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School Report Card District GENERAL MCLANE SD


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

School Report Card

Report cards are an important source of information about school This report contains:
performance and accountability. They allow schools to compare
data in a consistent way and highlight opportunities for
improvement. • Attendance
Attendance data
Attendance rates are displayed for the most
This report card will show not only the achievement of students recent school year.
overall, but also the progress that disaggregated groups are
making in closing achievement gaps. Report card data help • The Accountability Report
Pennsylvania school districts and the Pennsylvania Department This section shows the school’s performance
of Education focus on specific groups of students who are currently compared with the goals set by No Child Left
not meeting academic standards. Behind. Student results from the Pennsylvania
System of School Assessment (PSSA) are listed by
The report card is designed to ensure that the public is fully
disaggregated group and by Performance Level.
informed about performance, and to promote broader
participation and better decision‑making by providing a • The Assessment Report
shared source of performance data. This federal initiative is based Here you can compare two years of PSSA, PSSA‑M,
on the idea that a well‑informed public plays an important part and PASA academic performance and participation
in school improvement. data for this school. These results are displayed
by grade, subject, and disaggregated group.

• Teacher Qualifications
Using Report Card Data This section includes both numbers and percentages
of teachers in the school who are highly qualified or
Report cards should be used to share information. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is not
hold emergency certification.
measured by the strength of this report card. The data on this report card may not match
AYP data published for this school.

For more information:

Pennsylvania Department of Education
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126
Click here for LRE Data
Voice (717) 705–2343
Attendance Data
Pennsylvania’s accountability system includes school assessment based on
attendance rates. Attendance rates measure the number of days that a
student was both enrolled and present in the school. Research shows that
a strong relationship exists between regular attendance and academic

Attendance Measures

Attendance Measure1
Attendance Goal: 90%
All Student Groups2 School District State
All Students ✔ 96% 96% 94%
Male ✔ 96% 96% 94%
Female ✔ 96% 96% 94%
White ✔ 96% 96% 95%
Black ✔ 96% 96% 91%
Latino/Hispanic — — 94% 92%
Asian — — 96% 96%
Native American — — 93% 93%
Multiracial — — — —
IEP ✔ 96% 96% 93%
English Language Learners — — — 94%
Migrant — — — 94%
Economically Disadvantaged ✔ 95% 95% 92%

— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
Attendance measure is a goal of 90%, or any improvement from last year.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Accountability Report
The purpose of this section of the report card is to show how students performed compared with the goals of No Child Left Behind. The
participation tables in this report include students who were enrolled in this school for any part of the academic year. The performance
tables in this report include students who were enrolled in this school for a full academic year. These numbers may not match the results
in the Assessment section of the Report Card.

School Overall Results in Mathematics

This table captures participation and performance results of students overall and by disaggregated group who took the PSSA, PSSA‑M,
and PASA in Grades 3 and 4.
Participation Performance
All Student Groups1 Students Assessed Percentage of students in Percentage of students
# % each Performance Level Proficient and above
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

All Student2 179 100% 5% 11% 43% 42% 85%

Male 91 100% 3% 11% 45% 40% 85%

Female 88 100% 6% 10% 41% 43% 84%

White 165 100% 3% 11% 42% 43% 86%

Black — — — — — —
Latino/Hispanic — — — — — —
Asian — — — — — —
Native American — — — — — —
Multiracial — — — — — —
IEP 25 100% 13% 29% 50% 8% 58%
English Language Learners — — — — — —
Migrant — — — — — —
Economically Disadvantaged 43 100% 10% 22% 44% 24% 68%

2010 Goal 56%
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect the privacy of individual students, data
are printed only when the total number of students in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
The performance of students scoring proficient and above includes those who took the PASA, although the number of proficient and
advanced scores based on the PASA will not exceed 1% of all assessed students.
The performance of students scoring proficient and above includes those who took the PSSA-M, although the number of proficient
and advanced scores based on the PSSA-M will not exceed 2% of all assessed students.
Accountability Report
The purpose of this section of the report card is to show how students performed compared with the goals of No Child Left Behind. The
participation tables in this report include students who were enrolled in this school for any part of the academic year. The performance
tables in this report include students who were enrolled in this school for a full academic year. These numbers may not match the results
in the Assessment section of the Report Card.

School Overall Results in Reading

This table captures participation and performance results of students overall and by disaggregated group who took the PSSA, PSSA‑M,
and PASA in Grades 3 and 4.
Participation Performance
All Student Groups1 Students Assessed Percentage of students in Percentage of students
# % each Performance Level Proficient and above
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

All Student2 179 100% 7% 11% 45% 37% 82%

Male 91 100% 7% 10% 52% 31% 83%

Female 88 100% 8% 12% 38% 42% 80%

White 165 100% 7% 11% 46% 36% 82%

Black — — — — — —
Latino/Hispanic — — — — — —
Asian — — — — — —
Native American — — — — — —
Multiracial — — — — — —
IEP 25 100% 33% 25% 38% 4% 42%
English Language Learners — — — — — —
Migrant — — — — — —
Economically Disadvantaged 43 100% 24% 15% 37% 24% 61%

2010 Goal 63%
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect the privacy of individual students, data
are printed only when the total number of students in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
The performance of students scoring proficient and above includes those who took the PASA, although the number of proficient and
advanced scores based on the PASA will not exceed 1% of all assessed students.
The performance of students scoring proficient and above includes those who took the PSSA-M, although the number of proficient
and advanced scores based on the PSSA-M will not exceed 2% of all assessed students.
Assessment Report
The purpose of this section of the report card is to show how students performed on the PSSA over the past two years in Mathematics,
Reading, and Science. This data table captures this school’s overall performance results and participation rates by disaggregated group and
compares it to this school’s results in the previous year. The table reflects all students taking the PSSA in Grades 3-8 and 11 who were in this
school for any part of the academic year.

School PSSA Results in Grade 3 Mathematics

Student Group1 Academic Participation Percentage of students in Percentage of students

Year Rate each Performance Level Proficient and above
School District State
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

2009–2010 100% 3% 9% 45% 43% 87% 88% 84%

All Students 2008–2009 100% 4% 13% 55% 27% 83% 78% 81%
2009–2010 100% 2% 7% 58% 33% 91% 88% 84%
2008–2009 100% 0% 16% 57% 27% 84% 79% 82%
2009–2010 100% 5% 12% 31% 52% 83% 89% 84%
2008–2009 100% 9% 9% 53% 28% 81% 78% 81%

White 2009–2010 100% 1% 10% 44% 45% 89% 90% 89%

2008–2009 100% 4% 13% 55% 28% 84% 80% 87%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
2008–2009 — — — — — — —

Asian 2009–2010 — — — — — — —
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Native American
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 100% 8% 25% 67% 0% 67% 53% 61%
2008–2009 100% 7% 27% 67% 0% 67% 48% 57%

English Language Learners 2009–2010 — — — — — — —

2008–2009 — — — — — — —

Migrant 2009–2010 — — — — — — —
2008–2009 — — — — — — —

Economically Disadvantaged 2009–2010 100% 11% 28% 39% 22% 61% 73% 74%
2008–2009 100% 11% 25% 50% 14% 64% 55% 69%

This is the first year the PSSA‑M assessment was administered.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
This table reflects all students enrolled for any portion of the academic year, meaning that these numbers may not match the results reported
for Accountability purposes.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Assessment Report

School PSSA Results in Grade 3 Reading

Student Group1 Academic Participation Percentage of students in Percentage of students

Year Rate each Performance Level Proficient and above
School District State
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

2009–2010 100% 9% 8% 47% 36% 83% 77% 75%

All Students 2008–2009 100% 11% 9% 62% 18% 80% 76% 77%
2009–2010 100% 9% 9% 53% 29% 82% 70% 72%
Male 2008–2009 100% 8% 12% 69% 10% 80% 75% 74%
2009–2010 100% 10% 7% 40% 43% 83% 84% 78%
Female 2008–2009 100% 14% 5% 53% 28% 81% 77% 80%
2009–2010 100% 7% 9% 50% 34% 84% 78% 82%
2008–2009 100% 9% 9% 62% 19% 81% 76% 83%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Black 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Latino/Hispanic 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Asian 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Native American 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Multiracial 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 100% 33% 25% 42% 0% 42% 37% 44%
IEP 2008–2009 100% 40% 20% 40% 0% 40% 31% 45%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
English Language Learners
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Migrant 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 100% 33% 0% 50% 17% 67% 67% 61%
Economically Disadvantaged 2008–2009 100% 25% 18% 50% 7% 57% 55% 63%

This is the first year the PSSA‑M assessment was administered.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
This table reflects all students enrolled for any portion of the academic year, meaning that these numbers may not match the results
reported for Accountability purposes.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Assessment Report

School PSSA Results in Grade 4 Mathematics

Student Group1 Academic Participation Percentage of students in Percentage of students

Year Rate each Performance Level Proficient and above
School District State
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

2009–2010 100% 3% 15% 40% 41% 82% 78% 84%

All Students 2008–2009 100% 9% 5% 28% 58% 86% 78% 81%
2009–2010 100% 2% 16% 33% 49% 81% 77% 85%
Male 2008–2009 100% 9% 9% 16% 65% 81% 76% 82%
2009–2010 100% 5% 14% 48% 34% 82% 81% 84%
Female 2008–2009 100% 9% 0% 42% 48% 91% 80% 81%
2009–2010 100% 3% 15% 40% 42% 82% 81% 90%
2008–2009 100% 9% 4% 26% 60% 87% 80% 87%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Black 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Latino/Hispanic 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Asian 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Native American 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Multiracial 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
IEP 2008–2009 100% 46% 8% 38% 8% 46% 33% 56%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
English Language Learners
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Migrant 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 100% 5% 27% 41% 27% 68% 64% 74%
Economically Disadvantaged 2008–2009 100% 21% 8% 38% 33% 71% 62% 69%

This is the first year the PSSA‑M assessment was administered.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
This table reflects all students enrolled for any portion of the academic year, meaning that these numbers may not match the results
reported for Accountability purposes.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Assessment Report

School PSSA Results in Grade 4 Reading

Student Group1 Academic Participation Percentage of students in Percentage of students

Year Rate each Performance Level Proficient and above
School District State
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

2009–2010 100% 5% 13% 45% 38% 83% 77% 73%

All Students 2008–2009 100% 9% 13% 37% 41% 78% 77% 72%
2009–2010 100% 5% 11% 50% 34% 84% 75% 69%
Male 2008–2009 100% 12% 14% 35% 40% 74% 74% 69%
2009–2010 100% 5% 14% 41% 41% 82% 80% 76%
Female 2008–2009 100% 6% 12% 39% 42% 82% 80% 76%
2009–2010 100% 5% 13% 44% 38% 82% 78% 79%
2008–2009 100% 9% 15% 34% 43% 76% 77% 79%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Black 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Latino/Hispanic 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Asian 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Native American 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Multiracial 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
IEP 2008–2009 100% 38% 15% 31% 15% 46% 33% 39%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
English Language Learners
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Migrant 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 100% 14% 27% 27% 32% 59% 61% 58%
Economically Disadvantaged 2008–2009 100% 17% 21% 42% 21% 63% 62% 56%

This is the first year the PSSA‑M assessment was administered.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
This table reflects all students enrolled for any portion of the academic year, meaning that these numbers may not match the results
reported for Accountability purposes.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Assessment Report

School PSSA Results in Grade 4 Science

Student Group1 Academic Participation Percentage of students in Percentage of students

Year Rate each Performance Level Proficient and above
School District State
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

2009–2010 100% 1% 9% 43% 47% 90% 89% 81%

All Students 2008–2009 100% 1% 5% 38% 55% 93% 94% 83%
2009–2010 100% 2% 5% 50% 43% 93% 91% 81%
Male 2008–2009 100% 2% 5% 41% 52% 93% 94% 83%
2009–2010 100% 0% 14% 36% 50% 86% 89% 82%
Female 2008–2009 100% 0% 6% 34% 59% 94% 93% 84%
2009–2010 100% 1% 9% 46% 44% 90% 90% 89%
2008–2009 100% 1% 6% 38% 54% 93% 94% 91%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Black 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Latino/Hispanic 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Asian 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Native American 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Multiracial 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
IEP 2008–2009 100% 7% 21% 57% 14% 71% 74% 65%
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
English Language Learners
2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 — — — — — — —
Migrant 2008–2009 — — — — — — —
2009–2010 100% 0% 9% 55% 36% 91% 91% 68%
Economically Disadvantaged 2008–2009 100% 0% 17% 57% 26% 83% 85% 70%

This is the first year the PSSA‑M assessment was administered.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
This table reflects all students enrolled for any portion of the academic year, meaning that these numbers may not match the results
reported for Accountability purposes.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Assessment Report
The purpose of this section of the report card is to show how students performed on the PSSA-M during the past year in Mathematics.
This data table captures this school’s overall performance results and participation rates by disaggregated group. The table reflects
all students taking the PSSA-M in Grades 4-8 and 11 who were in this school for any part of the academic year.

School PSSA-M Results

This school Group
Student Academic
had no1 PSSA-M data availableParticipation
in grades 3-8 or 11Percentage
to evaluateofAssessment
students inresults. Percentage of students
Year Rate each Performance Level Proficient and above
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

All Students 2008–2009

Male 2008–2009

Female 2008–2009


Black 2008–2009

Latino/Hispanic 2008–2009

Asian 2008–2009

Native American 2008–2009

Multiracial 2008–2009

IEP 2008–2009

English Language Learners

Migrant 2008–2009

Economically Disadvantaged 2008–2009

This is the first year the PSSA‑M assessment was administered.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
This table reflects all students enrolled for any portion of the academic year, meaning that these numbers may not match the results
reported for Accountability purposes.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Assessment Report
The Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA) uses performance tasks to measure the knowledge and skills of students with
significant cognitive disabilities. As with the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA), the purpose of the PASA is to provide
information to school districts and other educational service providers that will help them improve instruction for students with the most
severe cognitive disabilities.

School PASA Results

This had no1 PASA dataAcademic
school Group
Student available inParticipation
grades 3-8 or 11 toPercentage of studentsresults.
evaluate Assessment in Percentage of students
Year Rate each Performance Level Proficient and above
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 0 20 40 60 80 100

All Students 2008–2009

Male 2008–2009

Female 2008–2009


Black 2008–2009

Latino/Hispanic 2008–2009

Asian 2008–2009

Native American 2008–2009

Multiracial 2008–2009

IEP 2008–2009

English Language Learners

Migrant 2008–2009

Economically Disadvantaged 2008–2009

This is the first year the PSSA‑M assessment was administered.
Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
This table reflects all students enrolled for any portion of the academic year, meaning that these numbers may not match the results
reported for Accountability purposes.
— Indicates fewer than 10 students in a group. To provide meaningful results and to protect
the privacy of individual students, data are printed only when the total number of students
in a group is at least 10.
There can be overlap among the groups since a student may belong to more than one of these groups.
Teacher Qualifications

Professional Qualifications of Teachers

No Child Left Behind requires that all public school teachers in core academic subjects be Highly Qualified.
Teachers are generally required to be fully certified and to demonstrate their knowledge.

In Pennsylvania, a Highly Qualified teacher is one who: (1) holds full certification, (2) has at least a bachelor’s
degree, (3) has completed a content area major, (4) has passed a content area test, and (5) has completed
teacher education coursework.

Number Percentage

Classrooms with Non‑Highly Qualified Teachers1 0 0%

High Poverty 0 0%
Low Poverty 0 0%
Teachers with Emergency Certification2 0 0%
High Poverty 0 0%
Low Poverty 0 0%

Includes classroom teachers only.
Includes all professionals, not just classroom teachers.

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