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Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Volume 1 Issue 1 Spring 2008

109 W Avenue F
Robstown, TX 78380

An excerpt from Fr. Jim Flanagan’s 2007

Christmas letter:

“Gift Him [Jesus] to all who touch your lives

and pray for all that He has created that November 2007 I am convinced that when God gives us opportuni-
they may live for God, Father, Son and ties to open new missions, new works, ministries
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Our Lady’s Society, and apostolates in service to the Universal Church,
Holy Spirit. Ponder the work and suffer-
The past, the present and the future of any person He also calls those He needs to become mission-
ings that Jesus has undergone for us all in
or institution are an important component of its aries. He, himself, brings us graces to realize these
the full knowledge that He is the sacrificial
essence and identity. For the last 50 years the gifts and privileges.
Lamb of God, fulfilling the will of our eternal
Society of Our Lady has been committed to con-
Father. One drop of His blood could re-
tinue our journey as one family making ourselves As I had mentioned above, we need to form our
deem a thousand worlds from all sins. We rooted into the vision and patrimony of our Found- priests to become like Christ in everything they
ask the Holy Spirit to govern and guide you er, Fr. James Flanagan. His vision will forever be do as alter Christus: like Christ in leadership, like
all in your lives so that you may come to a the light and the path for each one of us, as we Christ in Holiness, like Christ in relationship, like
more abundant life.” continue “to climb mountains, to sail deepest seas, Christ in speaking, like Christ in the way they see
to discover horizons”. The collaborations of Our things and the way they think, and the way they
Lady’s Society personnel with the other workers serve.
in the vineyard of the Lord, like bishops, diocesan
priests, religious and laity, helped the Universal This reminds me of a question asked by the priest
Church to acknowledge the importance of working director of our pre-college in the seminary, when
Litany of Loreto Reflection on the titles of the litany will unfold be- and serving together in teams, which is exactly the I was just starting my priestly formation. He said:
fore us the grand picture of our heavenly Mother, charism of the Society of Our Lady. ‘Who is your idol priest?’ I responded Fr. Tom Gier.
This litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary was com- even though we know only little about her life. We He asked, ‘Why him?’ I described his kindness,
will also come to see why Mary’s example, guid- It was in this light that the 4th General Chapters his availability to everyone, especially to the poor
posed during the Middle Ages. The place of honor
ance, and help is the need of the hour. and Assembly of the Society of Our Lady last July and needy ones, his leadership, decisiveness and
it now holds in the life of the Church is due to its
2007 was directed. We – brothers and sisters his being a man of prayer. But this priest director
faithful use at the shrine of the Holy House at Lo-
– from both the American and Asia-Pacific Regions said that my answer was wrong. He asked me the
reto. It was definitely approved by Sixtus V in 1587, Please pray for:
gathered together. It was a sharing of each one’s same question during my next colloquium with him,
and all other Marian litanies were suppressed, at
Billy Anne Steward joys and sorrows, a discernment of the future, a and he said, “You will not continue your formation,
least for public use. Its titles and invocations set celebration of the beauty of life and vocation, an unless you answer correctly.” Finally I realized that
before us Mary’s exalted privileges, her holiness Br. Philip Howard
act of prayer together as one family. he wanted me to see, through Fr. Gier, the reality
of life, her amiability and power, her motherly spirit of Who he was following; Jesus Christ, our high
Leocadia Serban
and queenly majesty. The principle that has been Aside from other many graces given to Our Lady’s priest, who has all the qualities I found attractive in
followed in their interpretation is the one enunci- Fr. Sylvester Society by God, we are receiving a tremendous the priesthood of Fr. Gier.
ated by the same Pius IX: “God enriched her so number of priestly vocations from both the Ameri-
Fr. Fred Alexander
wonderfully from the treasury of His divinity, far can and Asia-Pacific Regions. Formation is receiv- Archbishop Michael Meier, the Archbishop Emeri-
beyond all angels and saints with the abundance ing more attention, with an emphasis on continu- tus of the Archdiocese of Mt. Hagen, Papua New
The repose of the soul of Charles Basgall and for
of all heavenly gifts, that she . . . should show forth his family. ously living and sharing the spirituality and charism Guinea expressed his condolences for the loss of
such fullness of innocence and holiness, than of the Society. our dear priest, Fr. Gier, who served in collabora-
which a greater under God is unthinkable and A special prayer for guidance and protection for tion with him in Mt. Hagen for ten years. Fr. Gier
which, beside God, no one can even conceive in Mary Beth Lickteig. Presently, we have one hundred nineteen (119) had really showed his love and dedication to his
thought.” Hence, whatever virtue and holiness is seminarians, eighty four (84) in Asia-Pacific Region mission and to the people of Papua New Guinea.
found in angels and saints must be present in Mary In this new year let us also remember our young and thirty five (35) in the American Region. We We had seen the same concern when he started
in an immeasurably higher degree. people, (our future) that their choices in life may just recently ordained six men to the priesthood the mission and work in the Philippines and had
follow God’s plan. and two to the Diaconate.
drawn so many young vocations to the priesthood
and to the religious life. These missions are now
As the Society of Our Lady continues her journey,
we hope for more Fr. Giers. We hope for more dis- He heard call and followed
led by the priests and religious that he had inspired ciples and missionaries who are more than willing copyright The Kansas City Star
and formed as missionaries. They are now the to leave the comfort of their lives in order to serve
ones facing the trials and difficulties of the daily ex- the Lord in areas of deepest apostolic need.
Tribute: The Rev. Thomas Gier loved retire, Gier headed for Papua New
periences in the missions. Because of the witness
missionary work Guinea, where he helped bring peace
of Fr. Gier and the other priests, religious and the As we move towards the future, may the Founder’s
By DEANN SMITH among warring tribes, including some
laity serving the needy people in the missions, oth- Vision, the Founder’s Patrimony be our light and
The Kansas City Star cannibals, said friend John Purk. “He
ers are also inspired to respond to the call of Christ guide. To move towards the future, it is necessary
was very meek and humble,” Purk said.
to be like Him and are willing to be sent. Recently, to always look back to our original identity, to who
the Diocese of Legazpi in the Philippines (where we are, to our being SOLT. The Rev. Thomas Gier’s zeal for mis- “He was a born missionary.”
Fr. Tom Gier started the SOLT Mission) offered a sionary work took him to the far corners
of the globe. Fellow priest and Society of Our Lady
concelebrated Mass for beloved PAY TOM (the In communion +, of the Most Holy Trinity member Mi-
word Pay is the dialect for Father), together with
Who: The Rev. Thomas Patrick Gier, chael Jordan, who served with Gier in
some of our SOLT priests.
82, a missionary, of Kansas City. the Philippines, said he had more than 70 “spiritual
sons” whom he helped bring to the priesthood,
I mention the story of Fr. Tom Gier because he was When and how he died: Oct. 5, of prostate can- including a number of Filipinos.
indeed a great example to us… example of a cer.
dedicated missionary….an example of a dedicated Fr. Rogel B. Rosalinas, SOLT “He had just a wonderful spirit. He could find the
modern-day disciple. General Priest Servant His early years: Tom Gier was born March 16, humor in every situation,” Jordan said.
1925, a few minutes before his twin brother, John.
He was the sixth of seven children born to the Because of poor health, Gier was forced to return
family, said his sister Marianne Carr. Carr said she to Kansas City in 2004. “He really didn’t like that.
50th Anniversary Commemorative Book of
The Peace of Christ be with you! was two years older but smaller, so strangers often He wanted to stay in the mission and die with his
SOLT including a bio of the Founder, history of
mistook them for triplets. Their father loved to fish, boots on,” said his sister, Marianne Carr.
Fr. Dale has asked Bernadette Cathers and me to the early years in NM, the Kansas City years,
so he would load up the Buick and drive them to
be editors of the Communio. Boston and Corpus Christi years, mission Survivors include: Two sisters.
Colorado or Minnesota. “Our vacations were never
and apostolates throughout the world, special
The purpose of this publication is to help us stay to cities. We always went to someplace where my Last word: “He kept saying the only thing you
events, specialized ministries, future directions
connected as SOLT family. We live in community dad could fish,” she said. “We had a very outdoor need to be a good missionary is three things: kind-
and much more….
as the Trinity lives in community; however, we also life.” ness, kindness and more kindness,” his sister said.
live (for now) in time and space. How do we stay The book will be an attractive 64 page, hard “He was living his dream.”
Priesthood: Gier graduated from Rockhurst Col-
connected? Mission assignments, studies, family cover publication, professionally laid out and
lege and then received a master’s degree in social
obligations can separate us. Our commitment to many pictures included.
work from Catholic University of America in Wash-
SOLT, discipleship, prayer and love connect us.
$20 offering + $5 postage is suggested for ington. He served stateside in the Navy in World
Therefore, this publication will include contribu- each book. Please help us by reserving cop- War II. When he was 27 years old, he entered a MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
tions that encourage and support our commitment ies now. Books will be sent in early July, 2008. seminary in New York, Carr said. Her brother loved
to SOLT (writings by our Founder and our elected To reserve a copy online go to Soltsisters. it and knew he had found his calling, she said. SAVE THE DATE!
leadership), aspects that highlight discipleship (as org/catalog.html or mail a check to PO Box 536,
Missionary work: He served stints in Bolivia and LET’S ALL GET READY TO
in the tributes to the life of Fr. Tom Gier in this is- Bosque, NM 87006. For questions please con-
Brazil before he headed to the Philippines, where
sue), prayer in word and art, and news about you tact Sr. Anne or Sr. Mary Paul at 505-864-4251. CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!
and your current life in mission and changes in he became a pioneer Catholic priest on an island
your assignments. If you would like a cookbook with recipes com- with no running water or electricity. He helped build SOLT ASSEMBLY AND 50th
piled by Niki Sullivan, call 816-531-0244. a school and church. Carr recalled a visit with her
We are eager to hear from you! Please send any brother in 1976: “It was a tropical paradise, but it ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION
news, articles, prayers, etc. to the Communio email was very hard to live there. After four days, my sis-
Medals of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity – JULY 14-19, 2008,
address: ter and I were happy to get back on the mainland.
are available in silver, 14k and 18 k gold. Visit
the Web site or order It was hard living, very rustic, but he loved it. He CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS -
In Christ and Our Lady, had always loved to camp out.”
through Blair Burton at PO Box 40, Capulin, CO
81124 or After 18 years in the Philippines, when most would

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