Slovak Spectator 1715

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Vol. 17, No. 15 Monday, April 18, 2011 - Sunday, April 24, 2011 of this issue

Fico starts blogging
Smer leader Robert Fico has
launched his own personal
blog. His choice of venue
was slightly surprising: the
website of Sme, a newspa-
per he has previously
boss quits
accused of lying.
Spectator staff
EC Roma strategy
A European Commission
framework document ROMAN Šipoš had a rather short career as
aimed at spurring better boss of Slovakia’s procurement authority.
Roma-inclusion policies in He resigned on April 11, after less than a
member states has received year in the job, following withering criti-
a cautious welcome from cism from Prime Minister Iveta Radičová
Slovak activists. of the operation of the Public Procure-
pg 3 ment Authority (ÚVO).
Radičová pointed to what she called a
rise in cancelled public tenders and the
OPINION authority’s failure to efficiently publish
its decisions following audits.
The magic phrase But it is the question of Šipoš’s re-
“No law has been broken” is Two ships collided on the Danube river canal near Šamorín in the early morning hours of April 13. One, a German pas- placement rather than his departure that
the magic, formulaic re- senger boat, was carrying 100 people. Fortunately, no one was injured. For more details, see pg 2. Photo: ČTK has resonated on the political scene. Op-
sponse politicians often position leader Robert Fico, who chairs
toss out in response to ques- the Smer party, swiftly announced that
tions about deals that are
rotten to their core when
judged by ethical standards.
pg 5
Tax boss in hot water his party would nominate a candidate to
lead ÚVO and insisted that the position,
based on the traditional distribution of
power, “belongs” to the opposition.

Elixir or poison?
over office rental deal See ÚVO pg 2

The two biggest telecom

companies in Slovakia saw
their revenues dip in 2010
OWNERS of office properties in
Košice might get another chance to
a firm co-owned by Ondrej Ščurka,
the chairman of the SDKÚ branch in
RTVS boss
and partly blamed state and
EU regulators, while the
third operator praised regu-
bid on the leasing of office space to
Slovakia’s Tax Directorate if Prime
Minister Iveta Radičová carries
Spectator staff
Nitra. Fico hinted that some pro-
ceeds from the lease might end up in
SDKÚ party accounts and called on
under fire
lation as necessary.
pg 6
through on the responses she made
to queries about a previously-inked,
five-year, €6.6-million rental
opposition, Smer chairman Robert
Fico, presented what he called a
Finance Minister Ivan Mikloš, who
had nominated Mikulčík to the tax
office position, to resign.
over payout
agreement between a firm owned story of party cronyism when he told Mikulčík maintained that the
A different path by a regional official of her own the media on April 11 that Slovakia’s contract with Nitra Invest is fully in
The Slovak Spectator spoke political party, the Slovak Demo- Tax Directorate, headed by Miroslav line with applicable laws and that
to Peter Máčaj, chief execut- cratic and Christian Union (SDKÚ), Mikulčík, had signed a contract the lease will save the state money.
and the state’s tax authority. earlier this year to rent an office Spectator staff
ive officer of Slovanet, an al-
ternative telecoms pro- The leader of the parliamentary building in Košice from Nitra Invest, See DEAL pg 10
vider, about the firm's dir-
ection and challenges fa- MILOSLAVA Zemková, the recently ap-
cing the telecoms industry.
pg 7 Nothing to do? Build a castle! pointed director of public broadcaster Ra-
dio and Television of Slovakia (RTVS), has
been pressed to explain her acceptance of
could be speeded up because of lower are expected to start doing restora- around €17,000 in severance payments
CULTURE BY MICHAELA TERENZANI labour costs and at the same time tion work at two historical monu- after she left her last job, as director of
Spectator staff jobless persons would get the ments – Šariš Castle in eastern Slov- Slovak Radio (SRo), to move to RTVS. RTVS
Stretching their style chance to re-establish working akia and Uhrovec Castle in western was created by the merger of SRo and Slov-
The Abhijit Banerjee Trio, habits that might have deteriorated Slovakia. ak Television (STV) at the beginning of
leading exponents of ONE STONE to kill two birds: that is during long-term unemployment. The pilot version of the project 2011.
Northern Indian classical the basic idea behind the Culture But not everyone may fully share the was presented by the Culture Min- Zemková in effect moved from one dir-
music, recently played two Ministry’s heritage-protection- enthusiasm of the ministry: similar istry and the Central Office of La- ectorship to another, although she was
gigs in Slovakia. The Slovak meets-labour-market-needs plan, projects in the recent past, paying bour, Social Affairs and Family acting RTVS director for two months be-
Spectator asked them about under which some of the country’s minimum wage, have hardly been (ÚPSVaR), which deals with the un- fore being confirmed in the job by parlia-
their approach to music. long-term unemployed will be put to embraced by those seeking work. employed. ment in February.
pg 11 work restoring Slovakia’s castles. Beginning in May, unemployed
The ministry said castle restoration people from nearby municipalities See REPAIR pg 4 See PAY pg 5


€ benchmark as of April 14
Contacts to more than 2,600 companies in 106 categories
2 April 18 – 24, 2011 NEWS

Fico starts blogging

also expose a politician to
BY MICHAELA much more criticism directly
Cargo and passenger ships collide TERENZANI from readers, who can parti-
Spectator staff cipate in online debate under
TWO ships collided on the Dunajská Streda, the Sme the article.
Danube river canal near daily reported. The Central
Šamorín in the early morning Rescue Service in Gabčíkovo, ROBERT Fico stepped into the Audience guaranteed
hours of April 13. A pleasure the site of a major dam on the lion’s den, according to some
boat carrying 100 passengers Danube, also assisted. on the Slovak political scene, Fico’s first blog article, an
from Passau, Germany to Es- “The ships crashed, ac- when, as leader of the biggest opinion piece about the pro-
ztergom in Hungary collided cording to the latest informa- opposition party, Smer, he cess used to select the general
with a cargo ship transport- tion, at about 1:40 in the launched a personal blog on prosecutor, was published on
ing maize. The cargo ship was morning. The sinking boat the website of the Sme daily. April 7. Within one week it
severely damaged but rescue was out of the usual channel The potential conflict arises was viewed more than 63,000
workers managed to seal route,” Ivan Peťko, spokes- from the contrast between times and had over 1,700 con-
cracks to prevent the ship man of the Regional Fire Bri- Fico’s politics and Sme’s tributions in the discussion
from totally sinking and later gade, told the TASR newswire. readership, which is believed below.
managed to remove its fuel Slovak Interior Minister to be mostly critical of the “He will certainly not
and load the maize onto an- Daniel Lipšic visited the site populist former prime minis- have problems with reader-
other boat. and said he was shocked to ter. His arrival in the Slovak ship numbers,” Sudor said.
All passengers and crews learn that rescue units blogosphere did not go un- Robert Fico now runs his own blog. Photo: Sme - V. Šimíček “When he writes something
from both boats were un- learned about the accident at noticed: his first article, pub- the numbers will be very
harmed. The Slovak Rescue only around 8:00 in the morn- lished on April 7, immedi- leading politicians, including administrator of the high – unless of course he
Service sent boat units from ing even though the incident ately hit the top of the week’s some in government, pursue website, having bores readers by posting
its stations in Šamorín and took place much earlier. most-read chart. lively online interactions with more space to explain their three articles a day.”
Slovak politics is perhaps supporters and citizens. arguments and provide more Blogs on the Sme daily’s
more ‘online’, principally via “When politicians make opinions on topics moving the website are among the most-
Spišiak pleased with police work the medium of personal blogs, essential political statements, political scene is indeed one of read in Slovakia, thanks partly
than most other countries. they tend to not have enough the main reasons why many to the fact that the most popu-
POLICE Corps President TASR, adding that police of- The second largest party in the space to add detailed argu- politicians publish their own lar articles are also featured on
Jaroslav Spišiak voiced his ficers had also exceeded ex- current ruling coalition, Free- ments. That is why I decided texts via blogs. the main page,
satisfaction with the per- pectations in all other indic- dom and Solidarity (SaS), to enter this blog arena,” Fico “When a politician writes That may be one of the reas-
formance of the police force ators and posted better results which was launched only in said in his explanation of why an article on Sme, nobody can ons why dozens of Slovak
in the first quarter of 2011 at a than last year. 2009, achieved significant ex- he had started a blog on Sme’s interfere with the text, as long politicians maintain a blog
press conference on April 11, The number of minor of- posure to a large extent as a popular blogging platform, in as it doesn’t violate the law or there, with many of them
the TASR newswire wrote. fences dropped by nearly result of the blogging activit- a short video inserted into his our internal ethical code,” Su- publishing regularly.
Spišiak said he was par- 1,100 in the first three ies of its leader Richard Sulík first article. dor told The Slovak Spectator,
ticularly happy with the months of 2011, while an ad- and other members. Many According to Karol Sudor, adding, however, that blogs See BLOG pg 5
work of traffic police, as the ditional 657 perpetrators of
number of road collisions crimes and offences were
was reduced 30 percent in
the first quarter compared to
2010. He also listed police
tracked down this year com-
pared to a year ago, Spišiak
said, attributing the accom-
ÚVO: Independent expert is preferred
success in murder investiga- plishments to a re-organisa-
tions and a recorded drop in tion of the Police Corps, Continued from pg 1 the second government of Mikuláš ceeded in a standard manner in protect-
property-related crimes. modifications to how police Dzurinda. Fico accepted him in the same ing the public interest.
“A particular focus was officers are paid, and changes “I do not see any reason why a rep- way as the current ruling coalition ac- “I am convinced that I did not know-
placed on traffic accidents,” to the career advancement resentative of the ruling coalition should cepted Šipoš, who was also nominated ingly err,” Šipoš said, as quoted by SITA.
Spišiak said, as quoted by system. stand at the top of this institution,” said not as a representative of the opposition “The circumstances that emerged con-
Fico. “This position belongs to the oppos- but by the government – in this case, vinced me that I could not have acted
ition and we will claim it.” Fico’s own – before the 2010 election, otherwise if I wanted to remain true to
Trial over Deaflympics fraud begins Fico stated that under the previous Mesežnikov explained. human values and principles.”
government, a representative of the op- The Civic Conservative Party, which In early April, Radičová noted that
THE OPENING of the trial of was detained while trying to position led the office. He also said that if has four MPs in parliament who were ÚVO had cancelled 111 out of 220 public
the head of the Slovak cross the Slovak-Hungarian the ruling coalition changes this rule, it elected as part of the Most-Híd candidate procurements and that she had received
Deaflympic Committee, border and charged with would deform Slovakia’s laws. list, agrees and has argued that the role of several complaints regarding the opera-
Jaromír Ruda, and Košice- fraud involving €11 million Radičová responded that she would ÚVO should not be to serve as a lever in tion of the tender watchdog. The prime
based notary public Stanislav by Slovakia’s Office for the wait to see whom Smer actually nomin- the struggle between the opposition and minister claimed that ÚVO’s current
Furda began on April 13 before Fight Against Corruption and ates and then make a decision, implying the ruling coalition, or as a means to cov- deputy chairman, Marek Vladár, is oper-
a senate of the District Court a judge from the country’s that the government would not agree to er up potential blunders in public pro- ating under a clear conflict of interest.
in Banská Bystrica and was Specialised Criminal Court any name put forward. The prime minis- curement, the SITA newswire wrote. Vladár was responsible for public
scheduled to resume on June placed him in pre-trial cus- ter said the government is open to nom- The Sme daily reported on April 14 procurement at the Interior Ministry
1, the SITA newswire repor- tody. The police have stated ination of a professional, independent that lawyer Tomáš Kamenec, who has under the previous government. As
ted. Both defendants are that Ruda fraudulently bor- person who is recognised for his or her expertise in tenders, is being considered. deputy head of ÚVO he now oversees
charged with fraud involving rowed €10 million from at expertise and is familiar with public pro- Radičová responded that she is aware of several tenders that he himself originally
funds that were to be used to least four companies to fin- curement policies. Kamenec from his role as an expert announced, including a tender on elec-
stage the Winter Deaflympics ance the Deaflympics and Observers said they would also prefer quoted by the media, but she refused to tronic identification cards and a register
in Slovakia in February 2011. that he neither returned the independent, non-partisan professionals comment further on his possible nomin- of private citizens.
The prosecutor charged money nor provided evid- to watch over public tenders. ation. Parliament is likely to vote on a Nevertheless, following Šipoš’s de-
that notary Furda was en- ence to document its use. “It should be an independent new candidate on May 15. parture Vladár is now temporarily in
trusted with Sk52 million The prosecution also person,” the president of the Institute for The head of ÚVO is selected by par- charge of the whole authority.
(about €1.7 million) in 2008 charged that Ruda fraudu- Public Affairs (IVO), Grigorij Mesežnikov, liament based on a proposal by the cab- Among Radičová’s criticism was that
from a sponsoring Slovak lently obtained at least €1 told The Slovak Spectator. “If the coali- inet, according to the new revision to the ÚVO’s decisions sometimes take several
firm that was supposed to be million in 2010 from member tion and the opposition had been able to law on public procurement that became months and significantly hinder the pro-
used for organising the associations of the Interna- agree on a joint candidate, that would valid on April 1. curement process.
Deaflympics but that, based tional Committee of Sports have been the best solution. However, One of the most closely watched re-
on agreements with Ruda, he for the Deaf (ICSD). Ruda claiming that the opposition should have Šipoš’s departure cent decisions by ÚVO was the cancella-
transferred funds to various could be sentenced to 10 to 15 the right to control the coalition through tion of a tender process at Slovakia’s
accounts and withdrew cash years in prison if found guilty this public institution is quite wrong.” After Šipoš’s departure, Fico was railway operator, ŽSR. In mid March con-
totalling Sk48.5 million and of the charges against him. According to Mesežnikov, the adher- quick to suggest that his resignation was struction firm Skanska and ŽSR protested
paid back only Sk3.5 million The 17th Winter ence of public procurement processes to likely to have been caused by pressure against an ÚVO decision that ordered ŽSR
on the agreed deadline, SITA Deaflympic Games were the law must be controlled regardless of from the government. to cancel a year-long tender process for a
wrote. scheduled to start in the any partisan link. “Apparently he has been pushed and contract to modernise a 12-kilometre sec-
Ruda and Furda both High Tatras on February 18. Regarding Fico’s insistence that the forced to do things that are not in line tion of line between Zlatovce and
stated that they are inno- The ICSD cancelled the com- post belongs to the opposition, with the law,” Fico said, as quoted by the Trenčianska Teplá. The contract had
cent. The notary told the petition a week before it was Mesežnikov said that this claim lacks TASR newswire. been provisionally awarded to Skanska,
court that he did not defraud due to begin when it became foundation. Šipoš himself remained somewhat which submitted the lowest bid. The
anyone as he “sent the apparent that venues for the “The previous chairman of ÚVO, tight-lipped about the reasons for his de- firm is now suing ÚVO, as is ŽSR. ÚVO
money to the accounts ac- games were not ready. [Béla] Angyal, was not a nominee of the parture, delivering only a vague state- cancelled the tender based on an audit
cording to Ruda’s orders”. opposition at all,” Mesežnikov said, ment on the subject. He said that since conducted even before a contract had
In February 2011, Ruda Compiled by Spectator staff pointing out that he was appointed by his appointment he had always pro- been signed.
NEWS April 18 – 24, 2011 3

European Commission Wind and fire hit

Slovak forests
prods on Roma strategies TWO natural disasters hit
Slovakia in mid April. After
strong winds caused severe
damage in north-east Slov-
was reported in western
But wind alone was not
the only source of destruc-
akia for several days begin- tion in Slovak forests. In the
European ning on April 8, large areas of village of Horný Jelenec -
framework virgin forest in central Slov- Staré Hory, in Banská
akia were destroyed by a fire Bystrica district, fire started
document seeks that started near the village around noon on April 10 and
concerted action of Staré Hory on April 9. within one day consumed
For three days, strong almost 100 hectares of
winds – classified as a mixed forests, parts of
whirlwind – blew over the which were inaccessible
BY MICHAELA High Tatra mountains caus- virgin areas.
TERENZANI ing local authorities to issue According to SITA, the
Spectator staff a state of alert from the fire caused damage amount-
morning of April 8 until ing to €222,000 and that 178
noon on April 11. professional fire fighters
CAUTIOUS enthusiasm ac- Locals in the Tatras still from Banská Bystrica, Žilina,
companies the European vividly remember the 2004 Prešov and Bratislava Re-
Commission’s recently issued natural disaster when gions, along with 20 cistern
framework document setting strong winds damaged pumps, were on the scene to
out priorities for tackling strips of the high forests and cope with the fire, accom-
problems of Roma living in significantly changed the panied by members of local
Europe. It certainly does not face of the popular moun- firefighting groups and
promise to turn Slovakia’s tain resort area. forest workers. Four heli-
Roma shantytowns into mod- This time damage in- copters from the armed
el communities overnight but cluded many fallen trees and forces and the interior de-
Roma human rights activists several roofs blown apart by partment helped to extin-
call it a first step towards more The EC says all Roma children should at least finish primary school. Photo: Sme - P. Funtál the wind. Most damage was guish the fire as well.
concerted effort by countries reported in the districts of The teams of fire fighters
of the European Union. they are interlinked,” Rob ficant financial resources to it does not deal effectively Poprad, Levoča, Gelnica and managed to bring the fire
On April 5, shortly before Kushen, the executive direct- member states to address the with discrimination, preju- Spišská Nová Ves, as well as under control and prevent it
International Romani Day or of the European Roma problems of Roma and many dice and women empower- in the Orava region. from spreading further on
celebrated on April 8, the Rights Centre in Budapest, people inside and outside gov- ment issues. The SITA newswire re- the evening of April 11.
European Commission re- told The Slovak Spectator, but ernment institutions have “It is positive that the EC ported that damage in the “I’d be lying if I didn’t
leased its European Frame- at the same time he particu- raised concerns about how ef- has the tendency to set out High Tatras amounted to say that I’m satisfied,” Alex-
work for National Roma In- larly highlighted the area of fectively these resources have very clear and measurable €250,000. The wind also ander Nejedlý, the president
tegration Strategies, with the education. been used. aims for the member states, caused complications in loc- of the Firefighter and Rescue
aim “to guide national Roma “Educational outcomes for “There was a need for but these are only small pieces al transport as cable cars in Corps said at a press briefing
policies and mobilise funds Romani children in Slovakia some kind of glue or of a big mosaic,” Oravec said. the mountains suspended on the evening of April 11, as
available at EU level to sup- are terrible,” Kushen said, ex- something that would Under the European operations for three days and quoted by SITA. “We’ve done
port inclusion efforts”. plaining that Roma children strengthen the position of the Framework for National Roma parts of the local tram routes derring-do here; the boys
More than 11 million are routinely and illegally EC in solving Roma issues on Integration Strategies, mem- – between Starý Smokovec have gone to the bottom of
Roma are estimated to be liv- shunted into special educa- the national level,” Oravec ber states must submit na- and Tatranská Lomnica – their powers, carrying ma-
ing in Europe, according to tion programmes. “Without said, adding that the symbolic tional Roma strategies by the were closed as well. terial on their backs to al-
data from the Council of an education, Romani chil- importance of the document end of 2011 specifying how The state-run forest ad- most rock-climber terrain.”
Europe’s Roma and Travellers dren will not be able to get is that it puts more weight on they will contribute to the ministration in the High On April 12, three days
Division, and more than half jobs and will not be able to Roma problems, making the achievement of the goals of Tatras reported direct dam- after the fire broke out, the
of them live in countries contribute to the Slovak eco- issue one of the key priorities the document. age to the forests of €750,000 firefighters managed to ex-
which are members of the nomy and society.” of the EU. Member states must also up to April 11 and another tinguish the flames. The
EU. It is estimated that Slov- According to a survey in The ERRC’s Kushen be- appoint national contact €17,000 in property damage. cause of the fire remains un-
akia has around 500,000 six EU countries, including lieves the framework is a step points to manage, monitor The Slovak Hydro-Met- known at this time.
Roma citizens. It is generally Slovakia, only 42 percent of in the right direction, but that and report on the implement- eorological Institute (SHMÚ) A big fire had caused
acknowledged that Roma in Roma children complete on its own it is inadequate. ation of their Roma integra- issued strong-wind warn- damage in the same region,
Europe live in considerably primary school, compared to “The reason an EU tion strategy. The EC will is- ings as well for April 12 for but on the opposite slopes of
worse socio-economic condi- an EU average of 97.5 percent, strategy is needed is because sue annual reports on wheth- the western-Slovak regions the Jelenská valley, in April
tions than other Europeans and attendance by Roma stu- Roma exclusion is an EU prob- er progress has been made. of Záhorie and the Danube 2007. That blaze affected 113
and face discrimination in dents in secondary education lem: exclusion stems from vi- Depending on national lowlands as well as for dis- hectares of forests and took
the job market as well as in programmes across these six olations of EU law and the free strategies as the main re- tricts in northern Slovakia: 10 days to extinguish.
other aspects of society. countries is estimated at only movement of Roma across medial tool might not be very Orava, Kysuce, Turiec, Lipt-
“Despite some good inten- 10 percent. member-state borders means effective, according to Oravec, ov, Horehronie and Spiš. Compiled by Spectator staff
tions from national politi- “Most important to me is that poverty and human who said national govern- No damage, however, from press reports
cians, too little has changed in that member states help en- rights violations in, for ex- ments will not find it difficult
the lives of most Roma over sure that all Roma children ample, Romania have a direct to just put strategies on paper.
the last few years,” said Vivi- complete at least primary bearing on France,” he said. “I am sceptical whether
ane Reding, justice commis- school,” Commissioner Red- Kushen reiterated that the this will not just be a formal
sioner and vice president of ing said at the presentation of primary responsibility for tool, easy to report,” Oravec
the EC. “Member states have a the framework document. dealing with discrimination stated.
joint responsibility to put an faced by Roma should rest Slovakia’s Office of the
end to Roma exclusion.” The role of the EU with the member states but Government Plenipotentiary
said the EU undoubtedly has a for Roma Communities has
Education spotlighted NGOs working with Roma role: to enforce EU law and to already said that submitting
communities welcome the sanction states for violations national action plans for
Corresponding with the framework document because of the Race Equality Directive Roma integration will not be a
EU’s broader Europe 2020 tar- it makes the EU’s role in deal- and the Free Movement Dir- problem since the country is
gets for employment, social ing with Roma inclusion ective; to provide funding for currently revising its national
inclusion and education, the clearer. Roma inclusion initiatives; action plans for the Decade of
newly announced framework “It’s clear that the EC and to make sure that EU bur- Roma Inclusion, 2005-2015, a
focuses on four priorities: doesn’t want to take up the eaucracy does not stand in the regional initiative under-
education, employment, role of solving Roma prob- way of EU funds being used ef- pinned by the Open Society
health care and housing, and lems, and it wouldn’t even be fectively. Foundation and the World
calls on member states to set right because it would only Bank.
individual national Roma in- deepen the alibis of member National reports “In the strategy that the
tegration goals based on the states who could then say ‘it’s – an effective tool? EC expects from us we will
Roma population in each up to Brussels’,” Laco Oravec take account of the actualised
country, and their current so- from the Milan Šimečka Criticism of the frame- national action plans for the
cio-economic starting point. Foundation told The Slovak work document has already Decade,” Iveta Duchoňová,
“All of the priority areas Spectator. surfaced, with critics saying it the office’s spokesperson, told
are relevant to Slovakia and But the EU provides signi- is too brief and vague and that The Slovak Spectator. A fire rampaged through a forest near Staré Hory. Photo: TASR
4 April 18 – 24, 2011 BUSINESS

REPAIR: Jobless to
Peugeot to bring 900 jobs to Trnava
AN INVESTMENT by car- facturing within the PSA
restore monuments
maker PSA Peugeot Citroen Peugeot Citroen Group and Continued from pg 1
worth more than €120 mil- its personnel have reached
lion, to produce a new model full maturity,” Varin said, as Both government offices
in Slovakia, will result in quoted by TASR. “On the oth- state they are seeking to offer
about 900 new jobs, the pres- er hand, it's also a confirma- a single solution for two prob-
ident of PSA Peugeot Citroen, tion of the strategic charac- lems: deteriorating monu-
Philippe Varin, announced ter of our investment in ments and long-term unem-
after a meeting with Prime Slovakia, with the planned ployment. ÚPSVaR will con-
Minister Iveta Radičová and gradual increase in effect- tribute by selecting persons
Education Minister Eugen iveness of the already exist- for the project from among
Jurzyca in Trnava on April 11, ing capacities.” those registered at regional
the TASR newswire reported. Varin and Jurzyca signed labour offices, while contrib-
The Trnava-based plant a Memorandum on Coopera- uting funds re-allocated from
intends to launch a third tion in the area of secondary cancelled or ineffective
working shift a year from education between the Edu- projects.
now and gradually increase cation Ministry and PSA The initial plans call for 20
annual production to a max- Peugeot Citroen after negoti- long-term unemployed
imum capacity of 300,000 ations were completed people to start working at
vehicles. The new model will between the French Ambas- Uhrovec Castle with an addi-
be the third to be manufac- sador in Slovakia, Jean-Marie tional 30 to report to Šariš.
tured in Trnava. Bruno, and the Slovak Ambas- ÚPSVaR expects the project
“It shows that car manu- sador to France, Marek Eštók. not only to have a positive
impact on the country’s em-
ployment figures but also to
Coke is not the same everywhere help the jobseekers maintain
their working habits and
THE WORLD’S best-known Zdeněk Vilímek of Coca- provide them with a better
soft drink, Coca-Cola, is not Cola, however, told the Sme opportunity for employment
exactly the same in Slovakia as daily that the reason for the in the labour market after the
it is in Germany or in the difference is technological. project ends, ÚPSVaR spokes-
Czech Republic, recent tests by “Our plant in Lúka near person Danica Lehocká said.
Slovakia’s Consumer Associ- Piešťany is equipped for the Protection and restora- Restoration work at Uhrovec Castle. Photo: Courtesy of Peter Horanský
ation have revealed. production of drink with li- tion of historical monuments
The association had six quid fructose-glucose syrup is among the priorities of Cul- fessional restoration or con- participates in this kind of can deserve the allowance, or
branded products purchased and it cannot process crystal ture Minister Daniel Krajcer, servation of castle ruins, not- work, is at fault. get money through the project.”
in eight countries of the EU sugar,” he said, adding that who announced earlier in ing that this is done under the “Drawing social allow-
tested by the Slovak Veterin- the recipe for production of March that projects to protect supervision of civic associ- ances is in some cases prefer- A long-term problem
ary and Food Institute and the syrup is the same all and restore national monu- ations as well as under the ex- able to working,” Lehocká told
found that some transnational around the world. ments in 2011 will receive the pert supervision of regional The Slovak Spectator, explain- Unemployment statistics
concerns sell, under one brand Only one product was the highest amount of state fin- monument protection offices. ing that receiving any paid in- show that Slovakia’s unem-
and in the same packaging, same in all the tested mar- ancial aid ever, amounting to “The unemployed can first come lowers the amount a ployment rate reached a post-
products with different con- kets: Milka Alpine milk about €144 million, most of it perform easier work, such as crisis high in February of 13.16
tents, the Sme daily reported. chocolate. The biggest differ- coming from the EU’s Re- cleaning, seeding green areas percent, up 0.18 percentage
The Coca-Cola produced in ences in quality were found gional Operational Pro- or manipulating materials, Drawing social points compared to January. In
four of the countries, includ- in Kotányi black pepper. gramme, and much smaller and can then gradually be- human terms this meant that
ing Slovakia, contained iso- The tested products amounts coming from tour- come acquainted with more allowances is in some 395,445 people were registered
glucose, while in the other were purchased by mem- ism support programmes and demanding skills such as cases preferable to as unemployed, according to
four samples there was no bers of the association in from the Norwegian Finan- stonemasonry or carpentry,” data from ÚPSVaR released on
sign of it and sucrose was used normal supermarkets in cial Mechanism. Chudinová said. working. March 21. The jobless rate in
instead, Sme wrote. Germany, Austria, Poland, February 2011 also stood 0.19
The Consumer Associ- Slovakia, the Czech Repub- Learning different skills Is there motivation? percentage points higher than
ation suggested that isogluc- lic, Hungary, Bulgaria and Dana Lehocká, ÚPSVaR the same month in 2010 and
ose is used for economic Romania. The products Krajcer is very enthusiast- Some observers warn marked the highest number of
reasons: it costs half what were tested both scientific- ic about the project and called against too much optimism person receives in social al- unemployed Slovaks since
sucrose does. ally and sensorially. it a win-win approach, saying and point to similar projects lowances. January 2005.
it brings immediate benefits from the past that did not How much those working In addition, statistics from
to unemployed persons as well meet with much enthusiasm on a castle reconstruction Eurostat indicate that Slovakia
Slovakia's population is ageing fast as to the castles. He also stated or success among the long- project would earn has not been has the highest long-term un-
it will have additional longer- term unemployed. Psycholo- announced but it is not likely to employment rate in the EU.
BY 2050 almost four in ten cit- “Overall, in connection term benefits as it will provide gists have noted that after be much higher than the min- Eurostat wrote that in the
izens of Slovakia will be aged with the increasing age of the participants with professional long periods of unemploy- imum wage. However, the third quarter of 2010, Slovaks
60 or more, according to the population, the costs of pen- skills that they can use after ment people’s working habits chairman of the Freedom and who had been unemployed for
Allianz Demographic Pulse sions, social care, education the project ends, as well as deteriorate and they may find Solidarity (SaS) party, Richard a year or longer represented
study, the SITA newswire re- and health care will rise by adding to the development of it very hard to return to the la- Sulík, announced that new le- 9.4 percent of the labour force,
ported. Currently, people over 5.2 percent of GDP by 2050 in tourism in the regions sur- bour market. This may explain gislation that is already under compared to an EU average of
60 make up 19 percent of Slovakia,” the study predicts. rounding the castles. the experience from a project preparation could motivate 3.8 percent in that quarter. La-
Slovakia’s population. Accord- The study also researched The Culture Ministry will that was launched by the La- long-term unemployed persons bour market experts say those
ing to the study, the increas- estimated longevity. Increas- provide about €100,000 from bour Ministry in 2010 after to seek work, mentioning the trapped in long-term unem-
ing longevity which partly ac- ing life expectancy together its grant system to finance Slovakia was hit by massive payroll-tax reform plan ad- ployment are primarily per-
counts for the rise is a result of with a fall in the age limit for the project and will serve as floods. The ministry sought vanced by the government. He sons with low levels of educa-
huge progress in health care retirement by the end of its professional guarantor. A long-term unemployed per- said even though the most tion and poor qualifications
and social conditions. 1990s led to an enormous in- precondition for a castle to sons to do work such as clean- comprehensive changes are and note that these people
“By 2050, government ex- crease in the time people be included within the pro- ing riverbeds and authorised planned for 2013, special rules may lose their working skills,
penditure on pensions, social spend in retirement. In de- gramme is for it to already be 835 job positions in coopera- could be designed even earlier habits and job knowledge and
care and health care will con- veloped countries, men part of the activities of civic tion with the affected muni- for the castle reconstruction severely lessen their chances
stitute almost 30 percent of spend around 20 years in re- associations that deal with cipalities – but only 212 people projects so that a person’s social of finding work again.
GDP in the eurozone,” SITA re- tirement on average. On av- protection of monuments took up the opportunity, the allowances will depend on real Slovakia’s job offices re-
ported, citing the study. “Slov- erage, people in France spend and for some protection Sme daily reported, noting work activity. gistered a total of 184,694 long-
akia will be under the average 24 years in retirement, while work to have already been that earning the minimum “It will not [continue to] term unemployed at the end of
of the European Union, with a Swiss people spend 16.8 started in cooperation with wage of just over €300 per work in the way that social al- 2010, or nearly 50 percent of
share of 20.4 percent of GDP.” years. According to the study, local authorities. month was apparently insuf- lowances will be also for those the total number of unem-
In Slovakia, the biggest Slovak men spend 16.3 years Eva Chudinová, the ficient motivation. who don’t want to work ployed persons. This was an
percentage increase in costs and Slovak women 25.1 years spokesperson for the Culture Lehocká said Slovakia’s anymore,” Krajcer said, as increase of 44,581 since
related to the ageing popula- in retirement. Ministry, said that workshops current system of social al- quoted by the TASR newswire. December 2009 and an in-
tion is expected to be in the take place at the castles during lowances, and how they are “We are creating more space crease of 77,174 compared with
area of pensions. Compiled by Spectator staff the summer focused on pro- distributed when someone and possibilities so that people December 2008.
OPINION / NEWS April 18 – 24, 2011 5
“I would sign a contract like this even with
the brother of Smer’s chairman.” Vratka
Miroslav Mikulčík, the head of the Tax Directorate, reacts to claims by Smer 4. The breach of election
that he signed a sweetheart deal with an ally of one of the ruling coalition parties. BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD promises. The use of off-
shores is particularly amus-
Special to the Spectator
ing given the fact that in their

The magic phrase “IT HAS to be a vratka. It

election manifesto the SDKÚ
promised to “guarantee that
companies whose owners are
makes no other sense,” said not identifiable will not be
“NO LAW has been broken,” is raised new questions rather which Ščurka’s firm could bid. opposition leader Robert Fico able to sign agreements with
one of those magic, formulaic than satisfactorily answering Is it because those who about the recent property- the state”. Well, here you go.
responses that politicians of- the initial ones. pull the strings in her party leasing scandal of the Slovak 5. Lies. Mikulčík has
ten throw to journalists The deal, worth €6.6 mil- would not have liked that de- Democratic and Christian presented several versions of
whenever the media starts lion, may be unlikely to snap cision or is it because she is Union (SDKÚ), turning an how his office found the
digging into deals that may anyone’s political neck even convinced that the deal has no expert term previously used company and signed the
formally meet legal standards blemishes? by accountants, auditors, contract. Obviously, they
but may be rotten to their core Recent weeks offered an- and businessmen into cannot all be true.
when judged by ethical stand-
The frequency of a particu-
EDITORIAL other version of the “no laws
have been broken” excuse
when Miloslava Zemková, the
Slovakia’s word of the week.
Until now, “vratka” de-
scribed a VAT refund. Thanks
6. No sanctions. No one
is going to pay for any of the
problems. The tax office dir-
lar politician’s use of this director of Radio and Televi- to Fico, it has become a syn- ector and the finance minis-
phrase often depends on sion of Slovakia (RTVS), took onym for money that politic- ter are keeping their jobs,
whether he or she is at that around €17,000 in severance al parties siphon from public Ondrej Ščurka, this does not the company is keeping its
moment in the opposition or payments plus a generous funds. Of course the manner seem very convincing. contract.
is in the country’s govern- €13,000 bonus when depart- in which the Smer leader 2. No tendering. A prop- 7. A crazy quasi-solu-
ment. Sometimes even those ing from her last job as direct- used it indicates that it is not er tender could have eased tion. Radičová says that if
most eager defenders of the or of Slovak Radio (SRo) to take new to his vocabulary. But doubts about the conflict of anyone has a better offer
“no law has been broken and the helm at RTVS. We are told the previous coalition’s mis- interest. The fact that the than the one introduced by
the deal is alright” response that her severance pay was deeds are no excuse for the deal was agreed directly with her party colleague, they will
morph into harsh critics of based on a last-minute change seven sins of the current one: Ščurka would make the terminate the agreement.
the phrase when it is not to the collective agreement 1. Conflict of interest. transaction suspicious, even What sort of an entrepreneur
someone from their own polit- negotiated between the trade Not only was the public not if it was not an SDKÚ regional would want to make a fool of
ical tribe who stands to bene- unions and management. notified in advance that an boss who was on the receiv- the tax office boss? And is
fit. Smer boss Robert Fico has Zemková, who will soon official appointed by the ing end of the deal. this how the government
offered an exemplary insight start laying off hundreds of SDKÚ was signing a deal 3. The use of off-shore plans to function – handing
into this chameleon-like ap- people from RTVS, first defen- with a member of the same companies. The company out contracts to cronies in
proach. BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ ded her severance and then, party, but tax office boss whose building the tax office the hope no one will find out,
Understandably, with the Spectator staff when pressed for explana- Miroslav Mikulčík claimed is moving into is co-owned and only if someone does, let-
frequency that the phrase has tions and a return of the that he himself did not by a firm registered in ting others compete?
been used in Slovakia, journal- money, said she actually know about the ties. Given Cyprus. Now, it is hard to ar- If this is the way the
ists (and maybe even citizens) though there certainly could could not do so because SRo no that Mikulčík is close gue with Prime Minister SDKÚ and Radičová plan to
are becoming concerned (and have been a more elegant way longer exists and anyway, she friends with Finance Minis- Radičová when she says that operate, they will soon find
perhaps a bit angry) whenever of responding to the contro- had already given her sever- ter Ivan Mikloš, who is close that country is “a regular that political fate can be very
questions about cronyism or versy than posing the ques- ance to charity. As of April 14 to SDKÚ boss Mikuláš member of the EU”. Still, vratká (uncertain) and voters
unethical conduct are tion: “Should a party member Slovakia’s taxpayers had yet Dzurinda, who is close to Cyprus is not known for its may well show them the
routinely dismissed with be handicapped or discrimin- to learn which lucky charity the lucky entrepreneur, transparency. vrátka (little door).
these particular words. ated against?” That curious benefited so generously from
All in all, “no law has been quote comes from Mikuláš their taxes.
broken” has been pretty much
the response from political of-
Dzurinda, boss of the SDKÚ,
who contended that the
Oddly, Zemková was not
known as a public servant BLOG: More space for argument
ficialdom to qualms about the whole process had been who carried along a suitcase
contract Slovakia’s Tax Dir- above-board and transparent. of controversial or nonsensic- Continued from pg 2 Sme. “But let’s be objective and admit that
ectorate, headed by Miroslav Nevertheless, Prime Min- al decisions or as an apple pol- their internet portal is the best and the most
Mikulčík, signed earlier this ister Iveta Radičová properly isher to whatever politicians According to Sudor, however, politicians read.”
year to lease an office building asked the Tax Directorate’s happened to be in power. So using the service are mainly from The media, however, noted that Robert
in Košice from Nitra Invest, a director to take new bids to one can only incredulously the right-of-centre side of the political spec- Fico has consistently been at odds with the
firm co-owned by Ondrej find office space in Košice and wonder why a public servant trum – especially SaS, whose 2010 election Sme daily and its journalists, and has re-
Ščurka, the chair of the Nitra added that if a cheaper offer with such a good reputation success was built partly on the activities of its peatedly accused Sme of printing lies and
branch of the Slovak Demo- meeting all requirements is could use such bad judgement members in the blogosphere. misleading its readers. But that did not pre-
cratic and Christian Union submitted, he should cancel – a blunder that the Slovak Robert Fico admitted that the readership vent him from starting a blog on the same
(SDKÚ). Not only do the stor- the current contract. One can public will be more likely to numbers of the Sme website were a motiva- daily’s website.
ies about how Nitra Invest only guess why she did not remember than any future tion. “He is a politician without scruples,”
was chosen ring hollow, but order the deal be dumped first steps she might take to heal “On the one hand the Sme daily is rightist political analyst Grigorij Mesežnikov told The
the explanations about the and then a new, transparent the ailing, debt-ridden public and supports [Prime Minister] Iveta Slovak Spectator. “For him, everything that
firm’s background have only tender could be started in broadcaster. Radičová, that’s obviously clear,” Fico told meets a purpose is acceptable.”

PAY: Speaker Sulík says bonus is fine

Continued from pg 1 relationship with SRo had steering body of the merged “She deserves one such J ÁN PAL LO - Publisher
ended and that she was en- broadcaster. Nevertheless, payment because she has
In addition to her sever- titled to the severance pay- his Freedom and Solidarity been leading the radio with EDITORIAL
B E ATA B AL O G OVÁ - Editor - In - Chief
ance payment, Zemková also ment. She remained tight- (SaS) party colleague, Speaker expertise and dignity and the J AM E S THO M S O N - Assistant Editor
received a bonus worth three lipped about the exact sum of Parliament Richard Sulík, results of SRo cannot be com- D O NAL D S PATZ - Assistant Editor
times her former monthly Zemková received but ac- called on Zemková to return pared with the results of J ANA L IP TÁKOVÁ - Staff Writer
M IC H AE LA TER ENZANI - Staff Writer
salary, meaning that she was cording to Sme, Zemková’s the severance payment, sug- STV,” Sulík said, as quoted by ZUZANA V IL IKOVS K Á - Staff Writer
paid a total of around €30,000 monthly salary at SRo was gesting that she was not SITA, referring to the finan- D O M INIK A UH R ÍKOVÁ - Staff Writer
upon leaving her old job as €4,282. morally entitled to it, the cial crisis which RTVS is now LAYOUT, WEB & IT
SRo director, the Sme daily Zemková’s severance SITA newswire reported. facing as a result of the huge TATIANA ŠTR AUC HOVÁ - Graphic Designer
reported. The bonus was ap- pay-off was based on a last- On April 12, Štullerová debts it inherited from STV. R O M AN K R Á Ľ - IT
TO M Á Š PAL L O - Online Publishing
proved by the SRo Council, minute change to the collect- Koreňová said that it was In a brief interview with
which oversaw the public ive agreement between SRo not clear to whom Zemková Sme on April 9, Zemková SALES - FINANCES
broadcaster. and trade unions, which es- would return the money said that she does not in- B EATA F OJ TÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive
M AR TINA Š M ATL ÁKOVÁ - PR and Marketing Manager
However, one council tablished a severance pay- since she was paid it by SRo, tend to return the severance M AR TA F UK AS OVÁ - Advertising Assistant
member, Michal Dzurjanin, ment of four times her which no longer exists, and payment as, she said, TO M ÁŠ K EL L EY - Circulation Manager
told the Sme daily that council monthly salary. not RTVS. Zemková has everyone who leaves their
The Slovak Spectator is an independent newspaper published every Monday by The Rock, s.r.o.
members did not know about Culture Minister Daniel now given the money to job has the right to a sever- Subscriptions: Inquiries should be made to The Slovak Spectator’s business office at (+421-2) 59 233 300.
Printing: Petit Press a.s. Distribution: Interpress Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Slovenská po‰ta a.s.
Zemková’s severance payment Krajcer, who was behind the charity, the spokeswoman ance payment. She also ar- Mail Distribution: ABOPRESS. EV 544/08. © 2010 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction
and would not have voted for creation of RTVS, refused to said, without specifying gued that even though she in whole or in part without permission is prohibited by law. The authors of articles published in this issue,
represented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproducing and public transmission
the bonus if they had. comment on Zemková’s bo- which one. is not jobless, her job as of articles marked ©The Slovak Spectator, as well as for the public circulation of reproductions of these articles,
in compliance with the 33rd article and 1st paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media monitoring is provided
RTVS spokeswoman Al- nus and severance payments When it came to the bo- RTVS director does not rep- by Newton, IT, SMA and Slovakia Online with the approval of the publisher. Advertising material contained herein
exandra Štullerová Koreňová and suggested that the issue nus, however, Sulík said this resent a continuation of her is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not a written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such
commercial enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Rock s.r.o. ISSN 1335-9843.
said that Zemková’s working was for the RTVS Council, the was justified. previous role. Address: The Rock, s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. IâO: 313 86 237.
6 April 18 – 24, 2011

The alternative development BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
of Slovakia's telecoms market

Cutting energy use

in telecoms INSURANCE

Competition is intense Institutions and organisations in the

telecom sector in Slovakia
Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional
tion in the company’s labour Minister: Ján Figeľ
Three major force, which numbered 4,650 at
operators plan the end of 2010, is expected to
come this year, according to Telecommunications Office (TÚ SR)
investments the SITA newswire. - The TÚ SR is Slovakia’s regulatory and pricing authority
for 2011 ST closed its 2010 financial covering the electronic communications sector.
year with total consolidated
revenues of €934.3 million, a
drop of 4 percent, even though IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS)
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ its number of active mobile cli- - ITAS is a professional association representing the most
Spectator staff ents increased by 31,000 to important local and international companies operating
2.246 million, SITA reported. in the Slovak information and communications
Orange Slovensko also put technology market.
LAST year, Slovak telecommu- price regulation and the
nications operators continued slowly-ending economic crisis
to fight for customers and as the main factors that af-
searched for ways to overcome fected it last year. Its revenues, Telecom companies in Slovakia
decreasing revenues that they at €763.8 million for the year,
said were caused by both the Telecom firms like to attract heavy mobile users. Photo: TASR shrank by 6 percent compared Mobile operators:
economic crisis as well as gov- to 2009. The company attrib- - Orange Slovensko,
ernment regulations. Market ators are keeping an eye on cus- Slovakia’s dominant tele- uted almost all of this fall – 5.8 - Slovak Telekom, (T-Mobile and Slovak Telekom
watchers expect that the tomers who have minimum com operators, when assessing percentage points – to price merged as of July 1, 2010 and the latter became the
launch in June of a large 3G communications needs as well, 2010, complained about both regulation. successor company)
network by Slovakia’s newest offering them various kinds of national and EU regulations “When the influence of
telecom operator may further bare-bones service packages as which they said impacted their regulation is not taken into - Telefónica O2 Slovakia,
sharpen competition this year, well as lower prices for pre-paid revenue streams. consideration, Orange actually
and say the growing popularity cards. “The factor which cur- reached revenues at the 2009 Some providers of fixed-line services:
of smart phones and similar “It is still more convenient rently affects the development level,” Peter Tóth, corporate af- - Antik Telecom,
devices will require all the ma- for operators to keep these cli- of the Slovak telecom market is fairs manager at Orange Slov- - GTS Slovakia,
jor operators to roll out more ents than to release them to the its general saturation and stag- ensko, told The Slovak Spectat- - Orange Slovensko,
sophisticated and faster ser- competition,” Hanker said. He nation and simultaneously the or. “This means that after a - Slovak Telekom,
vices. added that this is partly be- unceasing regulation from the year of decrease, Orange man- - Slovanet,
“Fights for price-sensitive cause quoting a larger number side of the national regulator as aged to stabilise its revenues.” - Swan,
clients, of whom there are of customers in a firm’s final well as the European Tóth added that Orange - UPC Broadband Slovakia,
more and more, continued last results looks better, but is Commission,” Andrej managed to compensate for the - ŽSR - Železničné Telekomunikácie,
year,” Filip Hanker, an expert mainly so because such cus- Gargulák, the spokesperson for negative impacts of regulation
and the editor-in-chief of tomers can later trade up to a Slovak Telekom (ST), told The and the crisis by growing its Other companies active in telecommunications: and, different product, start to use Slovak Spectator. “Growth was telecom services, as the volume - Digi Slovakia,
told The Slovak Spectator, the internet as well, or simply seen especially in the segment of voice services grew by 3 per- - Energotel,
adding that in the voice seg- because customers from other of digital television and mobile cent and data services in- - Nokia Siemens Networks Slovakia,
ment of the business there is networks will call these low- data services.” creased by as much as 68 per-
not very much new to offer usage persons and the operator Slovak Telekom merged cent. - Satro,
from the marketing angle and can earn revenue from inter- last year with sister company But in contrast to the other - SES Astra,
that operators are forced to re- connection fees. Operators are T-Mobile, and in late February major telecom operators, the - Towercom,
duce the price for calls. “An- also continuing in their efforts ST’s general director, Miroslav number of active Orange cus- - Vnet,
other trend is a drop in prices to increase revenues from the Majoroš, described 2010 as one tomers decreased by 21,000, or - WiMAX Telecom Slovakia,
for short messages and sup- internet, Hanker said, adding of the most demanding years 0.7 percent, to 2.87 million.
plementary discounts for a that he is certain that the oper- for his company. The merger Tóth said that his company
combination of services ators see internet-generated process is not yet over as the perceives this small decline to Slovak Telekom on strike alert
through which operators en- revenues rising for many years company will undergo further be an excellent result based on
deavour to maintain an ad- to come. This is why they have restructuring in 2011 even the level of competition in TRADE union members working for the biggest telecom
equate average revenue per offered various products even though it laid off 150 staff last Slovakia. operator in Slovakia, Slovak Telekom (ST), went on strike
user.” to those who need to use the in- year, primarily from mana- alert on April 11, the financial daily Hospodárske Noviny
According to Hanker, oper- ternet only occasionally. gerial positions. A larger reduc- See TEL pg 8 reported on April 14. The action was in protest at a
company plan to lay off as many as 730 workers, a steep
rise from the 280 originally planned. According to the

Regulation: Elixir or poison? SITA newswire, the company employed 4,650 people as of
the end of 2010.
About one quarter of ST employees are members of local
market cannot always adequately affect important in mobile communications, trade unions, the daily wrote. According to Milan Brlej,
Mobile operators are prices and service conditions. saying competition is able to affect prices the head of the Posts and Telecommunications Union, a
divided over the “Regulation would probably not only to a limited extent. change in the company’s profit targets by ST’s
please any industrial branch,” Alojz “International roaming might serve shareholders might prevent the labour reduction.
efficacy of regulation Vlčko, a telecom market expert, told The as an example,” Vlčko said, noting that Deutsche Telekom is the majority holder in ST, with 51
Slovak Spectator. “Thus, we should not before European regulation, prices for in- percent. The rest is held by the Economy Ministry and
wonder about the rhetoric of mobile oper- ternational roaming were incomparably the National Property Fund.
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ ators. It is logical for them to name regula- higher than prices for national calls even A meeting with ST director-general Miroslav Majoroš, at
Spectator staff tion of prices for services as the cause be- though the character of both services which trade unions asserted that the employer had
hind their drop in revenues, because was the same. “Even under threat of reg- violated the Labour Code and failed to meet the terms of
without it [regulation] the creation of ulation, the operators were unable to the collective agreement, did not bring any agreement on
TWO of Slovakia’s mobile operators com- prices might be freer and operators might reach an agreement [among themselves] the number of layoffs.
plain that government regulation is to ask more for their services.” at the wholesale level to make calling According to Hospodárske Noviny, the Economy
blame for their lower revenues and poorer The telecommunications sector exper- from abroad cheaper. Only regulation Ministry, as one of the minority shareholders, will not
financial results. But the most recent op- ienced several waves of national and helped.” intervene.
erator to arrive in Slovakia’s relatively sat- European regulation governing intercon- Orange Slovensko, the mobile operat- “This is a matter for the company’s management,” said
urated mobile market believes that appro- nection fees, the fees paid when making or which currently has the largest num- Róbert Merva, spokesperson of the Economy Ministry, as
priate government regulation is a precon- calls from one operator’s network to an- ber of active customers in Slovakia, quoted by the daily. “So far it is only bargaining. We do
dition for a healthy, competitive environ- other network, as well as roaming prices blamed regulation for almost all of the not expect the situation to sharpen so much that our
ment. And an expert on the telecoms mar- when away from one’s own network. drop in revenues it reported last year. intervention will be needed.”
ket says government regulation of the mo- Vlčko views supervision by national
bile business is important because the and European regulatory agencies to be See REG pg 9 Compiled by Spectator staff
BUSINESS FOCUS April 18 – 24, 2011 7

A slightly different path FOCUS shorts

Nevertheless, the telecoms
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ sector has been hit relatively Licence extension will be not free
Spectator staff little by the crisis from the
viewpoint of demand because MOBILE operators Orange The licences currently
these are essential services and, Slovensko and T-Mobile used by Orange Slovensko
for example, a job seeker needs a (Slovak Telekom) will now and T-Mobile will lapse on
COMPARED to other European telephone and access to the in- have to pay to extend their August 31, 2011. The two op-
countries, development of ternet to find a job. The crisis GSM licences following a de- erators each paid US$18 mil-
telecom businesses in Slovakia rather affected additional high- cision by parliament on April lion for the licences back in
took a different route because er value added services. Here 5, made via an expedited le- the 1990s, according to the
liberalisation here came later the decline was quite strong. gislative procedure, to Sme daily.
than elsewhere. Nevertheless, amend the Electronic Com- T-Mobile and Orange said
the market found its own path. TSS: In recent years the Slovak munications Act. The change they regard the amendment
The Slovak Spectator spoke telecoms market has consol- means that the national reg- as having clarified the exist-
with Peter Máčaj, the chief ex- idated significantly. What are ulator, the Telecommunica- ing legislation and hope the
ecutive officer of Slovanet, one the reasons behind this? tions Office, will set and col- regulator will set the fees to
of the bigger alternative tele- PM: Most economic sectors lect fees for extension of mo- correspond with the situ-
com operators in Slovakia, Peter Máčaj, CEO of Slovanet Photo: Courtesy of Slovanet in Slovakia have been undergo- bile operators’ licences to use ation in the market. Before
about the telecoms market, its ing consolidation, in general. specific frequencies. The of- the amendment was adop-
consolidation, and the chal- munications services or their vestments to make services Beginning eight to 10 years after fice should do so after public ted, Orange indicated that it
lenges it currently faces. parameters it is difficult to do so better at the same price level the fall of the communist re- consultations that citizens would consider up to €5 mil-
without investments. In gen- Slovakia is currently at, which gime in 1989 a number of new and experts can comment on, lion for a 15-year licence to be
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): eral, prices for telecoms ser- is one of the lowest in Europe. companies emerged. Local or the SITA newswire wrote. reasonalbe, Sme wrote.
What are the greatest chal- vices have been decreasing for With regards to the crisis, I foreign investors and private
lenges the telecommunica- the last seven or eight years in see two levels of impacts on equity groups started to buy
tions sector faces today? Do Slovakia. In terms of the resid- corporate and residential cli- them and then sold them to Alternative model for third operator
impacts from the global eco- ential segment, this is because ents. While business clients strategic investors. This is a
nomic downturn continue to purchasing power here is not as came a year ago with higher common process that took place SLOVAKIA’S smallest mobile fer such subsidised devices.
affect the sector and particu- strong as in other EU countries pressure for a reduction in the in each society transforming operator, Telefónica O2 Slov- It confirmed its alternat-
larly alternative telecommu- and when telecommunications scope of services and also from a post-communist state akia, is sticking to a model ive approach with a new
nications operators? operators want to sell a bigger prices, the demand for services into a democratic country with whereby its services differ product introduced in early
Peter Máčaj (PM): The amount of services they de- in the residential segment has a market-driven economy. This from the two other operat- April. This offers clients the
biggest challenges facing the crease their prices. In the seg- not decreased. But what has is one of the influences I see be- ors, Slovak Telekom, which opportunity to select from
telecommunications sector, at ment of business clients, prices been visible in the residential hind the consolidation process. provides mobile services un- several levels of a so-called
least in Slovakia, are incess- are decreasing too, as the area is that price has become The reason why consolidation der its T-Mobile brand, and wallet and then use this to
antly decreasing prices and formerly monopolised market the number one criterion. This in the telecoms business has Orange Slovensko. These pay for the services they ac-
growing requirements on the has become de-monopolised means that when a household been a bit stronger is that doing two offer subsidised mobile tually use, meaning there is
services provided. These two over the last 12 years and prices changes its operator, 60 to 80 business in this sector is finan- devices to clients who sign a no package of pre-defined
things are a bit in contradiction have decreased due to competi- percent do so because of price. cially very demanding. fixed-term contract for a services which the customer
because when you want to en- tion. I see the biggest challenge Payment discipline also specific package of services. must stick to.
hance the quality of telecom- in finding enough funds for in- worsened in both segments. See PM pg 9 O2, in contrast, does not of- Compiled by Spectator staff


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8 April 18 – 24, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

TEL: Data transfer volumes rise steeply FOCUS short

Continued from pg 6 “It is possible to expect and fixed-line telephony, mo- Slovakia with its 3G network.
that operators will massively bile and fixed data services and He also said that O2 had
The most recent entrant to sell these devices and that television, the so-called triple- entered the market segment of
the Slovak market, Telefónica they will also have to offer ser- play and quad-play packages. small and medium-sized com-
O2 Slovakia which started its vices adequate for these “Operators may fight for panies and had registered an 11 Cutting energy use in telecoms
commercial operation in Feb- devices,” Alojz Vlčko, a tele- clients also through such percent market share in Feb-
ruary 2007, said it extended its coms market watcher, told comprehensive packages with ruary of this year. SMART 2020, a global report makes up to 10 percent of op-
customer base last year and The Slovak Spectator, adding better prices,” Vlčko said. Slovak Telekom expects on information and commu- erating costs, in developing
penetrated into new customer that consumers can also ex- Hanker agreed with that stagnation as well as regulat- nications technologies (ICT) markets this can rise to
markets. Because Slovakia’s pect, for example, bigger and assessment, pointing out that ory challenges to continue in published in 2008, found that between 15 and 30 percent.
mobile market is nearly com- cheaper data packages and currently discounts for com- the Slovak telecoms market the carbon footprint of ICT Šoška said he believes
pletely saturated, Telefónica better roaming offers for those binations of mobile products throughout 2011, according to makes up 2 percent of all that modern solutions and
had almost no other choice but leaving the country for holi- and especially for combina- Gargulák. ST sees opportun- global greenhouse gas emis- technologies can enable sig-
to seek to capture customers days or other travel. tions of mobile and fixed-line ity for growth particularly in sions and that this volume nificant reductions in energy
from other companies. The Hanker expects additional services are relatively rare or market segments such as di- will almost double by 2020. consumption. He lists four
overall penetration rate of SIM decreases in prices for access do not exist at all. gital TV, mobile data services But since the ICT sector is main ways to reduce the en-
cards in the Slovak market rose to the internet, though only Hanker and Vlčko do not and ICT (information and able to monitor and optimise ergy consumption of base
by 6.2 percentage points over very gradually, and a more in- expect any swift launch of the telecommunication techno- usage of energy, ICT could transceiver stations (BTS): by
the course of 2010 to reach 111 tense focus on increasing newest generation LTE techno- logies). save 15 percent of global using energy-savvy
percent at the end of the year. speeds. Vlčko added that tele- logy in Slovakia, with Hanker The Slovak government emissions in 2020, the report products; by minimising the
“Last year clients trans- com operators are more fo- saying speeds provided by the has quietly signalled its plan suggested. This could be number of stations thanks to
ferred almost 142,000 tele- cused now on providing data current 3G networks are high to sell its remaining shares in achieved by smart motor sys- better coverage and higher
phone numbers from compet- services for mobiles and other enough for normal as well as ST and Gargulák expects that tems, smart logistics, smart capacity; by minimising the
itors to O2,” René Parák, devices. higher-level usage in Slovakia. the government will com- buildings and smart grids; need for air conditioning;
spokesperson of Telefónica O2 “The volume of data trans- “Since all three mobile op- municate in this regard with the area of telecommunica- and by using software that
Slovakia, told The Slovak Spec- ferred via mobile networks is erators have announced in- ST’s majority owner, tions infrastructure enjoys a enables energy use when
tator. “The total year-on-year rising steeply and this trend vestments into HSPA+ techno- Deutsche Telekom. special position, it said. demand in the grid is low.
increase of O2’s client base will certainly not cease this logy, we can assume that we Orange expects 2011 to “Our clients – mobile op- He predicted that such
amounted to 59.2 percent over year,” Vlčko said, adding that will have to wait some time for bring developments similar erators, consume as much as measures may bring reduc-
a single year, to over 880,000.” because O2, as the last operator the launch of LTE,” Vlčko said, to 2010. 85 percent of their energy tions in the energy intensity
O2’s revenues rose by 50.5 in Slovakia, will launch its 3G while adding that that licences “The influences of direct needs on operation of their of providers of telecommu-
percent to €111.7 million. network later this year the and division of frequencies as well as indirect price regu- communications networks,” nications services of up to 70
market may also see more sig- must be resolved first. lation will continue, which said Ľubomír Šoška, the dir- percent.
Future developments nificant confrontations on Telefónica O2 Slovakia ex- create a need to motivate cli- ector of the Slovak branch of According to Šoška, new
price. pects that additional custom- ents to use telecommunica- Nokia Siemens Networks, at technologies already enable
Market watchers forecast Vlčko also noted that tar- ers will switch to its services tions services in an increas- a press conference in early construction of stations in-
stronger interest in broadband geting specific groups of users and Parák noted that the ing scope,” said Tóth. April. dependent from the grid
internet and data services and, is very rare in Slovakia, listing launch of its 3G network in Last year Orange invested He pointed out that en- whose electricity needs can
as was forecast at the world students as an example, and June will be the company’s €71 million in new technolo- ergy makes up a significant be met by local renewable
mobile congress held in early predicting that there is further biggest investment, adding gies and into its network, and portion of the operating sources, for example solar or
February in Barcelona, higher opportunity here. He also ex- that O2’s ambition is to cover plans to increase its invest- costs of providers of com- wind energy.
sales of smart phones and tab- pects operators will prepare as much as 33 percent of the ments by about 40 percent munications services. While
let computers. products clustering mobile population in 24 towns across this year. in developed markets energy Compiled by Spectator staff


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BUSINESS FOCUS April 18 – 24, 2011 9
PM: Broadband internet in sharp focus
Continued from pg 7 the residential segment gener- communication regulator to istry of Education. It is focused
ates a profit for us, meaning we do something today to benefit on research of algorithms for
At first it arrives as a mar- are able to cover infrastructure alternative operators. Form- identificationof spam and sim-
vellous business but later you investments, costs of opera- ally, it has set conditions for ilar unwanted electronic mail
need more and more funds for tion, and so forth from our rev- operation of the dominant, as and it is called Spamia. Its aim
investments, which come enues. well as alternative operators, is to make headway in research
from banks or investors. And Our ambition is to contin- but these are not improving and development in this field
only big players get the funds. ue with this approach and ac- the conditions for operation of at the Slovak level as well as at
Moreover, in the telecom quire other local providers. alternative operators. They are the global level and to move
business there is one special Since penetration of the inter- unacceptable for us; they pre- these algorithms forward. We
way through which the state net is still low in Slovakia, we vent us from using regulated launched a special workplace
spurs consolidation since tele- see space for growth in this res- prices for provision of profit- in Banská Bystrica where our
com companies are using lim- idential segment. able services and for develop- research team is based. As we
ited resources such as fre- ment of our operation. also provide e-mail services,
quencies, ownership rights to TSS: What are alternative op- In Slovakia I see a conflict we can provide a huge number
lay cables, assigning of tele- erators’ conditions and posi- of interest as the state is the of e-mails for testing of these
More regulation of mobile tariffs may come. Photo: Sme phone numbers and so on, and tion in Slovakia? owner of a 49-percent stake in algorithms so that there is not
their allocation is decided at PM: It is not worth crying Slovak Telekom and simultan- only a purely academic look at
the state and political level. over spilled milk. The opera- eously is the founder of the this issue. I am glad that we

REG: Expect more This means that the telecom

business is not completely in-
dependent from the state.
tion of the telecom regulator
has been poor for 15 years and
this has not improved even
regulator. This means that the
state on one hand receives di-
vidends [from Slovak Telekom]
have launched this project as
there are only a few real inter-
connections between business
Continued from pg 6 Telecommunications Office, Consolidation is almost com- though we constantly point it and on the other hand it should and academia in Slovakia.
helped to push down ter- plete in the business client out. Liberalising the market for regulate the company’s profits Apart from anti-spam
Slovak Telekom, which mination fees to the level in segment. There are about five fixed-line voice telephone ser- or revenues. The only solution technologies we are also active
provides mobile services un- developed European markets significant players far ahead of vice in Slovakia, enabling in- I see is for the state to sell its in developing solutions to pro-
der its T-Mobile brand, is also and to cut the period re- the others and here I do not terconnection between voice remaining stake in Slovak tect children from unwanted
not pleased with regulations quired for transferring a expect any big changes in the networks of the dominant op- Telekom. content on the internet. We
advanced by national and phone number to five days, foreseeable future. In the res- erator and other operators, was want to be innovative.
European authorities. as well as reducing the fees idential segment there are also probably the last to be accom- TSS: Does the position of an In general, development is
“On one side constant associated with doing so. about four or five significant plished within the EU. This alternative operator offer inevitable for an operator of
investments into networks “In the end it was Slovak players – but this group is not gave the dominant operator any advantages over the our size because we cannot af-
and new modern technolo- users of telecommunications identical with those in the time to get prepared, which is dominant operator? ford to buy all the software we
gies have been expected services who profited from business segment – along with what it did, and it managed to PM: The word ‘alternative’ need. Actually, the only signi-
from mobile operators but the regulation,” said Parák, about 150 to 200 local pro- keep its clients. In countries has been used less often over ficant software we have
the operators are simultan- adding that this applied not viders. Here the opportunity which liberalised this market the last one or two years. Basic- bought is economic account-
eously more and more lim- only to O2’s customers but for further consolidation is earlier, about 30-40 percent of ally we are a telecommunica- ing software. The rest has been
ited in creation of prices those of its competitors who much larger, maybe even for clients switched to other oper- tions operator like any other developed by our people either
stemming from traditional also benefitted from reduced the next 10 years. ators while in Slovakia I estim- and we can provide any service as brand-new programmes or
market mechanisms operat- prices and more lively com- ate this to have been 15-20 per- in the same scope as the dom- applications derived from free
ing in fully competitive petition. TSS: Slovanet has been an act- cent. inant providers in Slovakia, software or codes.
markets,” Andrej Gargulák, ive player in the consolida- The second fundamental Deutsche Telekom and France
the spokesperson for Slovak More regulation tion process. What reasons thing is how the broadband in- Telecom, except for mobile TSS: One of your surveys of
Telekom (ST), told The Slov- in the future? have driven this process ternet market is regulated. services – but even this is pos- client behaviour indicated
ak Spectator. within Slovanet? This is the market of local sible to solve via virtual mobile that Slovaks want to pay the
Vlčko conceded that not The Telecommunications PM: During the last few metallic lines. Here Slovakia operators. The main strategy of lowest monthly fees and
all regulatory interventions Office announced in late years we have acquired about has taken a completely atypic- a so-called alternative provider tend to subscribe for longer
turn out to be positive. December that one of its six local operators in various al direction in the so-called is to offer services in a faster, periods. What do you think
“If they [interventions] goals for 2011 is to reduce in- towns. We are continuing this local loop unbundling, which more effective and more flex- this says about Slovaks as
reduce the margin inappro- terconnection fees for all process as far as our invest- should have been the second ible way, with better care for its consumers?
priately, they may affect [a three mobile operators in ment possibilities allow. Re- step of liberalisation. In fact, clients. PM: I am sure that other
company’s] investment Slovakia. It also will seek to cently we acquired M- this step has not yet happened An alternative or a smaller telecom operators have come
activity, which in the end is reduce the time for transfer- Elektronik, a local provider of in Slovakia. The referential of- operator is more flexible and to the same findings. This
a disadvantage, especially to ring one’s telephone number cable TV service with almost fer, i.e. the terms under which can choose from more techno- phenomenon, started by mo-
the client,” Vlčko said. to a new operator from five 10,000 clients. But I have to say the dominant operator leases logies as it is not as bound to bile operators, is very strong in
The most recent entrant days to just one. that due to the crisis we have local loops to other providers, those into which it has inves- Slovakia and I think that it is
into the Slovak market, More regulation might not been able to follow our de- does not enable us to provide ted. We use this advantage stronger than, for example, in
Telefónica O2 Slovakia, also come from the European velopment plan since 2008 be- and sell services on them in a heavily – we use technologies the Czech Republic or Austria.
which began commercial op- Commission: it indicated as cause of worse access to funds way that is effective enough for based on wireless, optic, and
eration in February 2007, be- early as last June its dissatis- for acquisitions. The situation us. Actually, because no local metallic networks. Basically TSS: Development is very
lieves that regulation has faction with competition has now improved, but condi- loop unbundling happened in we can offer the client the most fast in telecommunications.
improved the environment within the mobile market, tions are far from those that Slovakia liberalisation of the effective service for a reason- Where might it be within
in the telecommunications even though roaming prices were present here three years market for access to the inter- able price. The most important five years?
market. have fallen somewhat. ago. net happened in the way that advantage is the quality of ser- PM: If I knew this I would
“We maintain that the The first EC regulations The driving force behind 150 players emerged who built vices. Alternative providers are make a lot of money on it. Alas,
task of regulation is to secure concerning roaming prices acquisitions by Slovanet has their own networks, either Wi- usually smaller companies and I am not such a visionary. But
equal conditions for each were introduced in 2007 to been to obtain infrastructure. Fi, optic, optic-metallic, coaxi- thus they are able to prepare ef- we can look at some countries,
player in the market so that ensure that mobile phone We can rent infrastructure al and so on. This is why the fective and build-to-suit solu- for example the USA and
the precondition of a healthy users would pay similar from the former dominant market is so atomised and tions for clients. In terms of Canada or Western Europe
competitive environment is roaming tariffs across the telecom operator, Slovak needs consolidation. As a con- business clients, bigger com- where the development is two
met,” René Parák, Telefónica EU. In July 2009, the EC ad- Telekom, but the terms it offers sequence Slovak Telekom panies usually have more fixed to three years ahead of Slovakia
O2 Slovakia’s spokesman, opted revised rules that regu- are so disadvantageous to us holds the dominant position in settings and are not able to to get a hint at what direction
told The Slovak Spectator. lated roaming prices further, that we decided to create our fixed-line voice service as well provide a build-to-suit solution we might be going. But what I
“The market environment of requiring that by July 2011 own infrastructure to provide as in broadband internet. In for each client. In the residen- am completely sure of is that
the telecoms segment has the maximum roaming services to households. Be- the latter I estimate it at 92 per- tial segment, an alternative there will be increasing de-
improved significantly in charges, by default, would be cause building a brand new cent in the residential seg- provider has more flexibility in mand for broadband internet
Slovakia over the last few 35 cents per minute for calls network would require ment. On the other hand, the creation of prices and it can access. Moreover, TVs will also
years exactly because of made from abroad and 11 enormous investments with market has found its own way. change a product faster. Qual- be used for services currently
regulation.” cents for calls received while too-long terms of return, buy- Alternative networks have ity is another important cri- received via a PC, for example
Parák said that when O2 abroad. The roaming rules ing existing networks along been built and already a signi- terion. If we do not have a sharing photos, videos, online
entered the Slovak market, adopted in 2009 will apply with their clients – even ficant number of clients are us- higher quality of services, a cli- games, social networks, etc.
the telecoms sector was lag- until the end of June 2012. though these lines are not in ing them. And I expect that ent would have no reason to Access to a fixed broadband in-
ging behind other developed The EC is preparing a full perfect technical condition – this share will grow. Of course, switch providers. ternet line will become a ne-
European markets in many review of its roaming rules proved to us to be a sensible this also has some disadvant- cessity for every household.
areas, specifying that it took to assess the extent to which way. After the acquisitions, we ages because in many places TSS: Slovanet launched a Mobile internet will be a sec-
25 days to migrate a tele- the objectives have been are able to enhance these lines multiple cable lines have been telecommunications devel- ondary option.
phone number from one op- reached and whether com- and continue selling services laid and the quality might have opment and research project The segment of business
erator to another and that petition is working for provided on them to house- been higher if we had had only in 2010. Can you tell us more clients is conservative and the
termination fees were roaming services, states an holds. Through our acquisi- one infrastructure in each loc- about it? migration to IP telephony is
among the highest in the EU. EC media release from Feb- tions we have achieved the ation. PM: This is a three-year almost complete here. I see
According to Parák, O2 be- ruary, noting that its review needed critical mass of clients, Even though there are project focusing on primary, more focus on security and
lieves that actions by should be completed by June which in our case means plenty of small, partial prob- not applied, research and we do here a lot of work could be
Slovakia’s regulator, the 30, 2011. 40,000-50,000 clients, so that lems, I do not expect the tele- it in cooperation with the Min- done.
10 April 18 – 24, 2011 NEWS

DEAL: Watchdog calls for new tender

Continued from pg 1 tender it had found a better offer and tracted after its establishment in
that an agreement on a future rental 2004 came from a SDKÚ member,
Political observers noted, was signed with VSH Development Ferdinand Vítek, the former mayor
however, that questions of impro- in the spring of 2010. Fico added that of Nitra, who tasked Ščurka’s firm
priety surrounding the contract soon after the new government took with buying property for the Nitra
have put the SDKÚ in an unfortu- power VSH Development was sent a Sever industrial park. Sme added
nate position and are urging the letter notifying it that the state did that it found no evidence that
party to leave no questions un- not have the necessary funds to con- Vítek had picked Ščurka’s firm via a
answered. Fair-Play Alliance, a polit- summate the lease. Fico charged that tender.
ical ethics watchdog, said that the Mikulčík then signed the deal with Milan Burda, a Smer MP, sub-
best way to deal with the contro- Ščurka’s firm. sequently charged that Nitra In-
versy would be to cancel the con- “What did they think; that vest had sold the property it ac-
tract and start the procurement pro- nobody would ever find out?” Fico quired for the industrial park to in-
cess again with more transparency. asked, as quoted by the TASR news- vestors for a much higher price
Three days after Fico made his al- wire, adding that Mikloš must have than its purchase price. Burda
legations Radičová requested the been aware of what was happening opined that Ščurka must have
director of the Tax Directorate to ac- and then alleging that 20 percent of earned between €17 million and
cept new bids for office space in the lease amount would end up in €33 million by handling the indus-
Košice and added that if a cheaper of- SDKÚ’s accounts. trial park property, Sme wrote.
fer meeting all requirements is Mikulčík denied Fico’s allega- Ščurka rejected these accusa-
submitted the current lease should tions and stated that the building tions also, stating that anyone
be cancelled. After meeting chosen by his management had been could have bought those land
Radičová, Mikulčík said he saw no considered as early as in 2008 and plots but no one else had ventured
reason to resign because he said all that a government committee had to do so.
steps taken by the tax authority selected the offer made by Nitra In- He also stated that no political
were legal. He also stated that rent- vest as the most advantageous at contacts were involved in Nitra In-
ing the building from Ščurka’s firm that time. vest getting the business but he did
would save the state about €3.5 mil- “Regardless of the results of this not deny having cooperated on leg-
lion in upcoming years. committee [decision] the manage- al affairs with ARON Consulting, a
Zuzana Wienk, the director of ment of the Tax Directorate in 2010 Miroslav Mikulčík of Slovakia's Tax Directorate. Photo: Sme firm which is co-owned by
Fair-Play Alliance, said that opted for a much more expensive op- Eleonóra Valentová, the wife of
whenever a state contract is signed tion and signed an obligation with the controversy to its supporters and Shell firm in Cyprus? Gabriel Palacka, the SDKÚ’s former
with a firm or person close to a polit- VSH Development,” Mikulčík stated to the media as well what steps it treasurer, whose name has been
ical party, the deal evokes questions. on April 11, as quoted by the SITA takes to answer the questions that On April 12 Ščurka rejected linked to a number of questionable
“This is a fact that experienced newswire. have been raised. Fico’s charges of party cronyism SDKÚ financial transactions dating
politicians should know,” Wienk But Sme reported that it did not “It will be important to come up and said that the Tax Directorate back to his resignation from cabin-
told The Slovak Spectator. “Thus, find any evidence that Nitra Invest with a solution, which means not had chosen the best offer, stating et more than a decade ago, TASR
they should do everything to avoid had submitted any official offer in pushing one’s head into the sand but that the building that was leased reported.
suspicions and be able to prove that the past and that in March 2008 Nitra understandably explaining the case has air-conditioning and large of- The three other parties in the
the [political] ties in no way affected Invest did not even own the building and if any wrongdoing emerges, fices and had been completely ren- governing coalition said they ex-
their decisions.” in question, which is on Rozvojová then fixing it,” Mesežnikov told The ovated. pect a thorough explanation of the
Wienk said the Tax Directorate Street in Košice. Slovak Spectator. The ownership structure of Ni- Košice office lease.
should seek the best and most ad- Wienk told The Slovak Spectator Fair-Play Alliance suggested that tra Invest, entered into the Slovak The leader of Freedom and
vantageous offer while being able to that the information published by the best way to proceed in govern- Trade Registry on July 6, 2004, has Solidarity (SaS), Richard Sulík,
prove that it went through a fair and Sme seems to indicate that Mikulčík ment contracts such as this one is to also been questioned by the media. asked that the prime minister take
transparent process. She added that did not tell the truth when he publicly disclose any potential con- According to the registry the firm is the same approach to the SDKÚ as
based on the information available claimed that Nitra Invest had been flicts of interest on the part of a bid- co-owned by Ščurka and a company she took towards his party when
thus far, the tax office has not involved in the competition in 2008. der and the contracting public offi- based in Limassol, Cyprus with the questions emerged last year about
shown that it actually searched for “It is a very unpleasant issue for cials and to take appropriate meas- name TPE Holding I Limited. the so-called Liberal House, an of-
the most advantageous offer. the SDKÚ,” Grigorij Mesežnikov, ures to ensure that the process is In response to the reports that fice building which SaS intended to
The chairman of SDKÚ, Mikuláš president of the Institute for Public fully transparent. Nitra Invest is co-owned by a Cypri- rent to its MPs, who would then
Dzurinda, defended the contract, as Affairs, told The Slovak Spectator, Wienk recommended that the ot shell company, Radičová presen- have used their state expense al-
quoted by the Sme daily, by asking: adding, however, that Fico should Tax Directorate cancel the contract ted a document on April 13 from the lowance to pay their office rent.
“Should a member of SDKÚ be han- have put some facts on the table to and go through a public bidding pro- Ministry of Economy and Tourism “I do not see that there is any
dicapped or discriminated against?” support his charge that the SDKÚ cess once again, but this time by “do- of Cyprus which she said showed direct parallel in the sense that the
Sme also quoted Radičová as saying: would benefit from the rental ing it right”. that there are no Slovaks involved in money would be used for activities
“Do you want to say that the 5,000 agreement. “Politically it will be “Of course, the firm owned by Mr TPE Holding I Limited, SITA wrote. of a political party,” said
members of SDKÚ cannot apply for used against the SDKÚ and Smer will Ščurka has the right to bid as well,” In the past Ščurka was one of Mesežnikov. “The difference is that
anything in this society?” keep repeating that this is a story of Wienk stated. “However, it must be the founders of the TA3 news televi- the Liberal House would have been
cronyism, though in its scale it is in- done in a way that the procurer is sion channel but sold his shares in a project from which a political
Conflicting versions comparably smaller than what Fico able to responsibly avoid suspicions 2000 to Martin Lengyel, former party, SaS, would have profited.
was handling under his rule.” that the [contract] order went to the spokesman for Dzurinda when he Even though it was legal, the prob-
Fico said on April 11 that his gov- Mesežnikov said whether the is- [business of the] party member only was prime minister. lem was that state funds would
ernment had been seeking space for sue will cause harm to the party will because it is close to the party and On April 13, Sme reported that have been used to support a politic-
tax offices in Košice and that via a depend on how the SDKÚ explains that it was disadvantageous.” the first business Nitra Invest at- al party.”

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CULTURE April 18 – 24, 2011 11

Books in English now
available in Slovakia
Deliver Us From Evil. David olescence as a devout believ-
Baldacci. Pan Macmillan, er, the rise of the Muslim
2010 (first published in the Brotherhood, and life in four
USA in 2010). countries under dictator-
This book is a follow-up ships. She escaped from a
to The Whole Truth, a best- forced marriage and sought
selling suspense novel. Six asylum in the Netherlands
month after a very old man where she has fought for the
died and his past secrets rights of Muslim women and
were revealed, Shaw, the op- the reform of Islam. Under
erative from The Whole constant threat, she refuses
Truth, witnesses the murder to be silenced.
of a mysterious man. He es-
Abhijit Banerjee, left, and Biswajit Roy Chowdhury with their classical instruments. Photo: Courtesy of Shiraz Agency capes by a hair's breadth Concise Oxford English
from an incident himself Dictionary; 11th Edition,
and, with a new partner, be- revised 2008. Oxford Dic-

Well-rooted musicians gins to realise that there has

to be another organisation at
work that rivals his own in
secrecy. Journalist Katie
James, who is working on a
Its excellent coverage of
essential English vocabulary
and clear, accessible style
make this revised edition of

can stretch their styles story of international im-

portance, has meanwhile
been smuggled, uncon-
scious, to an undisclosed
destination. Katie and Shaw
the Compact Oxford English
Dictionary of current English
ideal for general everyday
use. Usage notes on tricky
aspects of English help dis-
The organisers also offered Biswajit R. Chowdhury since. It enhances me to play re-unite against a secretive tinguish between commonly
two screenings of a movie (BRC): It is not expected to de- with other musicians, to open enemy and lead the reader confused words, as well as
BY ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ about the Indian musical style velop, to be modernised. Indi- myself to different styles. around the world at break- giving advice on grammar.
Spectator staff and two public discussions an classical music and Indian AB: Actually, it’s not a neck pace. The Effective English section
with the musicians, one of modern music are two differ- question of our choice or pref- in the centre of the diction-
them with members of the ent things; the classical music erence – the evolution is there The Mayor of Casterbridge. ary is packed with advice on
NORTHERN Indian classical Slovak-Indian Friendship has existed for hundreds of also in music and it develops Thomas Hardy. Oxford how to use English in a vari-
music is a very specific genre Club, and added a concert in years in its original form and I whether we want it or not. If World’s Classics. Reissued ety of situations, such as
that is not widespread even in the spa town of Piešťany. The am sure it will stay like that you choose good musicians to 2008. writing CVs or letters of
its home country as it is quite trio consists of Abhijit Baner- for hundreds more. And even perform with, you can bring The main hero of this complaint.
difficult to learn and requires a jee playing the tabla drum, if it does not stay, I don’t care – your idea to life, without get- classic novel of English liter- This revised edition has
specific approach and unusual Biswajit Roy Chowdhury play- my music goes with me. ting out of the rhythm, the ature, Michael Henchard, is been completely redesigned
instruments. But musicians ing the sarode, an old classical When I die, I want to it to be notes – this is the science. an out-of-work hay-trusser and now contains even more
playing this kind of music of- instrument, and Somnath Roy buried with me. The way I How to produce this science is who gets drunk at a local fair practical help with corres-
ten join together with other playing the ghatam, also an play Northern Indian classical art. Everywhere you go – ex- and impulsively sells his pondence.
performers to stretch the lim- older type of percussion in- music will die when I die. cept for China and Indonesia – wife Susan and baby daugh-
its of the music world, exper- strument. Each trio member However, I know that sarode there are seven notes; so the ter. Eighteen years later The Finkler Question.
imenting with new combina- has performed with well- music will go on even without fundamentals are the same. Susan and her daughter seek Howard Jacobson. Blooms-
tions and rhythms, finding known world musicians such me, maybe also be modern- SR: We even took Indone- him out, only to discover bury, 2010.
new audiences and bringing as Ravi Shankar, Trilok Gurtu, ised. It’s like with Liszt – after sian music and adapted it to that he has become the most The Finkler Question won
more people to appreciate In- and Ry Cooder and each com- he was gone, nobody was able our Indian way. But what prominent man in Caster- the Man Booker Prize for 2010.
dian classical music. In poses music, for movies as to play piano like he could. But cannot change is the root, the bridge. He attempts to make Julian Treslove, a profession-
March, members of the Ab- well. The Slovak Spectator the instrument went on and essence. amends for his past misdeeds ally unspectacular BBC work-
hijit Banerjee Trio accepted an asked them about their routes piano music has developed AB: The sarode developed but his unchanged impuls- er, and Sam Finkler, a Jewish
invitation from Slovak jazz from Indian classical music to ever since. from the rebaab, an even iveness clouds both his rela- philosopher, writer and tele-
drummer Martin Valihora and European jazz and other mod- We don’t feel forced to older instrument, and my tionships and his fortune in vision personality, are old
the Shiraz agency to particip- ern styles as well as about modernise, to adapt music to percussion, the tabla, also business. The life-story of a school friends. They've never
ate in the One Day Jazz Festiv- their impressions of Slovakia. modern fans. We play music was not always there in In- modern-day tragic hero has quite lost touch with each
al in Bratislava. because we like it and we can- dia. Music develops and been successfully televised. other - or with their former
The festival is the “spir- The Slovak Spectator (TSS): not do anything else. It’s not a nowadays, as people tend to This edition is the only teacher, Libor Sevick, a
itual child” of Valihora, a How did you find the Slovak profession, it’s a vocation. We travel more and more, even critically-established text of Czechoslovakian always more
graduate of Berklee College of audience? play with artists performing musical styles within differ- the novel, based on a com- concerned with the wider
Music in Boston, USA, who Abhijit Banerjee (AB): other genres, like Martin, but ent regions of India that ten- prehensive study of the world than with exam res-
has played with many You are a musical nation, it does not change our classical ded to be quite separate and manuscript and Hardy’s ex- ults. Now they dine at Libor's
renowned world musicians that’s for sure. A European music, nor does it make it big- differentiated have been mu- tensive revisions. central London apartment.
and recently became even audience is not expected to ger or smaller. People like Ravi tually influenced. It's a sweetly painful evening
more popular performing understand everything. An Shankar popularised Indian BRC: One should first get Infidel. My Life. Ayaan of reminiscence in which all
along with the legendary Col- Indian audience, when listen- music and found it new audi- to know the music, the in- Hirsi Ali. Pocket Books Ltd, three remove themselves to a
legium Musicum formation ing to Indian classical music, ences but it did not change the strument, the history and 2008. time before they had loved
and the Martin Chodúr Band. usually also expresses their essence of the classical music. background of the specific In this memoir, the in- and lost; a time before they
At past festivals Valihora has impressions between the per- There are influences from out- style, and only then should he ternationally renowned au- had fathered children, before
brought musicians of various formances; if we do some side, but it takes a long time, or she be allowed to try other thor of The Caged Virgin tells they had prized anything
genres to perform with him really good things they clap, maybe centuries, for them to things, to learn new styles her life story, from her tradi- greatly enough to fear the loss
and his ever-changing Martin stand up, and so forth and that bend the classical style. It is and open up to them. tional Muslim childhood in of it. And it's that very even-
Valihora Trio. This year he in- encourages artists and gets the socio-cultural and com- AB: Nowadays, thanks to Somalia to her intellectual ing that Treslove is attacked.
vited Gypsy Classic as the the best out of them. mercial pressures, political computers, everything is awakening in the Nether- After this, his whole sense of
opening band as well as the Europeans are not used to this changes that influence the quicker and more superfi- lands, to her life under who and what he is will
Indian Abhijit Banerjee Trio. type of reaction; they usually music more. The first role of cial, and everybody thinks armed guard in the West. slowly and ineluctably
After the opening gig on just sit and clap only at the our classical music was devo- he can play music. But un- Hirsi Ali, now a politician change.
March 22, the Martin Valihora end. But nowadays, they even tional, turning to God; then less you learn your [musical] and champion of free speech,
Trio performed, followed by sometimes clap in between. pressure came to entertain system properly and unless burst into international the This column is a selection by
the Indian musicians alone, That’s what we like and that’s kings and rulers – and the mu- you are well-rooted in your headlines following the The Slovak Spectator of English-
culminating with a joint something we experienced in sic took another turn. And own music, you cannot murder of Theo van Gogh by language books recently released
crescendo fusing classical In- Budapest as well as here in nowadays, the Bollywood stretch out your branches to an Islamist who threatened in Slovakia; it does not represent
dian music with jazz, result- Bratislava. modern-Indian style is there to other styles and collaborate she would be the next. Hirsi an endorsement of any of the
ing in a galvanising perform- entertain the masses. with other artists. Ali was raised in a strict books selected. The column is
ance interrupted with wild TSS: Is Indian classical mu- Somnath Roy (SR): I Muslim family, survived prepared in cooperation with the
applause and ending in a sic developing, and if so, think that the music always To read the entire interview, civil war, female circum- Oxford Bookshop Bratislava,
standing ovation. how? changes and has changed ever please go to cision, brutal beatings, ad- located at Laurinská 9.
12 April 18 – 24, 2011 CULTURE

Rich but still not free Western SLOVAKIA

nočná hudba v rodine J. S.
Bacha / Easter Music in the
family of J. S. Bach – The Sol-
amente Naturali ensemble,
specialising in old music and
headed by Miloš Valent, plays
the works of Heinrich Bach,
Johann Christoph Bach and
Johann Sebastian Bach to-
gether with the Vo-
calensemble Polyharmonique
choir and I. Clerix (soprano),
A. Schneider (alto), S. Gähler
(tenor) and M. Lutze (bass).
Starts: April 19, 19:00;
Dvorana concert hall, Zochova
3. Admission: €5. Tel: 02/2047-
THE INTERNATIONAL jazz project Komeda - The Innocent Sor-
Bratislava cerer is the work of Polish saxophone player Adam Pieronczyk,
THE ORIGINS of Banská 1488, but Štiavnica sup- However, the insurgents Organový recitál / Organ recit- who invited US saxophonist Gary Thomas to cooperate. Their
Hodruša are connected with pressed the rebellion for- did not give up and a delega- al – Martin Bako plays organ cast of players is completed by Nelson Veras (Brazil) on guitar,
Kerling Hill, where once a cibly and relations re- tion of four travelled to Buda, works by Franz Liszt, whose Max Mucha (Poland) on contrabass and Lukas Zyta (Poland) on
medieval mining settlement mained unchanged. Four intending to persuade the birth 200 years ago is being drums. The concert on April 19 at 20:00 in Klub za Zrkadlom,
stood. From there, dwellers years later, Hodruša sought king personally. Their ac- celebrated this year across the Rovniankova 3 in Bratislava, will be a tribute to an icon of Polish
moved to lower alti- tions were inter- whole region where he lived, jazz, Krzysztof Komeda Trzcinski. Tickets for €5 (in advance) and
tudes, where they preted as mutiny worked and left his imprint. €7 can be purchased through For more in-
Starts: April 24, 18:30; St

founded Hodruša. In and they were all formation, please visit Photo: Courtesy of KZP
the 14th century the hanged. Banská Martin’s Cathedral. Admis-
sion: €5-€7. Tel: 02/5293- 3321;
settlement grew Hodruša never Open: Mon-Fri 9:00-21:00, Open: weekdays 8:00
thanks to new resid- managed to get Sat 9:00-13:00 until May 10; -16:00; Regional Cultural Cen-
ents from Germany. rid of its depend- Bratislava Institut Français, Sedlárska 7. tre, Horný Val 20. Admission:
The fate of Banská independence for a second ent position. l EXHIBITION: Čierna skrinka Admission: free. Tel: 02/5934- voluntary. Tel: 041/5625-956;
Hodruša lay in its depend- time. The leaders of the re- In this postcard from the 2011 / The Black Box 2011 – This 7705; kulturnecentrum.
ence on Banská Štiavnica. volt ended up in prison, and Austro-Hungarian period we exhibition offers the second
Hodruša’s rich and influen- Hodrušans turned to King can see the historical centre edition of a review of unreal- Trnava Nová Baňa
tial neighbour considered it Vladislas II Jagiellon of of the town. In the upper ised or significantly modified l LIVE MUSIC: Fermata - Cer- l MUSEUM: Spomienky na
as merely a subordinate and Hungary, demanding the re- right corner is the Wachthaus projects by Slovak graphic de- esit Tour 2011 – A concert by Zambiu / Memories of Zambia
signers such as Nagy, Drličiak, legendary Slovak rock band – An exhibition created from
behaved accordingly. But lease of the prisoners and built in 1536. The permanent Matis, Brezinová, Liška, Mis- Fermata (F. Griglák, P. the private collection of Milan
the Hodrušans were aware the return of the town seal, guard service was located trík, Chmelíčková, Gavalda, Prieložník, F. Frešo, I. Skovay), Jeřábek, who worked in this
of their power and import- which had been deposited here, tasked with warning and others. who have set out on a tour African country in 1970s and
ance and wanted their inde- in Štiavnica. A court refused the town of the potential ar- Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00 that will delight old fans and 80s. It includes items like but-
pendence. their demands and instead rival of Ottoman forces. until April 29; Galéria Medi- is sure to secure the group terflies, a python’s skin, the
Their first attempt to confirmed Hodruša’s subor- um, Hviezdoslavovo Square some new ones. world’s biggest coconut (a
break free is mentioned in dination. By Branislav Chovan 18. Admission: free. Tel: Starts: April 20, 19:00; Coco de Mer) aboriginal cloth-
02/5942-8570; Kino Hviezda. Admission: ing and jewellery, and more.
€10. Tel: 02/5293-3321; www. Open: Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00
Bratislava until May 31; Pohronské mú-
Ján Cikker remembered l EXHIBITION: Partizáni /
Partisans - Šymon Kliman –
This exhibition of photo- Central SLOVAKIA
zeum, Bernolákova 2. Admis-
sion: €0.50-€1. Tel: 045/6855 -178;
SLOVAKIA has just a few On March 23 a concert Slovak Chamber Orchestra of graphs portraying partici-
classical-music composers was organised as a tribute to Bohdan Warchal on this oc- pants in the Slovak National Žilina
who are internationally Cikker within the Visegrad casion included works of Ilja Uprising is a result of a joint l FOLKLORE EXHIBITION: Eastern SLOVAKIA
effort by the French Insti- Čas veľkonočný / Easter Time –
renowned, and Ján Cikker is Jubilee project in the Hall of Zeljenka, Antonín Dvořák, tute and the Central An exhibition of folklore pro- Košice
one of them. Apart from his Mirrors in Bratislava’s Prima- and - of course - Ján Cikker. European House of Photo- duction by people who still l LIVE MUSIC: Joëlle Léandre
own works, he also adapted tial Palace. Apart from the Peter Michalica played violin graphy. Kliman also presen- stick to the traditional way of – A concert by a prominent
and arranged folk songs (in- musical homage, the Ján Cik- and Ján Hajnal piano. ted his subjects through making things associated personality of ‘new European
cluding the Slovak national ker Award was given this year The Ján Cikker Founda- sound recordings and texts. with Easter in Slovakia. music’ brings this French con-
anthem, which was origin- to Professor Rudolf Macudz- tion – which also operates trabass player, composer and
ally a popular folk tune with inski, a composer, musician, the Ján Cikker Museum – improviser, who has collabor-
neutral lyrics), worked as a and teacher of piano and has planned numerous na- ated with numerous artists.
repertory advisor to the Slov- composition, who was a big tionwide events for the Starts: April 19, 19:00;
Východoslovenská galéria/
ak National Theatre, and promoter of Cikker’s work. whole of 2011 in connection Eastern-Slovak Gallery,
taught at the Conservatory Macudzinski’s son Silvio ac- with this outstanding mu- Hlavná 27. Admission: €3.
and Music Academy in Brat- cepted the award on behalf of sical personality. Tel: 02/5293-3321; www.
islava. This year, the country his father who died in 1986.
commemorates his 100th The pieces played by the By Zuzana Vilikovská
anniversary with a host of Tatry
events and programmes. l EASTER PROGRAMME: This
The Visegrad Group set of events and perform-
(which includes the Czech ances organised for Easter
comprises a Calvary, i.e. a
Republic, Hungary and Po- meeting of believers above
land as well as Slovakia) has Starý Smokovec, a perform-
joined forces to bring the ance by Swiss troubadours
works of four renowned from St Moritz, a rock-pop-
composers and musicians jazz concert and an Easter
who have (or had) their an- ILLUSTRATOR and cartoonist Adolf Born is one of the greatest Feast including folk dances to
niversaries this year (last representatives of Czech graphic art. Among his most popular live music.
year, in the case of Chopin): works is a children’s cartoon movie, Mach a Šebestová. Starts: April 21-24, vari-
the Hungarian Franz Liszt The exhibition in the At the Sitting Angel Gallery, at Starý trh 53 ous venues, from Starý
in Kežmarok, presents his works in cooperation with the
Smokovec to Zamkovský
(200th anniversary), the Chalet and Climbers’ Chalet
Czech Antonín Dvořák (170th Czech Centre. Until May 5, they can be seen on weekdays in Horný Smokovec. Admis-
anniversary), Pole Fryderyk between 12:00 and 18:00 and on Saturdays from 10:00 till 13:00. sion: free. More info:
Chopin (200th anniversary in For more information, please call 052/4522-153, or visit www.vysoketatry. cz.
2010) and Slovakia’s Cikker. The Slovak Chamber Orchestra honours Cikker. Photo: TASR Photo: Courtesy of GUA By Zuzana Vilikovská

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April 18 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 24

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)

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