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Marticio, Joyce Ann M.



1. Do you think Apple should be responsible for ethical lapses made by individuals further
down its supply chain? Why or why not?

 Yes, Apple should take responsibility for ethical concerns that arise as a result of
corporate employees. Apple should uphold a higher ethical standard in all of its actions.
As a result, the supplier will always be ethical in all aspects of its business, including
relationships, sourcing work, and duties. They should prioritize a higher degree of social
and environmental obligations, as well as moral conduct. Apple's supplier should
provide a safe working environment and treats its employees with respect and care. They
should do something to demonstrate their ethical behavior.

They have a unique creativity, position, and capacity to find solutions for safer workplace
environment and agreements for temporary workers. I believed that as a successful and
known business all around the world should make sure that every single one of
their employees has the right to work in a safe environment. Improving health and safety
is essential, and all personnel must be aware and trained in the work they need to do
depending on how hard and risky it is.  All apple suppliers must operate in
transparently to the Apple Company in order to limit their natural influence and use
various risk-aversion methods. Apple should be putting more focus on worker
empowerment, labor and human rights, health and safety.

2. Should Apple continue to work with the suppliers in an effort to change practices, or
should they stop working with every supplier, even the conscientious ones, to make sure
no “bad apples” are getting through? Explain your reasoning.

 Apple must not continue dealing with such suppliers since the company has an ethical
obligation to the public. If suppliers engage in unethical activities, Apple should stop
doing business with them in this manner, which will have a significant impact on their
company. When this occurs, suppliers will reduce their privileges and adopt greater
ethical methods in order to avoid losing a huge profit from Apple Company.

3. Do you think consumers should be expected to consider the ethical track record of
companies when making purchases? Why or why not?

 Yes. Before buying products, consumers must consider the firms' ethical track record.
However, as stated in the article, when Apple does something unethical such as
still purchasing tins from suppliers who employ child labor to save money. Then we, as
consumers, especially longtime customers, should begin to question if purchasing Apple
goods is the correct option. If we, as customers, continue to buy from an unethical
company, then it only indicates our support for this immoral behavior. I also believe that
consumers should examine a company's ethical track record before making a purchasing
choice. We, as consumers, can do something about it. Our actions can be our voice of
choosing and to encourage businesses to also choose the right thing to do.  
Marticio, Joyce Ann M.

4. Can you think of other products or brands that rely on ethically questionable business
practices? Do you think consumers are turned off by their track record or are they largely
indifferent to it? Explain.

 Yes. As far as I know, a lot of businesses today, practice unethical behavior that can harm
people, animals, and environment for money. And as indicated in the article, many firms
choose to manufacture outside their country to reduced labor expenses. Production, on
the other hand, may have a negative influence on the safety of the community. Exactly as
how suppliers of Apple treated the workers that have been demonstrated in the article. As
a result, in my opinion, excellent firms should be concerned with more than just lowering
costs. They should also be concerned with the well-being of society as a whole. To put it
in another way, no one can be in danger. Furthermore, as a customer, I believe that
understanding the behavioral path of organizations when purchasing is important because
our actions may have a direct impact on both the business and the environment. More
precisely, if we continue to purchase items from an unethical business, the corporation
will create more, making the community so much worse, and we are Furthermore, as a
customer, I believe that understanding the behavioral path of organizations when
purchasing is important because our actions may have a direct impact on both the
business and the environment. More precisely, if we continue to purchase items from an
unethical business, the corporation will create more, making the community so much
worse, and we are similar to helping others in doing the wrong thing. As a result,
businesses are expected to be socially responsible and customers should also purchase
items made by ethical businesses similar to helping others in doing the wrong thing. As a
result, businesses are expected to be socially responsible and customers should also
purchase items made by ethical businesses.

5. Would knowing that a product was produced under ethically questionable conditions
affect your decision to purchase it? Explain with examples.

 Yes. Purchasing items such as iPhone, which is extremely costly, will make me
reconsider purchasing it in the future, knowing that its manufacturing is conducted in
unethical conditions. Apple is a very popular multinational technology company with a
net income of $55.25 billion in fiscal year 2019, and knowing the unethical situation it
has concerning child labor and other unethical practices in their manufacturing makes me
think twice or even decide not to purchase any Apple products until they change their
ways or do something to solve it.

6. If you were part of a third-party regulating body, how would you deal with ethically
questionable business practices of multinational corporations like Apple? Would you feel
obligated to do something, or do you think the solution rests with the companies
themselves? Explain your reasoning.

 Yes, I would feel obligated to engage in unethical behavior or even just being a part of it.
Every human being on our world bears a social duty that we must never ignore. We must
act, and we can do something about situation like this.  Helping the ones in need and not
Marticio, Joyce Ann M.

taking anyone for granted or using their situation to take advantage to them may be our
first step. Of course, some businesses should take responsibility for unethical practices
such as treating employees unfairly, not paying workers a salary accordance with their
work, allowing children or the poor to do dirty work for them without providing them
with a safe place to work, or even providing them with uniforms and equipment that will
ensure their safety or even their lives. Many firms or even individuals attempt to take
advantage of the poor, knowing that they are in need of money or lack the power to
demand or to insist.

One of the solutions to address this problem is for the government of every country to do
something about it, such as not letting child labor to happen and give proper punishment
to whoever get caught on doing so. The punishment must be just, and it must be applied
to even the largest and most well-known corporations. On the other hand, we citizens
may help governments in resolving this issue by helping one another and keeping our
eyes, ears, and mouths open. If we witness anything immoral or unethical, we should
never ignore it and instead take action. Call for help if you believe it is too dangerous,
since it might jeopardize your safety. Promoting human rights through employee
education and training, as well as raising awareness among those who are unable to work
or attend school, may help everyone understand their rights and realize that they can do
something about their condition and do not need to be frightened. Having strict and
clear policies against child labor, adhering to international human rights laws, and
ensuring effective governance structures and respect to the law.

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