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Question (1)

Allocate joint cost between output products , and prepare income statement under
the following each methods

1. Sales value at splitoff method

2. Physical measures method

Cream Total
Sales value of total production at splitoff point
gallons x $8 per gallon ; 75,000 gallon x$4 per 25,000
$200,000 300,000$ $500,000
) gallon
Weighting ($200,000 ÷$500,000;$300,000÷500,000) 0.40 0.60
Joint cost allocated )400,000 * 0.60( )400,000 * 40.( $160,000 $240,000 $400,000
Join production cost per gallon
))gallon ;$240,000÷75,000 gallons 25,000÷$160,000 $0.6.40 $3.20
PANEL A: Allocation of Joint Costs Using Sales Value at Splitoff Method


Panel B

income statement ‘ sales value at splitoff point

Cream Total
Revenues (20,000 gallon x $8per gallon ;30,000
$160,000 $120,000 $280,000
gallon x$4per gallon)
Cost of goods sold (joint costs)
Production costs (0.40x
160,000 240,000 400,000
(-) Deduct ending inventory (5000 gallon x $6.40
(32,000) (144000) (176000)
per gallon ;45,000 gallons x $3.20 per gallon)
Cost of goods sold (joint costs) 128,000 96,000 224,000
Gross margin $32,000 $ 24,000 $56,000
Gross margin percentage ($32,000÷$160,000 ;
20% 20% 20%

May 2012
Physical Measures method
PANEL A: Allocation of Joint Costs Using Physical - Measure Method

Cream Total
Physical Measure of total production (gallon) 25,000 75,000 100,000
Weighting (25,000 gallons ÷ 100,000 gallons ;
0.25 0.75
75,000 gallon ÷100,000 gallons )
Joint cost allocated (0.25x$400,000; 0.75x $100,00 $300,00 $400,00
$400,000) 0 0 0
Joint production cost per gallon ($100,000÷
$ 4,00 $ 4,00
25,000 gallon ; $300,000÷ 75,000 gallon)

Panel B : income statement ‘ physical measures method ‘

May 2012

Cream Liquid Total

Revenues (20,000 gallons x $8per gallon ;30,000 gallons
$160,000 $120,000 $280,000
x$4per gallon)
Cost of goods sold (joint costs)
Production costs (0.25x $400,000;0.75x$400,000) 100,000 300,000 400,000
(-) Deduct ending inventory (5000 gallon x $ 4 per
(20,000) (180,000) (200,000)
gallon;45,000 gallons x $4 per gallon)
= Cost of goods sold (joint costs) 80,000 120,000 200,000
Gross margin $80,000 0$ $ 80,000
Gross margin percentage
50% 0% 28.6%

Net realizable value (NRV) method

 NRV = Final Sales Value – Separable Costs

Question (2)

Allocate joint cost between output products, and prepare income statement under the
NRV method


PANEL A: Allocation of Joint Costs Using Net Realizable Value Method

Condensed Milk Total
Final sales value of total during accounting period
20,000gallons x $25 per gallon ;50,000 gallons x (
$500,000 $1,110,000 $1,600,000
) $22 per gallon
Deduct separable costs )280,000( (520,000 ) (800,000)
Net realize value at splitoff point $220,000 580,000$ 800,000
Weighting (220,000 ÷800,000 ; 580,000 ÷
0.275 0.725
Joint cost allocated (0.275x$400,000; 0.725x
$110,000 290,000$ 000$ ,400
Production cost per gallo
gallons; [$290,000 $20,000 ÷ ]280,000 + $110,000[(
19.50 $ $ 2016.
)+ $520,000]÷50.000 gallons
Panel B : income statement ‘ Net Realizable value method NRV ‘

May 2012

Butter Condensed
cream Milk
Revenues (12,000 gallons x $25 per gallon ;45,000
$300,000 $990,000 $1,290,000
gallons x$22 per gallon)
- Cost of goods sold
Joint costs (0.275 x $400,000;0.725 x $400,000) 110,000 290 000 400,000
Separable costs 280,000 520,000 800,000
Production cost 390,000 810,000 1,200,000
Deduct ending inventory (8,000 gallons x $19.50 per
(156,000) (81,000) (237,000)
gallon ; 5,000 gallons x $16.20 per gallon)
Cost of goods sold 234,000 729,000 963,000
Gross margin $ 66,000 $ 261,000 $ 327,000
Gross margin percentage ( $66,000 ÷ $300,000;
22.0% 26.4% %25.3
$261,000 ÷ $990,000; $327,000 ÷ $1,290,000)

Constant gross margin NRV method.

Joint costs are calculated as a residual amount by subtracting the separable costs
and gross margin from the final sales value.

Constant Gross - Margin Percentage NRV Method :

3 steps

* The constant gross - margin percentage NRV method can be broken down into 3

Compute the overall gross margin percentage

Compute the total production costs for each product
Compute the assigned joint costs.
PANEL A: Allocation of Joint Costs Using constant gross margin Net Realizable Value

Step (1)
Final sales value of total during accounting period
20,000gallons x $25 per gallon ;50,000 gallons x (
) $22 per gallon
Deduct separable costs + joint cost
280,000+520,000 + 400,000
Gross margin $400,000
Gross margin percentage (400,000/1600,000) 25%
Step (2) Butter
Condensed Milk Total
Final sales value of total during accounting period cream
20,000gallons x $25 per gallon ;50,000 gallons x (
500,000 1,100,000 1,600,000
) $22 per gallon
Deduct gross margin using over all gross margin
125,000 275,000 400,000
percentage (.25 * 500,000) (.25 * 1,100,000)
Total production cost
375,000 825,000 1,200,000

Step (3)
Deduct separable cost 280,000 520,000 800,000

95,000 305,000 400,000

Joint cost allocated
Cost per gallon (95,000 +280,000)/20,000 gallons
18.75 16.50
gallons 50,000 /)520,000+ 305,000(

Panel B : income statement using constant gross margin percentage ‘ Net Realizable value method NRV ‘

May 2012

Butter Condensed
cream Milk
Revenues (12,000 gallons x $25 per gallon ;45,000
$300,000 $990,000 $1,290,000
gallons x$22 per gallon)
- Cost of goods sold
Joint costs from panel A 95,000 305,000 400,000
Separable costs 280,000 520,000 800,000
Production cost 375,000 825,000 1,200,000
Deduct ending inventory (8,000 gallons x $18.75 per
(150,000) (82,500) (232,500)
gallon ; 5,000 gallons x $16.50 per gallon)
Cost of goods sold 225,000 742,500 967,500
Gross margin $ 75,000 $ 247,500 $ 322,500
Gross margin percentage ( $75,000 ÷ $300,000;
25% 25% %25
$247,500 ÷ $990,000; $322,500 ÷ $1,290,000)

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