Resources, Conservation and Recycling: Liu Lanfang, Srour Issam, Chong Wai K., Hermreck Christopher

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Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152

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Integrating G2G, C2C and resource flow analysis into life cycle
assessment framework: A case of construction steel’s resource loop
Liu Lanfang a , Srour Issam b , Chong Wai K. c,∗ , Hermreck Christopher d
Arup Engineering, 560 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA
American University of Beirut, Department of Engineering Management, PO Box: 11-0236/EMP, Beirut, Lebanon
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Del E. Webb School of Construction, Arizona State University, 501 E. Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ
85287, USA
JE Dunn Construction, 1001 Locust St, Kansas City, MO 64106, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a new life cycle assessment (LCA) approach to model life cycle impact of materials
Received 27 February 2014 that integrates both Cradle-to-Grave (C2G) and Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) approaches. The new approach,
Received in revised form 3 June 2015 also known as the resource loop, has the capability to capture both C2G and C2C lifecycles of most
Accepted 15 June 2015
products, processes or policies. The C2C LCA model represents the footprint of a product, process or
Available online 13 August 2015
policy that never ends (i.e., recycled or reused). It reflects the footprint of a product, process or policy
that terminates at the end of its useful life (i.e., disposed or landfilled). In this paper, Material and Energy
Flow Analysis (MEFA) is integrated into the C2C LCA model to enhance the model’s capability to capture
Resource loop
Construction Steel
and integrate material and energy information internal and external of LCA. The flows are relabeled
Lifecycle “leaks” and “feeds”, of which the material and energy could leak out of or feed into the life cycle system.
Material and energy flow The “leaks” and “feeds” reflect the flows of materials and energy in and out of the life cycle process. They
can also be integrated with the life cycles of other product, process or policy. Such integration is a step
closer toward a more comprehensive LCA model for a finished product that contains multiple material
and energy flows (e.g., a building). Resource loop (RL) reflects the material and energy flows and loops
of one or more complex systems more accurately. The RL incorporates leaks and feeds that reflect the
reality of a product’s lifecycle. Through data collected from selected sources, the paper illustrates the
use of the construction steel RL. For every 1 kg of construction steel product made and disposed, 0.74 kg
was found to remain in the loop through reuse or recycling. The remaining 0.26 kg ends up in landfills
representing unrecoverable “leaks”.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction throughout their lifecycle. Landfills and incinerators consume land

for other more productive uses and generate air pollution, respec-
The US produces over 4.4 pounds of waste per capita daily, tively, while energy use to transport, manufacture and store these
and 35% of it are recycled or composted while the rest is sent to materials generate significant amount of carbon emissions and pol-
landfills (EPA, 2015). The construction industry contributed sig- lutions. Understanding the energy use and environmental impacts
nificantly to the waste problem with more than 320 million tons of construction materials at different life cycle stages is critical in
of waste generated annually in the US alone (Lachimpadi et al., reducing materials’ lifecycle impacts.
2012). Despite tougher and more aggressive government legis- Process-based and economic input-output models (Chong and
lations, recycling rates of most construction materials have not Hermreck, 2010a) are the two most commonly used life cycle anal-
grown rapidly as is the case of bituminous material in Portugal ysis methods to quantify the life cycle environmental impact of
(Coelho and de Brito, 2013). Energy is also consumed throughout materials. Life cycle analysis is also known as the Cradle to Grave
the materials’ life cycle, from extraction to recycling or disposal. (C2G) method (Van der Velden et al., 2014). It is a one-way lin-
Construction materials generate significant environmental impacts ear flow method and assumes that material life will be disposed
eventually. Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) is a circular process that model
after the natural process whereby nutrients in nature circulate and
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.+1 512-496-1719. never have end in their life (McDonough and Braungart, 2002).
E-mail address: (W.K. Chong). The C2C concept introduces concepts like technical metabolism,
0921-3449/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
144 L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152

biomimetic, regenerative, ecosystems, synthetic and organic into model is a single directional flow process (Steffen, 2006). Virgin
the life cycle analysis model. In reality, C2G and C2C can occur to materials are extracted from the Cradle before being manufac-
all materials, and even the same material can have more than one tured, shipped and sold as products or become part of products,
representative C2G or C2C model. and eventually disposed as waste into the Grave (i.e., landfills or
The objective of this paper is to present a unified and compre- incinerators) (Graedel, 1998). The life span of a material and prod-
hensive framework for analyzing the life cycle impact of materials uct is determined by its usage intensity, integrity, aesthetics, and
that combine C2G and C2C lifecycle. At the core of the concept is the the rate of technological advancement (McDonough and Braungart,
resource loop (RL). RL combines C2C and C2G LCA concepts into one 2002). The product manufacturing process consumes resources and
broad LCA concept. The paper presents the development of RL by energy, and generates wastes and pollution (Shrestha et al., 2014).
identifying the material and energy use, and environmental impact Resources are often combined together to make into different prod-
at different lifecycle stages. Energy and materials flowing in and out ucts (e.g., glass, wood, rubber, and adhesive for doors), while wastes
of an LCA model but are previously unaccounted for are labeled as generated during the process (leak) may be used to make other
leaks and feeds in the RL. They represent the processes of material products (feed). Waste recapture and disposal can happen during
and energy flows within the RL. The proposed framework is illus- any life cycle stages, not just at the end of life. Recycling takes place
trated for the case of steel, a highly recyclable material that can at all life cycle stages (pre-industrial and post-consumer), and thus
easily fit into the C2G and C2C models. Material and energy use leaks and feeds of materials take place at different life cycle phases
data were collected and analyzed from four construction projects too. The C2G LCA model is unable to capture this complex pro-
(Table 1) and various reliable sources to develop and validate the cess of feeds and leaks, and the model ends when the life of the
loop. product ends. The linear nature of LCA neglects the less critical pro-
cesses throughout the life cycle. As a result, the resource and energy
in a C2G LCA model cannot include multiple or minor paths, and
2. Assessing the product lifecycle enviromental impact
some resource and energy will not be captured. A C2G LCA model
for a product cannot be connected with the other products and
2.1. Lifecycle environmental impact in the context of sustainable
resources, and thus it is never possible to obtain a comprehensive
impact of a product.
There are many definitions of sustainable development or
2.2.2. Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C): beyond the end of the original
sustainability. Examples include: “development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
Achieving sustainability requires a transition from a one-way
generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission on
linear process for representing materials’ lifecycle to a cyclical pro-
Environment and Development, 1987), “using methods, systems
cess (Miyatake, 1996). McDonough and Braungart (2002) used a
and materials that won’t deplete resources and harm natural cycle”
cherry tree as an example to show how a circular system works
(Rosenbaum, 1993a,b), and “a concept and attitude in development
in nature. The nutrients from the cherry tree flow continuously in
that looks at a site’s natural land, water, and energy resources as
a cycle along with the life span of the plant. Similarly, the prin-
integral aspects of the development” (Vieira, 1993). Sustainability
ciple of C2C, also known as the biological metabolism (Altman
is often illustrated where all three pillars (economic, environment
and Dittmer, 1968), also applies to industrial activities (Ayres and
and social) converge (Adams, 2006). Sustainability in the construc-
Simonis, 1994). The C2C model embodies the concept of industrial
tion industry refers to the ability of design solutions to address
metabolism, which uses biological metabolism as a reference to
the three pillars of sustainability (Chong et al., 2007; Chong et al.,
design for cyclical industrial activities. In the C2C model, indus-
2009). The design team is expected to be familiar with climate and
trial resources do not have an end-of-life even though products
material resources (Azhar et al., 2011). Terms associated with a
have, as resources are recycled in the industrial metabolism sys-
sustainable design include energy efficiency and carbon footprint
tem and become technical nutrients for new resources (van Dijk
(Ammouri et al., 2011).
et al., 2014). A product ends its life when it transforms from one
Several standards, tools, and eco-labels can be used to determine
product to another product, but it remains a resource and nutrient
project, product and material sustainability. The U.S. Green Building
for other purposes.
Council (USGBC)’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
The C2C model addresses the three pillars of sustainability. It
(LEED) (USGBC) assesses the sustainability of buildings, while the
offers a practical framework for creating products while main-
National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST)’s Building for
taining a positive relationship between environmental health,
Economic and Environmental Sustainability (BEES, 2008) assesses
economic growth, and social development (Braungart et al., 2006).
the sustainability impact of construction materials. Other standards
This is achieved through the process of recycling which turns prod-
focus on particular sustainability features, like Energy Star by the
ucts, at the end of their useful life, into nutrients or usable raw
US Department of Energy which evaluates the energy efficiency of
materials to make new products (Cameron, 2003). Recycling also
electrical products, and the Carpet and Rug Institute’s Green Label
turns waste into nutrients. These nutrients do not necessarily have
which provides a volatile organic compounds (VOCs) standard for
the same lifecycle. For example, it might be more efficient to trans-
carpet and adhesives (The Carpet and Rug Institute, 2009). These
fer the steam generated in an electrical power station to a new cycle
sustainability standards, tools and labels rarely consider the com-
such as oil refining (Kibert, 2008). The effectiveness of recycling is
plete lifecycle due to the lack of comprehensive models, and reliable
illustrated by the increase in the%age of recycled municipal solid
information. This paper aims to develop a model that combines the
waste in the US from 16.7% in 1985 to 34.5% in 2012 (EPA, 2015).
C2C with the C2G models. This is that the first step toward the
development of the RL.
2.2.3. Differences between C2G and C2C models
The C2C model is a circular loop without an end, while the C2G
2.2. Lifecycle material flow models model is linear with one or more ending points. The C2C model
assumes zero waste, while the C2G model assumes 100% waste at
2.2.1. Cradle to Grave (C2G): one end of the spectrum the end of life. Even though C2G assumes recycling and disposal can
The C2G model has been the most commonly used model for take place at the same time, it neglects the process at the end of a
industrial product designs (Jones, 2008). As shown in Fig. 1, the product’s life, and the processes when a product turns into another
L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152 145

Table 1
Case study projects.

Project Name Location Building type Gross floor area LEED accreditation

Project 1 Southwest Commercial 125,580 m2 Platinum

Project 2 Pacific Northwest Public order & safety 24,805 m2 Gold
Project 3 Midwest Commercial 30,193 m2 Silver
Project 4 Midwest K-12 education 29,264 m2 Silver

Fig. 1. C2G materials flow model (Source: Graedel, 1998).

(and the energy and resources consumed during the conversion). projects. The extensiveness of a building lifecycle makes it difficult
A new approach to model lifecycle impact is needed to address to track material flow, use the sustainability accounting methods
the gaps of both models. Lifecycle processes of any products are such as Economic Input-Output and Lifecycle Analysis (Hermreck
dynamic as there can be many types of procedures for the same and Chong, 2009), and estimate energy consumption and embod-
processes, and procedures can change frequently. LCA models have ied energy reliably (Australia State of the Environment Committee,
to have the capability to address such dynamism. 2001).
The main purpose of this paper is to develop an alternative
LCA approach (so-called resource loop or RL) that could integrate
2.3. Resource loop C2C and C2G lifecycles in the context of construction materials.
This work builds on previous studies which recommended using
The production of products and materials involves multiple RL to represent material flows in a system (Matsuno et al., 2007;
activities, processes, procedures, and lifecycles. Resources and Michelson, 2007). All kinds of materials are consumed and flow
energy used in the production processes are applied at different through the lifecycle of a product. The flow can be contained in the
phases, and not consumed at one specific time. A production pro- product (glass for windows) or an agent to make the product (sand
cess can generate by-products for or use by- products from other paper for finishing wood). The presence of both types of materials
production processes. When a product reaches its end of life, parts requires an LCA model to be open and close at the same time. RL
of the product can be recycled, reused or disposed. The processes will also allow designers to pool materials, energy, and sustaina-
and procedures are also driven by many factors, such as, production bility together to foster the understanding of how materials flow in
locations, availability of facilities, and quality of resources (Chong or out of the product’s lifecycle, how embodied energy affects the
and Hermreck, 2010b). A product made in California, and the same efficiency of sustainable design, and how different materials are
one made in Tennessee can have very different lifecycle paths. Envi- connected together. The flow of materials (chemicals, raw mate-
ronmental laws require the modification to existing production rials, minerals, fossil fuels) within the RL indicates the stages of a
methods, and thus the production methods for U.S. States that have product’s lifecycle. Energy is consumed at these various stages. It
stricter environmental laws are very different than those states that also flows in and out of the RL, or when material is transported from
do not have these laws. one stage to another (Baird and Chan, 1983). In this context, leaks
Industrial production processes consume large amount of raw are defined as materials and energy, which flow out of the RL, while
materials (Hendrickson and Horvath, 2000) and generates large feeds refer to materials, and energy, which flow into the RL. Once
amount of wastes (Poon et al., 2004) at different lifecycle stages. the product completes its function, some of the materials will be
Green construction standards, codes, and tools (e.g., International disposed of as waste, and others will be reused or recycled as nutri-
Green Construction Code) are adopted by various agencies to ents (McDonough and Braungart, 2002). Due to the extensiveness
reduce environmental footprints. They require construction stake- of the scope of work, the paper focuses only on the energy and iron
holders (e.g., engineers, architects, owners and builders) to adopt used in the production of construction steel.
different practices to the design, construction, maintenance, oper-
ation and disposal of buildings.
The complex relationships between industrial activities and the 3. Materials and methods
stakeholders make it extremely demanding to implement sus-
tainable design strategies (Savitz, 2006). For example, different The paper is divided into two parts with the goal of formulating
entities are in charge of different processes ranging from design a RL model. The paper first illustrates the various steps of a RL for
to deconstruction. Architects do not have control over the manu- construction steel. Steel is selected as it is a common construction
facturing process, and contractors are forced to avoid recycling if material, highly reused and recycled, yet significant quantities of
they cannot find a recycling facility within the proximity of their steel still go to the landfill. By 2012, the worldwide recycling rates
146 L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152

Fig. 2. Typical RL.

of steel reached 88% (Steel Recycling Institute, 2013). The second Leaks can be turned into feeds at any stage of the RL. For example,
part of the paper presents and analyzes data collected from vari- the total amount of feeds occurring during manufacturing, Mf can
ous sources (e.g., Steel Recycling Institute), industry practitioners, be summarized in the following equation:
and four LEED certified projects. The research team examined the


steel recycling rates, the types and amounts of materials and energy Mfi = a × Mli (3)
used, waste generated at various phases, deconstruction rates, and
i=1 j=1
distance from project sites to steel mills and recycling facilities. All
four projects achieved the LEED Materials and Resources credit. where Mlj represents the potential leak of type j, and Mfi represents
the potential feed of type i that can occur during the manufac-
turing phase. The coefficient a is an indicator of the efficiency of
3.1. Proposed model and illustration: the case of steel recyclability, which is a function of the initial design strategies, the
development of the recycling industry, and material characteris-
Fig. 2 illustrates a typical RL model to track material flow and tics (Srour et al., 2010). In most cases, a should be 0 in a perfect C2G
energy consumption of industrial products. The depicted model model, 1 in a perfect C2C model, and between 0 and 1 for a model
includes four main stages that construction products typically that combine C2C and C2G models. The number represents the rate
go through: manufacture, product assembly, customer use, and of resource recaptured from a process.
reuse/recycling. The dashed lines and arrows indicate the material The proposed model is illustrated for the case of construction
flow direction among these four stages. Feeds and leaks can occur steel in the US. The following section describes the lifecycle of con-
at any of the stages. The model is mainly of closed loop nature as struction steel highlighting its various stages, flow systems, and
illustrated by the link between the last stage, reuse/recycling, and production processes.
the first stage, manufacture. The opened loop is represented by a
system of leaks and feeds into and out of the loop. 3.2. The lifecycle of construction steel
The total life cycle leaks, LCL, and life cycle feeds, LCF, are rep-
resented by the following equations: The strength, durability and wide range of application of steel
have made steel extremely popular in construction (AISE, 1998).
LCL = M l + PAl + Cl + R&R l (1) The demand growth for steel surpasses the growth rate of other
materials (MEPS LTD, 2008). The global consumption of steel
LCF = M f + PAf + Cf + R&R f (2) reached 1606 million tons in 2013 and represented a growth of 3.6%
over the consumption in 2012 (Worldsteel Association, 2015). The
where Ml , PAl , Cl and R&Rl are leaks during the manufactur- construction industry consumes about 20% of all global steel supply
ing, product assembly, customer use, and reuse/recycling stages, (American Iron and Steel institute, 2008). High steel prices make it
respectively, Mf , PAf , Cf and R&Rf are feeds at the same stages.1 extremely profitable to recycle steel and the increasing demand
for steel makes it necessary to produce steel from ore and recycled
sources at the same time. For example, Park et al. (2011) studied the
steel market in Korea and found that steel scrap recycling rates are
Leaks are represented by the subscript letter l and feeds are represented by the projected to increase significantly due to the high recycling rates
subscript letter f. of construction products and transportation equipment.
L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152 147

Data were collected and divided into these five phases. Mate-
Raw material rial and energy are converted into weight (kilogram) and unit
production energy (million joule – MJ per kilogram of steel), respectively. Data
BF/BOF1 Steel EAF2 Steel collected from non-project sources matches the year where the
making route making route projects were completed. Data is categorized into various factors
Intermediate (weather, distances, facilities etc.), and steel types (structural, cold
product rolled, hot rolled, stainless, galvanized etc.). To ease the analysis
process, non-project and project data are treated for alignment
Construction and comparison purposes (e.g., data are averaged). Some assump-
Steel Product tions were also included to ease the analyses, especially when
exact data were not available (exact locations of recycling facilities
Construction or steel production facilities). While the American Iron and Steel
Institute (2008) stated that most construction steel products con-
tained 19.13% of recycled content, the recycled content was set to
Maintenance of
construction steel
Recycling 20% for ease of calculation.
The following sections illustrate the application of the RL model
for the case of construction steel in the US. This requires defining
Reuse the system boundaries (Silvestre et al., 2014). Material, energy, and
waste data pertaining to each of the five processes that make up
Sorting the lifecycle of steel products are presented and analyzed.

Waste Disposal
3.3.1. Process 1: product manufacturing and transportation
Chemicals, elements and carbons used during the manufactur-
Fig. 3. Typical life cycle of a steel construction product (Source: Sansom and Meijer,
2001). ing process: steel is an alloy composed of iron with a carbon content
of between 0.2 and 2.0% by weight. Carbon is increased or decreased
through two types of reactions: exothermic and endothermic. The
exothermic process produces carbon dioxide as soon as the hot
Steel production from iron ore and recycled sources follow coal is exposed to oxygen while the process of endothermic con-
different flow patterns and production processes. As reported by verts carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide in the presence of an
Wang et al. (2014), the full steel cycle is comprised of eight steps: excess of coal at high temperature (Fruehan, 1998). Added chemi-
reduction, steel-making, casting, hot rolling, cold rolling, coating, cals and/or elements are then fused with the iron to form an alloy
fabrication, and scrap preparation. These steps entail 30 processes that has the required property. Additional properties, such as hard-
and 129 types of steel materials. Hence, the patterns and processes ness, ductility, tensile strength, and rust resistance, are introduced
are extremely complex, and the sustainability of steel is influenced into steel by removing or adding chemicals or elements (e.g., sulfur,
by many factors that are distributed throughout the lifecycle of nitrogen, phosphorus, manganese, chromium, vanadium, or tung-
steel. Examples of such factors include rate of recycling and reuse, sten) (Ashby and David, 1992). The added chemical or element
travel distance, and availability of facilities. In addition, it is never reacts with the iron during the manufacturing process to acquire
possible to recycle 100% of the recaptured steel, and thus a is always the property.
less than 1. Raw materials: Many types of raw materials are used in the
Energy, wastes, various resources, particulates, greenhouse making of steel. The production of 1 kg of rebar/wire rod requires
gases and water are part of the steel flow systems. Recycling one ton 0.239 kg of coal, 0.023 kg of dolomite, 0.361 of iron, 0.112 of lime-
of steel saves 1100 kg of iron ore, 630 kg of coal, and 55 kg of lime- stone, 0.034 kg of natural gas, 0.044 kg of oil, −0.003 kg of zinc, and
stone (MobileOrganics, 2009). Through recycling, the steel industry 1.057 L of water (IISI, 2008): the negative value of Zinc indicates
has been able to reduce the energy intensity per ton of steel by 29%, that more zinc is recaptured when steel is recycled than used dur-
the Green House Gas emissions per ton of steel shipped by nearly ing the manufacturing process (zinc as a by-product from other raw
45%, and the air and water emissions by 90% (Woods, 2008; Burgan materials used to recycle steel). The production of 1 kg of rebar/rod
and Sansom, 2006). or Blast Furnace (BF) steel requires 1.9 kg of raw materials, whereas
As shown in Fig. 3, construction steel goes through several 1 kg of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) steel requires 4.6 kg of raw mate-
phases during its lifecycle. These phases can be broadly grouped rials.
under five main processes. Raw materials (e.g., ore and coal) are Wastes: Waste and energy data were also obtained from the
used to manufacture intermediate, and eventually, construction American Iron and Steel Institute (Platts McGraw Hill Financial,
products, either through Basic Oxygen Furnace (BF/BOF) steel or 2012), and the Steel Recycling Institute (2012) to complete the
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) steel in the first phase (Nijihawan, 1992). lifecycle inventory for construction steel products. Steel man-
Examples of such products include rebar, wire road, slab, coil, sheet, ufacturing generates 27 types of wastes. The wastes can be
structural steel, and stainless steel. Raw steel is manufactured and categorized into two general categories, airborne and waterborne
customized into various steel products (e.g., I-beam and tube) for emissions (Steel Recycling Institute, 2008). Airborne emissions
use in construction. The third phase involves the transportation, include 12.223 g of carbon monoxide, 0.907 g of methane (0.907 g),
installation, and maintenance of the manufactured and customized and 1.842 g of nitrogen oxides for every 1 gram of BF section pro-
steel products. The fourth phase involves the deconstruction or duced. Waterborne emissions include 0.043 g of ammonia, −0.001 g
demolition of steel products for replacement when the products of nitrogenous matter, and 0.0025 g of phosphorous matter for
reach the end of their lives. The final phase begins with the trans- every 1 g of EAF section produced. Again, the negative number indi-
portation, sorting, disposal and treatment processes for disposal or cates that the manufacturing process absorbed more nitrogenous
recycling. In a C2C model, the final phase is connected to the second matter than what is emitted into the environment. Overall, 1 kg
phase, while in a C2G model, the final phase ends with a steel leak of BF section generates 0.23 kg of waste, and 1 kg of EAF section
to a landfill or incinerator. generates 0.45 of waste.
148 L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152

Table 2
Amounts of recycled steel products in project 1 building 1, visitors center.

Product description Product cost ($US) MR Credit 4: recycled content Recycled content

Post-consumer Post-industrial Value of recycled

Rebar 1,311,512 80% 20% 1,180,361 90%

Structural steel 1,202,240 80% 15% 1,051,960 88%
– wide flange
Steel stud and track 132,668 64% 25% 101,491 77%
. . ... . . ... . . ... . . ... . . ... . . ...
. . ... . . ... . . ... . . ... . . ... . . ...
Metal studs 241,214 20% 40% 96,486 40%
Metal lockers 4,547 0% 0% 0% 0%
Total 4,296,218 N/A N/A 3,495,810 81%

Energy: The manufacturing and transportation processes are tion process, and recycling of iron at the end of its life. There are
energy intensive. 1 kg of rebar/wire rod requires 0.444 MJ of feed- significant differences in the energy intensity of both recycling pro-
stock energy and 12.623 MJ of fuel energy; 1 kg of BF section cesses. Most construction steel sold in the US contains both steel
requires 0.283 MJ of feedstock energy and 16.247 MJ of fuel energy; made from iron ore and recycled iron, and the impacts have to be
and 1 kg of EAF section requires −0.272 MJ of feedstock energy combined. The calculation of transportation energy use is divided
and 13.808 MJ of fuel energy (Steel Recycling Institute, 2008). On into the following components:
average, 1 kg of construction steel consumes 14.38 MJ of energy. a. Recycled contents
Transportation: Transportation energy is calculated by piecing Green building rating systems (LEED in this case) provide some
together information from the data provided by steel manufactur- equations pertaining to determining the recycled contents of mate-
ers and contractors, such as locations of facilities, travel distances, rials. For example, LEED provides a worksheet for projects to
modes of transport, engine efficiencies, AISI (2008), fuel types etc. document post- industrial and post-consumer recycled content and
The computation method for transportation energy is adopted from it provides good inputs for the RL. Data recorded on the LEED work-
Chong and Hermreck (2010a). Transport energy consumption is sheet are in percentages and cost, and needed to be adjusted to
heavily dependent on shipping distances, the type of the fuel, weight or volume (see Table 2). The monetary values shown in
transportation modes, and the fuel efficiency of the modes. AISI Table 2 are obtained by multiplying the total quantity of steel by
(2008) provides summary data of steel mill products import and the market prices of the types of steel at the point in time. The
export information between the US and 17 countries or groups quantities for the different types of recycled steel can be worked
of countries. The US imports 5400 tons of steel from Canada and out using the information in Table 2 and the detailed calculations
3300 tons from Russia annual, and exports 5530 tons to Canada and presented in Liu (2009).
none to Russia. Steel is also shipped between different U.S. States for b. Transportation
recycling even though the quantity is significantly smaller than the There are five steps to determine the total transportation energy
quantities involved in international recycling. As such, this paper use: (1) identify the procurement locations of the steel; (2) establish
illustrates the RL for the international steel recycling trade and does the transportation procedures: (3) determine the transportation
not consider recycling trade within the US. distances for each procedure; (4) determining the transportation
modes; and (5) put together the numbers to obtain the overall
3.3.2. Process 2: construction and installation energy use. To have a common basis for analyzing energy and
Steel is shipped from the production origin to prefabricators to material, transportation energy use is converted into cost, and the
be fabricated for specific uses. The components are then shipped to equation is shown in the following expression:
sites or buildings to be installed or used to replace deteriorated (Weight × Distance × FreightRate)
components. Data from the prefabrication, installation, and dis- TEC = (4)
posal phases have to be collected from the original sources as these
types of information are not available from various publicly acces- Where weight is the amount of steel material imported or exported
sible databases. Different companies adopt different practices and for construction applications – assumed to be 20% of total steel
techniques, and thus the ultimate impacts could be different. The material import/export (as discussed before), distance is the aver-
factors that drive the impacts include production methods, produc- age distance between the US and the country in question, freight
tion quantities, transportation methods, transportation distances, rate is $325.2 per mile assuming international trading using cargo
component types and installation techniques etc. Recycled content ships. For example, in 2006, the US imported 148 tons of steel
in steel is strongly encouraged by most green building rating sys- from Argentina including 29.6 tons for construction (AISI, 2008).
tems and codes, and the amount of recycle content influences the Using the transportation distance between Argentina and the US,
sustainability impact of steel. the total import by weight, freight rate, and a standard cargo ship
The amount of recycled content in steel drives the production size,2 the TEC becomes $953.84 per ton of steel. Similar calculations
methods and transportation distances of steel. Gomes et al. (2013) were done for the embodied energy of steel imports and exports to
found that BF steel is primarily made of iron ore – only 19% of and from 15 other countries. The highest cost of embodied energy
recycled steel is introduced as scrap in the basic oxygen furnace. was for imports from China followed by the European Union, and
EAF steel, on the other hand, is typically made out of recycled exports to Canada followed by Mexico.
steel. The production of steel from raw iron ore is more energy
and resource intensive at the raw material extraction and manufac-
turing phases than the production of steel from recycled iron. The 55,000 dead weight ton (DWT) assuming Handymax or Surpramax ships
distribution networks of both types of steel drive the transporta- for international trading which represent 71% of all cargo ships that are over
10,000 metric tons of dead weight (The Royal Institute of Naval Architects, 2005).The
tion energy use due to transportation distances and modes (Chong average fuel consumption of these ships is 120 gallons per mile (Pubdit, 2008) and
and Hermreck, 2010b). In addition, there are two iron recycling the average cost of diesel fuel for the period of study is $2.71 per gallon (Yahoo
processes, recycling of iron that are recaptured during the produc- Finance, 2008).
L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152 149

Table 3
Embodied (transport) energy of steel products in project 1 building 1.

Product description MR Credit 5: local/regional materials

Distance in miles Distance in miles Transport energy ($)

between between harvesting
manufacturing location location and project Manufacturing location Harvesting location to Total cost per product
and project to project project

Rebar 10 N/A 248 N/A 248

Structural steel 417 1,408 9,481 32,014 41,495
- wide flange
Steel stud and track 270 N/A 677 N/A 677
. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..
. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..
Metal studs 290 N/A 1,323 N/A 1,323
Metal lockers 380 N/A 33 N/A 33
Total N/A N/A 29,707 66,824 96,531

Table 4
US Imports and exports of steel scraps and transport energy for scrap used in construction.

Country Distance in miles total quantity of steel scrap (in Transport energy of steel scraps used
thousands of tons) in construction (in thousands of $US)

Imports Exports Imports Exports

Canada 1,523 3,140 1,500 5,655 2,702

China 7,215 4 3,420 34 29,180
Netherlands 4,676 243 12 1,344 66
... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ...
United Kingdom 4,348 650 23 3,342 118
Total N/A 4,820 14,900 13,848 107,874

As illustrated in Table 3, some materials such as structural steel 3.3.4. Process 4: deconstruction
required shipping from both a manufacturing site and a harvest- Deconstruction is the fourth process in the lifecycle of construc-
ing site. Other materials such as rebar required only shipping from tion steel products. It is a process of selectively and systematically
a manufacturing site. The total amount of material shipped from disassembling buildings to collect materials that are valuable for
manufacturing sites was 4484 tons, whereas the total amount of reusing or recycling in new construction or rehabilitation efforts.
material shipped from both manufacturing and harvesting sites Most of the energy is consumed during the shipping process from
was 2604 tons. The overall cost of transport energy for steel prod- the building site to the recycling/reuse facility and to the landfills.
ucts used on project 1, building 1, was $96,531 or $0.014/kg. Data obtained from project 4 helped determine the transport
Similar tables were generated for construction steel products energy cost associated with deconstruction. The shared waste
used in project 1 (building 2), project 2, and project 3. Overall, the reduction progress report lists the various trips made to the
amounts of recycled steel were 80%, 65%, and 73%, respectively. recycling/reuse facility and to the landfill to dispose of the metal
The average recycling rates across projects 1 (buildings 1 and 2), waste. The vast majority of this waste – approximately 90% –
project 2, and project 3 was 74%. In other words, out each 1 kg of consisted of steel products. Aluminum and copper made up the
steel, 0.74 kg are ultimately recycled. remaining amount. Overall, project 4 generated 66.6 tons of steels,
The transport energy costs for project 1 (building 2) was $31,696 out of which 63 tons – 95% of the original amount - were sent to the
whereas the energy cost for project 2 was $48,030. This energy is recycling/reuse plant. This required 12 trips to the recycling/reuse
used to transport 2439 tons of steel from manufacturing sites and facility, which is 14.9 miles away from the project site, and one
2278 tons from both manufacturing and harvesting sites for project trip to the landfill, which is 30 miles away from the site. Given this
1 (building 2), and 5536 tons of steel from manufacturing sites for information, and using a freight rate of $0.45, the transport energy
project 2. The average transport energy cost for project 1 (build- cost to deconstruct steel products becomes $95 or $1.4 × 10−3 /kg.
ing 2) is $0.007/kg and the transport energy cost for project 2 is
$0.009/kg. The documentation for project 3 did not include infor-
3.3.5. Process 5: recycling and reuse
mation on sources of steel products, which prevented the research
After building deconstruction, steel enters the recycling/reuse
team from estimating the transportation energy costs.
process or alternatively goes to landfills. As shown by the Steel
Recycling Institute (2008), most steel takes the recycling route. In
3.3.3. Process 3: maintenance 2006, the recycling rates for structural steel and reinforcement steel
The third process in the lifecycle of construction steel prod- were 97.5% and 65%, respectively, yielding an average of 81%. As
ucts coincides with the operation phase of the built facility. During mentioned earlier in this paper, the practice of recycling steel into
this period, losses or leaks occur due to corrosion, abrasion, and the manufacturing process has been the norm for several decades,
other types of damage. Meanwhile, maintenance, replacement, and as it helps reduce the demand for raw materials and conserve
repair take place indicating that new steel material is fed into the energy.
built structure. Sansom and Meijer (2001) documented the life To estimate the amount of transport energy consumption to
span, feeds, and leaks for 16 types of construction steel products. complete this process, data were obtained from the American Iron
The life spans of steel products fall in the range of 15–75 years. On and Steel Institute (2008). These include the amounts of steel scrap
average, 1 kg of steel product loses 2.3 g and is fed 114 g during its imported from, or exported to, 45 countries. Overall, in 2006, the
life span. US imported 4820 k tons with a value of $1,250,000 k, and exported
150 L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152

Table 5
Material flow for steel resource loop.

Process Leak/Feed Material Energy

Amount Category Amount Category

Manufacture Leak 0.36 kg Chemicals 14.38 MJ Manufacturing

1,481 MJ Transportation
Feed 2.8 kg Chemicals
Construction Leak N/A N/A 0.54 MJ Transportation
Maintenance Leak 2.3 g Steel products N/A N/A
Feed 114 g Steel products
Deconstruction Leak 0.05 kg Steel products 0.08 MJ Transportation
Recycling/reuse Leak 0.07 kg Steel scrap 1,682 MJ Transportation
Feed 0.67 kg Steel scrap

Fig. 4. RL for steel construction products.

14,900 k tons with a value of $4,230,000 k. To estimate the trans- EAF requires 4.6 kg). Three types of leaks occur during this process:
port energy between the US and each of these countries, 20% of material waste, manufacturing energy, and transport energy.3
the imported or exported amount of scrap (Following the assump- The second process of construction does not include any feeds
tion made earlier than construction steel makes up 20% of the total and has a leak which accounts for transporting the manufactured
amount of steel) is multiplied by the distance and the freight rate of steel products to construction sites. This is the average trans-
$325.2 for cargo ships, and divided by the cargo ship size of 55,000 port cost for the considered buildings converted to MJ/kg. During
DWT. Table 4 shows the energy costs associated with transporting the maintenance process, as mentioned earlier in the paper, 1 kg
steel scrap (used in construction) between the US and a sample of of construction steel product loses 2.3 g and is fed 114 g. During
countries in 2006. The overall amount of energy spent to transport deconstruction, 95% of steel is recycled; and therefore, the process
3944k tons of steel scraps that are used in construction is equal to yields a small amount of material losses. Finally, according to the
$121,722 k. This yields an average energy cost of $31/kg. Steel Recycling Institute (2008), on average, 81% of steel is recycled
or reused in the last process of the RL. In other words, out of each
1 kg of steel processed in the RL, 0.81 kg enters a recycling facil-
4. Summary ity. This is the result of steel shipped from construction sites post
deconstruction and scrap collected at earlier processes – referred
Table 5 summarizes the material flow and energy consumed to as feed. As illustrated by project 4, the rate of recycled steel post
during the various processes of the construction steel RL. Feeds
and leaks occur during these various processes. Feed during the
first process is the average amount of raw materials consumed to 3
Using an embodied energy value of 147 MJ per gallon of diesel fuel (Saunders
manufacture 1 kg of construction steel products (1 kg of rebar/wire et al., 2006), and an assumed price of $2.71 per gallon, the value of transport energy
rod or BF steel requires 1.9 kg of raw materials, whereas 1 kg of of $27.3/kg becomes 1,481 MJ/kg.
L. Lanfang et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102 (2015) 143–152 151

deconstruction is 0.95 kg/kg, which implies that the feed rate is ucts) take place during construction. However, estimating these
equal to 0.67 kg/kg.4 An examination of the case study projects amounts requires an in-depth study of projects during the con-
revealed that, out of each 1 kg of steel, 0.74 kg are ultimately struction period. Again, the LEED rating systems offers a potential
recycled at a recycling/reuse facility. Therefore, a leak of 0.07 kg starting point. The LEED spreadsheets provide data on material
occurs during this final process of the RL.5 flow and energy consumption in both construction and deconstruc-
tion processes. However, the LEED spreadsheets do not document
5. Conclusion other types of embodied energy such as electricity or fuel cost for
operating equipment.
This paper illustrates the use of the RL to track the lifecycle iron Finally, future work in this area should also develop similar RLs
and energy use of construction steel. Industrial products have, each, for all major industrial products. Examples in construction include
their own loop. Nonetheless, the approach for building the RLs is concrete, brick, wood, glass, and utility fixtures. The next step is
the same across all industrial products. The RL for any industrial to integrate the develop loops into one comprehensive network
product has two components: materials and energy. Material can where leaks from one loop can become nutrients either in the same
be represented as either feed or leak to particular processes in the loop or in another one. A practical example of this practice is the
product lifecycle, whereas energy is typically leaked (i.e., consumed recent use of building demolition materials in other applications
in either manufacturing or shipping activities). such as roadways.
Defining the system boundaries is an essential step in the devel-
opment of a RL model. Using the information gathered from various Acknowledgement
sources, a preliminary RL is developed and shown in Fig. 4. In Fig. 4,
the RL has five processes or main stages: product manufacturing, The authors would like to thank the International Iron and Steel
construction, maintenance, deconstruction, and recycling/reuse. Institute and the Steel Recycling Institute for providing the research
The dashed arrow lines represent the flow of construction steel team with extensive amount of data, JE Dunn Construction for
material across the five processes. For example, the output of the allowing access to their projects, and financial support from some
first process of manufacturing is 1 kg and the output of the decon- of the industry partners.
struction process is 0.95 kg. The two other types of lines – solid
single line and solid double line - represent feeds and leaks in the
RL. The line thickness is an indication of the relative amount of feed References
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