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Nama : Anggi Ginastian

Kelas : XII TAV 1

Mapel : B.Inggris

Buatlah dialog singkat mengenai Offering Help dengan memperhatikan :
1. Expression of accepting an offer
2. Expression of declining an offer

Lana : Hi Yara, what are you doing? Let’s go the game tonight!
Yara : Hi Lana, I would love to but I don’t think I can. I have this chemistry assignment which
due is tomorrow morning.
Lana : Ah that one, I finished mine though. Do you want me to help yours?
Yara : That’s a very nice of you Lana, but you got a game to play. You won’t finished it by the
time the play starts. It’s okay. Thank you though, I appreciate it.
Lana : Okay then, just get my book at my desk if you want to look at it. See you Yara!
Yara : Bye, and good luck!

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