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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1

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Air-side heat transfer and pressure drop in spiral

wire-on-tube condensers

Jader R. Barbosa Jr.a,*, Rodrigo A. Sigwalt b

Polo e Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Whirlpool S.A., Joinville, SC, Brazil

article info abstract

Article history: The air-side thermal-hydraulic performance of spiral wire-on-tube condensers is investi-
Received 4 May 2011 gated experimentally in this paper. Sixteen prototypes have been manufactured and tested
Received in revised form in an open-loop wind tunnel calorimeter. The influence of the following geometric
25 February 2012 parameters has been evaluated: the number of tube passes, the radial and longitudinal
Accepted 27 February 2012 tube spacings and the wire spacing. Measurements of the air-side thermal conductance
Available online 3 March 2012 and pressure drop were carried out for air flow rates ranging from 70 to 220 m3 h1. The
data were correlated using empirical relationships for the Colburn j-factor and the Darcy
Keywords: friction factor. The agreement with the experimental data presented RMS deviations of
Condenser 0.9% for the air-side heat transfer and 1.3% for the frictional pressure drop dimensionless
Wire parameters. A quantitative analysis based on the core volume goodness factors for heat
Tube transfer and pressure drop is presented to provide the most viable configuration from the
Spiral point of view of application in a refrigerator.
Forced convection ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.

Transfert de chaleur côté air et chute de pression dans les

condenseurs à serpentin
Mots clés : Condenseur ; Fil ; Tube ; Serpentin ; Convection forcée

1. Introduction components, which increases the net storage volume of the

refrigerator without changing the external dimensions of the
The development of more compact heat exchangers for product. Due to its low manufacturing cost, wire-on-tube heat
domestic refrigeration applications has been the focus of exchangers are still the most advantageous condenser type
several studies thanks to its impact in reducing material costs for household refrigeration applications where natural
and energy consumption. It also allows for a more effective convection is the dominant heat transfer mode (Hermes and
usage of the space occupied by the cooling system Melo, 2009). However, for higher cooling capacity systems,

* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ55 48 3234 5166.

E-mail address: (J.R. Barbosa Jr.).
0140-7007/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
940 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1

Nomenclature T temperature [ C]

a generalized linear or angular coefficient of the
aj angular coefficient of the j correlation [e]
correlations [e]
af angular coefficient of the f correlation [e]
b surface area per unit volume [m2 m3]
A surface area [m2]
bk empirical constants in Eq. (24) [e]
A,B,C,D normalized parameters in Eq. (24) [e]
ε heat exchanger effectiveness of the cross-flow
bj linear coefficient of the j correlation [e]
arrangement [e]
bf linear coefficient of the f correlation [e]
εcc,2 heat exchanger effectiveness of the 2-pass cross-
C thermal capacity rate [W K1]
counter flow arrangement [e]
cp specific heat capacity at constant pressure
εcc,4 heat exchanger effectiveness of the 4-pass cross-
[J kg1 K1]
counter flow arrangement [e]
C* ratio between the minimum and maximum
ho overall surface efficiency [e]
thermal capacity rate [e]
m dynamic viscosity [kg m1 s1]
Dt tube diameter [m]
r density [kg m3]
Dw wire diameter [m]
sf ratio between the minimum free-flow and face
er tube radial spacing [m]
areas [e]
er relative error [e]
4 normalized coefficient in Eq. (24) [e]
f Darcy friction factor [e]
J1 thermal conductance per unit volume [W m3 K1]
G mass flux [kg m2 s1]
J2 pumping power per unit volume [W m3]
h average heat transfer coefficient [W m2 K1]
j Colburn j-factor [e] Subscripts
k thermal conductivity [W m1 K1] 2 2-pass heat exchanger
m _ mass flow rate [kg s1] 4 4-pass heat exchanger
Np number of tube passes [e] a air
Nw number of wires [e] cf internal filling
NTU number of transfer units [e] f face
P pressure [Pa] fin fin
Pr Prandtl number [e] i internal
Q_ heat transfer rate [W] in inlet
R2 coefficient of determination [e] max maximum
Rs thermal resistance of the solid surface [K W1] min minimum
Re Reynolds number [e] o external
U experimental uncertainty of a given variable [e] out outlet
UA overall thermal conductance [W K1] w water
V velocity [m s1]
V_ volume flow rate [m3 s1]
AAD absolute average deviation
t Student’s t coefficient [e]
RMS root mean square

the benefits of more compact forced convection wire-on-tube heat transfer coefficient when the angle of attack increased
condensers seem to overcome the costs and energy from 0 to 20 .
consumption involved in pumping the external ambient air A relatively small number of wire-on-tube heat exchanger
through the condenser. configurations other than single layer coils have been
One of the first studies of forced convection in wire-on- proposed in the open literature for forced convection appli-
tube condensers to be reported in the open literature was cations (Dasher, 1996; Petroski and Clausing, 1999; Lee et al.,
that of Hoke et al. (1997). They evaluated experimentally the 2000; Ohgaki, 2002; Jenkins, 2003). Petroski and Clausing
thermal performance of eight single layer coils made from (1999) evaluated the air-side thermal performance of eight
carbon steel in a wind tunnel, and quantified the effects of the saw-tooth wire-on-tube condensers (also made from carbon
tube and wire diameters, tube and wire spacings, angle of steel) under forced convection. Their facility and experi-
attack, flow velocity and flow orientation (normal to the wires mental procedure were similar to those employed by Hoke
and normal to the tubes). The internal heat transfer fluid was et al. (1997). They investigated the influence of the following
hot water. Correlations were proposed for the wire and tube parameters: (i) the flow orientation with respect to the wires
heat transfer coefficients. The proposed heat transfer calcu- (in-line and cross-flow), (ii) wire spacing, (iii) amplitude of the
lation method was capable of predicting the air-side experi- saw-tooth and, (iv) the distance between the test section wall
mental data to within 16.7% error. It was concluded that the and the heat exchanger. Tests were carried out in an open-
angle of attack is an important parameter in the overall loop wind tunnel for air velocities in the range of
thermal performance, with a nearly two-fold increase in the 0.2e2 m s1. The air-side thermal conductance was correlated
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1 941

Fig. 1 e Spiral condenser geometry (condenser #14). (a) Unwrapped view. (b) Axial view. (c) Photograph. (d) Wires welded on
the tube.

as a combination of radiation and convection contributions, flow, which may be either all-cross (i.e., when the air is in
with the latter consisting of separate terms for the heat cross-flow with wires and tubes) or wire-cross (when the air is
transfer from the wires and from the tubes. A correlation was in cross-flow with the wires, but flows parallel to the tubes).
also proposed for the air-side pressure drop. Their multiplying factor-based method predicted their own
Lee et al. (2000) studied wire-on-tube condensers assem- heat transfer rate data with an absolute average deviation of
bled in the form of a multilayer stack. In their experiments, 3.7%.
the tubes were heated up with electrical resistances placed The purpose of this paper is to investigate the air-side heat
inside the tubes. The rate of Joule heating was controlled by transfer and pressure drop characteristics of spiral wire-on-
a power regulator and measured with a power meter. Ther- tube condensers. The spiral condenser consists of a single
mocouples were placed on the outer surface of the coil for layer coil that is wound around a fixed center line parallel to
temperature measurement. Lee et al. (2000) developed multi- the wires (Ohgaki, 2002). In comparison to the other existing
plying factors for the Zhukauskas (Incropera et al., 2007) wire-on-tube condenser geometries, the spiral condenser has
correlation in order to account for the presence of wires. The a comparatively larger heat transfer area per unit volume
correlation takes into account the directional effects of the air (Sigwalt, 2010). The air-side heat transfer and pressure drop
942 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1

characteristics of sixteen heat exchanger samples were and the heat exchanger volume assumed different values for
determined experimentally in an open-loop wind tunnel each condenser. The air flow was parallel to the wires.
calorimeter for air flow rates ranging from 70 to 220 m3 h1
(face velocities were in the range of 0.57e4.00 m s1), since 2.2. Experimental facility
these are the flow rates typically encountered in real appli-
cations. The influence of the number of tube passes, the radial The air-side thermal-hydraulic performance of the
and longitudinal tube spacings and the wire spacing was condensers was assessed in a wind tunnel calorimeter (see
evaluated. The data were correlated with empirical expres- Fig. 2), which was designed and constructed according to the
sions for the Colburn j-factor and the Darcy friction factor. The ASHRAE Standards (1987, 1988). Thermal insulation was ach-
agreement with the experimental data presented RMS devia- ieved via a 100-mm layer of glass wool along the 3000-mm
tions of 0.9% and 1.3% and coefficients of determination (R2) of long tunnel. The air flow was supplied by a variable speed
0.96 and 0.94 for the heat transfer and frictional pressure drop centrifugal fan and was measured by a set of calibrated
dimensionless parameters, respectively. nozzles, according to ANSI/ASHRAE 51 (1999). A differential
pressure transducer (Ashcroft ATE, 0e3 in H2O) was used to
measure the nozzle pressure drop. The air flow rate was fine-
2. Experimental work tuned with electrically-controlled dampers located at the exit
of the wind tunnel. The temperature of the ambient air
2.1. Heat exchangers entering the calorimeter was controlled to 0.5  C before
entering the fan (Sigwalt, 2010). The air temperature upstream
Sixteen condensers were designed and fabricated exclusively and downstream of the condenser was determined by aver-
for this study. The wires and tubes were made from carbon aging the readings of six on-site calibrated T-type thermo-
steel and the wires were spot welded onto diametrically couples at each measuring station (C and G, see Fig. 2b). The
opposing sides of the tubes. The condensers were painted uncertainty of the temperature measurements was calculated
black on the outside. Carbon steel was selected as the heat as 0.2  C.
exchanger material because real wire-on-tube condensers are In the test section, the condenser to be tested was placed
made from carbon steel. In real applications, there is no risk of inside a made-to-fit cylindrical polystyrene tube insert whose
corrosion since the surface exposed to the air side is covered internal diameter was equal to the external diameter of the
with paint, and the inside is in contact with pure refrigerant condenser, thus preventing air flow leaks. The insert was
that is oxygen-free. In the present experiments, as will be seen mounted inside an external fixed section (common to all
later, the internal fluid is water. However, since an experi- condensers), also made from polystyrene. The air-side static
mental run for each prototype is completed over the course of pressure drop taps were located in this external section, as
one to two days, corrosion effects are expected to be minimal. seen in Fig. 3. They consisted of perforated plastic hoses
The geometry of a typical spiral condenser is illustrated in mounted on two grooves cut into the wall of the polystyrene
Fig. 1, and the basic dimensions of all condensers are presented section. The grooves were perpendicular to the main flow
in Table 1. The wire diameter and the tube O.D. were 1.4 mm direction and their depth was such that the pressure taps were
and 4.76 mm, respectively. The tube wall thickness was leveled with the wall. One end of each hose was connected to
0.7 mm. All condensers had a fixed tube length of 4 m. Thus, the differential pressure transducer (Ashcroft ATE, 0e5 in
depending on the geometry parameters of Table 1, the face area H2O) while the other end was sealed. In all tests, a small

Table 1 e Geometry parameters of the spiral wire-on-tube condensers.

Condenser Number of Radial tube Wire Wire Number of Longitudinal Heat transfer Surface area
tube passes () spacing (mm) spacing length wires () tube area (cm2) per unit
(mm) (mm) spacing (mm) volume (m2 m3)

#1 2 11 5 50 718 25 2159 147.2

#2 2 11 5 75 828 50 3316 127.3
#3 2 11 10 50 360 25 1372 93.81
#4 2 11 10 75 416 50 1954 73.93
#5 2 15 5 50 718 25 2159 114.8
#6 2 15 5 75 828 50 3316 99.33
#7 2 15 10 50 360 25 1372 73.19
#8 2 15 10 75 416 50 1954 57.69
#9 4 11 5 100 346 25 2104 128.1
#10 4 11 5 175 342 50 3223 110.1
#11 4 11 10 100 174 25 1349 82.44
#12 4 11 10 175 172 50 1915 64.59
#13 4 15 5 100 346 25 2104 104.3
#14 4 15 5 175 342 50 3223 89.7
#15 4 15 10 100 174 25 1349 67.11
#16 4 15 10 175 172 50 1915 52.62
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1 943

Fig. 2 e The wind tunnel calorimeter. (a) Schematic view. (b) Dimensions and main components. A: fan; B: diffuser; C:
temperature measurement; D: test section; E: condenser; F: flow homogenizers; G: temperature measurement; H: calibrated
nozzles; I: dampers.

cylindrical filling (diameter of 50.8 mm) was placed inside the

71-mm diameter gap (see Fig. 1b) to eliminate any flow by-
The thermally insulated hot water loop consisted of
a speed-controlled rotary pump, a Coriolis-effect mass flow
meter, a thermostatic bath and two T-type immersion ther-
mocouples that were placed at water inlet and outlet. As
pointed by Hoke et al. (1997), the use of water as a working
fluid instead of a condensing refrigerant simplifies the
instrumentation and installation of the heat exchanger
prototypes. Moreover, it gives rise to a relatively small thermal
resistance on the inside of the tube that can be accurately
estimated and it enables an accurate experimental determi-
nation of the overall heat transfer rate.

2.3. Experimental procedure

The temperature of the air entering the wind tunnel was kept
at 21  C and the inlet water temperature was maintained at
Fig. 3 e A condenser in the test section. 40  C or higher. The fan and the damper were operated in
944 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1

conjunction to set the desired air flow rate. The water flow each variable, the test was considered steady. Fig. 4a shows
rate was set so that the water temperature range was larger a temperature plot and the demarcation (dotted line) between
than 2  C. Approximately 50e120 min e depending on the air the transient and steady-state condition for a typical test.
flow rate e are needed to reach steady-state. The steady-state A test is considered valid if, in addition to being steady, the
criterion was established so that each parameter (tempera- heat transfer rates calculated based on energy balances on the
ture, pressure drop or flow rate) was averaged over a 10-min water side and on the air side are within 5% of each other
interval and the standard deviation associated with its (Waltrich et al., 2011), as can be verified in Fig. 4b. The
signal was calculated. If the difference between the reading at maximum standard deviations for the experimental param-
the beginning of the sampling interval (t ¼ 0) and at the end eters are as follows: (i) temperatures, 0.04  C; (ii) pressure drop,
(t ¼ 10 min), for all variables, was less than 3 times the value of 0.5 Pa; (iii) air volume flow rate: 0.34 m3 h1; and (iv) water
a pre-defined maximum standard deviation associated with mass flow rate: 0.2 kg min1. In total, 64 data points were
collected for heat transfer and pressure drop.

3. Data regression

3.1. Heat transfer

The overall thermal conductance can be determined from the

number of transfer units (NTU ) using the ε-NTU relationships
for cross-counter flow heat exchangers with 2 and 4 passes,
respectively. These relationships have been listed by ESDU
(1991), Wang et al. (1999) and Navarro and Cabezas-Gómez
(2005). In the present work, the experimental data were such
that the NTU ranged from 0.19 to 0.47. For such low values,
irrespective of the values assumed by the thermal capacity
rate ratio (see definition below), there is very little difference
between the ε-NTU curves for cross-counter flow heat
exchangers with 2 and 4 tube passes and the curve for single-
pass mixedemixed cross-flow, which is much simpler and is
given by (Shah and Sekulic, 2003),

1 1 C 1
¼ þ  (1)
ε 1  exp ðNTUÞ 1  exp ðNTU C Þ NTU


NTU ¼ (2)

Cmin ¼ min ra V_ a cPa ; m
_ w cpw (3)

C ¼ (4)

ε¼ (5)
Q max

where Q_ is the heat transfer rate calculated from a heat

balance in each stream and Q_ max is given by,
Q_ max ¼ Cmin Tw;in  Ta;in (6)

As can be seen from Fig. 5, which shows contour plots of the

relative errors defined as,

ε  εcc;2
er2 ¼ (7)
Fig. 4 e Experimental procedure verification (a)
Temperature signals during the initial transient and in the and
steady-state condition. Air flow rate: 220 m3 hL1. (b)
Comparison of the heat transfer rates measured on the ε  εcc;4
er4 ¼ (8)
water and air sides for all data points. εcc;4
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1 945

as a function of C* and NTU, the errors incurred in assuming number of tube passes, Dt is the tube diameter, Nw is the
that NTU can be calculated from Eq. (1) are of the order number of wires and Dw is the wire diameter. The heat
of 0.1% to 0.3% for the present experimental NTU range, exchanger pressure drop, DPa, was calculated by subtracting
and are certainly negligible when compared with other the pressure drop measured without the condenser (i.e., that
experimental and data correlation errors involved in the corresponding to the internal polystyrene insert only) from
study. Therefore, for the sake of simplicity, the data reduction that measured with the condenser and filling in place.
in the present paper was carried out using Eq. (1) for all sixteen The Colburn j-factor and friction factor data were corre-
prototypes. lated in terms of the air-side Reynolds number defined as,
The air-side heat transfer coefficient is calculated sub-
tracting the internal convection and the solid wall heat Rea ¼ Ga er =ma (16)
transfer resistances from the overall thermal resistance as The tube radial spacing, er, was chosen as the characteristic
follows (fouling resistances on both sides were assumed zero), length scale in the air-side Reynolds number because it
  1 defines, together with the tube diameter, the minimum free-
1 1 flow area on the air-side (i.e., it is a real length scale in the
ho ho ¼   Rs Ao (9)
UA hi Ai
problem). In the correlation presented in Section 4.2, the tube
where Rs is the solid wall conduction resistance, Ai is the in- radial spacing proved to be more efficient in correlating the
tube surface area and Ao is the external (wire and tube) data than other parameters, such as the tube diameter. This is
surface area. The in-tube heat transfer coefficient was calcu-
lated with the Gnielinski correlation (Incropera et al., 2007).
The overall surface efficiency was calculated by,

ho ¼ 1  1  hfin (10)
where hfin is the fin efficiency defined as (Incropera et al., 2007),

tanh ðmLÞ
hfin ¼ (11)
and mL is the dimensionless fin length given by,
ho eL
mL ¼ (12)
kfin Dw

The Colburn j-factor is given by,

ho Pr2=3
j ¼ StPr2=3 ¼ (13)
Go cPa
where Ga is the air mass flux given by Ga ¼ raVmax. Vmax is the
maximum air velocity, which takes place at the minimum air-
side free-flow area (see Section 3.2).

3.2. Pressure drop

The Darcy friction factor that incorporates the inlet contrac-

tion and outlet expansion losses was calculated as follows
(Kays and London, 1998),
" #
Amin ra 2DPa ra;in   r
f¼  1 þ s 2
 1 (14)
Ao ra;in G2a f

where ra,in and ra,out are the air density corresponding to the
inlet and outlet sections, respectively. ra is the arithmetic
average of the inlet and outlet air densities. sf is the ratio of the
minimum free-flow area, Amin, and the face area, Af. DPa is the
heat exchanger pressure drop. The minimum free-flow area is
given by,

pD2cf L pD2
Amin ¼ Af   Dt  Nw w (15)
4 Np 4
Fig. 5 e (a) Effectiveness relative error for the 2-pass cross-
where Dcf is the diameter of the internal cylindrical filling, Dt is counter flow heat exchanger. (b) Effectiveness relative error
the tube diameter, L is the overall tube length, Np is the for the 4-pass cross-counter flow heat exchanger.
946 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1

because the tube diameter remained constant throughout the For any number of tube passes, the wire surface area seems to
experiments, while the radial spacing was changed according be the most important factor in the air-side thermal conduc-
to Table 1. tance. As can be seen, the poorest thermal performances in
both cases (2 and 4 tube passes) were associated with the
3.3. Uncertainty analysis condensers that have the largest wire spacing and the small-
est longitudinal spacing (Samples #7 and #15).
An uncertainty propagation analysis was conducted (Sigwalt, The behavior of the air-side overall surface efficiency, ho, as
2010). Measurement uncertainties, U, were calculated based a function of the air flow rate is shown in Fig. 8. The largest
on the values of the mean and of the standard deviation values of surface efficiency are associated with the
associated with each measured variable and on accuracy condensers with the shortest wires (50-mm long). The surface
information provided by manufacturers of measurement efficiency decreases with the air flow rate as a result of the
equipment. Thus, the uncertainty is given by, increase in heat transfer coefficient (see below). By comparing
Fig. 8a and b, it can be seen that the number of passes also has
U ¼ t u20 þ s2 (17)

where t is the Student’s t-value (Holman, 2001), assumed a

equal to 2 for 95% confidence level, u0 is the uncertainty of the
measurement equipment (obtained from manufacturer data)
and s is the standard deviation. The uncertainties associated
with the measurements of temperature and pressure were
0.2  C and 0.1% of the full-scale of the pressure transducer.
The uncertainty of the voltage measurement in the data
acquisition board of the water mass flow meter was 0.3 mV.
The expanded uncertainties associated with the variables that
were not measured directly were calculated via the following
relationship (Holman, 2001),
u N  2
uX vy
y ¼ f ðx1 ; x2 ; .; xN Þ/UðyÞ ¼ t Uðxi Þ (18)

The experimental uncertainties for the air volume flow rate,

pressure drop, heat transfer rate, friction factor and Colburn j-
factor were estimated at 2 m3/h (maximum), 3%, 4%, 8%
and 6%, respectively.

4. Results b
4.1. Experimental results

As seen in Fig. 6, the heat exchanger pressure drop increases

with the air flow rate. For a fixed tube length, the condensers
with the largest values of pressure drop are those with four
passes and the smallest tube radial spacing (i.e., Samples #10
and #12), since these give rise to the smallest face area and,
consequently, to the highest values of Vmax. The longitudinal
spacing is also seen to influence the pressure drop. However,
because the longitudinal spacing does not affect the face
area, its influence is not as marked as that of the number of
tube passes and radial spacing. The condensers with
a longitudinal spacing of 50 mm tend to have a slightly larger
pressure drop than their 25 mm counterparts because they
are longer and have a larger surface area (and hence more
skin friction).
The air-side thermal conductance, ho ho Ao , as a function of
the air flow rate is shown in Fig. 7. The largest values of
thermal conductance are associated with condensers #14 and
#10, which have a large external surface area (due to the small Fig. 6 e Pressure drop as a function of the air flow rate. (a)
wire spacing and large longitudinal spacing) and a significant Condensers with two tube passes. (b) Condensers with
air velocity (due to the small face area and four tube passes). four tube passes.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1 947

a a


Fig. 8 e Air-side overall surface efficiency as a function of

Fig. 7 e Air-side thermal conductance as a function of the the air flow rate. (a) Condensers with two tube passes. (b)
air flow rate. (a) Condensers with two tube passes. (b) Condensers with four tube passes.
Condensers with four tube passes.

downstream tube pass in a more turbulent region in the wake

some influence on the surface efficiency because the face of the upstream tube pass. Small wire spacing may help
velocity increases with the number of tube passes. organize the flow in the longitudinal direction and possibly
The air-side heat transfer coefficient, ho , as a function of suppress turbulence that otherwise enhances the heat
the air flow rate is illustrated in Fig. 9. For the 2-pass heat transfer coefficients for a wire spacing of 10 mm. It must be
exchangers (Fig. 9a), the influence of each parameter on the mentioned, however, that these are just possible explanations
heat transfer coefficient is quite clear; it is high when the that need experimental validation are beyond scope of the
longitudinal and radial tube spacings are small (25 and 11 mm, present work. For the 4-pass heat exchangers (Fig. 9b), the
respectively) and the wire spacing is large (10 mm). While the influence of the radial tube spacing is not as clear as in the 2-
small radial spacing certainly gives rise to large air velocities pass case, but it is evident that the longitudinal tube spacing
in the heat exchanger, the small longitudinal tube spacing still plays a major role in determining the magnitude of the
possibly enhances heat transfer due to positioning of the heat transfer coefficient.
948 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1

A combined evaluation of the heat transfer and pumping

power performances was carried out by means of the core
volume goodness factors (Kays and London, 1998; Shah and
Sekulic, 2003). Fig. 10 shows the thermal conductance per
unit volume as a function of the pumping power per unit
volume for the condensers with the smallest wire spacing
(large wire surface area). These parameters are defined by,

J1 ¼ ho ho b (19)


V_ a DPa
J2 ¼ b (20)

Fig. 10 e Behavior of the air-side thermal conductance per

unit volume as a function of the pumping power per unit
volume. Only the samples with a wire spacing of 5 mm are

For a given pumping power per unit volume, the best

surface from the point of view of the heat exchanger volume is
clearly that of Sample #2. As a matter of fact, when the friction
power expenditure is taken into consideration, the
condensers with two tube passes show a consistently better
performance than their four-pass counterparts. In other
words, the increase in overall thermal conductance provided
by the higher core velocity seen in Fig. 7 for the 4-pass
condensers is surpassed by the corresponding pressure drop

Fig. 9 e Air-side heat transfer coefficient as a function of

the air flow rate. (a) Condensers with two tube passes. (b) Fig. 11 e Experimental Colburn j-factor as a function of the
Condensers with four tube passes. air-side Reynolds number.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1 949

penalty observed in Fig. 6. It is worth noting that the core

volume goodness factors of the 10-mm wire spacing heat
exchangers are not plotted in Fig. 10 because their values of
heat transfer conductance per unit volume are about one half
of those calculated for the condensers with 5 mm wire

4.2. Empirical correlation

Figs. 11 and 12 present the experimental Colburn j-factor and

the friction factor as a function of the air-side Reynolds
number. The expected behavior of j and f decreasing with the
Reynolds number is observed. However, the scatter of the data
(especially for the pressure drop data) is an indication of the
influence of the geometric parameters that have to be taken
into account into empirical correlations for the dimensionless
parameters for air-side heat transfer and pressure drop
(Figs. 13 and 14).
Purely empirical correlations for the Colburn j-factor and
friction factor were derived in the following form,

j ¼ aj lnðRea Þ þ bj (21) Fig. 13 e Comparison between the experimental and

calculated Colburn j-factors.
f ¼ af lnðRea Þ þ bf (22)

where aj, bj, af and bf are empirical coefficients which have

been obtained via least-squares minimization using the
methodology proposed by Montgomery (2001). A general
4 ¼ b0 þ b1 A þ b2 B þ b3 C þ b4 D (24)
expression for obtaining the coefficients is given by,
  where bk are empirical constants specific for each coefficient
4þ1 (see Table 3). A, B, C and D are normalized values of the
a ¼ amin þ ðamax  amin Þ (23)
2 number of tube passes, radial spacing, wire spacing and
where a can be aj, bj, af or bf, and amin and amax are tabulated longitudinal spacing, respectively. The normalization is such
constants for each parameter (see Table 2). 4 is a normalized that A, B, C and D can only be equal to 1 and þ1, depending of
(i.e., between 1 and þ1) value of a given by the following the actual value of each parameter. For example, if the
general expression, number of tube passes is equal to 2, then A ¼ 1. Otherwise, if

Fig. 12 e Experimental friction factor as a function of the Fig. 14 e Comparison between the experimental and
air-side Reynolds number. calculated friction factors.
950 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 3 9 e9 5 1

4, and their values are sufficiently accurate for engineering

Table 2 e Empirical constants for Eq. (20).
purposes. It should be mentioned that the correlations are
aj bj af bf valid only within the range of experimental conditions for
amin 1.0322  10 2
2.9533  10 2.1808  10 2
8.1111  102 2 which the data were obtained.
amax 2.6530  103 9.8156  102 6.0037  103 3.0152  101

5. Conclusions

The present paper carried out an experimental evaluation of

Table 3 e Empirical constants for determining 4 in Eq.
the air-side pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of
spiral wire-on-tube condenser. Sixteen prototypes were
aj bj af bf designed and manufactured especially for this study, and
b0 9.2359  102 4.9509  102 9.5615  102 8.3907  102 were subsequently tested in an open-loop wind tunnel calo-
b1 2.2435  101 2.0238  101 4.5690  101 3.0414  101 rimeter. The influence of geometric parameters like the
b2 2.3447  101 2.6351  101 2.6119  101 3.3971  101 number of tube passes, the radial and longitudinal tube
b3 2.7637  101 2.6612  101 1.0911  101 1.8273  101 spacings and the wire spacing on the heat transfer and pres-
b4 1.7465  102 5.3560  102 6.4297  102 1.3107  101
sure drop was investigated systematically for air flow rates
ranging from 70 to 220 m3 h1. Empirical correlations were
developed for the Colburn j-factor and for the Darcy friction
it is equal to 4, then A ¼ þ1. A similar procedure holds for the factor. The RMS deviations of the correlations were 0.9% for
other variables, where a linear interpolation can be per- the Colburn j-factor (associated with the air-side heat transfer
formed to determine intermediate values of normalized coefficient) and 1.3% for the friction factor (frictional pressure
variables. drop). The coefficients of determination were 0.96 and 0.94 for
Figs. 13 and 14 show the overall performance of the j and f, respectively. It was demonstrated that all geometric
empirical correlations in predicting the experimental values parameters investigated are important for the heat transfer
of the Colburn j-factor and the friction factor. In order to performance of the heat exchanger, with the most significant
evaluate the ability of the present correlations in predicting contribution being that of the wire spacing. As far as the
the data, the following quantities can be defined, pressure drop is concerned, the biggest individual influences
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi were caused by the radial tube spacing and number of tube
u n  
100 u
X zexp;i  zcal;i 2 passes. This is due to their direct impact on the air velocity,
RMS ¼ (25)
n i¼1
since a fixed tube length has been considered.

100 X
zexp;i  zcal;i
AAD ¼ (26) Acknowledgements
n i¼1 zexp;i

Financial support from CNPq through grant No. 573581/2008-8

(National Institute of Science and Technology in Cooling and
100 X
zexp;i  zcal;i
Thermophysics) is duly acknowledged. The authors thank
Bias ¼ (27)
n i¼1 zexp;i
Prof. Cláudio Melo for his support and technical advice.

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R2 ¼ h P  P  2
ih P  P 2 i (28)
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