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Poudre High School

US History; 11th Grade

Mr. Carlson

Welcome Everyone, I look forward to getting to know all of your names as we begin this journey
into US History. This year we are going to explore how our history has affected the present day
makeup of America. We are going to explore some defining moments of our History and
hopefully bring in new perspectives on these events you may have not heard before. The major
readings will be from the school provided textbook and supplemented by journal articles or
primary sources given to you by me.

I believe that History is important in order to understand the present. In this class we are going
to focus heavily on developing the skills one needs to properly engage with historical sources
and formulate their own arguments. These skills are the goal of this course, along with
furthering our knowledge of the past! I look forward to having you all in class as we explore the
great accomplishments and blunders of US History.

The Goal of this Year:To have a fun and inclusive classroom where all students can explore
their own unique love and perspectives of history. Through this, students will be able to form
their own opinions and further their love of History, Geography, and their local community.

Expectations in Class:

● The One Rule: Do anything that you please that does not harm anyone else

present. (ie. physically, emotionally, learning, etc.)

● Consistent Attendance

● Respect the Opinions of your classmates - listen attentively and respond


● Do not harm classmates ability to learn

● Use Technology appropriately for school

● Encourage your classmates!

Contact Information:

Mr. Carlson Off Periods: 3rd


● Attendance will be taken daily and follow the school guidelines.

● If tardy, please enter the classroom quietly and respectfully

Late Work Policy:

All late work will be accepted up until the end of each unit. This means you will have until the
day of the test to turn in all related work for that unit. If you miss class due to family, school, or
other related events, we will work out a plan best for you.

Cell Phone Policy:

Please have your cell phones put away during lecture portions of class. These are important
moments to be engaged. I will let the students know when cell phone use will be allowed during
class. There will be a brief moment every period for students to be on their phones.

Extra Credit/Participation:

Each week, students will have 2.5 points of participation each week. They are awarded these
points at the start of the week. The only way for students to “lose” the participation points, is to
directly harm another student (physically, ability to learn). Participation will be judged not on
speaking during class, but instead on engagement with lessons (actively listening, taking notes,
sharing ideas, completing in class activities)

Extra Credit will be given to the entire class. There will be an opportunity to earn Extra Credit
points near the end of semester. The class will determine how extra credit will be given together.

Grading Scale:

● This class will be graded using a 0-4 scale. Every assignment, both formative and
summative, will be out of 4 points.
● The grades are weighted:
○ Formative= 30%
○ Summative= 70%
● Grading scale
○ 4= A
○ 3= B
○ 2= C
○ 1= D
○ 0= F

Class Schedule:

There is a class calendar with all the dates and information for assignments on our Google
Classroom. I will keep this updated as the semester progresses. Students and parents can both
access this schedule using their google classroom accounts.
Academic Integrity:

Academic honesty and integrity is expected at all times. Always do your own work and ask your
teacher if you are unsure of the expectations regarding this policy. Plagiarism and cheating are
not acceptable and not tolerated.


Parent Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:__________

Student Signature:____________________________________________ Date:__________

Parents/Guardians, please leave your email address and phone number. Also, let me
know the preferred method of communication. Thank you!



Preferred method of communication (if phone please tell me the time of day best to call):


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