beneath the epidermis (cnidarian).
i. Echinoidea—urchin Solid skeletons may be either endo or exoskeletons and are
ii. Holothuroidea—sea cucumbers composed of solid materials that can be either pliant, able
to be deformed but return to their original shape, or rigid,
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1046.e3

FIGURE e1  Examples of normal epidermis, adnexa, and surface structures. (A) Epidermis from a mottled sea star demonstrating the complex na-
ture of the epidermis and cellular differentiation. (B) Normal epidermis, adnexa, and cuticle of the opisthosoma (abdomen) of a greenbottle blue tarantula
demonstrating the exo and endocuticle and epidermis with basement membrane. (C) American lobster epidermis demonstrating similar layers.

resistant to any change in shape (Chapman, 1958). Endo- range of stretch lengths and, often seen in animals with
skeletons originate from the ECM of a connective tissue extensible bodies or similar appendages (e.g., tentacles);
compartment that is stiffened either by protein crosslink- cross striated muscle that demonstrates rapid contraction but
ing or secretions from extracellular matrix cells. Exoskel- develops tension with limited excursion and is often associ-
etons originate as a ­thickened form of the cuticle that is ated with bodies or appendages that travel fixed distances
made more rigid either by chemically cross-linking the (e.g., claws, limbs, jaws); and obliquely striated muscle with
ECM proteins (insects), or by adding mineral to the ECM intermediate performance between smooth and cross stri-
(crustaceans). Pliant skeletons are composed of a compos- ated muscle that contracts more quickly but over a wider
ite of proteins, polysaccharides and water, and they range excursion and is most often associated with soft-bodied and
in c­onsistency from watery gels, like in the mesohyl of extensible animals, such as Annelids and Cephalopods.
sponges and mesoglea of comb jellies, to the stiff or springy The nervous and sensory systems in invertebrates per-
mesoglea of many jellyfish or the skeletal material in the mit adaptive responses to environmental stimuli. Movement
hinge of clams or supportive structures of sea fans (gorgo- toward more favorable environmental conditions occurs
nin). Pliant skeletons can be made stiffer by the addition of by sensing these factors and conveying information to the
rigid pieces, mineral spicules, sand grains, or organic fibers musculoskeletal system. In the simple invertebrates, there
that include collagen (spongin), chitin, or cellulose. Rigid are single cells (independent effectors) that have a sensory
skeletons are composed of a composite of materials that surface and a motile portion. In slightly advanced inverte-
are frequently mineralized. The cuticle is composed of lay- brates, sensory and motor functions are separated and in the
ers of chitin and other proteins primarily produced by the most advanced invertebrates there is a clear system of con-
­underlying c­ olumnar epithelium. In many arthropods the ducting cells (interneurones). Interneurons undergo further
exoskeleton contains both rigid and pliant skeletal compo- organization in more advanced species into subepithelial
nents, with the rigid skeleton being the “hard” carapace and nerve nets, differentiation of nerve nets into functionally
a more pliable exoskeleton made of flexible chitin, termed distinct parts (e.g., echinoderms); or aggregation of nerve
arthrodial membranes, act as a joint and allow bending and cell bodies into network of functionally distinct ganglia
movement of the sections of the hard carapace. (e.g., mollusks, arthropods) (Fig. e2 A,B,C). In cephalopod
There are three different types of muscle cells in inverte- mollusks, the central nervous system consists of multiple
brates that further define the type and structure of ­muscle tis- lobes connected to each other to from a ring around the
sue present. Epitheliomuscular cells have actin and myosin esophagus at the level of the eyes.
filaments in a fixed arrangement at the basal part of epithelial The sensory system in invertebrates detects environmen-
cells. Myoepithelial cells are similar to epitheliomuscular tal conditions including electromagnetic (light, infrared),
cells but their apex is not exposed to the epithelial surface. mechanical (sound, vibrations, touch, pressure, gravity)
Myocytes, which are true muscle cells that have lost their and chemical (taste, smell) stimuli. The receptor neurons
epithelial characteristics, are specialized solely for contrac- evolved from ciliated epithelial cells and their sensory sur-
tion. In addition to three muscle cells, there are three types faces are typically modifications of cilia or microvilli. In
of muscles in invertebrates. These include smooth muscle, some cases, groups of photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and
which is slow contracting with tension possible over a wide mechanoreceptors are locally concentrated in the epithelium
1046.e4 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

and form discrete sensory organs. Statocysts (gravity recep-

tors) and photoreceptors/eyes are examples of such special-
ized sensory structures. Statocysts consist of a capsule lined
by mechanoreceptive cells that contain a central, dense
particle, the statolith. As an animal changes orientation,
gravitational forces pull on the statolith, which changes and
stimulates different areas of the statolith lining and conveys
a sense of orientation with regard to up and down. Statoliths
are notably present in bivalve mollusk larvae and juveniles
but are usually not seen in adults. Photoreceptors can be
dispersed as individual cells over the integument or into a
single location forming an eye. The simplest form of an eye
is an ocellus of which there are two types. A pigment spot
ocellus consists of a patch of photoreceptors interspersed
with pigment cells. Pigment cup ocellus forms a cup into
which the photoreceptor elements project. These can be
either everted (photoreceptor elements project between the
pigment cells into the lumen of the cup) or inverted (pho-
toreceptors project into the cup lumen not through the pig-
ment cells. Pigment cells in all eyes serve the function of
shading the photoreceptors, which enables the animal to
determine the direction a light source. Some invertebrates
have comparatively advanced eyes that share a “camera
type” structure that is similar to vertebrate eyes and likely
represents convergent or parallel tissue evolution. These
include cephalopod mollusks and arachnids which have a
complex eye connected to the central nervous system by a
short optic nerve (Fig. e3 A,B).
The cardiovascular system in most invertebrates is open
although the extent to which the vascular system is open
varies greatly. In open vascular systems, the hemolymph
is pumped by a heart into the body cavities and hemocytes
diffuse back to the circulatory system through tissue cells
rather than having a direct return through closed vascular
structures. A heart-like structure exists in many species and
can consist of a thin, relatively indistinct muscular vessel
(e.g., myriapods) or muscular tube with arterial branches
that sits in a pericardial sinus that is open to venous return
(e.g., arachnids), or more complex hearts like what is pres-
ent in mollusks and that consist of a ventricle and two atria
separated by atrioventricular valves and lies within a peri-
cardial sac. Mollusks also have a vascular system, with an
aorta that exits the ventricle and forms an aortic bulb close
FIGURE e2  Examples of normal nervous system structures. (A) The
to the ventricle. Arteries and arterioles branch from the aorta
radial nerve cord of echinoderms is a V-shaped structure running the length
of each ray in the ambulacral groove and consists of an outer ectoneural and carry hemolymph to various parts of the body. The
(sensory) nerve and an inner hyponeural (motor) nerve. The example here circulatory system of cephalopod mollusks is considered
is from a mottled sea star.(B) The nerve cord of myriapods consist of giant the most developed of any invertebrate. The sinusoids are
nerve fibers that connect with pairs of ganglia present for each of the first reduced in size and are connected by a set of well-developed
four trunk segments and two pairs for each diplosegment to provide motor
arteries and veins that differ from other invertebrates by hav-
control. The example here is in a giant African millipede. (C) The cephalo-
thoracic nerve mass in arachnids is composed of multiple ganglia that pro- ing thicker walls with multiple layers of tissues. Each cepha-
vide motor (dorsal pathways in the ganglion) and sensory (ventral pathways lopod has three hearts: a systemic heart located subcentrally
in the ganglion) function. The example here is in a goliath bird eating spider. to the mantle midpoint that receives oxygenated hemolymph
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1046.e5

FIGURE e3  Normal invertebrate eye structures. (A) The median eye
of a greenbottle blue tarantula demonstrating from dorsal to ventral the
cornea, lens, vitreous cells, visual receptor cells, pigment cells, and the
start of the optic nerve. (B) The eye from a mantis shrimp demonstrating
(dorsal to ventral) corneal lens, crystalline cone, retinal cells, and optic
nerve fibers. FIGURE e4  Examples of normal invertebrate hearts. (A) The sac-like
heart composed of cross striated muscle fibers of an arachnid. The heart
lies within a pericardial sac. Blood flows from the pericardium into the
heart via dorsal and lateral ostia. This example is from a goliath bird eating
from the gills; and two branchial hearts that receive hemo- spider. (B) One of the branchial hearts in a cephalopod mollusk demon-
lymph from the body and pump it into the gills for oxygen- strating the thick muscular wall which pumps hemolyph from the body to
ation (Fig. e4A,B). the gills for oxygenation. The example is from an octopus.
The excretory organs in invertebrates are highly
variable and waste exchange is often paired with gas
exchange. In coelenterates, ammonia simply diffuses nephridium (Fig. e5A, B). Podocytes that form a selective
across the body wall and disperses in the water (Ruppert filtration barrier are described associated with the basal
et al., 2004). In other species, filtration of the circulatory lamina of the auricle, pericardial gland, and kidney in
system fluid (hemolymph) results in urine production. In many species. In crustaceans, the gills are the most impor-
mollusks, this occurs through the heart—pericardial organ tant organs of ­osmoregulation with c­ ontribution from the
complex and the hydrostatic pressure that dictates filtra- antennal glands. The excretory system of insects is com-
tion is generated by cardiac contraction which pushes posed of the Malpighian tubules and the gut, particularly
hemolymph into the pericardial cavity after which it the hindgut. Malpighian tubules consist of a single layer
flows through the renopericardial canal to the kidney or of squamous epithelial cells forming a blind-ended tube
1046.e6 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

Invertebrates have developed a wide range of respi-

ratory systems to facilitate oxygen exchange with their
environment. In many species, oxygen uptake is improved
through countercurrent exchange where hemolymph flow
is in the reverse direction to air or water. Respiratory sur-
faces have thin highly vascularized walls to minimize dis-
tance for oxygen exchange between ­respiratory medium
and hemolymph (Leake, 1975) (Fig. e6 A,B). Gills are
present in many invertebrate species and may be exter-
nal or internal, and singular or multiple and segmentally
arranged. In echinoderms, there are three types of struc-
tures that can serve respiratory functions—the papulae
(external coelomic extensions), tube feet, and peristomal
gills (Fig. e6 C). The respiratory system of most insects
consists of an open tracheal system, a series of airways
that end internally in fine branches in tissues (Mill, 1997).
Most arachnids have two different types of respiratory
systems, one pair of localized book lungs, and one to two
pairs of tubular trachea ­(Foelix, 1996) (Fig. e6 D). Gas
exchange along respiratory surfaces may be facilitated
by the environment (natural water movement) or through
circulation using cilia, body movements, or respiratory
Invertebrate digestive systems grow increasingly more
complex with animal size. The simplest forms, seen in
cnidaria, are simple sacs with a single opening for intake
of food and waste discharge. They are lined by a single
layer of epithelium, the gastrodermis, which is secretory
and absorptive; digestion is intracellular. In other inver-
tebrates, the digestive system is more complex, with a
single opening for intake of food and a separate opening
FIGURE e5  Examples of normal excretory organs (nephridia). (A)
Nephridia of clams, is a long tube intimately associated with the heart for discharge. In many invertebrates, the gut has special-
(heart–kidney complex). Hemolymph is passed into the nephridia where ized areas for grinding, storage, digestion, and absorp-
selective secretion and absorption of ions is performed by the nephridial tion. Specialized structures are also present for capturing
epithelium. (B) The nephridia (antennal gland) of an American lobster, food, such as ciliary tracts in bivalve molluscs, tentacles
consists of a proximal labyrinth and distal bladder. The glandular spongy
in cnidaria, suckers in cephalopod molluscs, and radulae
labyrinth contains numerous folds and the walls secrete and absorb ions
selectively to maintain balance in the hemolymph. in gastropod molluscs. Digestion is partly extracellular
and the gut lining is functionally separated into regions
that secrete different enzymes (Leake, 1975). Many inver-
that range from 2 to 70 mm length and 2–250 in number. tebrates have accessory digestive glands with functions
Urine formation involves active transepithelial secretion similar to those of the liver and pancreas in vertebrates
of ions (K, Na, and Cl) into the lumen of the Malpighian (Fig. e7 A–C).
tubule and passive flow of water due to the created gra- Invertebrates employ a wide variety asexual (budding
dient. The primary urine is then modified by the midgut and fission) and sexual (production of two types of ­gametes)
through reabsorption or secretion. Water, ion, and metab- reproductive strategies. Male and female gametes may be
olite reabsorption occurs in the rectum and produces produced by one individual (hermaphrodite) or by two indi-
strongly hyperosmotic or hypoosmotic excretia. In many viduals of opposite sexes (dioecious). In aquatic animals
terrestrial insects, the hindgut can recover nearly all of the fertilization is often external, though internal f­ertilization
water from gut contents and fluid secreted into the gut by occurs in some species that live in fast moving water
Malpighian tubules (Larsen et al., 2014). (Fig. e8 A–C) (Leake, 1975).
Invertebrates Chapter | 41 1046.e7

FIGURE e6  Examples of normal respiratory organs. (A) The normal book gill of an Atlantic horseshoe crab demonstrating the fine chitinous lamel-
lae, which increase gill surface area and permit oxygen exchange with the environment. (B) A nautilus gill demonstrating the folded lamellae on the gill
leaflets which increase surface area. (C) The papulae of a mottled sea star which are hollow, thin evaginations of the coelom that project from the body
wall surface. Gas exchange with the coelomic fluid occurs directly with the environment over the epidermis and internal coelomic epithelium. (D) The
normal book lung of a brown bark scorpion demonstrating the fine layers of chitin that increase surface area and permit oxygen exchange between the
hemolymph and the environment.
1046.e8 Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

FIGURE e8  Examples of normal reproductive organs. (A) The normal

ovary of a tarantula demonstrating folliculogenesis and vitellogenesis. (B)
The normal testis of a Puerto Rican white millipede demonstrating sperm
and spermatophore production. (C) The normal hermaphroditic gonadal
FIGURE e7  Examples of normal digestive organs. (A) The glandular tubules in a bay sea scallop.
pyloric stomach of a mottled sea star. (B) The hepatopancreas (digestive
gland) of an American lobster. (C) The digestive gland of an octopus.

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