Activity 2.4 Argument Essay: Name: Marc Aj Corneta Grade & Secton: 11 - Humss

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Filipinos have a lot of cultures. May it be positive or negative. Some of these cultures have been
passed through generations and some just arise because of the changing aspects of the world
wherein Filipinos are just being adaptive to what is being presented. In the culture of the
Filipinos, there are evident influences. These influences set it apart from other nations or
cultures. These influences manifest themselves in the robust life that embodies the vibrant
history of the nation, close family ties, and influences from the colonial masters. The number
one or the most popular culture of Filipinos is being hospitable. People here in the Philippines
are usually friendly and welcoming to our guests. This Filipino attribute makes the Philippines
one of the most favorite destinations by tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of our nature
and the friendliness of our people, not to mention we can also understand and speak English.
Next is being adaptive and resilient. Despite all the calamities that struck our country, like the
strong earthquake and Super Typhoon Yolanda that devastated the central part of Visayas in
2013, Filipinos are persistent enough to get back on their feet, even without solid help from the
government. We can also adapt to any type of environment and mingle with any kind of people
all over the world. Because all people are willing to help, and their willingness makes the works
more productive. And lastly, Filipinos are known for being deeply religious people. They profess
Christianity, Islam, and traditional religious beliefs. The majority of people are Christians mostly
Roman Catholics. The Filipinos are one of the most faithful people in the world. Whatever our
religion is, we remain faithful and we don’t lose hope for a better tomorrow. Our faithfulness
and hopefulness keep us kind, positive, peaceful, and determined to achieve our goals no
matter how impossible they may seem. But isn’t that, in today’s time, there is a lot of toxic
cultures. Like Crab Mentality, Mañana Habit, and Filipino Time. Crab mentality refers to the
behavior of preventing someone from achieving something due to jealousy or envy. Instead of
praising or rendering assistance, someone with crab mentality would think “if I can’t have it,
then you can’t as well” and will purposely try to bring his/her victim down. And just like the
crabs who could have escaped from the bucket if they only stopped pulling each other.

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