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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy

Pre- and post-assessments are used to assess the learning that takes place from participating in a
learning activity. The pre-assessment is given to students before instruction, in order to
determine their prior knowledge of the topic, or inaccurate knowledge, which is sometimes the
case. After students have participated in the unit, they are given the post-assessment, which can
be the same as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures
the same concepts.
Formative assessment is acceptable, work with your mentor teacher to determine the best way to
collect data in your classroom.

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%)


Partially Proficient
Minimally Proficient
(69% and below)

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Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class
Students will need consistent modeling and repetition to grasp the objective of reading. Students well
need to learn to tap the letter sounds in the word to identify the word. This will enable them to further in
understand the story and answer questions. The students will need direct instructions.
Based on the information provide by the Pre-Assessment Analysis planning, delivery and assessments
will have to be accommodated to meet the learning style of the students. There are students who are
going to need extra support such as one on one, scaffolding and visuals.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
During the design phase, you will carefully construct activities that are geared toward improving learning outcomes in your specific
disciplines. Each activity should align to instructional goals and demonstrate your understanding of the pre-assessment data results,
contextual factors, student learning needs, and management strategies.

Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to
include technology integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.

Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in
the STEP process.

Grade Level: 1st grade

Unit/Subject: Reading Comprehension and Fluency

Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

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Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Standards Ask and answer LITERACY.RL.1.2 LITERACY.RL.1.3 LITERACY.RL.1.7 LITERACY.RL.1.7
questions about key
List specific grade-level details in a text. Retell stories, Describe characters, Use illustrations and Use illustrations and details
standards that are the focus including key details, settings, and major details in a story to in a story to describe its
of the lesson being and demonstrate events in a story, describe its characters, setting, or
presented. understanding of their using key details. characters, setting, or events.
central message or events.


Read with sufficient

accuracy and fluency
to support

Specific Learning Grade level text and Grade level text and Given grade level text Grade level text and Grade level text and
Target(s)/Objectives graphic organizer; graphic organizer, and graphic graphic organizer; graphic organizer, students
Based on state standards, Students will be able students will be able organizer, students Students will be able will be able to make text-
identify what is intended to to ask and answer to retell the story will be able to to describe events of to-text connections with
be measured in learning. text-based questions using words “first”, describe characters of the story using 80% accuracy.
with 80% accuracy “next”, “then”, and the story with 80% illustrations with 80%
“last” with 80%

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accuracy accuracy. accuracy.

Academic Language Answer Retell Character Main Events

General academic Analyze First Describe Describe
vocabulary and content- Comprehend Next
specific vocabulary Then
included in the unit. Last

Unit Resources, David goes to school David goes to school David goes to school David goes to school David goes to school by
Materials, Equipment, by David Shannon by David Shannon by David Shannon by David Shannon David Shannon
and Technology
Visuals Visuals Visuals Visuals Visuals
List all resources,
materials, equipment, and
technology to be used in the

Depth of Knowledge How can we find out What happened First? How can you describe What are the What does this story
Lesson Questions the answers? the characters in the characters in the remind you of?
What happened story? story?
What questions can be Who are in the story? “Next” Is there something you
posed throughout the lesson What are the events in could change about the
to assess all levels of Why is it important to What happened the story? story.
student understanding?
ask and answer
questions based on “Then”?
 Level 1: Recall what we read?
What happened in the
 Level 2: Skill/Concepts

 Level 3: Strategic

 Level 4: Extended

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Anticipatory Set The teacher will ask At the beginning of To continue with The teacher will make a
students: the lesson teacher will yesterday lesson the connection between the text
How will students’ prior use the promethean teacher will ask: and the student’s
knowledge be activated as Do you like to read board to show steps experiences. Are there
well as gain student interest books? when brushing your How can we find out stories that remind you of
in the upcoming content? teeth. The teacher will more about a person? yourself?
What kind of books rearrange the pictures
do you like to read? I the wrong order and To find and learn The teacher will invite
ask if something is more about a person, them to share their
When you read what wrong. you can ask thoughts.
question come to your questions.
mind? I will ask the student
to help me arrange the When you send time
pictures in the correct with a person to get to
order. Then together learn about what they
we will label first, like, dislike, habits,
next, then and last. feelings, friends and
so on.

Presentation of Content

Multiple Means of The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will write The teacher will show the
Representation explain the discuss the lesson explain that when the words character, students what self-
importance of asking objective. She will reading a story its setting and events and connections are. The
Describe how content will who, what, where, inform the students important to get to ask the students to teacher will make a
be presented in various when, why and how we will read the text know the character. explain the what the connection between the
ways to meet the needs of questions. This and then retell the The author can tell words mean. story and her experiences.
different learners. question must be story using first, next, you a lot about a
done before, during then and last. character using details Explain to the Next the teacher will
and after the reading in the story. They can students that the explain when you make
for better The teacher will tell us what they are setting is where the connections a text to a text

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comprehension. explain that stores enjoying doing, how story takes place or from another book it is
need to be told in a they look, what they the environment. called text to text
The teacher will show certain sequence to enjoy doing and so connection.
the student a video: make the story related on. We need to listen The teacher will post
and make sense to the and analyze the the words, its Last, a connection made
Asking and reader. vocabulary used in meaning, and visuals with a text to something in
Answering Questions: the story to discover to help the students the word is called text to
Reading Literature - who the character comprehend the world connections.
YouTube really is and how do concepts.
they act. The teacher will show
following video to further
Tell the students that explain the concept:
today they will
become detectives by m/watch?v=93lpRLX_9A
closely reading text.

Multiple Means of The ELLs will view The ELLs will view The ELLs will view The ELLs will view The ELLs will view the
Representation the video in their the video in their the video in their the video in their video in their native
Differentiation native language. native language. native language. native language. language. Video will be
Video will be Video will be Video will be Video will be projected on the
Explain how materials will projected on the projected on the projected on the projected on the promethean board. Visuals
be differentiated for each of promethean board. promethean board. promethean board. promethean board. with the word will be
the following groups: Visuals with the word Visuals with the word Visuals with the word Visuals with the word provided for student to
will be provided for will be provided for will be provided for will be provided for make connection and
 English Language student to make student to make student to make student to make understanding.
Learners (ELL) connection and connection and connection and connection and
understanding. understanding. understanding. understanding. One to one support will be
 Students with provided to students with
special needs One to one support One to one support One to one support One to one support disability.
will be provided to will be provided to will be provided to will be provided to
 Students with students with students with students with students with
gifted abilities disability. disability. disability. disability.

Early finishers (those who

finish early and may need

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additional sources/support)

Application of Content

Multiple Means of The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will show The teacher will The teacher will display the
Engagement display the story on divide the students in a picture of David on explain to the story and ask the students
the promethean groups. The teacher the board. The teacher students that after to listen to the read aloud.
How will students explore, board. The teacher will give the students will ask the students reading the story we
practice, and apply the will introduce the different parts of the for help to describe will take a closer look During the reading the
content? story and ask question story from the David and will write a and analyze how the teacher will make a pause
based on the front previous lesson. The character description story was structured. and make a connection to
cover: teacher will ask the with the students help The Teacher will self “the story reminds me
students to arrange on the board. provide the students a that when I went to school I
What do you think the the pictures in the story map in order to also used to run in the
story will be about? correct sequence fill out each section hallways”. The teacher will
What do you think the based on the story and based on the story. ask who, what, when, why
character will do in retell the story. and how questions.
the story.
The teacher will ask:
The teacher will write
down the students’ Who is the main character
responses. in the story? Does this
character remind you of
The teacher will read someone? How did you
the first page to the behave in school? Are you
students and ask: like David?

Why does David’s The teacher will next

teacher tell him “No explain and demonstrate
running through the text to text and text to
hallways? If you are world connections.
in the hallways are
well supposed to be

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The teacher will read

next pages of the
books and ask
question about what
David actions are and
what is he doing

Following the lesson,

the teacher will ask
where the story takes
place? How many
characters were in the
story, what happens at
the beginning and end
of the story.

Multiple Means of ELLs student will be ELLs student will be ELLs student will be ELLs student will be ELLs student will be
Engagement supported by proved supported by proved supported by proved supported by proved supported by proved
Differentiation questions in their questions in their questions in their questions in their questions in their native
native language. native language. native language. native language. language.
Explain how materials will
be differentiated for each of For students with For students with For students with For students with For students with special
the following groups: special needs and special needs and special needs and special needs and needs and with disabilities
with disabilities the with disabilities the with disabilities the with disabilities the the teacher will provide
 English Language teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide simple phrased questions
Learners (ELL) simple phrased simple phrased simple phrased simple phrased and will give them extra
questions and will questions and will questions and will questions and will time to answer. The teacher
 Students with give them extra time give them extra time give them extra time give them extra time will provide prompting as
special needs to answer. The to answer. The to answer. The to answer. The needed.
teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide
 Students with prompting as needed. prompting as needed. prompting as needed. prompting as needed.

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gifted abilities

Early finishers (those who

finish early and may need
additional sources/support)

Assessment of Content

Multiple Means of The students will The teacher will give The teacher will give The teacher will give The teacher will give the
Expression answer texted based the students a graphic the students a graphic the students a graphic students a graphic organizer
question organizer and give organizer and give organizer and give and give them clear
Formative and summative independently. The them clear instruction them clear instruction them clear instruction instruction on what they
assessments used to monitor teacher will give the on what they must do. on what they must do. on what they must do. must do.
student progress and modify students a graphic
instruction. organizer and give Students will draw The students will The students will be Students will fill the
them clear instruction the story in the describe in a few providing a story graphic organizer by adding
on what they must do. correct sequence. words the character in element map. The text to self, text to another
They will also be the story. students will identify text and text to world
encouraged to write each element and fill connections. The teacher
the event they drew. out the blanks based will review and remind the
on the text. students about different
connection used in the
guided reading.

Multiple Means of ELLs student will be ELLs student will be ELLs student will be ELLs student will be ELLs student will be
Expression supported by proved supported by proved supported by proved supported by proved supported by proved
Differentiation questions in their questions in their questions in their questions in their questions in their native
native language. native language. native language. native language. language.
Explain how materials will
be differentiated for each of For students with For students with For students with For students with For students with special
the following groups: special needs and special needs and special needs and special needs and needs and with disabilities
with disabilities the with disabilities the with disabilities the with disabilities the the teacher will provide
 English Language teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide simple phrased questions

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Learners (ELL) simple phrased simple phrased simple phrased simple phrased and will give them extra
questions and will questions and will questions and will questions and will time to answer. The teacher
 Students with give them extra time give them extra time give them extra time give them extra time will provide prompting as
special needs to answer. The to answer. The to answer. The to answer. The needed.
teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide teacher will provide
 Students with prompting as needed. prompting as needed. prompting as needed. prompting as needed.
gifted abilities

Early finishers (those who

finish early and may need

Extension Activity and/or Homework

Identify and describe any The students will The students will The students will The students will The students will work
extension activities or create their own short share their stories work together to choose an event from together to make
homework tasks as story. Ask them to with one another. describe a character the story and make a connections between their
appropriate. Explain how share it with a peer. They will retell the from a past reading. drawing of the event. stories.
the extension activity or
Encourage the peer to stories after. The student will then
homework assignment
supports the learning
ask question to relate describe the setting of
targets/objectives. As to the story. the event and
required by your instructor, character.
attach any copies of
homework at the end of this

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STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5-10 minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:

Summary of Unit Implementation:

The standards for the unit were focused on reading comprehension and fluency:
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
Summary of Student Learning:
Based on observations, practice and extensions, the students need differentiate instruction based on their
needs. The students were asked question to develop their comprehension. The teacher helped the student
grasp different techniques for comprehension by posing question, exploring the character, setting and
action in the story. The students learned to engage with different concepts through investigation and
active practice. The students learned to actively listen, exchange ideas and thoughts and ask questions to
make the text clearer and understand the author's purpose.

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Reflection of Video Recording:
Rereading is important to understand and make sense of a story. During the lesson the student were
encouraged to reread parts of the story that didn’t make sense. The teacher demonstrated these by
modeling and creating learning opportunities to collaborative and direct instruction. The students need to
learn and put in practice the skills need to organize and comprehend the reading. A graphic organizer was
used to provide explicit modeling.

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