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University of Eastern Pangasinan

The Accountancy Students’ Need of Aerobic Exercise

James C. Gabriel

Physical Fitness 1

Ebeneezer Lynn Bartolome

November 23, 2021


The main focus of this study is on the importance of aerobic exercise for accounting

students. It discusses the scenario of the aforementioned students, their current issues,

and what physical exercises can do to help them solve such problems. It examines the

kids' physical, emotional, mental, and social health, which is addressed through aerobic


Every student now is obviously struggling with this set up of studying. We have been

limited to meeting virtually, and that makes the learning process quite challenging these

days. Among the degree programs, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy is one of the

most difficult to take and finish (

the-world/). Thus, it is necessary for Accountancy students to allocate some time to

exercise, especially the aerobics one because it doesn't only improve physical health,

but mental health as well. These exercises play a vital role to surviving the said degree

program. Exercise in general has a lot of varying benefits. Only one of which is mental

development. Some will perhaps think that exercises are only intended to improve

physical appearance, but that is a mere stereotype that needs to be broken. As students

feel pressure brought about by numerous schoolwork, a simple aerobic exercise would

help. It will serve as an ice breaker and will help to enhance one's mind. Furthermore,

according to Bernstein E.E., et al. (2020), regular sessions and even one air exercise

cycle would benefit emotional health. So, it is really not only the physical aspect itself

that is being developed when doing exercise, but also other aspects like emotional

which can boost a student's mood during his breakdown. Additionally, aerobic exercise

like swimming, cycling, and walking can be an exquisite way to spend one's leisure time

and express one's feelings at the same time. It is very helpful to Accountancy students

to somehow unwind from an exhausting day due to numerous schoolwork. 

Physical benefits of aerobic exercise usually focus on the cardio-respiratory system of

the human body, wherein function of the heart and lungs are prevalently fixed or

improved. Based on the study of Mersy, D. J. (1991), many of the problems primary

care physicians see on a daily basis, such as coronary artery disease, obesity, and

diabetes, can be managed and prevented with aerobic exercise. Hence, if a person

wants to prevent these possible diseases, especially Accountancy students who are

more prone to these due to lack of sleep and the like, then one must perform the said

type of exercise regularly. Otherwise, the body might suffer the dire consequences of

one's irresponsible behaviors concerning health.

With regards to emotion, aerobic exercise is beneficial as it improves one's mood

(Dimeo, F., et al., 2001). Furthermore, based on their study, in patients with major

depressive illnesses, aerobic exercise can result in a significant improvement in mood in

a short period of time. The study of Uy, K. J. D. (2014) reveals how Accountancy

students are most likely to be depressed. According to their findings, about 98 percent

of the entire sample had a high level of burnout in the dimension of reduced personal

success, implying that students felt less powerful and confident in their academic

endeavors. Thus, it is very important to have some break academically, unwind every

once in a while, do some exercises, and get along with one's friends and family for

emotional health must be prioritized as well.

If physical and emotional health are valuable and need to be taken into consideration,

one's mind should be given proper care as well. Accountancy students must be
bookworms for them to finish their bachelor's degree. Every aspirant of success actually

reads books, articles, essays, among others to gain lots of information. However, there

is still a need to have some rest, for rest doesn't necessarily mean wasting of time, but

rather a preparation for greater learning. From that time of having a break lies the

entrance of doing some exercises. The study of (Fox, K. R., 1999) shows that there is

currently strong evidence that aerobic and resistance exercise increase mental states in

older persons. Additionally, S. Saxena, et al. (2005) emphasize in their findings that

physical activity is described as an intervention that may be beneficial for the promotion

of mental health and wellbeing, the prevention and treatment of common mental

diseases, and as a psychosocial rehabilitation technique for those with severe mental

illnesses. With that, one can say that aerobic exercise is accommodating a person's

mental health, and these exercises are good means of preventing or curing mental


Sport policy analysis has increasingly looked at sport through the prism of social benefit.

A plethora of studies have looked into how sport can help people achieve broader social

goals, such as improved health and well-being, life satisfaction, crime reduction,

community cohesion and activism, environmental stewardship, educational attainment,

labor market participation, civic renewal, urban regeneration, and youth development

(Coalter 2007, Oughton and Tacon 2007, Brookes and Wiggan 2009). Accountancy

students' time to socialize is limited by schoolwork, resulting in them having fewer

friends than those who are not-so-busy people. Through aerobic exercise or any
physical activity, one can make acquaintances, releasing the stress brought about by

varying things.

Accounting students require a lot of cardiovascular activity in order to survive and

complete their chosen degree program, which is one of the most rigorous. It

necessitates extensive reading, consumes nearly an entire day of study time, leaves

little time for other activities, and drains students' minds. When one considers these

disadvantages, it is easy to believe that passing this program is impossible. A student

pursuing a BS Accountancy or other relevant program, on the other hand, could

succeed by designating some time to aerobic exercise, unwinding once in a while, using

one's leisure time to play sports, or taking a break from studying to engage in some

physical activity. The advantages of aerobic exercise are not restricted to what has

been described thus far; these are just a few of them, and there are many more.

1. Bernstein, E. E., Heeren, A., & McNally, R. J. (2020). A network approach to

understanding the emotion regulation benefits of aerobic exercise. Cognitive

Therapy and Research, 44(1), 52-60.

2. Brookes, S. and Wiggan, J., 2009. Reflecting the public value of sport: a game of

two halves? Public management review, 11(4),401–420.


3. Coalter, F., 2007. A wider social role for sport: who’s keeping the score? London:


4. Dimeo, F., Bauer, M., Varahram, I., Proest, G., & Halter, U. (2001). Benefits from

aerobic exercise in patients with major depression: a pilot study. British journal of

sports medicine, 35(2), 114-117.

5. Fox, K. R. (1999). The influence of physical activity on mental well-being. Public

health nutrition, 2(3a), 411-418.

6. Mersy, D. J. (1991). Health benefits of aerobic exercise. Postgraduate medicine,

90(1), 103-112.
7. Oughton, C. and Tacon, R., 2007. Sport’s contribution to achieving wider social

benefits. [online] Department of Culture Media and Sport Report No. DEP2008-


8. S. Saxena, M. Van Ommeren, K. C. Tang & T. P. Armstrong (2005) Mental

health benefits of physical activity, Journal of Mental Health, 14:5, 445-451, DOI:


9. Uy, K. J. D., Alenton, J. B. B., Zanoria, M. L. E., & Etulle-Tapanan, H. N. (2014).

An Assessment of the Burnout Levels of Accountancy Students. Recoletos

Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(1).

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