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Welcome to the BIO105P Sync Session!


August 30
Module 1 Part 2

Learning Objectives:
▪Describe the structure and function of major and
subcellular organelles.
▪ Organelle - little
organ, membrane-
▪ Cytoplasm =
organelles + cytosol
1. Nucleus: Information Center of the Cell

▪ Surrounded by nuclear
envelope (double membrane)
perforated by nuclear pores;
▪ nuclear envelope is
continuous with the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
1. Nucleus: Information Center of the Cell
• Houses chromosomes; contains nucleoli
• Pores regulate entry and exit of materials

Nucleolus – site of ribosome production

Nucleoplasm – matrix inside the nucleolus
Nuclear Pores – controls in and out of the nucleus

Cells may be multi-nucleated (skeletal muscle cells) or

absent of nucleus upon maturity (red blood cells).
Nucleus Produce 3 Types of RNA
1. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) – joins with proteins to form the subunits of
2. Messenger RNA (mRNA) – specifies the sequence of amino acids in
3. Transfer RNA (tRNA) – participates in the assembly of amino acids during
protein synthesis
2. Ribosome: Protein Factories

• Two subunits (small & large)
made of ribosomal RNA and
• Can be free in cytosol or
bound to RER
3. Endoplasmic Reticulum: Biosynthetic Factory
• Extensive network of membrane
bounded tubules and sacs
• Membrane separates lumen from
• Continuous with the nuclear
3. Endoplasmic Reticulum: Biosynthetic Factory
• Smooth ER – synthesis of lipids,
metabolism of carbohydrates, Ca2+
storage, detoxification of drugs and

• Rough ER – aids in synthesis of secretory

and other proteins from bound
ribosomes; adds CHO to proteins making
glycoproteins; produces new membranes
4. Golgi Apparatus: Shipping
and Receiving Center
• Stacks of flattened membranous sacs
• Has polarity (cis and trans faces)
• Modification of proteins, carbohydrates on
proteins and phospholipids
• Synthesis of many polysaccharides
• Sorting of Golgi products, which are then
released in vesicles
Endomembrane System
▪ Organelles which form a
system to produce, package,
and export cellular products:
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, vesicles.

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How does the
endomembrane system
interact to secrete
substances such as milk

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Fill-in-the Blanks: Endomembrane System

1. ____ contains DNA, which specifies the

“recipe” or instruction for proteins.

2. The mRNA carries the instruction to a ____ in

the _____ where proteins are assembled.

3. Proteins synthesized at the ___ will be secreted

from the organelle through membranes of
organelle called ____.

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Fill-in-the Blanks: Endomembrane System

4. The ____ leaving the RER fuse with the _____

which acts as the processing center to further
modify the protein.

5. The proteins leave the ____ through a vesicle

which fuse the cell membrane and expel the

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Secretion of Proteins by the
Endomembrane System
What questions do
you have so far?
Which organelles are
responsible for cell
Clue: L-P-V
5. Lysosomes: Digestive Compartments

Made from vesicles produced

by Golgi Apparatus have very
low pH and store powerful
hydrolytic digestive enzymes
in an inactive state

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5. Lysosomes: Digestive Compartments
• Membranous sac of hydrolytic
enzymes (in animal cells)
• Breakdown of ingested
substances, cell
macromolecules, and
damaged organelles for

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Phagocytosis: Lysosome digesting food
Autophagy: Lysosome breaking down damaged organelles
6. Vacuole: Maintenance Compartments
• Plant cell has a large
central vacuole
• Filled with water fluid (cell
sap) that gives added
support to cell
• Contains water-soluble
pigments responsible for
the colors of some flowers
and leaves
6. Vacuole: Maintenance Compartments

• Large membrane-bound
• Digestion, storage, waste
disposal, water balance, cell
growth and protection
7. Peroxisome: Oxidation
• Specialized metabolic
compartment bounded by a
single membrane
• Contains enzymes that transfer H
atoms from substrates to oxygen
producing H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)
• H2O2 is the converted to water by
another enzyme
Which organelles are
responsible for energy

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8. Plastids: Capture Light Energy
• Typically, two membranes
around fluid stroma, which
contains thylakoids stacked
into grana
• Contain chlorophyll for
8. Plastids: Capture Light Energy

▪ Thylakoids – membranous
system in the form of
flattened interconnected
▪ Stroma – contains the
chloroplast DNA and
ribosomes; fluid outside
Chloroplast thylakoids
Other types
of Plastids
▪ Chromoplasts – contain
pigments that result in
yellow, orange or red color

▪ Leucoplasts – generally
colorless plastids that
synthesize and store starch
and oil
Other types
of Plastids
▪ Chromoplasts – contain
pigments that result in
yellow, orange or red color

▪ Leucoplasts – generally
colorless plastids that
synthesize and store starch
and oil
9. Mitochondrion: Powerhouse of the Cell
• Bounded by double membrane
(phospholipid bilayer)
• Inner membrane has infoldings
• Outer membrane is smooth
▪ Cellular Respiration
9. Mitochondrion: Powerhouse of the Cell
▪ Intermembrane space – narrow
region between the inner and
outer membranes
▪ Mitochondrial matrix –
enclosed by the inner
• Contains many enzymes as
well as mitochondrial DNA
and ribosomes
Mitochondria Chloroplast
Contain DNA and
Yes Yes

Double-membraned Yes Yes

Inner Fluid Matrix Stroma

Products Produce ATP Produce sugar

Eukaryotic cells that

Nearly all eukaryotic
Presence carry out
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10. Plasma Membrane: Cell Barrier
• Consist of a double layer (bilayer) of phospholipids with various
Function – enclosed by the inner membrane
• Selective barrier that allows passage of oxygen, nutrients and wastes
11. Cytoskeleton: Structural Support

▪ helps the cells to maintain
their structural integrity
▪ cell motility, cell
reproduction, and
transportation of
substances within the cell

Microtubules Microfilament Intermediate

11. Cytoskeleton: Structural Support
▪ maintain cell shape and structure
▪ help resist compression of the cell
▪ and play a role in positioning the
organelles within the cell
▪ Compose the centrioles, an important
component in cell division
▪ Make-up cilia and flagella
▪ In humans, cilia are in the respiratory
system, fallopian tubes. Flagella are used
by sperm cells for locomotion.
11. Cytoskeleton: Structural Support
Microfilament Intermediate Filament
▪ Made up of actin, a ▪ Made up of fibrous subunits
type of protein of a protein called keratin
▪ Actin fibers are ▪ helps maintain cell shape
twisted into and structure
microfilaments ▪ resist tension (pulling apart)
▪ A large component ▪ help anchor organelles
of muscle tissue ▪ Link cells together (cell-to-
▪ creates the cleavage cell junctions)
furrow during cell

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