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50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration SCHEDULE

Just like in the last doc, we will all write in different colors to keep track of who wrote what. I
can email this Doc to Prof Bulriss so we can receive credit that way for participation! I included
Lofton on last week's doc so we all can refer back to that when making the milestones and
deadlines. I have just copied and pasted the bullet points for what we need to include! On average
everyone needs to complete two bullet points

Bridgett Johnson Conversation/Questions

Lynn Huynh Conversation/Questions

Lofton Hoover Conversation/Questions

● Create a Work Breakdown Structure for the project that you developed in Module 3
using Figure A-2 on page 157 of your Managing Projects Large and Small text as a
basis. You should be able to create a chart in a Word document and then easily paste
it into the discussion board. Please be sure to break the tasks down into smaller work

Bridgett Johnson

● Create a WBS Dictionary, which includes the work package names and descriptions

Lynn Huynh

Project Name: A Golden Love

Work Package ID: 1

Work Package Name: Reserving the Venue

Work Package Description: The venue will be located at the Enchantment Resort in Sedona,
Arizona. The couple will stay at the hotel for a total of 4 days and 3 nights. The project's main
and only anniversary celebration takes place March 26th starting at 5:00pm to 9:00pm.
Assigned to: Child 1 Group/Dept:

Date Assigned: 9/26/20 Date Due: 3/12/21

Estimated Cost: $4,550.00 Account Code: AGL/1/0/0

Acceptance Criteria: Resources Assigned:

Deliverables: Venue & hotel room Assumptions: Guests will pay for their own
stay at the hotel if they choose to do so.

Project Name: A Golden Love

Work Package ID: 1.1

Work Package Name: Hiring Small Orchestra/Band

Work Package Description: A small orchestra/band will be hired to perform the song, “Can’t
Help Falling in Love”, by Elvis Presley for our parent’s dance as well as other classical
musical performances appropriate for the event.
Assigned to: Child 1 Group/Dept:

Date Assigned: 9/26/20 Date Due: 3/12/21

Estimated Cost: $200 Account Code: AGL/1/1/0

Acceptance Criteria: Resources Assigned:

Deliverables: Performance band Assumptions: There will be a band that is

located near the venue and will be able to
perform the requested songs on the day of
the celebration. The band will have their own
mode of transportation.

Project Name: A Golden Love

Work Package ID: 1.1.1

Work Package Name: Order Catering

Work Package Description: Catering should be ordered for the event. The catering will
include three course meals and drinks as well as available chefs and servers.
Assigned to: Child 2 Group/Dept:

Date Assigned: 9/26/20 Date Due: 3/12/21

Estimated Cost: $8,500.00 Account Code: AGL/1/1/1

Acceptance Criteria: Resources Assigned:

Deliverables: Food & drinks Assumptions: There will be a catering

company located near the venue available for
service on the day of the event. The catering
company will have their own mode of
transportation (delivery truck, van, etc.)

Project Name: A Golden Love

Work Package ID: 1.1.2

Work Package Name: Hiring Decorators/Designers

Work Package Description: Decorations are ordered for the venue and designers are hired to
organize and place decor all over the venue.
Assigned to: Child 2 Group/Dept:

Date Assigned: 9/26/20 Date Due: 3/12/21

Estimated Cost: $1,000.00 Account Code: AGL/1/1/2

Acceptance Criteria: Resources Assigned:

Deliverables: Fabric curtains, centerpieces, Assumptions: There will be a

& furniture decor/designer company located near the
venue available for service on the day of the
event. The decor/designer company will
have their own mode of transportation
(delivery truck, van, etc.)
Project Name: A Golden Love

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Event Planner

Work Package Description: An event planner will be hired to help organize activities in a
timely manner for the event.
Assigned to: Child 3 Group/Dept:

Date Assigned: 9/26/20 Date Due: 3/12/21

Estimated Cost: $650.00 Account Code: AGL/1/1/21

Acceptance Criteria: Resources Assigned:

Deliverables: Assumptions: There will be an event

planner located near the venue available for
service on the day of the event. The event
planner will have the full schedule of
activities for the event. They will have their
own mode of transportation and own hotel
room if they choose to stay at the resort.

Project Name: A Golden Love

Work Package ID:

Work Package Name: Hiring Florist Company

Work Package Description: A florist company will be hired to decorate the venue with
beautiful flowers.
Assigned to: Child 3 Group/Dept:

Date Assigned: 9/26/20 Date Due: 3/12/21

Estimated Cost: $10,000.00 Account Code: AGL/1/1/22

Acceptance Criteria: Resources Assigned:

Deliverables: Flowers & floral decor Assumptions: There will be a florist

company located near the venue available for
service on the day of the event. Florists will
have their own mode of transportation
(delivery truck, van, etc.).

● Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) that identifies hypothetical project

team members and stakeholders, as well as their responsibilities, who they are
accountable to, who they consult for input, and who they report their progress to.

Lynn Huynh

WBS Project Team Members Other Stakeholders


Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Mom Dad

R C, N, S C, N, S C, A C, A

R C, N C, N C, A C, A

C, N, S R C, N, S C, A C, A

C, N R C, N C, A C, A

Planner C, N C, N R C, A C, A

C, N, S C, N, S R C, A C, A

Key: R=Responsible, S=Support Required, C=Must Be Consulted, N=Must Be Notified,

A=Approval Required, G=Gate Reviewer

● Make a list of the milestones and deliverables of your project
- Kickstart meeting with all three children
- Reserving the desired venue in Sedona
- Hire the event planner and meet with them to hammer out ideas and talk about scope,
delegate all further hiring to them, with approval from the children/parents.
- Hiring the decorator and talking about general decoration color schemes and personal
- Attending the anniversary
● In the narrative form, identify any task dependencies your project might have.
- In terms of task dependencies within our project their first dependency would be to secure
the venue and organize who will be in attendance.
- Without first acknowledging how many people will be in attendance along with RSVPs
we will not be able to hire Event planners and decorators to delegate to the amount of
people expected to be there.
- Before we can hire a florist, catering, and music we must first talk to an event planner and
an interior designer so that they can correlate and work together on the theme and basis of
the event and anniversary.
● Update your WBS Work packages with predecessors based on the task dependencies
milestones and create a schedule network (MS Project is a good tool but not
required). Calculate the longest path through your network...aka the Critical Path.

● In the narrative form discuss which tasks you would place on the Critical Path and
explain why.
- Our first task on the Critical Path is booking the venue. Child 1 needs to be able to call
and book the venue as soon as the date for the anniversary is set in order to continue
planning around that location and the resources available to us there. This task will
determine all other decisions within tasks.
- Finding an event planner is our second task placed on the Critical Path. We need to be
able to find and hire an event planner in order to hire catering, band, florist and designer.
Without an event planner coordinating drop off times, arrival times, and initiating
preparations the day of the celebration cannot be done.
- The last item on our Critical Path is hiring the interior designer/decorator. They will
coordinate without our event planner how the event will look and flow. Together they will
find an appropriate band/orchestra, catering and florist based on the decorations and
design of the event.
- After these tasks are completed, all other tasks can be completed anytime before the
deadlines outlined in the WBS, and have a wide flexibility.
● Finally, complete a Team retrospective and post in DB4. Do not forget to do a
retrospective and this time submit it on the actual DB!

Hey! bridgett do u know any website where I could make a schedule network or flow chart?

I don't :/ but it says that you just need to talk about them in a narrative form.

Oh ok! Gotcha! We should also make a shared folder for our entire project


hey lynn/lofton! it looks like you made the WBS in its totality on the doc. I guess i am confused
about what the difference is between bullet one and two! Do you think you can explain it at all?

Hey bridgett i'm not sure why but the chart I made only fits on one page and seems to get cut off.
Do you know a way to format it so it can fit?

Nevermind it fits now...

Hey lofton! I still can't see it!

Oh wait, I fixed it.

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