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I. - Put the frequency adverbs in parentheses in the correct place in the following sentences.

1. (always) The teacher explains the new lessons.

2. (sometimes) I have bacon and eggs for breakfast.
3. (often) That student is late for classes.
4. (ever) Does your father have lunch at a restaurant?
5. (always) Is your father in his office in the morning?
6. (seldom) We watch TV during the day.
7. (usually) Mr. Parker goes to work in his car.
8. (ever) Are you absent from class?
9. (always) I don't understand the explanations.
10. (sometimes) The mornings are cloudy here.
11. (never) That girl is sad. She’s happy all the time.
12. (frequently) My father reads the paper after breakfast.
13. (rarely) Some people go to the beach.
14. (usually) Young people go to parties on Saturday nights.
15. (almost never) I listen to folk music.

II. - Fill in the blanks with the appropriate frequency adverbs.

1. The sun shines 7 days a week here. It ____________shines.

2. It ______________________snows in this city.
3. We go to the lab 2 days a week. We __________go to the lab.
4. My father goes to the movies once a year. He _____ goes to the movies.
5. I don't _________________come to class by taxi. I come by bus.
6. I’m never absent. I ________________come to class.
7. Mr. Lopez has breakfast at that cafeteria 2 days a week. He_________
____________ has breakfast there.
8. That girl is an excellent student. She ___________gets low grades.
9. People _______________________go to the beach in summer.
10. It _______________________rains in a desert.
11. We _______go to the club. We go there 2 or 3 times a month.
12. A dog ______________drinks coffee.
13. The sky in this city is ______________cloudy.
14. Sugar is ________________sweet.
15. New students ___________________ask questions.
16. Young people ____________________like parties.
17. I study my lessons after every class. I _____________study.
18. The teacher ______________explains the new lessons.
19. Mr. Lopez goes to church once a year. He _______ goes to church.
20. That boy comes to class regularly. He is _____absent from classes.
21. It ________________rains a lot in tropical areas.
22. Lemons are _________________sour.
23. That girl smiles all the time. She is _______________happy.
24. Parrots ____________________talk.
25. Children don’t __________________like milk.
26. He doesn’t __speak S0panish in class. He speaks English all the time.
27. Some words in English0 are _________difficult to pronounce.
III. Answer these questions. Use the words in parentheses.

1. How often do you go to the movies? (every Sunday)

2. How often does your father wash his car? (on Saturdays)
3. How often does your mother go shopping? (every weekend)
4. How often do you go out with your friends? (usually)
5. How often do the students go to the lab? (every Friday)
6. How often do you take out the garbage? (every day)
7. How often does your mother cook fish? (sometimes)
8. How often does Mary go dancing? (on weekends)
9. How often does your father take a taxi to work? (never)
10. How often do you do household chores? (almost never)

IV. - Answer these questions. Use frequency adverbs.

1. Do you ever come to the institute by taxi?

2. Does your father ever drink beer?
3. How often do you visit your relatives?
4. Does your mother ever cook fish?
5. How often do you study your lessons?
6. Do you ever go to rock concerts?
7. Are you ever late for class?
8. How often do you practice your English?

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