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Lopez, Frans Raff J. Bs.

Criminology 2-C

Notion of Conscience

To my scope of understanding to the notion of our conscience is

that, it is the thing that makes us to decide what is wrong or right for us. Sometimes
when you did something that you’re feeling some guilt about it, it said that
conscience is responsible for that feelings. The feeling of having conscience is a
proof that you are a normal person, on my own opinion only. Some people doesn’t
feel guilt even they know or do not know what they did is wrong, we can say that
they don’t even have a little conscience to them. Being true to yourself can get rid of
the doubt on our conscience, what I mean to say is that knowing what is right or
wrong to do is a big help to build up our personality, we can decide for the better
good of our self without doing the wrong thing even it will bring an easy cut to our
success. Deciding is a hard thing to do especially when there are lots at stakes, will
you do the wrong thing for the betterment of yourself only, will you do the good thing
but might be bad for you or you will do what is right even for example your career is
at stake. Keeping a good mind set will help us to decide that will lead us to success
without hurting or stepping unto others. Always think of doing the right thing even it is
hard because there is no wrong on doing the right and there is no right way that
leads into wrong way.

False Conscience

A different perspective leads to different outcomes and different point.

False Conscience, we might think that we did wrong for its good and we did good but
it’s wrong. What I want say is that, sometimes we thought doing something wrong for
the good of the other is still doing good, well that is totally wrong. Even we made
something good thorough wrong are all bluff. There will never be a good in the things
we do in the way of bad. We may feel that what we did is good but in fact your
conscience is false, I’ve experienced this kind of scenarios too I thought that telling a
lie to make it good is good, but to my conscience it is wrong but I still did it to make it
look like that it is good and that is a false conscience. There is a “white lies”, they say
but for me through my experiences and as my mind broaden as time pass by in my
opinion there is no white lies that make it good, it is still wrong or bad. They say
sometimes it is better to say a lie for the betterment of others or for them to feel
good, but what about your conscience you will feel that what you did is for the good
but the real feelings inside you are full of doubts. Living in false doubts is not really
living, live on clear conscience without doubts and we feel how to live free and
Conscience as the inner-voice of God
With a strong faith to God and living with his words will let our
conscience be free to think of evil. I believed that our conscience is the inner-voice of
God, if you’re not totally laid in the words of God there will still be a part of you that
will not listen to his whispers. There are lots of things that keeping us to do
something bad because to our experience it will just bring us much worst. We just
pray for forgiveness and still doing wrongs, that’s being selfish. God I believed
whisper to us when deciding but sometimes we do not hear it or we never listened to
him. He whispers but did not try to hear, we listened but still not acts. We act thinking
we are right, closing our hearing to the voice of God, shouting when we need
something thinking he is not listening but no, even though we do not listen when he
speaks he still hear and listen to our voices. Not knowing when we will hear his
advice not knowingly we already heard it and already did what must be done. He
guides and it is up to us if we will follow the path he leads us to or cut it off and goes
to a different path and still he gives us light.

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