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Name: Jalen Holston Email: jalenh4@vt.

edu Date: 10/22/21

Multimedia Flowchart
Project: Body stretch with a foam roller and resistance Screen: 3, 11, of 60
band 119,27,35,
Date: 10/26/21

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: This will be the first overview slide
giving an introduction of the module and a description of what will be taught. This will feature a
video to engage the learner’s attention and inform them of objectives. The first event of
instruction gaining attention is involved with the video introduction. Providing learning guidance

Screen Layout:

Title: Introduction and

overview lesson



Description of objectives and

overview of what will be taught
in the steps ahead.

Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No still images

Moving Images
Video: There will be a video clip introduction presenting information on why
stretching is important for the body and explanation of the direct affect it
takes on your body

Speech: The narration of the video will be the speech
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen
Sound Effects: No sound effects.

Interactivity: Users will be able to operate the video and slide at their own pace and have
access to the help and glossary pages

From Screens: Main Menu screen
To Screens: Hamstring screen, Main Menu screen, Help screen, and Glossary screen
Project: Body stretch with a foam roller and resistance Screen: 4,5,6,7,8,9 of 42
Date: 10/26/21

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: This will serve as the menu slide
for each different topic area (stretch). Learners will be able to navigate through the different
information about the stretches in different sections of the PowerPoint. Presenting the stimulus
material, providing learning guidance

Screen Layout:

Title: Topic

Overvie Injuries

The Help

Practice & Home


Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No still images

Moving Images
Animation: Text boxes will use a fade/pop up animation.
Video: No video

Speech: No speech
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen.
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Learners can refer to the help and glossary pages within the screen

From Screens: Overview screen, Main menu
To Screens: Can advance to next slide, benefits screen, overview screen, injuries screen,
stretch screen, practice & feedback screen. Glossary page, help page, and
home page
Project: Body stretch with a foam roller and resistance Screen: 12,20,28,3 of 60
band 6, 44, 52
Date: 10/26/21

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: Each topic within the lesson will
have a “injury” subtopic slide. This slide will consist of an image and video talking about the kind
of injury suffered, causes of it and treatments for it. Next will be a description about the injury
and how stretching helps the injury. Events – presenting the material, providing learning
guidance, stimulate recall of prior knowledge

Screen Layout:


/ Help
Information about videos
what injuries could be
avoided with Home
stretching and how it
relates to your sport

Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: Images of different areas of the body that could be injured (picture of torn
muscle, pulled muscle, or etc.)

Moving Images
Animation: Images will have a fade in animation
Video: Video displaying the injury presenting information about causes, treatments,
and etc. of the injury

Speech: No speech
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen.
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Users can click on the video to view the information presented

From Screens: Topic screen, previous slide
To Screens: Advances to next slide, home page, glossary page, and help page.
Project: Body stretch with a foam roller and resistance Screen: 14, 22, 30, of 60
band 38, 46, 54
Date: 10/26/21

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: Each topic within the lesson will
have a “benefits” subtopic slide. This slide will consist of a description and information about the
benefits of stretching. It will also include a video for additional information. Events – presenting
the material, providing learning guidance, stimulate recall of prior knowledge

Screen Layout:


Information about the

benefits of stretching and Glossary
how it relates to the sport

Video Home

Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No images

Moving Images
Animation: Textbox will fade in once slide is started
Video: Video will present information informing learners about the benefits of
stretching the specific area.

Speech: The video will contain narration
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Users will have access to start the video once it is clicked on. Users can
interact with help, home, glossary, and next buttons to direct them to those
specific pages.

From Screens: Topic screen, previous slide
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Body stretch with a foam roller and resistance Screen: 16, 4, 32, of 60
band 40, 48, 56
Date: 10/26/21

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: Each topic within the lesson will
have a “The Stretch” slide. This slide will consist of images walking learners through steps on
how to complete the stretch. It will also feature a text description giving step by step directions
for the learner to observe and use.

Screen Layout:

The Stretch

Image Image Glossary

Image Help

Steps to complete stretch

Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: Images will present various steps in completing the designated stretch.

Moving Images
Animation: Images will fade in once learners interact with the PowerPoint.
Video: No video

Speech: No speech
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Learners will be able to interact with the PowerPoint as images of the steps
will be shown when users activate them by clicking somewhere on the screen.
Users can interact with help, home, glossary, and next buttons to direct them
to those specific pages.

From Screens: Previous screen, topic screen
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Screen: 18, 26, 34, of 60
42, 50, 58

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: Each topic within the lesson will
have a “Practice & Feedback” slide. This slide will consist of knowledge check practice activities
and an image.

Screen Layout:

Practice & Feedback



Knowledge check practice activity

Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: Images will be aligned with the topic and will identify if the learner is seeing
the appropriate stretch

Moving Images
Animation: No animations
Video: No video

Speech: No speech
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Learners will be able to interact with activity and receive feedback. Users can
interact with help, home, glossary, and next buttons to direct them to those
specific pages.

From Screens: Previous screen, topic screen
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Screen: 10 of 60

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: The conclusion slide will be the
ending of the lesson. This slide will review the key points and important information discussed
during the lesson. There will be a post-test/checklist available for learners once the lesson has
been completed. Events – enhance retention and transfer

Screen Layout:


Review of important details and Glossary

key points from the lesson

Post Assessment/Checklist Home

(have students complete the

Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No images

Moving Images
Animation: There will be an animation on the post assessment text box
Video: No videos

Speech: No speech
Music: Congratulations Music
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Learners can click on the post assessment box and start it. Users can interact
with help, home, glossary, and next buttons to direct them to those specific

From Screens: Previous screen, topic screen
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Screen: 59 of 60

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: This will be the help page where
learners can look to find additional information if they dint understand something they see.
Events – assign learning guidance

Screen Layout:


Links to additional information to

help learners comprehend the
content within the lesson Glossary


Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No images

Moving Images
Animation: No animations
Video: No video

Speech: No speech
Music: No music
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Can interact with the screen to get to the home page, glossary. Or the
additional links

From Screens: Previous screen, topic screen
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Screen: 60 of 60

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: This will be the glossary page
where learners can find the definitions of words mentioned in the lesson. Events – assign learning

Screen Layout:


Words and their

definitions Help


Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No images

Moving Images
Animation: No animations
Video: No video

Speech: No speech
Music: No music
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Learners can interact with the screen to access the home page and help button

From Screens: Previous screen, topic screen
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Screen: 1 of 42

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: This will be the title screen that
will be the first thing that viewers see when they access the module.

Screen Layout:

Title Glossary



Text Attributes: Title will be 18 - Arial, 18 point font headings will be Calibri

Still Images: No images

Moving Images
Animation: No animation
Video: No video

Speech: No speech
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Learners can interact with the screen to access the home page, help, and
forward/backward buttons.

From Screens: Is the starting screen
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Screen: 2 of 42

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: This will be the main screen
describing the topic that users will learn about and have options for each section that allows quick
direct access to any specific page they want to go to.

Screen Layout:


Hamstring Inner Hip


Chest Upper Quad


Home Help Glossary

Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No images

Moving Images
Animation: No animation
Video: No video

Speech: No speech
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Learners can interact with each button on the page to give them access to a
different section. They will also be able to accesses the home page, help, and
forward/backward buttons.

From Screens: Previous slide,
To Screens: Next slide, hamstring stretch, inner thigh stretches, hip stretch, chest, upper
back, quad, glossary page, help page, and home page
Project: Body stretch with a foam roller and resistance Screen: 13, 18, 23, of 60
band 28, 33, 38
Date: 10/26/21

Multimedia Storyboard

Screen Description and Event(s) of Instruction addressed: Each topic within the lesson will
have a “video” subtopic slide. This slide will consist of an informational video to educate the
learners on the topic. Events – presenting the material, providing learning guidance

Screen Layout:




Text Attributes: Calibri, 18-point black font, Title will be Arial Black. Hyperlinked text will
be underlined

Still Images: No images

Moving Images
Animation: No animation
Video: Video will present information informing learners about stretching the
specific area.

Speech: The video will contain narration
Music: There will be calming fitness music played once the learner opens the screen
Sound Effects: No sound effects

Interactivity: Users will have access to start the video once it is clicked on. Users can
interact with help, home, glossary, and next buttons to direct them to those
specific pages.

From Screens: previous slide
To Screens: Next slide, glossary page, help page, and home page

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