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My Skills

Technical/Job Specific Skills

1. Soldering Experience: During my time in college, I have performed several soldering

projects that were tested afterwards and functioned properly.
2. Understanding of Basic Electronical Theory: I learned the basics of Electrical Theory
during my first three quarters of college.
3. Complex Problem Solving: I can comprehend a lot of information at once and figure out
a solution whether it be technical, logical, or situational.
4. Proficient in Microsoft Excel: During my time in college, I’ve mastered the use of
Microsoft Excel, which allows me to make tables, graphs, and charts.
5. Spatial Awareness: I can take a schematic and transfer it to a real-life schematic on a
breadboard, which I have proven in class while building circuits.
6. Alaska Military Youth Academy Good Conduct Achievement: I received this award for
being a team player and working well with my platoon for the duration of my stay.
7. Alaska Military Youth Academy Leadership Training Completion: I received this
certification by completing my training as a Squad Leader to First Sargent of my platoon.
8. Past Wildfire Safety Training Experience: I spent a summer training to become a
Wildland firefighter, which will help me in a case of an electrical fire on the job. I have
also proved my abilities when my family had a fire in our laundry room that I was able to
put out before the fire department showed up.
9. College Student at SCC: I have completed almost 4 out of the 7 quarters of my Associate
of Science in Electrical Engineering Technologies.

Functional/Transferable Skills

1. Customer Service Experience: I have worked in the fast-food and restaurant business for
most of my adult life, which has taught me how to provide quality customer service that
leaves the customer satisfied with their experience.
2. Leadership: I find it easy to build relationships and trust with people, which has allowed
me to take the lead on many projects that I have been a part of.
3. Project Management: I can manage all tasks for a project from start to finish. In group
projects, I have often been the one to coordinate who is responsible for each task and I
have always been good at keeping track of progress and knowing what still needs to be

Adaptive/Personal Skills

1. Punctual: I always arrive 10-15 minutes early to my work shifts.

2. Socially adept: My ADHD causes me to be able to seek out conversations and social
interactions, making me a great conversationalist.
3. Reliable: I always finish a task once I started it and once completed, I always confirm
with the person who gave me the task that it’s completed to their satisfaction.
4. Honest: I always communicate my mistakes, even when it’s hard, because I want to make
sure that I can learn from it so that it does not happen again.
5. Efficient: Last quarter, I was given lots of homework assignments and was able to
complete them to a high standard in a timely manner.
6. Quick learner: I have worked at more jobs than most people my age and have proven my
ability to adapt to any situation and learn what is necessary to complete my job duties.
7. Good under pressure: A lot of the jobs that I have worked at have been fast paced with
high demand, and I have been able to keep my calm and push through the rush.
8. Time Management: I’ve proven my time management throughout college by completing
my assignments on time or early and making time to study for the tests and finals without
sacrificing the quality of my work.

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