Cluster - Meaning of Success: Brian R. Candelaria Mildred M. Vargas INGL3101 For November 2, 2021

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Brian R.

Mildred M. Vargas
For November 2, 2021

Cluster – Meaning of Success

Meaning of success: Success can be many things, it could be especially determined by the act of
one's own position relative to the matter in correspondence, since truly it could be taken as the
knowledge of the world around their perspective.

Money: You could say this is one of the main ways people value successes, since there exists a
common belief were the more a person makes, the more successful that person is. The origin of
this being mostly due to a fact where they have clear difference in standing in regards to

Family: Another common concept used to answer “What is the meaning of success?”, it even
being part of the stereotypical "American Dream". They can have a family and complete the
natural cycle of their life, giving form to a true circle of an associated relationship.

Academic: Possibly one of the most important to the topic in question, this is something that
permits one to be "successful"; a usual need being the use of knowledge as the trust of one's
perception. As a constant consequence it can be said that if you do not perform well in this
sense, but the inverse is also truth.
Brian R. Candelaria
Mildred M. Vargas
For November 2, 2021
Draft – Meaning of Success

While the concept of success has many meanings, a question that always persist between the
lines of one's own psyche is the precedent of its meaning. The theme of it can only be described
as a constant changing environment, where depending on the time and place where it happens
giving way to a different meaning to their own association. In relevance to the purpose of such
a thing, it can be said that they have "achieving success" as a milestone on all lives even when
they can't give a concrete definition. Due to how subjective it is, all can change in accordance to
their perspective; it having a purpose exclusive to them. In relation to what has been said, this
permits oneself to express it in many ways which I seek to explain some of those in this work.
One of the most common beliefs is the value of money in society and how this gets to
distinguish itself between different positions. It's a sad reality that in part due to this idea that
woman often have less success that men in terms of recognition (Bostock 8), it being a logical
deviation to the standard that one makes it out to be. Why does something so unnaturally cruel
happen in our modern society? In no small way, the antique interpretation that only men can
be successful and make money has been partly maintained till this day. This becomes present in
cases were those of other genders earn less money while performing the same job (Greenman
and Xie 86). This is truly something that should not be accepted yet it happens all the same,
since even if all deserve the same amount of success, someone not receiving due to a factor
external to them gives way to a breaking point between what the word can mean. What I mean
is, how fair is it to be considered lacking in triumph due to something that corresponds to your
own self? Such is a point also relevant to the academic perspective of success, where the
expectations of it can impact negatively in many ways since the meaning of the term can differ
between all others and the student. It has been tested that many of the individuals who are
induced stress due to expectations of success in their life, perform worse and effectively fail al
achieving it due to the very cause (Liu, Diane and Howard Kaplan). As of now, both
interpretations I've given of the meaning of success have been proved to have flaws, yet there
exist something that if all goes well by it's logic it can work in clear association. Forming
relationships can be considered a key to success, since the more connections you form; the
better it is since an individual can find happiness between them. This may lead to starting a
family and achieving the dream of many that lies on the premise that for one to be successful,
that person has to be happy due to that without it, how can one truly say that they did
something? The meaning of success is something vast and incomplete, were while it can be
defined by many ways; its also flawed and can be taken as many different things. So, if I were to
ask for a definition of it; what would I say? Quite simply, the meaning of success I believe that it
is whatever you believe in a an objective that you eventually complete, since from the very
beginning it all depended on the basis of ambition regardless of the method.
Brian R. Candelaria
Mildred M. Vargas
For November 2, 2021

Meaning of Success
While the concept of success has many meanings, a question that always persist between the
lines of one's own psyche is the precedent of its meaning. The theme of it can only be described
as a constantly changing environment, where depending on the era it takes place, it could hold
a different meaning in a certain regard. In relevance to the purpose of such a thing, it can be
said that they have "achieving success" as a milestone on all lives even when they can't give a
concrete definition. Due to how subjective it is, all can change in accordance to their
perspective; it having a purpose exclusive to them. In relation to what has been said, this
permits oneself to express it in many ways which I seek to explain some of those in this work.
One of the most common beliefs is the value of money in society and how this gets to
distinguish itself between different positions. It's a sad reality that in part due to this idea that
woman often have less success that men in terms of recognition (Bostock 8), it being a logical
deviation to the standard that one makes it out to be. Why does something so unnaturally cruel
happen in our modern society? In no small way, the antique interpretation that only men can
be successful and make money has been partly maintained till this day. This becomes present in
cases were those of other genders earn less money while performing the same job (Greenman
and Xie). This is truly something that should not be accepted yet it happens all the same, since
even if all deserve the same amount of success, someone not receiving due to a factor external
to them gives way to a breaking point between what the word can mean. What I mean is, how
fair is it to be considered lacking in triumph due to something that corresponds to your own
self? Such is a point also relevant to the academic perspective of success, where the
expectations of it can impact negatively in many ways since the meaning of the term can differ
between all others and the student. It has been tested that many of the individuals who are
induced stress due to expectations of success in their life, perform worse and effectively fail at
achieving it due to this very cause (Liu, Diane and Howard Kaplan). As of now, both
interpretations I've given of the meaning of success have been proved to have flaws, yet there
exist something that if all goes well by it's logic it can work in clear association. Forming
relationships can be considered a key to success, since the more connections you form; the
better it is since an individual can find happiness between them. This may lead to starting a
family and achieving the dream of many that lies on the premise that for one to be successful,
that person has to be happy due to that without it, how can one truly say that they did
something? The meaning of success is something vast and incomplete, were while it can be
defined by many ways; its also flawed and can be taken as many different things. So, if I were to
ask for a definition of it; what would I say? Quite simply, the meaning of success I believe that it
is whatever you believe in a objective that you eventually complete, since from the very
beginning it all depended on the basis of ambition regardless of the method.
Brian R. Candelaria
Mildred M. Vargas
For November 2, 2021
Works Cited
Joe Bostock. “The Meaning of Success”. Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp.8. Google

Emily Greenman and Yu Xie. “Double Jeopardy? The Interaction of Gender and Race on
Earnings in the United States”. Social Forces Vol.86, 2008. Google Scholar,

Diane S Kaplan, Ruth X Liu, Howard B Kaplan. “School related stress in early adolescence and
academic performance three years later: the conditional influence”. Social Psychology of
Education 8, 2005. Google Scholar,

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