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| UNIT | | NUMERICAL mettioPS \ | Anaryteco! Methods = i atou Tn difrereuttal calculus metted OF optim; fs au anatynoo! approach aud fs applreatelé +0 Courmuous te0ree ~ differentia ble Funchos Yalue Tu ts method cateutation OF “the ramet of the ovjective function f° Vernal, the \ast ep of the process The optmal yaue & the objective FJunch ou 1s calculated afie® determing jhe ophwel yewue tthe decision yaraloles Numertaal Metinods = An oppesite procedure te dellowed frat the First Found objective Funchous axe s Of the decisio Axacu wegarding ye Naues Of the yy art alles Ot \Navious Combination. era Conciusiong OFF Athen Optimal Solution. w algost tan: we flod=o Gienerat Principles OF Opkmigato . mos coo | | | flo) £0 foxy Crosees el 5 X-a% a foo=o Wi V anna fle) © Flex)>0 ! | faa funcHou | Root finding ° Searching Jor gers © finding the minal maxima of a FuncHou Optimigatton : lxleterstass Theorem* x ER xXAR > Comnnuous Junction then F attains O wecimum @ minim that °S, | | there east @m “Xx ox 2'! Voi ues of Z- | fap > Eo Z EG) «NTE used or opt wargare ou why numerfcal metheds §S Prooiem ? Anatyical methods Ate usually ditfeart tO apPly dox non lineors objective Tunction ite more than one Variablé - The necessary covdikons meu vesult iM ree eolitch con be soived by non liner eapations methods ong Vumenical | a must be aed tex op Problem | ¥ Coed Fer compyles ot! aad le ly Ly lage sole publ | onthe A General optmigaton Alg ued oprmigattiow coustder the Foltowlng uncenstrat Problem ma FOO xeR auitral Avy optuigarou algonithm stark hoy ou of treratou +e aud Peforms serves Pome Xo each the optmst pomt oO. At ang k- iteration athe newt step ts given by ” = xX, A og Ha % tower — epee ok dk — Search divectton iw e Scan determin how far tego mK — pesinv’ | wm thet direction - a ts Caued FF step length. fon miutmigaton : On) Z FCa) Fn vetue Yes F (24+ Oy Ak) Z F (4) A general oprtmigahon algorttm loegins wim an a deseut search Afrectton , luiral Pom, Aimals and Checks the dejesmives the Slep length tewnmnahd attertQ wim £ (ood) @7o Since XK is unknown, & @ aA known Prololem 7 Seduces fo a Single Var abie muntmigation Problem Condition: VF (xtad)=0 | | To ud gere of Functor. aig te Known as line | Searcy, | Numertcal Precesrow * Flext) 20 > rah of [St order denvahve OF the unchon to be mint mized. | - | * Finding x* € (ab) such that | E@peeyzo la-bl2§— sme aM Value Scaling: The Scaling of the Vartaloles and nstaink determmes the welattue Sige of the derivat veg and functions \atwes, for vumetaa| Yeasous, th is betes rf all Vaviables Ploughy the Same magnitucle Pro and May User | &g: Im proves the chances of success of the Solutio obtained om scaling per Scallvq the Quality My Software perf titerually cottout ierveutions Sealtng aqgzlL 2110 go Zr I, the Sequence ill diverge Tf vei, the method ts Said to be limeasty Convergent | Slow convergence . Here Norm Of Crxror decreases by a constant Factor at Cach Heratou SPecral cases’. weal, PO Superlineay Convergence vel pel sublines Couvesgence converge, Fast Convergene -l If the fntal €evror ts lo col be we", Tp veo 3 Quodrati cally @ v=! 164, 10% etc Seqywence Of evrors oO) tO. | Evvor and Convergence Crrterra : Enor After K theratrous' Absolute error | aX, _a*] Retatve ervey | oc, —x* If Jot) detmed if a*49 Rules to heck accuracy levance X Vector Grteriou ! eee _ xp ae Fauctton Crttevon | Floren) Fla) | Z tolerance Gradien! Ctteston: | v¢ Ceci) | 4 tolerance | | ; [CLASSIPICATON OF Sinaue . VARIABLE OprimizaTion METHODS J OY | Direct Search Methods Methods equi 77 Giegknant ~"Bero onder Methods dervatives oe also EM ON —Descent Methed COVE bt oulyPowachon vatues aw & 1St order Wictheds * Bracketing Methods by aescel Phy aval | * Region Zlimmatkou use £ &E » Wittheds + 24 order methods | to Find \ntewol of reel cund g use £, f ‘ pl KX Dees vl weQuire Infomation on derivatives % Use both Fun vaue & dlenvanve We mahe 4 Newton Raphson mettool Bisecho Method 3 ae ene tel OPhmsahon pillar ETN fusthn bo tte Uninnal cf ONIMoDALTy : | ro) Only ow miner imodal A Functon of one Vartable 1 sard fe be unime If given that tro Values of the Vartables one 8” the the opHmum, the one veover yalue Ci. & the On problem | Same stde of the OPpHmam gnes tne loetter Funclonal Smaiier Vaue wm the Case of O minmige A funckon fex) tS Unimodal if po) 2 FH) a) %, 2%, 4 oct plies thal Fox) ; Foy Lf A (> b) %2 > 2,> 2% ples tnat FO) S FCG) x* _ unimed Imodel macho — walat msi | | Brackettug Methad : | Eochausve Search Th wis method | he. Ffunchou opimum of 15 bracketed by catcutati+g he “Functious Values OL a Number of Equally spaced points OP Hues her bles Xo Xe This vey hiuded Inu aowe gure, the opium lreg bores Op and Bp, this region ts duded bY O numbes Of equally Spaced Potuts. kle Con dud out berween cohtch 2 pomts the minimum as been bracketed Minmam must \te between og @ %4- ag the Hal -. Sntaval ( 1, oe) considered, intewal oF uncertainty This ts the Smplest all methods _ sith Search Method: Algo “> Dude + mienel, -N- 94 nN — no. of Wiermedrate potuis wie cal ete Siep 4: Set % = %o | A | Ac = %f -Xo oc wordt of each Sulo intexval delter & n+l | Ny = Hj +AX | | a, = Sot Axe (Step @: Objective Values For 2, %2, Ge... . | oF f (x) a FQ) 4 F(X) she minimum point lres boetween (ox, %) Hence termivatte | Step 3. TE AX Goto Step a to check aghether the Condttton {8 sausfied im (Ho) oro Else no minimum eatsts pom. bounctoy Pom (ag ov Op) $5 tre wiivanmumn Exchoushve Search Method Arnis fo) kal : BoB % By ey yyy sn ———__ * > L, ed Tp the minimum Value Among the n_ Function Valuer Roy ry, ree ed Ue eee uncertaithy is [oq41, Men} worn me length of Ln = %H- Cyy = ™ Lo = %F —%o Problem: Find the mmumum of F(x) = 9% (1-15) im the fervent (0,13 +0 wrth lot of the exac Value SoluHon: * Final mtewal of uncertainty => middie pow yy approximate optimal Point * wMeaxmum deviation = | tees the Mmiltal nr Interval of uncertainty # le} of exac value — opHmum J £4 =—-— n n+l 10 24 oC F@H x fF cy on “eM oO} © 056 Winn, Oo —0-26 Og 0-56 | 0-3 -0:36 Ae — Fo4 —Oby Os —0:50 6-6 —O-5't Final itewal of uncertawtly [o.1,0-] uiddle post [os] Minium Velue = O15 Accelerated procedure K-l yy = Kt G2 Pacblem: Consrdey va £& = (8-100)" cr mts unbounded * | Cw xe) the minimum Ts o% =00 Solukon: Tawing $24. Let sti a0 Find out F(X) value then using the Acceleretted| Procedure | 250 F(x) =pot K=0 | => 1 =0 [lot Finding oc using acceteretteel ocedure lyet ne st 4 eve! Pr i tI | Ty = mt 2 | Xp = +4 | = Dt] Xe= Find covespording EX) X3 em b = +d It2 Xe =3 Find the corresponding fio Repeat the Procedure Fx) a 3) 63 \o7 Ass” io" qo! 4404 S649 12257 ytél (36q 124 - Miriam 238 I5e and Compute % @ ftx) Mtuwnum of f0c) ts bounded between 68 and 955 Final miewvol of uucertainity [ 63, 255] Ths ay we Can bracket the wimlinum Qutekiy. | | Bracketing Methed Bounding Phase wethed — To procket the minimum OF 4 Unimodal Wh on Mikal Guess, Find oO Search, mi more Functou porhood = of ahe lita] | Luncti on | * Stanting ol diection based 4wo O evaluations ww the neigh guess * Thn om exponential Search Strategy ts Used to reach the ophmum CSwonn's meted ) Setect minal guess oe and on \ucrement A yip £( oP lal) 2 FED ZE (22+ LAI) then the minimum lies to the RRS of ox? ¢ tre (8-1) 2 Fee) 2 FC 4 14!) Ahen the wintmum lies between (a2—[al) and (o°+ lal) § (xl) ) & FM 2 F (x04 Al) Yuled out 'Y Unimodal assump hoy, | Ne ; Algonttam: ly Step: as [pe comarca Counter K20,,, ve prot [ob Select ntiral Guess ° “and aun acrement A Step a: F (oo lal) 2H) 2 EGP+IAly, Hen 470 Clse tf c(ae-lal) 2 F (08) & F (241A), Her ALo | else ge te Sep 4 Steps: Heel K kK Sat =a t2A Seep 4s Tp F Coc") 2 cx") , Ber ka kel aud ge step 3 | else the minimum tes IM the bevel | kl y kel (oc OSD . Step. Region EUMINATION MeETHOP eer Orne, Lent auccessN ey the Divect Search methods that 16 OF a Single Vastabie qunctton © o as to oseAduce. bp lutervals & ave. Called Regiow elimmating Sul of Seawch iteral memainng ethods Elimmakou bracketed the opimum Cott mum) dq can be used te Sowton . After we have | port, Regt Qlimmatou metho Improve fre accuracy of the used to reduce Me length Ff tne Rem aan be as the iiterved OF : Ty 6 also Know" (terval. uncertainty - imtuatrow Fandam ental Rue for Region eli Then mtntmum does not Ire fa TF ( (x) > Flee) (a, %) \F ceo 2 fox) (2,6) | Fqu) = | 1) 2 Fl%2) (a,x) and /13,b) Tah intew Co,b) c e_ Rot ate Fe ued | y Rodaw Ube bem Affe Pom® exod ophmas Vole ye econ \prackeh Pv open Vobu tories Smotl tnbervet The minimum pomt ltes between a ano b Innal Mterval [aby To veduces ternal | eltamate aregron Evaluate Functions at 2 differen} Pomb woth the intewoJ = Ey and Xo | _ Hoco to Pace Txtal Pomk 7 Depending on ctunchon Values, coe cor) delete | |(a.u], [eb] or both | [| In onder to ‘reduce the Wbervey Of “uncerteiniy, we woud Itke to marctmize the | | jength of fa, xj 07 (or, 6] To maramize bot, we Shoud place & and oc, Symm etricalty ‘\W the interval [a,b] Dichotomous Search: (oI J | \ I! I | | | +1] thpte a e) apt = te ° os het the oPHmum Ite between [a,b] . cromious method isk Computes the Ee arb], and then move Slighhy te mid pout to Compute tw00 | The dich mtd pone ether srde of the test pom ab +e E) | | fou) ie | | Lon) | — fy a a Cc %y b 4 avd Unimoda lity Based on the Functon Values tina neabig assumphion, the \uterval 1s updated by © One Part aud the Procedure continues Untill the OPimal Solute ts Courained Wa Small Wberved | Thts Wethed ts Known as Method OF biseching x Flo) ZF Cea) — minimum cloes not he tn Xy and b_ X Take as b. 4 New intervay [a b tas] ) a + Find out tne midpoms of divs neu WMterval and again to Symmelic Pom and coniuues the Process . Drchotomous Method! Algorithm. Consides: win f(x) 2 [eee Infral tterval of uncertainty , [a,b J |Set Weratton counter | K=0 ok ae | b*ab é70 L=fFimal length of Uncertain ee eae while Cb’ ak) 7L i l | 1 k bk Set the Paws in the Inlewol (ax, be ag | Cc and Set too poms Symmehroally From the med pomt at | \ 7 a 7 | | ale | | | | | | ++ | | | y av t ak x 7 Br bk K KX = okay 7 2 “e, Pp aatbh ae 2 as Fae F (px) minimum does mot Ife tw Kk (BF, 8) ¥% Consider RB as new bX! ) an ak! x New itewal and go te the Next Iteratons Else (oP Fee) 2 Op) MN et oF K pk Outpat at = ahah a. K=6 \ fiagness| eae The Fimal itewal of UMcertaiuity otter exPermenls (vw. fs even) ly = bea = lo ata } 2 Constder win Fe) = fot - 7/0 — 6h 49a Froblem Solutow! At a graph blo «x Vs Flx) tind wanimun of FOC) a ophmal powt Approximattely ge —-2956 Shoos minimum FCX) by graphic’ methool . Analyttea] methed! Dtchotomou Method Start the fbeatton K=0o | | ak. -4 bk = 0 23 x K=20 ~~ be ak = 4 Fak) = gs Fo) = -F Fok) 2 £(b%) bea wid york oe ae a = Kw C2. a % + be Oo. a pk Smee Fad) z F (be) dor ext Iherection a RK K_ ok a pKa BM Creduces rom 0) uo chavg) kK kK Bp =e +b* z= -4t0 =z te > a +¢€ New WWeraHon K=4_ Bak Ke p 4, -raq) i F(x) = — 3.83 FCB.) = -5166 F Cau) > F CBx) JA | L194, | | Va | VA Elmtnatry {| vy KM a - asl e ps o=b* C-1-44) 4 = = I K aan a | Uk =-8.0! 1 | TleraHou Ke Q X= -201 geo —1aq [-8-0f] -t-aa] x Fx Fc) = 59.14 F (p*) = -3b66 Ly = 944 3-0] —— +001 ft -t_ g (i) 22 ly =05 (b“-a*) yk 1e2 > 0-5 | a (b¥_a*) FL Go Fer Next Tteration re < Fee) Consider new Bt pt = —-3-01 + 1-99 + 0-0] 2 K Bo > -244 Lreohon K=8 [-sel, -a44] Feu) = -50.14 | £ (BY) = 56-14 | Fa) > Ftp "44 144 = 244 IG os 0-25 fe") plot) —-4:33 -¢: 83 -5 att 62H A551 5) FP) —5)-66 5166 —56-194 561g | Mo wes _ool = Oks. Ineraton 4 | [-anw, -2-44) Fok) =-5512 § (B.) = 964 Ecat) > FCB Bak = oa Ly = 0-085 prea Se Start the Viext ttreraton. REGION Eumiianiow. Inteeval HAVING! METHOD : Iitenval Hating, method eliminates exaciy are half of: the ivtterval each stage by constdexing three equally spaced tral Ppomts, These 8 pomts divrde tre wena La,b) mre 4 eqpal vegfous. at he b@ x fo»? ¥ gcarks = “echo b | ete as ba j Cab} > | % Take wid ps | om? ate ees) ee a| 4 : a I xy ae S Flap Z F (ma), Mis riper) ace a He beyond mM. Elimmate (Xm to bJ dais 15 Sol: oF Fx) D> Fam), the wivinue cu not HEM [a,x] Elnunate thre (a, 2c] , which 1S ast. Compare Juncton Value Al Gn, and Op to elimmate Awiher oct of the Search f(a) 2 FOm) @ ve SN ean eer a on tt, a ony te 1 Anca > Fm Both the wnditee ee not Selafeed act amt. @ . Hdl a HA 5 | fo) 7%" a £Uo)7 FA) Algoxth letep a: Given 2 € BLT, Lo-L= b-2) €70 = at €évaluale F.Com) a Lm Slepa: set Hi sathk | w= b-Yy H Evaluate F (ox) F@a) (Seps: IF Fem) 2 Flam) set elie boca bt, set b=Mm) Bm =X, Go to Step & A aula) beam) Else go +o Step_} (SPAS TF gx) Z Flam), SEO tw 4, My 2% Go fo Skp 5 €ise Set arm, b=m) go to SI*P-S Steps: Evaluate b= (b-a) sp [LIZ € Step Else goto Skp Q the AA €ach Stage of the algo, exachy ha length of the Search (ternal The widpomi of Subsequent equal to 6vic OF the Previous Arial is wemoved. lutervalg iS always Pom hy, Me OF Diy uncertainty remained ay the end evauating MZ8 Odd The intewat oF of N= quachons n-l ibe (5) a : [oJ - Lo Problem : Find the minimum e - Fle) = ot iy the wntowal Co, 5) es0* ax Solutton:. azo, b=5, Leb-a =5 , %mes arb/, =5/,=85 (a+ _ 7 % ly 2045), my: by = 6-5, eee] [Se Bae] FCO) = dae sD hey (3) 7F tm Flame) 2846 0 OA, Flxm) = 21-85 — 5ta,) > Flom) 3\ xy Xy Lm Fu) F(t) FQm) a5 3.95 as 4415 98.46 91-3S~ Leis = Bas Qs 39-82 O05 | 97 6S | oll 94:53 DTO4S Qebs B-4315 SPS a b (New interval (as, 8.15 J Leb-a@ = 395-).45 -9.65 Hm =bta y, > | oe F8S4375 SF (%m) = res | 2 o — Aratl|y = 115 FC) = 39-32 | Se bly = 3.95 F (a) 2 2105 RBs | Lugs has ' B78 | Oa | £04) > Foe) FOL FOn), L Qs 1-98 ab @) : 3) New interval [2-5, 3.5] {v96, 3.45 | Leb -a=305-9:5 = ao 2 QS L Bs - 30.32 M=cat Ty. E2549 = .@los Fla) = 94-1) yy — In OF Oy Phy sens-1ae Bie Pls) = 2158 y == = 18 Rms ace — ocr BT FG y) conoge DBI ee ear anes 26 aps 0 ans bos cae an Fla) > Form) {,) > FCm) — F(oq) > Fa) foo) 2F As) a b. New wiewal [ 2gles, 8-4375] Ls b-a = 3.4315-2-8195 =0.695 His att], =2-e15 +065 _ g.qtgis = 91-0089= [C%) 4 —— Xr = b+y = 3485-0695 ~ 3,28nT - on90g = (22) ip —= Im -ath —— = 2-Bhs+e2. 38-4315 al d.045 = Fm) A ZS Boel oot iA Weiyps aglx 46g 2195 I Bany Fle,) 2 F24) 1 (42) 7 fm) 38 | a b Neco intewa) [3.196 , g.ogias | L=b-a = g.ogins —3105 = 0-166 | T= 8125 4 0156 = 3lby F(a) = 24077 mn == | Xe FS32¢195 0156 _ 3uay295- F(a) = 94161 h x, - a Se 2.99 Flom) = 24 2 7 3 ley, 3.2 ys Uy, 3106 BD0 98i2 4 | fl) 256.) J (ty) > Fx) New Interval [3 20, ah Leb-a = 9.a4-320 = 0.04 ce | Fem) = 27136, Ba hea | Kg = 3B Fl) = onI5 820 Or ( Btn =322 (am) 2} 188 FG) 2 Fa,) New taval [ 3-29, a3] L2b-@ = g.99-3.99 =0.0| | aya 3.20 F(a) = 97.19% Dy = 3.23 Fx) 297-1512 Sm = 3995 Fm) = ots FO) > FOw $92 B00 F(t) J FOn) 3.2y F Ga)? Fass 3225 323 - S22 New imetval (3-2, 3.505 J Lob-a = 9.995-2:203 = 0-008 Zs 3.2085 Fc) = 2094 Kg > 3 2unS F (x2) = IHl¥lss Km = 3.293+8.995 7 | = 3.20% Flam) = 27 1436. a | 39> 2,994) Dewy | eS YIN 40g 3,992, Faye Ie) FO) BIC” New mjewal [32845, 9.286) Leb-a =8.295— 39245 = 0.0905" 90 = 3.9946 G4) = O-Hs! Ly = 3.004395 F(x) = AUS Km 3.94% Flam) = Dh ubSS Jue 0.0005 £ 10 Teno |S Stopped here. na Ophmum 2 2.994 FiBonacct Searcy METH * © Thittat interval L=b-a Pe Gras tee Uohere = 0 =a Wee ory Ta : " % 24 . a Frbon ate numberg IL 2,88, , 18 - - a x sat le Lk (= ° My = b-he ™ Find out Fx) @ Flt) Procedure. Appiy Region Elvana hon Algontaen step4: Given a [ab], bebe Nevo. oF “uncon Valuations Set Heaton Counker K=9 Sep @: Set Me(e L Fat * XjrAt Le A> bok ca @ Stepa, €yaluate Fa) or FC%) Apply REM. Step4. If Ken, Stop Bise set KeKt! go to SP & | Problem : Using Fibonace Sanch method, mulmize the Ahoy Function m the imgerwal a= Or] n23 Foo = %'+ 30 Cos) a sate: 0 p bes - * to ele Tre x, cath K =) L Ke 2 + 2 5 Fon/ Terao Kad | L=b-0 ee ef To \ 2 =)” 9. ‘( Fun LL Fibonacci no Fy | Fan foel Aa! L us [fa \ xg a (5) 2[%\ x ae (e #5 (hs a ] ¥ be = (245) »8 lee ot = 042 =Q | of = a6 %y = fg = E-Q= | [ie& 224 ga4 | FO) = 3\ Fas\=o9- tA 6 6 New tote vel ah a Tm) ofa, ) lau) “fees Feo) >/see) F(3.6) 41-09 X= 3 tga F(x) = 1q fox) 7 F Oa) $ (xs) 2 28-5 . Neo tteavat (9,49 Le4, aco, b=4, K=8, “=3 ie (s Vy, C faa / = ty F(m)= tl ue =[fact | AL : xa) 2 IG) Fat) Fa) =. 4: > ta ~ af uk a] is fF if Feat wat 2 (Ep ea 4 fore For) Wy ani ‘3 A” les] ic (ae wo} Hyrd Lg 3. cs R38 ha} t-+— yy ao fn ap clears FOr 7 (2.4) ny 26-8 “ly FOr S941 Bounding Phase Methal: Bracke the muimum Of the C(x) ra 4s4) aang SOS" uncon. Tlerahow K =o my Mpr06 my = Mt aX, = 0649 tO) K=o a =lel F(x0) = doeéo F(x) = 5080! Tterohon- 20 kes ec alaols at = bt alos) os al KM cok) gca“) ag aP P ? oc. oy qosbo = 50-80] yes Ke] bt Ql 50 3ol Boley ges ¥eD OslQ Hel Bony 29-49%) ye oo “Tg ttT No W232 4.1 Bel 29-44! 3 a4 feat’) ¢ PO¥) Stop ireaon, Ki tl Mum be (2 * Munn C2", bs ) bracket - Groiden Sectten Sear Metaed : ‘Two \yumbers P aud a, A7e 7) gorden 7600 i\ Ee a 2 val Bay P We can comb tats a9 GY oe ae 4 x ATST 14Te be GC \ trot=o \ CeO.b1e Gaiden 12H0, and pbouacct Mumlbbere 1,94, 92124, umber \4 Reatton ble Giiden satro Fibonacci wo: 41,2) 8/8, 8:18, Considers the coro oF comsecat VE al hoonacc? Seqpenr? sos, 2220.661, 815 204, of =% Wje4, Vo \ etc. The alto of Consecuhve numbess appraches the g@eaen wahO m4 ae pots convening a _ ie b 8 ; Algoxtthm Wus- 0a Wee Tf ab, we — wW=0 b-a Aaw=0 bwHd bw =bw-dw =. Given & € [a,b] Se} fhesaiton Counter KA. Step 9: Set > w, =Aot (0-618) hw We = bw-O-61¢) lw Steps: Evaluate F(coi) , F Com’) — Use Region Elwinalon Rute Set New Qu 6 bw Sep4. Ty [Lal Lele) SP Qse set Kent and ge 7 Siep-Q Paro lem a F C20 =(wo-a) boLa £160 of ae 4 Ww | Soluren: Rescale the given quiver Val (60, wo Co4J we 2-60 _ 2-60 \50- 60 40 dow = %-60 [a= gow 460 | =(loo - gow +60) =(4o-qow)* | 02 4! Bacon + apo Port uresval, Lo = (bw aw) 2(i-9 24 Intra \ We FOp + OGIBLD = 0-618 We 4-061 = 0-882 O 0380 (wo) = Dh (ato) = BhE = me Fs) 2 Flar) Nea mrewal . aro bor 06 bor old w,= Os g(d.blero = 6-382 Wg = 0-616 -0.618 (0.6¢) = 0-93€ | 6 | F Cw) sah 6 flde) = 364 — | on 0:38 Or6IF | a “New meval {Cw >For) Ow =0:086. by = 06'8 hw = 0.384 4 W, = 0.986 + (0.618) (0-892) = O448 Wg = 0-618 —Cosis) Cossa = 03819 14 lw) = 61504 Flw4) > aes / . En New \lerved ! ovat” a (o-38lq, 061g) F tm) > Fa) Qw bo lw = 0-616 —0-:381q = 0-2299 wo, 20:8¢14 + Co-6ie) (09294) 20-5844 CO =0- 4154 flo) = Sh 2bs6 Flos) = $004 : ona 4 0s 2344 lg ; Ose SOF Frws) Problem = - 0-8 Tierahon - 9 2 bu = L Lexy Fay 5y Aw 70-862 os ax lw: 1-0-6892 = QA>0 beb to, = 0-104 Ws X-a Woo =O: 61S aA Wr w, ®w=0), by =4 HHH O3¢2 O618 oOnox to =X/5 F (1) > F Cea) £ to) 260) + Sy Theat 3 ae Qw20-3¢2 bw =O-104 021 = ctu +{0-618) beo ley = O1104 —O-BE2 = 0.922 UW. = bw—O-6E Lay Ttesatron4 : to, 0 fO61e) 4 Orgen 0528 O6lF 01104 C= 0.61 fw 2 F Coe) Ws = |-O 66) 4 W, = 0.342 vith. F001) 2 Fun) oO O61 03% 4 QS fou Groiden Sector Search Method , vromall gt +—_ e+ a b 6 Pa a We aw-a Apert aS b-a mea TF asb wet. QW=0 by =4 | get KL, Loos bo-aw = A or cane os A %91 = aw +(0.618) Leo UW = bw — (0-61¢) Les Compute FCo) and Ff Cto2) TE Flo) » £Goo) tty + 0 wo, Wy 4 Sun) 2 £Cws) S$ (wo) = Foe) \tuol 4 € Froonacet Search Methed _ X Fibonacci wo: 41,9,9%,5,8,18,----- GB = Fat fal fet, Fat n-o,8.. Values clon ¥ Sel 06, He 6 comesponng un x le =/ Fa-K+t : Leb-a E WH x X= Athy ed b-H ¥ Fey) @ Fo) ¥ Apply region lwamaton weld undamenta! Tle. Algontiom : — choose a \owes bound a and uppes bom & Set |-b-a — Agume the destred numbey of taachon evaluathons +0 be 1) se Psa 43 * [fs — Compute by =[ tka! fa L x * Set m-athe | ayzb-Ly — Apply Rem urdamenlal Tule Sei new a® b aud - gov — aE Ken tne slop, else Kektl 8 Probiem: 2 ; 5 rth Fad the mumwmum Value o F GO= © Fax cone Pibonecd Method. the Mievell Cand using op exact value ‘|. Obtain the ophmal awe corthin 5 Soiutton + To Awd oul no. of expamenh, Ly -— Length ©f 4wal mieval of Cevtomnty —___=_ ssi AY length of \nlnal tnlesval oF Cevtarnthy ha 2 —4F Tor! foal dhe 100 Fel foea bn & te Ge8 lo Ty=5 a | Firs Minimum 10. Ol. eompenivens Seg” = eXad vyaue Step 4: Le=Eswj neé Step a: To Obtam a, 6 &, kra, n=6 lo fe ): Fast Lo =/k ° (=) > (2 \4. = 964 re ai oe = -349-64 = — 0:33 % = —-2-64 = 183 fea) = -osn, F Cao) = Heh28q 033 “3 +33, 4 skpe F080) Flay New imtewal [-3, |.9¢ [-8, bad) Lo Al 3348 = 4-33 K-38 to=/[foa\y, oy ise Tr yo Fatt fy us = ls =Bxqde -Goar (4 2 X= -3e3.092 > Q-04r Xo = wae = = 84164 =-nag FO = - 0: Bal % = 93-64 = —O-8 fca) = —0:564y b+ i At -3 133-084 ag Fu) 2 £0a) New WMierval (-3, 0-34) Kek n26 Nonneh Ke5 by Fnea lo = (= Lo KG Fina F =(2)-4 #4 i G Lo -Zti = -9 fu) = 0 XKp= —O-By-Qe —WSY F(a) = 01986 Fou) 2 Fx) — Cx any —2 “0°34 a w bw wy, wy Fl) Ff Cor) ° 4 o.6i@ O8eo ato. ghar Cann SZ oOmby o.6ixy 29.919 97-00 O82 0164 O-6le O598 91:02 24S 2) Problem 2 Fe) =(10-s) Tniewal = [60,150] €=0-95 Metheds Requining enivanves” Newion-Raphson Metheel Bisecton method Secont method Newton Rophson ™ etheol Mhe Function Fcx) be tofce Dy vequrves thot AiFfeventrable tuttal estmaie OF the thay ts te nikal eshmale We Start with an Stationary Pomt oc; — of the root of FICO =0 4a A \meay appromalor of the Tuschon plea ad the Poms % fs Oblamed, and the Pomt cv Pane Bere ts foKen as tHe the |Imear approctmaton (Ss " woot Nex} improved Approximation of the ple =0 \ Xyy = LRA Flor) £"Cxx) Algontihm A Set ittral guess = oc, Hevotion Couter K=4 Compute FIC) Siepo: Compute F'lcxn) Step. yy 2 Th Flocu) Flew) Compule S$ Flaten) Step 4. TF |floten)| 2 atop Else sep Ke KH go to Skp 2 Mamy @apre ssions are available The otlowimg ©%Presstons use Cenmal difference Method Flee) = Foun) - Foch) oh 1 Flog = fF cxth) — 9 FOU + FG-h) Se ne Prowem: Minnis mine FO) = 274 80 Tutewal [2,27] 30 " 7 a E2005 wikal guess 04> 9 | - J!) = 99-30 plas sat 6 ec? a? Slep4 * iN} x22 fle sgs FOO = aS H, = aH — flor) PO 2 9 (85) © 13684 Flloo as step 2. oy 29.9664 Flea) = 0-64 Pl Oa) = 6.SIb3 oy = 223604 — “OSI — ouosa GslbS 49 % 29.4609 Fleasx) = —o,00ul L"¢a3) = Goias Oy = Og - res) FO.) Oy > 9.4662 Ieloy | = 0-00y)1 ues! Newton Method! NLR Methed Xai = Ly— flex) F'Cxu) Cenkal alifference Format ) Fam) = F Can4aa) — £(%,-a%) ty Flee) = FlxXntAx)— QF ltn) 4 f (tn-Ax) Fl (Aor) * No Need to Catculake the dervakver Aa S Ln Fb Btsectton Method: Maw Awe uses unctton Value and Stgn od eee) De ey eon poa 09 Glee cae Post of Search Space. Second deavenve - Th does no} use — Unimedality oF Junction es aesumed. a oF & Suncom , Ad the maxmum os WMinimu Fe) =0, Swmce the unctron fs assumed 1° ihe Untmedal, the gradient OF the uct" lA oe and Fl) Stgn near the ophmum pow . IF ple) Computed at ave the demvalves of a dunctton Pomts 21 and oy then the wiatieuin ot the Sunctton ts rocketed blur oc ar Om, Tf the Sign oF Flex) and Flew) ave Afferent — one ts postive © the othess fs vieqanive flo fleas Lo Aigonithm + Step 4. Choose tao poms [a,bJ Such Yad f\eay 20 ond ple) D0 Set %2G % b tolerance EO, 4) Shep Q = Compare LZ = Oy +%> Evaluate slez) a Step 3:- TE \fez)]2e@ stop Ese fF Flee) 2o set azz gote SiePQ Else F FeO Set Og =x ge xo SteP~2. Constdes sign of —divs| dextvaive a) wird Pomt Tf demvatve ts negative, ghumate eH haf Th dewvanve ts posnve, Elimmale Bg “alf. le) = He. wwneediiye —— a yh 4 b fla) - ve Secant Methed Tn the bisector Method, ule used only the Sigu OF the dewwvative to locate the Bevo of qtr) Sa the Secant Method, both the magnitude € Sign 01 the desvaive are used 10 locale the Bro of flex). We Stat totth Jwo Pomls o and % , Such that \ton) and flex) Wave @ppostie Sigh glee) flea)20 Next we assume thal Flex) Vartes haeony blo Potnts oc, ond O2 A Secont Ime ts drawn blur the tooo pomts %1 and %2, The Pont Z where the Secon We Crosses the a-axts ro taken as the Improved guess For the 3etO of fla) mm the Nerct jterajton one of the pomh (oc, of 02) ts thew rsepiaced by % using Sign of F'C2) ond enhes C%,7J olz a) is eltmmated. More Cor Sales) thm valf the Search space way be Elrmmated | Aigoxitim. Segne as btsectton micthod. Note the change fu Compuiato oF Pomt Z Step4. Cheose tooo pom [a,b] Such that Flea 20 and fll) 476 Set a,-a, M&=b tolerance €70 Siepa: Compute Y = (=) $100) (ore0) reo TT 5-2) S3 Evaluate flex) Step 3 TE | rl] 9.5a2 >O Toke % =Z $b SK 2 rhs i x, Xq Nr =[9,35 sep 4: 2943-5 e eee ts Q 2 ¢\(o0s) = Q(ans) — 54 = 640 Cans? [rol de flcz) Lo HA. 2 ae 2.5 New interval =(o-1s, 35} fevatron 2° Sip Qs. pH WS A= sF Zr 015435 TBs Q g'(sias) = Q(sias) —S4 (195° flex) = oa0 Slep3 : |rlca] 4 e $$ SHH. i Bras BS fle) >0 Neo ntaval (9.75, a1a57J l}eraHon 4° Zr ans43ia5 ——— | = 9-434 a pic) <- 03828 [rol 4 @ tle) Lo aI = 2-483 B1ae \exation 4 nr Coase, 3195) Z = 2.q38 4+34a5 a LZ= 3.032 £ (3.082) = Oleh - \F \z)| 4 095 -Termmale Ine Pheratou Z= 3.032 wmintmize the Funckton, St _

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