The Trapper: Trapper - A Hunter Conclave

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The Trapper

he slips off her fur-lined leather mittens and deftly Starting Trap Triggers
slips the snare from the dead rabbit's neck. The Spring Loaded (Trigger) - This trigger mechanism is
trapper breathes deeply and says a quiet word for placed on a particular square. The moment that square is
the animal. Then, she begins. Her hands fly over occupied, the trap goes off. This trap interrupts movement
the rabbit, led by the sharpened skinning knife and the trap effect occurs before enemies can use the rest
dancing under its delicate hide. She deftly guts of their actions. If detected by an intelligent creature, this
and butchers the creature, gently placing its hide trap can be disabled with a simple attack (DC - 10).
and meat components into her satchel. At a trapper’s hand, Tripwire (Trigger): This trigger mechanism is anchored
life is taken but never wasted. between two locations 5ft - 15ft apart, both of which you
must move past during your setup action. The moment a
Trapper - A Hunter Conclave creature passes through a square occupied by the tripwire
The Trapper archetype paints the traditional Ranger in a new (ie. moves past it), the trap goes off. This trap interrupts
light, combining their affinity to nature with a healthy dose of movement and the trap effect occurs before enemies can
mechanical aptitude. Reliance on gadgetry to make their use the rest of their actions. If detected, this trap can be
living has led Trappers to become deft tinkerers. Trappers avoided with a successful acrobatics check (DC - 13).
ability to combine different trap elements has allowed them Starting Trap Effects
to move beyond the trapline and onto the battlefield. Bear Trap (Effect) - Any creature that triggers this trap
has its movement ended and cannot make any moves for
Archetype Features the remainder of this turn. The enemy takes 1d12
Below are the features gained from the Trapper archetype. bludgeoning damage and is Restrained. A creature can
Features are gained at the 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th levels. escape this trap with a DC 15 Strength check or by
dealing 10 damage to it (Slashing/Piercing resistant,
Mechanical Aptitude Effect level 2 and 3 - add 1d12 damage each).
When you gain 3rd level, you gain mastery of your toolbox. Incendiary Trap (Effect) - When this trap is triggered, a
Gain a set of Tinker’s tools and are proficient with them. You chemical concoction explodes in a 3m x 3m grid
also gain access to the Mending cantrip, which is now surrounding the trigger point. All characters in the radius
considered a Ranger spell for you. Finally, you gain the ability take 3d6 fire damage (1/2 on a successful DC 13
to detect traps much more effectively. Gain advantage on any Dexterity save). (Effect level 2 and 3 - add 2d6 fire damage
perception check made to detect a trap or trap trigger. each).
Note - As with forced movement that pushes a creature off
Fast Traps the edge of a cliff, forced movement into a trap trigger also
After gaining the trapper archetype at level 3, setting traps affords that creature an Acrobatics save to avoid the trap, so
becomes a major class feature. You carry around enough long as they are aware of the trap.
supplies to set a number of traps equal to your proficiency While The Iron's Hot
bonus each day (TWO when you gain this feature).
Setting a trap can be done in or out of combat- but you At 7th level, you gain proficiency with your largest spanner
gain advantage on any Stealth checks made to conceal wrench and may use it as if it were a Greatclub- only for you it
your trap. is a one handed weapon and uses Dexterity or Strength for
All of your traps have two components- a trigger its associated attack and damage rolls.
and an effect. As you gain additional experience
as a ranger, you can attempt to research additional Impact Calibration
trigger and effect mechanisms. When you place a trap, At 11th level, your familiarity with machines hits new levels.
choose a trigger and an effect for your trap. Then, make a You can attempt to use Mending in combat on any machine,
Stealth check to attempt to conceal the trap and/or your construct, or metal device or object. Instead of spending 1
actions in setting it up. Enemies that have a passive minute casting the cantrip, you may instead attempt an attack
perception higher than your Stealth check become aware of with your spanner wrench. On a hit, you repair the object in
your trap when they get close enough to it (with 25ft or so). question. If you would like this object to regain hit points, the
Your trap remains for the combat encounter and may be set HP gained is equal to the damage you would deal with your
up by any character that activates the trigger. wrench.
Trap Research
Perimeter Defense
When you take a long rest after a day when you completed at
least one encounter, roll a Sleight of Hand check (DC - 13). On
When you reach 15th level, you gain the ability to set up a
perimeter tripwire. This wire is up to 100 yards long and is
every third success, you can either research a new trap
imbued with the first level spell Alarm. Setup takes roughly 1
mechanism (trigger or effect) or increase the effect level of an hour to complete. You have advantage for the Stealth check
existing trap. made to conceal this feature.
If tripped, you are woken and know roughly where the Trap Effects (Researchable)
tripwire was triggered. Unless the attacker succeeds on a
perception check, they are oblivious to the notion that they Crippling Poison Dart (Effect) - When this trap is
tripped over something man-made. This feature is regained triggered, roll a ranged attack roll with advantage against
after a successful long rest. the triggering enemies AC. If your attack roll hits, the
enemy takes 1d10 poison damage and gains the
Trap Discoveries Poisoned condition (Constitution DC 13 Save Ends).
(Effect level 2 and 3 - add 1d10 poison damage and
As additional trap research is carried out, the Trapper will increase save DC by 2)
eventually gain access to new trap components. It is up to Flak Trap (Effect) - When this trap is triggered, it fires
DM discretion exactly how this works. Below are a number of scrap metal into the air in every direction in a 5m x 5m
proposed possibilities for trap options. A DM may decide that grid surrounding itself. All characters in the radius take
the Trapper can role play what exactly they are researching 3d8 piercing damage (half damage on a successful
or may decide for the player which upgrade they receive. Dexterity saving throw). (Effect level 2 and 3 - add 1d6
Player suggestions for trap mechanisms may also be taken ongoing bleed damage, Constitution 13 save ends)
into consideration, so they as they are adequately balanced Tracking Dart (Effect) - When this trap is triggered, roll
with other game mechanics. ranged weapon attack with advantage against the
Trap Triggers (Researchable) triggering creatures AC. If your attack roll hits, the enemy
Timed Release (Trigger) - When this trap is placed, the takes 1d12 + Dexterity modifier damage and an arcane
player chooses a trigger round 1 - 5 rounds after the positioning dart is left in its body. Even if the dart is
current one. The trap effect goes off immediately at the removed, you are aware of your enemies location for the
beginning of the round they have designated (but before next 1d6 days.
any characters have acted). If detected by an intelligent Pop-up Crossbow Turret (Effect) - When this trap is
creature, this trap can be disabled with a Sleight of Hand triggered, a repeating hand crossbow pops up in a
(DC - 13). predetermined location up to 5 squares from its trigger. It
Proximity Detonation (Trigger) - When a trap is placed, fires two crossbow bolts immediately at the triggering
the Trapper imbues the device with an arcane energy and creature using your ranged weapon attack statistics. If
designates a 15ft by 15ft zone where this trap is active. multiple characters are in range, it will randomly choose a
The marksman then has until the end of their turn to leave target for each shot. This turret shoots another bolt at the
the trap’s proximity radius. As soon as they do, the trap is beginning of each round until it is destroyed or until 8
considered active. The first creature to enter the zone bolts have been fired. The turret has 15 HP and an AC of
triggers this trap. The effects of the trap are centered on 12.
the triggering enemy. If detected by an intelligent creature,
this trap can be intentionally set off by throwing a hefty
item into the trap zone.
Remote Detonation (Trigger, Minor Action) - When this
trap is placed, is it automatically linked to the Trapper. A
Trapper may spend a minor action to trigger this trap on
their turn. Alternatively, the Trapper can use their action to
ready trap detonation at any time before their next turn as
an interrupt. If detected by an intelligent creature, this
trap can be detonated by targeting it and overloading it
with arcane energy (dealing at least 10 magical damage of
any type).

Credit: The Homebrewery for the excellent design template

Trelling Games

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