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Total marks: 100
Note: Enclrcle Correct Answers.
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1. A chronic case of
peptic-ulcer disease is treated a
pylori. Which of the following drugs is an by reglme of combination therapy for the eradication
of H.
H/K' ATPase actlvity thus reducing the releaseinmportant component of thls reglme which inhibits the
of gastric-acid secretion?
a. Ranitidine
b. Cimetidine
c. Pirenzepine
d. Pantoprazole
e. Metronidazole
2. A pregnant
lady (3 trimester) was
examined and prescribed a suitable presented
in emergency room for
epigastric pain. On-call doctor
mucosal protective agent and safe in
drug for her peptic-ulcer disease.
Which of the following drugs is a
a. Sucralfate pregnancy?
b. Cimetidine
C. Pirenzepine
d. Omeprazole
e. Misoprostol
3. Which of the following anti-emetic
drugs is a selective central blocker of 5HT receptor and
effective for chemotherapy Induced nausea is very
& vomiting?
a. Aprepitant
b. Prednisolone
C. Ondansetron
d. Domperidone
e. Diphenhydramine
4. A biologlcal agent, anti TNF-a, and used for severe inflammatory bowel disease.
a. Sulfasalazine
b. Olsalazine
C. Prednisolone
5. Which one of the following drug is most suitable for the
of Myocardial infarction?
prevention of straining at the stool in a patient
a. Liquid paraffin
b. Magnesium hydroxide
d. Senna
e. Castor oil
6. Which one of the following drug increases upper Gl motility, enhance
gastric emptying and prevents
gastric acid reflux, but is most likely to cause extrapyramidal reaction:
a. Bethanechol
b. Neostigmine
C. Erythromycin
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d. Domperldone
e. Metoclopramlde

. An 18-Year-Old boy came In OPD with n

tenderness In the rlght
complalnts of abdominal colle, bloody dlarrhea, pa
hypochondrlum. After physlcal examlnatlon and lab Investigato and
dlagnosed wlth amoeblc dysentery and hepatitis. Which of the following drugs Is best for ni
effective In both systemic & Intestinal ameblasls? e
a. ldoqulnol
b. Tetracycline
C. Paromomycln
Dloxanide Furoate
8. A patlent with chronlc
gouty arthritls came In OPD for routine
After lab
revealed that hls urlc acld Is too hlgh. On-call doctor prescribedcheck-up.
hlm tablet allopurinol. Whicn or t we
following Is the main mode of actlon of allopurlnol?
a. Inhlbition of COX
b. Inhibition of Interleukin-1
Inhibits xanthine oxidase
Increased excretion of urlc acid
Inhibition of Tubulin Polymerization
9. Rheumatoid arthritis usually requlres
for longer period of time can cause
prolonged treatment. Which one of the followlng drugs if given
hypertenslon, hyperglycemla, peptic ulcer and deposition of fat on
face, shoulders and belly (l.e. Cushing's
a. Etanercept
b. Prednisone
d. Cyclosporine
e. Mycophenolate Mofetil
10. Which of the
following neurotransmitters is inhibitory in nature?
a. Glycine
b. Aspartate
C. Serotonin
d. Glutamate
e. Acetylcholine
11. Which of the following drugs is a reuptake inhibitor of norepinephrine and serotonin and
tricyclic antidepressant agents? belongs to
a. Bupropion
b. Fluoxetine
C. Duloxetine
d. Nefazodone
e. Clomipramine
12. A 20-year-old boy was presented in the emergency room with status epilepticus. Whlch of the
antiepileptic drugs is more suitable for this patient? following
a. Vigabatrin
b. Phenytoin
C. Gabapentin
d. Topiramate
e. Carbamazepine
13. Which of the following describes the main mode of actlon of ketamine, an IV general anesthetic?
a. Inhibition of central opioid-u receptor
b. Inhibition of norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake
Blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor of glutamic acld
d. Hyperpolarization of neurons by action on potassium current
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Facllitatlon of GABA medlated
Inhibitlon at GABAA receptor
Which alveolar anesthetlc concentratlon MAC value ls a
of the
followlng has a low MAC value and hence It ls measure of Inhalatlonal anesthetic
a. Isoflurane a more
potent drug
b. Halothane
C. Desflurane
d. Sevoflurane
e. Nitrous Oxlde
15. Followlng ls an example of Selectlve
a. Diclofenac COX-2 Inhibltors:
b. Acetaminophen
C. Plroxlcam
d. Celecoxlb
e. Asplrln
16. Acetaminophen toxlclty malnly damages:
a. Heart
b. Kidneys
C. Eyes
17. Memantine is used in treatment of
Alzhelmer's disease and acts by:
a. Increasing noradrenalline
b. Inhibiting acetylcholine
Decreasing glutamate and glycine
d. Increasing nicotine
e. Inhibiting cholinesterase enzyme
18. An ester type of local anesthetic agent, more likely to cause allerglc reactions:
a. Bupivacaine
b. Mepivacaine
C. Procaine
d. Lidocaine
e. Prilocaine
19. Inhibits the peripheral metabollsm of levodopa, Increases its efficacy and reduces slde effects.
a. Bromocryptine
b. Benztropine
C. Carbidopa
d. Ropinirole
e. Selegiline
20. Which of the following drugs can be used as substitution therapy for the management of Opioid
Withdrawal effects
a. Triazolam
b. Naloxone
C. Pentazocine
d. Methadone
21. Drug commonly used for the prevention and treatment of drug induced Parkinsonian is:
a. Carbidopa
b. Levodopa
C. Procyclidine
d. Ropinirole
e. Selegline
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(Hofmann degradatlon) a n d

22. Very short-acting muscle-relaxant, ellminated by spontaneous degradation (Hofmann

neuromuscular Junctio
competltively blocks nlcotlnlc receptors of acetylchollne at the

a. Atracurlum
b. Pancuronlum
C. Rocuronlum
d. Succinylcholine
e. Tubocurarine
neuromuscular Junctlon and used for treatment
23. Inhlbits release of Acetylchollne at the
around eyes and mouth.
blepharospasm and for rellef of wrinkles

a. Baclofenne
b. Botulinum toxin
C. Diazepam
d. Dantrolene
e. Tizanidine
for Leishmaniasls:
24. Usually recommended as first line drug
a. Clindamycin
b. Sodium stibogluconate
C. Permethrine
d. Metronidazole
e. Tretinoin
25. One of the following drugs is commonly used both orally and topically for Cutaneous Mycotic
a. Clotrimazole
b. Ketoconazole
C. Terbinafine
d. Naftifine
e. Tolnaftate
26. Which one of the following drug is conyerted into an active metabolite (A sulfoxide) to kill worms in the

a. Thiabendazole
b. Albendazole
C. Mebendazole
d. lvermectin
e. Pyrantel pamoate
27. The drug of first choice for most Schistosomes and other flukes is:
a. Albendazole
b. Bithionol
C. Metrifonate
d. Oxamniquin -

e. Prazequantal
28. Drug used for treatment of insomnia and non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder, eg. in totally blind adults.
a. Diazepam
d. Lorazepam
e. Secobarbitone
29. A middle age lady suffering from migraine headache was not responding well to usual first-line
medication and was prescribed an alternate remedy. After a few days she developed ischemie palns
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and discoloratlon of her fingers and toes, as wll as

given: dyspnea and chest on exertlon. Most lkely she was
a. Flunarlzine
d. Ergotamlne
e Toplromate
S0 Decreases prostate slze In men with benlgn prostatic hvoerplasia (BPH) and decreases symptoms of
BPR, by
Inhlblting Sa-reductase enzyme thus decreasing dl-hydro-testosterone (DHT) In prostate.
a. Tamsulosin
b. Finasterlde
C. Terazosln
d. Goserelin
e. Leuprolide
31. Flumazenil can be used for the
a. Buspirone
management of overdose toxicity of:
b. Diazepam
C. Morphine
e. Ramelteon
32. Which of the following drugs can be used as substitution therapy for the management of Opiold
Withdrawal effects and abuse?
a. Triazolam
b. Naloxone
d. Methadone
e. Meperidine
33. Atypical antipsychotic, causes minimum extrapyramidal side effects:
a. Clorpromazine
b. Flupenthixol
d. Promethazine
e. Risperidone
34. Which of the following drugs is administered as a pre-anesthetic medication to prevent excess
salivation, secretions in the respiratory tract and tachycardia?
a. Midazolam
b. Morphine
C. Metoclopramide
d. Atropine
e. Ranitidine
35. A 32 years old male was brought in an emergency with developing paralysis and convulslons. There was
a history of snakebite. The probable snake involved inthis case would be
a. Viper
b. common Krait
d. Sea snake
e. Banded krait
36. A washewoman falsely accused her husband of beating her by making artificlal brulses on her arms
and face. The probable substance she must have used for this purpose would be:
a. Abrus Precatorius
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b. Semecarpus Anacardium

c.Ricinus communls
d. Croton seeds
e. Ergot
are Included lin
which type of following
trace evidence
37. Skin, tooth pulp, nals, and dandrutf
a. Testimonial evldence
b. Physical evldence
C. Blologlcal evldence
d. Non-blologlcal evldence
e. Chemical evidence

near a lake was unrecognizable. What should

be the simplest and
38. A decomposed dead body found
useful routine investlgation In this
a. Radiography
b. UV rays examination
C. Post mortem serologgy
d. DNA profiling
e. Dactylography
39. Recommended radiograph/x-ray for age determination of adulthood should be of the reglon of
. Skull
b. Pelvis
C.Wristand elbow
d. Elbow and knee
e. Pelvis and hip
40. A carpet shop caught fire due to a shot circuit. Victims were brought to the mortuary for autopsy. The
most important finding to confirm that victim was alive when the fire was going will be:
a. Blister formation on burn skin
b. Soot particles in upper respiratory tract
C. Heat fracture of skull bones
d. Heat hematoma of the brain
e. Pugilistic attitude of muscles

41. Tingling and numbness of the hands and feet and tenderness of the muscles, sometimes with paresis
most commonly affecting the extensors of feet are features of chronic arsenic poisoning. This condition
closely resembles with;
a. Lead encephalopathy
b: Alcoholic neuritis
c. Erythrism
d. Plumbism
e. Saturnism - --- --- -

42. A dead body was found with the presence of complete ligature mark and abrasions on the neck,
bruising of larynx and trachea internaly and fractures of laryngeal cartilage and hyoid bone. What will
be the cause of death in this case:
a. Hanging
b. Smothering
C. Strangulation
d. Choking
e. Autoerotic asphyxia
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43. A
gag8ng material was
eplthellum on the gaggingrecovered
from a person who was
accused of gagging. Detectlon of
Age of victlm will help to establsh; buCcal
b. Age of accused
C. Sex of victim
d. Sex of accused
Helght of the victim
44. Which one of the
following methods of ldentification Is the surest,
a. DNA profile silmple, and most rellable methoa:
b. Dactylography

d. Anthropometry
e. Poroscopy

45. The mental health

ordinance allows the
a. 24 hrs emergency holding of a patlent of mental illhess til:
b. 36 hrs
C 48 hrs
d. 76 hrs
e. 92 hrs
46. Autopsy of a body reveals congestion in the internal
organs along with hemorrhagic patches under the
mucous membrane. Examination of internal skin revealed an
inflamed and necrotized skin lesion
resembling an injection mark. The possible cause of death is
a. Ricin Poisoning
b. Croton Poisoning
C. Abrus Poisoning
d. Strychnine Poisoning
e. Dhatura Poisoning
47. An unknown skull is
produced into forensic science laboratory Lahore by the police for identification,
sex, race, and age estimation. The report is given that the skull belongs to an adult Caucasian female
based on the following finding
a. Cephalic index is 70-75
b. Height index- 75
C. Height index- 72
d. Nasal index-55
e. Nasal index-46
48. A farmer working in the fields was found in a semi-conscious state. He was having tightness in the
chest, wheeze, substernal tightness, heartburn, abdominal cramps, profusely sweating, incontinence.
On examination, he was having bradycardia, miosis, and cyanosis. What will he be suffering from;
a. Asthmatic attack
b. Myocardial infarction

d. Organophosphorus poisoning
e. Dhatura poisoning
49. A 70-year-old male is brought by his son to the psychiatric clinic. According to his son, his father has a
habit of forgetting moreover, he tels the doctor that he is under constant observation but tells stories
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meeting with different people
partlcular perlod. The old man Is recently and about the events which he has not experienceu that

a. Dellrlum experlenclng whlch of the following

b. Hallucinatlon
d. Muslon
e. Confabulatlon
50. A teenage girl ls brought by ambulance to the
bottle of medicine, which was half emergency room after her mother found her wlth a
empty and purchased a day prlor. Examinatlon reveals edema of
face and eyellds, fever,
dyspnea, flushed skin, and brown colored vomlting. Which of the
explains the clinical features In thls patlent? following best
Barbiturates polsoning
b. Benzodiazeplnes polsoning
C. Aspirin polsoning
d. Acetaminophen polsoning
Amphetamine poisoning
51. In methyl alcohol polsoning there is CNS depresslon, cardlac
effects are produced due to: depression, and optic nerve atrophy. These
a. Formaldehyde
b. Acetaldehyde
C Acetic acid
52. Any member of the
community who is unable on account of mental illness to look
after himself and
manage hls affairs or is dangerous to himself or others, in the
domain of Forenslc Medicine, given a
legal name as:
a. Mentally retarded person
b. Mentally ll person
c. Mentally upset person
d. Psychiatric person
e. Neurotic person
53. A 30 years old male patient is brought to the emergency department in comatose state with
pupils, reduced respiration, bradycardla, and profuse sweating. The most likely dlagnosis will be:
a. Alcohol poisoning
b. Organophosphate poisoning
C. Opioids poisoning
d. Benzodiazepine poisoning
e. Barbiturate poisoning
54. A 44 years old male was brought to causality with c/o feelings of ants crawling under his skin. The man
is most likely suffering from the poisoning of
a. Heroin
b. Cocaine
C. Opium
d. Alcohol
55. A 60 years old man presents with a history of confusion for 10 days. His frlend gave a history of 15 units
of alcohol intake per day. Which ofthe following suggests a postive dlagnosis of Korsakoff's Psychosls:
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a. Confabulatlon
term memory
d. Audltory halluclnatlon
e. Coarse tremors

S6. A 49 years old man

presented with abdominal
showed a leather bottle dlscomfort and dark stools for 2 months. Barlum
mallgnant eplthellal cells.appearance
What Is
of the
gastrlc antrum. Blopsy showed
ditfusely Infltrating
a. Intestinal carcinoma your dlagnosils?
b. Slgnet ring carclnoma
C. Gastric lymphoma
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Glomus tumor
57. Which of the following
feature ls
Lobular inflammationIndlcatlve of
a. chronlc hepatitis?
b. Fibrosls
C. Portal infammation
d. Necrosis
e. Apoptosis
58. Which of the
following colonlc polyp has the
a. Inflammatory polyp highest potential of becoming mallgnant?
b. Hyperpilastic polyp
C. Adenomatous polyp
d. Peutz jeghar
e. Juvenile rectal
59. A 35 years old man was
dlagnosed with Crohn colitis. Which of the following
colonic blopsy is diagnostic of Crohn morphologic feature in
a. Lymphedema
b. Cryptitis
C. Goblet cell depletion
d. Mucosal inflammation
e. Non caseating granulomas
60. The most common cause of acute
pancreatitis is..
a. Alcoholism
b. Drugs
C. Gallstones
d. Trauma
e. Shock
61. The most common type of malignant lymphoma In stomach Is.
a. Small cell lymphoma
b. Diffuse large B cell
C. Burkitt lymphoma
d. Mantle cell lymphoma
e. MALT ymphoma
62. A10 year old boy presented with symptoms of gluten sensitlve enteropathy. He was advlsed duodenal
biopsy. Which of the following morphologlc feature Is dlagnostlc in this dlsease?
a. Lymphocyte infltrate
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b. Granulomas
C. Eosinophls
d. Vllous atrophy
e. Plasma cells
63. Llver
hlstopathology report of
47 years old man showad features of
of the
followlng morphologle feature will favour a dlagnosls of HBV Infectlon?viral hepatitls.
a. Ground
glass hepatocytes
b. Lymphold follles
d. Neutrophilic Infiltrate
e. Plasma cells
64. A 38 years old woman
presented with morning stiffness and palnful, swollen
Jolnts. Her serum calclum, phosphorus, alkallne Interphalyngeal
and elbow
phosphatase and urlc acld levels were normal. But RAA
factor, C reactive protein and ESR were ralsed. What is the
in this case? pathogenetlc mechanlsm of Joint destructlon
Deposition of crystals
b. Neutrophil infiltration
C. Pannus formation
d. Wear and tear
e. Porous bones
65. A 34 years old woman
presented with an exophytic cartillage tumor of
showed a cartilage cap with mature bone undemeath. What is upper end of tibia. Biopsy
a. Chondroma your diagnosis?
b. Enchondroma
C. Chondrosarcoma
d. Osteochondroma
e. Osteochramatosis
66. A 12 years old boy presented with bowing of legs and
pigeon chest deformity. He was
rickets. What is the pathogenetic mechanism in
this case? diagnosed with
a. Increase nonmineralized bone matrix
b. Decrease in normal mineralized bone
C. Persistence of fetal osteoid
d. Increased osteoclast activity
e. Decreased osteoblastic activity
67. A 10 years old boy
presented with fever. He had pain and swelling of left leg. X showed
tibial diaphysis. Biopsy showed sheets of small blue ray swelling of
cells with scanty
and vascularity. What is your oytoplasm and extensive necrosis
Ewing sarcoma
d. Giant cell tumour
68. A 45 years old man presented with a
pigmented lesion on leg. The lesion had Irregular borders, color
variatlons, variable diameter and ulceration. The doctor suspected
malignant melanoma. What is the
most important prognostic factor in this case?
a. Epidermal involvement
b. Ulceration
Lateral spread
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9. A37 Depth of Invaslon
Years old man was
may also have.... dlagnosed with cellac disease.
Which of the following
a. Pemphlgus vulgarls bullous sin dsease he
b. Bullous pemphigold
C. Dermatitls herpetlformis
d. Epldermolysis bullosa
e. Darler disease
70. A 35 years old
woman presented with blateral,
hypekeratosis, acanthosls, absent granular layer,symmetrlcal scaly, white plaques. Biopsy showea
Is your diagnosis?
clubbing of rete rldges, and Monroe abscesses. Wna
a. Psorlasls

b. Lichen planus
C. Urticaria
Squamous cell carcinoma
e. Basal cell carcinoma
71. A45 years old
man presented with a
dermls with surface non-heallng ulcer on nose. Blopsy showed nests of tumor cells In
connection, peripheral pallsading, and clefting. What ls your dlagnosis?
Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Malignant melanoma
C. Basal cell carcinoma
d. Dysplastic nevus
e. Spitz nevus
72. What is the
compositlon of staghorn (struvite) renal calculus?
a. Calcium carbonate
b. Magnesium ammonium phosphate
C. Calcium oxalate
d. Uric acid
e. Cysteine
73 A 12 years old
boy presented with generalized edema, puffiness around
Renal biopsy and immunofloresnce was eyes and heavy proteinuria.
essentially normal but electron microscopy showed loss of
podocyte foot processes. What is your diagnosis?
a. minimal change disease
b. focal segmental glomerulonephritis
C. membranous glomerulopathy
d. acute post streptococcal
e. lgA nephropathy
74. A 37 years old blood pressure of 200/120 mmHg. He was
man had a
diagnosed as a case of biopsy In
hypertension. What is the most likely morphologlc lesions in the small renal vessels on renalmalignant
this case?
a. Fibroelastic hyperplasia
b. Medial thickening

d. Thrombatic microangiopathy
e. Fibrinoid necrosis
75. Which of the following
morphologlc features is dlagnostic for renal cell carcinoma?
a. Large glands and necrosis
b. Sheets of polygonal cells with deep eosinophilic cytoplasm
C. Clear cells and arborizing thin vessels
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d. Glands with mucln

e. Keratn
76. A47 years old man
pearls and sheets of
neoplastle cells
presented with headache. MRI revealed a well Ising
circumscrlbed bralin
Mlcroscoplcally whorls of spindle cells with psammoma bodles weretun
rom dura matter.
hst Is
your dlagnoss?
a. Ependymoma
C. Meningloma
d. Astrocytoma
e. Schwannoma
77. A 55 years old woman
presented wlth sudden, excruclating headache along with nausea and vomiting
On CT scan she was
dlagnosed with ruptured berry aneurysm. Thls patlent will have Intracranlal
bleeding In which of the following areas?
a. Epidural space
b. Subdural space
Subarachnoid space
d. Intraparenchymal
e. Intraventricular
78. Parkinson disease ls a result of.
a. Damage to dopaminergic neurons
b. Amyloid angiopathy
C. Neurofibrillary tangles
d. Loss of myelin
e. Deposition of prion
79. Brain autopsy of a 78 years old man showed
cortical atrophy.
Microscopy showed presence of
neurofibrillary tau tangles and Aß plaques. What is the most likely disease In this case?
a. Multiple sclerosis
b. Parkinsonism
C. Huntington chorea
d. Alzheimer
e. Spinocerebellar ataxia
80. A 10-year-old boy abraded the skin of his thigh, and
developed cellulitis, the infection was treated with
a topical antibiotic ointment and the cellulitis gradually healed. However, 2 weeks later, he told his
mother that his urine was cloudy and reddish and she noted that his face was swollen. Acute
glomerulonephritis was suspected as the probable diagnosis. Which of the following is the causative
organism in this case;
a. Streptococcus pyogenes
b. Haemophilus influenza
C. Mycoplasma pneumonia
d. Staphylococcus aureus
e. Staphylococcus epidermidis
81. Until the past decade, H. Influenzae was the leading cause of meningitls In young children (2 months to
5years), but its incldence has declined because of
a. The leading cause used to be N. meningitidis
b. Earlier antibiotic treatment of ottis media
C. Influenza virus vaccination
d. Haemophilis influenzae type b vaccination
e. The leading cause are viruses
82. The most common etiology offungal meningitis ls
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a. Asperglllus sp.
b. Cryptococcus neoformans
C. Histoplasma capsulatum

d. Candlda alblcans
e. Coccldloldomycosls
83. Which of the
following vlruses ls the most
HSV-1 common cause of
b. HSV-2 encephallts
e. Polio virus
84. Scalded skin
syndrome Is caused
a. by
Streptococcus pyogens exotoxin lexfollatlns) produced by whlch of the following bactena
b. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C. Staphylococcus aureus
d. Propionibacterlum acne
e. Demodex folliculorum
85. Burn patlents often develop
a. nosocomial Infectlon caused by:
Streptococcus epidermis
b. Corynebacterium spp.
C. Staphylococcus aureus
d. Candida albicans
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
86. The bacteria that
multiply in blocked skin pores, metabolize sebum, and can lead to the
acne are: development of
a. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
b. Propionibacterium spp.
C. Serratia marcescens
d. Streptococcus pyogenes
Acne is not caused
by bacterial infection
87. A 60 years old farmer
working barefooted in the fields develop abdominal discomfort and
progressive anaemia ,had a past history of itching and papule formation on his left slowly
foot His stool
routine examinatlon revealed oval
transparent ova with a granulated mass in the centre. Which
parasite can be responsible for this infection;
a. a Ancylostoma duodenale
b. Ascaris lumbricoides
C. Enterobius vermicularis
d. Trichuris trichiura
e. Hymenolepis nana
88. Which of the following may be the only detectable serological marker durlng the earty convalescent
phase of HBV infection (window phase)7
a. Hepatitis B core antigen (HBCAg)
b. Hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg)
C. Hepatitis Bsurface antigen (HBSAg)
d. Hepatitis B e antibody ( HBeAb)
e. Hepatitis Bcore antibody (HBc Ab)
89. A patient in an ICU is on CVP line. His blood culture show growth of gram positive coccl which are
catalase positive and coagulase negative. The most lIkely etiologlc agent Is..
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a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Staphylococcus epldermidls

C.Enterococcus faecalls
d. Streptococcus Pyogenes
e. Streptococcus agalactea
90. Infants between 6-12 months are
or older persons because: susceptlble to systamlc
menlngococcal disease than newborns,
a. Thls age group
speclfic receptors for
b. Infants of thls age group are menlngococcal pll on nasopharynx
deflclent In C5, C6, and C7
d. Exposure
bacterlocidal antlbodles have In the
declined in complement system
Incldence is hlghest In thls this age group
Infants of thls group develop age group
woman, has blurred vision and complex agalnst this disease
91. A forty year old

nelghbourhood for her expertlse In home cannedslurred speech. She ls afebrlle. She ls well known in her
illness Is? vegetables and frults. The most
likely cause
of her
Clostridlum perfringens toxin acting on
b. Clostridium botulinum toxin acting on the synaptic terminal of
neuromuscular junctlon
Clostridlum botulinum toxin acting on synaptic terminal of
d. Clostridlum the cranlal nerves neuromuscular Junction
difficile acting on the
Clostridium botulinum toxin acetylcholine receptors
92. The gastric acting on the
adrenerglc receptors
biopsy of a patlent with a
negative rods within the mucous history of peptic ulcer
layer of the stomach. Urea breath revealed gull wing shaped gram-
gram-negative rod whlch Is a test was also
a. predisposing factor for gastric carcinoma
Bacteroldes fragilis positlve. This enterlc
b. Campylobacter jejuni
C. Helicobacter pylori
d. Salmonella typhi
e. Vibrio parahemolyticus
93. Which of the following set
bacterlal meningitis 48 hours findings
will most likely favour
after the
diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis over
a. Lymphocytosi development of neck rigldity?
, normal/ slightly elevated
Lymphocytosis, markedly elevated glucoseglucose

Lymphocytosis and low glucose level

Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis, normal/elevated glucose
Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis, low glucose
A 23-year-old woman
comes to your office
urination, increased frequency of because, for 3 days, she has
urination, anda continual feeling thatexperienced burning with
'dipstick' urine tests are consistent with she needs urinate.
produces a lactose-fermenting Gram-negativeuncomplicated cystitis. Culture of urine ontostandard Rapid
rod. In situations such as media
pathogen? this, what Is the most likely
a. Enterobacterfaecium
b. Escherichia coli
C. Klebsiella pneumonia
d. Proteus vulgaris
e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
95. A 22-year woman
develops dilarrhea. She reports pain on passage of stool, which is
smear of stool black
and tarry. A
revealed, cysts and amoeboid forms containing
ingested erythrocytes. Endoscopy
reveals ulceratlons 15 of 16
bloody diarrhea.
of his
colonlc mucosa.. page
Which organism Is
a. Entamoeba hlstolytica most likely to have caused the
Glardla lamblla patlents
Salmonella enterica
Shigella dysenterlae
96. Vibrlo cholera
Infectlon wlth
a. dermatophyte Is most often assoclated
intravenous drug with
inhalatlon of the abuse
adherence of the organism from contaminated bird feces
d. organism to
Fecal-oral transmisslon
perspiration molst skin
A girl who prlcked her
to an ulcer. Several finger while pruning some
rose bushes
nodules then
develop develops a local pustule that
Aspergillus fumigatus along the local lymphatic progresse
dralnage. The most likely ager"
. Sporothrix schenckil
C. Cryptococcus neoformans
d. Candida albicans
98. A
35-year-old man with severe
analgesic and antispasmodic radiating pain in the right
hypochondrium was hydrated and given i/v
drugs. After several hours he passes
the stone reveals a kidney stone.
a struvite (magnesium Laboratory analysis
following organisms can ammonium phosphate) stone. Infection with which of the
promote the production of such stones?
Escherichia coli
b. Proteus mirabilis
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
d. Staphylococcus saprophyticus
e. Ureaplasma urealyticum
99. Rabies is identified by which of the following inclusion bodies
a. Guarneri bodies
b. Negri bodies
C. Cowdry A bodies
d. Cowdry B bodies
e. Downie bodies
100. All of the following statements are true regarding poliovirus except
a. It is transmitted
by feco-oral route
b. Asymptomatic infections are common in children
C. There is a single serotype causing infection
d Live attenuated vaccine produces herd immunity
e. It is a positive sense RNA virus

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