Review of Paper: Impact of Information Technology On Lifestyle: A Literature Review and Classification (May 2017)

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Review of Paper

Impact of Information Technology on Lifestyle: A Literature Review and Classification

(May 2017)

1. Payam Hanafizadeh, Allameh Tabataba’i University, School of Management and
Accounting, Tehran, Iran
2. Samira Ghandchi, Allameh Tabataba’i University, School of Management and
Accounting, Tehran, Iran
3. Masoud Asgarimehr, Allameh Tabataba’i University, School of Management and
Accounting, Tehran, Iran

This paper presents an audit of 81 inquire about articles distributed between 1996 and 2013 on
the impact of data innovation on way of life. Our findingsindicate that the number of
investigations into the impact of IT on different ranges of daily life, expanded impressively amid
this period, given that 63 percent of the articles were distributed between 2010 and 2013. From
these articles, eight dimensions emerged which were classified by IT and way of life specialists.
In addition, subject investigation was connected to all substance extricated from the different
articles, driving to an eight-sided way of life show. The domains are: wellbeing, learning, social,
work and environment, vitality, craftsmanship, otherworldly life, and random. A comprehensive
list of papers with classifications is displayed.
The topic of the article is exceptionally great. There is no doubt that Information Technology
(IT) has tremendously changed everyday life. New technologies such as computers, Internet,
wireless devices, social networks, have become part of most people’s lives regardless of age or
gender. Consequently, these technologies have changed our lifestyle.
According to the authors, lifestyles alludes to the strategy and fashion of our lives counting our
clothing, propensities, companionships, values and so on. In any case, it isn't constrained to this
definition. A few ponders have taken lifestyle to allude to one’s physical and mental wellbeing
status, as well as adults’ quality of life (Wang et al., 2012). Agreeing to Leung (1998), ways of
life are distinguished and classified in arrange to enhance the improvement of social personality
through people’s exercises, interface and conclusions. Way of life can be recognized by a wide
extend of exercises, interface, and suppositions (Ye et al., 2011). Be that as it may, there is a
need of comprehensive investigate in this region. In truth, whereas a few analysts have
investigated the affect of IT on one measurement of way of life, but no comprehensive inquire
about has been undertaken to decide the affect of Information Technology (IT) on numerous
measurements of way of life from a holistic point of view.
The structure of the paper is well written and easy to follow. The paper is organized as follows:
to begin with, the guide of inquire about is described; second, the criteria used for classifying the
writing relating to the affect of IT on way of life are displayed; third, the results and examination
of the classification are detailed; and at long last, conclusions are drawn and future research
headings are proposed.
The paper brings to us a lot of helpful knowledge. One of the goals of this study isto establish the
variouslifestyle dimensions. Another goal is to determine how IT impacts on lifestyle. Although
the impact of IT on learning, health, energy, conditions of work, social life and so on, has been a
subject of investigate for a long time, no researcher has attempted the assignment of deciding the
affect of data innovation on people’s lifestyles and on all ranges of their lives. This audit paper
investigates the writing relating to the affect of IT on way of life and to analyze and classify
these ponders concurring to different way of life measurements. The dimensions of way of life
that will be examined here are: wellbeing, learning, social behavior, spiritual life, vitality,
craftsmanship, work and environment.
However, the article still has some shortcomings. Firstly, the chart and the figures don't
coordinate (the figure of memorability at 35% shows up to be higher on the chart). It is vital in
investigate work to be cautious when arriving at conclusions. Secondly, the research do not show
any solution for these problems. From my perspective, it is the part that readers are most
interested in. The paper will be better if there are arrangements after each issue which is raised.
Last but not least, although many dimensions of lifestyle have attracted the attention of academia
in terms of the impact of IT, there are several important lifestyle dimensions that have not yet
been researched comprehensively. For example, one of our lifestyle dimensions is financial
activities. We did not find appropriate articles that analyze the impacts of IT on finance-related
activities. Many life domains attracted little research attention that focused on the impact of
information technology on them.
In this paper, authors displayed a classification system for analyzing different ways of life on
which technology has an affect. To the most excellent of our knowledge, this audit inquire about
is one of the primary in this range. Clearly, this field of inquire about is generally modern with
the solid plausibility of attracting future scholastic inquire about. Future work may look at other
sorts of way of life and conduct a more comprehensive examination of way of life spaces.
Although there are some limitations, the knowledge that the author brings is very valuable to us.

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