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Cranbanapple Parfait

2-3 sweet apples (fuji or honey crisp)

● 1 1/2 cups of cranberries
● 1/2 cup of soaked raisins
● Dash of cinnamon
● 2 really ripe bananas
● 1 pear
● 1 1/2 heaping teaspoons of lucuma powder
● Teaspoon of vanilla
● 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
● 4-6 soaked dates and soak water
● Sprinkle of cacao nibs
● Approximate serving size
● 2-3 servings
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor
● Directions
● If you make this advance, let each layer sit in their own bowls to settle for an hour or so. This will enhance the
flavors and consistency of the dish. If you assemble right away, it will be a bit more runny
● Cut up apples and add to Vita-Mix or Food Processor with handful of raisins, 1 cup of cranberries and
● Pulse down into a puree.
● If it’s too liquid, strain off some of the juice and enjoy it on the side.
● Add this layer to your serving dish and press down to pack it in.
● Rinse out Vita-Mix or Food Processor before moving onto the next step.
● Put bananas, pears, vanilla and lucuma powder in Vita-Mix or Food Processor and blend down until smooth.
Add warm water as needed.
● Pour this layer on top and swirl dish to settle the banana mixture.
● Rinse out Vita-Mix or Food Processor before moving onto the next step.
● Add coconut oil, rest of cranberries, dates and 1/4 cup of the date soak water to the Vita-Mix or Food
Processor. Blend down until smooth.
● Place this layer on top and swirl the dish to settle the layer
● Sprinkle cacao nibs on top.

Kale Salad

● 5 leaves of kale
● 5 collard green leaves
● Pre-shredded onions
● 1/2 avocado
● 4 sun-dried tomatoes
● 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
● 1/2 lemon
● Sprinkle of sea salt
● Tablespoon of nutritional yeast
● Cayenne pepper
● Directions
● Remove kale leaves from stems.
● Put in bowl and massage down.
● Finely cut up the collard green leaves and add to bowl.
● Add shredded onions.
● Slice up avocado and sun-dried tomatoes.
● Add coconut oil, lemon and salt to small container and shake up to mix.
● Pour over dressing and sprinkle with nutritional yeast and cayenne.

Chia Seed Pudding

● Ingredients
● 1 cup of nut milk (I prefer hemp milk)
● 3-4 heaping tablespoons of chia seeds
● 2-3 handfuls of granola
● Directions
● Pour nut milk into bowl.
● Stir in chia seeds and let sit for 30 minutes or until it gels up.
● Stir in granola.
● Top with cinnamon.

Some salads
● 1 bunch of arugula
● 1 apple
● 1 handful of pre-soaked raisins
● Marinated onions
● Chili pepper

● 6 leaves of romaine lettuce

● 5 leaves of kale
● 4 sun-dried tomatoes
● 1/2 red pepper
● 3 scallions
● 1/2 avocado
● 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
● 1 clove of garlic
● 1 lime
● Sprinkle of sea salt
● Cayenne to taste
● 1 head of green leaf lettuce
● 1 large cucumber
● 1 large grapefruit
● Handful of pre-shredded onions
● Olive oil
● Half lemon
● Dash of sea salt
● Sprinkle of cayenne pepper

● 1 head of red leaf lettuce

● 1 head of tatsoi
● 1 head of mizuna
● 1 tomato
● Handful of pre-shredded onions
● Ingredients for Garlic Pumpkin Flax Dressing
● 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds
● 1/4 flax seeds
● 1/2 cup of water
● 3 cloves of garlic
● Splash of apple cider vinegar
● Splash of agave nectar
● Splash of nama shoyu
● Optional: Small piece of jalapeno pepper
● Approximate serving size
● 1 large salad
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor
● Directions
● Make the garlic pumpkin flax dressing.
● Chop up all of the greens and toss into salad bowl.
● Cut up tomatoes. Add to salad with onions.
● Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat..

● Huge amount of baby greens

● 1 tomato
● 1 red pepper
● Ingredients for basil pesto dressing
● 1/2 cup of olive oil
● Teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
● Handful of fresh basil and oregano
● Clove of garlic
● Dash of sea salt
● Splash of water
● Approximate serving size
● 1 large salad
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor
● Directions
● Make the basil pesto dressing
● Chop up tomato and peppers.
● Put into large salad bowl with baby greens.
● Cover with dressing and toss to coat.

● 6-8 leaves of kale

● 5-6 leaves of green leaf lettuce
● 1 tomato
● 1/2 avocado
● Handful of fresh or dried dill
● Dash of sea salt
● 2-3 scallions
● Small piece of ginger
● Half lemon
● 1/4 cup of water
● Approximate serving size
● 1 large salad
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor
● Directions
● Remove kale leaves from stems and place in salad bowl.
● Sprinkle with sea salt and massage it down using your hands until wilted.
● Chop up green leaf lettuce and add to kale. Toss to mix.
● Slice up tomatoes and top the lettuce and kale.
● Add avocado, dill, scallions, ginger, lemon and water to the Vita-Mix or food processor.
● Blend down until desired texture. Add more water if needed.
● Pour on top of salad.

● Ingredients for Spicy Sunflower Tomato Dressing

● 1/2 cup of soaked and dehydrated sunflower seeds
● 1 tomato
● Handful of pre-shredded onion
● 1 clove of garlic
● Hot pepper to desired taste
● Water as necessary to thin out
● Ingredients for Salad
● 1/2 head of kale
● 2 collard green leaves
● Handful of pre-shredded broccoli
● Scallions
● Kalamata olives
● Approximate serving size
● 1 huge salad
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor for dressing
● Directions
● First make the spicy sunflower and tomato dressing.
● While the dressing is settling start to prepare the salad.
● Rip the kale leaves from the ribs and put into salad bowl.
● Roll up the collard leaves and cut into ribbons and toss into bowl with a handful of broccoli and chopped
● Pour on dressing and top with salad dressing.

● 2 cucumbers
● 2 apples
● 1 cup of sauerkraut
● Handful of pre-shredded onions
● 1/2 cup of soaked raisins
● Approximate serving size
● 1 large bowl
● Machine use
● None or juicer if you make your own sauerkraut
● Directions
● Peel and slice up cucumbers and add to bowl..
● Cut up apples into chunks. Add to mixture.
● Spoon in sauerkraut.
● Top with raisins and onions.
● Mix well


● 1 cup of young coconut meat

● 2 ripe bananas
● 3-4 sliced strawberries
● Handful of soaked raisins
● 1 tablespoon water
● Optional: 1 teaspoon of lucuma powder
● Approximate serving size
● 2 servings
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor
● Directions
● Add banana, coconut meat, water and lucuma powder into Vita-Mix or food processor.
● Blend down until smooth.
● Pour into bowl.
● Top with strawberries and raisins.

● 1 apple
● 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
● 1/2 teaspoon of coconut butter
● 1 teaspoon of agave nectar
● Splash of vanilla
● Dash of sea salt
● Approximate serving size
● 1 -2 servings
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor
● Directions
● Cut up apples and add to Vita-Mix or food processor.
● Add in the rest of the ingredients.
● Blend until desired consistency.

● 2-3 bananas
● 1 apple
● 1 pear
● Raisins soaked in water overnight.
● Splash of vanilla.
● Dash of sea salt.
● Approximate serving size
● 1 large bowl
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor. Optional: Dehydrator.
● Directions
● If making with fruit leather, start by making that.
● Once fruit leather is done, place in bowl or pie tin.
● Slice up 1-2 bananas and line the outside of the tin.
● Cut up apple and 1/2 pear into bite sized pieces and place into the center of the tin.
● Add a 2 bananas to the Vita-Mix with the other 1/2 pear, splash of raisin soak water, vanilla and sea salt.
● Blend until smooth.
● Pour into the tin over the apples and pears.
● If you are going to eat it as is, sprinkle some soaked raisins on top and cinnamon. Or you could put into the
dehydrator at 110 degrees for 2-4 hours and then sprinkle with raisins and cinnamon.
● 1/2 cup of coconut butter
● 1/2 cup of coconut oil
● 1/4 cup of agave nectar
● 2 heaping tablespoons of cacao powder
● 1 tablespoon of water
● Dash of sea salt
● 1/2 cup of nut or seed butter of choice
● Approximate serving size
● 1-2 ice cube trays filled
● Machine use
● Food processor or Vita-Mix for the raw chocolate icing
● Directions
● Make raw chocolate icing
● Scoopnthe nut butter into the ice cube tray. Filling up each block about 1/2 way.
● Fill the rest up with the icing.
● Put in freezer overnight.

● 1/2 cup of coconut butter

● 1/2 cup of coconut oil
● 1/4 cup of agave nectar
● 2 heaping tablespoons of cacao powder
● 1 tablespoon of water
● Dash of sea salt
● Approximate serving size
● Not sure how to portion this out.
● Machine use
● Vita-Mix or Food Processor

● Directions
● Put all ingredients in Vita-Mix or food processor and blend down until smooth.
● It should be very liquidity at this point.
● Transfer to a container and chill in the fridge over night.
● The coconut will separate and rise to the top.
● Let sit out to defrost for an hour.
● It should still be somewhat solid. Mix it up.
● It should be an icing like consistency.
● Use as a spread on fruits or enjoy on it’s own.

● 1/2 cup of tahini

● 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
● 1 teaspoon of agave nectar
● dash of sea salt
● dash of vanilla
● handful of cacao nibs
● Optional: 1 teaspoon of raw honey
● Approximate serving size
● Serves 1-2 people.
● Machine use

Strawberry Cheesecake!!!!!!!
1 cup pecans
1 cup almonds
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 medjool dates, pitted and chopped
3 cups raw cashew pieces, soaked overnight (or at least 3 hours)
1/2 cup agave syrup
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (alcohol free is preferred for raw desserts)
32 oz strawberries (reserve 9 for decorating), hulled and halved – about 4 cups
3/4 cup coconut oil, melted
Raw Fluffy White Frosting Recipe
1/2 cup raw cashew pieces, soaked overnight
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons agave syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (alcohol free is preferred for raw desserts)
1/4 cup raw coconut oil, melted
Strawberry Coulis (Coulis is a fancy word for pureed sauce)
2 cups chopped strawberries
3 tablespoons agave syrup
Lightly grease a 9 inch spring form pan with coconut oil and set aside.
To prepare the crust, pulse nuts and salt in a food processor fit with a metal blade. When nuts
are fine crumbs, add the dates and pulse until the dough holds together when squeezed
between your fingers. Firmly press crust into the bottom of prepared cake pan. Set aside.
To prepare the filling, pulse cashews in food processor until crumbly. Add agave, water, lime
juice and vanilla and puree until very smooth, scraping down the sides with a rubber spatula to
make sure you get everything. Feed the strawberries through the top of the food processor and
puree until incorporated. The filling should turn a pretty pink. With the processor running, add
the melted coconut oil in a steady stream.
Pour the filling into the cake pan. It will look like a smoothie and you’ll think no way it will set, but
it will! Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge to set. Make sure it’s level so that your
cake doesn’t come out wonky. Let set for at least 4 hours.
Prepare the frosting in basically the same way as the cake. Pulse the cashews in the food
processor until crumbly. Add the water, agave and vanilla and blend until smooth. With the food
processor running, stream the coconut oil in through the top until combined. Pour into a bowl
and cover with plastic wrap. Chill until set, about 2 hours.
Prepare the sauce when you’re close to serving. Just mash the strawberries up with the agave
until it’s all red and syrupy.
To assemble
Release the cake from its springform prison. Use a mini scoop to place 8 mounds of icing
around the perimeter of the cake and one in the center. Slice the tops off the reserved
strawberries and gently smush them upside down into the frosting mounds. If you don’t have a
mini scoop, just use a spoon and make them as pretty as you can, they’re gonna get smushed
To serve, place some Strawberry Coulis on the plate and serve the cake over it. Dig in!

Whipped Cream

1/2 cup cashews, soaked in water for at least two hours and up to overnight
1/3 cup coconut milk
1 cup plain unsweetened almond milk, divided
3/4 teaspoon agar agar powder
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons coconut oil plus 2 teaspoons
1 teaspoon vanilla
Place a large metal bowl in the freezer to chill, you’ll be using it to blend up the Rad Whip so
make sure it’s big enough.
Drain cashews and blend in a food processor or strong blender with coconut milk and 1/2 cup
almond milk, until completely smooth. Rub it between your fingers to make sure there is no
graininess left, this could take up to 5 minutes depending on your machine.
In a small sauce pan, heat the other 1/2 cup almond milk, agar, and sugar. Bring to a boil, and
let simmer another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the coconut oil and stir to melt. It’s
important to make sure this doesn’t set while on the stovetop, so be sure to have the blender
mixture ready.
Stream the warm mixture into blender or food processor with the machine turned on. Blend for
about a minute on high to incorporate lots of bubbles, then add the vanilla and pulse to mix.
Transfer to the chilled metal bowl. Place in the freezer for about 30 minutes just to get it very
very cold, but not frozen. When you remove it, it should be cold all the way through, and feel
firm and even a bit rubbery. Don’t worry! You did everything right…watch in amazement as it
Now take a hand mixer and beat like mad. It should start to soften and peaks should start to
form, but it might take a minute or so. Once it’s smooth and fluffy, cover tightly with plastic wrap
and place back in fridge to set again for at least 3 hours*. Now use a hand blender one last time
to get it even more fluffy.
*The longer you let it set, the fluffier it will get, so if you let it set at least 8 hours or up to
overnight that is optimal.
Keep stored in a tightly sealed container for up to 5 days.
Pecan Pie (not raw)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1/4 cup non-hydrogenated margarine
6 oz extra firm silken tofu (1/2 of a tetra pack)
1/4 cup cold unsweetened plain non-dairy milk
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups pecan halves
Prepared Single Pastry Crust, pressed into a tart pan or pie plate (no need to parbake)
First we’re going to make a caramel. In a 2 quart sauce pan, mix together sugars and maple
syrup. Heat over medium heat, stirring often with a whisk. Once small bubbles start rapidly
forming, stir pretty constantly for about 10 minutes. The mixture should become thick and
syrupy. It shouldn’t be boiling too fiercely, if it starts climbing the walls of the pan in big bubbles
then lower the heat a bit.
Add the margarine, and stir to melt. Turn the heat off, transfer mixture to a mixing bowl. In the
meantime, prepare the rest of the filling, working quickly so that the caramel doesn’t completely
Crumble the tofu into a blender or food processor, along with the milk, cornstarch and salt.
Puree until completely smooth, scraping down the sides of the blender to make sure you get
Preheat oven to 350 F.
With the caramel still warm in teh mixing bowl, add in the tofu mixture and the vanilla, and mix
well. Fold in the pecans to incorporate.
Transfer to prepared pie crust and bake for 40 minutes. The pie is going to be somewhat jiggly,
but it should appear to be set.

For the spread:

2 ripe avocados, kept cold in the fridge
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped cucumber
2 tablespoons fresh chopped mint
2 tablespoon fresh chopped dill
To serve:
12 slices white bread
1 small cucumber, thinly sliced
First prepare the spread. Remove the pit from the avocados, and scoop into a food processor
along with the lemon juice and salt. Puree until completely smooth, scraping down the sides ith
a rubber spatula as necessary. Add the cucumber and pulse until cucumber is finely chopped.
Add the mint and dill and pulse again so combine. You just want them well incorporated into the
mid, not pureed.
Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes or so to let the flavors marry, and then taste for salt and
To assemble:
Arrange the sliced of bread on the counter. Spread the avocado mixture onto all 12 slices. Add a
single layer of cucumber on 6 of the slices. Now close each sandwich. Use a steak knife to cut
off the crusts. With a gentle touch (so as not to squish the filling out too much), cut each
sandwich into 4 equal pieces, either squares or triangles. Serve topped with extra herbs, or
lettuce. In this pic, I topped them with pea shoots.

Ranch style dip

1 cup cashews, soaked in water for at least 2 hours, and drained
1 cup water
3 to 4 ounces extra firm tofu (1/4 of a typical package)
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon agave
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon onion powder
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon vegetable broth powder
2 teaspoons garlic powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon dried dill

1/2 cup cooked pinto beans, rinsed and drained

1/2 cup vegetable broth
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons liquid smoke
2 cloves garlic, grated (with a microplane, or very finely minced)
1 1/4 cups vital wheat gluten
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
2 tablespoons chickpea flour
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon fennel seed, crushed
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
Several dashes fresh black pepper
Before mixing your ingredients, get your steaming apparatus ready, and bring water to a full boil.
The rest of the recipe comes together very quickly.
Have ready 4 sheets of tin foil. In a large bowl, mash the pinto beans until no whole ones are
left. Throw all the other ingredients together in the order listed and mix with a fork. Divide dough
into 4 even parts (an easy way to do this: split the dough in half and then into quarters). Place
one part of dough into tin foil and mold into about a 5 inch log. Wrap dough in tin foil, like a
tootsie roll. Don’t worry too much about shaping it, it will snap into shape while it’s steaming
because this recipe is awesome.
Place wrapped sausages in steamer and steam for 40 minutes. That’s it! You can unwrap and
enjoy immediately or refrigerate until ready to use. They’re really great sliced up and lightly
sauteed, or grilled.

2 lbs fingerling potatoes, cut into 3/4 inch chunks

2 avocados
2 tablespoons lime juice, from a lime or two
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (optional)
1 plum tomato, chopped
1 small red onion, diced small
1 smallish cucumber, diced very small
Scallions for garnish (optional)
Put potatoes in a pot and cover with water. Cover pot, bring water to a boil. Lower the heat to a
rolling boil and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, until potatoes are easily pierced with a fork. Drain and
set aside to cool.
Once potatoes have cooled, prepare the dressing. Split the avocado in half, remove the seed
and scoop the yumminess into the food processor. Add the lime juice and salt and puree until
smooth, scraping down the sides with a spatula as needed. Once smooth and creamy, add the
tomato and onion. Pulse until they are incorporated but not completely blended. You should still
be able to see the tomato and onion.
Put the potatoes and cucumbers in a large mixing bowl and mix them up. Add the dressing and
mix well. Taste for salt and spice. Wrap tightly and chill until ready to use. Top with scallions, if
you like.

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