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Vol. 17, No. 16 Monday, April 25, 2011 - Sunday, May 1, 2011 of this issue

Constitutional ties
A vote by MPs in neigh-
bouring Hungary to adopt a
new constitution has
sparked anger among some
politicians in Slovakia who
accuse Budapest of assert-
ing extraterritorial
Spectator staff

Labour Code advance?

THE DAY of the thin grey stripe has ar-
The government, employ-
rived. Now appearing above content on
ers and unions seem to be
some of Slovakia’s biggest online news
inching towards an agree-
providers, the stripe indicates that users
ment on a revised labour
will soon – though not quite yet – have to
law despite loud complaints
pay to view the content beneath it. The
from employer associations
appearance of the stripe marks the launch
and trade unions.
of a unique multi-site paywall which is
pg 4
about to divide the Slovak internet into
‘free’ and ‘premium’ content.
Weighing her words
The Mikulčík affair suggests Prime Minister Iveta Radičová, Finance Minister Ivan Mikloš and SDKÚ chairman Mikuláš Dzurinda met on April 19
that Prime Minister Iveta
Radičová should weigh her
words more carefully – but
to thrash out their differences over whether Tax Directorate boss Miroslav Mikulčík should resign. Photo: Sme
Sprucing up
also that she enjoys a
stronger position than she
might realise.
pg 5
Tax boss quits as PM Slovakia for
hockey fans
A rising tide
After a slight recovery in
refuses to back down BY MICHAELA TERENZANI
Spectator staff
2010, insurers in Slovakia THE HEAD of Slovakia’s Tax Direct- April 19. “I will remain in the post of
are hoping customers will orate, who earlier this year nodded prime minister only if there is no FOR TWO weeks in May, Slovakia will of-
buy more policies in 2011, through a five-year, €6.6-million of- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ cloud or shadow of suspicion re- ficially turn into the ‘Hockey Republic’
especially given last year's fice leasing deal with a firm co- Spectator staff maining over the transparency of according to the official campaign now
losses from severe weather. owned by a regional official of the this government,” she said, as under way to promote the Ice Hockey
pg 6 ruling Slovak Democratic and Chris- quoted by SITA. World Championship.
tian Union (SDKÚ), resigned on Radičová and Finance Minister Then, on April 20, Radičová was Each year in spring, most Slovaks
April 20. A day earlier, SDKÚ leaders Ivan Mikloš, both members of the late arriving at a regular session of turn into enthusiastic fans, cheering on
Going online had appeared to agree that SDKÚ, had earlier clashed head-to- cabinet. She confirmed that her their national team at the champion-
Direct sales channels like Slovakia’s public-finance watchdog head over the fate of Mikulčík, mak- tardiness was related to Mikulčík’s ship: ice hockey is perhaps the country’s
the internet, telephone would decide his fate via an audit of ing the other ruling coalition continued presence. most popular sport.
and SMS are viewed as the deal. parties edgy and opening the door to Asked if she had threatened to In 2011 the excitement will reach a
having potential for in- Miroslav Mikulčík, who had res- speculation about a power struggle resign over the affair, she stated: “I fever pitch since the championship is
surance companies when isted a call by Prime Minister Iveta within the SDKÚ. have unambiguously said that I will taking place in Slovakia for the first
selling to tech-savvy cus- Radičová for him to resign, saying Radičová hinted that the SDKÚ not lead a government over which time. But questions linger about wheth-
tomers. he saw no reason to go, announced audit deal was little more than a such a shade is hanging.” er the country is fully prepared to host
pg 7 on April 20 that he had decided to face-saving exercise in a comment such an event.
quit in order to avoid becoming the she made following a meeting with
subject of a political power struggle. ruling coalition partners later on See SDKÚ pg 2 See ICE pg 3
Dead documentaries
A film festival in Košice has
declared documentaries
Inflation exceeds EU average hk}ly{pzltlu{

dead – despite it being ded- odology, the harmonised in- flation will approach 4 per-
icated to them. The reason?
The description is too limit-
ing, according to one Czech
Spectator staff
dex of consumer prices. Infla-
tion in Slovakia was higher
than the EU average of 3.1
cent in the medium term, and
could jump well above that
level in individual months.
pg 11
percent, and the 2.7-percent
average across the eurozone.
However, market watch-
ers also suggest that the de-
INFLATION has joined ex-
hausted treasuries and climb-
Neighbours Hungary and Po-
land posted higher inflation
velopment of inflation in
Slovakia has specific causes.
€ benchmark as of April 20
ing jobless rates on the list of
worries for many European
rates than Slovakia, while the
rate in the Czech Republic
“Slovakia last year recor-
ded a very low inflation rate; 8]Vbe^dch]^e
Union countries. was lower. the Slovak government adop-
CANADA CAD 1.38 HUNGARY HUF 264.05 Prices in Slovakia are now Recent developments in ted a package of consolida-
CZECH REP. CZK 24.17 JAPAN JPY 120.13 growing as fast as they did commodity markets, where tion measures and regulated ;gZZ[dghjWhXg^WZgh
RUSSIA RUB 40.84 POLAND PLN 3.97 during the pre-crisis period, prices for some food products prices have been hiked,” Eva
GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.89 USA USD 1.45 and in March inflation are approaching their 2008 Sadovská, an analyst with l^i]i]ZcZmi^hhjZd[I]ZHadkV`HeZXiVidg
touched its highest level peak, have prompted concern Poštová Banka, told The Slov-
since November 2008: 3.8 about the eventual impact on ak Spectator. HiVgi^c\6eg^a'.i]Z\j^YZXVcVahd
percent year-on-year, as
measured by the EU’s meth-
prices in Slovakia. Market
watchers predict annual in- See PRICE pg 4
2 April 25 – May 1, 2011 NEWS

Slovakia stung by
Supreme Court judge dies
A FORMER vice-president of Majchrák was a known
Orbán’s constitution
Slovakia’s Supreme Court, critic of Supreme Court were once part of Greater
Judge Juraj Majchrák, was President Štefan Harabin. BY MICHAELA Hungary. The new constitu-
found dead in the garage of He had been the presiding TERENZANI tion will also widen the scope
his home in Bratislava on judge on several important Spectator staff of laws requiring two thirds
April 14. His death has been cases, including the so- support in parliament, which
ruled a suicide but the police called ‘acid gang’ case in observers have labelled a
are continuing to investigate which the bodies of THE EYES of much of Europe method through which Fidesz
the circumstances. murder victims were dis- turned once again to Hungary can stretch its power beyond
“In this connection we solved in acid. on April 18 when its parlia- its current election term. The
have launched a criminal Majchrák served as the ment passed an amendment constitution establishes the
prosecution in the matter of vice-president of the Su- to the country’s constitution, Hungarian forint as the offi-
the crime of participating in preme Court beginning in dubbed as conservative, con- cial state currency, meaning
a suicide,” said Tatiana 1999, and in 2000 he was troversial and problematic by that a switch to the euro in
Kurucová, spokesperson for elected president of the As- the world’s media as well as the future would require a
Bratislava’s police, as quoted sociation of Judges of Slov- by the parliamentary opposi- constitutional amendment.
by the SITA newswire. She akia. He retired early from tion to Hungarian Prime Min-
did not specify why the pro- the court last year after be- ister Viktor Orbán. Slovak Extraterritorial effects?
secution was started and who ing diagnosed with a seri- politicians also poured their
it might be targeted against. ous illness. share of cross-border criticism According to statements
on the government and par- from Slovak government rep-
liament dominated by Orbán’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda Photo: TASR
resentatives, the most prob-
Poll puts Smer support at 43.2% Fidesz party. lematic part of the new con-
The new constitution is stitution is the stated obliga-
BOTH parliamentary opposi- backed by only 5.1 percent expected to be signed by Hun- tution they say will cement the change in the name of the tion of the Hungarian gov-
tion parties, Smer and the of those who responded, garian president Pál Schmitt the power of Fidesz beyond its country from the Republic of ernment to care for the mil-
Slovak National Party (SNS), just above the 5-percent on April 25 and will take effect current term in office. Hungary to just Hungary, lions of ethnic Hungarians
experienced small drops in threshold needed to enter on January 1, 2012. Critics Critics said they see sever- which they say is reminiscent living beyond its borders.
voter support in the most re- parliament and down 1.4 have levelled particular criti- al problematic points in the of the pre-World War I era and
cent poll conducted by Medi- percentage points from cism at aspects of the consti- new constitution and one is affects those countries that See LAW pg 9
an SK that was released on February.
April 18. The Slovak Democratic
Smer would still have
taken top spot if an election
had been held in March 2011,
and Christian Union (SDKÚ)
gained nearly 3 percentage
points over the poll taken in
SDKÚ: NKÚ was lined up to decide
polling 43.2 percent support, February and garnered Continued from pg 1 Tensions in the SDKÚ Mikloš has insisted that Mikulčík
a decline of just over one per- 17.1-percent support in acted in the public interest when he
centage point from last March. The Christian Demo- Radičová later added that she had in- The SDKÚ’s leadership met on the signed the contract earlier this year to
month’s poll. The SNS had cratic Movement (KDH) saw sisted on transparency on behalf of the morning of April 19 to seek a solution to rent an office building in Košice from
the support of 5.9 percent of its polling numbers increase ruling coalition. the stand-off. Later in the day, Radičová, Nitra Invest, a firm co-owned by Ondrej
those polled compared to 6.5 slightly from February’s 9.2 When the story first erupted, Radičová Mikloš and Dzurinda withdrew to dis- Ščurka, the chairman of the SDKÚ
percent in February. percent to 10.1 percent in defended Mikulčík’s actions, but later cuss the matter further in private. branch in Nitra.
Most-Híd was the only March. The Freedom and turned against him, saying that he had After an hour-and-a-half of talks “It was not a government crisis,
party of the quartet in the Solidarity (SaS) party also given her false information about the leas- they agreed that the prime minister since it did not concern all the ruling
ruling coalition to lose sup- polled slightly better, at 9.9 ing deal. However, Mikloš directly contra- could maintain her position that parties,” Kusý told The Slovak Spectat-
port in the March poll com- percent in March compared dicted the prime minister’s call for Mikulčík should resign, but that she or. “Of course the other parties were
pared to February as it was to 9.1 percent in February. Mikulčík to resign by telling the media on would also respect the authority vested very carefully watching and had certain
April 18 that the tax chief should remain in the finance minister. Dzurinda told concerns.”
in his job. the media he did not think that Mikulčík Radičová early on presented a very
100 days of online public contracts “I do not want to be a tool in any power remaining in his post would weaken the unambiguous stand, said Kusý, adding
struggle, be it in relation to the opposition prime minister in her position. that it was within the finance
SLOVAK state, regional and organisations and public- or within the ruling coalition,” Mikulčík “The SDKÚ backed the prime minis- minister’s remit to decide what would
municipal governments service institutions publish wrote in a statement announcing his ter and we fully respect all her happen next to Mikulčík.
have been required to pub- their contracts, according to resignation quoted by the SITA newswire statements,” Dzurinda said, as quoted by “She is the prime minister, with
lish all their contracts, paid Peter Bubla, the Justice on April 20. “I do not want to get the fin- the Sme daily. much wider authorities than the minis-
invoices and orders online Ministry’s spokesperson. Re- ance minister, whom I respect immensely, Earlier on April 19, Mikloš had said ter, and once she uttered such a stand
for the past 100 days. The re- gional and municipal author- and the prime minister into any conflict that he was aware of his responsibility she got into a position from which it
quirement, which took effect ities are required to publish and this is why I decided to quit my job.” in dealing with the building lease deal was rather difficult and unpleasant to
on January 1, was designed contracts on their own web- On April 19, Radičová, Mikloš and SDKÚ but added that as the responsible min- concede,” said Kusý.
to improve transparency in sites. Smaller municipalities boss Mikuláš Dzurinda appeared to have ister he alone would handle those re- The case, which has prompted sig-
how public money is spent without websites must pub- reached a compromise: Radičová and sponsibilities and would not yield to nificant tension within the ruling coali-
and has been called a show- lish their contracts on the Mikloš would respect the results of an audit media pressure. tion, was brought to the media’s atten-
case initiative by the gov- website of the Business Bul- of the deal to be conducted by Slovakia’s Mikloš admitted that one of pos- tion by Fico on April 11, when he
ernment and has aided the letin, which has so far posted Supreme Audit Office (NKÚ), which over- sible options was that the prime minis- presented it as a story of party
media in reporting some 720 contracts. sees the use of public funds. Observers ter would propose his own recall. He cronyism.
questionable spending at Beginning on May 1 a promptly noted that sometimes it takes six stated that he had agreed with He alleged that some of the money
Slovak ministries and state- temporary directive becomes months or longer for the NKÚ to produce an Radičová that until April 18 neither of from the deal would end up in the
run companies. effective which requires official opinion and that Radičová in the them would release additional state- SDKÚ’s accounts, though he presented
Transparency watchdogs municipal and regional au- end had had to back away from her call for ments about the case. no evidence to back up this claim.
have called the new re- thorities to publish only con- Mikulčík to resign. Analysts said they ex- According to Mikloš, Radičová ex- Mikulčík immediately responded
quirements the strongest tracts over €1,000, while pected Robert Fico and his Smer party, the plained the change in her position, and that the contract with Nitra Invest was
anti-corruption measure other government institu- largest opposition group in parliament, to her subsequent call for Mikulčík to go, by completely in line with applicable laws
taken by the current gov- tions must publish contracts make hay from the situation. saying that “those pressures increased”. and would save the state money.
ernment and have compared for €3,000 and more. The dir- “Undoubtedly, Fico will vigorously use But Mikloš said he did not agree that On April 15, Nitra Invest announced
its possible effects on corrupt ective came in response to this situation for his benefit,” political ministers should bend to such pressures. that it was withdrawing from the con-
practices in Slovak politics to perceived bureaucratic diffi- scientist Miroslav Kusý told The Slovak “We should not be solving such is- tract, stating that it did not want any
the so-called “info-law” – the culties caused by the new re- Spectator. “He will continually remind sues based on pressures because that is further suspicions to affect its name.
law on public access to in- quirement and will remain Radičová of this situation while using any the beginning of the end,” Mikloš stated, Political observers noted that ques-
formation – passed in 2000 by in force until the Justice weakness in the ruling coalition, which as quoted by SITA. tions of impropriety surrounding the
the first government of Ministry proposes an unfortunately its parties keep displaying.” Responding to speculation about contract have put the SDKÚ in an unfor-
Mikuláš Dzurinda. amendment to the public ac- Fico said on April 19 that after Easter the eventual outcome of the crisis, tunate position and have urged the
Since the law came into cess to information law that his party will submit a proposal for a no- Mikloš said that he is not interested in party to leave no questions unanswered.
effect over 2,200 contracts will make the publishing of confidence motion in Radičová. He needs assuming the prime minister’s chair. Fair-Play Alliance, a political ethics
have been published on the contracts and invoices easi- 30 MPs to sign the proposal in order to He also stated that he is not in con- watchdog, earlier said that the best way
Central Register of Con- er, Bubla said. force Speaker of Parliament Richard Sulík flict with Radičová and that their to resolve the controversy was to cancel
tracts, a website where state to summon an unscheduled parliament- opinions differ only over this particu- the contract and start the procurement
ministries, their budgetary Compiled by Spectator staff ary session. lar issue. process again, with full transparency.
NEWS April 25 – May 1, 2011 3

Smile! PAY: Trial version

began on April 18
Tourists are coming! Continued from pg 1

On April 18, 2011, Piano

Media, as the service is being
Private TV channel JOJ is
so far the only Slovak broad-
caster to take part in the
project, offering an ad-free
over, the forget-me-not initi- branded, launched the pay- version of its website to Piano
BY MICHAELA ative will be spread to other wall as a trial service. The users. In addition, the
TERENZANI Slovak towns and those who eyes of online publishing ex- news portal,
Spectator staff are interested will be able to perts worldwide will now be which covers the media in
apply via a special website, on Slovakia as Piano prepares Slovakia, is putting part of its to switch from trial stage to content behind the paywall,
THE PREPARATIONS for the full operation on May 2. For as is the video
upcoming Ice Hockey World TSS: How will you make sure now, the content that parti- portal. The specialised
Championship have not trans- that foreign visitors under- cipating publishers have monthly magazine PC Revue
formed Bratislava into a shiny stand what the symbol of marked as premium is still is granting paying users full
European metropolis the campaign means? free to access and the read- access to reviews and
overnight. But tourism ex- PB: We will inform foreign ers of nine Slovak news products sections, full access
perts still believe that the city tourists with information fly- websites can create users to all articles from the print
can appeal to the foreign ers, posters in public trans- accounts which will allow version of the magazine, as
guests who are expected to port, and through tour operat- them to continue browsing well as a flash version of the
flood the city for two weeks – if ors. We will explain to them content behind the paywall print edition.
only service providers, who the sense of the campaign and without any charge for an- Tomáš Bella, the chief
have something of a reputa- will tell them where to get other week after the system executive of Piano and
tion for being grumpy, treat Don't forget to smile. Photo: Sme - Gabriel Kuchta
small forget-me-not stickers begins full operation. founder of the project, be-
the hockey fans with honesty which they will then stick on After that, however, lieves that Slovakia is an
and a smile. boards in the restaurants every registered user will be ideal country to test this
The Slovak Spectator spoke these campaigns to bring? therefore to remind them that where they were happy with asked to pay a monthly fee of world-first service, since
to Peter Belinský, the general Peter Belinský (PB): The very often it doesn’t take the service. €2.90 to access content there are relatively few me-
director of the Slovak Tourist aim of the two campaigns is to much to make tourists happy, marked as premium. Altern- dia outlets in the market and
Board (SACR), about the Play encourage the biggest possible just an increase in the will- TSS: What other activities atively, users can pay €0.90 thus a large proportion of
Fair and Don’t Forget the Smile number of service providers to ingness of staff. will SACR undertake during weekly or €29 annually. them can be persuaded to
campaigns. The first is based be welcoming and homey, the Championship? On the day the trial ver- participate. Recent surveys
on a code of ethics which pro- which would result in the TSS: Have service providers PB: We will have 14 spe- sion of the service was have also shown that the
viders of tourist services can number of satisfied visitors to shown an interest in the cialised information stands in launched, 34 services were Slovak internet-using popu-
sign to declare they will treat Slovakia increasing. But they campaigns? Bratislava, Košice and Vienna. included, provided by nine lation would be willing to
their customers honestly; the should also provoke debate on PB: As of today [April 19] In this way we will promote media outlets which decided pay a monthly fee of about €3
second is based on a kind of this issue among experts. A we have 69 establishments among the fans the typical to charge for their premium in return for unlimited ac-
game in which restaurants smile in the first place is a who have signed the code of Slovak tourist products and content via Piano. cess to added-value content
and other establishments are symbol, but it is also like a ethics through the municipal destinations, such as healing The Sme daily will charge on key Slovak news sites.
marked with a sticker depict- boomerang. It returns to the office in Bratislava. They will spas, UNESCO monuments, for access to the opinion sec- Indeed, dozens of readers
ing a smiling forget-me-not service provider when happy be sent the forget-me-not castles, and others. There will tion of its website, the flash contacted Piano on the first
flower which is intended to customers come back again. stickers. In Košice the mayor also be a media campaign version of its print edition days after the service was
remind staff to keep smiling Tourism is an experience for sent a letter in which he called promoting Slovakia’s tourist which is available from mid- launched. The company said
and be kind to their customers. the visitor, but the daily bread on about 800 establishments attractions during the cham- night every day, full access to many of them wanted to
of the entrepreneur. And both to join the code of ethics and pionship, on Czech Television the Sme archive, and a pack- know whether they would be
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): should be left satisfied. The the forget-me-not project. and the Austrian radio station age of premium services able to include the payment
What effects do you expect task of the forget-me-not is When the championship is Arabella. from the motoring site on the invoice from their in- Most interact- ternet service provider.
ive features on the Sme web- “This is what we will

ICE: Slovakia becomes 'Hockey Republic' site will also be covered by

the paid-for Piano system.
From May 2, posting more
have to deal with as soon as
possible after the start,”
Bella told The Slovak Spec-
Continued from pg 1 manager of the stadium, Jozef Brezina, Sprucing things up than three comments a day tator, adding that interest
admitted to the Sme daily that there is for the tourists in online debates on, in the service had exceeded
The first faceoff will be on April 29 one small talisman – a coin – under the adding online classified ads, his expectations.
and the competition will continue until ice of the main rink where the Slovak Criticism has mounted that foreign or extra services like re- “Paradoxically, we are
the final championship match on May team will play all their matches and fans coming to Bratislava and Košice questing professional med- getting a lot of e-mails from
15. The venues are the wintersport stadi- where the championship game will be might be less than impressed by the ical help from online doctors retired people worried about
ums in Bratislava and Košice but all the held. conditions in the cities when they ar- will require an up-to-date whether they will be able to
Slovak team's matches will be played in rive. Some minor transport improve- subscription. handle the payment
Bratislava. Security issues ments in Bratislava, which the city said The Pravda and technically,” Bella said.
were costing about €200,000, were be- Hospodárske Noviny (HN) Some people also wrote to
Orange Arena ready The championship will require very ing completed on the eve of the cham- dailies will charge to access criticise Piano for threaten-
strict and sophisticated security meas- pionship. They included reconstruction their opinion sections, and to ing freedom of speech.
The wintersport stadium in the cap- ures. According to Interior Minister of tram tracks near the main railway allow participation in online “We are trying to explain
ital city, now called the Bratislava Or- Daniel Lipšic, the Slovak police force is station and reconstruction of the un- debates on their websites. In to them that it will be better
ange Arena, completed a major recon- ready for any security challenges that derground pedestrian tunnel at addition, HN will also put its for them if there are more
struction only a few weeks ago and now might arise. While visiting the stadium Trnavské Mýto, near the Bratislava Or- full online archive behind media so they can select
can accommodate 7,200 fans. The final recently, the minister told the media ange Arena. the paywall, but will now from more sources of in-
inspection papers authorising use of that about 200 police officers have passed The Bratislava city council, in co- make all its printed supple- formation, rather than hav-
the stadium were recently signed by specialised training given at the site. operation with the city's five municipal ments and magazines avail- ing everything for free which
the local authorities. Around 650 police officers and 100 districts, volunteers and students from able online and promises to would cause some media to
Bratislava mayor Milan Ftáčnik police vehicles from other regions of local schools, has also initiated a volun- provide an ad-free version of quit, thereby making the se-
symbolically handed over the keys to Slovakia will join the Bratislava and teer effort to spruce up many public its website to paying readers. lection poorer,” Bella said.
the stadium to the organisers of the Košice forces during the championship. areas in the city. The Šport daily will also But some observers re-
championship on April 11. Police Corps President Jaroslav Spišiak In Košice, the city is preparing for offer an ad-free version for main sceptical about the tim-
“When we started with the recon- said there will be about 700 police of- the influx of tourists mainly via trans- Piano subscribers, as well as ing of a paywall for news
struction of the arena two years ago ficers on duty in Bratislava every day, port and parking solutions, security early access to all its art- websites, since they say
there were many voices of doubt,” said and announced that Interpol and Euro- measures and information service icles, and full access to its people are financially ex-
Igor Nemeček, the head of the Slovak pol had also responded to his invitation points. Additional cultural activities archives and online debates. hausted in the current post-
organising committee. and will have officers present in the will also be organised in the city. Šport is also promising ex- crisis period.
The reconstruction began amid me- country. Mayor Richard Raši said that the clusive staff articles for pay- “It's necessary to say
dia reports that it was overpriced and “The staff of these agencies will have championship is a kind of dress re- ing customers. about the consumer beha-
following the change in government in all their databases with them,” Spišiak hearsal for the city’s forthcoming role The Týždeň weekly will viour of the Slovak popula-
2010 it was not clear whether the state said, as quoted by the Sme daily, stress- as European Capital of Culture in 2013. also be ad-free for those who tion that it is sensitive to
would ante up the remaining funds to ing that this will make it easier to detect “We have a keen interest in making pay, and will grant Piano swings in the prices of
finish the work. Now, however, the suspects and unwanted persons who everything work well so that the champi- subscribers early access to goods and services,” Pavol
Bratislava Orange Arena has three might seek to attend the event. onship also becomes the best invitation all print-edition articles, Karász of the Prognosis In-
rinks and an icemaker that organisers “We can identify every person who for the events that will be a part of the full access to its video sec- stitute of the Slovak
say is the largest in Europe. might seem dangerous right at their Košice – European Capital of Culture 2013 tion and the opportunity to Academy of Sciences told
Interestingly, the maintenance seat,” Spišiak said. project,” Raši told The Slovak Spectator. post comments. the TASR newswire.
4 April 25 – May 1, 2011 BUSINESS

Partners inch towards

SaS rejects support for ESM
FREEDOM and Solidarity The ESM is a tool de-
a revised Labour Code
(SaS), one of the ruling co- signed by the European Uni- ployees, severance payments,
alition parties, will not on to provide stability to the BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ holiday entitlements and no-
support Slovakia’s particip- euro by assisting member Spectator staff tice periods. For most em-
ation in the European Sta- states with possible loans if ployees, the probationary
bility Mechanism (ESM) in a they encounter serious sov- period would remain un-
parliamentary vote, party ereign debt problems. changed at three months, but
leader Richard Sulík told a European leaders agreed a probationary period as long
press conference on April to the mechanism at a sum- THE TUG-OF-WAR over the fu- as six months would be per-
20, as quoted by the SITA mit in March and it now re- ture form of Slovakia’s labour mitted for management staff
newswire. quires approval by national legislation is not over yet, even if the amendment is ap-
“We are the only parlia- parliaments. though Labour Minister Jozef proved, TASR wrote.
mentary party which has de- It is now questionable Mihál expressed total satisfac- The draft amendment
cided not to be drawn into whether ESM can win ap- tion with the course of tripart- would also introduce so-called
false solidarity,” Sulík said, proval in the Slovak par- ite talks held on April 19 shared posts, making it pos-
as quoted by the Sme daily. liament, as without sup- between the government, em- sible for an employer to divide
“We haven’t forgotten that port from SaS the coalition ployers and unions. work usually designated as
in the first place we are here government will need to In late March, trade union only one job position between
for the citizens of Slovakia, to find support among opposi- members took to the streets two employees.
defend their interests and tion MPs. arguing that the proposed The code would also in-
not the interests of foreign Smer, the largest oppos- changes to Slovakia’s Labour troduce a so-called competi-
banks that have been earn- ition party, has not offi- Code would result in a decline tion clause which would
ing high interest from loans cially stated its position on in the economic and social permit a company to sign a
for irresponsible countries the European Stability status of employees. Employ- contract forbidding an em-
for long years.” Mechanism. er association responded that ployee from doing the same
they preferred negotiations Labour Minister Jozef Mihál Photo: TASR kind of work with a competit-
over street protests but also or for a maximum period of
Slovak banks passed stress tests complained that the draft [negotiations],” stated the of- called differentiated minim- one year after separating
proposed by the ministry ficial release from one of um hourly wage, which from his or her employer.
BANKS in Slovakia passed in foreign demand as a result would not end what they Slovakia’s employer associ- would vary based on the char- The proposal would give
the latest stress tests that the of declining economic called legislative barriers to ations. acteristics and demands of a an employer the option of ne-
National Bank of Slovakia growth. job creation. The RÚZ stated that em- particular job. gotiating a combination of
(NBS) carried out in the The second scenario was After the latest tripartite ployers’ expectations had The government says one severance pay and a layoff no-
second half of 2010. based on rising inflation res- negotiations Mihál said that not been fulfilled and that of its intentions in drafting a tice period with an employee
“In principle, the stress ulting from excessive he sensed satisfaction among “Slovakia has missed a revised Labour Code is to and it would scrap the current
tests that we conducted con- growth in commodity prices the social partners. But the re- chance to fundamentally make the law more family- obligation to provide employ-
firmed the fact that the Slov- and loose monetary policy by sponses of the unions and improve its business envir- friendly, giving both employ- ees with both a notice period
ak banking sector is stable,” the Federal Reserve in the employer associations indic- onment as well as the situ- ers and employees the option and severance pay.
NBS supervision department United States. ate that the minister might be ation in the labour market”. to work flexible hours based The draft amendment
head Vladimír Dvořáček told The Slovak banking sec- alone in his impressions. Slovakia’s Federation of on their own particular needs. would automatically entitle
a press conference on April tor remained stable overall “Employers associated Employers’ Unions (AZZZ) also The TASR newswire repor- employees who are aged 33
18, as quoted by the SITA under both scenarios, but the within the National Union of said the talks did not meet its ted that changes were agreed and older to 25 days of annual
newswire. potential negative impact of Employers (RÚZ) express expectations because the La- at the April 19 meeting in holiday.
In the macro-stress test- the second was judged to be fundamental disagreements bour Ministry failed to re- many areas, including proba-
ing of Slovakia’s financial stronger, said Dvořáček. with yesterday’s tripartite move from the draft the so- tionary periods for new em- See CODE pg 9
sector, the central bank sim- According to the results
ulated two scenarios. of the tests, if the first scen-
The first foresaw a negat-
ive development caused by
growing doubts about the
ario actually took place four
banks would find themselves
losing money in 2011 and
PRICE: 4-percent inflation predicted
sustainability of the public 2012, while in the event of Continued from pg 1 said Eduard Hagara, senior research ana- Food products, along with beverages,
finances of selected eurozone the second scenario six lyst with ING Bank. are 7 percent more expensive when com-
members, which would lead banks would report losses “These factors, which have a pro- Hagara, however, noted that statist- pared to last year, Fojtík said. Transporta-
to increased uncertainty on during the same period, SITA growth influence, are making us differ- ics already show that the growth of these tion prices come second in the price-
financial markets and a drop reported. ent from other economies and caused a prices is starting to affect other categor- growth race, up 6.2 percent year-on-year.
jump in inflation at the beginning of this ies of goods and services. He suggests In third place come prices for education,
year.” that this could be a reflection of higher rising 4.4 percent – but Slovaks are, on av-
Via Bona awards given out Nevertheless, the main reason for the costs, but may also be down to the erage, low spenders on education, accord-
growth in inflation is the rise in com- delayed effect of the new-year rise in ing to Fojtík.
ORIGINAL projects with employees were still paid modity prices on world markets, which value added tax. “Since the development of inflation in
strong stories behind them their normal wages. has affected prices in all economies in “Retailers had two difficult years the eurozone is similar, the European
were honoured at the Via The Main Award for the same way, she added. during which they had to deal with low Central Bank (ECB) has started reducing
Bona 2010 awards ceremony Large Corporations went to “The rapid growth of the prices of consumer demand and cheap competi- the expansiveness of its monetary policies,
sponsored by the Pontis Orange Slovakia for its com- food commodities on world markets has tion from neighbouring countries,” and in order to slow down the develop-
Foundation to recognise re- prehensive approach to re- to a certain degree been included in the Hagara explained, adding that he ex- ment of prices it carried out its first hike in
sponsible and philanthropic sponsible business, while prices of goods, and in some cases this pects inflation will approach the the basic interest rate in almost three
businesses, according to the Award for Socially Re- has yet to happen,” Sadovská said. 4.0-percent level this year. years,” Fojtík said. “In Slovakia, as in the
Petra Nagyová, the sponsible Market Operations Meanwhile, World Bank President Sadovská increased her prediction eurozone, we expect inflation to peak in
foundation’s PR manager. was awarded to Tatra Banka. Robert Zoellick warned in mid-April that for inflation in Slovakia, forecasting that the middle of the year, followed by a mod-
Spišská Nová Ves-based The Award for Respons- current world prices for food products are it will end up being around 3.8-3.9 per- erate slowdown in the growth of prices.”
company Embraco Slovakia ible Approach to Employees 36 percent higher than at the same point cent for the whole year. However, Fojtík added that other
scored twice: it received the was granted to Orion Nova, a last year. The overall price growth is also Sadovská also said that she expected factors, such as natural disasters that
Award for Long-Term Posit- company which employs being fuelled by turmoil in North Africa inflation would breach the 4-percent threaten agricultural production, could
ive Corporate Impact for its young people who have and the Middle East. level for several weeks. undermine this scenario.
project to support the ma- grown up in orphanages, a “We have already experienced the Andrej Arady, economist with VÚB
ternity department at the project which was started Slovakia’s numbers largest jump,” Sadovská said, adding Banka, noted that regulated prices recor-
local hospital over 12 years, two years ago by the Dutch that the most significant month-on- ded only 0.1-percent growth, similar to
and an honourable mention boss of the company, Iwan The cost of alcohol, tobacco and food month growth, in January, is now be- February, and said their share of the
for its exemplary approach to Hoffmans. climbed fastest in March, with annual- hind Slovakia. “We expect that month- month-on-month growth in consumer
citizens during the floods “I couldn’t get more mo- ised inflation accelerating from 3.3 per- on-month the prices of goods will con- prices was only minimal.
that hit the region last year. tivated people, and I’m afraid cent in February to 3.6 percent in March, tinue to grow by a couple of tenths of a “Within the ‘core’ goods, the prices of
“We cancelled some I wouldn’t find them at the as measured by the Slovak Statistics Of- percent, similar to developments in Feb- which aren’t regulated, food and fuel have
shifts and let employees go labour office,” Hoffmans fice, which uses national methodology. ruary or March.” recorded the fastest growth, but compared
home and stay with their said. “As in previous months, the main Boris Fojtík, an analyst with Tatra to last month the prices of alcohol and to-
families in the tough factor behind the speeding inflation was Banka, stressed that food-price inflation bacco have also joined them, growing 1.5
situation,” Norbert Brath of Compiled by Spectator staff the growing prices of food and fuel, contributes more than a third of the percent compared to the previous month,”
Embraco said, adding that from press reports which was in line with expectations,” whole year-on-year increase in prices. Arady said.
OPINION April 25 – May 1, 2011 5
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Viktor Orbán is one huge dictator in the centre of Europe,
comparable with any dictator in North Africa.”
Weighing her words
THE HEADLINE and the lead Radičová crossed a polit- trust were raised much
SNS vice-chair Andrej Danko comments on the newly-passed Hungarian constitution paragraph of the story about ical line when she originally higher. This is why disap-
the boss of Slovakia’s Tax backed the Tax Directorate pointment at any hesitation
Directorate, Miroslav deal, despite it obviously fa- by the prime minister when

Len a len Mikulčík, and the contro-

versial €6.6-million office
leasing deal that he ap-
vouring one of her SDKÚ col-
leagues, while party leader
it comes to issues of
cronyism or transparency
will always be sharper than
pressure”, but it is hard to proved for a firm co-owned it would be with a Robert-


imagine what sort of pres- by a regional official of the Fico-type government.
BY LUKÁŠ FILA ruling Slovak Democratic Predictably, Fico has
sure she had in mind when
Special to the Spectator and Christian Union (SDKÚ), been hyperactive since he
all the relevant facts of the
case were known well before changed dramatically in the managed to drag the case
“I EMPHASISE that while I’m Mikloš’s departure. And one run-up to Easter. centre stage. He is now try-
finance minister, it will be weekend of bad media cover- Finally, on April 20, ing to talk up a parliament-
only and only (len a len) the age really isn’t that intoler- journalists settled for a ary vote to oust Radičová.
minister who makes person- able. Unless you really can’t theme which might be None of this makes Fico’s
nel decisions within this stand negative publicity. summarised “Mikulčík’s own period in power any less
department,” said Ivan It is hard to guess what head rolls; Radičová troubled. His reign has been
Mikloš on Monday, in reac- was going through remains”, with a note that forever inscribed in the pages
tion to Prime Minister Iveta Mikulčík’s mind throughout Mikulčík’s resignation of Slovakia’s political history
Radičová’s demand that Tax the last couple of days. But came after mounting ten- as a time of dubious tenders,
Directorate head Miroslav staying in office even sion within the SDKÚ and short-lived ministers, happy
Mikulčík leave his post. though the head of govern- the prospect that Prime cronies and even happier
Unfortunately, Mikloš is ment asks you to go requires Minister Iveta Radičová donors. But being different
not the country’s only politi- quite a bit of self-esteem. might actually have from the Fico government is
cian with a big ego. And that SDKÚ boss and former resigned if he had remained no longer enough; nor is it
is one of the key reasons why Not a usual attitude for a cab- prime minister Mikuláš in his job. Radičová con- enough to use more refined
the government nearly col- inet member. Dzurinda must be enjoying a sidered Mikulčík’s depar- rhetoric or simply not to have
lapsed this week. On the other hand it was new-found sense of import- ture the only way to erase Ján Slota and his sidekicks as
Mikloš, who said in his unfortunate for Radičová to ance, since he played a key the suspicions of non- political allies.
statement that despite demand Mikulčík’s resigna- role in negotiating a final transparency hanging over Radičová should prob-
Radičová’s demand he sees tion while Mikloš was en agreement. her government. BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ ably weigh her words and
“no relevant reason for route to the US and the two Yes, transparency, On April 19, the local Spectator staff their timing more carefully,
Mikulčík’s resignation”, of them had an agreement policy, and conflicting polit- media was full of stories because for a prime minister
clearly wanted to show not not to comment on the issue ical interests played a role in suggesting – some indirectly – especially if she is believed
only that he will take no or- until he was due to return the scandal and its outcome. and some quite straightfor- to have political integrity – it
ders from Radičová, but also two days later. She explained But in no way was it len a wardly – that Radičová was Mikuláš Dzurinda defended it is more difficult to undo
that his judgment is better her sudden change of heart len a matter of the two of not strong enough to push by asking: “Should a member their effect than it is for the
than the prime minister’s. by referring to “growing them. through her call for of SDKÚ be handicapped or typical, chameleon-like
Mikulčík’s resignation. On discriminated against?” Al- politicians who change their
that day, Radičová, Finance though Radičová argued that shape and colour as the situ-
Minister Ivan Mikloš and she had been given the wrong ation requires.
SDKÚ boss Mikuláš Dzurinda information, she is the prime The ruling coalition
offered a compromise which minister and the words of a knows that Radičová is still
suited Mikloš and Mikulčík prime minister can be decis- their key to staying in power,
but placed Radičová in a ive not just for ministers or and though her transparency
weakened position, appar- the whole government, but talk might be inconvenient
ently unable even to pull for public trust in the for those who need to find
strings in her own SDKÚ country’s leadership. ways of channelling money
party. The public’s ears have into friendly pockets they
The trio announced that grown used to fables about know Fico is breathing down
both Radičová and Mikloš officials who uncondition- their necks and will use any
would respect the results of ally act in the public interest chance he gets to take back
an audit of the deal to be con- – even if this interest hap- the wheel. Perhaps Radičová
ducted by the country’s pub- pens to benefit friends and should have used this know-
lic finance watchdog, the Su- family, or means a political ledge from the very begin-
preme Audit Office (NKÚ). In party gets a euro or three ning of the tax boss story. Not
the context of Slovak politics, richer – but are ‘unfairly’ tar- only would it have spared the
this approach would have al- geted by the media. media the trouble of chan-
lowed Mikulčík to linger for But when the govern- ging their leads and headlines
several more months in his ment of Radičová paved its with each twist and turn, but
post, waiting for media pres- way to power with pledges to it would have better protec-
sure to calm and, perhaps, champion transparency, the ted what she needs in order to
Tax Directorate head Miroslav Mikulčík resigned on April 20. Photo: TASR the public to forget. stakes in terms of public defy Fico: her integrity.


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6 April 25 – May 1, 2011

Popularity of insurance sold BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:
online and by phone rises

No insurance for damaged BUSINESS TRAVEL

graves and gravestones IN SLOVAKIA

Flooding highlighted Institutions and associations in the

insurance sector
Ministry of Finance,
Minister: Ivan Mikloš

insurance gaps Slovak Insurance Association (SLASPO),

- a professional association of commercial insurance
companies. A total of 20 companies held licences to sell
insurance in Slovakia as of December 31, 2010. Of these, 12
Slovak insurers were universal insurance companies, five were solely life
insurers and three were non-life insurance companies.
hope economic The Slovak Insurance Association represents 19
growth will insurance companies and three branches of foreign
insurance companies.
boost sales President: Marek Jankovič

BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Slovak Insurers’ Bureau (SKP)

Spectator staff - the bureau is established by law and administers the
Insurance Guarantee Fund, works as an information
centre, and represents Slovak insurers in international
AFTER a decrease in premi- institutions dealing with liability insurance.
ums in 2009 the Slovak in-
surance sector reported slight
growth last year. Insurance Slovak Association of Insurance Mediators (SASP)
companies hope that a grow-
ing economy will bring them
new business – and that the The Association of Financial Agents and Advisors
extensive floods that hit (AFISP)
Slovakia in 2010 will prompt
more property owners to in-
sure their assets against ad- Some insurance companies
verse impacts from severe in Slovakia
weather and other risks.
Based on preliminary Allianz-Slovenská Poisťovňa,
results, commercial insur- Flooding in Slovakia was one of the main challenges for insurers last year. Photo: Sme
ance grew last year, with a Generali Slovensko Poisťovňa,
rise in premiums written of SLASPO’s expectations,” Based on unaudited results, comparison is the low level Groupama Poisťovňa,
roughly 2 percentage points Jozefína Žáková, the compared with the 4-per- from 2009.” ING Životná Poisťovňa,
to €2.066 billion, according association’s director gener- centage year-on-year decline According to SLASPO, Komunálna Poisťovňa, Vienna Insurance Group,
to the Slovak Insurance As- al, told The Slovak Spectat- in premiums written in premiums written in life in-
sociation (SLASPO). or. “The Slovak insurance 2009, the sector reached surance grew by 6 percent Kooperativa Poisťovňa, Vienna Insurance Group,
“The development of the market showed a general 2-percent growth in 2010. while non-life insurance re-
insurance market in Slov- tendency to stop contract- However, it is necessary to ported a drop of 2.6 percent. MetLife Amslico,
akia in 2010 was within ing and even a mild revival. say here that the basis for See RISK pg 8 Poisťovňa Slovenskej Sporiteľne,
QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited, branch office for

Insurers await EU's Solvency II rules Union Poisťovňa,

Uniqua Poisťovňa,
Wüstenrot Poisťovňa,
for the European Union’s insurance Source: Book of Lists 2010, SLASPO
New regulatory market that introduces more sophistic-
framework could have ated and stricter rules in insurance,
far-ranging impacts
even when compared with the banking
sector. It changes requisites for the cap-
ital requirements of insurance compan-
Insurance fraud
Spectator staff
ies, not only in terms of their amounts
but also in terms of their calculation and
setting. Capital has to correspond with
trending higher
the risks that an insurance company is THE INSURANCE sector has head of Allianz-Slovenská
undertaking on the basis of an insurance reported an upward trend in Poisťovňa's department of
policy but also to other risks to which it fraudulent activities by poli- control and special activities,
THE SLOVAK insurance market is care- is exposed. Solvency II introduces fair cyholders. Slovakia’s largest wrote in a press release.
fully watching the unfolding of a new market rules in insurance, which regu- insurer, Allianz-Slovenská In 2009 the insurer had
European regulatory framework known lators and supervisory authorities act- Poisťovňa reported an almost examined 716 suspicious in-
as Solvency II. Though its aim is to en- ing in the insurance market would pur- one-third increase in the surance claims, up 15 percent
sure that insurance and reinsurance sue. This means creation of a fair com- number of claims examined from the previous year.
policies underwritten by insurance Jozefína Žáková Photo: Courtesy of SLASPO petitive environment in which under- based on suspicions of fraudu- “We can see that the
companies are financially sound and capitalised firms with insufficient lent behaviour in 2010 com- number of insurance frauds
can withstand adverse events so that The Slovak Spectator spoke to Jozefína know-how, unfair practices that harm a pared to 2009. Other insur- has been continuously
policyholders are protected, some in- Žáková, the director general of the Slovak client, and deformations of competition ance companies reported sim- increasing,” she wrote.
dustry experts are concerned that the Insurance Association (SLASPO), about which disadvantage other insurance ilar experiences and insurers In 2010 Allianz-Slovenská
additional capital requirements may why the European Commission is prepar- companies in the market, and which in said that last year’s floods are Poisťovňa reviewed 494 sus-
push some popular insurance products ing Solvency II and what its potential im- the end harm the whole insurance mar- particularly behind the trend picious claims seeking a
out of the market. Since the process of pacts could be in Slovakia. ket, do not have a place in Europe. as many people attempted to damage payment under a
preparing the Solvency II rules is not With regards to its impact, Solvency II purchase an insurance policy compulsory auto liability in-
complete, insurance firms in Slovakia The Slovak Spectator (TSS): What im- could affect the number of insurance only after their property had surance policy, 281 cases in-
and other EU countries must still wait pact on the Slovak insurance market do companies operating in Slovakia, espe- been damaged. volving property insurance
until final documents are adopted and you expect from the new Solvency II cially if planned implementing measures “Last year 911 non-life in- and 136 cases involving com-
then implemented to assess what im- regulatory framework? Could its im- require inappropriately large capital from surance claims were ex- prehensive auto insurance.
pacts the new regulatory framework, plementation affect the number of in- insurance companies. This might lead, for amined due to suspicion that The aggregate damages in
which now has a target implementation surance companies doing business in example, to the transformation of some an insurance fraud was these reviewed claims
date of January 1, 2013, rather than Oc- Slovakia? insurance companies into branches. committed, an annual in- amounted to €5.9 million.
tober 31, 2012, might have on the insur- Jozefína Žáková (JŽ): Solvency II is crease of 27 percent,”
ance industry. a new legal and regulatory framework See JŽ pg 9 Jaroslava Zemanová, the See CLAIMS pg 8
BUSINESS FOCUS April 25 – May 1, 2011 7

Popularity of online FOCUS shorts

insurance rises Entrepreneurs are underinsured
MOST business entities op- they might encounter. Small
online as early as this year. erating in Slovakia do so entrepreneurs, made up
But not all Also via the distribution without sufficient insurance mostly of self-employed per-
insurance channels of the internet and coverage according to Alli- sons, are often most unfa-
the phone we are trying to of- anz-Slovenská Poisťovňa, miliar with the potential
products can be fer clients a more extensive which estimated that only 30 risks. And Vedej noted that
bought online or portfolio of our products.” percent of businesses had many of the self-employed
adequate levels of insurance are former employees who
over the phone Online is for 'modern' clients coverage, the SITA newswire were forced by their employ-
wrote in November. er to start a trade business
That the internet and the The insurer reported that and carry out the same activ-
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ telephone are attractive en- the aggregate number of in- ities, with the same risks as
Spectator staff vironments for the sale of in- surance claims caused by before, but now do so as a
surance products has been natural disasters increased self-employed person. Vedej
proved by the arrival of the by several times in 2010, emphasised that it is the
FORGOTTEN to buy travel in- first insurer on the Slovak amounting to about 50,000 self-employed tradesperson
surance and have already left? market to sell its products claims and damages of al- who now bears responsibil-
No problem. All a forgetful solely via the internet and by most €40 million. Of these, ity and who needs to pur-
traveller has to do is pick up phone. The company, Gener- only 1,400 claims involved chase an insurance policy
the phone or go to the website tel, entered the Slovak market business insurance. Mojmír and from this viewpoint Al-
of an insurance company of- in October 2010, the SITA Vedej, the head of the de- lianz-Slovenská Poisťovňa
fering online insurance newswire reported. partment of corporate clients sees this business segment
products and buy one. This In the initial stage, Gener- at Allianz-SP, deduced that primed for growth.
avoids the need to visit the of- tel has focused on compulsory there were much higher Allianz-SP stated that it
fices of an insurance company car liability insurance, but it damages among businesses has also noticed fraudulent
and means insurance can be plans to gradually add other but that these policyholders behaviour in this segment of
bought at any time of the day non-life insurance products did not have adequate insur- its business and noted that
or night. Insurance compan- to its portfolio, for instance ance coverage. it has had a success rate of
ies see sales channels such as accident or travel insurance. According to Vedej, about 60 percent in uncover-
this as having great potential, Genertel is a subsidiary of businesspeople often do not ing fraud in suspicious
and plan to extend the scope the Hungarian firm Genertel realise the potential risks claims.
of the products they sell on- Travellers like to purchase insurance online. Photo: ČTK Biztosító a member of the
line and by phone much fur- Generali group which con-
ther. Travel, accident and trols Generali Slovensko Concerns about insuring state assets
compulsory car liability in- ised Crime. These acts to- Apart from travel insurance, through PPF Holding.
surance are the most popular gether create various duties young people are also inter- However, Genertel is develop- A STATEMENT by the Fin- only €5.2 million.
insurance products currently for insurance companies ested in liability insurance, ing its activities on the Slovak ance Ministry that it is not The Slovak Insurance As-
sold online or by phone in which mean that clients where they make up almost 45 market independently of necessary for the state to sociation (SLASPO) said that
Slovakia. On the other hand, need to sign life insurance percent of customers. Generali Slovensko, accord- have commercial insurance it does not agree with the
the law prohibits some insur- policies in person. Union Poisťovňa’s posit- ing to SITA. policies over the long term ministry’s perception of the
ance policies from being Among the products that ive approach to the internet The new market player and that some state institu- effectiveness of insurance,
agreed remotely, in particular insurance companies in Slov- as a potential sales channel says it intends to address tions and bodies should ter- stating that insuring assets
those for life insurance. akia offer online or over the was confirmed by its launch “modern” clients. minate their policies was is not meant to act as an in-
“For direct insurance, i.e. phone are travel insurance, of online accident insurance “The car liability insur- met with disagreement from vestment and it is impossible
contracts closed via the inter- insurance to mountain hikers earlier this year. Over the ance market shows potential many of these organisations, to calculate an economic re-
net, a text message, or a tele- to cover the cost of rescue in next few weeks the company among those clients open to the SITA newswire wrote in turn analysis as the ministry
phone helpline, it is import- the event of an emergency, will also allow clients to buy new technologies, and who late February. had done.
ant that the products are household insurance, build- comprehensive car insur- do not need personal contact The ministry prepared a “Not covering state as-
simple, comprehensible for ing insurance, liability insur- ance online too, and in the when selecting the most ad- proposal for what it called a sets, with a value reaching
the client and have an attract- ance, liability insurance of an second half of 2011 it plans to vantageous products,” said systematic solution for in- billions of euros, with com-
ive price,” Judita Smatanová, employee when carrying out launch online insurance of Miroslav Chovan, director of suring state assets with mercial insurance is a hazard
spokesperson for Union his or her job [to cover dam- family houses, apartments the Slovak arm of Genertel In- commercial insurance com- with potentially heavy losses
Poisťovňa, told The Slovak ages caused to the employer], and household goods. surance, as quoted by SITA. panies, stating that it prefers which especially threaten as
Spectator. Union Poisťovňa, compulsory car liability in- Union Poisťovňa is also By the end of 2010 the in- to retain the funds currently a consequence of climate
one of the pioneers in direct surance as well as compre- developing text messaging surer had sold over 5,000 car paid for insurance for cover- changes,” SLASPO wrote in a
insurance in Slovakia, offers a hensive car insurance. (SMS) as a sales channel. It liability insurance policies. age of potential damages, re- statement.
range of direct insurance Allianz-Slovenská started to sell selected insur- “We are pleased with the commending at the same Among those state bodies
products from car insurance Poisťovňa as well as Union ance products via SMS in number of clients,” said Petar time that some insurance disagreeing with the Finance
through travel insurance to Poisťovňa report that travel 2007, the first insurer in Dobric, a member of the board policies be terminated. Ministry’s proposal is the
accident insurance. “The cli- insurance is their most popu- Slovakia to do so. of directors of Genertel, as The ministry reported Culture Ministry which ar-
ent can choose a policy accord- lar online product. The latter “A[nother] novelty is the quoted by SITA in mid Janu- that during the last five years gued that the value of some
ing to his or her needs, buy it also reports sound results first accident insurance via ary. “The results of our sur- the state paid €41.6 million items of cultural heritage is
around the clock and, from its online compulsory SMS, which we launched in veys, showing that Slovaks in premiums to insure its as- incalculable. The Ministry of
moreover, obtain attractive car liability insurance service mid April,” said Smatanová, are not afraid to prefer new sets but reimbursed insur- Agriculture also stated it is
discounts.” launched in 2009. adding that clients can buy sales forms over traditional ance claims amounted to against the proposal.
Generali Slovensko, an- In 2010, as many as 35 per- accident insurance for risky means, were thus confirmed.”
other insurance company, cent of all Union Poisťovňa groups of tourists and sports. According to a survey
sees non-life insurance such clients bought travel insur- Union plans to further de- conducted by Media Research MetLife Amslico opens new office
as compulsory car liability ance policies via the internet. velop insurance via SMS. It for Genertel, more than 23
insurance, household insur- These accounted for 28 per- says it will boost the range of percent of Slovak drivers METLIFE Amslico, one of the pany wrote in its press re-
ance or travel insurance as cent of the firm’s aggregate insurance products it sells would use an online insurer biggest life insurance com- lease.
appropriate for sale online or premiums. In terms of com- via this distribution channel to buy compulsory car liabil- panies in Slovakia, opened a MetLife currently
by phone. pulsory car liability insur- as well as improve the ease ity insurance. The survey also new headquarters in Bratis- provides insurance cover to
“On the other hand, it is ance, one in every ten policies with which SMS purchases showed that even though lava in mid April. More than more than 450,000 house-
impossible to buy life insur- was agreed online. can be made. Slovaks are interested in qual- 200 people from three com- holds in Slovakia.
ance via the internet,” Zuz- Allianz-Slovenská Poisťov– Allianz-Slovenská Poisťov– ity of service, price is the most panies (for life insurance, MetLife Amslico,
ana Hliváková, Generali ňa reports that currently more ňa is also extending its range of decisive factor, Doprava a Lo- funds and services) will work formerly Amslico AIG Life, is
Slovensko’s spokesperson, than 30 percent of its online online insurance products. gistika magazine wrote. in the new premises in the part of MetLife, the largest
explained to The Slovak clients are young people up to “With regards to people’s Based on results in Slov- Eurovea complex on the life insurance company in
Spectator. The laws that pro- age 30. Compared with 2010 increasing interest in the in- akia to date, Dobric regards Danube embankment. the United States. MetLife
hibit online sale of life insur- this represented an increase of ternet we are developing oth- the project as very successful. The office will also serve acquired AIG last year and
ance comprise regulations over one half. Young people er products, both simple and “We are an insurer for re- as a sub-regional centre for the Amslico AIG Life branch
under the Insurance Act, the use the internet to buy travel more complicated,” Lucia sponsible drivers who do not four countries in central in Slovakia was part of the
Act on Protection of Personal insurance in particular, a re- Muthová, spokesperson of Al- cause car accidents and do not Europe (Slovakia, the Czech transaction.
Data and the Act on Legalisa- flection of their interest in lianz-Slovenská Poisťovňa, drive expensive cars,” he said. Republic, Hungary and
tion of Incomes from Crime travelling abroad, the com- told The Slovak Spectator. “To these people we can offer Ukraine) with more than 1.8 Compiled by Spectator staff
and the Fight Against Organ- pany wrote in a press release. “More products may be put really reasonable prices.” million clients, the com- from press reports
8 April 25 – May 1, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

RISK: New EU rules CLAIMS: Firms

say fraud is up
will impact insurers Continued from pg 6

Last year Generali Slov-

ensko uncovered what it
Lucia Muthová, spokes-
person of Allianz-Slovenská
Poisťovňa, gave as an ex-
ample a claim presented by a
Continued from pg 6 called 8,940 fraudulent at- policyholder for damage to a
tempts to claim damages ex- family house. Total damages
Premiums in compulsory ceeding €4 million, the in- to the household caused by
car liability insurance re- surer wrote in its press re- the rain were claimed as
mained almost unchanged, lease. Compared to 2009 this €3,000. But further examina-
decreasing by 0.5 percent. was an increase of 35.3 per- tion by the insurer revealed
Other segments of car in- cent. Generali Slovensko that the roof was under ex-
surance reported an aggregate wrote that it continued to see tensive reconstruction dur-
annual decline of 6 percent. the highest likelihood of ing the rain and that as
Žáková pointed to the up- fraudulent behaviour in its much as four fifths of the
ward trend in life insurance, auto insurance business and roof was covered only with a
with new business in this in Bratislava Region, report- plastic sheet.
segment growing by 9.7 per- ing that policyholders tried “The damage of the
cent. The share of life insur- most often to fraudulently household was caused by the
ance premiums written in- receive excess reimburse- insufficient [roof] covering
creased from 52.36 percent to ment based on fictitious and thus the claim was
54.50 percent of aggregate damages which did not occur turned down,” said Muthová.
written premiums. as claimed by the policyhold- On the other hand,
In the segment of non-life ers. The next most common people living in regions en-
insurance Žáková detects as fraud was an attempt to in- dangered by floods have re-
behind the fall, the now fading crease the amount of dam- ported problems in obtaining
economic and financial crisis, ages to be recovered. The flood insurance policies.
whose actual as well as psycho- third most common fraudu- “Insurance companies
logical consequences for non- Recent natural disasters have spurred interest in property insurance. Photo: Sme - Ján Krošlák lent acts involved concealing have mapped out the situ-
life insurance, especially in the facts or giving false informa- ation very well and when in-
business sector, persisted other than insurance com- “Already the EU market is tion when policyholders suring houses in the village
longer than in the case of life panies, if they even get them, reporting a lack of experts, failed to report, for example, they are very careful,” said
insurance. In the case of car ac- Last year’s natural is too little to replace dam- especially actuaries and ac- consumption of alcohol or Jozef Adamkovič, the mayor
cident insurance, the situation aged or destroyed assets. Thus turial risk managers,” said another violation of law. of Sady nad Torysou village,
disasters, which caused
was affected by relatively low she sees insurance as one of Bezděk, adding that the im- Generali Slovensko which was hit by floods sev-
prices for new vehicles and the estimated damage the few effective solutions. pact on clients might be provided the example of a eral times last year, as cited
predominance in terms of She advises that it is import- double-edged since the policyholder who purchased by the Pravda daily in mid
exceeding €500 million,
sales of used cars over new ant not only to insure real es- changes could mean that a €33,000 insurance policy February. “They [insurers]
vehicles. These factors de- should be a warning for tate, but also to re-assess long-term products contain- for a wooden shed in a Roma either do not want to sign an
pressed prices and forced car whether the insured sum ing options and guarantees settlement and then declared insurance policy with the
all owners of real estate.
owners to consider whether to covered by existing policies is become more expensive, flood damage to a cellar even people or they ask for such
seek car accident insurance, Jozefína Žáková in line with current price while at the same time the though there was no cellar. high premiums that insur-
according to Žáková. levels, and whether all risks probability of insurance com- Generali Slovensko wrote ance does not pay off.”
Allianz-Slovenská are covered. If not, the panies getting into financial that it is continuing to im- People are not covered for
Poisťovňa, the biggest insur- policies need updating, she difficulties and thus endan- prove its mechanisms to un- damages to automobiles in
ance company in Slovakia, re- “Based on a marketing suggested. gering customers is reduced. cover frauds and it reported all circumstances and
ported an annual 1.3-percent survey conducted among cli- Insurance companies see “For the insurance market its success in uncovering Muthová explained that auto
drop in premiums to €520.79 ents of our insurance com- space for further growth in this may mean a wave of mer- fraudulent acts as exceeding insurance does not cover
million in 2010, according to pany, news about floods and life as well as non-life insur- gers and acquisitions and cap- 70 percent of the examined vehicles that are wilfully set
the SITA newswire. damaged houses led many ance in Slovakia. ital requirements which suspicious cases. on fire.
“Our results for last year people to realise the need to “Insurance has growth cause some insurance com- “Deliberate ignition of a
were affected by floods and insure their assets or review prospects in the Slovak panies to be transformed into Floods brought vehicle is excluded from car
heavy rains,” company existing policies,” said market,” said Bezděk of Gen- branch operations.” more fraud accident insurance,” said
spokesperson Lucia Muthová Bezděk. “The statistics reflect erali Slovensko. “This is In the view of Allianz- Muthová, adding that an in-
told The Slovak Spectator. “In this trend. In 2010, 56 percent proven by indicators such as Slovenská Poisťovňa the new “If we look at the trends surer pays damages only for
2010 we paid out about €36 mil- of clients of Generali Slov- the volume of premiums regulation is a big interven- we see in this segment, we cars that are secondarily
lion to clients hit by adverse ensko added more coverage to versus GDP, which in Slovakia tion in the functioning of the can say that the floods and damaged by the torched car.
weather, and the number of existing insurance policies is several times lower than in insurance market and might extensive rains in 2010 indir-
claims exceeded 50,000.” covering real estate house- western EU countries. Thus have a negative short-term ectly affected insurance Compiled by Spectator staff
Insurance companies hold contents. In the segment growth is possible in spite of impact on the whole sector, fraud,” Zemanová stated. from press reports
within the Vienna Insurance of insurance of property – i.e. the economic decline.” according to Muthová.
Group in Slovakia, i.e. Koop- real estate and household – Generali Slovensko ex- Insurance companies also

FOCUS short
erativa, Komunálna Generali Slovensko reported a pects that the negative devel- describe as ‘unfortunate’ a
Poisťovňa and Poisťovňa Slov- 28 percent annual increase in opment of the last few years ruling by the European Court
enskej Sporiteľne, reported an new business.” will continue this year in car of Justice that means in-
aggregate increase in premi- insurance. On the other hand, surers will be not able to
ums of 3.2 percent, to €659 Expectations for 2011 interest is rising in property charge different premiums
million. Generali Slovensko insurance. Bezděk also ex- for men and women. The
reported a drop in premiums Based on continuing eco- pects higher interest to result change may come into effect
of 4.3 percent, to €195.5 mil- nomic growth and the expec- in lower prices. In life insur- in December 2012. No insurance for gravestones
lion, according to SITA. ted further revival of key in- ance he expects a moderate SLASPO voiced deep con-
Generali Slovensko said it dustrial segments, SLASPO is acceleration in spite of the cern over the ruling in a press THE RECENT strong winds “We had this product
performed well in the non-life hoping the insurance market economic decline, whose ef- release on the issue. It poin- that hit the High Tatras in several years ago,” Lucia
and property insurance seg- will continue growing. fects are now fading. ted out that gender is a legit- the first half of April dam- Muthová, spokesperson of
ments, for example house- Žáková sees prospects for imate factor when setting aged more than forests and Allianz-Slovenská Poisťovňa,
hold insurance. growth in property insurance New EU legislation premiums and insurance roofs. A cemetery in the told the daily. "But because
“This is also linked to the as well as life insurance. payments. SLASPO will con- town of Vysoké Tatry had the price seemed to be too
floods, which have caused “Last year’s natural dis- Insurance companies are tribute to an analysis of the more than 60 gravestones high people stopped being
Slovakia the biggest damage asters, which caused estim- waiting to see what effect effects of the ruling on clients damaged or completely des- interested in it. Now we do
of the last 20 years in terms of ated damage exceeding €500 new EU legislation will have and insurance companies troyed, the Sme daily wrote. not insure graves and
the extent of insurance million, should be a warning on their operations. Allianz- which the CEA European in- Many people whose relat- gravestones.”
payments,” Vladimír Bezděk, for all owners of real estate,” Slovenská Poisťovňa as well as surance and reinsurance fed- ives are buried in the Generali Slovensko does
director general of Generali said Žáková. “Disasters also Generali Slovensko, even eration is to prepare. cemetery are in despair be- not offer insurance on graves
Slovensko, told The Slovak hit regions where such though they well-placed as “The creation of prices in cause they have no insur- and gravestones either.
Spectator. “Generali Slov- events have never been ex- the biggest firms on the local insurance is based on the fair ance and town officials said After their recent experi-
ensko paid out damages ex- pected and thus nowadays market, point out that im- setting of risk. ... Excluding its funds are needed to repair ences, some people now ap-
ceeding €7.52 million.” nobody can be sure.” plementation of the new one of the basic risk factors municipal property. pear more interested in in-
On the other hand, last According to Žáková, the European regulatory frame- goes against the very basis of None of three largest in- surance for gravestones.
year’s floods and the damage experience of many people work known as Solvency II the insurance business and surance companies in Slov-
they caused led more people who suffered damage is that will be demanding in terms of insurance coverage of the akia offer insurance for Compiled by Spectator staff
to seek insurance. compensation from sources capacity and IT technologies. client,” the association wrote. graves or gravestones. from press reports
NEWS / BUSINESS FOCUS April 25 – May 1, 2011 9
CODE: Employers see no victors LAW: Slovak MPs,
Continued from pg 4

Employees who have

longer notice periods in a col-
lective agreement.
“We propose and insist
RÚZ stated that it partic-
ularly disagrees with the
ministry’s ideas on the no-
said Jozef Špirko, the vice-
president of RÚZ.
AZZZ added that employ-
ministers respond
worked for a company for at that within collective bar- tice period, arguing that the ers have thus far failed in Continued from pg 2 that the stated constitutional
least one year but less than gaining it would be possible recently proposed changes their attempt to remove the responsibility of the Hun-
five years would continue to to extend the standard notice to the payroll tax system requirement that employers Slovak Foreign Minister garian government for ethnic
have the current notice period period by three months at would require payroll levies request approval from the dis- Mikuláš Dzurinda, from the Hungarians living beyond its
of at least two months. Em- most,” Mihál stated, as to also be paid on severance trict labour and social affairs Slovak Democratic and Chris- borders, including the estim-
ployees who have worked for quoted by SITA. pay and that this approach office when they plan to layoff tian Union (SDKÚ), held a ated 500,000 living in Slov-
a company at least five years Mihál was reported to will significantly increase a physically-impaired person. press conference on the day akia, along with support for
but less than 10 years would have yielded ground on the layoff-related costs by as AZZZ also said it disagreed the Hungarian parliament their collective self-govern-
be entitled to at least a three- ministry’s initial ideas on how much as 35.2 percent, which with the proposal that em- passed the new constitution ment and the possibility that
month notice period; those to define dependent work un- according to RÚZ would res- ployees who have worked 20 and assured the media that voting rights will be exten-
with 10 but less than 20 years der the law and apparently ult in less incentive to hire years or more for a company Slovakia's authorities re- ded to ethnic Hungarians liv-
of service would receive at also withdrew his idea to ad- new employees. should be entitled to a five- mained actively engaged on ing outside Hungary, are the
least a four-month notice just the dates of some state At the same time RÚZ month notice period, saying a the issue. constitutional changes they
period; and those with 20 or holidays so that they fall adja- stated its opinion that the four-month notice period Dzurinda said Slovakia consider most problematic.
more years of employment cent to weekends. proposed changes to the La- would suffice, SITA reported. opposes the concept in the SaS also objected that
would have a five-month no- The Sme daily reported bour Code under discussion Miroslav Gazdík, the pres- new constitution that cre- Orbán had acted unilaterally
tice period, the SITA news- that the minister also agreed do not justify the protest ac- ident of Slovakia’s Confedera- ates collective rights for in pushing the constitu-
wire reported. not to change the rules that tions that have been organ- tion of Trade Unions (KOZ), ethnic Hungarians outside tional changes forward and
currently require employers ised by the unions. said the unionists are plan- the country. He added that said it believes this was not
Clash on bargaining to provide food vouchers to “The current dialogue ning another series of protests he would not like the focus in accordance with bilateral
employees and had scrapped over the Labour Code does not to be held on May 1 as well as of this topic to be diluted by treaties signed by Hungary
Disagreements, however, the idea of permitting the pos- have any victors but unam- on the opening day of the Ice discussion of other aspects and Slovakia.
were reported concerning the sibility for notices to be biguously has its losers: the Hockey World Championship, of the constitution that Béla Bugár of Most-Híd
possibility of negotiating transmitted electronically. unemployed in Slovakia,” Sme reported. also have been called prob- had the most moderate reac-
lematic. tion, saying Slovakia should
Dzurinda stated he wants wait and see how Hungary

JŽ: Some products could vanish to make sure that “only the
laws of the Slovak Republic
are valid in Slovakia”.
uses the new constitutional
powers in practice.
“I don’t think we should
Continued from pg 6 more transparent, and this will probably TSS: Last year you voiced a concern He added that the For- react to everything,” Bugár
pertain to insurance products too. about some of the EC’s planned im- eign Affairs Ministry has said, as quoted by the TASR
TSS: What influence do you expect On the other hand, it may happen plementation measures and its tend- been in touch with Knut Vol- newswire, adding that it is
Solvency II might have on insurance that some popular insurance products ency to further tighten rules for in- lebaek, the High Commis- Hungary’s constitution, not
products and their prices? Which could disappear from the market because surers and require additional capital sioner for National Minorit- Slovakia’s.
products might the new regulatory they would become uneconomic for the requirements because of the economic ies of the Organisation for Opposition Smer party,
framework impact the most? insurance companies. crisis. Were your concerns warranted? Security and Co-operation in which led Slovakia’s previ-
JŽ: It is too early to precisely quanti- JŽ: Our concerns have been partly Europe (OSCE). Dzurinda also ous, nationalist-oriented
fy additional costs that insurance com- TSS: How are Slovak insurance com- confirmed because the implementing said he is trying to arrange a government, reacted more
panies will have in relation to Solvency panies advancing in their preparations measures have really tightened the ori- meeting with his Hungarian harshly, stating that Hun-
II because the final form of the EU’s legal for eventual implementation of ginal objectives of the directive. On the counterpart, János Mar- gary might have revisionist
norms, which will affect these costs, will Solvency II? other hand, it is necessary to say that tonyi, in Slovakia. tendencies and called on all
be known only in the autumn of this JŽ: Slovak insurance companies, some sharp edges have been smoothened Slovak politicians to act
year. But already it is possible to say that with few exceptions, are daughter and compromises have been reached in Slovak politicians jointly “to build a barrier that
if European regulators, within the pre- companies of large insurance and fin- many areas. raise their eyebrows would respond to some art-
paration of implementing measures, fur- ancial houses. Such firms have qualified But the legislative process is still go- icles of the Hungarian
ther increase capital requirements of in- teams of experts, including staff from ing on while the definitive approval of The Freedom and Solidar- constitution”.
surance companies at odds with the ori- Slovak companies, dealing with the large amendment to the directive ity (SaS) party and the Chris- “I do not rule out that it
ginal objective of Solvency II, we can ex- Solvency II. These teams are preparing called Omnibus II is expected in a short tian Democratic Movement will be necessary to pass an
pect a partial withdrawal of insurance for implementation of Solvency II for period of time. (KDH), both members of the amendment to the Slovak
companies from selling some products or all units of a company. The implementing measures, which ruling coalition, declared constitution, for which we
a hike in insurance premiums. SLASPO is intensively participating will bear the name ‘delegated acts’ are need to prepare well, discuss
in preparations, too. We launched a also in the completion phase. it and gain very broad agree-
TSS: What advantages will Solvency II working group of experts from SLASPO’s Thus, the insurance companies are ment of all Slovak political
bring to insurance companies’ clients? member insurance companies that deals now under great pressure because the parties,” Smer leader Robert
JŽ: The principle based in the EU dir- with methodology of application, fore- changes they will have to carry out are Fico said, as quoted by the
ective called Solvency II aims to tighten seeing various effects, evaluation of im- huge in themselves and the degree of SITA newswire. Fico added
regulation of insurance companies in or- plementation proposals and so on. It uncertainty stemming from the unfin- that if the Hungarian consti-
der to protect the client (the consumer) elaborates remarks and comments which ished legal norms does not add any tution poses “an absolute at-
from troubles that an insolvent insur- are then sent to the CEA, the European peace. tack against the territorial
ance company might cause. Thus, it is insurance and reinsurance federation The fact that it was necessary to integrity [of Slovakia]”, then
necessary on one hand to stress that the made up of national associations of in- amend the Solvency II directive even be- the Slovak constitution
new regulatory framework would bring surance companies, in Brussels which fore its transposition into the legislation should have responsive lan-
comfort to clients of insurance compan- then tries to affect the creation of norms of individual member countries shows guage about Slovakia’s territ-
ies by making the insurance market in the European bodies. how complicated this process is. Viktor Orbán Photo: Reuters orial integrity.


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10 April 25 – May 1, 2011 CULTURE

The mills of Horné Orešany Bratislava

Týž-deň nových menšín /
New Minorities Week – The
sixth year of this festival in-
cludes a performance of
Emigrantes in the Meteorit
Theatre on April 28 and The
Queensday on April 30 in the
Dunaj Culture Centre. The
week comprises workshops,
music, the opening of an art
exhibition and live concerts
including a performance by
the Allstar Refjúdží Band on
May 1.
Starts: April 28-May 4;
several venues. Admission:
various. More info: www. and www.
HORNÉ Orešany in the Small profitable so the mills from Sereď and Trnava to be l LIVE MUSIC: Ruggero Robin Every last Friday in the month, a bike ride is organised around
Carpathians is known as a changed owners quite often. milled in Orešany. From & AMC Trio – Ruggero Robin is the centre of Bratislava called Critical Mass. It lasts 90 minutes
locale that makes there, the flour was an Italian guitar player with at the most and the pace is relatively sedate. The aim is to show
quality wine. It is distributed to Brat- exquisite mastery of the in-

that cyclists belong to the city and are equal road users. People
less known that islava, Nitra, or strument who has cooperated can join the next ride in the capital on April 29 at 18:00, begin-
there were several even beyond the with many pop, rock and jazz ning at SNP Square. Participation is free. For more info, please
grain mills in this Carpathians to musicians. AMC Trio draws on go to
municipality and Moravia. a diversity of musical inspira-
Photo: Sme - Tomáš Benedikovič
historical records indicate Five or even six mills op- This postcard shows one tions.
Starts: April 29, 20:00; Hla-
that Orešany residents con- erated at the same time in of the flour mills that also va XXII, Bazová 9. Admission: Nové Zámky Jarný koncert / Spring Concert
structed the first mills on the Orešany so it is no wonder worked as a sawmill. The im- €7. More info: l CLASSICAL MUSIC: - Within the 51st Banská
Parná River in the 17th cen- that in 1668 a millers’ guild age comes from before 1896 Komorné koncerty / Chamber Bystrica Musical Spring
tury. But it is possible that was established in the town. and is the oldest postcard pub- Bratislava Concerts – Jozef Lupták on Jaroslav Pehal sings bass and
they existed even earlier. About 15 teamsters were also lished so far in History Talks. l LIVE MUSIC: Bossanova - cello and Ivan Šiller on piano Branislav Malatinský per-
Grain milling was hard involved in the local flour Lazaro & Boris Čellár – Within play, within the House Con- forms on piano the works of
work and was not always trade, transporting wheat By Branislav Chovan another of his projects, guitar certs series, works by Franz Liszt and Franz
player Boris Čellár has invited Schubert, Martinů, Bartók Schubert, and Ján Cikker’s ad-
hk}ly{pzltlu{ the Cuban singer and instru- and Stravinsky. aptations of Slovak folk songs.
mentalist Lazaro de Jesus Starts: April 28, 18:00; Starts: April 27, 18:00;
Hodelina to complete a band Galéria umenia (Art Gallery), Central-Slovak Museum, SNP
performing playful, slightly Bjoernsonova 1. Admis– 4. Admission: €7. Tel: 048/
jazzy Brazilian rhythms. sion: voluntary. More info: 4156-052;
Starts: April 27, 19:00; Loď
Theatre, Tyršovo Embank- Brezno
ment. Admission: €7. Komárno l CIRCUS: Cirkus Aleš – Mark-
Tel: 0903/449-650; www. l JAZZ MUSIC: Spring Jazz ing the onset of warmer Days – This year the renowned weather, circus artists have
jazz festival will play in sever- already set out on tour. Cirkus
Bratislava al venues. The Komárno Con- Aleš offers trained beasts of
l EXHIBITION: Igor N. Kal- cert Hall offers the local prey, buffaloes and other at-
inauskas Silin - Spirit, Flesh, Komárňanský Dixieland Band, tractions.
Blood – The theatre director, singer Katka Koščová and Starts: April 25, 11:00,
who became a musician, Hungarian band Budapest Bár. 14:00 and 17:00. Admission:
philosopher and painter, ex- Starts: April 28, 17:30; Gen. €7 -€12. Tel: 0902/401-090;
hibits his mostly abstract Klapka Square. Admission: www.
works focusing on his spir- free. More info: hudba.
itual perception of the world. Eastern SLOVAKIA
Open: Evenings until May
11; lobby of the new building Central SLOVAKIA Košice
of the Slovak National l EXHIBITION: Francúzska
Theatre. Admission: free. Banská Bystrica klasická moderna / Classic
More info: l CLASSICAL MUSIC: The Modern Art from France –
After being shown in Bratis-
lava, this exhibition, which
was put together with the
help of the French Institute in
Slovakia, introduces the
works of a range of artists,
many of which have never
been seen in Slovakia before.
Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00
until May 29; Východo-
slovenská galéria, Hlavná 27.
Admission: €2. Tel: 055/6817
l EXHIBITION: Zlatý súdok /
Golden Keg – The 17th year of
this international competi-
tion of cartoons, focused on
the motif of beer, display a
THE STATE Chamber Orchestra / Štátny komorný orchester wide variety of perceptions.
conducted by Leoš Svárovský celebrates spring with a
Open: Tue-Fri 9:00-17:00,
Sun 14:30-18:30; Šarišská ga-
Veľkonočný concert / Easter Concert in which it performs the léria, Hlavná 51. Admission:
oratory works of Mozart, Hummel and Mascagni. The festive €0.50-€1. Tel: 051/7725-423;
concert takes place on April 28 at 19:00 in the House of Art Fatra www.
in Dolný val 47 in Žilina. Tickets cost €8-€11 and can be purchased
through For more information, please call
041/2451-111 or go to Photo: Courtesy of ŠKO By Zuzana Vilikovská

N A M E D A Y A P R I L – M A Y 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Marek Jaroslava Jaroslav Jarmila Lea Anastázia
can now be found at
April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 May 1

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE April 25 – May 1, 2011 11
Slovaks raise money for Japan
A YOUNG student at the formed Handel’s Messiah
Academy of Fine Arts, Mária and Vivaldi’s Four Seasons,
Vaculová, felt the urge to followed by the Hope Gos-
help people in disaster- pel Singers performing sev-
stricken Japan and to ex- eral gospels tunes such as
press solidarity in some way. He’s Able. Mária Čírová
Together with the parsonage pleased visitors with her
of the Big Evangelical very timely song O pomoc
Church, the platform of volám (I Call for Help) as
Kresťania v meste (Christi- well as singing Amazing
ans in the City) and support Grace, one of the concert’s
from the American and Ja- highlights. Concert-goers
panese Embassies, she or- were encouraged to send
ganised a benefit concert on additional money and per-
April 1 in the 2,000-seat Big sonal greetings through the
Evangelical Church that Slovak Red Cross.
raised almost €5,000 in vol- On April 20, the City
untary contributions. Theatre of P.O. Hviezdoslav
The programme began staged another Concert for
The kindergarten in Lunik IX, as shown in the British documentary movie Lunik IX. Photo: Courtesy of DOCsk with a minute of silence for Japan, as a culmination of its
the victims of the Japanese 100 Hours for Japan series
earthquake and tsunami, fol- that lasted from April 16 to

The documentary is lowed by performances by

musicians Martin Valihora,
Oskar Rózsa, Eugen Vizváry
and Anita Soul and their
groups. Valihora said he had
April 20 and drew much at-
tention with an imitation
sakura tree in the middle of
Laurinská Street. The final
concert presented Japanese

dead: long may it live! previously toured in Japan

and felt personal grief. Af-
terwards, the Japanese am-
bassador to Slovakia, Yoshio
Nomoto, expressed his grat-
musicians playing Japanese
composers as well as Lehár
and Bach. The Slovak folklore
ensemble SĽUK and Capella
Istropolitana completed the
with both the past and the itude to the performers and programme. The admission
latest trends in domestic doc- audience. The ZOE Christian price was a voluntary contri-
BY DOMINIKA Chamber Orchestra per- bution.
UHRÍKOVÁ umentary film production,
Spectator staff one of the main aims of the
DOCsk team was to “create a
platform for filmmakers to Robert Vano to open photo gallery
“DEATH to the documentary” exchange ideas and discuss
was the slogan of the 2nd their works”. SLOVAK-BORN photograph- to make and sell their
DOCsk festival, Slovakia’s Therefore, the programme er Robert Vano, who found pictures.”
only event devoted entirely to also included several lectures fame abroad, has returned to He thinks talented Slov-
documentary films, which and meetings where directors Slovakia after an absence of aks now have very little
took place in Košice between presented their projects cur- 44 years. He emigrated dur- chance of becoming well-
April 13 and 16. rently in development. ing communism and never known unless they go abroad,
The main theme of the “In the future, we wish to really returned except for a and added that local photo-
event – expressed via its seem- expand this idea, and organ- few hours in passing. Now he graphers are not taught how
ingly paradoxical slogan – was ise similar meetings at least said he intends to open a gal- to finish their photographs
inspired by Jan Gogola Jr, a twice a year,” Rampáček told lery in Bratislava that will or, most of all, how to evalu-
Czech filmmaker who rejects The Slovak Spectator. open its doors to young, ate their work and sell it.
the term “documentary film” He added that the ulti- promising photographers to “They do not know how
because he believes it fails to A scene from The Line-Up. Photo: Courtesy of DOCsk mate goal of DOCsk is to be- meet, exhibit and exchange much a photo costs, they do
encompass all the aspects of come a year-long initiative experiences while building not have their own identity,
the genre, explained Ľuboš “When we first visited a more attractive framework; rather than a one-off event, their photographic skills and nobody tells them to take a
Bišto from the DOCsk team. Lunik IX, we were immedi- hence our decision not to fol- and perhaps to make Košice – portfolios. picture of just one thing, and
Gogola, who attended the ately fascinated by the con- low a chronological scheme, which will be a European During a recent visit to they do not know how to
festival in person, said during trast between the but instead devote each epis- Capital of Culture in 2013 – a Bratislava, Vano not only re- frame pictures,” Vano said.
a lecture there that categor- neighbourhood’s gloomy ode to a particular theme,” national hub for document- called his youth and com- He added that poor finishing
isation of artistic genres is the reality and the joyful atmo- Féglová explained. ary filmmaking. mented on all the changes work can destroy all the pre-
result of our feeble attempt to sphere at the kindergarten,” In addition, visitors to As part of this effort, film the city has undergone, but vious artistic effort and that
capture the world and that said Dana Wilson, the pro- DOCsk were allowed a fans can look forward, for ex- also gave the first glimpses it is not enough to produce a
“we cannot discover new ap- ducer of the film. “We there- glimpse into the origins of ample, to free open-air into the photographers’ café photo on a home printer.
proaches in film, theatre and fore decided to make this the documentary genre as screenings of documentary and gallery that will open. In addition to workshops,
literature unless all labels and movie to encourage those practised in Slovakia movies in Košice, as well as in “Earlier, [Slovak] photo- discussions and meetings fo-
delimitations die out who live in Lunik IX to be- through a series of unique other cities around eastern graphers were limited by cused on turning local photo-
completely”. lieve in their own future and screenings of The Line-Up, a Slovakia, this summer, his politics; currently they are graphy in a better direction,
A selection of Gogola’s help others understand that newsreel produced in the colleague Ľuboš Bišto added. limited by money and know- he said his future gallery will
films was screened within a these people deserve to be period of the 1939-45 pro- “Until recently, not much ing business criteria,” he told also focus on films and film-
special section entitled Long treated with dignity.” Nazi Slovak State. It is con- attention has been paid to the SITA newswire. “I would making. It will be located
Live Film. The festival also featured sidered to be the first locally documentary films in Slov- like to make a vibrant, living downtown . “I would like it to
Other sections included an exclusive premiere of the produced documentary. akia, presumably because space for young people be open late, as in the even-
Family Portrait, featuring first episode of a planned The shots were selected by they are not as interesting for where they could meet and ings galleries are already
movies portraying Slovak 24-part TV series about the film critic Petra Hanáková the media as feature films sit for long hours without be- closed and potential artists
families; Focus, presenting history of Slovak cinema, to and provided by the archives with higher budgets and at- ing bothered by the staff to have nowhere to go to have a
movies by fledgling director be aired on Slovak Television of the Slovak Film Institute. tractive casts,” Martin Ciel, a pay or being treated as a chat,” Vano said.
Paula Ďurinová; and Grey (STV) later this year. “I deliberately excluded film critic and associate pro- nuisance. I also would like to
Eminence, dedicated to an- This first episode, directed from my selection all that fessor at the Academy of Per- teach those interested how Compiled by Spectator staff
other guest of the festival, by award-winning Slovak was hard-core propaganda, forming Arts in Bratislava,
Mišo Suchý, a US-based Slov- filmmaker Peter Kerekes, fo- potentates and high politics; who was among the guests,
ak director. cuses on the role of public instead, I wanted to focus on told The Slovak Spectator.
In total, 60 movies were houses in Slovak movies. everyday life, culture and “I am therefore very glad
showcased at DOCsk, includ- Among the other topics period curiosities, though that the attitude towards this
ing 14 premieres. dealt with in the upcoming propaganda was not com- genre has been changing
One of the highlights of series will be Sex and Eroti- pletely absent from these thanks to events such as
the programme was the cism, Slovak Princesses, Fear, domains either,” Hanáková DOCsk, particularly now
premiere of Lunik IX, a fea- and Jánošík (a folk hero often observed. when – in line with the slo-
ture documentary by British referred to as the “Slovak gan of the festival – the strict
director Michelle Coomber Robin Hood”), said Barbara Going beyond borders between different
about a kindergarten in the Janišová Féglová from the conventions film genres have finally star-
middle of the eponymous Slovak Film Institute, a co- ted to disappear, and Slovak
Roma ghetto on the out- producer of the series. Róbert Rampáček, who documentary filmmakers
skirts of Košice, which was “We wanted to avoid the was responsible for the pro- have dared to experiment and
held in the very place where elitist, academic ‘talking- gramme, said that apart from go beyond conventions,” Ciel
it was shot. heads’ style, and tried to find familiarising the audience concluded. Photographer Robert Vano. Photo: Új Szó - Tibor Somogyi
12 April 25 – May 1, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

IN FEBRUARY the Raptor
Protection of Slovakia
(RPS) association (Ochrana
35 Old Town dog dravcov na Slovensku)
made its annual winter
“eagle census” in coopera-
owners pardoned tion with participating or-
ganisations from several
THE Staré have been paid and also re- “More than 30 census-

1 Mesto (Old
Town) district
of Bratislava
granted gen-
cords the dog’s identity. City
police are authorised to check
whether owners have paid
the fee and if an owner fails
takers working in Slovakia
spotted a total of 52 indi-
vidual Eastern imperial
eagles (Aquila heliaca),
eral pardons to 35 dog owners to produce a tag, a fine of seven Golden eagles
who registered their pets €165 can be imposed. Ján Píry checks the purity of the beer layers. Photo: SITA (Aquila chrysaetos) and six
only in February even though The general pardon peri- White-tailed eagles (Hali-
the original deadline was od was also used by 12 people aeetus albicilla),” Jozef
January 31.
“Those residents who
used the general amnesty
who exchanged damaged or
lost tags for valid ones
without charge. Staré Mesto
Glass layered with eight Chavko of RPS told the
SITA newswire.
The Eastern imperial
and registered their dog after
the deadline avoided a fine
from the district office,”
also supported people who
had adopted a dog from a
shelter by providing free re-
beers sets a Slovak record eagle has about 47 couples
nesting in Slovakia and the
Golden eagle has about 90
Staré Mesto mayor Táňa gistration for a year when A CURIOUS re- the new Slovak record. The cheered the main “hero” of couples. In winter both

Rosová told the SITA news- they presented a document cord was set in main initiator of the record the competition. species use lowlands close
wire. All dog-owners with from a shelter proving the the western attempt was brewer Ján Píry. Tension culminated in the to their nesting territories.
permanent residence in Brat- origin of their dog. Only 15 Slovak town of He said, the Slovenské next hour as to whether the The White-tailed eagle
islava must register their dogs were adopted from Senica on rekordy website told The layers would remain separ- is the biggest nesting rap-
pets and pay a certain annual shelters in all of 2010 but 13 March 9 when Slovak Spectator, that his ated and that single glass of tor in Slovakia and there
amount that varies according dogs from shelters were re- eight different beers were work in addition to mixing beer became one of the most are only about seven
to district and other factors: gistered in January and Feb- layered in one glass: Master, hops, malts and yeasts was photographed in the world by couples nesting here even
fees are lower for pensioners ruary this year. Birell, Pilsner Urquell, Šariš, “about communication with the media as well as by brew- though in winter months
and house owners, as well as By the end of February, Velkopopovický Kozel, Šariš people” such as restaurant ery workers admiring the res- their number increases to
for dogs used to guard com- Staré Mesto had collected re- Red, Gambrinus and Topvar. managers, hoteliers, bar- ult. The record was certified several dozen.
pany premises. Dogs that as- gistration fees of €39,494 The record setters, eight tenders and publicans. by the Book of Slovak records. RPS said that the census
sist disabled people can be from dog owners, 11 percent brewers from Topvar, layered Píry explained that the re- Along with the certificate, of eagles is very important
registered for free. more than last year. 2,073 the glass by colour by using cord attempt required know- the Book of Records noted that as it is essential to monitor
After registration, each dogs were tagged, compared four light beers, one half-dark ledge to decide the best order achieving this result was very the number of birds and
owner receives a metal tag to 1,928 legally registered beer and three dark beers, five in which to layer the beers in demanding and it may not be their development trends.
which proves that the fees pooches in 2010. of which were draught beers the glass so that the brands beaten anytime soon, while “We believe that for
joined by three bottled beers. and types did not mix and also noting that the competi- next year’s census we will
The glass, holding 0.3 would maintain separate lay- tion proved that each beer has manage to electrify even
litres, maintained its coloured ers. While Píry was using his specific features, in addition more people to get involved
layers after it was carefully physical skill to carefully pour to its name and taste, which and with their help we will
and gradually filled, and each the beers, the other team differentiate it from others. record even more interest-
beer could be visually differ- members checked the tem- For more information see ing results,” Chavko told
entiated. This was the basis of peratures of the beers and the TASR newswire.

EU funds history route for Spišská Belá

A PROJECT An electronic tourist guide

called Histor- will be available for rent at the
ical Journey mansion in Strážky, in the J.
through the M. Petzval Museum and in the
Town of information centre, according
Spišská Belá to the plan, which states that
will be launched in May. The the project will be completed
local government received by the end of 2011.
financing from the EU’s Oper- The route will show tour-
ational Programme for Cross- ists the 20 most interesting
Border Cooperation, Poland- sites of the region from a his-
Slovakia, for the period 2007 – torical point of view, the SITA
2013. The total cost of the newswire wrote. Apart from
project will be more than monuments such as the Goth-
€54,000, with 5 percent co- ic Roman Catholic Church of St
financed by the town, 10 per- Anthon the Pilgrim, the man-
cent from the state budget sion in Strážky, Renaissance
and the remainder coming bell towers in Strážky and
from the EU. St Anna's Church and bell tower in Strážky. Photo: SITA Spišská Belá, the route will
The main goal of the lead tourists to a former Jew-
project is to preserve the cul- eign tourists, the TASR news- Part of the historical route ish synagogue, a mill, and the
tural and historical heritage of wire wrote. It will include will include informative pan- Church of St Valentine and tell
the Spišská Belá region by cre- promotion of local services els at selected historical stops, visitors more about influential
ating tourist and educational and interesting sites for tour- a multimedia tourist guide, a people who were born or
materials. An educational ists so that the region’s visitor folding tourist map and also worked in the region. The hope
route will be constructed to offering is as comprehensive large exterior maps at the is that visitors will stay at least
Walking a dog in Bratislava. Photo: TASR serve both domestic and for- as possible. most frequented tourist sites. one day in Spišská Belá.

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