SOLT Communio Fall 2010

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Volume 3 Issue 2 Fall 2010

Communio Message: August 2010
Dear SOLT Ecclesial Family, will be very much involved in the
work of the core groups who were
The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity is chosen by the General Servants,
facing new challenges and opportunities this to do this very important
year. Upon receiving the grace of the Regional task. We will be working side by
Assemblies both in the American and Asian-Pacific side with Canon lawyers of the
Regions, I believe that we, as an ecclesial family, are Holy See and some others who
led to discover a kind of newness in our life. will be involved in this work.

As you might have known, the Holy See, through the I would like to give you the timeline for this very
Congregations of the Institutes of Consecrated Life important work and thereby ask for your prayers:
and the Societies of Apostolic Life where the Society
of Our Lady belongs, has been guiding us for the past August 2010: Review and polishing of our
years. We were working for the recognition of our Constitutions by our canon lawyer;
community as one Ecclesial Family through the New September: Meeting of the Core Groups;
Forms of Consecrated Life, but there seems to be October: Send the Constitutions to all the
some difficulties. And so upon the recommendations members for comments;
of some canon lawyers and advisers, and with the November and December: Finalize the draft of
direction of our founder, Fr. James Flanagan, we will the Constitutions and Directories to be checked by
be applying for Pontifical Status with the present Canon Lawyers; and Election of the Official
structure, as who we are, that is, as a Society of delegates of the Chapter;
Apostolic Life. It‘s also been a blessing that in a January 17-23, 2011: Extra-Ordinary Chapters of
meeting held last July 15, 2010 with Bishop Michael the Priest‘s Society, Sisters Society and the Laity,
Mulvey of Corpus Christi, His Excellency which will be held Our Lady of Corpus Christi, Texas
reconfirmed the direction of Bishop Emeritus -to approve the Constitutions and Directories.
Edmond Carmody for this work of Pontifical
Recognition of Our Lady‘s Society. The new Bishop I would like all of you to pray for the guidance of the
of the Principal Seat said that he will support us Holy Spirit for this very important event and task
regarding this matter. that we will all be working on for the Society of Our
Lady. Let us always be one in this historical event in
As I had mentioned to you in our last Regional the Society, so that we can serve the Church more as
Assembly in the American Region, we just recently God wants us to.
had several members from both regions who
obtained licensure and doctoral degrees in various May the blessings of the Most the Most Holy Trinity
fields of studies, like administration, philosophy, be in each and every one of us.
theology, liturgy and canon law. They can surely use
their knowledge in serving the needs of our In Communion, +
community in our different missions and for
formation and administration.

As we work on the Pontifical Status, our Doctor in REV. FR. ROGEL B.

Canon law, Fr. Jerry Drolshagen, will help check the
Constitutions and Directories not only of the Priests‘ ROSALINAS, SOLT
community but also of the Sisters and the Laity. He General Priest Servant
So how was Rome, Brother?
– by Br. Juan Villagomez SOLT

―So how was Rome, Brother?‖ A common question there, as G.K. Chesterton puts it: ―Rome wasn‘t loved
especially around assembly time, and the answer is because she was great; she was great because she
more or less on the way to becoming standardized: was loved.‖
―It was great!‖ An answer that I myself have given
not without feeling a slight sensation of mental There is not enough room in this paper; many things
asphyxia: gasping for words that would do the cannot be said at the risk of making serious
Eternal City some justice, but eventually I end up oversimplifications that would distort the truth, as
surrendering to the fact that Rome is the kind of every faithful catholic that has lived and studied here
thing that you simply cannot put ―in a nutshell‖… will agree, but you can be sure of one thing: the
The following little essay is nothing more than a privilege of being here is well worth every single
bigger ―nutshell‖. challenge involved. This satisfaction is well
preserved in that little one-liner response that we are
It is very easy to walk around Rome with the so used to saying, and we will continue saying,
sensation that you are in a studio where they are because it is true: ―So, how was Rome, Brother?‖…
filming some epic movie like ―Ben Hur‖ or ―Quo ―It was great!‖
Vadis‖ because many of her monuments are out in
the open for everybody to admire. But the
narrowness of some streets and the relative height of
the buildings in some parts of town not only make it Pictures from 2010 Assembly
challenging for the newcomer to find his bearings;
they become real ―urban hidden treasure fields‖.
Ancient monuments and beautiful churches play
hide-and-seek with the tourists. Some are so well
hidden that one may spend years walking by them
without being aware of their presence because he
didn‘t make the right turn. A good example of this
would be the Pantheon (feel free to ―Google it‖): a
building that is notorious for ―sneaking-up‖ on
people, because it is so large and yet so well hidden.

Two things have redefined my understanding of the

word ―big‖ and these are the Grand Canyon and the
inside of Saint Peter‘s Basilica. You could spend a
long time just contemplating her statues and her
ornamented ceiling. If you stare at them long enough
your eyes will get used to them and they won‘t seem
so incredibly enormous, but then when you lower
your sight to ground level you will be amazed to see
just how incredibly tiny the people are.

All of Rome‘s beautiful stones are understandably

mute; they are in need of someone who is acquainted
with their history to help them ―speak‖, such a one
has been, through God‘s providence, Fr. Edmund
Ditton, O.P., our professor of history and Christian
Archeology at the Pontifical University of Saint
Thomas Aquinas. Through Father Ditton‘s historical
lens we have seen Rome in several of her stages of
life, including her infancy: a little mosquito-infested
valley that was not much to look at. Who would have 5. Jordan River
thought that it would turn into the Eternal City? And 1. Galilee 2. Judea 3. Sea of Galilee 4. Dead Sea
all because some people had the crazy idea of staying Answers to Kommunio Kids Corner:

Deacon Paul Michael McArdle—December 9, 1933 - June 24, 2010
– from the website of Thomae-Garza Funeral Home

Deacon Paul Michael McArdle, 76, went to be with where he studied for the
the Lord on June 24, 2010 in Brownsville. He was diaconate. He was
born December 9, 1933 in Holyoke, MA to John and ordained on May 24,
Katherine McArdle. He was one of eight children. 1970, the first married
He was baptized in late 1933 at the beautiful, neo- permanent deacon in
Gothic Church of the Holy Cross in Holyoke, Mass. the United States. They
One of his earliest memories was of kneeling before spent the next six
the Christmas crib there and contemplating the months in Kansas City
Mother and Child. As a teenager he was blessed waiting for their second
with Catholic friends who were active in youth child, Maria, to be old
programs. Paul often accompanied his father on his enough to travel to their
plumbing jobs, and worked in the tobacco fields in new assignment with
his teens. Because of his size and nimbleness, he Fr. John McHugh and Deacon Paul at the 2008
had the job of climbing up in the rafters to hang the SOLT community in assembly.
tobacco leaves. Throughout his life, he also worked Belize. For nine years,
in a bakery, drove a school bus, did construction Deacon Paul worked in the beautiful remote parish
work, taught school and was a school principal. missions in Belize and Guatemala, sharing Christ
with the local people. He and Barbara were blessed
His greatest joy, however, was serving Christ and with two more daughters, Paula and Patrice. Nine
the church. At the age of twenty, he discerned a call years later, Paul and his family came to Brownsville,
to the priesthood and was accepted into the minor TX, at the invitation of Bishop John Fitzpatrick, and
seminary of the Passionist community, two of the for several years, worked full-time as a deacon,
happiest years of his life. He developed a devotion often playing his guitar at Masses and singing
to Our Lady at that time doing nightly Rosaries and ―Buenos Dias, Paloma Blanca‖ and ―Adios, Reina
hymns to her. After the novitiate year he received del Cielo‖ among others. His children attended the
the habit and the leather belt with its attached, Catholic schools of the Incarnate Word Sisters and
beautiful rosary, and after six more years of he fondly remembered his daughter, Patrice,
advanced theological training in the monastery he crowning the image of Our Lady one year.
was not approved for major orders. He went home,
took a job and proudly purchased a good, used car His wife, Barbara, passed away in 1996, and in April
for his parents (a ‘56 Chevy Belair). of 1999 he began full-time employment as a hospice
chaplain, preparing families for the death of a loved
In July of 1963, he was invited to serve in a mission one and in helping them during the grieving
school in Mora, NM with SOLT. Paul often process. He had a great love for the people of
reminisced about the pranks played on him by the Brownsville, and was never more delighted than
school children—pulling spark plugs out of the bus when he was baptizing, marrying, burying and
to avoid school and overstocking the wood burning preaching the Word. The McArdle family is grateful
stove causing sooty explosions. He gained lifelong for the many years of hospitality, friendship and
friends among the volunteers, and founders of love shown him by the Brownsville community and
SOLT, Fr. Jim Flanagan and Fr. John McHugh. One SOLT. We will miss his faithful fatherhood, his
special volunteer stood out, his future bride, generosity, his sense of humor and his lively spirit.
Barbara Pulese.
He is survived by his son John McArdle and his wife
In 1965, Paul relocated to Phoenix, Arizona as an Ann, and their children Kelli and Sean; Maria
assistant teacher in a small, private school and did Rodriguez and her husband Oscar and their
his graduate studies in education at Arizona State children Mia, Oscar and Francisco; Paula McArdle;
University. In the summer of 1965, Fr. Flanagan Patrice Resendez and her husband Mike, and their
asked him to staff Holy Rosary elementary school in children Noah, Emma, Annie and Isabella; as well
East St. Louis, Illinois, and encouraged him to host as Edgar DeLeon and his wife Peggy and their
a Legion of Mary presidium. On June 10, 1967, he children. He is also survived by his siblings Louise
was married, and he and Barbara (and baby John) Clemens, Mary Balk, Connie Rodrigue, Nancy
spent 1969 at the seminary at Orchard Lake, MI, Ferriter, Laura Eckstein and Fred McArdle.
A Glimpse of Our Lady’s Society in the Philippines
– by Sr. Mary Emmanuel Schmidt, SOLT

His big brown eyes held mine with a look of So what was it like? Well, it‘s hard to put it all in a
longing. A little boy was trying to sell me some nut shell. There are so many different realities I
small cakes he was holding up in a plastic bag. He could speak of. People have asked me since I got
had no shoes on his feet and his clothes looked like back, ―What did you eat? Where did you sleep? Was
they hadn‘t been washed in a long time. He couldn‘t it hot?‖ Well, it is probably no surprise that I ate a
speak English and I couldn‘t speak Bicol (the local lot of rice and fish, I slept on a thin mattress on a
dialect). I sadly shook my head. ―No thank you,‖ I wooden frame and yes, it was hot. But the Sisters
said. I was sitting in the community truck waiting spoiled me and they let me stay in our convent in
for our driver to come back. He was helping the Putiao with screens on the windows AND I had a
Sisters load some food. I turned around to see if I fan (which I wasn‘t expecting).
could find a Sister to translate, but
everyone had gotten out and gone into
the store.

The Sisters usually sat in the back of

the truck on two long seats that faced
each other. I‘d tried it a few times, but I
would just turn green from the fumes,
so I was moved to the front cab. I
enjoyed it up there because I could sit
and talk with Monoy Glen, the long
time official driver for our Regional
Headquarters in the Philippines. He
was a humorous man with one of those
faces that seemed to always hold a
smile and who could tell lots of stories
about Society members from the past.

As I sat looking out at the busy street Priests at Family Day

filled with packed jeepneys (the Philippine version
of ‗mini taxi buses‘) and motor bikes, I wondered As I‘m sure many of you are aware, the country
what this little boy‘s life must be like. All the world itself is rather poor. Yet, because of the strong
was moving and whirling around him, and he just heritage of the Catholic faith, it is so very rich! Can
wanted to sell some little cakes. I tried to you imagine a mega-mall with an adoration chapel
communicate a bit more, ―Dai ko aram,‖ I kept in it? Yes! On the fifth floor of a mega mall in
trying to say (I don‘t know). It was an odd thing to Manila, there is a huge chapel for Mass and right
say but my Bicol was so limited. He looked at me next to it, a breath-taking perpetual adoration
with a funny face and then his eyes lit up and he chapel!!! When I saw that, I thought, ―Wow, Jesus,
held up his hand as if to say, ―I‘ve got it!‖ ―Re-lax!‖ You really will go anywhere for man.‖
he blurted out. We both laughed. Where had he
learned that? TV no doubt. Every home seemed to Our community in the Philippines is filled with
have a television, no matter how poor. some very amazing people. I know I cannot do
justice in explaining all that our brothers and sisters
I had been in the Philippines for only a few weeks. do in full. The Asian-Pacific region recently
Sr. Anne Marie Walsh, our General Sister Servant, published a book on the Society‘s foundations in the
had recently shared with us (Sisters) that our SOLT Philippines, Thailand, Papau New Guinea, and
community in the Philippines desired the presence Australia. It is filled with 40 years of history of the
of members from the American Region. When I Society being established. Amongst our members,
asked if I could take a ‗mini sabbatical‘ she asked if the charism is spoken of and strived for and
I‘d like to go to the Philippines. After praying about preached. We serve on numerous islands and have a
it, I said yes and was sent from November 7, 2009 - seminary, houses of study, formation houses,
February 6, 2010. parishes and the Trinitas Retreat Center.
country is very poor, hence our community is very
poor. I visited our mission in Badian, one of our
poorest parishes about 5 hours from the Regional
headquarters, and was told that their Christmas
collection (which is the biggest of the year) collected
only an equivalent of $10 U.S.

My hope with this little article is to not only make

everyone aware of the financial needs of our
Community in the Philippines but to also
strengthen our family ties, so to speak. We are
growing, thanks be to God, but with that growth
comes tremendous responsibility. Being
international means that our generosity must
stretch literally, across the ocean.
Professions—Fr. Ogie was in attendance Our Sisters on San Miguel island do not have a
During my visit, I was blessed to attend a Diaconate refrigerator. Part of the reason is by choice. They
Ordination as well as a Profession of First Vows of 4 would prefer to make the sacrifice rather than pay
of our Sisters. Two of the men ordained were from for the extra electricity, but another part of the
the Philippines and one was from Vietnam. Of the reason is to live as Fr. Jim has taught us; to be one
newly professed Sisters, two were Filipina, one was with the poor. The people know how we live, they
from Thailand and one was from Papua New see it. Our witness is important. Our SOLT
Guinea. It is exciting to note that we now have two community in the Philippines is known to be
native Papuan Priests in Our Lady‘s Society and two simple, modest, eager to serve where others would
native Papuan Sisters. I was so happy to meet these rather not go, and happy. The challenge, from a
brothers and sisters of ours and so thankful for the financial point of view, is to provide for our growing
gift of their vocations. They come to the Philippines membership while still maintaining a oneness with
not knowing the native language and stay for three, the poor.
four or five years before they are able to go home
again. They sacrifice tremendously to gift their lives If you ever feel like you‘re in a slump or need a
to Our Lady‘s Society. Our Thai brothers and sisters boost, go to the Philippines. You will be spoiled by
also come to the Philippines often not knowing our members there with their love, care and
English nor any Philippine language. They also do concern. You will sing (and sing and sing) and laugh
not go home for up to four and five years. and tease and joke and occasionally cry. The heat
might make you crazy but you won‘t be in it alone.
I would like to clarify that this isn‘t because they Everyone will be sweating right along with you.
don‘t want to go home or that their formators don‘t You‘ll experience the charism of Our Lady‘s Society
want them to go home, it‘s a financial problem. The in a whole new way with a joy and exuberance that
truly mark the Philippine

“Thank you po” to Our

Lady’s Family in the
Philippines! I am truly
grateful for my time spent
there with you and remain
united with you in prayer,
in the Communion of the
Most Holy Trinity through
the hands of Our Mother. ~
Sr. Mary Emmanuel

Sr. Pia and novices visiting the elderly. Sr. Mabelle with children
Priest keeps on running in the spirit of Christ
– provided by England SOLT, from a newspaper article

Marathon running priest Fr. Morty O‘Shea hit the every year as we would otherwise
headlines last year when he raised more than £8000 respond to the annual killing of
($12,713.60 US) for Aid to the Church in Need‘s Gaza 200,000 born babies.‖
appeal. But his commitment to helping the
vulnerable also extends to the unborn, and he set up Fr. Morty believes we often forget
the first memorial for aborted babies in the United the victims of abortion: ―Like the
Kingdom. The priest of the Society of Our Lady of priest and the Levite of the Good
the Most Holy Trinity, SOLT, was inspired to raise Samaritan parable, we pass by on
money for CAN after seeing media coverage of the the other side and get on with our
aerial bombing of Gaza and hearing the personal daily business.‖
testimonies of those working there, including Gaza‘s
Catholic parish priest, Fr. Manuel Musallam. Yet the unborn are not the only ones who suffer
according to Fr. Morty. He says: ―In the sacrament of
Fr. Morty described how people responded reconciliation I also encounter the other victims of
generously to 5k run for the charity‘s Gaza appeal: abortion – the mother who was deceived by
―The media coverage of the bombing of Gaza made a propaganda of the culture of death.‖
deep impression on many – one man was so moved
that he gave a contribution of £5000.‖ Money for the memorial for aborted babies was
raised in a low-key way. Fr. Morty put a notice in the
The priest finds time to run despite a busy parish parish newsletter appealing for support ―and the
schedule. He said: ―I don‘t watch TV or go to the memorial cost of £795 came rather quickly!‖ Fr.
pub, so running is a type of chilling-out or Morty recently added a perpetual flame to the
unwinding at the end of the day.‖ memorial after one generous parishioner donated a
year‘s worth of vigil lights.
His sponsored run for CAN was only the latest in a
long line of races that the super-fit priest had It was through his involvement with the pro-life
undertaken. In 1994, while still at seminary, he ran a movement that Fr. Morty first thought about the
half-marathon in one hour, 25 minutes and – despite priesthood. But he was disinterested in being a priest
being ill before the race – he did his first marathon to begin with that is why he is ―relatively certain‖ the
the following year in just under three hours, nine Holy Spirit drew him towards his vocation. Although
minutes. as a boy he was inspired by the missionaries who
talked about their work at his school – and admired
He then began running for good causes and shortly the priests who ministered secretly in Britain and
afterwards ran the Dublin marathon after being Ireland after the Reformation – he thought
shocked into action on hearing a nun speak about priesthood was not for him.
the plight of orphans in Romania. Two other
seminarians ran with him, raising around £8000 for Yet he felt the Holy Spirit calling and can still
the orphans. remember the exact moment he discerned his
vocation – he was a 28-year-old, working as an
Fr. Morty is as passionate about the unborn as he is electronics engineer in America. On Mother‘s Day
about the poor and suffering – having been 1990 he was taking part in a pro-life fundraiser at St.
committed to the pro-life cause since overhearing Ann‘s Church, West Peabody, Massachusetts. Fr.
the abortion procedure being discussed by relatives Morty said: ―I was in the parking lot at the time with
as a child. St. Mary‘s Church, Carmarthen, where he another co-worker, Marian Cormier.
is based, has the only memorial for aborted children
in the UK – and Fr. Morty was key in setting it up in ―We were chatting to pass the time and I was
2008. complaining about how little the Church was
promoting pro-life activism. In a spontaneous, throw
The idea was inspired by a similar initiative at the -away statement Marian said ‗Why don‘t you get in
Franciscan University of Steubenville in America. there [into the clergy] and sort them out.‘‖
The priest from SOLT said: ―We should be
responding to the killing of 200,000 pre-born babies Cont’d on page 8
Christmas Antiphons from “The Liturgy of the Hours”
―Tell us shepherds what have you seen? Who has Did you see His hands? Did you kiss His little
appeared on earth? We have seen a newborn infant fingers? Little hands and yet creator of all the
and choir of angels praising the Lord alleluia.‖ galaxies.
Oh shepherd please tell me of this newborn infant Angels tell me of your song that Holy Night.
and tell me of His Mother and her spouse.
Our song praises His first cry.
What does a choir of angels sound like? Tell me of
their music and their beauty. His little infant‘s cry that barely filled that cave in
Bethlehem went forth throughout the universe, to all
Do you sing their song? Does it murmur always in the stars that ever were or ever would be to where
your heart? the mysteries of time and light bend and swirl
through the never ending space of creation, to tell
Tell me, tell me of this infant. Did the Virgin Mother His Father that He had obeyed and the Redeemer of
let you hold her sweet Babe? all mankind has been born for all ages.
Did His little body wrapped with love in swaddling And when we sang we joined with all the choirs of
clothes feel warm and sweet and did He nestle in the angels to bow low and adore Divine Humility,
your arms like a newborn lamb? Jesus Christ, Son of Mary.
Did you burst with joy as you held Him next to your
Rosemary Fesen, CW
Was He startled as if to say ―this is another‘s December 29, 2007
heartbeat because I know my mother‘s heart. It was
my sound in her womb.‖

Kommunio Kids Korner

(for kids ages 4-144)
Find a map of the Land of Israel at the time of Jesus in your Bible or in a Bible atlas. Use the map to
answer the following questions.

1. The Angel Gabriel came to Mary in the town of Nazareth. What region is Nazareth
located in?
__ __ __ __ __ __ __

2. Jesus was born in Bethlehem; Jesus died and is risen in Jerusalem. Both Jerusalem
and Nazareth are located in what region?
__ __ __ __ __

3. What sea is near the region of Galilee? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

4. What sea is near the region of Judea? __ __ __ __ __ __ __

5. What river connects these two seas? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Answers are on page 2

Please pray for the health of:
Fr. Jim Flanagan, SOLT
Fr. Tito Ayo, SOLT
Br. Philip Howard, SOLT
Br. Michael Brady, SOLT
Br. Duran Jensen, SOLT
Sr. Trinity Vaughn, SOLT
Sr. Eileen Dougherty, SOLT
Mary Ellen Theisen, CW, SOLT
Sr. Mary Joseph, SOLT

Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Deacon Paul McCardle, SOLT
Fr. Joe O‘Connell, SOLT
Leocadia Serban, SOLT
Br. Wayne Williams, SOLT
Fr. Isidore Sitnyein
Fr. Neal Stull, SOLT
Fr. Joe Flanagan, SJ
Geraldine Mary Grala
Viola—mother of Sr. Mary of the Holy Eucharist

Priest keeps on running in the spirit of Christ

Cont’d from page 6
In that instant he felt a warm, positive disposition to Fr. Morty ―almost despaired‖ of finding the
the idea of following a priestly vocation. Fr. Morty community he was looking for – then somebody
said: ―It came as a complete surprise, even shock. I suggested he visit a new religious community in
thought it was whim of my emotions which would Texas, the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy
shortly go away.‖ Trinity. He said: ―When I went down for a week it
was like putting on a shoe that was the perfect fit.‖
But at the end of the month it had not gone and he
decided to investigate several religious orders. Fr. Morty said he was particularly struck by the
Despite deciding to follow in the footsteps of the ―holiness and asceticism as well as heroic sense of
missionaries who inspired him in his school days, he self-sacrifice‖ of the order‘s founder, Fr. Jim
was a ―little disillusioned‖ with the missionary Flanagan.
orders he initially explored. Fr. Morty said: ―I felt
that their ‗liberal‘ attitude was at odds with due Moved by the great injustices of our world, Fr. Morty
faithfulness to the Magisterium both in terms of quoted the words of Elie Wiesel, holocaust survivor
liturgy and important Catholic beliefs – I was also and Nobel Laureate, who said: ―I swore never to be
unimpressed with their understanding of the silent whenever and wherever human beings endure
evangelical counsel of poverty.‖ suffering and humiliation. We must always take
He added: ―Even apart from the vows of religious
life, I have always held a deep conviction that the ―Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
maxim ‗live simply so that others may simply live‘ Silence encourages the tormentor, never the
was a binding imperative for Christian living, arising tormented.‖ Whether in the womb or in the world,
from the second great commandment: Love your Fr. Morty is determined that he will not be silent,
neighbor as yourself.‖ and that a voice will be found for the victims.

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