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Handbook / Guidelines
September 2021

This handbook serves as a guide for members of the Goose Goose Duck Beta
Testing Team to better understand the responsibilities, directives, and general
code of conduct expected. It will also include some examples and rationale to
explain why we have certain rules and policies in place.
Property of Gaggle Studio Copyright 2021 ©

Table of Contents

Gaggle Studios 1

Property of Gaggle Studio Copyright 2021 ©

Goose Goose Duck is a free-to-play multiplayer game of social
deduction. With a growing player base, there is an increasing need for
assistance from volunteer beta testers to ensure a polished product before it
reaches the general public. Beta Testers will participate in testing sessions,
providing feedback and in the event of uncovering bugs, providing in great
detail what happened, and how to attempt to reproduce it.


1.1 The purpose of this handbook is to help beta testers better

understand the role and position that they have in the Goose Goose
Duck community. In this handbook, responsibilities and expectations
will be stated to help guide you through the Beta Tester role. If there
are any questions, please bring them to a Beta Test Leader after
reading this document. If needed you can contact a Gaggle Manager.

1.2 The policies we have in place may be subject to change in the future
with little notice. Please bear in mind that these policy changes will
be the product of internal discussion and formal documentation and
examples will be created to help guide you through the changes.


2.1 Expectations. Beta Testers are volunteers that act as quality control
between the Developmental Builds and the Live Versions for the
various platforms. While the developers are busy working on the
game, the beta testers are responsible for getting tests done quickly
and efficiently. The main goal for beta testing is to test new
features and functionalities while looking closely for potential
bugs. In the event of a found bug, attempt to replicate it, and
report findings on the developer-supplied beta log file, as quickly

Property of Gaggle Studio Copyright 2021 ©

and efficiently as possible in order for the developers to take

action towards a patch/rebuild.

2.2 General Responsibilities

2.2.1 Be able to follow instructions.
2.2.2 Have and maintain an above average knowledge of the game
(e.g. what is classified as a bug, and what is intended
2.2.3 Be able to keep track of what you were doing at the time of a
bug, and complete the provided log file. Be observant to ensure the bug has not already been
added to the log file.
2.2.4 Use the beta-feedback channel in discord to supply
screenshots and more details of any bugs found. Please ensure you are not posting an issue that has
already been documented. Comment on existing posts if
you have or can provide more/new details.
2.2.5 If late to a test: please read and inform yourself of the log file
contents and the beta-feedback posts in discord, regarding the
current build testing objectives as well as already recorded
bugs before joining to make sure you are aware of what has
and has not been tested as well as the common errors that
have already been reported. When familiarized with the test session that is being
conducted and ready to participate, please message the
beta-general channel so the team can let you know
when they are back in the lobby.
2.2.6 Please ensure that you “Ready Up” every time you
enter/re-enter the lobby to not delay the start of a game.
2.2.7 While beta testing you should be focused on the testing at
hand. Discussions, if needed, should be focused on aspects of
the test itself.

Property of Gaggle Studio Copyright 2021 © If you need to leave to attend to personal matters, we

understand. Please briefly state that you have to step
away, and then leave the game promptly. If you are then in a position to rejoin an active testing
session, please message the beta-general channel
so the team can let you know when they are back in
the lobby.

2.3 Types of Testing

2.3.1 Focused Testing. Focused testing is where we are testing or trying

to replicate a very specific scenario to identify or replicate a bug.
Under these conditions you are to follow instructions, and not do
anything outside of those instructions.

2.3.2 Exploratory Testing. During exploratory testing, you can try to break
the game under normal play conditions, and report any
bugs/unintended findings, if any. Sometimes Exploratory Testing will
switch to Focused Testing when a discovery needs more info, or to
be replicated.

2.4 Streaming

2.4.1 There is to be NO streaming of general beta testing sessions. While

the game was in early access, streaming of the beta tests was
permitted. This is no longer the case. As we are now in a full
release state, testing needs to be as fast and efficient as possible.
Information has previously had to be explained too many times
because people weren’t listening or were distracted while being
interactive with viewers in their chat during the testing session.
Disallowing streaming of routine beta tests will prevent the waste of
both the Gaggle Team and fellow beta testers’ time.

2.4.2 We will endeavour to dedicate a streamable play session for beta

testers that stream closer to the release of a patch to allow you a
preview of soon-to-be released content once the majority / all the

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bugs have been fixed. We will try to be as accommodating as we

can, but there is no guarantee that a streamable session will be
available for every patch or update.

2.4.3 An official “Beta Tester” overlay can be found pinned to the

beta-guidelines channel in discord. Please delete any previous
“Beta Tester” overlays you may have installed on your broadcasting
software. The official Beta Tester overlay is NOT to be used outside

Beta Testing Streamable Sessions. When live build bugs are
reported with the Beta Tester overlay visible in the
recordings / screenshots, it creates confusion for the Gaggle
Team whether the bug report is from a Live or Beta build.

2.5 Do Not Distribute

2.5.1 Distribution of any of the beta builds will have you removed
from the program, banned from the discord and game servers,
among other repercussions.

2.6 Do Not DM Gaggle Staff

2.6.1 Direct messaging (DMing) Gaggle staff during a beta testing
session, unless otherwise instructed, may have you removed
from the program.

2.7 Other Guidelines

2.7.1 All questions / inquiries / suggestions must go in the Beta Log
Files, or The Beta Feedback channels. DO NOT POST
information, images or recordings regarding beta testing
sessions in any non-beta channel such as the live build bug
report & troubleshooting channel and vice versa.
2.7.2 Mobile build bug reports (specific to the mobile version) must
go in the mobile feedback channel.
2.7.3 Do NOT make public games on the development build unless
otherwise instructed.

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2.7.4 Do not join or attempt to join any live build games on the
development build, unless otherwise instructed.
2.7.5 You may use the #beta-lfg channel to form beta testing
2.7.6 Occasionally Beta Testers may receive game items, such as
cosmetics or coins. These will be given out as we see fit. The
official beta tester jacket cosmetic (aka fancy yacht jacket) will
be issued in due course after joining the team. Some cosmetics may be limited to only certain tests /
builds. Do NOT message any Gaggle Staff about your status on
receiving these cosmetics. If you have any questions or
inquiries, please direct them to a Beta Test Leader.


3.1 The code of conduct for Gaggle Studios states a series of rules
outlining the norms and representation expected of the beta testing
team. Testers are to understand what unacceptable behavior is.
Listed below are several factors to be cognizant of while testing.
3.1.1 Professionalism. Professionalism refers to the attitudes,
behaviors, attributes, and values which are expected from
Gaggle staff and, by extension, the beta team. We have every
expectation that the beta team will handle situations in a
tactful, empathetic, and professional manner. Be polite and
approachable. De-escalate conflict when possible.
3.1.2 No Offensive Expression. Offensive expression will not be
tolerated for any reason. Offensive expression constitutes any
hateful verbal or behavioral expression that can be taken as
offensive. This includes but is not limited to: Hate Speech. Speaking offensively of/to someone
based on their religion, race, gender, gender identity,
political orientation, ethnicity, language, physical

Property of Gaggle Studio Copyright 2021 ©

abilities, mental capabilities, sexual orientation, age, or

origin. Use of deliberately insulting language.
3.1.3 Equality. Under no circumstances should beta testers act as
though they have dominion over the community in a negative
or controlling manner. Beta testers are here to assist the
developers and the community.
3.1.4 Sharing of Private Information. The sharing of information
including but not limited to a person’s name, age, phone
number, address, or any information they wish to not have
public will not be tolerated.
3.1.5 Harassment. Any type of continual harassment of others will
not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, spamming
and the creation of multiple accounts with the intent to
circumvent being blocked.
3.1.6 Sexual Harassment. Any type of sexual harassment will not
be tolerated. There is a zero-tolerance for 1) sexual threats, 2)
promises of advancements in exchange for sexual or romantic
3.1.7 Promoting Good Ethics. The goal is to promote a place for all
to feel included and respected. Professionally carrying yourself
through beta tests and games, promoting positivity, and
working to defuse stress/negativity productively is our mission
not only as a team but as individuals.
3.1.8 Terms of Service. It is crucial that you understand and abide
by the Terms of Services (TOS) on the relevant platforms you
operate on as well. Breaking TOS on Twitch or any other
platform will result in the removal from the beta tester
3.1.9 Do no harm. Doing no harm means that every act must be the
minimum amount of damage regardless of personal feelings or
affairs. Threat to harm can include but does not limit to: Putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Examples of
this can be; inflicting pain to oneself or others, abusive

Property of Gaggle Studio Copyright 2021 ©

use of drugs or alcohol, involving yourself in dangerous

affairs, speaking about harming yourself or someone


4.1 We expect that all players can and will follow these simple
guidelines of proper behaviors. Our testers must operate as a
cohesive unit. If at any point you are unfamiliar with proper conduct,
please feel free to consult a Beta Test Leader to see if there is any
provided training information that may be used to assist you.
Breaking these conducts may result in immediate termination from
the team without warning.


5.1 Beta Tester Rights

5.1.1 Leave at will. You can stop testing at any time you would like.
Please let a Beta Test Leader know before making your leave.
5.1.2 Will not be harassed by the Gaggle team. You may not be
harassed by any member of our studio or discriminated against
(treated less favorably because of race, color, religion, sex
(including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identify),
national origin, disability, age, or genetic information
(including family medical history).
5.1.3 Accommodations We will endeavor to change the way things
are normally done to accommodate medical conditions or
religious beliefs.
5.1.4 Expect that any information you share with us will be kept
5.1.5 You will not be terminated from duties if you whistleblow on
something unethical seen within our atmospheres.

Property of Gaggle Studio Copyright 2021 ©

5.2 Termination. An inability to perform duties or act accordingly as in

the text listed above may result in a termination of a beta testing
position. Gaggle reserves the right to remove the beta testing team
for any reason whatsoever.


6.1 Questions regarding these forms, duties of beta testers, and any
other information may be asked at any time. Please feel free to reach
out to a Beta Test Leader either in the GGD beta channels, in Discord
direct messages, or another form of private communication.
6.2 Please fill out this form linked below to supply us with availability,
and other information we may need to know regarding your device
6.2.1 You will not be officially inducted into the beta testing team if
you have not completed the above form. This is not a new form, so if you're reading this and you
have been part of the team testing “Mallard Manor” you
have filled this out already.
6.2.2 The contact information you provide on the form is only visible
to Gaggle Staff and the Beta Team Leaders.



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