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The Math and Science

Behind Hot Air Balloons

Chemistry and Math

Serena Phillips
Ilias Saldaña
Mikayla Rodriguez

Student Presentation

Student Notebook

Introduction/ Overview of Experience:

How can we use graphs to describe particle behavior?
Over the course of a week, students will plan a trip via a hot air balloon. Along the way, they will
continue to refine their understanding of particle behavior as it relates to gas laws, learn why hot
air balloons work, and how graphs can be used in multiple contexts to explain rates over time,
directions of travel, and relationships between variables.
Students will immediately apply their new knowledge to plan a trip from Phoenix, Arizona to one
of three locations: San Francisco, Las Vegas, or Salt Lake City. Based on their choice, they will
have to face different challenges: wind levels, altitude requirements, amount of fuel needed, etc.
As their summative assessment, students will create a flight plan detailing the route they will
take, which altitudes they will need to reach to catch the right wind currents, what they will do
on to get the balloon to do what they want it to do, and what’s happening at the particle level
when they perform each step.
Standards: Literacy, Chemistry, Maths, Technology:

● 9‐10.RST.7: Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text

into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or
mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.

● 9‐10.WHST.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update
individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to
other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

● 9‐10.WHST.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection and
revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of
discipline‐ specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. (9‐10.WHST.10)


● HS+C.P1U1.3: Analyze and interpret data to develop and support an explanation for the
relationships between kinetic molecular theory and gas laws.

● HS+C.P1U1.4: Develop and use models to predict and explain forces within and between

● MS-PS1-4: Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion,
temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.

● HS.P2U1.5: Construct an explanation for a field’s strength and influence on an object.


● A1.F-BF.B.3 Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, k f(x), and f(x+k)
for specific values of k (both positive and negative); find the value of k given the graphs.
Experiment with cases and illustrate an explanation of the effects on the graph.

● A1.F-IF.C.7 Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph,
by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. Focus on
linear, quadratic, exponential and piecewise-defined functions (limited to absolute value
and step).

● A1.F-IF.B.4 For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret
key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing
key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Include problem-solving
opportunities utilizing real-world context. Key features include: intercepts; intervals
where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and
minimums. Focus on linear, quadratic, exponential and piecewise-defined functions
(limited to absolute value and step).
● A2.F-IF.B.4 For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret
key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing
key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Include problem-solving
opportunities utilizing a real-world context. Key features include: intercepts; intervals
where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and
minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity. Functions include linear, quadratic,
exponential, polynomial, logarithmic, rational, sine, cosine, tangent, square root, cube root
and piecewise-defined functions.


● Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to generate new ideas, processes, or


● Predict and test the relationships amongst interdependent elements of a digital model,
simulation, or system.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to...
● Keep a well-organized digital notebook using a variety of digital tools and resources.
● Use graphical analysis to describe particle behavior given a pressure versus temperature
graph and a volume versus temperature graph with 95% accuracy.
● Explain cause and effect relationships between the micro and macro scale
● Explain how temperature affects pressure and volume, and be able to sketch a qualitative
graph for these correlations
● Describe relationships between independent and dependent variables via graphical
● Describe the relationships between temperature and volume as well as volume and
● Explain that buoyancy is the force created by denser air pushing less dense air upward.
● Experiment with weight difference, wind speeds, and limited fuel to make a hot air
balloon rise higher
● Define key components of quadratic functions by engaging in academic conversations to
describe their Hot Air Balloons flight path.
● Describe the effects k has on a parent graph, f(x), given k f(x) , f(x+k) and f(x) + k
● Formulate their own quadratic function that best represents their ideal flight path to one
of the destinations given
● Interpret different quadratic functions by matching a graph to the corresponding
● Apply their “particles and parabolas” knowledge by creating their own parabola that
describes their trip and sharing their ideas with the class
Text Types:
This text set


Day One: Flashcards and Particle


Compelling Question:

How can we use parabolas and particles to describe



❖ HS+C.P1U1.4: Develop and use models to predict and explain forces within and between

❖ MS-PS1-4: Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion,
temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.


❖ A1.F-IF.B.4 For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret
key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing
key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Include problem-solving
opportunities utilizing real-world context. Key features include: intercepts; intervals
where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and
minimums. Focus on linear, quadratic, exponential and piecewise-defined functions
(limited to absolute value and step).
Learning Outcomes:
● After reading about graph components and creating flashcards, students will be able to
identify different parts of a graph so that they can use the vocabulary in conversation
throughout the week.

● After practicing drawing particle diagrams, students will be better at communicating their
ideas via pictorial representation

● After comparing others’ particle diagrams to their own, students will be able to explain
the relationship between volume and temperature in their own words

Students will access the introductory presentation for the five-day experience which will explain
the structure of the next five days. From this presentation, they will decide which destination
they would like to plan their trip around. They will then follow the appropriate link for their
chosen destination, which will make them a copy of their digital notebook, prepopulated with all
the resources, directions, and assignments they will need to interact with and complete over the
course of five days.

From this point, students will spend the rest of the five days in their digital notebook, following
links to the outside world when prompted to.

1. Activating prior knowledge: Via their digital notebooks, students will navigate to a Google
Form, which will ask them to consider the following points:

a. Students will be asked to recall their progress toward understanding particle

motion and behavior. Students should be able to recall their conclusion from
previous lessons: that particles move more quickly at higher temperatures.

b. Students will also be asked to share their prior knowledge of graphs: What are
some components of graphs? How and where are graphs used?

1. As directed by their digital notebooks, students will follow a link to an article about
function families, which they will use to create a set of Quizlet flashcards about graph
components. The terms they need to define are also given in their digital notebook.
Students should post a link to their shared flashcard set in their notebooks where
2. Next, students will watch a video demonstrating the phenomena of thermal expansion.
This video was carefully selected to simply show thermal expansion happening sans any
explanation of why it happens. The reasoning for this is that even though this is the first
time the students have been officially exposed to the idea of thermal expansion, they
should be able to reason out some explanations for the balloon getting bigger based on
their existing knowledge of particle behavior.

a. Based on the reasoning they develop, students will work in their groups to draw
particle diagrams representing their ideas about why, on a micro-scale, they might
be observing the balloon change size. They will draw these diagrams on the
Jamboard linked in their notebooks
b. After drawing their diagrams, students will be prompted to compare their group’s
drawings to those of other groups. They will be asked to record their observations
about the similarities and differences in their notebooks.

3. Finally, students will have an opportunity to reflect on their learning. By answering the
questions in their notebooks, students will record the kinds of thinking they had to do in
order to draw their diagrams, and based on the class consensus, they will articulate a
reasonable explanation for the phenomena observed in the video.
Day Two: Hot Air Balloon Game


❖ HS+C.P1U1.4: Develop and use models to predict and explain forces within and between
❖ MS-PS1-4: Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion,
temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.


❖ HS.P2U1.5: Construct an explanation for a field’s strength and influence on an object.

Learning Outcomes:
● Students will be able to predict and explain the many variables that impact a hot air
balloon’s motion given the questions in their digital notebook with 90% accuracy.

Directions (What will students do? Why will they do it?):

Students will continue to work in the digital notebook they have chosen based on their desired
destination the day prior. Students will participate in an interactive game that enables them to fly
a hot air balloon. This game will educate students on the multifaceted nature of the very
mechanics behind a hot air balloon’s motion. This includes the ideal gas law, buoyancy, and
forces. The link to this game is included in their digital notebook as the questions that are to
guide them through this digital experience.

1. Before participating in the activity for the day, students will be prompted to answer a
question in their digital notebook that will ask them about what they already know and
what they would like to know about hot air balloons.

2. Then they will be navigated to a Jamboard which asks them to create a sticky note on
the given slide. On this sticky, they are to write a definition in their own words of
buoyancy. Accuracy is not necessary, this serves as a tool to get students thinking about
scientific concepts in layman's terms, thus they are highly discouraged from looking up
the definition.

1. This game walks students through the thought process behind the science of hot air
balloons as well as how to play the game. Students will start by clicking on the particles
game when met with the main menu, thereafter the game will go in order: particles,
forces, volume.

2. Upon clicking the play button in their digital notebook that will take them to the game,
students are asked to select the “Particles” game in the main menu.

a. Students will answer the questions and create their own particle diagrams in their

b. Students are also asked to take multiple screenshots throughout this activity and
paste them into the document.
i. Directions for taking a screenshot:
1. For Mac: Press Shift + Command + 3 to take a screenshot.
2. For Windows: Press Shift+Windows Key+S to take a screenshot.
ii. Students may paste the screenshot into the document by pressing Ctrl+V
or using Edit -> Paste in Google docs.

3. Students are then to play the “Forces” game.

a. Students will answer the question provided to them in their digital notebooks.

4. Next, students will play the “Volume” game

a. Students will answer the question provided to them in their digital notebooks.

5. Lastly, students will navigate to the main menu of the game where they will then select
the “Free Play” game. In the Free Play game, they will have the ability to manipulate all of
the variables, even the outside temperature. They will be asked a question about how the
outside temperature affects hot air balloon motion. Then, students will manipulate any
variables they see fit to achieve the furthest distance.

a. Students will take a screenshot of their furthest flight and post it in the Padlet.
b. Students will list the factors they had to consider to achieve their furthest flight
and how they impacted their distance in their digital notebook.

1. Students will be given a link in their digital notebook to a Jamboard where they are to
answer the given questions on slides one and two.

2. Students will be prompted to answer the remaining questions in their digital notebook in
the wrapping up section. The first two questions will ask students to reflect on and apply
the information they learned throughout the day. The last questions will give them a
sneak peek as to what they will be learning the following day!
Day Three: Parabolas!

❖ A1.F-BF.B.3 Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, k f(x), and f(x+k)
for specific values of k (both positive and negative); find the value of k given the graphs.
Experiment with cases and illustrate an explanation of the effects on the graph.

Learning Outcomes:
● The students will be able to identify the properties of a graph given the form a(x-h)²+k by
completing the discovery worksheet and answering guiding questions in their digital

Directions (What will students do? Why will they do it?):

Students will continue to work in the digital notebook they have chosen based on their desired
destination the days prior. Students will complete the discovery activity on parabolas. The
worksheet will cover the effects a,h and k have on a parent function, f(x)=x², followed by guiding
questions that the students will answer and post screenshots of their discoveries.

Before completing the discovery activity, students will describe their balloon's flight path from
the game they played the day before. Descriptions include the left and right x-intercepts, the x
and y values at the vertex and any other information they may find relevant. All of their ideas will
be recorded in their digital journal.

1. The parabolas activity allows students to visually create different graphs and compare
them to the parent graph, f(x)=x², using Desmos. The students will graph the parent
function, then graph 4 or 5 different functions to identify the relationship between f(x²)
and a f(x²), f(x²-h), or f(x²)+k.

2. As the student completes each section of the activity, they must describe the change of
the parent function and include screenshots of their findings in their interactive notebook.
a. The students may work in pairs to discuss ideas and answers to the questions in
the activity. All final answers must be recorded within the notebook.

1. Students will choose between watching a short video or reading an article on different
properties of a parabola.

2. Once they have finished, they will access the jamboard and post a sticky note
describing one key takeaway from the video/article
Day Four: Match My Parabola!


❖ HS+C.P1U1.3: Analyze and interpret data to develop and support an explanation for the
relationships between kinetic molecular theory and gas laws.

Learning Outcomes:
● The students will be able to properly identify and create the equation of a graph by
participating in a desmos activity and recording their answers in their digital notebook.

Directions (What will students do? Why will they do it?):

The students will apply their knowledge from day three to match the parabola with the correct
equation they’ve generated. Their answers will be recorded in their digital journal for their
personal reference as well as in Formative as an assessment for the instructor.

1. Since the previous lesson was very math-heavy, today’s warm-up is a refresher on the
physics of hot air balloons. Calling upon their experience with the game on Day Two,
students will view a hot air balloon trajectory (on a Jamboard) and consider what is
happening at the particle level. Students will offer a particle-level explanation for the
balloon’s motion at each position indicated on the slide.

1. The students will navigate to and enter the code 2PVGAU under the
“student” section.

2. The students will then complete challenges 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10. Each challenge question
asks students to create an equation that accurately describes the different parabolas.
Their answers will be recorded within their interactive journal then transferred to
Formative as an assessment for the instructor.
a. If a student is having problems logging in they may go to
and enter the code: EVDBWR
1. Now that students are familiar with the terminology used to describe parabolas and
parabolic motion, they are ready to start applying this knowledge to describe the motion
of a hot air balloon. Students will respond to a prompt on Mentimeter, asking them to
consider what their graph will look like and how the graph represents reality.
Day Five: Creation of the Flight Plan


❖ 9‐10.RST.7: Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text

into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or
mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.

❖ 9‐10.WHST.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update
individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to
other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.


❖ MS-PS1-4: Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion,
temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.


❖ A2.F-IF.B.4 For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret
key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities, and sketch graphs showing
key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Include problem-solving
opportunities utilizing a real-world context. Key features include: intercepts; intervals
where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and
minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity. Functions include linear, quadratic,
exponential, polynomial, logarithmic, rational, sine, cosine, tangent, square root, cube root
and piecewise-defined functions.

Learning Outcomes:
● Calling upon the experiences they have had all week, by the end of the day students will
be able to explain a parabolic flight path in terms of buoyancy, pressure, x-intercepts,
particle collisions, and vertices.
● Students will also be able to represent this understanding with a visual representation.
● After completing the five day lesson, students will have reflected on their experience
with the digital experience, hopefully learning something about their preferred learning
style in the process.
Directions (What will students do? Why will they do it?):

Students will apply all of the knowledge they have accumulated over the past four days by
creating their final project! In this project, they are to use to outline the path their
hot air balloon will follow to get them from Point A (Phoenix, Arizona), to Point B (Salt Lake City,
Las Vegas, or San Francisco depending on what they chose on the first day). Students will create
their own particle diagrams describing what exactly is occurring at the particle level at three
points in their flight (take-off, in the air, and landing). Students will incorporate some of their
creativity with their choice of annotation tools from the provided list and design their very own
hot air balloon!

1. Students will read the project overview provided to them in their digital notebooks.
2. In their digital notebook, the full explanation of what is expected of them will be found in
the rubric. This rubric will also serve as an instruction sheet, checklist, and resource bank.

1. Once students have clicked on the rubric, they will follow the steps that are outlined for
them. Students are highly encouraged to look back through their digital notebooks if they
are hung up on any concepts. It is highly likely that they have already done exactly what
is being asked of them on a previous day!
a. Students will create their own quadratic functions with the zeros provided to
them based on their chosen destination in Desmos.
i. The requirements are that they create a parabolic function with their
given zeros, and their maximum is between 1,000 and 3,000 feet.

ii. Students are asked to change the x and y max and mins such that their
graph is centered. They may do so by clicking on the icon that looks like a
wrench on the right-hand side.

iii. Students should also label their axes appropriately, this is also done by
accessing the icon on the right that looks like a wrench.

iv. When students have perfected their graph, they are to export their graph
as an image. They may do so by going to the upper right-hand corner
where there is an arrow and clicking on it. Students should toggle their
mouse over where it says “Export Image” and click on it.
b. Next students will need to be able to annotate their graphs. These options are
listed in the rubric. Once they have picked their annotation tool, they are to
export the image of their graph into the workspace. How this is done will vary
depending on the tool they have chosen. Yet, at this point in the semester,
students are familiar with all of the tools listed as we have used them many times
in class.
i. The annotations that are to be made are:
1. Writing their zeros as an ordered pair and a 2-3 sentence on their
physical significance in reference to the hot air ballon’s motion.
2. Writing their maximum as an ordered pair and a 2-3 sentence on
its physical significance.
3. Three particle diagrams: One when the balloon is on the ground,
one as it’s ascending, and one as it’s descending.
c. Students are to use this website to design their own hot air balloon. An image of
their hot air balloon should be present in their final project!
i. Students may take a screenshot of their final hot air balloon design and
save it to their computer. Once they do this, they may use this website to
remove the background from it and save it to their computer again. Then
they are to export this into their annotation tool just as they had with their
ii. Students are asked to be creative in whatever way they see fit!
2. Students will copy the link to their final project and paste it into the designated area in
their digital notebook.

1. Students will write a 300-word reflection in their digital notebook under their link and
provide any feedback in the designated area.
2. Once students have completely finished their project and digital notebook, they will
submit the link to the assignment found in canvas.

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