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Volume 2 Issue 2 Summer 2009

Dear SOLT Ecclesial Family, have remained faithful to their
calling have been branches fully
attached to the VINE.
… these are the encouraging words of Jesus that we
heard from the Gospel Reading for the 5th Week of
YOU AND ME, are we branches
Easter. For us, Easter is a historical fact; it happened
fully grafted to the VINE?
on a precise date of a precise year. It is the epicenter,
so to speak, of human history. But the season of
Today, as all of us are faced
Easter challenges us to ask: WHERE IS THIS
with the day to day vicissitudes
of our own journeys, we are
just an event – celebrated and forgotten – or has he
called to become WITNESSES
become really present in every man’s heart and life?
OF THE VINE. In a world that
seems to be hopeless and in despair, we are called
At the Last Supper, Jesus spoke these consoling
to be heralds of the TRUE HOPE, TROUBADOURS
words to his disciples: “I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ORPHANS.” And on the day of his Ascension, he
HUMANITY. In a world that seems to be divided and
further reiterated: “I WILL BE WITH YOU TILL THE
broken, we are called to become bridges of unity and
But again we ask: “WHERE IS THIS JESUS?”
As we continue to journey as a community - as a
Sometimes people throughout the world seem to
family - the more we are called to become faithful to
feel that God has abandoned them … and even
our charism and life, so as to become BRANCHES
Christians can feel abandoned by Jesus. But is this
FULLY ALIVE. After 50 years of existence in the
really the truth?
Church and in the world, our community is further
challenged to become more faithful to the very spirit
that moved our Founder, Fr. Jim Flanagan, to give
When we feel abandoned by Jesus, it is not that he
and offer this community to the Church. As we
has abandoned us but it is because WE ARE THE
move forward, let us not forget to always become
ONES WHO ABANDONED HIM. We have chosen a
different path, a different route, a different journey. If
we are the vines, we should remain attached to him,
24/7: every day, every minute.
May Our Lady, the ever - faithful branch, always
be our model and our guide. Like Her and with
As missionaries of Our Lady’s Family, this affirmation
Her, let us continue, no matter what, to SING our
of the Lord is like our blood that makes us live, our air
own Magnificat, our own song of gladness, of
that makes us breathe, our light that makes us walk.
thanksgiving, of joy, of hope, of praise, because
Apart from HIM, we fail, we fall, we DIE!
despite of and in spite of everything, we were never
abandoned by the VINE…..who is NOW RISEN!
In the history of the Church, there never was a
moment that the world has not seen BRANCHES
In Communion +,
ALIVE AND SHINING. St. Peter, no matter how weak
he was, remained a branch fully attached to the
VINE. St. Paul, a sinner, convert and apostle was a
branch fully attached to the VINE. Padre Pio, Don Fr. Rogel B. Rosalinas, SOLT
Luigi Orione, Madre Teresa, and many others who General Priest Servant
SOLT Lay Formation - Part Two
– based on conversation with Fr. Zachary 2/09

Last issue we identified one

grace received from God
during this Jubilee Year as
the development of a new
Lay Formation program. Fr.
Zachary of the Mother of God
is working to organize this
effort. Lay Formation will be
the work of complete ecclesial
teams, and will be offered to
all Catholic laity; from them
will come those called to join

The Lay Formation is based

on the manner that Our Lady
was formed by the Most Holy
Trinity, and occurs in a three-
year cycle. Each year focuses
on one Person of the Trinity,
and Our Lady’s relationship to Fr. Zachary of the Mother of God during one of his presentations.
that person.
resources are used: e.g. Scripture, The Catechism
Formation takes place for 1-1 ½ hours per week,
of the Catholic Church, various encyclicals and
at the same location and time each week. The
writings of the Saints. The team needs to discern
witness of ecclesial team is an indirect aim of
what within the “tool box” is most applicable to
formation, as the participants see the team share
the group in front of them, pray on it, and use
responsibilities for all aspects of formation.
only what is needed. Lay adults are formed in
one room, and the children of these lay people
Here is a description of the suggested monthly
are formed in another room, simultaneously and
formation model (the model can vary as needed).
centered on the same topic.
The first week, the priest on the formation team
gives a teaching lecture-style. The second week,
The goal is to have Lay Formation Teams in place
a SOLT sister is the main leader of the session,
wherever SOLT Lay Formation is being offered.
which is done more in dialogue format reinforcing
However, the program is designed to be flexible
the teaching from the previous week. The third
depending on the needs of the community; if a
week, a layperson is the main leader of the
SOLT Team is not yet present, formation can
session, done dialogue format as the week before
begin through prayer groups and families, etc.
and including a Tabernacle question to be used in
week four, which is a Holy Hour.
To be continued ...
A variety of formats and subjects are available
To learn more or to join in the work of the Lay
for the Lay Formation team – a kind of “tool kit” Formation Ecclesial teams contact Fr. Zachary at
to allow the team a comfort level in the role of You may also visit
facilitating the weekly meetings. A variety of the website at
Leocadia Maria Serban - February 13, 1921 – March 30, 2009
– written by Fr. Ron Serban, with some additions by Nikki Sullivan

Leocadia ‘Mom’ Serban, 88, and our loved ones who have
was taken by angels into gone before.
God’s loving arms after a long
illness. Born to Mary and Zenon
Dawidowicz she found herself
Leocadia was called ‘Mom’ by raising her 12 siblings after her
most who knew her. A woman father’s early death during the
of deep faith, she lived it Great Depression. Her mother
daily in her care, concern and worked fulltime, running a
constant prayers for others. butcher shop and neighborhood
Her faith and courage were an market.
inspiration to all.
For all her life, Leocadia had
For more than 20 years as a special love for children, for
a member of the Society of their spirit and open, trusting
Our lady of The Most Holy affection. She enjoyed reading
Trinity, Leocadia worked as with them and teaching them the
a missionary among the poor common courtesies of “please”
of this country, primarily in rural New Mexico and and “thank you.” One of the last things she asked
urban Kansas City, Missouri. She also worked was, “Are all the little children okay?” She was
in Robstown, Texas assisting in catechesis. assured they were and that she had taken very
She served helping the poor in social service good care of everyone.
programs. For the past 16 years, Leocadia
assisted her son Fr. Ron Serban with his ministry, Mother of Fr. Ron Serban, pastor of Queen of
providing a mother’s love and support as he Peace Parish in Clearlake, California, Leocadia
served as chaplain in the army. is also survived by her daughter, Dorothy Nassar
and her husband Dr. Paul Nassar and their three
Her death was noble and dignified - at home in sons, Josh, Jordan and Paul of New York City;
her favorite chair, with the glorious sun shining her son William and his two sons, Matthew and
through the windows, the birds singing in trees, Jacob, and their mother Pamela, and two step
surrounded by people who loved her and just grandchildren, Jody and Patrick, all of Colorado
having received the final Catholic Sacraments Springs, Colorado.
from her beloved son.
Visitation was on Friday, April 3rd, from 4:00 p.m.
Leocadia was known for her beautiful and uplifting to 7:00 p.m. at Queen of Peace Catholic Church
smile, which remained undiminished by her pain, in Clearlake, followed by a vigil and rosary. Her
even until the very end, and also for her way of body then lay in repose for an all-night vigil. On
making others feel both important and comfortable Saturday, April 4th, at 11 a.m. the Mass of the
at the same time. Resurrection was officiated by Fr. Ron and Fr.
Gerry Sheehan, SOLT, followed by a reception in
Strangers to her were just friends she hadn’t met the Queen of Peace Community Center.
yet. Everyone who knew her loved her. Although
she will greatly be missed, great comfort can be Leocadia was buried April 23, in Kansas City,
found that she is always with us in Spirit. She is Missouri at Mt. Olivet cemetery with the SOLT
now where we hope all one day to be, with God community. She was truly home.
– from the presentation at the 50th Anniversary celebration

Through God’s Providence and Our Lady’s help,

SOLT began a Mission in Wales on January 24, The Team began by serving three Parishes,
2005. A SOLT Ecclesial Team with members about one hundred parishioners in all. Many were
Fr. Morty O’Shea, Sr. Mary of the Immaculate retirees from England, who came to seek peace
Pantong and Sr. Mary of the Trinity Vaughan were and quiet and beauty. Young families and young
assigned to three rural parishes. people tend to move away to cities in search of
work as this agricultural area has little opportunity
The abundant beauty of Wales attracts many for wage earners. Therefore, congregations tend
artists, poets, musicians and writers. Welsh to be small and elderly.
people love to sing and are famous for their many
all-male choirs and song festivals. A wonderful The Team focused on door to door evangelization,
Welsh tradition is the ’Eisteddfod’ or Cultural catechesis (combining with other parishes in
Festival that takes place throughout the year, the area to form small classes for Sacramental
celebrating the gifts and talents of the population. Preparation etc.) and taught English to a group of
Each Festival lasts several days and can occur at Polish immigrants.
the local, national and international levels.
The parish in Presteinge was once a Carmelite
Sad to say these beautiful and inspiring natural Convent; inspired by them the team began to
gifts of the Welsh people no longer lead them offer opportunities to nurture contemplative life.
to the Source and End of all, God the Creator. They ran retreats for various groups from other
Wales, to all intents and purposes, is fast parishes and had young people coming to stay for
becoming a spiritual desert. quiet prayer time. At that time they were joined in
the mission by two of Our Lady’s Novices during
Once a very religious country, the SOLT Ecclesial their apostolic year, the now Sisters Victoria
Team discovered very quickly that Wales now and Mediatrix. Their help was invaluable and
treads the same path as the rest of the UK and we had the great joy of hosting Sr. Mediatrix’s
Europe in abandoning the faith of their fathers.
The Reformation of the 16th century almost
entirely expunged the Catholic faith from Wales.
However, the Welsh Chapel Movement in the late
19th century strengthened Christianity in Wales
and increased its presence in the country. The
SOLT Ecclesial team arrived in Wales in 2005 to
find Christianity in a real crisis. Many of the large
chapels were closing or had much diminished

Mid-Wales, where the Team first served, is one of

the most sparsely populated areas of the UK, with
more sheep than people!

Motto #2: honor, glory, greatness, The, Majesty.

Motto #1: Imitate, Jesus, Live, God. L-R - Now, Sr. Mary Linda Crooks, Sr. Maria Victoria Tate,
Fr. Morty O’Shea, Sr. Mary Immaculate Pantong, Sr. Mary of
Answers to Kommunio Kids Korner: the Trinity Vaughan, Sr. Mary Mediatrix of All Grace Patterson -
picture taken in 2006.
First Profession of Vows, she can undergo some formation) and Simone
celebrated by Fr. Flanagan! Lia as an Associate Lay Woman. Others are
It was the first such occasion discerning if they too are called to SOLT (lay and
in our area and a source of religious vocations).
great joy and inspiration to
all. The deepest need in this Parish is evangelization.
While the current work of the Team is evangelical
After staying there for two in nature, there is a need for evangelization
years Bishop Mark Jabale directed toward lapsed Catholics and un-churched
asked the Team to take on people living in the area. The Team works with
a larger parish, St Mary’s the Cytun Movement (Welsh for “Churches
of Carmarthen in South Together”), joining other denominations for certain
Wales, beginning January celebrations whenever possible.
3, 2007. Fr. Mark Byrne,
SOLT was assigned to take Since its arrival in Wales the SOLT team has been
over the Presteigne group of involved in Youth 2000. This wonderful movement
Our Lady of the Taper, parishes. Sr. Maria Victoria is growing and October 2007 the Team hosted the
Welsh National Shrine Tate joined the Team in first Prayer Festival in Wales at St Mary’s. About
Carmarthen. 115 young people attended and it was a very
inspiring and grace-filled time for all. This will now
St. Mary’s, Carmarthen is the oldest Catholic be an annual event at the parish and the Bishop is
Church in the Diocese, built in the year 1852. It delighted about it. When possible, the Team goes
was built shortly after the Catholic Church was to the other Prayer Festivals in England and helps
allowed to have parishes and build churches as it out as needed. Some young people from Y2000
had before the Reformation. come and stay with the Team to seek prayer
and spiritual direction. This is part of the work
St. Mary’s has about 650 parishioners on the of evangelization in the UK Catholic Church as
books (for Wales this is large), although only increasing numbers of young people find Christ.
about 235 attend mass regularly. There is a small In fact Sr. Mary Linda Crooks, our English novice
primary school also called St. Mary’s. It has about who will soon be professed, is a fruit of the Youth
90 students and a wonderful atmosphere, very 2000 movement.
familial and happy. The students are noted for
their gentleness, humility, enthusiasm, and
hard work. There is a good bond between
the school and the parish.

Various cultures are represented in the

parish: Filipino, Polish, Indian, African,
Italian, Spanish, Irish, English and of course

The Team is involved in many aspects of

pastoral service: catechesis, visits to the
sick, Holy Communion calls, home visitation,
helping in the school, hospital chaplaincy,
sacristan duties, choir duties, gardening etc.

In 2008 we had the joy of the beginnings of

our first lay vocations: Corinne Armistead as
committed Lay Woman (for one year until St. Mary’s, Carmarthen
Permanent Brothers in SOLT
by Brother Martin McGough - Pioneer, Post-Novitiate Formation Program for the Permanent Brotherhood

We are in the Jubilee year of Our Lady’s Family, profession of evangelical promises of obedience,
and over the last 50 years the vocation of poverty, and chastity which is a source of great
Brotherhood in SOLT has been mostly ascribed blessing to the People of God.
to those who were in formation for priesthood,
and rarely to Permanent (consecrated) Brothers What can a Permanent Brother do in the missions
who lived as part of the SOLT Family. However, after his formation? A brother is someone who
the Holy Spirit seems to be moving us toward walks along side of you, helps you carry your
a greater appreciation and for openness to the burden, and is a great source of consolation and
vocation of the Permanent Brotherhood within strength. A brother is a reminder particularly to
SOLT at this time. the priests that they are brothers too, helping
them unite themselves in priestly service with
In the early days of the Church, Permanent all mankind. In the vision of the Ecclesial Family
Brothers were known as lay brothers because of Teams, we see the different vocations working
what they did. Look at those saints who were lay together and complementing each other: priests,
brothers and the work that they did: St. Martin by acting “in persona Christi”, the sisters as
de Porres, St. Gerard Majella, Bl. spouses of Christ, the Brothers as
Andre Bessette to name a few. A Brother most likely Brothers to all, Consecrated Widows
But as times have changed the will be able to do living a life of prayer and service, and
vocation and work of Permanent practically anything the laity as workers in the vineyard
Brothers has expanded as has the of Christ seeking to sanctify the
and everything
transformation of culture. temporal order.
according to his gifts
What is a Religious Brother? A and training as needed What can a Permanent Brother do
Religious Brother is an effective in the missions where in the missions after his formation?
instrument for the people of God; A Brother most likely will be able
he serves.
he reminds people of Christ the to do practically anything and
Eternal Brother, present in their everything according to his gifts
lives through the power of prayer. He reminds the and training as needed in the missions where
baptized of the fundamental tenets of the Gospel he serves. Currently, Brothers are involved
and encourages them to be united with God our with administration, pastoral ministry, vocations
Abba, our Father. He helps people live fully and work, hospitality, prison ministry, counseling
completely their union with the mystery of Christ and hospice work for AIDS patients. In the past,
in the various dimensions of the Church. He is a some Brothers have been involved with the
visible sign to people to keep their eyes fixed on promotion of the Divine Mercy apostolate and with
what is yet to come. administrative work in the chancery offices of a
diocese. Brothers can also be teachers, nurses,
The vocation of the Permanent Brother is slowly principals, mechanics, carpenters, doctors, lay
re-gaining its former respected state (i.e., during spiritual guides and coordinators of religious
earlier periods in Church history) in the life of the education or youth ministry … the possibilities
Church throughout the world. Presently in the are endless. In many religious communities, it is
American Region of SOLT we have six men who not unusual to find Brothers who are given very
are serving as Permanent Brothers. Even though weighty and difficult tasks that require a high level
we are all brothers and sisters in the one family of of intelligence, skill and charisma.
our Father, through our baptism, the Permanent
Brothers have a special consecration, through the Continued on the next page
Kommunio Kids Korner
(for kids ages 4-144)
SOLT has two mottos. They are printed below, but some of the words are missing! Can
you fill in the blanks correctly?


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mary,
Become like _ _ _ _ _,
_ _ _ _ for the Triune _ _ _.


Live for the _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ of God.

The manifestation of His _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ exultation of His _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Look for the answers on page 4 of this issue.

Brothers - continued

Let us thank the Lord for the gift of the vocations

of the Permanent Brothers within Our Lady’s The General Office of the Laity
Society and with fervent prayer and hard work, has moved to Corpus Christi.
may this vocation continue to grow. St. Joseph
–Pray for Us The new contact information is:

God Bless you General Office of the Laity

PO Box 224
Since the writing of this article one of our Robstown, TX 778380
Permanent Brothers (Brother Wayne Williams) Phone: 361.387.8090
passed away. Please keep the repose of the
Fax: 361.387.3818
soul of Brother Wayne in your prayers and for
an increase to vocations for the Permanent
Brotherhood. There are now five Permanent
Brothers in SOLT.
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity
PO Box 152
Robstown, TX 78380

Please pray for the health of:

Fr. Jim Flanagan
Fr. Neal Stull
Fr. Tito Ayo
Br. Philip Howard
Br. Michael Brady
Sr. Trinity Vaughn
Sr. Eileen Dougherty
Richard Anderson
George Estes
Kevin and Monica Younger and baby
Carillo family
Dan Minjares
Fr. Shaji F. Varghese

Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Leocadia Serban, SOLT
Br. Wayne Williams, SOLT
George Sparke
Fr. Isidore Sitnyein

Dear Reader, May we be united in loving one another and live in

the infinite, mercy of our Father, united to Jesus in the
The peace of Christ be with you! We would like to Eucharist, and come to the fulfillment of grace.
invite you to join us in praying the Prayer for the Fiftieth
In eternity, let us become sons and daughters of the Father
Anniversary as we prepare for the Assembly.
in His Family in the eternal life and happiness He has
prepared for us all.
In Christ,
Bernadette and Diane May we imitate Mary, become like Jesus, and live for the
Triune God.
Prayer for the Fiftieth Anniversary
P.S. We are eager to hear from you! Please send any
Holy Spirit, news, articles, prayers, etc. to the Communio email
All Our Lady’s Society is truly grateful for all your Gifts,
Graces and Blessings during these past 50 years.
We ask forgiveness for any ways we have been unfaithful
and have not brought forth the fullness of the Divine plan Join us in closing our Jubilee
of the Father for Our Lady’s Society in His love.
May you be the inspiration to indicate the path we should year at the Assembly
take to fulfill God’s plan and show what we must do with - Sunday, July 12 - Saturday, July 18 at OLCC
your help.
Sunday - Registration
May all the apostolic works of Our Lady and all her
Monday - First profession of sisters
members, be pleasing to you. May you be the inspiration
Tuesday - Ordinations
of all our serving, as Jesus served. May you be our
Wednesday - Solemn entrance of sisters into the
inspiration, for you alone can bring us with the Father and
the Son to the Divine destiny. May you never leave us or
Thursday - “Talent Show”
allow us to displease our Father. Unite our hearts with the
Beginning Wednesday we will have Masses of
hearts of Jesus and Mary and the great heart of our Father
Thanksgiving for the new priests.
so that the gifts of your grace, may bring us to become one
Registration packets will be in the mail soon.
in the communion of the Most Holy Trinity.

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