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Name: Samantha Tipanguano


1. How old are you?

I am 20 years old

2. When is your birthday?

My birthday is December 30.

3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have an older brother.

4. What are your hobbies?

My hobbies is play the piano and read a romance books

5. Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a dog. Is a siberian wolf.

6. What’s your favourite subject? Why?

My favorite subject is Chemical , because is interesting learninig more
about the components that create a new moleculars structures.

7. What do your parents do?

My mom are doing a dinner in this moment and my father watch the
soccer in a TV

8. Do you have a big family?

Yes, I have a big family .

9. What do you like to do at the weekend?

I like go out with my dog and carry him at the park Cuscungo.

10. When is your birthday?

My birthday is December 30-

11. What are your mother and father’s jobs?

My mother work in a medical center and my father work in center of
operation in CNT.

12. Have you got a dog?

Yes, i got a dog, it is a wolf siberian

13. What are you wearing today?

I am wearing today is a black pants, blue sweather and whrite tennis
14. How is the weather today? Do you like this kind of weather?
Today's weather is cloudy and cold. Yes, I really like these types of

15. What do you do in the morning?

I wake up at 8 o'clock, latter I clean my face and my teeths and latter
change mi wear and finally go out to breakfast.

16. Do you get up early?

Not lately, because I'm on vacation.

17. What do you normally eat for breakfast?

I breakfast normally eggs, and milk and integral bread, latter take my
pills to control glucose.

18. Do you have a shower every day?

Yes, i have a shower every day

19. Who do you live with?

I live with my parents, my brother and my grandparents.

20. Do you live in a house or a flat?

I live in a flat for this moment.

21. How many bedrooms are there in your house?

22. What’s your favourite room in the house?

In my flat there 3 bedrooms.

23. Do you have brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have a one older brother.

24. Is your family big?

Yes, my family is large, made up of 40 people.

25. Who do you see more, your friends or your family?

For this pandemic, I see more is a my family

26. Did you like going on holiday with your family when you were a child?
Yes, I liked going to the beach with my cousins and my whole family.

27. Do/did you like going to school?

Yes, i like going to my school for my friends

28. What is/was your favourite subject at school?

My subject favorite was Natural Sciences in the school

29. Who is/was your favourite teacher? (Why?)

My favorite teacher was named Rodrigo Gamboa, because he was a
funny and understanding teacher.

30. Do you always do your homework?

Yes, I always do my homework

31. How often do you do sport?

I play sports regularly every week.

32. What is your favourite sport?

My favorite sport is basketball

33. Do you like doing sport inside or outside?

I like doing sport inside, because I'm protecting me the sun.

34. Do you go to the gym?

No, I don’t go to the gym.

35. Do you work or are you student?

I go to university. I am in my 3rd semester of Unuversity.

36. What is your ideal job?

My ideal job would be to be a flight attendant.

37. Where do you want to work?

I would like to work in a large office.

38. What jobs do you dislike? (Why?)

I would not like the military job, because it is a job of a lot of time and

39. Where do you usually go on holiday?

I usually go on vacation to the beach with my cousins.

40. Who do you go on holiday with?

I usually go on vacation with my parents, my brothers and my cousins.

41. What was your best holiday? (Why?)

42. Do you have a hobby?

43. When do you normally do your hobby?

44. What is the most popular hobby in your family?

45. What are your plans for the future?

46. Where do you want to live in the future?

47. What job do you want to do?

48. What is you dream job?

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