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Learning Tasks/Activities

1. On a more general level, teachers might use the following tactics to encourage students to
read literature: propose books that are relevant to their interests; read literature aloud to
their classes; provide students time to read in class; and make a large variety of books
available to students.

2. Books and other written materials are included in our definition of literature. Using
literature demonstrates to kids the importance of books as well as the fact that we may
learn a lot while reading. When we teach our students how to learn from books, they will
be ready to grow up and learn on their own.

1. In order to fully understand the framework of the Language Arts and Multiliteracies
curriculum, one must focus on fully mastering the listening, reading, and speaking
components of it. Through mastering these components learners can easily know and
comprehend all the knowledge that are given within the context of what they are reading
and being given.

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