Visual-Environment 10.0 ReleaseNotes

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Visual-Environment 10.


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July 2014
Visual-Environment 10.0 i RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Introduction 1
Visual-Environment 5
Usability Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Visual-CAD Clean 8
CAD Import ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Overlap Cleanup---------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Geometry Repair --------------------------------------------------------------------------9
Export to PS2G -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Repair and Export ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Visual-Cast 11
Multistage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
QuikCAST Support---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Model Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
Simulation Parameters Help ---------------------------------------------------------- 14
Other Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Bug Fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
ProCAST Solvers 2014.5 Updates ------------------------------------------------- 18
Main Updates ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Improve User Functions Capabilities ----------------------------------------------- 18
Other Updates---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Limitations--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

Visual-Mesh (Cast) 19
CAD Import ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
‘3D Mesh Utilities’ Toolbar ------------------------------------------------------------ 19
CAD Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
Part Manager ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Repair GUI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
Node Move -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
3D GUIs - Sharing Nodes of Input Mesh ------------------------------------------ 22
Element Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Known Issues ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

Visual-Viewer (Cast) 24
Calculation Monitoring Curves ------------------------------------------------------- 24
Volume Cut ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Export Cell Results in *.unv Format ------------------------------------------------- 25
Special Plots for Continuous Casting Industry ----------------------------------- 26
Other Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
Bug Fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

RELEASE NOTES ii Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Known Issues ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

Visual-CEM 30
PAM-CEM/FD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
CEM Toolbox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
PAM-CEM/HF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Multilayered Coatings & 3D Materials ---------------------------------------------- 31
Sources & EfieldFD Coupling -------------------------------------------------------- 32
Other PAM Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------ 32
EFIELD FD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Materials ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Ground Plane ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
EFIELD TD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Solver Param ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Boundary Conditions ------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Lumped Circuit --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
FDTD Geometry ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Probe Material---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
External Plane Wave ------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Near To Farfield ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Output Param ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
System Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36

Visual-CFD 37
Project Preferences --------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
Heat Support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
Distributed Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
Wind Tunnel Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
Initial Conditions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
Preserve Boundary --------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
Tools---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

Visual-Crash DYNA 47
New Keyword Support ----------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Material Axis Display: Visualization and Definition ------------------------------ 47
Support for Fully 2DMeshed Belt ---------------------------------------------------- 48
Export GUI Enhancements------------------------------------------------------------ 50
Improvements in System Positioning ----------------------------------------------- 51
Header Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
Other Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
Bug Fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53

Visual-Crash PAM 54
VPS Solver Format Support ---------------------------------------------------------- 54
Handling Modular Input Format of VPS 2014------------------------------------- 54
Improvements in Obsolete/Phase-Out Manager --------------------------------- 57

Visual-Environment 10.0 iii RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Improvements in Conversion Utilities ----------------------------------------------- 58

Improvements in Export---------------------------------------------------------------- 59
Improvements in Seat Belt: Complete 2DMesh Belt Creation ---------------- 61
Improvements in System Positioning ----------------------------------------------- 62
Automatic MLOAD Creation ---------------------------------------------------------- 64
Automatic Creation of GRPEGM (Group Eigen Mode Definition)------------ 65
Convert Llink to Plink ------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
Header Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
Usability Improvements: Guiding Messages -------------------------------------- 67
Other Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
Bug Fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69

Visual-Crash RAD 70
Improvements in Export---------------------------------------------------------------- 70
Header Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
Other Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71

Visual-Distortion 72
Layer Design Manager ----------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Distortion Advisor------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74
Laminate Mesh--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78
Laminate Characterization ------------------------------------------------------------ 84
Bug Fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84

Visual-FORM 85
Enhancements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
Advanced Contact Definition Card -------------------------------------------------- 85
Advanced Contact Control Card ----------------------------------------------------- 86
Material 140 Card Enhancement ---------------------------------------------------- 86
Material Database Support------------------------------------------------------------ 87

Visual-Mesh 88
CAD Import ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88
‘Geometry Utilities’ Toolbar ----------------------------------------------------------- 88
Support for Stitched Surfaces with Multiple Parts ------------------------------- 89
CAD Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
Repair GUI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
Node Move -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
1D – On Curve --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
Remesh By Wrap------------------------------------------------------------------------ 93
Boundary Layer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
3D GUIs - Sharing Nodes of Input Mesh ------------------------------------------ 95
Part Manager ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96
Length Units ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 97
Element Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 97

Mesh-To-Mesh 98
Node Move -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
3D GUIs - Sharing Nodes of Input Mesh ------------------------------------------ 98

RELEASE NOTES iv Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Element Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 99

Visual-Quoting 100
Foreword -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
Pam-Stamp Quoting Solution on Visual Platform ---------------------------- 100
Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
Quoting Solution ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 101
Project Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- 102
Blank Outline --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103
Nesting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104
Automatic Reporting ------------------------------------------------------------------ 105
Other Updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106
Known Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107
Limitations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 107

Visual-Safe 108
Sim-Folder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 108
Bug Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109

Visual-Viewer 110
Contour ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110
Profile Curves -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110
DSY/THP Cmdf and Template Support for ERF2.0 --------------------------- 110
Binout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 110
Failed Element - SSR Optimization ----------------------------------------------- 111
Support of Modular Output ---------------------------------------------------------- 111
Other Updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
Bug Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
Known Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
Limitations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 112

Visual-Weld 113
Foreword -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114
Welding Advisor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
General Description------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
Heat Exchange Based on Surrounding Temperature------------------------- 116
Creating RAMP Function for Loading Condition ------------------------------- 117
Generate ERF without Model------------------------------------------------------- 118
Pyramid Element Support ----------------------------------------------------------- 119
Connect Edges------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
Material Editor -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122
Heat Source ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123
Minimum Transient File Size Option ---------------------------------------------- 124
Visual-Heat Treatment--------------------------------------------------------------- 125
Heat Treatment Process ------------------------------------------------------------- 125
Other Updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127
Known Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128
Limitations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 129

Visual-Environment 10.0 v RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Visual-Mesh (Weld) 130

Create Weld Bead -------------------------------------------------------------------- 130
Layer Boundary Mesh --------------------------------------------------------------- 133

Visual-Viewer (Weld) 134

Contour Re-Organization in Viewer ---------------------------------------------- 134
Profile Path Update------------------------------------------------------------------- 135

Core Dump Tracker 137

Installation Requirements 139
On UNIX/Linux------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139
Hardware -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139
Software --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139
Shell Compliance ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 139
On Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 140

Licensing System 141

Types of Licenses -------------------------------------------------------------------- 141
Feature System ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 141
Context System ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 141
List of Compatible Contexts--------------------------------------------------------- 142
Token System ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 142
Number of Tokens by Context ----------------------------------------------------- 142
Used Tokens in a Session ---------------------------------------------------------- 143
Synthesis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144
List of Third Party Components Not Included in Either Context or
Token ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 145
License Strategy Configuration --------------------------------------------------- 146
License Strategy Manager --------------------------------------------------------- 147

Visual-Environment 10.0 1 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Visual-EnvironmentTM (VE) is the first brick of the environment for ESI Group’s
leading suite of software products. Visual-EnvironmentTM provides one single
environment that encompasses the complete workflow for realistic simulation based
design. It covers all the activities of a CAE engineer starting from interfacing to CAD
formats, CAD cleanup, meshing, assembling the model, model set-up and post-
processing using a single core extendable compute model. It further provides tools to
automate the tasks through scripts, macros and processes. It comprises of many
applications dedicated for each task. The following sections detail the different
applications. VE is a multi-model/multi-window/multi-application environment. The
embedded data model offers a very versatile environment where new applications and
interfaces can easily be implemented.
A new context, Visual-CAD Clean, is provided to quickly repair dirty geometry
coming from different sources.
Visual-Cast is the single integrated environment for all your Casting needs. The pre-
processor helps in model set-up, aided by definition of physics on topology and tailored
process flowchart using integrated Visual-Process. Visual-Cast is also linked to
Thermodynamic Databases for the automatic determination of the material properties.
Visual-Viewer (Cast) is the visualization and plotting tool that helps in analyzing
ProCAST and QuikCAST results data within a uniform interface. It performs
automated tasks and generates customized reports, thereby increasing engineer
productivity. Visual-Mesh (Cast) is a complete meshing tool for Casting and other
volume based applications. This supports a multi-model environment with model
explorer and powerful display controls. It facilitates import of CAD and mesh data from
various sources, repair CAD geometry, assembly of volumes, generation of surface
mesh, validation and correction of surface mesh and finally generation of volume
Visual-CEM is a dedicated environment allowing the intuitive and efficient
management of the complete simulation process, when dealing with Computational
Electromagnetics (CEM). Whatever their operating mode (standalone use or coupled
configuration), all electromagnetic solvers appearing in the PAM-CEM Simulation
Suite can be easily addressed and monitored.
Visual-CFD is the new integrated environment for Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD). The current release mainly targets OpenFOAM applications for External
Visual-Crash DYNA (VCD) provides LS-Dyna users with fast iteration and rapid
model revision process, from data input to visualization for crashworthiness simulation
and design. This environment provides quick model browsing, advanced mesh editing
capabilities and rapid graphical assembly of system models. VCD allows graphical
creation, modification and deletion of LS-Dyna entities. In VCD, you are provided with
tools for checking model quality and simulation parameters prior to launching

RELEASE NOTES 2 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

calculations with the solver. These tools help in correcting errors and fine-tuning the
model and simulation before submitting it to the solver, thus saving time and resources.
Visual-Crash PAMTM (VCP) provides PAM-CRASH users with fast iteration and
rapid model revision process, from data input to visualization for crashworthiness
simulation and design. This environment provides quick model browsing, advanced
mesh editing capabilities and rapid graphical assembly of system models. VCP allows
graphical creation, modification and deletion of contacts, materials, constraints, control
cards and all crash entities. In VCP, you are provided with tools for checking model
quality and simulation parameters prior to launching calculations with the solver. These
tools help in correcting errors and fine-tuning the model and simulation before
submitting it to the solver, thus saving precious time and resources. Visual-NVH &
Interior Acoustics skin is mainly dedicated to efficiently computing the vibro-acoustic
response of large size fluid-structure models, including 3D Porous Elastic Media
(PEM), which can be coupled with the structure part and with internal or external fluid
Visual-Crash RAD (VCR) provides RADIOSS users with fast iteration and rapid
model revision process, from data input to visualization for crashworthiness simulation
and design. This environment provides quick model browsing, advanced mesh editing
capabilities and rapid graphical assembly of system models. VCR allows graphical
creation, modification and deletion of interfaces, materials, control cards and all crash
entities. In VCR, you are provided with tools for checking model quality and simulation
parameters prior to launching calculations with the Solver. These tools help in
correcting errors and fine-tuning the model and simulation before submitting it to the
solver, thus saving time and resources.
VisualDSS is a Simulation Lifecycle Management tool that aims at providing end-to-
end decision-making support for simulations.
Visual-Life NASTRAN (VLN) is a comprehensive, integrated environment for
NASTRAN simulations with powerful enterprise capabilities. VLN is a high-
performance software to manage and assemble large and complex finite element system
models for NASTRAN, NVH and durability analysis with its unique multi-
window/multi model environment providing high productivity with powerful
visualization and model browsing.
Visual-Local Model AdvisorTM (VLMA) is a wizard-like tool to help users to create
Local Models for PAM-ASSEMBLY. VLMA is very intuitive, with a well-defined
process flow for Local Model creation. VLMA allows users of PAM-ASSEMBLY to
perform welding assembly simulations based on the local-global approach without the
necessity of having knowledge in Nonlinear Finite Element methods.
Visual-Materials (Composites) is another application of Visual-EnvironmentTM that
supports creation and management of Composite materials. It allows creation of
Constituent, Reinforcement, Ply and Laminate materials.
Visual-MEDYSA guides PAM-MEDYSA 2G users in building system models for
design optimization and performance validation of complex mechanical systems.

Visual-Environment 10.0 3 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Mechanical systems such as engine, tires, chassis, suspensions, and machinery

transmissions, can be modeled with ease in this environment.
Visual-Mesh is a complete meshing tool that supports CAD import, 2D and 3D
meshing and editing for linear and quadratic meshes. Some of the features which work
only on mesh will be available in other pre-processor applications (like VCP, VLN,
VCD, VCR, VSM, etc.).
Visual-OPT (VOPT) is a comprehensive solution in Visual-Environment providing a
seamless interface to optimization solvers and DoE studies. It supports PAM-OPT
currently. Only a demo version is available.
The process-oriented philosophy of Visual-Process ExecutiveTM brings a compelling
advantage to Visual-Environment users to build processes quickly by customizing GUIs
and executing them.
Visual-Safe is dedicated to Safety utilities. High productivity tools such as advanced
dummy positioning, seat morphing, belt fitting and airbag folder are provided in this
application. Simulation-based airbag folding is completed supported.
Visual-Safe MAD (VSM) is a complete, efficient and productive CAE environment for
multi-body and finite element occupant safety simulations using MADYMO. It utilizes
the multi-window/multi-model/multi-application environment of VE very efficiently. It
provides complete flexibility of working for both the experienced and the novice
MADYMO users alike. It incorporates a vast database of customer requirements and
feedback gathered over a decade.
Visual-Software Development Kit (Visual-SDK) enables customizing/extending
Visual-Environment by providing features required for development of process
templates and macros.
Visual-Seal provides advanced capability and fast-guided model building of Seal
models. It uses the multi-window/multi-model/multi-application environment very
efficiently. With visual verification, complete model-building activity can be performed
Visual-Shock (High Velocity Impact) simulation is used to analyze the dynamic
behavior of materials under very high-speed impacts. Visual-Shock supports PAM -
SHOCK users in modeling such material data easily. This typically finds application in
aerospace where you need to understand the damage suffered by a spacecraft when it
encounters space debris, such as micrometeoroids.
Visual-SYSTUS is a multi-physics simulation software environment for the SYSTUS
solver. SYSTUS is an implicit code that covers fields as diverse as civil and mechanical
engineering, energy and transportation. Visual-SYSTUS is a high-performance software
to manage complex finite element system models for analysis with its unique multi-
window / multi model environment providing high productivity with powerful
visualization and model browsing. Visual-SYSTUS as part of the Visual-Environment
has a sleek, intuitive user interface with Windows look and feel. All GUIs are
command-driven and can be easily programmed for process automation.

RELEASE NOTES 4 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Visual-ViewerTM is a new-generation post-processing tool with state-of-the-art plotting

utilities. It caters to the requirements of the CAE community. Visual-Viewer is built on
a multi-page / multi-plot environment, which enables you to group the data into pages
and plots. It is designed with an intuitive and sleek user interface with Windows look
and feel. Complete sessions can be re-run without loss of any data. It is completely
command driven and this enables you to execute commands with ease. Visual-Viewer
being a multi-page environment, you are allowed to create any number of pages and
you can have up to 16 windows on a single page. These windows can be plot,
animation, video, model or drawing block windows.
Visual-VTM is a plug-in application within Visual-Environment that enables you to set
up a simple trimmed Vibro-Acoustic model. All the inputs (meshes and modal bases)
are already prepared in a NASTRAN format.
Visual-Weld is the new-generation easy to use welding simulation tool developed in
Visual-Environment that encompasses the complete workflow for a realistic simulation
based design. Visual-Weld coupled with Visual-Mesh and Visual-ViewerTM covers all
the activities of a Welding Engineer starting from interfacing to CAD formats, CAD
cleanup, meshing, model set-up, post-processing using one single data model. Visual-
Heat Treatment is the new-generation easy to use Heat-Treatment simulation tool
developed in Visual-Environment that encompasses the complete workflow for a
realistic simulation based design. It offers the full set of Heat Treatment engineering
methodologies needed by designers, process planners and manufacturing practitioners.
Visual-Heat Treatment coupled with Visual-Mesh and Visual-Viewer cover all the
activities of a Heat Treatment Engineer starting from interfacing to CAD formats, CAD
cleanup, meshing, model set-up, post processing using one single data model.

Visual-Environment 10.0 5 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Usability Updates
Text Separators in Menus
Text separators have been added in menus to logically categorise the menu items and
improve usability.

RELEASE NOTES 6 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Help Menu Enhancements

• icon has been added beside the Help on [context] menu item to easily
identify it as the user manual online help.
• The Send feedbacks menu item has been added to enable you to give your
feedback on Visual-Environment. On selecting this menu item, an online form
will open in your browser window where you can share your thoughts.
• The Take survey menu item has been added to enable you to take part in the
Visual-Environment survey. On selecting this menu item, an online form will
open in your browser window where you can give your opinion, which will help
to improve our product and better suit your needs.

Visual-Environment Survey Dialog Box

On exiting the application, the Visual-Environment Survey dialog box is posted by
default, to remind you to take the survey.

It has the following options:

• Remind me in: If you do not want to take the survey immediately, you can
choose from the options given in this drop-down list, i.e., One day, One week,
or One month, and click the Take it later button to exit the dialog box.

Visual-Environment 10.0 7 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Don’t take it: If you do not wish to participate in the survey, you can click this
button to exit the dialog box.
• Take it now: If you would like to take the survey, click this button. An online
form will open in your browser window where you can give your opinion.
You can also access this survey any time using the Help > Take survey menu item
described above.

RELEASE NOTES 8 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

A new context, Visual-CAD Clean, is provided to quickly repair dirty geometry coming
from different sources. The following features are supported:

CAD Import

Improved healing is supported during CAD import.

Overlap Cleanup
• You can clean coincident and overlapping surfaces, and remove small strips.

Visual-CAD Clean
Visual-Environment 10.0 9 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Geometry Repair
• You can repair boundaries of trimmed surfaces to have watertight connectivity
and fill gaps.
• You can also modify surfaces to simplify geometry for Stamping and other CAE
o For example, you can remove very sharp corners by creating fillets with
small radius and replacing them.

Visual-CAD Clean
RELEASE NOTES 10 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Export to PS2G

• You can group the required surfaces in parts with proper names and export them
in IGES format.

Repair and Export

A new toolbar, Repair and Export, is provided for quick access to these functions.

Visual-CAD Clean
Visual-Environment 10.0 11 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)


• Simulation of casting chain process as manufactured is supported.

• Volume Removal and Definition of Cooling/Heating operations are available.
Option to add and remove required operation.
• In case of stress models, one can define iso-static condition for displacements.
• One click generation of models for all stages and one can launch all in sequence
with one click.
• Solver status update for each stage (rows) with color code.

RELEASE NOTES 12 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

QuikCAST Support
QuikCAST 2014.0 is now accessible through Visual-Cast in VE 10.0 in line with the
ESI casting solution ProCAST. As a first version, it does not contain the full scope of
capabilities of QuikCAST although already a strong basis is available with already
integrated QuikCAST capabilities (as detailed below) and the benefit of existing Visual-
It is intended to migrate the remaining QuikCAST capabilities (especially advanced
grid definition, implicit mold, remaining process conditions, cycle and core blowing) in
the coming Visual versions.
• QuikCAST in Visual-Cast existing capabilities:
• PMF file loading for flow and thermal cases.
• Ability to save grid info into the .vdb file.
• Access to QuikCAST material database.
• Support of following Boundary Conditions:
o Hydraulic Conditions
 Initial Fluid
 Inlet
 Pressure
 Velocity
 Flow paths
o Thermal Conditions
 Temperature
 Heat Transfer Coefficient
 External Exchange
 Die coating
 Heat Flux
 Thermal coefficients

Visual-Environment 10.0 13 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Model Summary

• Complete over-view of model set-up in one go which helps to identify and

correct input data as required.
• Hyperlink to post respective GUI for additional information.
• Export in .csv format.
• Accessible by right-click on root folder of explorer or through ‘Cast’ menu.

RELEASE NOTES 14 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Simulation Parameters Help

• Simulation parameter description for better understanding of the selected

• This online help represents exactly the information available in the manual.
• Avoids referring to the manual for descriptions.

• Added air properties in public database.
• Added As and Ca elements in material DB editor.
• Wrap condition improvements by allowing to define '0' thickness (or hole) wrap
on existing wrap condition.
• Improved data checks.
• Display the rotation / revolution axis while defining process condition.

Visual-Environment 10.0 15 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Support empty parts deletion.

• Usability improvements in Velocity and Flow rate calculator GUIs.
• Improved Pre-Defined output criterion: GUI to edit existing criteria and enable
Box GUI to defined box extents.
• Model comments in explorer tree to keep a short note of the model.
• Allows specifying circle center during circle region creation.
• Automatic enclosure check for normal and correction on loading files.
• Search option and grouping of properties in Material database.
• Progress update during 'Compute Properties' in material database.

• Box definition / physical values written in resdef.dat must be always in CGS
unit. This means box definition must be systematically in cm. This is addressed.
• Creating HTC process condition through right-click menu in process condition
manager used to create with wrong name such as "_1". This used to cause
stability issues. This problem is fixed.
• Data check displays an error "Material does not have stress properties despite
STRESS is ON" while material stress properties is correctly defined but using
user functions. This is corrected.
• Now CAFÉ assignment is allowed only on alloy volumes.
• When defining FREESFBAL or WALLF as functions of time, the Y-axis for
FREESFBAL must be constrained to only two values, 0 and 2. The Y-axis for
WALLF must be constrained to the interval [0,1] which means that WALLF can
take any value between 0 and 1 included. This is now possible.
• Instability issues when mapping results with different number of volumes is now
• Virtual Mold was exported as enclosure during .mesh export. This is fixed.
• Computing Scheil on Cu alloy UNS C95300 makes application crash. This is
• Sometimes NCOINC interface is converted to EQUIV type on loading the vdb
file. This is fixed.
• Sometimes solver version 2011 does not work due to incompatible p.dat file.
This is fixed.
• Enclosure can now be visualized in Visual-Viewer, even though radiation is not
active in Visual-Cast.
• When a d.dat file with single linear elastic material is loaded, application was
not reading the expansion and used to create a visco-elastic type with a shear
modulus. This is addressed.

RELEASE NOTES 16 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• The following are not supported in d.dat reading.
o 2D Model - Loading will terminate in this case.
o Extract of initial condition - Will continue to load, so it can be extracted
manually after loading such files using “Extract/Mapping” right click
menu on volumes in explorer.
o Reading d.dat files of ProCAST version below 2008.1 - Will continue to
load. It allows checking and making necessary changes if required in
• Extraction/Mapping functionality is not supported for MILE cases.
• To run solver from "Start Simulation" GUI, the solver path must have solver
version number. Example: 2014.0 or 2013.5, etc. This path should not have any
"." in the path other than version number.
• Loading <prefix>d.dat files with special characters in material name may
sometime fail in LINUX versions. Workaround: Edit such files and rename
material by removing special characters.
• For defining "Run List" in "Start Simulation" having user functions, selected
cases should belong to same drive.
• In "Start Simulation" -hostlist can be specified only in option1.
• In "Start Simulation" on Windows platform, avoid specifying both -hostlist in
option1 and hostfile together.
• When several files are appended to the existing model, volume should be
checked for unique name. Unique volume names should be maintained in order
to update regions correctly.
• If mold and alloy are connected by a line of common nodes instead of interfaces,
solver will throw error when launched. Workaround: Create COINC nodes at
these locations in Visual-Mesh.
• Die Coating process conditions defined in Visual-Cast 9.0 are not properly
loaded in Visual-Cast 9.6. In such files, Die Coating process conditions should
be re-assigned.
• Frequencies defined, for example, TFREQ, VFREQ, cannot be changed when
calling "Restart". Workaround: Use extract and define new TFREQ and
• User functions should be defined always in CGS units.
• .sm files (for example, with enclosures for radiation problems) should be
appended to the existing model only after loading/appending other files.
• The Stress calculations are not supported in new multi-radius accordion
• Computation of m and k values using back diffusion method on LINUX
platform is not proper. Workaround: Use Scheil, Lever, or Compute on
Windows platform.
• APM, HCS, CAFE in post-processor mode are not fully compatible with the
new storage frequency capabilities.

Visual-Environment 10.0 17 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Ladle Calculator and Mass Flow Calculator panels show temperature value in
Celsius unit. The unit selected in ‘Cast Preferences’ is not reflected in these
• The units selected in the ‘Cast Preferences’ are not reflected in the database

RELEASE NOTES 18 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group


Main Updates
• Increase storage frequency capabilities: storage capabilities of ProCAST have
been enhanced to allow in addition to step frequency the support of storage
frequency based on time, percentage of filling and percentage of solidification.
• Temperature stop Criteria has been enhanced and can now be defined on
selected volumes.
• A new result criterion is now output for flow calculation that provides nodal
temperature at filling time.
• The EBFEM discretization method, introduced in ProCAST 2013.0, extended in
2013.5 has been improved in term of accuracy, robustness and speed.

Improve User Functions Capabilities

• External compute function (func_externalcompute.c) which allows getting value
of the main fields (e.g. temperature, fraction of solid, velocities ...) at any
location of the model at the main time of the resolution, has been rewritten for
better handling of DMP capabilities and enriched to provide access to more

Other Updates
• RDEBUG is now fully supported with ProCAST.
• New capabilities for a better control of solver convergence for MiLE cases.
• Air entrainment is now supported as a possible additional output criterion

• Avoid combination of THERMAL 2 and MICRO.
• For pressure inlet driven cases like Lost Foam it is recommended to reduce the
convergence parameter PCONVTOL to 1e-04 for better convergence.
• New fluid flow does not yet support the cases with Accordion.
• For ductile iron, it is advised to ignore P and S components that could prevent to
compute ferrite and pearlite phase.

Visual-Environment 10.0 19 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

CAD Import
• New CAD formats support:
o ACIS files with extension *.sat, *.asat, *.sab, *.asab (versions R1 to R24
are supported).
o Solid Edge files with extension *.par, *.asm, *.psm (versions V18 to ST6
are supported) (on Windows platform only).
o Inventor files with extension *.ipt and *.iam (versions V6 to V2014 are
supported) (on Windows platform only).
o SolidWorks files with extension *.sldprt and *.sldasm (versions 2003 to
2014 are supported) (on Windows platform only).
• Latest versions support:
o Recent versions of Pro/E, Creo files are supported now (from 16 to Creo

‘3D Mesh Utilities’ Toolbar

A new toolbar containing frequently used 3D mesh utilities is provided for quick access.

CAD Options
Stitch Surfaces Across Parts
An option is provided in CAD Options dialog box to control stitching across parts.
• By default, the option ‘Stitch Across Parts’ is set to OFF for Visual-Mesh
o If this is modified, it will be applicable only until the end of that VE
session. It will be put OFF on the next launch of VE.

Visual-Mesh (Cast)
RELEASE NOTES 20 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Stitch Surfaces Across Parts option

Part Manager
In Part Manager, when the ‘Stitch Across Parts’ option is OFF (default option for
casting); if a surface is moved to an adjacent part, the moved surface is detached from
the old stitched surface (and part) and stitched with the new stitched surface (and part).

Before surface movement After surface movement

Visual-Mesh (Cast)
Visual-Environment 10.0 21 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Repair GUI

A new option, ‘Easy Split’, is provided to quickly split surface by just defining /
selecting the curve. ‘Adv. Split’ is provided for a very interactive split operation.

Visual-Mesh (Cast)
RELEASE NOTES 22 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Node Move

Spin controls are provided for X, Y and Z fields, for precise incremental movement.

3D GUIs - Sharing Nodes of Input Mesh

In 3D Map, Sweep, Revolve, Grow and Layer Mesh GUI, the nodes of given input
mesh will be shared by the final 3D mesh. This eliminates the need to fuse the nodes
during interactive 3D meshing.

Visual-Mesh (Cast)
Visual-Environment 10.0 23 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Element Geometry

‘Default’ option is provided to reset all quality parameters to the default settings

• Due to upgradation of Interop to R24 SP2, to support new CAD formats, there
may be regression in STEP and ProE files import.

• Part ID Modifications: Due to change in Part ID handling, some old sessions or
processes may not give exactly the same result. (The ID or order of the auto-
computed volumes may be different).
Workaround: Import CAD file in VE9.5, save it as vdb file. Update session /
process block to directly import this vdb file instead of importing CAD file.
• When a volume is fully inside another volume, it is important to select ‘Create
Cavities’ option in ‘Tools > Volume Options’ panel. This will update interfaces
correctly and avoid overlapping of solid elements.

Visual-Mesh (Cast)
RELEASE NOTES 24 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Calculation Monitoring Curves

• Modified Calculation Monitoring panel for better viewing of the solver status.
• Curves are updated dynamically during solver run.
• Option to plot Step, Iteration, DT, % fill, % solidification vs. time.
• Multiple selections of curves for plotting are possible.

Visual-Viewer (Cast)
Visual-Environment 10.0 25 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Volume Cut

• By default, a box is defined covering model extents.

• Box On/Off will to go back to normal mode of display.
• Each face of the box has handles that can be graphically moved to adjust the box
volume. Each face acts as a clipping plane.
• Options to enter the diagonal points to define the box.
• Display settings such as line style, line width, color.

Export Cell Results in *.unv Format

• Export of results in *unv Format (IDEAS) to be readable by FORGE3D.

Visual-Viewer (Cast)
RELEASE NOTES 26 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Special Plots for Continuous Casting Industry

• Plot of evolution of any result at one fixed point in space (virtual pyrometer).
• Plot of evolution of strand shell thickness (solid fraction = 1.0).
• Plot of evolution of strand solid fraction for some fixed solid fraction value.
• Plot of evolution of any result of interest along the strand.

• Misrun calculations updated to take care of:
o Low Risk: Region filled with metal temperature higher than the liquidus
(Value = 0).
o Medium Risk: Region filled with a metal having solid fraction between
0 and Fs (critical solid fraction) (Value = 1).
o High Risk: Region filled with a solid fraction higher than critical solid
fraction (Value = 2).
o Maximum Risk: Region which is never filled, or if filled, is emptied at
later stage of filling (Value = 3).

Visual-Viewer (Cast)
Visual-Environment 10.0 27 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Mesh, stress, temperature and porosity results can now be exported in the
*.KEY DEFORM native format. DEFORM is a forging software developed by
Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation (SFTC).
• Fit in viewer for all frames (for mile & tilt models) will now take into account
entire displayed geometry.

• Instability issue when going to last frame for CAFE result is now addressed.
• In calculation monitoring, filling percentage is now correctly displayed by
rounding off the decimals.
• Unit conversion was not working properly for CAFÉ and APM results. This is
now fixed.
• Stability issue in generation of AVI with three big models and six windows is
now fixed.
• Loading of Pin Squeeze Direct Node case was crashing. Now it is corrected.
• Plotting of static results such as Solidification Time, Time to Solidus is removed
from Evaluation option.

Visual-Viewer (Cast)
RELEASE NOTES 28 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• Entity info was not working when it is ON, model window closed and re-
opened. This is now fixed.
• For the radiation case, Enclosure can be visualized even though view factor is
turned OFF in Visual-Cast.

• Updating APM results during solver run may sometimes crash the application.
• If you select 'View'>Home Page when a model is active, the Contour dialog still
remains. If you select a different result, when the model is displayed, the contour
colors will not be correct. Workaround: This can be corrected by selecting the
result again or by posting the Spectrum dialog.
• If more than one Principal stress is selected for display as vectors, its maximum
value will not be displayed properly in the legend.
• If units are changed in the cut-off mode, contours will not be displayed properly.
You are advised to change it in the snapshot mode and then switch to cut-off
• During copying and pasting of model from one window or page to another, the
image may not be displayed as expected. Workaround: The model is displayed
properly on pressing 'F', i.e. fitting the model within the window.
• During CAFE result display, sometimes model is not refreshed. Workaround:
Click on model window and rotate.
• In deform export, coincident and equivalent interfaces are detected using
<prefix>ff.unf file. If this file is not present, then exported file will not be
proper. It is then recommended to export only the final single part to be
imported into DEFORM rather than the whole model, as DEFORM manages
interface differently.
• In case of Profile plotting for dynamic models like MILE, the profile created at
one step, will give wrong result if plotted at some other step.

• Template does not support calculated particles, free surface / point XY-plotting.
• Entity Selector may become inactive in some situations. To activate it again,
activate the model window and press Escape key.
• Volume of porosity computation is linked to the mesh size; consequently, this is
an approximated value.
• For QuikCAST models, tilt and explode cannot be applied simultaneously.
• Exporting the evolution curves plotted has a problem. If the curve names are not
present in the "Page/File View" tab, then exporting two or more curves by
pressing Control key and right clicking will give error.
• Stress tensors are not displayed on mold.

Visual-Viewer (Cast)
Visual-Environment 10.0 29 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• To view solver calculation status in "Calculation Monitoring" GUI, the solver

path must have solver version number. Example: 2013.5 or 2013.0, etc.
• Misrun is caused by a combined effect of viscosity and permeability. The risk
indicator is not applicable to thixo casting since the metal at inlet is already in
the mushy zone.
• Unit conversion is not supported for "Temperature gradient" results. It is always
displayed in K/cm units.

Visual-Viewer (Cast)
RELEASE NOTES 30 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

CEM Toolbox
The CEM Toolbox has been enriched with all those capabilities previously proposed
within the SEMAIL GUI only. In addition to the features proposed within Visual-CEM
9.5, namely 3D/3D coupling and Near Field computation (write_NFL), the following
tools were introduced to handle .dsy and .pla files, but also to post-process PAM-
CEM/FD output results:
• Regenerate .dsy
• Read .crp
• Visu .pla
• Split .pla
• Calibration
• Gain
For each of those additional features, the operating process remains similar while you
can specify input parameters (if any) through a dedicated panel (see below).

All details about the use of those dedicated modules (parameters and input data) can be
found for instance in the PAM-CEM Solutions Release Notes (V2009.0 for detailed
description of “calibration” or V2007.0 for other features).

Visual-Environment 10.0 31 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Within the frame of this Visual-CEM 10.0 release, the PAM-CEM/HF addressing has
been enhanced with a special focus on three different aspects dealing with material
management (multilayered material coatings & plastic slab screens), with sources
(analytical dipoles sources in particular) and with EfieldFD MoM coupling (Spherical
Wave Expansion or near radiated fields).

Multilayered Coatings & 3D Materials

The material editor now includes one dedicated HF panel allowing you to specify those
Boundary Conditions to be applied on the surfaces of the model in order to simulate
dielectric coatings (see below panel). Different conditions can be applied.
• SIBC (Surface Impedance BC) simulates a thin coating over a PEC support.
Reflection coefficients are used to model the layer acting as a waveguide.
• SIBC coefficients above do not depend on the incident angle. A generalization
of this formalism depending on the incident angle is proposed with the GIBC
• The simplest surface boundary condition is the GENERIC model simulating a
single (plane wave) reflection at the interface. The transmitted field is not
considered and this model can be applied to lossy dielectrics only.
• Transmitted field is handled as well with the SLAB model that remains valid for
a layer thickness small compared to the transverse dimension.
• The RADOME condition is an extension of the previous model with
electromagnetic fields “crossing” the material slab.

RELEASE NOTES 32 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

The last two Boundary Conditions (namely MULTI_SLAB and MULTI_RADOME)

allow you to combine previous coatings through a multilayered process with or without
PEC support.

Sources & EfieldFD Coupling

Four different sources can be used within the frame of a PAM-CEM/HF computation.
• External Plane Wave: A standard monochromatic plane wave is managed. As
usual, you should specify the amplitude of the exciting signal (electric field) and
the related phase, together with the incidence angles (THETA, PHI) and the
• Dipole source: This new analytical source is defined through its type (J or M or
both) and its location (XYZ), by its moment (field strength) and the related
• Spherical Wave Expansion (specified through the EfieldFD output filename).
• Near Field Source (specified through the EfieldFD output filename).


This 10.0 release also includes various PAM related upgrades, namely:
• Temporary VE directory removal (all projects saved and managed locally).
• Visual-CEM Backup Projects and PAM-CEM/HF Signals.
• Factory Setting for MTL Addressing.
• CRIPTE conductivity values in cable manager.
• Re-using already defined Cable properties (copy/past cable).
• Surface Current output and Part Manager updates (sorting display).
• General Preferences: Directories for CEM Projects Save.
• Checking Stage for 3D Materials and Local Boxes (parameters display).
• FD meshing stage with “-RS” option & preferences update.

Visual-Environment 10.0 33 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Multi-layer support in HF_MODEL material and three new 1D materials are
• Metallic wire
• Coated Wire
• Printed Strip Coated Wire

Ground Plane
• Infinite metallic ground plane.

Solver Param
This dialog is used to specify keywords CFL, NSTEP and AUTOPROBE.

Time step:
• CFL: This specifies the Courant-Friedrich-Levy (CFL) number that relates the
timestep to the size of the FDTD cell.
• Time step: Size of time step in seconds. The default value is given by CFL=0.9.

RELEASE NOTES 34 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Simulation time:
• No. timesteps: Fixed number of timesteps. The total simulation time will be
[number of time steps]*[time step] seconds.
• Time: Simulation time in seconds.
• Automatic: The field is probed inside the computational domain and the
simulation is stopped when the amplitude in the probe points has decreased to a
certain level.

Boundary Conditions
This dialog is used to specify keyword OUTERBOUNDARY.
• For type IBC two more subtypes are added:
o DielectricHalfspace
o PecBackedShell
• Outer Boundary condition is supported with following types:
o 1st-order Mur
o Perfectly matched layers (PML)
o Uniaxial perfectly matched layers (UPML)
o Periodic boundary condition
• An infinite ground plane is supported in the XY plane.

Lumped Circuit
This dialog is used to specify keyword LUMPEDCIRCUIT.
• Lumped circuit source and loads is supported.
• Current/voltage probe is supported.

Visual-Environment 10.0 35 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

FDTD Geometry
This dialog is used to specify keywords PEC,
The FDTD geometry files used in simulation are listed of following type of geometries:

Probe Material
Used to define probe material used for sampling the electric and magnetic field on a

This dialog is used to specify keyword PORTS.
A port is defined on a surface that can be treated as a cross section of a waveguide.

External Plane Wave

This dialog is used to specify keyword PLANEWAVE.
This is used to specify a plane wave incident field.

Near To Farfield
This dialog is used to specify keywords NFTRANS_FD, NF_TRANS_TD.
This is used to define far field computation. The two types of near to far field
transformation are:
• Near to far field transformation in frequency domain.
• Near to far field transformation in time domain.

Output Param
This dialog is used to specify keywords POWER, PROBE.
The type of results that will be saved in the simulation are defined in this dialog.
The following parameters can be saved with different data.
• SURFACE CURRENTS STRUCTURED: To save surface currents on PEC,
THINSHEET and surface impedance objects in the structured (FDTD) region.

RELEASE NOTES 36 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group


on PEC objects in the unstructured (FEM) region. Note that FEM meshing is not
supported yet.
• PROBE FIELDS STRUCTURED: To save fields on probe surfaces in the
structured (FDTD) region.
• PROBE FIELDS UNSTRUCTURED: To save fields on probe surfaces in the
unstructured (FEM) region.
• POINT PROBES: To define discrete time – domain points in the FDTD lattice.
Only the probes defined in this will be used for simulation.
• POWER SURFACES: To save results for power integration surfaces in the
structured (FDTD) region.
• WIRE CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES: Save wire currents and voltages.
• LUMPED CIRCUIT RESULTS: Save lumped circuit voltages and currents
including results for voltage and current probes.
• STRUCTURED YEE GRID DATA: Save time-domain structured field data to
a separate results file.

System Settings
This dialog is used to specify keywords MULTIBLOCK, PROGRESS.
This dialog provides options related to performance of the parallel EfieldTD solver.
The keywords supported in .dat file for this dialog are:
MULTIBLOCK: This keyword specifies the division of the computational domain into
blocks and other computational parameters.
PROGRESS: This keyword controls output during timestepping.

Visual-Environment 10.0 37 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Visual-CFD is the new user interface with a state-of-the-art multi-window / multi-
model environment for CFD. The current release is mainly targeting OpenFOAM
applications for simple Flow and Turbulence modeling. It has a very sleek interface
with a lot of intelligence built into it with state-of-the-art Graphics. Unlike many other
CFD based user interfaces, and even in OpenFOAM, intelligence is built-in so that
boundary conditions can be set up directly on the CAD geometry (STL). The Explorer,
Menu system and GUI are configured in such a way that they reflect customer’s

Project Preferences

Wind tunnel-related settings have been removed from this panel.

RELEASE NOTES 38 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Heat Support
Visual-CFD supports OpenFOAM 2.2.2 with heat transfer (non-conjugate) with gravity
and boussinesq.

Volume Conditions as a Heat Source

Heat Source is available only for compressible heat solvers.

Visual-Environment 10.0 39 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Boundary Conditions
Visual-CFD supports coupled Boundary Conditions.
You have to select patch with neighbor.

Visual-CFD also supports the following Wall BCs:

• Temperature
• Power
• Heat flux

Temperature is also added in inlet and outlet BCs.

RELEASE NOTES 40 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Solid Properties for Heat

Visual-CFD supports solid properties like density, conductivity and specific heat.

Visual-Environment 10.0 41 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Distributed Run
Visual-CFD supports distributed run in Linux.
Only OpenMPI is supported to run cases in parallel.
You can solve cases in parallel using Localhost processors or Distributed machines’
processors. Here, you have to specify command arguments for distributed and localhost.

Using host file, you can solve cases in distributed machines.

RELEASE NOTES 42 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Wind Tunnel Settings

The Floor Location can be specified with wind tunnel.

You can specify the mode to define Wind Tunnel parameters as ‘By Ratio to Body
Dimension’ or ‘By Absolute Length’.
You can also enter the Air Flow location, Floor location, Length, Width, Height and
Front Space Length.

Initial Conditions
Initial Conditions can be specified according to specific Inlet BC condition or User

Visual-Environment 10.0 43 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Preserve Boundary
For decomposition, Visual-CFD supports ‘Preserve Boundaries’ feature. It is mainly
used for cyclic or AMI patches.


OpenFOAM Utility
Two converters, namely ‘Merge Mesh’ and ‘Segment and Scale’, are added in
OpenFOAM Utility sub-menu.

RELEASE NOTES 44 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Merge Mesh
Merge Mesh dialog box is used to merge two mesh cases into one case.

Segment and Scale

Using this dialog box, you can Segment and Scale using OpenFOAM Utilities.

Visual-Environment 10.0 45 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Utilities Using Visual

Scale for Display Mesh
Scale Display Mesh dialog box is used to scale the mesh data for visualization purpose,
to distinguish CAD and mesh data.

Scaling / Part Segmentation (Using Visual)

Scaling / Part Segmentation dialog box is used to perform Segment and Scaling of CAD
files (.stl) files.

In addition, Segment Parts is supported using Visual.

Segment Parts dialog box is used for Repartitioning of parts.

RELEASE NOTES 46 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• Regular expressions are not supported during import of Native OpenFOAM case
in this version.
• Limited Python scripting macro support is available.
• Reading of non-uniform internal Field values in flow variable files is not
• Meshing in parallel is supported only for OpenFOAM SnappyHex Mesher.
• VisCART Mesher is only available for solving External Flow problems.
• Automatic calculation of projected area is not available.
• Aborting mesher is not supported.
• Reset button will not work across in Physics Menus.
• OpenFOAM case files cannot be updated during running of the simulation.
• Full-fledged Post-processing of CFD results is not supported at this stage.

Visual-Environment 10.0 47 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

New Keyword Support
Based on customer requests, the following LS-DYNA keywords/options are updated in
this release as per Version 971 / Rev 7:
Following Material, which is already available in VCD, is updated to add DAMP and
CSE fields:

Material Axis Display: Visualization and Definition

PATH: Select Checks > Material Axis Display from the menu.
Material Axis Display utility can be used to visually check the material coordinate
system for all applicable Shell/Solid Materials.
• Only those parts that are assigned with material *MAT_002, *MAT_002_ANIS,
*MAT_021, *MAT_023, *MAT_033, *MAT_036, *MAT_040, *MAT_041-
050, *MAT_054-055, *MAT_059, *MAT_086, *MAT_103, MAT_104,
*MAT_108, MAT_128, MAT_170, *MAT_172, MAT_103_P, *MAT_130,
*MAT_132, MAT_135, *MAT_136, MAT_157, *MAT_158, MAT_189,
*MAT_190, *MAT_194, *MAT_116, *MAT_117, *MAT_161, *MAT_162,
*MAT_058, *MAT_142, *MAT_143, *MAT_122, *MAT_243, *MAT_234,
*MAT_026, *MAT_126, *MAT_022, *MAT_033_96, *MAT_034,
*MAT_226, *MAT_242, *MAT_T02, *MAT_T11 will be displayed in the 3D
model window on activating this tool for easy selection. They will be displayed
in grey color by default for better direction visualization.
• Intg_Pts (Integration Points) is the default Tree View. Clicking on the Intg_pt
node in the tree will show that direction for all the corresponding parts. The tree
view can be changed to view the details with reference to selected parts, if
desired. This can be achieved by selecting Part option. Clicking on the part tree
node will highlight the part, along with all its angular directions.
• Properties and Edit options for the parts are available as the right-click menu of
the tree.

Visual-Crash DYNA
RELEASE NOTES 48 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Support for Fully 2DMeshed Belt

Path: Safe Tools -> Seat Belt, choose Belt Type as 2DMeshed
• To model seat belt systems more realistically, a complete 2DMesh belt creation
procedure is implemented in Seat Belt GUI. Here you can create 2D belt,
starting from Retractor point, passing through DRing and Buckle parts and
ending at Anchor point, exactly similar to the real seat belt system. Intermediate
points between Retractor and DRing can be picked to guide the belt to pass
• Inputs to create 2DMeshed belt, are very minimum and almost same as regular
'Continuous' type belt. All belt points to be picked are displayed in the image
displayed at the right top corner on the Seat Belt panel.
• At DRing and Buckle, it is required to pick three points to enable the passage of
belt through DRing and Buckle parts. While picking these three points, Belt
Preview is displayed, showing how the belt will pass through. This will guide
you to adjust the points. 1D elements, if required, can also be specified at both
the ends of the 2DMeshed belt (at Retractor and Anchor points) in the form of
d1 and d4, respectively.

Visual-Crash DYNA
Visual-Environment 10.0 49 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• A new Element Type 'SeatBelt' is also supported. This element type can be used
with 2D Sliprings at DRing and Buckle.

• You can also modify (re-route) and delete the 2DMeshed belt.
Note: 2DMeshed belt creation is available with 'Use Simulation' option only.

Visual-Crash DYNA
RELEASE NOTES 50 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Export GUI Enhancements

PATH: File > Export
Export GUI is enhanced to list all the keyword to be exported, in a form of keywords
tree as shown below in the keywords tab. If the model has include files, the Export GUI
will have two tabs – Include files and Keywords.

• The options in the “Include files” tab namely Adding Pre-fix and Post-fix,
setting Absolute or Relative path to the includes, Selecting Modified Includes,
are better arranged for easy access. The “Export Options” which might not be
changed by you frequently are hidden under “Advanced Options” which could
be revealed on demand.
• Entities that you do not want to export can be toggled OFF in the Keywords tree
provided in the Keywords tab.
• If “Visible” option is toggled ON, keyword tree will be populated with visible
entities only.
• Export of entities inside Volume Cut: This can be achieved by switching on
“Visible” toggle. In this scenario too, “List References” can be used if you
desire to export the references as well.

Visual-Crash DYNA
Visual-Environment 10.0 51 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• If "List References" is ON, tree will list all the keywords that are visible along
with their references.
o Example: If you locate a part and perform visible export with "List
References" ON, then GUI will list located part, its elements, nodes,
material, function referred in material, and the entities like Contact,
wherein the nodes and elements of the located parts can be referred.
• The export order of “ESI Standard” is modified to have the entities exported in
the same order as seen in the explorer tree. However, you can change the order
of the keyword by using .
• Following bugs in the visible export option are fixed:
o Locating higher attributes like Contact and performing visible export
was not exporting the contact itself. This issue is fixed.
o Define entities like define curves were always exported in visible export
mode even if not appropriate. This is fixed.

Improvements in System Positioning

PATH: Safe Tools > System Positioning
• Usability Improvements:
o Joint and Frame (ID / name) made more visible in dedicated text boxes.
o Joint rotation options are grouped under “Movement”
o Axis of rotation are names as per solver terminology (RX RY RZ)
o The controls in the entire dialog box are rearranged.

• Step-by-step undo can be achieved with the help of Undo button.

• Translate Options:

Visual-Crash DYNA
RELEASE NOTES 52 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

o “Translate” option enables precise in plane movement with the help of

o “Target Pt” enables the entry of target point in the text box or pick in the
3D window.

Header Comments
PATH: Explorer/Sub Model Explorer > (right click) Header Comment
• All comment lines above *KEYWORD will be shown in the Header Comments
• In case no comment lines are present above *KEYWORD, any comment lines
present below *KEYWORD until the next encountered keyword, will be treated
as Header Comments.
• Each model has exactly one header comment and each sub model/ include too
can have exactly one header comment.
• The GUI allows for editing and deletion of the header comments of base file and
the sub model/ include files as well.

• Separate folder in object explorer for *MAT_ADD_EROSION,
• The file load time is improved when a missing include file is encountered on
• Handling of negative load curve definition in various (almost ALL) LS-DYNA
• Few items in menus like Checks, Tools are reorganized for better grouping.
Checks menu is given labeled separator for easy identification.
• Soft Angles in the Primer tree format for dummy articulations is supported.

Visual-Crash DYNA
Visual-Environment 10.0 53 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• *PARAMETER export issue for *MAT_OGDEN_RUBBER data fields is fixed.
• Deleting last two data lines in *MAT_ADD_EROSION while exporting is
• Disturbance in the hierarchy of Includes in case of huge comment is fixed.
• Separate folder in object explorer for Encrypted entities with leaf name as the
• A file with many transformations was taking more time to load. This was
• IO issue for MAT with AOPT in case of comma format is fixed.
• Show/Hide of includes in Model explorer to show/Hide Plotels as well is fixed.

Visual-Crash DYNA
RELEASE NOTES 54 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

VPS Solver Format Support
The keywords pertaining to VPS 2014 release are fully supported.
This release has the preliminary support of Modular Input format.
However, few options of earlier solver versions were not handled properly. They are
fixed in the current version. They are:
• Creep models were listed only for MATER of type 1 even though they are
applicable for MATER of type 16, 52, 71, 103, 105, 106 and 171 as well. This is
• It was not possible to input IDPLY24 in MAT 131 card image. This is fixed.
• Definition of TRANSFORMATION options with comma in IMPORT card is
• In the Material Editor, for Spring Materials (220-225), for ISINT (Integration
Rule), "C1 beam formulation" or "C0 beam formulation" were listed, which is
wrong as it is not a beam material. This is updated as 0: Spring with Bushing
effect and 1: Standard Spring.
• In IMPORT, EXPORT keywords RISK and TRIX variables were missed in
VARS (Shell Variables Data Values) and VARVS (Volume element variables).
This is fixed.
• PYVARs, if defined in solution controls are handled properly in VCP 10.0
release only. This was wrongly mentioned as addressed in VCP 9.5 release
• For BDFOR of the type PRFORC, PRSTRS, PREND cut plane definition is not
mandatory. This is handled properly during read/write.

Handling Modular Input Format of VPS 2014

• Read, Write of a compute model in Modular Input format is supported.
• Create, Edit, Delete of the Keywords related to Modular Input format namely;
MODULE, GLOBAL, IDEXP and all related controls like MODULAR_DATA,
ACTVATE_GLOBAL, general entity selection with MOD …END_MOD
(MODULAR_DATA= YES), are possible.
• Tools -> Modeling Conversion Utilities-> Convert Legacy NVH Data to
Modular: Conversion utility to convert legacy NVH-IA data to a modular input
with proper handling of IDEXP is provided.
• MODULAR_DATA, YES and NO are handled. This means entities are
searched for locally or globally, as it implies.
• Hierarchy of module tree is added to the entity id in Part Manager table, Object
explorer tree and entity selector list.
• In entity creation card image:

Visual-Crash PAM
Visual-Environment 10.0 55 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

o A single toggle “Variables/Idexport” is provided which will list

PYVARs and IDEXPs in a single list.
o At present, MOD ALL cannot be defined. However, Read, Write is
o On making a selection in 3D window, if invalid entities (that does not
comply with modular rules, that is, hierarchy rules) are chosen, they will
be ignored from listing in the general entity selection. A warning is
displayed in the console.
o Text editor is disabled for modular data.
o List option that can be activated in card image, will list valid entities
based on modular input rules.
• Part Manager is updated to handle modular data.

o Module ID hierarchy is displayed in the table.

o Assigning material to a part is possible only of the material belongs to
the same module as that of the part or is available in the GLOBAL
o Move Selected Elements right click menu allows the movement, only if
the selected elements belong to same part.
o On editing Part ID in the table, the uniqueness of new ID is validated
within same module.
o Copy and Paste Part Data right click menu, will assign the material only
if it belong to same part module.
• GUI to create IDEXP.
• The following utilities will handle modular data effectively:
o NVH-IA > Create microphone cards.
o File > Append and Assembly > Advanced Renumber.
o Checks > Solver Data Checker. The right-click menu, ‘Edit Attribute’,
will also work with modular data.

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(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

o Checks > Time Step, Mass Inertia. The tables are updated to visualize
module tree hierarchy along with the entity IDs.
o Tools > Picking/Copy Coordinates.
o Tools > Modeling Conversion Utilities > Explicit -> Implicit Advisor.
o Selection toolbar enhancements – Entering ID in text box with module
hierarchy is made possible.
• Any tool in VCP and Viewer that cannot handle modular input format properly
at present will post a message to warn you.

Creation of ID EXPORT
An entity within a module can be exported using the IDEXP option. This option allows
the selection of an entity defined in a module, in any other module. IDEXP can be
PATH: Right click on Controls folder in Object Explorer > New > IDExport.

• IDEXP key can be entered under VARNAME cell. Flower braces, (“{“, “}”)
will be added automatically. If the key length is < 8, remaining characters will
be filled with spaces.
• The IDVAR column displays the full module hierarchy.
• IDVAR of an IDEXP can be modified without affecting the attribute that refers
this IDEXP.
• In situations where negative sign can be added to a referred attribute like
SENSOR, the sign is added in IDEXP itself.

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Improvements in Obsolete/Phase-Out Manager

PATH: Tools > Obsolete/Phase-Out Manager, or
Right-click on root explorer item > Obsolete/Phase-Out Manager.
• The Obsolete/Phase-Out Manager is enhanced to capture the obsolete and
Phase-Out options as per VPS 2014.
Obsolete Options of VPS 2014 are:
MATER 21, 102, 203, 130, 132 and Ply Type 6
Phased-Out Options of VPS 2014 are:
• The default values of following options are changed from VPS 2013 to 2014
solver version.



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(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Remark on ANTIDRILL: ‘NO’ option is available with V2014. In VPS 2013,

when IPROJ is left blank, no projection is defined.
This change in the interpretation of the value of defaults could cause a change in
results. To alert this change in behavior, these changes are listed in the
Obsolete/Phase-Out Manager.
Note: In addition, as the Integration rule can be specified in MATER keyword as
well, if ECTRL -> BEAM_FORMULATION is not defined and beam/bar
material is having number of integration points as blank, those materials will
also be listed under “Changed Defaults”.

Improvements in Conversion Utilities

Convert NASTRAN Entities to VPS Implicit (More…)
PATH: Tools > Modeling Conversion Utilities > Convert NASTRAN Entities to VPS
• Loads that are activated in SUBCASE as well as globally will be considered for
• CWELD of type ELPAT or PARTPAT defined with point data is converted to
PLINK. A new node is created on the point and PLINK is defined in this node.
• DLOAD (DAREA) when converted to CONLO, if the node on which CONLO
is defined had initially CD field in NASTRAN, the same frame is assigned to
CONLO as well.
• MAT10 referred by PSOLID having PFLUID flag that was converted to
VAMAT1 + EIGEN control card is enhanced to update fluid mass density. It is
arrived by the formula:
• RHOFL (Fluid mass density) of VAMAT1 = BULK / (C^2), provided BULK
(Bulk modulus) and C (speed of sound) are defined in MAT10.
• PBEAML of type HEXA is converted to BEAM with proper translation of
Inertia properties.
• In general, only conversion of PBEAML and PBARL of type ROD, BAR,
TUBE, BOX are supported. For other unsupported types, default SHELL part
was being created. This bug is fixed, by creating default BEAM part.
• In PCOMP + MAT1/MAT8 to SHELL + MATER 131 + PLY conversion, no
LAYER will be created instead just unique PLYs will be created.
• The outputs DISP, PRESS, ACCE and VELO in sub case and above sub case
level are converted to THNOD or THNAC as the case may be even when they
are defined with options like SORT1, PRINT, etc.

Convert ABAQUS Entities to VPS Implicit (More…)

PATH: Tools > Modeling Conversion Utilities > Convert Abaqus Entities to VPS
• *ELEMENT, TYPE=DCOUP3D is converted to OTMCO.

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• *NODE PRINT is converted to THLOC.

• In *MASS + *ELEMENT, TYPE=MASS to MASS conversion, empty parts
were being created. This is fixed.
• In *COUPLING + *KINEMATIC + *SURFACE to OTMCO conversion, if
weight factor is present, separate selections are created for different weight

Convert LS-DYNA Entities to VPS Entities (More…)

PATH: Tools > Modeling Conversion Utilities > Convert LS-DYNA Entities to VPS
• Adhesives modeled by solid elements is converted to MAT 305(COS3D) +
TIED between SOLIDs.
• Scale factor and offset were not considered during conversion of material
curves. This is fixed.

Conversion of TREE Organization in a HyperCrash M00 File to VPS

PATH: Tools > Modeling Conversion Utilities > Convert VE-Submodels to
M00 file is a file that contains description of Macro-objects, which do not exist in
RADIOSS input. This file is used by HyperCrash to build the tree organization.
VCP can read the M00 file to organize the ADMAS and RBODY definitions under
proper modules.
Procedure to achieve this organization:
• Convert the RADIOSS file to VPS using Tools -> Modeling Conversion
Utilities -> Convert RADIOSS Entities to VPS Entities. This will generate
“Submodels” for each SUBSET definition in RADIOSS.
• Load the converted .pc file back into VCP.
• Execute Tools -> Modeling Conversion Utilities -> Convert VE-Submodels to
MODULES. The “Submodels” generated by “Convert RADIOSS Entities to
VPS Entities” will be converted to MODULES. However, the ID of the
MODULE is kept same as the RADIOSS SUBSET ID.
• You will be prompted to pick the M00 file, if available. On providing the M00
file, the ADMAS and RBODY will be organized under the right MODULES
based on the SUBSET ID reference.

Improvements in Export
PATH: File > Export
Export GUI is enhanced to list all the keyword to be exported, in a form of keywords
tree as shown below in the keywords tab. If the model has Include files, the Export GUI
will have two tabs – Include files and Keywords.

Visual-Crash PAM
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(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• The options in the “Include files” tab namely Adding Pre-fix and Post-fix,
setting Absolute or Relative path to the includes, Selecting Modified Includes,
are better arranged for easy access. The “Export Options” which might not be
changed by you frequently are hidden under “Advanced Options” which could
be revealed on demand.
• Entities that you do not want to export can be toggled OFF in the Keywords tree
provided in the Keywords tab.
• If “Visible” option is toggled ON, keyword tree will be populated with visible
entities only. If "List References" is ON, tree will list all the keywords that are
visible along with their references.
o Example: If you locate a part and perform visible export with "List
References" ON, then GUI will list located part, its elements, nodes,
material, function referred in material, and the entities like Contact,
wherein the nodes and elements of the located parts can be referred.
• Export of entities inside Volume Cut: This can be achieved by switching on
“Visible” toggle. In this scenario too, “List References” can be used if you
desire to export the references as well.
• The export order of “ESI Standard” is modified to have the entities exported in
the same order as seen in the explorer tree. However, you can change the order
of the keyword by using . Please note that order of solution
controls cannot be changed.
• Following bugs in the visible export option are fixed:
o Locating higher attributes like Contact and performing visible export
was not exporting the contact itself. This issue is fixed.
o Auxiliary entities like Load curves were always exported in visible
export mode even if not appropriate. This is fixed.

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Improvements in Seat Belt: Complete 2DMesh Belt Creation

PATH: Safe Tools > Seat Belt, choose Belt Type as 2DMeshed

• To model seat belt systems more realistically, a complete 2DMesh belt creation
procedure is implemented in Seat Belt GUI. Here you can create 2D belt,
starting from Retractor point, passing through DRing and Buckle parts and
ending at Anchor point, exactly similar to the real seat belt system. Intermediate
points between Retractor and DRing can be picked, to guide the belt to pass
• Inputs required to create 2DMeshed belt, are very minimum and almost same as
regular ‘Continuous’ type belt. All belt points to be picked are displayed in the
image displayed at the right top corner on the Seat Belt panel.
• At DRing and Buckle, it is required to pick three points to enable the passage of
belt through DRing and Buckle parts. While picking these three points, Belt
Preview is displayed, showing how the belt will pass through. This will guide
you to adjust the points.
• 1D elements, if required, can also be specified at both the ends of the 2DMeshed
belt (at Retractor and Anchor points) in the form of d1 and d4, respectively.
• You can also modify (re-route) and delete the 2DMeshed belt.
Note: 2DMeshed belt creation is available with 'Use Simulation' option only.

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Improvements in System Positioning

PATH: Safe Tools > System Positioning
• Usability Improvements:
o Joint and Frame (ID / name) made more visible in dedicated text boxes.
o Joint rotation options are grouped under “Movement”
o Axis of rotation are names as per solver terminology (R S’ T’’)
o The controls in the entire dialog box are rearranged.

• Step-by-step undo can be achieved with the help of Undo button.

• Display > Rotation axes toggle: Better visualization through Rotation/Euler axes
of the joint. Rotation is made easy by moving the required wheel with the
mouse. “Joint Axes”, if switched ON, Frame1 will be displayed as R1, S1, T1
and Frame2 will be displayed as R1, S2, T2.

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• Translate Options:
o “Translate” option enables precise in plane movement with the help of
o “Target Pt” enables the entry of target point in the text box or pick in the
3D window.

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(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Automatic MLOAD Creation

Automatic creation of MLOADs with minimum input, which is the nodal point data on
which the CONLO as to be applied is made possible.
PATH: In the Explorer, right-click on Loads > Multi Load folder and select New from
the posted menu. Click on Auto create MLOADs button in the posted Multi Load Cases
panel, or
NVH-IA > MLOAD: Automatic Creation

• An xml file with the specified point list can be loaded into the tool. Clicking on
Find, button the nearest node will be identified.
• “Move node to point” option allows you to move the node identified within the
tolerance to the given point.
• “Mload in all directions”, if checked ON will create MLOAD (of default unit
value) in all (x, y and z) directions. If not checked, MLOAD will be created only
in z direction.
• “Create output” option will create THNOD or THLOC. If the found node is
constrained by OTMCO, MTOCO or RBODY, THNOD will be created, else
THLOC will be created.
• “Create OTMCO” option will create OTMCO. OTMCO will be created only if
the node is found with increased tolerance.
Note: Applicable only in Visual-NVH and Interior Acoustic and Visual-VTM contexts

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Automatic Creation of GRPEGM (Group Eigen Mode

GRPEGM (Group Eigen Mode Definition), which enables to define a restricted list of
nodes for EGM output, can be automatically created in the Acoustic Coupling
Visualization GUI.
PATH: In the Object Explorer, right-click on Vibro-Acoustics folder > Coupling
Interfaces folder and select Acoustic Coupling Visualization from the menu, or
Select NVH-IA > Acoustic Coupling Visualization.

GRPEGM Creation Options

• Separate GRPEGMs are created for Structural surfaces and Fluid surfaces.
• By default, Couple matrix, Loads and Outputs boxes will be checked on to
include all surface nodes belonging to Couple Matrix definition, Loads
definition and Outputs definition in the respective (structural and fluid)
GRPEGM definition. To exclude the nodes belonging to any of these options,
check off the corresponding toggle.
• Loads that are considered for Structural GRPEGM definition are:
o CONLO (Concentrated Nodal Load)
o PREFA (Pressure Boundary Condition)
o DIS3D, VEL3D and ACC3D (Translational 3D Boundary Condition)
o RAC3D (RMLOAD (Residual Modes Unit Load Definition))

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• Load that is considered for fluid GRPEGM definition is VAMPSO (Acoustic

Monopole Source Definition).
• THNOD (Node Time History Output) and THNAC (Nodal Acoustic Output) are
the output definitions that are considered for the definition of structural
GRPEGM and fluid GRPEGM respectively.
• Clicking on “Create structure GRPEGM” creates GRPEGM with selected
structural nodes.
• Clicking on Create fluid GRPEGM creates GRPEGM with selected fluid nodes.
Note: Applicable only in Visual-NVH and Interior Acoustic context.

Convert Llink to Plink

PATH: Explorer tree, right click on the Llink folder > Convert Llink to Plink or,
Tools > Modeling Conversion Utilities > Convert Llink to Plink or,
Tools > Modeling Conversion Utilities > Explicit->Implicit Advisor or,
Right click menu option in Llink Manager

• The SPOTRA value is the only input taken in the GUI to be assigned to the
Plink part/s that will be created for the converted Plinks. The Llink parts and
materials will be deleted and replaced by equivalent Plink parts and materials.
• All the conversion details are written to a file named
“LLink_Conversion_Info.txt”, the link to which will be provided in the Console.
Note: The tool uses the VPS solver for the conversion. The desired version can be
mentioned in the General Preference. If not mentioned, the solver that is packed with
the VE version will be used (i.e. VPS 2014).

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Header Comments
PATH: Object Explorer tree > right click on the root tree item > Header Comment, or
Model Explorer tree > right click on any tree item > Header Comment

• Header Comments GUI enables you to view and edit Header Comments of the
base file and also the include files or sub-models.
• “Delete” operation in the GUI gives you an option to delete the comments in the
current file (include) alone or delete the comments in the children includes as

Usability Improvements: Guiding Messages

The tools/features/utilities in VCP prints messages to guide you in the console, status
bar and prompt area. Many a time, a pop up message box is also provided if a decisive
action has to be performed by you.
In this release, many tools/features/utilities in VCP are revised to ensure that only
guiding messages are provided in the prompt area, information is written in the console
and the message boxes are provided with proper symbols related to information,
warning and error.
The information in the console is also color-coded. Information is written in black,
warning in orange and error in red.

• Two to three times faster rendering of models with beams, bars, links and SPH
• Checks > VE Data Checker is upgraded to Support Input checker version 4.0.1.

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• Checks > Solver Data Checker: If Embedded Solver is set in VCP Preferences
(default), executing Solver Data checker will not consume VPS solver license.
However, if External Solver selected is a version earlier than 2014, in VCP
Preferences it will check for a valid VPS solver license if DATACHECK YES
QUIT control card is defined in the model. If not defined, it does not check or
consume any solver license.
• In Checks > Solver Data Checker and Solver Messages, filtering is improved by
printing T E R M I N A T I O N line along with EXITO message at the end of
filtered text.
• Solver argument, -nt (number of threads) is enabled for Embedded Solver in
VCP Preferences. With this, you can set the number of threads to be used by
VPS solver when invoked through Visual-Crash PAM (e.g. In Seat Belt, Sim-
Positioner, Penetration Check, Tied Projection, etc.).
• Safe Tools > Sim-Positioner is updated to have ERF only, DSY only or both
ERF and DSY output formats. This can be achieved by choosing the required
option for the key “Output Format”.
• In MTOCO definition, Compute COG node option for independent node
definition will be unavailable if the chosen COG node is part of element or joint
definition as well.
• Plot Editor updates:
o Supports import and export of complex curves.
o Complex curves can be exported in Real-Imaginary and Amplitude-
Phase format.
• NVH-IA > Create Microphone Cards is updated to provide a combo button for
xml file of nodal point data for easy access to the last used xml file.
• It is possible to visualize 1D elements, joints, Frames as grey in the Grey
boundary display mode.
• Few items in menus like Checks, Tools are reorganized for better grouping.
Checks menu is given labeled separator for easy identification.

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• When a model has 3D metric reference and METRIC_3D_LOAD control card is
defined under ECTRL then solver penetration check failed. This is fixed.
• When a GROUP is referred inside another GROUP, then solver penetration
check failed. This is fixed.
• Frame, defined by two vectors and IFRATY=0, display is not consistent and
correct when transformation (TRSFM) is removed/applied/deleted. This is fixed.
• Curve for Forming Limit Diagram in MATER was not considered for estimating
stamping effects in Tools > Estimate Stamping Effects. This is fixed.
• On converting VARDEFs to PYVARs, the original comments attached to the
VARDEFs were lost. This is fixed.
• PYVAR whose definition is missed and is assigned to more than one attributes
is lost during export from VCP. This is fixed.
• Definition of selection with both OGRP and GRP in an attribute, for example,
contact, leads to the deletion of one of the selection. This is fixed.
• The file load time was more than acceptable when a missing include file is
encountered. This is fixed.
• Sort by Type option in explorer bar does not work for Contacts folder. This is
• On performing Show, Hide, Locate and Highlight on Includes/Submodels tieds
and tied parts display is changed accordingly because of which clear
visualization of the structure of Submodels/Includes was difficult. This is fixed
such that tieds and tied parts do not take part in these display operations.
• After confirming Tied projection in Tied Manager, activating Neighbour + (N+)
resulted in core dump. This is fixed.
• Plot Editor had a bug in editing and saving of phase amplitude curve. It was
always treated as real imaginary curve. This is fixed.
• In GFRP keyword, the value in FREQUENCY_EIGEN was not handled
properly on unit conversion. This is fixed.
• NVH-IA > Acoustic Coupling Visualization > Create Structural panel option
considers Beam part as well for panel creation. VPS 2013 solver throws error for
such a data. This is fixed by avoiding creating VAPANL for beam parts.

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Improvements in Export
PATH: File > Export
Export GUI is enhanced to list all the keyword to be exported, in a form of keywords
tree as shown below in the keywords tab. If the model has include files, the Export GUI
will have two tabs – Include files and Keywords.

• The options in the “Include files” tab namely Adding Pre-fix and Post-fix,
setting Absolute or Relative path to the includes, Selecting Modified Includes,
are better arranged for easy access. The “Export Options” which might not be
changed by you frequently are hidden under “Advanced Options” which could
be revealed on demand.
• Entities that you do not want to export can be toggled OFF in the Keywords tree
provided in the Keywords tab.
• If “Visible” option is toggled ON, keyword tree will be populated with visible
entities only. If "List References" is ON, tree will list all the keywords that are
visible along with their references.
o Example: If you locate a part and perform visible export with "List
References" ON, then GUI will list located part, its elements, nodes,
material, function referred in material, and the entities like Contact,
wherein the nodes and elements of the located parts can be referred.

Visual-Crash RAD
Visual-Environment 10.0 71 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Export of entities inside Volume Cut: This can be achieved by switching on

“Visible” toggle. In this scenario too, “List References” can be used if you
desire to export the references as well.
• The export order of “ESI Standard” is modified to have the entities exported in
the same order as seen in the explorer tree. However, you can change the order
of the keyword by using . Please note that order of solution
controls cannot be changed.
• Following bugs in the visible export option, are fixed:
o Locating higher attributes like Contact and performing visible export
was not exporting the contact itself. This issue is fixed.
o Auxiliary entities like Load curves were always exported in visible
export mode even if not appropriate. This is fixed.

Header Comments
PATH: Object Explorer tree > right click on the root tree item > Header Comment, or
Model Explorer tree > right click on any tree item > Header Comment

• Header Comments GUI enables you to view and edit Header Comments of the
base file and also the include files or sub-models.
• “Delete” operation in the GUI gives you an option to delete the comments in the
current file (include) alone or delete the comments in the children includes as

• Few items in menus like Checks, Assembly are reorganized for better grouping.
Checks menu is given labeled separator for easy identification.

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(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Layer Design Manager
MTX material database is supported in layer design manager. Now ply materials
available in MTX database will be listed in the ply tab for the material assignment.

Based on the selection of database, materials will be listed out in the ply tab. If
materials exist in the vdb model, which is not there in MTX database will be listed out
in the model db.

The MTX material dialog box will be posted through button and solid plies can
be created or modified. It can be saved to MTX DB.

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

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Distortion Advisor
The first page of wizard, Import Curing, is used to import the PAM-RTM curing
results for distortion analysis.

• Source File: To specify the RTM curing results (.erfh5 format) file.
• Length Unit: To specify the Target mesh (Distortion model) units.
• Analyze ERF File: This option is used to analyze the erfh5 file specified from
the RTM curing simulation. The Inputs are Tg0 (Glass Transition temperature),
Tginf - (Initial Temperature), Alpha Gel (Degree of cure at gelation) and
Lambda. This will analyze erf file and give exact time steps where the resin
phase change is happening (Liquid - Rubbery - Glassy).
• Curing Time: This table is used to feed the curing time values to extract the
transient results at particular phase transition point.
• On Visible: This option is used to export the ASC file required for the mapping
with visible entities in the model.
• Generate ERF: This option is used to generate the erf file equivalent to the
transient ASC file generated through mapping, which can be loaded in Visual-
Viewer to verify the transient results.
• Execute: This will map the curing erfh5 model with distortion model and give
the Transient ASCII file required for the distortion analysis.
The second page of wizard, Locking, is used to specify the constraints required for
distortion analysis.

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Degree's Of Freedom is used to specify the locking directions.

• Reference Frame button will post the dialog through which you can select a
local coordinate system for each constraints created.

• Add option will create a constraint and add it to the table.

• On clicking on entities in the table, it becomes editable and you can edit the
created entities.

RELEASE NOTES 76 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

The third page of wizard, Loads, is used to specify the loads required for distortion

• PZ option is used to specify the pressure value.

• FT option is used to specify the load values as the function of time.
• On clicking on buttons, the table dialog is posted to create/modify the

Visual-Environment 10.0 77 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Gravity option is used to update the self weight values required in the load case

Gravity values X Y Z will be updated in the load case object self weight values.

RELEASE NOTES 78 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Laminate Mesh
By Laminate Thickness

The solid parts are created based on the layers present in the laminate associated with
2D parts, and the mesh connectivity is happening based on the layer order updated in
the Layer Design Manager panel.

Visual-Environment 10.0 79 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

If the number of ply layers is different between connected shell parts, then both the
parts will generate layers depending on the material information available in each of the
The connected area between two parts will not have any discontinuity. The nodes near
the connection will be suppressed to maintain a continuity of mesh between the two
The elements with suppressed nodes will either be split or converted to a different type
(for example, a two node suppressed hexahedral element will be converted to
pentahedron element). If an element is split, then all necessary connected elements will
be split along the layer direction to avoid cracks inside the domain.

RELEASE NOTES 80 Visual-Environment 10.0
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Here, the number of sold parts created is equal to the number of layers present in the
global stack, and 3D material is also created automatically based on the layer
information associated with each solid part.

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Explorer View:

By Constant Num Layers

The solid parts are created based on the number of layers specified in the "No of
Layers" text box. The total height of the layers, for each 2D shell part, is same as the
sum total of height of the laminates associated with shell parts mentioned in the Layer
Design Manager panel.

RELEASE NOTES 82 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

All the 3D layers generated from the connected shell parts will have same number of
layers mentioned in "No of Layers" text box.
Hence, the 3D layers generated (for individual shell parts) will have different layer
thicknesses. There will be no discontinuity between 3D layers generated across the
connected parts. There will be transition of height between the 3D layers at the
connected area if there is a difference in number of layers associated with the 2D shell

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© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

For each of the 2D parts, one 3D part will be generated which will have the stack of
layers corresponding to that 2D part. For each of the 3D parts, one separate material
will be assigned.

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(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Explorer View:

Laminate Characterization
Composites laminate is made of different layers using different thickness, orientations,
material. The equivalent properties of a laminate can be computed by running virtual
characterization tests through this option.
If you know the properties of each ply, then you have to physically model each layer
(creation of one solid element per layer of composites). It leads to a huge number of
elements on industrial parts. You can to do the characterization on a different laminate
by running the laminate characterization method.

• Change model setup removed tables from material. This issue is fixed.
• Nodal load or constraints on big models (300,000 elements) took some time
because of the display. This issue is fixed.
• Non-relevant model setup has been removed. Only Heat Transfer/Thermal
Enthalpy/Spatial, Mechanics/Continuous Media/3D structures are retained.

Visual-Environment 10.0 85 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Solver Control cards ECTRL and AMCRTL have been modified with new options.
• An option called DRILLDOF has been added in the control card ECTRL.
• New option called UNIFORM_REFINEMENT_TIME has been added in the
control card AMCTRL.

Advanced Contact Definition Card

Advanced Contact Definition Card CNTAD is newly introduced and can be accessed in
the explorer tree.

NSLAVE gives the possibility to define one contact card with multiple slave parts and
friction coefficients.

RELEASE NOTES 86 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Advanced Contact Control Card

Advanced Contact Definition Card CTCTRL is newly introduced and can be accessed
through standard control cards in the explorer tree.

Material 140 Card Enhancement

Thickness evolution as a function of the shearing and possibly of the contact pressure –
Keywords CURVE and LOOKU have been supported in CARD 10.

Visual-Environment 10.0 87 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Material Database Support

Create material database using Material Editor dialog.

RELEASE NOTES 88 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

CAD Import
• New CAD formats support:
o ACIS files with extension *.sat, *.asat, *.sab, *.asab (versions R1 to R24
are supported).
o Solid Edge files with extension *.par, *.asm, *.psm (versions V18 to ST6
are supported) (on Windows platform only).
o Inventor files with extension *.ipt and *.iam (versions V6 to V2014 are
supported) (on Windows platform only).
o SolidWorks files with extension *.sldprt and *.sldasm (versions 2003 to
2014 are supported) (on Windows platform only).
• Latest versions support:
o Recent versions of Pro/E, Creo files are supported now (from 16 to Creo

‘Geometry Utilities’ Toolbar

A new toolbar containing generally used Geometry utilities is provided for quick
access. By default, this toolbar will be OFF.

Visual-Environment 10.0 89 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Support for Stitched Surfaces with Multiple Parts

Model can now have surfaces in different parts stitched together as one stitched surface.
The operations like assembly and stitching will not modify the Part ID of the surfaces.
The common edge between two surfaces in different parts is displayed in either of the
two part’s color in Wireframe mode.

Stitched surfaces in single part in VE 9.5 Stitched surfaces with multiple parts in VE

Surface Creation
In surface creation GUIs (Blend, Sweep, Revolve and Flat), if you specify a different
Part ID to the newly created surface; the new surface will be stitched to surrounding
surfaces, if the ‘Stitch Across Parts’ option is ON.

New surface not stitched in VE 9.5 New surface stitched to surrounding in VE


RELEASE NOTES 90 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

CAD Options
Stitch Surfaces Across Parts
An option is provided in CAD Options dialog box to control stitching across parts.
• By default, the option ‘Stitch Across Parts’ is set to ON for general skin of
o If this is modified, it will be remembered for further sessions of VE.
• In Cast skin, as otherwise, the volumes are wrongly connected on CAD import.
o If this is modified, it will be applicable only until the end of that VE
session. It will be put OFF on the next launch of VE.

Stitch Surfaces Across Part option

Visual-Environment 10.0 91 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Repair GUI

A new option, ‘Easy Split’, is provided to quickly split surface by just defining /
selecting the curve. ‘Adv. Split’ is provided for a very interactive split operation.

RELEASE NOTES 92 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Node Move

Spin controls are provided for X, Y and Z fields, for precise incremental movement.

Visual-Environment 10.0 93 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

1D – On Curve

Option is provided to assign Part ID of curve to its generated 1D elements, by typing *

in the Part text field. This helps in better grouping when curves with multiple parts are

Remesh By Wrap

RELEASE NOTES 94 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

‘Remesh by Wrap’ GUI is provided in the general skin of Visual-Mesh now (which was
provided only under Cast skin earlier). This helps to generate fine or coarse, FE-
solution quality tria mesh from a display (STL) quality input mesh, using wrapping

Input mesh Refined mesh

Coarsened mesh

Visual-Environment 10.0 95 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Boundary Layer
‘Boundary Layer’ GUI is provided in the general skin of Visual-Mesh now, which helps
in creation of a thin layer of elements inside volumes, in order to simulate the fluid
conditions at the wall more accurately.

3D GUIs - Sharing Nodes of Input Mesh

In 3D Map, Sweep, Revolve, Grow and Layer Mesh GUI, the nodes of given input
mesh will be shared by the final 3D mesh. This eliminates the need to fuse the nodes
during interactive 3D meshing.

RELEASE NOTES 96 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Part Manager

Another column showing display status of parts, using the standard On/Off icon, is

Stitched surfaces with multiple parts

In Part Manager, when the ‘Stitch Across Parts’ option is ON; if a surface is moved to
another part, the surface is moved to the corresponding part and remains in the same
stitched surface.

Visual-Environment 10.0 97 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Length Units

New dialog box is provided to:

• Assign or change length units of model.
• Scale geometric entities to the target unit system.

Element Geometry

‘Default’ option is provided to reset all quality parameters to the default settings

RELEASE NOTES 98 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Node Move

Spin controls are provided for X, Y and Z fields, for precise incremental movement.

3D GUIs - Sharing Nodes of Input Mesh

In 3D Map, Sweep, Revolve, Grow and Layer Mesh GUI, the nodes of given input
mesh will be shared by the final 3D mesh. This eliminates the need to fuse the nodes
during interactive 3D meshing.

Visual-Environment 10.0 99 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Element Geometry

‘Default’ option is provided to reset all quality parameters to the default settings

RELEASE NOTES 100 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Dear Customer,
We are pleased to present the latest release of our new application Visual-Quoting. Our
major motivation is to implement your requirements for an easy-to-use and robust
software package, which can quickly develop the flattened part outline and determine
the optimal nesting layout in the coil corresponding to the lowest piece price. Today,
you have at your disposal a fully industrialized solution, incorporating the following
major elements:
Visual-Mesh: A complete meshing tool which supports CAD import, 2D and 3D
meshing and editing for linear and quadratic meshes.
Quoting Advisor: An easy-to-use Graphical User Interface to facilitate the
efficient generation of Nesting layout.
Visual-Viewer: A new-generation post-processing tool with state-of-the-art
plotting utilities. Visual-Viewer is built on a multi-page / multi-plot
environment, which enables you to group the data into pages and plots.
Complete sessions can be re-run without loss of any data. It is completely
command driven and this enables you to execute commands with ease.
The following pages will help you navigate through Visual-Quoting 10.0
At this point, we would like to thank you for your continued support. Our main goal for
the future will be the continuous improvement of the code as driven by your


Car bodies are made from few hundreds of metal parts. In the production process, these
three-dimensional parts are cut from two-dimensional sheet metal before they are
formed and welded together. The two-dimensional sheet metal is available as long rolls,
better known as ‘coils’, which can have different widths, material properties and prices
and nowadays can even have different thickness along the roll.
Taking the full part geometry as starting point, the application can quickly develop the
flattened part outline and determine the optimal nesting layout in the coil corresponding
to the lowest piece price.

Visual-Environment 10.0 101 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Quoting Solution
The application contains an easy-to-use workflow based interface that allows you to
generate optimized nesting layout. The complete workflow is represented as different
steps, and you are efficiently guided to complete the setup with minimum effort.

RELEASE NOTES 102 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Project Description
The part(s) can be imported as a surface or solid model. A dedicated functionality for
extracting the top and bottom surface of the solid model, as well as generation of the
mid-surface are also integrated in the application. In addition, functionality for cleaning
the CAD model, filling holes and symmetry plane definition is included. The selected
part can be assigned with required material and thickness information. More models can
be appended to existing model.

Visual-Environment 10.0 103 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Blank Outline
The Quoting solution is based on ESI Group’s best-in-market one-step solver. In the
shortest possible time it determines accurately the flattened part outline (even if
undercut areas exist), based on the full 3-D part model and few process parameters like
binder force, material definition and thickness. In addition to the developed outline, part
feasibility can be directly and thoroughly analyzed through various contours like
Thinning, Thickness, Forming Limit Diagram (FLD), Major Strain and Minor Strain.
Direct import of a blank outline is supported as well.
Smoothening and offset can be provided to computed or imported outlines. In addition,
IGES export of outline is supported.

RELEASE NOTES 104 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

The developed blank outline can be used in the nesting process. Multiple nesting
layouts are supported like One up, Two up, Mirror, Two pair and Transfer Die
(rectangle, parallelogram and sweep shapes are supported) for optimal material
utilization calculation and cost computation for each layouts. Multiple curve nesting can
also be performed.
Nesting layouts can be exported in *.iges format.

Visual-Environment 10.0 105 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Automatic Reporting
The solution includes an automated report generator for quotation of the part material.
This functionality includes export of material utilization, cost per blank/cost per pitch,
fall off, pitch, coil width, blank area and pictures of the nesting sequence and developed
blank outline.

RELEASE NOTES 106 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• CAD part or Part outline can be imported directly. If outline is imported, the
same will be used in blank outline creation (Method is “Assign”), then quoting
solution guides to nesting step where optimum layout can be generated.
• The default values can be modified in Quoting Preferences of General
Preferences dialog.
• The directory from where part is loaded is taken as working directory. The
working directory can be modified to desired location. If part is loaded from
place where there are no write permissions, temporary directory is selected as
working directory.
• For material selection, select material form Material Editor GUI and click close.
The selected material will be assigned to the selected part.
• In Material Editor GUI, Public databases are not editable. User, Company and
Model databases are editable.
• Cost can be applied only to User, Company and Model databases.
• ‘Compute’ option in Blank Outline step, meshes and solves the imported part.
• Meshing options can be changed in the Quoting preferences of General
Preferences. Delta Mesh or Visual Mesh can be selected. By default, Delta Mesh
is selected.
• Options dialog in Blank Outline enables you to change solver options like binder
force, filling holes in the mesh, create symmetric plane and to change flattening
directions else defaults will be taken by One-Step Solver.

Visual-Environment 10.0 107 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• Formability of the solved part can be checked by analyzing Thinning,

Thickness, Major Strain, Minor Strain and Forming Limit Diagram.
• Any number of blank outlines can be created using different solver
• Blank outline can be modified by smoothening to reduce sharp corners.
• Addendum region can be specified by applying constant offset around the part.
• Blank Outline can be exported in IGES format
• An outline must be selected to generate different configurations of nesting
• One-Up, Mirror, Two-Up, Mirror, Two- Pair, Transfer die and multiple curve
layouts can be used to generate nesting results. By default, One-Up is selected
which can be changed in the Quoting preferences of general preferences.
• Distance between parts, distance between part and coil edge, coil width and
maximum distance between CG of nested parts (applicable to Two Up, Mirror,
Two-Pair and Multiple Curve nesting) constraints can be specified to generate
nesting layouts.
• Report can be customized by selecting the images that should be inserted.
• Image of the corresponding part can be captured in the desired orientation.
• The Report (pdf / pptx) will be exported to folder as per your selection.
• Created nested layout can be exported in IGES format
• If more than one outline is used for nesting, all the images are written in the

• Automatic update of properties within quoting advisor is not supported.
• FLD may not work properly in multiple models scenario.
• Solver may fail sometime, if "Strong/ Normal" BH (Blank Holder) force is
• Annotations in nesting layout may go out of 3D view and sometimes there may
be overlaps.

• Quoting solution is only supported on Windows platform.
• For transfer die case, Increment Angle will be one degree. Multiple curve
nesting is not possible in the following cases:
o Number of outlines is more (Example: More than 5).
o Number of points defining outlines is more (Example: In thousands).
o Step angle is very less (Example: 0.05).

RELEASE NOTES 108 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

ERF Support

• A new control OCTRL_OUTPUT_FILE is supported under Controls chapter

for ERF output.
• To get ERF output, define this control with ControlValue as ERF.
• If this control is not defined, then by default, it is set to DSYTHP.
• To load ERF file under Simulation tab during solver run, a new check box Use
signal with VISU option to load ERF file during computation is provided.

VARDEF to PYVAR Conversion

• All Sim-Folder tools are upgraded to remove the Phased Out Option, VARDEF.
The same is replaced with PYVAR.
• An automatic conversion is added from VARDEF to PYVAR, if any old tools
with VARDEF are used in airbag folding in Sim-Folder.

Visual-Environment 10.0 109 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• If TON was used as MASS unit for airbag, then airbag folding was not proper.
This is fixed.

RELEASE NOTES 110 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Contour dialog is enhanced to customize the listing of components through favorites.
For each Contour Result, vector/tensor components and its computed quantities will be
displayed in a combo box.
Combine Result Dialog (Beta) enables you to combine the components across the
entities/quantities. It provides the flexibility of viewing multiple results with custom
display, for example, Von-Mises of both Solid and Shell.

Profile Curves
Profile Curve is a 3D line defined in the post model and results will be reported at equal
intervals along this line. Profile Curve is an improvement over Profile Path that was
available in the previous versions. Profile curves can be plotted for nodes, shells, solids
and picked points.

DSY/THP Cmdf and Template Support for ERF2.0

PAMVIEW Cmdf files created using DSY/THP files can be executed with ERF2.0
Templates created using DSY/THP files can be used with ERF2.0 files.

Reading performance is improved.
Reading of multiple binout files (binout%001,2… ) is supported.

Visual-Environment 10.0 111 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Failed Element - SSR Optimization

Improved handling of SSR cases and Failed elements.
Support for elements that appear during solution and may fail in further frames.

Support of Modular Output

ERF files with modular output are supported. Modules are treated in a similar way as in
pre-processor and can be explored using Model Explorer. Contours can be visualized
over the modules.

RELEASE NOTES 112 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• Support for dBA function.
• Support for 1/3 Octave band filter.
• Template Save/Restore support for MAC computation.
• Contour legend can be set as display name or actual component name, through

• Neighbor visualization for link elements in ERF files is addressed with ERF
2.1.0 output.
• Template supports ERF Associate using strip data.

• On Associate, the module hierarchy tree in Model Explorer may not be correct
for some of the ERF modular output files.
• Global to Local Transformation does not provide accurate results.
• While working with SSR model (especially for solid file), switching between
Part contours may display memory error messages in console. These messages
can be ignored as they are harmless.

• Grouping of results is not supported for modular files.
• Reload is not supported for Profile Path.
• Contour becomes unstable upon File Reload.

Visual-Environment 10.0 113 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Dear Customer,
We are pleased to present the latest release of Visual-Weld. Our major motivation is to
implement your requirements for an easy-to-use and robust software package, which
includes all the Multi-Physics that is involved in Welding Simulation. Today, you have
at your disposal a fully industrialized solution, incorporating the following major
Visual-Mesh: A complete meshing tool which supports CAD import, 2D and 3D
meshing and editing for linear and quadratic meshes.
Welding Advisor: An easy-to-use Graphical User Interface to facilitate the
efficient set-up of Single-Pass and few Multi-Pass Welding simulations.
Heat Treatment Advisor: An easy-to-use Graphical User Interface to facilitate
the efficient set-up of Heat Treatment simulations.
Computation Manager: An easy-to-use computation manager to facilitate the
control to run the full thermal-metallurgical and mechanical welding
Collector Manager: An easy-to-use tool to create, update, delete and modify the
different collectors needed for welding simulation.
Visual-Viewer (Weld): A new-generation post-processing tool with state-of-the-
art plotting utilities. Visual-Viewer is built on a multi-page / multi-plot
environment, which enables you to group the data into pages and plots.
Complete sessions can be re-run without loss of any data. It is completely
command driven and this enables you to execute commands with ease.
The following pages will help you navigate through Visual-Weld 10.0.
At this point, we would like to thank you for your continued support. Our main goal for
the future will be the continuous improvement of the code as driven by your

RELEASE NOTES 114 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Welding of structures involves complex interactions between thermal, metallurgical and
mechanical phenomena leading to residual stresses and distortions, which play a major
role during subsequent service of these structures. Controlling material characteristics
and residual stress via the computer can significantly enhance the performance, the
quality of the product and the structure’s service life. Moreover, the numerical design of
the welding fabrication will significantly reduce the fabrication costs.
Visual-Weld is specially developed for this purpose. It offers the full set of welding
engineering methodologies needed by designers, process planners and manufacturing
Visual-Weld is the new-generation easy to use welding simulation tool developed in
Visual-Environment that encompasses the complete workflow for a realistic simulation
based design. Visual-Weld coupled with Visual-Mesh and Visual-Viewer covers all the
activities of a Welding Engineer starting from interfacing to CAD formats, CAD clean-
up, meshing, model set-up, post-processing using one single data model.

Visual-Environment 10.0 115 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

General Description
Welding advisor is an easy-to-use workflow based interface that allows you to set-up
Single-Pass and Multi-Pass Welding, Post Weld Heat Treatment simulations. The
complete workflow is represented as different steps and you are efficiently guided to
complete the set-up with minimum input.

The use of the welding advisor enable optimization of the welding process by
modifying the welding process parameters, the clamping system, and the welding
sequence in order to improve the quality of the product and the design without having to
perform expensive experimental tests.

RELEASE NOTES 116 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Heat Exchange Based on Surrounding Temperature

During Post Weld Heat Treatment or Tempering, precise control of time and
temperature is critical to achieve the desired balance of physical properties. Post Weld
heat treatment is mainly used to relax/reduce the residual stresses and to homogenate
the material based on the metallurgical phase transformation.
The control of the temperature is closely linked with the heat exchange that has the
component with the external temperature inside the furnace. To properly take this into
account, the heat exchange coefficient can be, in version 2014.0 of SYSWELD, defined
as a function of the space coordinates, time, degree of freedom and external
temperature. Heat Exchange Coefficient in function of external temperature has been
implemented in Visual V10.0, both in Welding and Heat Treatment advisors. You have
just to define the external temperature curve of the furnace and the heat exchange
between the component and the oven will be computed automatically.

Visual-Environment 10.0 117 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Creating RAMP Function for Loading Condition

In Visual-Weld 10.0, the facility to create new custom curves for f(time) is provided. It
is also possible to view and edit the defined function curve. The drop-down function list
is populated with the custom curves and if an .fct file is imported then those functions
will populate the list below the custom curves. The Visual Plot Editor dialog which
pops up when you click the f(time) button also has the facility to import *.txt, *.xyn,
*.xy and *.csv files.

RELEASE NOTES 118 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Generate ERF without Model

Visual-Weld 10.0 has a new facility to generate erf files without loading a model. This
can be done by selecting the appropriate Transient File and Data File which are both in
*.TIT format.
If you load a model and then try to generate erf files the option to select which set of
results “Thermal”, “Mechanical” or “Carburization”, can be selected depending on the
• Thermal: Available only when a model is loaded. This is the default choice.
When selected, the PROJECTNAME_DATA1000.TIT and
PROJECTNAME_TRAN1000.TIT are searched. If found, the “Transient File”
and “Data File” fields are filled and the lists “Results” and “Times” are
• Mechanical: Available only when a model is loaded. When selected, the
searched. If found, the “Transient File” and “Data File” fields are filled and the
lists “Results” and “Times” are completed.
• Carburization: Available only when a heat treatment model is loaded. When
selected, the ROJECTNAME_CW_DATA1000.TIT and
PROJECTNAME_CW_TRAN1000.TIT are searched. If found, the “Transient
File” and “Data File” fields are filled and the lists “Results” and “Times” are

Visual-Environment 10.0 119 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Pyramid Element Support

Hexahedral element meshes are preferred in the region where the thermal gradients are
important and where the stresses are high but tetrahedral elements can be acceptable in
more complex geometry and less critical regions of the solid far from the welding joint.
Since, two tetrahedral faces are required to interface with single hexahedron;
discontinuities will arise at the boundary between the two element types. The standard
finite element method requires elements conformity.
In order to ensure the conformity between such two elements, pyramid solid elements
have been developed.
It is possible to import and export pyramid the linear pyramid type 3005 and the
quadratic one type 3013 in Visual-Weld 10.0.

In visual-Mesh, when a 3D mesh is been created using Boundary Layer option, Pyramid
elements will be created in the transition zone.

RELEASE NOTES 120 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Connect Edges
Meshing is still a difficult task today, especially when the geometry of the structure is
complex. It is crucial to facilitate the meshing and to reduce the time needed for it. One
solution is to use unconnected mesh between the beads and the components, and to
define the mesh refinement independently.
With this new feature in Visual Weld 10.0, it is no more mandatory to have coincident
nodes between the components and the weld beads. The thermal and mechanical
compatibility will be ensured with specific transition elements.
This feature adds value such as:
• Easy meshing
• Meshing time is reduced to a large extent
• Unconnected Mesh Management between bead and component

Visual-Environment 10.0 121 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

RELEASE NOTES 122 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Material Editor
As a user, you are looking for very accurate results. This depends on the physical
models implemented in the solver that have to be predictive and allow advanced
modeling for accurate physics modeling. However, you should also have access to the
right thermo physical, metallurgical and mechanical material properties.
In Visual-Weld 10.0, Material Editor Tool has been supported to visualize all the
welding and heat treatment, thermal-physical, metallurgical and mechanical properties.
In this version, it has been limited to list and display only the materials that come with
the version. This feature is provided with a menu item called ‘Material Editor’, under
‘Database’ Menu.

Visual-Environment 10.0 123 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Heat Source
The beam heat source definition has been updated since the version 9.5. The updates
concern the positioning of the heat source in local frame and the definition of
FORTRAN function.
Concerning the FORTRAN function, it has been enhanced to close the volume on the
button on the heat source where the energy will be applied as it is illustrated on the
following picture. With this new definition, it is much easier to predict the molten zone
especially when this one does not fully cross the component.

Concerning the positioning since the version 9.5 negative penetration is not allowed.
The negative value of zi (distance of keyhole bottom plane) will be automatically set up
in the FORTRAN function; you should only define the penetration.

Based on the local frame defined by the trajectory and the reference, if the heat source
is not well positioned in the Z direction as it is illustrated just below, you can apply a
torch angle to properly position the heat source.

RELEASE NOTES 124 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Minimum Transient File Size Option

New option “Minimum (TIT)” is added in the last step of advisor for both Weld and
Heat Treatment under the section “Disk Space”. On generating the input data, a label
“REDUCE” is added in the generated prj’s instead of “RESTART”.
With the help of this new option, only the results of last step will be saved in the
transient files. In consequence, the needed disk space for computation can be decreased
enormously. This option can be very useful for multi-pass welding on quite large

Visual-Environment 10.0 125 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

The Heat Treatment Advisor is an easy-to-use workflow based interface that allows you
to set up heat treatment simulations. The complete workflow is represented as different
steps, and you are efficiently guided to complete the setup with minimum input.

Heat Treatment Process

In VE10.0, during tempering, we can have precise control of time and temperature as it
is critical to achieve the desired balance of physical properties. The control of the
temperature is closely linked with the heat exchange that has the component with the
external temperature inside the furnace. To take into account this, the heat exchange
coefficient can be given in the new version of SYSWELD as a function of the space
coordinates, time, degree of freedom and external temperature. After selecting the
“Tempering” option in the second step of the Heat Treatment Advisor workflow, the
tempering process can be defined in the fourth step of the workflow where the oven
temperature profile can be defined during the tempering process.

RELEASE NOTES 126 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Visual-Environment 10.0 127 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• ‘Convert Element Type’ feature has been enhanced to convert 1D elements type
• Issue in display of pressure loads on 1D element is now corrected.
• Beam heat source inverse display issue with few cases has been addressed.
• When a model with quenching process is loaded in the application, the function
used in the quenching definition is first searched for in the global fct file, then
the model directory for an .fct file with the model name or prj name. If it is not
found here, it is then searched for in the quenching_media.fct file in the
Resource folder.
• The initial temperature in the quenching condition will be grayed out if heating
is also present in the model. The oven temperature of the heating condition will
be used as the initial temperature for the first quenching condition.
• A new check has been introduced to avoid the error messages in the console
when we click on “Cancel further process” button in the Computation Manager.
• Enhanced to provide a customized name for the post file in the “Generate erf”
• Posting a message when “Contact” creation really fails to create.
• Showing an error message in the console when we try to run the simulation in
the Computation Manager for not having a “Shebang line” and “Unicode line”
in the *.py files which are used for computation is fixed.
• On loading the HT *.vdb files, it fails to read *.fct file from the resource
directory. It always looks for the embedded path in vdb file is fixed.
• The issue in listing the Entities in the Entity selection tool bar in some of the
steps in the Welding Advisor is fixed.
• The issue in writing the Hardness data in the *HV.DAT file by taking the given
values from material file is fixed.
• The issue in generating the input deck by corrupting the *.mat and *.fct file in
some of the machines is fixed.
• The issue in cleaning up of temporary files after DMP computation in the Batch
mode is fixed.
• Issue in generating the input deck in some of the Linux OS is fixed.
• Unable to visualize the wireframe display on few laptops from VE9.5 is fixed.
• Loading *.DAT file in the Sysweld File editor and save it to new file, some data
was missing is fixed.
• Unable to load a particular *.ASC in Visual Weld is fixed.
• Unable to list the 6 phase proportions in the Contour dialog is fixed.
• Showing wrong warning message in the console on adding any of the loading
condition in step 7 is fixed.
• If two projects with similar Project name are generated in same location - error
in the computation Manager is fixed.
• After resize, advisor steps are not visible properly is fixed.

RELEASE NOTES 128 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• Job launcher does not accept if the *.DAT file which is loaded is in Lower case
is fixed.
• Collector being renamed automatically on pressing F2 is fixed.
• In case of Export2PamAssembly for 2D, the issue with SIL is fixed. Now for
2D, it is $$@e2pa_s2d_main and for 3D, it is $$@e2pa_s3d_main.
• The lines in the *.sh file that is generated through computation manager in Batch
mode for Linux is commented with “#” by replacing “::” to avoid the error in the
console while running the simulation in computation.
• The issue with scroll bar to move up or down in the Quenching condition step is
• Issue in updated the nodal contours in sysweld2014 fdb2erf is fixed and the
latest converter is packed in Visual.
• Material database has been updated with strain hardening curves for the
Sysworld 2014 solver.
• The issue in reusing the defined weld line in which the trajectory is created with
two-node method to add the new weld line that is created with Single node
trajectory was showing an error and it is fixed.
• The issue in generating the input deck if it has empty part is fixed.
• Suppress the option "-mpi" in launch script for DMP computation.
• For DMP computation option“-MPI” use the lancer packed in Sysweld solver
rather than Visual.
• Issue in HT option for the option “Detailed” in post processing is addressed.
Now it will have SCIENTIFIC=1 for carburization and for first prj of next
process when option "Detail" is selected.
• Issue in exporting M01 for the erf file generated from VPS solver [Weld Planner
case] is fixed.
• The issue while exporting M01 from viewer for the erf file generated in Linux is

• Overlapping of the Quenching Condition step in the Heat Treatment Advisor.
• In the explorer, right-click Delete option does not allow you to delete any entity
immediately after closing the Welding Advisor.
• As a workaround, right-click again and then select/click on ‘Delete’ option.
• Application fails to read the function file from the loaded directory if you import
a WPP twice on ASC file.
• Closing the advisor by selecting the defined weld line in the fourth step will not
delete the Heat Source display.
• Connect Edges may not give expected result if connecting two Parts with
variable gap in between. Usage of collectors is advisable in such cases.
• Contact fails to create for the 2D cases that are in the same plane.

Visual-Environment 10.0 129 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• You must press Refresh button once to update the computation status when the
solution time is huge.

• Unable to give custom names to the function curves created in the Loads and
Deformations step.
• It is not possible to edit imported functions in the Loads and Deformations step
using Visual Plot Editor.
• Defined curves that are not used in the loading definition will be deleted on
switching to another dialog or closing a dialog.
• Degree of Refinement is always “1” in automatic mesh refinement.
• If you refine the same collector twice with automatic mesh refinement, the
special elements will be deleted.
• PWHT cannot be computed if the clamping or loading conditions divide the
PWHT prj.
• PWHT will be deactivated for Shell and Shell Solid cases.
• Dang Van will not be applicable for Shell Solid case.
• “Node to Node” contact creation checks only for the same node count in both
Contactor and Target collector, but not the correctness of nodes in each of the
• Minimum Disc Space is deactivated in Heat Treatment.
• In Create Weld Bead feature:
o When there are many beads nearby connecting the same two parts, the
mesh of one bead may be detached during creation of nearby bead with
Remesh option.
• Negative penetration value for beam heat source is not allowed. In case of old
vdb/project with negative penetration, make sure to change it to positive value
before generating new input data.
• ‘Connect Edges’ feature will not work even if one node is common in both
selected source and target.

RELEASE NOTES 130 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Generating good quality mesh for 2D weld beads, well connected with surrounding
parts, consumes significant manual effort. This utility automates creation of welds, from
the weld-path and dimension inputs. Many user controls are provided to handle
complex meshing situations.

Following are the enhancements made in VE10.0:

• Laser-Lap and Butt-Joint types are supported.
• Quality and flow of mesh, around very near welds is improved.
• Usability of this feature also is improved.

Visual-Mesh (Weld)
Visual-Environment 10.0 131 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Laser Lap Joint

Visual-Mesh (Weld)
RELEASE NOTES 132 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Butt Joint
In addition, closed weld bead creation is supported now.

Closed Weld Bead

Visual-Mesh (Weld)
Visual-Environment 10.0 133 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)


The Boundary Layer is made available in general skin of Visual-Mesh in VE10.0. It can
be accessed using 3D->Boundary-Layer menu. Two methods are available:
Method 1 based on Initial thickness:

Method 2 based on area factor:

Visual-Mesh (Weld)
RELEASE NOTES 134 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

In Visual-Viewer 10.0, Contour display feature has been enhanced to group contour
results based on entity type. By default, contour results are shown based on quantity.
You can create “Favorites” and view only created “Favorites” in Contour panel. You
should be able to Show/Hide the Contour components.
Note: Favorites will be a mixture of quantities grouped by entity and by quantity.

Visual-Viewer (Weld)
Visual-Environment 10.0 135 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)


The new feature is developed in Visual-Viewer 10.0 to display results on arbitrary
curve/path. You can create any profile by picking the point and dropping it on the
model. Interpolated values are computed along the defined path. Created curve/path can
be interpolated for Nodal or Elemental results. You can visualize the created profile
paths. Controls are given to Show and Hide the created profile paths in explorer. Plotted
profile path curve can be animated along the time intervals.

Visual-Viewer (Weld)
RELEASE NOTES 136 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Visual-Viewer (Weld)
Visual-Environment 10.0 137 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)


You can register any crash that occurs while you are working with Visual-Environment
through the Core Dump Tracker utility. This utility is available on Windows systems
Whenever the application crashes, you will see the following dialog box:

• Click on ‘Send Error Report’ to send the report and close both the dialog box
and the application.
• Click on ‘Don’t Send’ to close the dialog box and the application without
sending a report.
• Click on ‘View Report Details…’ to check details of the report that will be
sent. You will see the following dialog listing out the files that will be sent.

Core Dump Tracker

RELEASE NOTES 138 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• By default, the check box to send additional files is OFF and only the files
marked with a ‘*’ against their name will be sent.
• To send the additional files, check the box ON.
Please note that the session file is not sent by default.
You can also set the following variables in the VisualEnvrc.bat file residing in your
‘Site’ folder to customize the settings:
• If you wish to send your session file, add the following line:
• If you do not want to use the Core Dump Tracker, add the following line:
We enlist your help to improve your experience with Visual-Environment by sending us
a report through this utility. We assure you that the information you send us will be
used only to solve the reported problem and confidentiality of the information will be
fully maintained.

Core Dump Tracker

Visual-Environment 10.0 139 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

• 1 gigabyte of RAM recommended.
• 2 GB main memory and fastest CPU is recommended for large CAD/FE model
• OpenGL hardware graphic accelerator (highly recommended). Systems without
an OpenGL graphic board will perform significantly slower.
• 3.5 GB disk (free) space for complete installation.
• Super VGA monitor with the following settings:
o Screen resolution set to at least 1280 x 1024.
o Small fonts selected.
• Three button mouse (middle button required for dynamic rotations in graphic

• Visual 64-Bit version: GlibC 2.5 (RedHat EL 5/6, SUSE 11).

• Unix/Linux OS (Refer to the file README_Visual-Environment_10.0 under
info directory for system requirement details).
• You need to have any product able to display pdf files (like Adobe Reader – see
• You need to have any product able to display Html files (like Netscape – see

Shell Compliance
• csh and its variant tcsh are supported on all systems provided on the DVD.
• ksh is supported on all systems provided on the DVD.
• bash is supported on all systems provided on the DVD.
• sh is supported in the following cases:
o HP HP-UX: /usr/bin/sh (Posix compliant).
o SUN SOLARIS: /usr/xpg4/bin/sh (Xpg4 compliant).
Old sh implementations are not supported. Future Posix sh implementations will
be supported.

Installation Requirements
RELEASE NOTES 140 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

• Visual 32-Bit version:
o Windows 8.1 with Update
o Windows 7 SP1
o Windows Vista SP2
o Windows Server 2008 SP2
o Windows Server 2003 R2 / 2003 SP2
o Windows XP Professional SP3
• Visual 64-Bit version:
o Windows 8.1 with Update
o Windows Server 2012 R2 with Update
o Windows 7 SP1
o Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
o Windows Vista SP2
o Windows Server 2008 SP2
o Windows Server 2003 R2 / 2003 SP2
o Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2
Note: On Windows Vista, it is recommended to work with “Classic” theme.
• Administrative privileges recommended during installation.
• x86 or x64 compatible processors (Intel, AMD …).
• 2 gigabytes of RAM recommended.
• Super VGA monitor with the following settings:
o Screen resolution set to at least 1280 x 1024.
o Small fonts selected.
• OpenGL hardware graphic accelerator (highly recommended). Systems without
an OpenGL graphic board will perform significantly slower.
• 3.1 GB disk (free) space required in the Program Files folder for each version
(5.1 GB for complete installation).
• Three button mouse (middle button required for dynamic rotations in graphic

Installation Requirements
Visual-Environment 10.0 141 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Three different types of licenses exist:
• FEATURE: Licenses based on features (previous system).
• CONTEXT: Licenses based on contexts count.
o VISUAL_CONTEXT1: One context can be used.
o VISUAL_CONTEXT2: Two contexts can be used simultaneously.
o VISUAL_CONTEXT3: Three or more contexts can be used
• TOKEN: Licenses based on tokens count.
o Each context is converted in VISUAL_TOKEN tokens.
o Usage of contexts increases the number of tokens requested.
In all cases, a VISUAL_BASE seat is required to launch Visual-Environment.

• It is the previous licensing system.
• To add flexibility, two strategies to check out the features are proposed.
o On Init: The features are requested during the initialization phase.
o On Fly: The features are requested during the usage, when entering the
• Not available contexts (no licenses) are now grayed in Context bar and
Context Manager.
• VISUAL_BASE seat required to launch VE.

• This system is based on the number of contexts to be used.
• There are three options:
o VISUAL_CONTEXT1: One context can be used.
o VISUAL_CONTEXT2: Two contexts can be used simultaneously.
o VISUAL_CONTEXT3: Three or more contexts can be used
• Selected contexts can be managed and modified during the session using the
Context Manager in the Context bar.
• Third-party options are not converted in contexts and require standard features.
• VISUAL_BASE seat required to launch VE.

Licensing System
RELEASE NOTES 142 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

List of Compatible Contexts

All contexts except:
• Visual-Seal
• Visual-Process Builder
• Visual CAD Clean
• Visual-Seat Solution:
o Visual-Seat Comfort
o Visual-Seat Dynamic Comfort
o Visual-Seat Single Core Model
o Visual-Seat Thermal Comfort
o Visual-Seat Trim Manufacturing
o Visual-Seat Whiplash

• This system is based on the usage of VISUAL_TOKEN tokens.
• Each context is converted in tokens.
• Depending of the usage, tokens are requested.
o The number of tokens really used is computed in a way to limit the
maximum number of tokens used in a single session (maximum of 12
tokens per session).
• Third-party options are not converted in tokens and require standard features.
• VISUAL_BASE seat required to launch VE.

Number of Tokens by Context

All contexts check out 6 tokens except:
• Visual-Mesh: 4 tokens
• VisualDSS: 2 tokens
• Visual-Seal: not available in Tokens mode
• Visual-SDK : not available in Tokens mode

Licensing System
Visual-Environment 10.0 143 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Used Tokens in a Session

Used tokens in a session

18 30
12 12
Tokens cost

6 Tokens taken

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Sum of tokens

• From 0 to 6 tokens (first context): Full “tokens price”.

• From 6 to 18 tokens (second and third contexts): Half “tokens price”.
• More than 18 tokens (Three and more contexts): No more tokens taken.
• One VISUAL_BASE seat by session.

Licensing System
RELEASE NOTES 144 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

Compatibility of applications versus strategy:
Visual-Process Executive VISUAL_PROCESS_EXECUTIVE 6
Visual-Mesh VISUAL_MESH 4
Visual-Viewer VISUAL_VIEWER 6
Visual-Safe VISUAL_SAFE 6
Visual-Shock VISUAL_HVI 6
Visual-Seat Dynamic Comfort VISUAL_SEAT_DYNAMICCOMF
Visual-Seat Single Core Model VISUAL_SEAT_BASE
Visual-Seat Thermal Comfort VISUAL_SEAT_THERMALCOMF
Visual-Seat Trim Manufacturing VISUAL_SEAT_TRIMMANUF
Visual-Cast VISUAL_CAST 6
Visual-Quoting VISUAL_QUOTING 4
Visual-Local Model Advisor VISUAL_LMA 6

Licensing System
Visual-Environment 10.0 145 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)

Visual-Weld VISUAL_WELD 6
Visual-Heat Treatment VISUAL_HT 6
Visual-Materials (Composites) VISUAL_COMPOSITES 6
Visual-Distortion VISUAL_DISTORTION 6



• The Visual-Environment seat:
• The CAD converters:
o VISUAL_CATIA (import CATIA V4 files)
o VISUAL_CATIAV5 (import CATIA V5 files)
o VISUAL_UNIGRAPHICS (import UG files)
o VISUAL_PARASOLID (import Parasolid files)
o VISUAL_INTEROP_STEP (import Step files)
o VISUAL_INTEROP_PROE (import Pro Engineer files)
• Thermal properties calculation in Visual-CAST
• Other tools:
o VISUAL_VKI (to read NASTRAN op2 files)
o VISUAL_WISETEX (for Wisetex)
o STAMP2G_IOLIB (for psp2erf in StampTools)

Licensing System
RELEASE NOTES 146 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group


License checkout strategy that will be used by the application is determined in the
following order:
• The first level of checks is made at the license file level (Enterprise level).
o If ‘USER_INFO’ is specified in the license file, this information will be
used to detect the license strategy.
o This field is managed by the client and not by ESI’s licensing team. It is
one of the very rare modifications that the client is allowed to make in
the license file.

• The second level checks are made at the ‘Site’ installation directory level
(Enterprise level).
o If the ‘checkout_strategy.cfg’ file exists in the Site installation directory,
this shared configuration is used instead of the configuration stored in
User Local Data.
o This can be very useful in a ‘network’ installation configuration.
• The last level of check is at the End User level.
o At this level, if a 'checkout_strategy.cfg' is available under 'User Local
Data', it will be used.
o Else, the application decides which license strategy to use based on the
information available in the license file. In this case, no
'checkout_strategy.cfg' file is written.

Licensing System
Visual-Environment 10.0 147 RELEASE NOTES
© 2014 ESI Group (released: Jul-14)


License strategy manager is a tool that allows you to check the available options for
license strategy. You can also redefine the license strategy to be used by the application,
overriding the decision made by the application.
If needed, you can invoke this tool through the desktop shortcut 'Licensing Strategy' on
Windows or by keying in '<alias for VE> -strategy' on Linux systems. The following
dialog will be posted.

• Important Note: By default, 'Tokens' is switched on in this dialog. After

posting this dialog, if you select OK, a 'checkout_strategy.cfg' file will be saved
with this strategy and the application will attempt to use this strategy henceforth.
• License Type: Choice between the 3 strategies:
o FEATURE Features based strategy.
o CONTEXT Contexts based strategy using VISUAL_CONTEXT.
o TOKEN Tokens strategy using VISUAL_TOKEN.
• Checkout strategy: In FEATURE strategy, choice of the checkout option:
o ON_INIT To check out the features On Initialization.
o ON_FLY To check out the features On Fly when using the context.
• Contexts: In CONTEXT strategy, choice of the option:
o CONTEXT1 To use 1 Context.
o CONTEXT2 To use 2 Contexts simultaneously.
o CONTEXT3 To use 3 Contexts and more simultaneously.
• Options: Activate a log file to analyze the licenses usage during a session:
o LOGFILE Create log file. The file is stored with the session file.
o Log is also activated when setting FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS variable.
• Check the license strategies and license file or server:
o Features OK A VISUAL_BASE seat is available (license system OK).

Licensing System
RELEASE NOTES 148 Visual-Environment 10.0
(released: Jul-14) © 2014 ESI Group

o Contexts OK VISUAL_CONTEXT are available.

o Tokens OK Some VISUAL_TOKEN are available.

• Usage gives a detailed list of users.

• Defaults: Reset to default (FEATURE ON_FLY).

Licensing System

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