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Music with Emphasis in Music Therapy with optional

concentration in Jazz Studies (BM)

This program was approved for students entering the university in the Summer 2011 - Spring 2012 catalog year. For more
information about catalog year, go to Catalog Year Information.


Degree: BM

Unit: School of Music

Program Courses

Type Hours

General Education requirements1,2 34

Music Theory 141-242 (four 4-hour courses) 16

Music Literature 361 (four 3-hour courses) 12

Principal Ensemble (eight 1-hour courses)

(Jazz students take four 1-hour courses of Jazz Ensemble plus four 1-hour 8
courses of other major ensemble.)

Recital Attendance 097 (six semesters of “S”) 0

Conducting I 359 2

Analysis 347 2

Applied Lessons (eight 1-hour courses, four 2-hour courses, or a combination

of the two)

Introduction to Music Study 100 1

Piano Proficiency 297 0

Total 83

The Music Therapy curriculum meets the competency requirements of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).
Students must complete a minimum of 1200 hours of clinical training which includes at least 180 hours in pre-internship
experiences and at least 900 hours in internship experiences. Students completing the Music Therapy curriculum are eligible
to take the examination to become a Board Certified Music Therapist, offered by the Certification Board for Music

A person who already has a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and who wishes to become a music therapist
may take the courses not already taken that are required for music therapy certification, known as “equivalency” courses
since they provide the equivalent of an undergraduate degree. The music therapy equivalency program leads to eligibility to
apply to become a Board Certified Music Therapist but does not lead to a degree. Specific course requirements, based on the
student’s transcript and experiences, are determined in conjunction with the Director of Music Therapy.
Plan Courses

Major Area

Type Hours

Introduction to Music Therapy MUTH 101 1

Music Therapy Techniques I & II MUTH 201-202 6

Clinical Music Therapy Applications I–VI MUTH 113, 213, 214, 313, 314,

Psychology of Music MUTH 301 3

Improvisation for Music Therapy I & II MUTH 311-312 2

Practicum in Music Therapy I–IV MUTH 321-422 4

Piano Accompaniment for Music Therapy MUTH 315 1

Principles and Practices of Music Therapy 1 & 2 MUTH 431-432 6

Introduction to Research in Music Therapy MUTH 302 3

Music Therapy Training Group I & II MUTH 325-326 2

Music Therapy Internship MUTH 4513 2

Total 33

Supportive Area

Type Hours

Piano Class MUS 131-2324,5 (four 1-hour courses) 4

Jazz Piano Class MUS 130 1

Jazz Piano Proficiency MUS 198 0

Jazz Improvisation I & II MUS 138 & 340 4

Guitar Class I & II MUS 217-218 2

Voice Class MUS 227 1

Studies in Jazz: Jazz Theory MUS 351 2

Studies in Jazz: Jazz Styles and Analysis MUS 351 2

Jazz Repertoire MUS 352 1

Evolution of Jazz MUS 355 3

Life-Span Developmental Psychology PSYC 363 3

Human Anatomy and Physiology HSS 202 3

Abnormal Psychology PSYC 385 3

Introduction to Exceptional Children EDSP 240 3

Total 32


Type Hours

Minimum Total 148

Students must demonstrate experience and competence in the use of computers and music as appropriate for music therapists.
Students must demonstrate experience and competence in the use of percussion instruments as appropriate for music
Students are required to take PAS 214 African American Music (Arts and Humanities content: Cultural Diversity
competency) and ANTH 205 Music in World Cultures (Social and Behavioral Sciences content: Cultural Diversity
competency). In addition, Music Therapy majors should consider COMM 115 Interpersonal Skills (Oral Communication
content) and PSYC 201 Introduction to Psychology (Social and Behavioral Sciences content).
MUH courses may not be taken to fulfill any General Education requirement.
The internship is done after all other music therapy course work has been completed. The American Music Therapy
Association requires that a student receive a grade of C- or better in all music therapy courses in order to be eligible for the
internship. It must be completed within 24 months of completion of music therapy course work.
If applied principal is piano, Piano Class is replaced with 4 hours of electives.
Students must be enrolled continuously in the class until their piano requirement has been completed. Students who pass the
Piano Proficiency Examination before the 4th semester of Piano Class are encouraged to continue keyboard study for a total
of four semesters.

Upper Division Assessment

All students enrolled in a music degree program will be reviewed at the approximate midpoint of the selected program in
order for students to achieve Upper Division status. Students must meet the standards of this review to register for 400-level
courses in music. Both the elements and standards of the review are established by the faculty and include credit for MUS
242 Theory IV; MUS 361-01 and 361-02 Music Literature; 4 semesters of Applied Instrument at the course numbers required
for the degree; MUS 359 Conducting (all BM programs; not required for BA programs); Piano Proficiency Examination;
MUS 097 Recital Attendance, with “S” for 4 semesters; Ensemble Participation; cumulative 2.5 GPA (good standing);
minimum of 48 credit hours completed; pass English 101 or 105 and 3 additional Gen Ed courses.

Additional specific elements and standards appropriate to specific degree programs in jazz studies, music composition, music
education, music history, instrumental and vocal performance, pedagogy, music theory, and music therapy are required of
students in order to achieve Upper Division status and to continue in the degree program. Specific degree requirements are
determined by the division and area faculties and are outlined in the Music Student Handbook and the various Division

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