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Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

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Effect of gum arabic and Aloe vera gel based edible coatings in combination T
with plant extracts on postharvest quality and storability of ‘Gola’ guava
Muhammad Akbar Anjum*, Hira Akram, Maryem Zaidi, Sajid Ali
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, 60800, Pakistan


Keywords: Guava is an important climacteric fruit that exhibits short shelf life at ambient conditions. Due to short shelf life,
Aloe vera gel marketing and subsequent storage of guava is difficult. Therefore, some treatments that can extend shelf life and
Antioxidant activity conserve quality of guava fruits are required. In the present work, the effect of ginger extract, garlic extract, gum
Gum arabic arabic and Aloe vera gel coating (in combinations) was investigated on guava fruits at 25 ± 3 °C for 15 days. The
Ginger extract
combination of garlic extract + gum arabic markedly suppressed weight loss, skin browning and disease se-
Garlic extract
verity. In addition, fruits of garlic extract + gum arabic treatment had higher titratable acidity and this com-
bination also suppressed excessive increase in total soluble solids till the end of storage period compared with
control. Similarly, garlic extract + gum arabic combination significantly extended shelf life of guava fruits as
compared with control. Garlic extract + gum arabic treatment showed significantly higher ascorbic acid content
and lower total sugars. In contrast, reducing sugars were lower in gum arabic + Aloe vera gel treatment and non-
reducing sugars were lowest in ginger extract + gum arabic coated guavas. Antioxidant activity and antioxidant
capacity were not affected with any combined treatment but these were comparatively higher in gum arabic +
Aloe vera gel treatment. In contrast, total carotenoids were higher in ginger extract + gum arabic combination
while total flavonoid contents were higher in garlic extract + gum arabic coated guava fruits. In conclusion,
combined application of garlic extract and gum arabic could be considered a suitable treatment for shelf life
extension and quality conservation of guava fruits.

1. Introduction edible coatings or use of edible films for the modification of inner at-
mosphere of the fruits (Germano et al., 2019). Various edible coatings
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a climacteric fruit which possesses have been formulated by using lipids, proteins and carbohydrates
various important nutrients such as minerals, carotenoids, ascorbic acid (Etemadipoor et al., 2019). Gum arabic is a plant based natural poly-
and polyphenols. However due to climacteric nature, guava fruits saccharides based coating. It is obtained from branches/trunk of a tree
continue their ripening process even after harvest and exhibit com- known as Acacia senegal. Gum arabic has been used in numerous fruits
paratively shorter shelf life at ambient conditions (Singh and Pal, 2008; to extend their postharvest life (Khorram et al., 2017; Khaliq et al.,
Nair et al., 2018). Being climacteric in nature, guava fruits show higher 2016).
respiration rate eventually leading to rapid perishability (Nair et al., Aloe vera gel is another plant based natural coating with good an-
2018). Under cold storage, guava fruits are susceptible to chilling in- timicrobial potential (Mendy et al., 2019). Aloe vera gel constitutes
jury; however their storage at ambient conditions leads to short shelf about 99% whitish gel that consists of amino acids, sterols, gluco-
life (Jain et al., 2003; Etemadipoor et al., 2019; Germano et al., 2019). mannans (polysaccharide) and vitamins. Use of Aloe vera in postharvest
Loss of guava fruit quality is generally associated with prompt of fruits and vegetables has significantly increased in the recent years
softening and changes of color from green to yellow during postharvest (Ali et al., 2019, 2020a). Application of Aloe vera based coating reduces
storage. Quality of guava fruits may be conserved with suitable post- desiccation and conserves quality during postharvest storage (Mendy
harvest technology. An effective and suitable postharvest technology et al., 2019; Rasouli et al., 2019).
devised to conserve the quality of guava relies on application of the Garlic (Alium sativum) possesses significantly higher prophylactic

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (M.A. Anjum).
Received 12 February 2020; Received in revised form 11 May 2020; Accepted 21 May 2020
0304-4238/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

and therapeutic activity. It also contains polyphenols and sulphur. Due gel coating was 100%.
to presence of these active components, it has good antibacterial, an-
tifungal and antioxidant activity (Yara-Queiroz et al., 2009). Similarly,
ginger (Zingiber officinale) is also a therapeutic plant (Ali et al., 2008). 2.2.2. Gum arabic coating
Both garlic and ginger extracts have been used in quality conservation It was prepared according to the protocol of Khaliq et al. (2015).
of various fruit and vegetable crops during postharvest. Impact of Gum arabic was obtained from a local herbalist shop and ground into a
ginger extract has been investigated on mango (Adams et al., 2016), fine powder. The gum arabic powder was dissolved in a conical flask
papaya (Ali et al., 2016a) and plantain (Banjoko et al., 2019). Likewise, containing sterile distilled water and constantly heated at 40 °C on a
influence of garlic extract has been studied on banana (Sanwal and magnetic stirrer until (∼60 min) completely dissolved. Finally after
Payasi, 2007) and mango (Ashwini and Desai, 2018) fruits. Use of garlic filtering through muslin cloth, gum arabic concentration was adjusted
as an essential oil in combination with Aloe vera gel coating on banana to 10% (w/v).
postharvest quality and incidence of anthracnose disease has also been
reported (Khaliq et al., 2019a). 2.3. Treatments and application
Application of combinational treatments based on edible coatings
such as gum arabic and Aloe vera gel as well as ginger and garlic ex- Total four treatments namely: T1 = control, T2 = ginger extract
tracts has not been studied on guava fruits. Combination of edible (20%) + gum arabic (10%), T3 = garlic extract (20%) + gum arabic
coatings and natural plant extracts may prove more effective than their (10%) and T4 = Aloe vera gel (100%) + gum arabic (10%) were used.
alone application. So, the present work was conducted to investigate Aloe vera gel coating was not much effective with ginger and garlic
the influence of gum arabic, Aloe vera gel, garlic extract and ginger extracts, so it was not used in combination with them. Guava fruits
extract (in combination) on shelf life potential and quality of ‘Gola’ were dipped in treatment solutions for 5 min and treated fruits were
guava fruits. dried at ambient conditions. Finally, dried fruits were placed in card-
board corrugated boxes and stored at 25 ± 3 °C for 15 days. The
2. Materials and methods analyses of fruit were performed at 3 days interval. The work was
conducted under factorial layout of completely randomized design. The
Fruits of guava cv. ‘Gola’ were sourced from the orchard located at factors were storage intervals and coating treatments. Three replicates
Satra Kassi Budhla Road and Suraj Miani, Multan, Pakistan. Fruits were were used in each treatment and every replicate contained 15 fruits.
harvested at full green color and firm stage (physiologically mature
according to the local maturity indices) just prior to start of ripening.
Fruits uniform in size and shape were manually harvested on 20th 2.4. Skin browning and disease severity
November 2017 and 20th March 2018. The study was conducted for
two consecutive years. The leaves (from fruits) were trimmed to avoid Skin browning was assessed as reported by Jung and Watkins
possible mechanical injury and fruits were thoroughly washed with tap (2011) with slight modification. It was assessed on a modified scale i.e.
water. 0 = no browning (0%), 1 = 1–20% browning, 2 = 21–40% browning,
3 = 41–60% browning, 4 = 61–80% browning and 5 = 81–100%
2.1. Extracts preparation browning. Finally, the results of skin browning were expressed as fre-
quency (%) values.
2.1.1. Ginger extract Disease severity (fruit rot) was assessed visually with naked eye
Ginger extract was prepared with the method of Adams et al. (2016) according to the scale of Zahid et al. (2015). Overall, dark brown or
with slight modification. Briefly, ginger rhizomes (about 100 g) were blackish irregular spots were noted on the surface of diseased fruits.
peeled and sterilized with ethanol (70%). After sterilization, the rhi- Disease severity was evaluated on a rating scale as 0 = no disease (0%),
zomes were thoroughly washed with sterile distilled water to get rid of 1 = 1–20%, 2 = 21–40%, 3 = 41–60%, 4 61–80% and 5 = 81–100%.
the residues of ethanol and cut into small pieces. The pieces were then The results of disease severity were expressed as frequency (%) values.
ground into a fine paste with the juicer machine. The obtained paste
was then filtered through sterile muslin cloth. Finally, its concentration
2.5. Shelf life
was adjusted to 20% (w/v) with sterile distilled water.

The shelf life of fruits is the period (days) needed to fully ripe having
2.1.2. Garlic extract
optimal market potential along with satisfactory eating quality from the
Garlic extract was made according to the method of Sanwal and
harvest day (Ahvenainen, 1996). In our present work, shelf life of guava
Payasi (2007) with minor modification. Garlic cloves (around 100 g)
fruits was calculated from the day-0 when treatments were applied
were manually peeled and sterilized with 70% ethanol. The cloves were
prior to ripening to the time until the fruits had edible quality.
then thoroughly washed with sterile distilled water to eliminate ethanol
residues and the cloves were cut into small pieces. After cutting, the
cloves were ground in a juicer machine and the resultant homogenate 2.6. Physiological weight loss
was filtered through muslin cloth (sterile). At the end, its concentration
was adjusted to 20% (w/v) with sterile distilled water. It was determined by taking initial and final weights of guava fruits
(Wi − Wf )
with the given equation. Weight loss (%) = Wf × 100 . Where, Wf
2.2. Preparation of coatings = final weight and Wi = initial fruit weight and the results were de-
rived in percent (Ali et al., 2016b).
2.2.1. Aloe vera coating
Fresh leaves of Aloe vera plant were sourced from botanical garden
of Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan and washed to 2.7. Total soluble solids
remove dirt from surface of the leaves. Aloe vera based coating was
prepared as described by Amanullah et al. (2016). The leaves were then Juice was extracted from the fruits and subjected to thorough
cut with a knife and internal gel was collected in a beaker. Total 500 mL homogenization in a beaker. The homogenized juice was then used to
of Aloe vera gel was obtained and ground in a blender. After blending, it determine total soluble solids with a handheld refractometer (Atago).
was kept in a glass bottle until used. The final concentration of Aloe vera The concentration was expressed as percent (Ali et al., 2016b).

M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

2.8. Juice pH and titratable acidity subjected to centrifugation at 6500 × g for 5 min. The upper colored
hexane layer was collected and absorbance was read at 450 nm and
The digital pH meter was used for guava fruits juice pH determi- carotenoids were expressed as μg kg−1.
nation at room temperature. Titratable acidity was assayed in juice of
guava fruits. The juice of fruits was titrated with NaOH (0.1 N) solution 2.14. Total flavonoid content
and reported in percent (Hortwitz, 1960).
Total flavonoid content was assessed by the detailed protocol of
2.9. Sugar contents Kaushik et al. (2016). In short, 1 mL extract of guava pulp was homo-
genized with 4 mL deionized water and 300 μL NaNO2. The samples
Reducing, non-reducing and total sugars were estimated as outlined were then left for 5 min. After that, 300 μL AlCl3 was added in 2 mL of
by Horwitz (1960). Juice was mixed with 100 mL distilled water, 10 mL 1 M sodium hydroxide and absorbance was read at 510 nm. Finally, it
of 20% potassium oxalate and 25 mL of 25% solution of lead acetate. was expressed as g kg−1.
The solution was made up to mark and designated as filtrate for dif-
ferent sugars determination. 2.15. Sensory quality
The prepared filtrate was titrated with Fehling’s solution (10 mL)
under constant boiling until brick-red colour appearance. After addition In sensory quality, taste and aroma were assessed with a panel test.
of 1% methylene blue drops, the filtrate was added drop by drop until Total ten panelists participated in sensory evaluation. The hedonic scale
brick-red colour appearance and calculated as per following equation. consisted of 9 = like extremely, 5 neither like nor dislike and 1 =
dislike extremely (Larmond, 1987).
Reducing sugars (%) = 6.25 × (A / B)

Where ‘A’ is standard sucrose volume titrated with Fehling’s solution 2.16. Statistical analysis
and ‘B’ is volume of samples aliquot titrated with Fehling’s solution.
For total sugars analysis, non-reducing sugars were transformed into The data of quantitative parameters were processed by using ana-
reducing sugars by adding the filtrate (25 mL) to distilled water (20 mL) lysis of variance technique. The comparison of treatments was carried
and 99.9% HCl (5 mL) and overnight incubation to complete hydrolysis. out with least significant difference test. The analyses were performed
Finally, it was neutralized with 0.1 N NaOH and titrated with Fehling’s at 5% probability level with Statistix 8.1 software. In case of significant
solution (10 mL) as follows. main effects, data were presented in tables whereas in case of sig-
nificant main and interaction effects, data were presented in figures.
Total sugars (%) = 25 × (A / B) The data of skin browning and disease severity were expressed as fre-
quency values. The work was conducted during two consecutive years
where ‘A’ is standard sucrose volume titrated with Fehling’s solution
and data are mean of two year values.
and ‘B’ is volume of samples aliquot titrated with Fehling’s solution. The
calculation of non-reducing sugars was done as following.
3. Results and discussion
Non-reducing sugars (%) = 0.95 × (Total sugars-Reducing sugars).

3.1. Skin browning and disease severity

2.10. Total antioxidants
Skin browning was increased in all treatments throughout of storage
Total antioxidant content was analyzed as reported by Shimada
time (Fig. 1A-F). However, skin browning was significantly less in gum
et al. (1992). Briefly, 0.1 mmol L−1 DPPH solution was prepared in
arabic + garlic extract treated guava fruits from day-3 to day-15,
methanol and 4 mL of guava fruit sample was reacted with 1 mL of
compared with control. After 15 days, skin browning was significantly
DPPH solution. The resultant reaction mixture was then vigorously
less (all fruits had 21–40% browning) in garlic extract + gum arabic
shaken and incubated for 15 min in dark. Finally, total antioxidant
combination compared with control (33.33% fruits had 61–80%
content was determined after taking absorbance at 571 nm and ex-
browning and 66.66% fruits exhibited 81–100% browning). Overall,
pressed as mmol trolox equivalent kg-1.
gum arabic + ginger extract and gum arabic + Aloe vera gel coating
treatments were less effective in suppressing skin browning but were
2.11. Ascorbic acid content significantly better than control (Fig. 1A-F). Browning is an undesirable
change in colour that negatively affects visual quality of fruits and
Ascorbic acid was assayed with the procedure of Ruck (1963). In vegetables (Ali et al., 2019, 2020a). Skin browning takes place due to
brief, 10 mL of juice was mixed with 0.4% concentrated oxalic acid. oxidation of phenolics. Phenols oxidation subsequently leads to o-qui-
After that, 5 mL aliquot was titrated with 2,6 dichloroindophenol. The nones production and o-quinones polymerization results in brown
L-ascorbic acid was used a standard and ascorbic acid concentration pigments formation. The oxidized product of brown pigments leads to
was derived as mg kg−1. surface browning (Altunkaya and Gökmen, 2009; Ali et al., 2020b).
Coatings treatment inhibits oxidation of phenols and delays browning
2.12. Total phenolic content (Ali et al., 2019). So, skin browning was found lowest in gum
arabic + garlic extract treated guava fruits probably owing to reduced
The protocol of Kaushik et al. (2014) was used for total phenolic phenolics oxidation. Similar to our work, Alali et al. (2018) also found
content determination. Blue color was developed by using Folin-Cio- significantly less browning in gum arabic treated banana fruits.
calteu reagent in 20% Na₂CO₃ and absorbance was read at 750 nm. Disease severity was increased in all treatments during entire sto-
Finally, total phenolics contents were expressed in terms of gallic acid rage time (Fig. 2A-F). However, disease severity was significantly less
as mg kg−1. from day-3 to day-15 in gum arabic + garlic extract treated guava
fruits, compared with control (Fig. 2A-F). After 15 days, disease severity
2.13. Total carotenoid content was significantly less (66.66% fruits had 21–40% disease severity and
33.33% showed 41–60% disease severity) in garlic extract + gum
Total carotenoid content was assayed with the protocol of Lee and arabic combination compared with control (all fruits had 81–100%
Castle (2001). Guava fruit samples were extracted in 50 ml extraction disease severity). In contrast, gum arabic + ginger extract and gum
solvent that consisted of ethanol:acetone:hexane in 25:25:50 ratio and arabic + Aloe vera gel coating treatments showed higher disease

M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

(A) day-0 (B)

100 day-3 100

80 80

Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)

60 60

40 Control Control
Gum arabic + ginger extract Gum arabic + ginger extract
20 Gum arabic + garlic extract Gum arabic + garlic extract 20
Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel
0 0
(C) day-6 (D) day-9
100 100

80 80

Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
(E) day-12 (F) day-15
100 100

80 80

Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Skin browning (Score) Skin browning (Score)

Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of skin browning of guava fruits after 0 (A), 3 (B), 6 (C), 9 (D), 12 (E) and 15 (F) days of storage in response to combined application of
different edible coatings and plant extracts. 0 = no browning (0%), 1 = 1-20% browning, 2 = 21-40% browning, 3 = 41-60% browning, 4 = 61-80% browning and
5 = 81-100% browning.

(A) day-0 (B) day-3

100 100

80 80

Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)

60 60
Control Control
40 Gum arabic + ginger extract Gum arabic + ginger extract 40
Gum arabic + garlic extract Gum arabic + garlic extract
20 Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel 20

0 0
(C) day-6 (D) day-9
100 100

80 80
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
(E) day-12 (F) day-15
100 100

80 80
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Disease severity (Score) Disease severity (Score)

Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of disease severity of guava fruits after 0 (A), 3 (B), 6 (C), 9 (D), 12 (E) and 15 (F) days of storage in response to combined application
of different edible coatings and plant extracts. 0 = no disease (0%), 1 = 1-20%, 2 = 21-40%, 3 = 41-60%, 4 61-80% and 5 = 81-100%.

M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506



Shelf life (days)



Control Gum arabic + ginger Gum arabic + garlic Gum arabic + Aloe vera
extract extract gel

Fig. 3. Shelf life of guava fruits as affected by combined application of different edible coatings and plant extracts. Different letters show significant difference
according to LSD test (p ≤ 0.05). Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means.

severity than gum arabic + garlic extract coated guava fruits. Gum increasing trend with progressed period of storage. Nevertheless, loss in
arabic (either alone or in combination with plant extract/essential oils) weight was markedly higher in control (28%) compared with ginger
has been found effective in reducing diseases and decay in different extract + gum arabic (22.36%), garlic extract + gum arabic (20.65%)
fruits (Ali et al., 2010; Khaliq et al., 2015). Khaliq et al. (2019a) and and gum arabic + Aloe vera coating (21.76%) coated guava fruits
Bordoh et al. (2020) reported that ginger extract/essential oil has (Table 1). Among the different combined treatments, lowest physiolo-
strong antimicrobial activity. Ginger extract alone and in combination gical weight loss was noted in garlic extract + gum arabic coated
with Aloe vera gel coating significantly inhibited anthracnose disease in guavas, in contrast with control (Table 1). On the whole, combination
banana and dragon fruits, respectively (Khaliq et al., 2019a; Bordoh of ginger extract + gum arabic coating was least effective in reducing
et al., 2020). physiological weight loss of guavas than other treatment combinations
but overall it significantly reduced loss in weight than control (Table 1).
3.2. Shelf life In case of storage days, lowest physiological weight loss was noted after
3 days (11.54%) and highest was noted on day-15 (28.50%) of storage
Effect of combinational treatments of edible coatings and plant ex- (Table 2). The loss of weight increased due to desiccation and increased
tracts on the shelf life of guava fruits was significant (Fig. 3). Averagely, metabolic activities such as respiration rate (Ali et al., 2010). Coatings
minimum shelf life was found in controls (6.0 days) whereas all other act as a barrier to desiccation and lead to maintained fresh weight of
used treatments significantly enhanced the shelf life of treated guavas. fruits (Khaliq et al., 2019a). In this work, physiological weight loss was
Overall, maximum shelf life was observed in garlic extract + gum probably lower in garlic extract + gum arabic coated fruits due to in-
arabic (13.0 days) coated fruits compared with ginger extract + gum hibited desiccation.
arabic and Aloe vera gel + gum arabic treatments (Fig. 3). Among the
used treatments, Aloe vera gel + gum arabic coated group exhibited 3.4. Total soluble solids
minimum shelf life but it was substantially higher than control (Fig. 3).
Shelf life is an imperative indicator of the quality (Ali et al., 2010). Effect of combination of edible coatings with plant extracts, storage
Extended shelf life is considered suitable for marketing and storage of periods and their interaction on total soluble solids (TSS) was sig-
fresh fruits (Chen et al., 2019; Mendy et al., 2019). Combined appli- nificant (Fig. 4). Overall, TSS concentration gradually increased with
cation of edible coatings and plant extracts reduces desiccation, pre- progress in storage time. However, highest increase in TSS was noted in
vents from microbial infestation and extends the shelf life of a coated control treatment from day-3 to day-15 compared with treated guava
produce. So, the shelf life of guava was increased probably due to edible fruits (Fig. 4). Among the different combinational treatments, garlic
coatings and plant extracts induced protective effects against desicca- extract + gum arabic (14.66%) substantially inhibited increase of TSS
tion and deterioration. concentration after 15 days of storage compared with control (15.33%).
As far as other treatments are concerned, Aloe vera gel + gum arabic
3.3. Physiological weight loss and ginger extract + gum arabic were comparatively less effective in
suppressing TTS increase (Fig. 4). The climacteric fruits show in-
Effect of storage periods and treatments on physiological weight loss creasing trend of TSS during postharvest storage (Parven et al., 2020).
was significant. Physiological weight loss of guava fruits showed TSS normally increases owing to enhanced conversion of sucrose

Table 1
Effect of combined application of different edible coatings and plant extracts on physico-chemical quality attributes of guava fruits.
Treatments PWL Juice pH TA Total antioxidants Ascorbic acid content Total phenolic content
(%) (%) (mmol kg−1) (mg kg−1) (mg kg−1)

Control 28.00 a 3.85 c 0.95 b 821.6 a 1309.0 a 119.62 a

GE (20%) + GA (10%) 22.36 b 3.99 b 1.02 ab 787.1 a 1223.4 a 115.41 a
GR (20%) + GA (10%) 20.65 b 3.99 b 1.12 a 809.1 a 1309.1 a 110.60 a
AV (100%) + GA (10%) 21.76 b 4.07 a 1.08 a 814.6 a 1241.4 a 106.71 a
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 3.49 0.04 0.06 NS NS NS

GE = Ginger extract, GA = Gum arabic, GR = Garlic extract, AV = Aloe vera gel, PWL = Physiological weight loss and TA = Titratable acidity. Means sharing
similar letter(s) in a column are statistically non-significant at p ≤ 0.05 (LSD test).

M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

Table 2
Effect of different storage periods on physico-chemical quality attributes of guava fruits.
Storage period PWL Juice pH TA Total antioxidants Ascorbic acid content (mg kg−1) Total phenolic content
(days) (%) (%) (mmol kg−1) (mg kg−1)

0 – 3.85 c 1.34 a 817.6 a 1467.9 a 47.27 d

3 11.54 d 3.99 b 1.17 b 830.8 a 1262.3 b 108.20 c
6 19.80 c 3.99 b 1.08 bc 779.4 a 1368.6 a 144.43 b
9 24.53 b 4.07 a 0.97 cd 827.8 a 1449.1 a 162.56 a
12 31.61 a 4.01ab 0.88 de 828.6 a 1156.5 c 162.24 a
15 28.50 a 4.00 b 0.82 e 764.3 a 919.9 d 53.82 d
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 3.90 0.02 0.12 NS 103.6 12.46

PWL = Physiological weight loss and TA = Titratable acidity. Means sharing similar letter(s) in a column are statistically non-significant at p ≤ 0.05 (LSD test).

(which is a non-reducing sugar) to monomeric sugars such as glucose treated guava fruits (Table 1). Highest TA concentration was found in
(which is a reducing sugar) and higher free sugars accumulation. TSS garlic extract + gum arabic combination (1.12%) compared with con-
concentration may also increases due to breakdown of starch into so- trol (0.95%). On an average, ginger extract + gum arabic treatment
luble sugar contents (Ali et al., 2010). The increase in free sugars was comparatively less effective in conservation of TA compared with
content subsequently leads to increased TSS concentration during sto- other treatments but it was significantly better than control (Table 1).
rage (Cheour et al., 1990; Parven et al., 2020). Similar to various other In case of days, highest TA level was observed on day-3 (1.17%)
fruits, TSS also increases with increased concentration of sugars in whereas lowest was noted on day-15 (0.82%) (Table 2). Reduction of
guava fruits (Rashida et al., 1997). Gum arabic coating delays senes- TA takes place owing to organic acids oxidation (El-Anany et al., 2009).
cence and degradation of starch. Due to delayed senescence and lower The coatings application such as gum arabic and Aloe vera restricts O2
extent of starch breakdown into sugars, TSS increases at reduced rate availability and decreases organic acids oxidation which in turn con-
(Khaliq et al., 2015). Similar results were also noted in gum arabic serves higher TA in the treated produce (Ali et al., 2010; Khaliq et al.,
coated mango (Khaliq et al., 2015). 2019a). Similarly, higher TA was also noted in gum arabic treated
‘Grand Nain’ (Alali et al., 2018) and gum arabic + garlic essential oil
3.5. Juice pH and titratable acidity coated ‘Basarai’ banana fruits (Khaliq et al., 2019a).

Effect of treatments and storage time was significant on pH of guava 3.6. Sugar contents
juice. The pH of juice progressively increased but the increase was
markedly higher in Aloe vera gel + gum arabic combination than con- Effect of storage periods, treatments and their interaction on redu-
trol fruits (Table 1). Lowest pH was found in control (3.85) and highest cing, non-reducing and total sugars was significant. Overall, reducing
was noted in Aloe vera + gum arabic (4.07) coated fruits. In case of sugar was increased till day-6 but decreased gradually till day-15 in all
days, juice pH increased up to day-9 and reduced from day-12 to day-15 treatments (Fig. 5A). After 15 days of storage, reducing sugars con-
(Table 2). Overall, pH was lowest on day-3 (3.99) and highest was centration was significantly lower in garlic extract + gum arabic
found on day-9 (4.07) of storage (Table 2). Juice pH increases due to (1.88%) coated guava fruits compared with control (2.45%) (Fig. 5A).
reduction of organic acids and their possible conversion into sugars In case of non-reducing sugars, these were increased slightly on day-3,
(Mannozzi et al., 2017). The reduction of organic acids leads to decline decreased significantly on day-6 and then showed substantial increase
of TA that subsequently results in increased juice pH of guava fruits till day-15 of storage period regardless of the treatments (Fig. 5B). The
(Etemadipoor et al., 2019). concentration of non-reducing sugars was significantly higher in con-
Influence of treatments and storage times was significant on ti- trols (1.32%) on day-3 however, after 15 days of storage, non-reducing
tratable acidity (TA) of guava fruits. Overall, TA was progressively sugars were markedly higher in Aloe vera gel + gum arabic coated
decreased but the reduction was significantly higher in control than (2.52%) guava fruits than control (Fig. 5B). Total sugars were initially

Control Gum arabic + ginger extract

18 Gum arabic + garlic extract Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel
abc-f a-d a a
Total soluble solids (%)

15 f-h c-f e-h b-e

ghf-h ho
12 jk j jk
k k k k k

0 3 6 9 12 15
Storage period (days)
Fig. 4. Total soluble solids of guava fruits as affected by combined application of different edible coatings and plant extracts. Different letters show significant
difference according to LSD test (p ≤ 0.05). Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means.

M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

6.0 Control Gum arabic + ginger extract

Gum arabic + garlic extract Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel
ab a ab

Reducing sugars (%)

cd a-c bc bc
c-f c-e cd
4.0 g-i g-i d-g f-h e-h
g-i g-i
3.0 ij hi ij i-k ij
k jk


3.5 (B)
Non-reducing sugars (%)

ab ab
2.5 a-d a-c
c-fc-f b-e
1.5 f-h f-h f-h e-h f-h e-h
h-j h-j g-i
1.0 h-j h-j
jk i-k

8.0 (C)
b-e b
Total sugars (%)

b-f bc
6.0 b-d
b-g e-j b-h d-j
h-j h-j d-j c-i g-j
g-j f-j g-j h-j
h-j h-j j ij


0 3 6 9 12 15
Storage period (days)
Fig. 5. Reducing sugars (A), non-reducing sugars (B) and total sugars (C) of guava fruits as affected by combined application of different edible coatings and plant
extracts. Different letters show significant difference according to LSD test (p ≤ 0.05). Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means.

increased on day-3, showed slight reduction on day-6, increased again (830.8 mmol kg−1) and decreased on day-6 (779.4 mmol kg−1),
on day-9 and then finally decreased on day-12 and day-15 regardless of showed slight increase from day-9 to day-12 and then finally declined
the treatments (Fig. 5C). Up to day-3, total sugars were higher in on day-15 (764.3 mmol kg−1) of storage (Table 2). Presence of different
control (5.42%) treatment however, from day-9 to day-12 Aloe vera bioactive compounds such as ascorbic acid, phenolics and flavonoids
gel + gum arabic treated guavas exhibited highest (4.71%) total sugars contributes in antioxidant activity of fruits. Degradation of these
(Fig. 5C). Sugars concentration increases with ripening and senescence bioactive compounds leads to reduction of antioxidant activity
of fruits. Similarly, conversion of starch may also contribute in in- (Maqbool et al., 2011). Although, the combined application of gum
creased sugars contents. Coating treatments inhibit ripening, sub- arabic and garlic extract inhibited decline of ascorbic acid, phenolics
sequent senescence and conversion of starch into sugars contents (Ullah and flavonoids, but total antioxidants were relatively higher in non-
et al., 2017). treated guava fruits. This contrary behavior may be attributed to dif-
ferences in nature of guava fruits and cultivar as compared with other
3.7. Total antioxidants

Among the treatments, highest total antioxidants were noted in Aloe 3.8. Ascorbic acid content
vera gel + gum arabic combination (814.6 mmol kg−1) but it was lower
than control (821.6 mmol kg−1) (Table 1). Overall, ginger ex- Effect of storage days on ascorbic acid content of guava fruits was
tract + gum arabic treated fruits exhibited lowest total antioxidants significant but influence of treatments was non-significant (Tables 1
than others. In case of days, total antioxidants were highest on day-3 and 2). Garlic extract + gum arabic combination (1309.1 mg kg−1) had

M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

Control (A)
32 Gum arabic + ginger extract

Total carotenoid content (μg kg-1)

Gum arabic + garlic extract a
Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel
24 b
bc bc bc
bc bc
16 cde c-f
d-h d-h
f-i e-i
8 ghi f-i ghi
i i i i
15 (B)
Total flavonoid content (g kg-1)

12 ab
bc bc b-d bc
b-e b-e
c-f d-g c-f
9 g-i e-h
h-j h-j h-j g-i ghi f-h
6 i-k jk

0 3 6 9 12 15
Storage period (days)
Fig. 6. Total carotenoid content (A) and total flavonoid content (B) of guava fruits as affected by combined application of different edible coatings and plant extracts.
Different letters show significant difference according to LSD test (p ≤ 0.05). Vertical bars indicate standard error of the means.

comparatively higher ascorbic acid content than control lower than control (119.62 mg kg−1) (Table 1). Total phenolic content
(1309.0 mg kg−1), however, the difference was statistically non-sig- was progressively increased and then decreased with increased storage
nificant. In contrast, ginger extract + gum arabic combination ex- time (Table 2). Overall, highest total phenolic content was noted on
hibited lowest ascorbic acid content than other treatments including day-9 (162.56 mg kg−1) and its minimum concentration was noted on
control (Table 1). Averagely, ascorbic acid content was progressively day-0 (47.27 mg kg−1). Phenolic contents on day-0 and day-15 were
decreased with increased storage time. Overall, highest ascorbic acid not statistically significant. On day-0 total phenolic content con-
content was noted on day-0 (1467.9 mg kg−1) and its minimum con- centration was less, increased thereafter with ripening up to day-9 and
centration was observed on day-15 (919.9 mg kg−1) (Table 2). Ascorbic then again declined sharply on day-15 possibly due to oxidation of
acid concentration declines due to advanced fruit maturity, senescence phenolics. Phenolics concentration generally increases with ripening
and its oxidative breakdown. However, oxidation is one of the major and then subsequently reduces due to oxidation reactions and senes-
causes of ascorbic acid reduction during postharvest storage. The oxi- cence. The changes in phenolics concentration may also vary depending
dation reactions and reduction of ascorbic acid normally depends upon upon the type of fruits. Overall, it is a well-established fact that con-
the availability of O2 during storage (Ali et al., 2019). Coatings such as centration of phenolics generally decreases owing to oxidation (Ali
gum arabic or Aloe vera gel restrict O2 availability and reduce extent of et al., 2019, 2020b). In our work, gum arabic coating application in
oxidation (Khaliq et al., 2015, 2019b). Garlic extract probably acted combination with plant extracts possibly reduced oxidation and con-
synergistically and further reduced its oxidation. So, ascorbic acid served higher phenols concentration of guava fruits during storage. Our
content was higher in garlic extract + gum arabic coated fruits due to present results are in line with the work of Khaliq et al. (2016) and
its less oxidation-induced reduction. Khaliq et al. (2019a) as in their findings total phenolics were also found
to be higher in response to application of Aloe vera and gum arabic
3.9. Total phenolic content coatings and garlic essential oil, respectively.

Influence of storage days on total phenolic content was significant 3.10. Total carotenoid content
but effect of treatments was non-significant (Tables 1 and 2). Averagely,
ginger extract + gum arabic treatment (115.41 mg kg−1) showed rela- Effect of storage periods, treatments and their interaction was sig-
tively higher total phenolic content than other treatments but it was nificant on total carotenoid content of guava fruits. Total carotenoid

M.A. Anjum, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 271 (2020) 109506

concentration was significantly higher in Aloe vera + gum arabic 0

treatment (22.27 μg kg−1) on day-3 than control (6.60 μg kg−1)
(Fig. 6A). On day-12, total carotenoid content was significantly higher 7 Taste (A)
in garlic extract + gum arabic (27.78 μg kg−1) treatment than control
15 5 3
(3.76 μg kg−1) and other treatments. However on day-15, total car-
otenoids concentration was substantially higher in ginger ex- 3 Control
tract + gum arabic (16.89 μg kg−1) treated guava fruits than control Gum arabic + ginger extract
(Fig. 6A). Carotenoids content correlates with change in colour (Daisy 1 Gum arabic + garlic extract
Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel
et al., 2019; Mendy et al., 2019). Higher retention of carotenoids is
considered beneficial. Also, any treatment that can conserve higher
carotenoids is also suitable. Gum arabic coating possesses good ability 12 6
to delay decline of carotenoids during postharvest storage (Daisy et al.,
2019). So, higher total carotenoid content could be considered suitable
regarding quality perspectives of guava fruits.
3.11. Total flavonoid content

Influence of treatments, storage periods and interaction of treat- 0

ments and storage periods was significant on total flavonoid content of
guava fruits (Fig. 6B). Overall, total flavonoid content concentration 7 Aroma (B)
initially decreased on day-3, increased up to day-9 and then decreased 15 3
again till day-12 irrespective of the treatments. From day-3 to day-9,
total flavonoid content was higher in Aloe vera gel + gum arabic coated 3 Control
guava fruits than control (Fig. 6B). However, after 15 days of storage, Gum arabic + ginger extract
1 Gum arabic + garlic extract
total flavonoid content was significantly higher in garlic extract + gum
Gum arabic + Aloe vera gel
arabic (10.52 g kg−1) coated guava fruits than control (4.52 g kg−1)
(Fig. 6B). Flavonoid content increases during postharvest storage due to
their phenylalanine ammonia lyase induced biosynthesis in response to 12 6
Aloe vera gel coating application (Hassanpour, 2015; Khaliq et al.,
2019b). We also observed increased flavonoid content in guava fruits
and these remained higher in gum arabic + Aloe vera gel coated group. 9
Similarly, Nair et al. (2018) also reported higher flavonoids con-
centration in guava fruits treated with chitosan + pomegranate peel Fig. 7. Taste (A) and aroma (B) of guava fruits as affected by combined ap-
extract. plication of different edible coatings and plant extracts. The hedonic scale
consisted of 9 = like extremely, 5 neither like nor dislike and 1 = dislike
3.12. Sensory quality

Effect of treatments, storage periods and their interaction on taste Declaration of Competing Interest
and aroma of guava fruits was significant (Fig. 7A and B). Taste score
increased up to day-6 and then declined thereafter till day-15 of storage The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
(Fig. 7A). On the other hand, aroma was increased progressively till interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
day-9 and then declined up to day-15 of storage (Fig. 7B). After 15 days, ence the work reported in this paper.
garlic extract + gum arabic combined treatment maintained sig-
nificantly higher taste (6.66 score) and aroma (7.0 score) ratings than CRediT authorship contribution statement
control (taste 2.66 score and aroma 3.33 score), respectively (Fig. 7A
and B). Among other treatments, ginger extract + gum arabic coating Muhammad Akbar Anjum: Conceptualization, Project adminis-
was more effective than Aloe vera gel + gum arabic coated fruits. Taste tration, Methodology, Supervision, Resources, Writing - original draft.
and aroma are important sensory characteristics of fruits (Radi et al., Hira Akram: Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft.
2017). Sensory quality generally decreases due to increased senescence Maryem Zaidi: Formal analysis, Visualization. Sajid Ali: Writing -
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