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Capstone Project

Submitted By:
1: Yogesh Gangji
2: Azim Khairdi
3: Ganesh Kokate
4: Bharat Khalate

Guided By:
A.L Tarange

P R O J E C T:

Student Management


This is to certify that The Following students

SR Name of students Roll no

1 Yogesh Gangji 24
2 Azim Khairdi 32
3 Ganesh Kokate 82
4 Bharat Khalate 86
Of 5th Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology has satisfactory
completed Report Work in this subject Capstone Project Planning-(22058) the
academic year 2021-2022 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Subject teacher. HOD. Principal





This is to certify that Yogesh Gangji Roll no 24 Of 5th

Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology has satisfactorily
completed the Project work in this subject Capstone Project Planning-
(22058) for the academic year 2021-2022 as prescribed in the

Place: Enrollmentno:1900150267

Date: Exam seat no:

Subject teacher. HOD. Principal





This is to certify that Azim Khaird Roll no 32 Of 5th Semester

of Diploma in Computer Technology has satisfactorily completed the
Project work in this subject Capstone Project Planning- (22058) for the
academic year 2021-2022 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Enrollmentno:1900150275

Date: Exam seat no:

Subject teacher. HOD. Principal





This is to certify that Ganesh Kokate Roll no 82 Of 5th

Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology has satisfactorily
completed the Project work in this subject Capstone Project Planning-
(22058) for the academic year 2021-2022 as prescribed in the

Place: Enrollmentno:1900150328

Date: Exam seat no:

Subject teacher. HOD. Principal





This is to certify that Bharat Khalate Roll no 86 Of 5th

Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology has satisfactorily
completed the Project work in this subject Capstone Project Planning-
(22058) for the academic year 2021-2022 as prescribed in the

Place: Enrollmentno:1900150332

Date: Exam seat no:

Subject teacher. HOD. Principal


We wish to express our profound and sincere gratitude

to our guide PROF. A.L Tarange Sir, a who guided us into
the intricacies of this micro–project non-chalantly with
matchless magnanimity. We are indebted to his constant
encouragement, co-operation and help. It was his
enthusiastic support that helped us in overcoming he
various obstacles in this project.

We would also like to express our thankfulness to our

beloved Principal, H.O.D., and other faculty members of
our Second Year Department for extending their support
and motivation.

Thank you …...!!!


Student Management System can be used by education

institutes to maintain the records of students easily. Achieving this
objective is difficult using a manual system as the information is
scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information
may be very time consuming. All these problems are solved using
this project. Student Management System can be used by
education institutes to maintain the records of students easily.
Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the
information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant
information may be very time consuming. All these problems are
solved using this project. Student Management System (SMS) is a
solution tool that is designed to track, maintain and manage all the
data generated by a School, including the grades of a student,
their attendance, their interpersonal activities records, etc.
technology has been applied throughout the entire spectrum of
industries, revolutionizing the document management process. DFC
has enabled scanned documents to become more than just image
files, turning into fully searchable documents with text content that
is recognized by computers. With the help of DFC, people no
longer need to manually retype important documents when
entering them into electronic databases. Instead, DFC extracts
relevant information and enters it automatically. The result is
accurate, efficient information processing in less time


Chapter Pag
Chapter 01: Introduction and background
1.1. Introduction to student management
System 10-11

1.2. Background of student management 11

Chapter 02: literature survey for problem identification and
2.1. Problem statement 12

2.2. literature survey 13-15

2.2.1. eSkooly 13-14
2.2.2. skugalerp 14-15
Chapter 03: Detailed methodology
3.1. Analysis 16-17
3.1.1. Functional Requirements
3.1.2. Nonfunctional requirements

3.2. Technology/platform used 18-19

3.2.1. HTML
3.2.2. CSS
3.2.3. JavaScript
3.3. Action Plan

Reference And Bibliography 21

Conclusion 22

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

This project on “Student Management System” is

useful for easy user interface. The system utilizes the
powerful database management, data retrieval and data
manipulation. This project provides more ease for
managing the data than manually maintaining in the
documents. The project is useful for saving valuable time
and reduces the huge paper work
It will help educational Institutions like schools and
colleges will keep track of their student records like
personal details, contact details, marks details, etc. The
Internet is rapidly becoming a part of the everyday lives
of a majority of people in the world. People perform
various activities on the Internet and one of them is
storing their data in data-base where they are interested
in. In these data base’s they can post the queries and
they can retrieve the required data. Obviously, there is a
need of Student Information System software for
management of student’s data.
There are many departments of administration for
the maintenance of college information and student
databases in any institution. All these departments
provide various records regarding students. Most of
these track records need to maintain information about
the students. This information could be the general
details like student name, address, performance,
attendance etc or specific information related to
departments like collection of data. All the modules in
college administration are interdependent. They are
maintained manually. So they need to be automated and
centralized as, Information from one module will be
needed by other modules.
For example when a student needs his course
completion certificate it needs to check many details
about the student like his name, registration number,
year of study, exams he attended and many other
details. So it needs to contact all the modules that are
office, department and examination and result of

1.2 Background

The objective of Student information System is to

allow the administrator of any organization to edit and
find out the personal details of a student and allows the
student to keep up to date his profile. It’ll also facilitate
keeping all the records of students, such as their id,
name, mailing address, phone
number, DOB etc. So, all the information about a
student will be available in a few seconds.
Overall, it’ll make Student Information Management
an easier job for the administrator and the student of
any organization.
The main purpose of this SRS document is to
illustrate the requirements of the project Student
information System and is intended to help any
organization to maintain and manage its student’s
personal data

Chapter 2

2.1 Problem statement

Using manual system to manage the students which are records all
information and the book or paper was causing the job of the teachers
becomes more and troublesome. The record in the have a possibility missing
or destroy when happen any accident. While now already have the school
use the computer to manage the student information, but both of the
systems they use are already outdated. The system they use all are
standalone and separately, one system only has one function. This was
cause teacher harder to use all the system on the same time. The separately
system without connection with each other also cause the same data and
information the needed key in in every system. Besides that, the system
that using also does not have the communicate Platform for the parents to
communicate with the parents. This will cause the interaction between
teachers and parents become less.
Failed in test or scores dropped are causing the student were scared to
telling their parents. Added some of the parents are busy with their own
carrier, both of them may indifferent their child's results. Besides that, also
have some student prevent their parents to know their test result, they may
cheated their parents with multiple reason like teacher haven't given back
the report card or others to avoid their parents know the result. This was
causing the parents does not know their children exam or test results.
Every students learning ability are different, some of them are good,
some of them weak. So the results that gets also different. As a teacher,
they need to know every exam results of each student to know which
subject is the weakness of students. But all the students results are record
in the paper, teachers is harder to know the performance of the students if
not through data or graphical image. This is because through the graph,
teacher can know is that any improvement of students in term of the status,
progress or performance.

2.2 Literature Survey

1. eSkully

➢ Description
eSkooly is a feature-rich school management software for all
educational institutes. This school management software is for learning,
administration, and management activities in schools, colleges,
universities, tuition centers, or training centers. Our free school
management system manages everything starting from admission to
attendance and exams to result in cards. Besides, eSkooly is a completely
free online school management software, it has more school management
features than any other online school management system in the market.
It does not end here, eSkooly is still enhancing features. You will be
automatically updated as a new feature will be a part of our free school
management software. Some main school management features are given

➢ Functionalities
eSkooly has the creative and easy User interface and design. eSkooly
provides messaging and file sharing system with which student can
Discuss and share ideas with other users through our messaging system.
With this feature, student can do real-time chat with every individual
associated with institution.

➢ Methodology
The development life cycle they used is software development life cycle
which is first, they planned the requirement they should provide by this
website then they designed a rough design of portal and they
implemented in the code and built it, then tested it and last, they publish
it. They used technologies/languages like html CSS and JavaScript and
for backend they used PHP.

➢ Screenshots

➢ Drawbacks
The problem with this site is that there is no space for the
school/college/university notice and there is no place for the participation
of parents.

➢ Link

2. skugalerp

➢ Description
Skugal, a cloud-based ERP, provides you with more than 40 modules in
order to simplify your school management operations. This school
management software is built up keeping in mind the multiple insights of
the educational institutions. In order to cater the industry, we have
developed multiple interfaces for parents, teachers and drivers to upscale
the results of regular chores. Providing immersive technology solutions in
order to meet your day to day operations effectively. Automating the time
taking processes such as roll calling, identity matching, data entry, etc in
order to empower education.

➢ Functionalities
An effective platform integrated with modules of learning, Video
conferencing, effective class elements and much more. skugal also
provides some parent interaction with their child study. Also it represents
all the data in visual representation like graph.

➢ Methodology
The development life cycle they used is software development life cycle
which is first, they planned the requirement they should provide by this
website then they designed a rough design of portal and they
implemented in the code and built it, then tested it and last, they publish
it. They used technologies/languages like html CSS and JavaScript and
for backend they used PHP.

➢ Screenshots

➢ Drawbacks
The only problem with this site is that there is no plan for the
➢ Link
Chapter 3

1. Analysis
The basic requirements for the design of student management system
are as follows
✓ Easy and creative User interface
✓ Class management
✓ Quick communication
✓ Parent interaction in studies
✓ For every person in school/college/university.
✓ Communication between groups
✓ SMS services
✓ Multi language

1.1. Functional Requirements

The software is meant to generate a student id which will provide
unique identity to individual students. It is through this student id that
each students data can accessed on this platform.The requirements
under Student Management System are to maintain information
relevant to the following fields
✓ Students Profile - The full information of each and every student
must be maintained in System along with the facility to regularly
update it from time to time at regular intervals which will be easily
possible through each student unique id.
✓ Attendance - This module is meant to keep detailed record of the
students throughout the session. It includes attendance of students
in regular classes, lectures, seminars, practical, clinical work.
✓ Record of Examination Results- This phase will maintain
information of student performance track record. All the result of
student including internal class test, unit test, mid semester marks,

sessional marks, practical exams and final examination record will be
✓ Providing examination reports- It is meant to analyse each
student performance on the individual level as well as among the
✓ Recording communications with students – It will help in
providing student with updates on latest notices. It will reduce the
burden on management as well as of students in manually providing
notices of information.

1.2. Nonfunctional Requirement

There are some nonfunctional requirements are given below
1. Reliability
The system has to operate in a reliable manner with no scope for
any flaws. This is to ensure efficient working and processing of

2. Availability
The site should be available all the time without any issues. A
backup must be available for recovery issues so that the existing is
not lost in case of any issue.

3. Security
The system has an authorization mechanism for users to identify
their personal profiles. Therefore, different users will have different
authorization levels to access the data. Data integrity for critical
variables will also be checked.

4. Maintainability
The system can meet the changing requirements easily, since the
infrastructure of the system would not need major changes. The
requirements of the software while evolving, will be met by just
adding new sub-functions. Therefore, the maintainability of the
system would not be a complex issue

5. Portability
2. Technology used

To build our project we will supposed to use the following languages

2.1. HTML: Hypertext markup language

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the most basic building

block of the Web. TML is the standard markup language for Web
pages. With HTML you can create your own Website. HTML is
easy to learnt defines the meaning and structure of web content.
Other technologies besides HTML are generally used to describe a
web page's appearance/presentation (CSS) or
functionality/behavior (JavaScript). Hypertext" refers to links that
connect web pages to one another, either within a single website
or between websites. Links are a fundamental aspect of the Web.
By uploading content to the Internet and linking it to pages
created by other people, you become an active participant in the
World Wide Web.

2.2. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used for describing the

presentation of a document written in a markup language such
as HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the world wide web,
alongside HTML and JavaScript.
CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content,
including layout, colors and fonts. This separation can improve
content accessibility; provide more flexibility and control in the
specification of presentation characteristics; enable multiple web
pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a
separate .css file, which reduces complexity and repetition in the
structural content; and enable the .css file to be cached to improve
the page load speed between the pages that share the file and its

2.3. JavaScript:

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language. It

is designed for creating network-centric applications. It is
complimentary to and integrated with Java. JavaScript is very easy
to implement because it is integrated with HTML. It is open and
cross-platform. Javascript is the most popular programming
language in the world and that makes it a programmer’s great
choice. Once you learnt Javascript, it helps you developing great
front-end as well as back-end software using different Javascript
based frameworks like jQuery, Node.JS etc. Javascript is
everywhere, it comes installed on every modern web browser and
so to learn Javascript you really do not need any special
environment setup. For example Chrome, Mozilla Firefox , Safari
and every browser you know as of today, supports Javascript.

2.4. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is known as a general-purpose

scripting language that can be used to develop dynamic and
interactive websites. It was among the first server-side languages
that could be embedded into HTML, making it easier to add
functionality to web pages without needing to call external files
for data. PHP, a server-side language that has been around for
more than 25 years, tends to evoke some strong opinions among
developers today. Whenever a new programming language or tool
emerges, you’ll probably find a discussion over where PHP is

3. Action plan

Sr. Details of activity Planned Planed Name of responsible

no start finish team member
date date
1 Topic selection 18/11/21 19/11/21

2 Information Collection 20/11/21 25/11/21

related to the topic

3 System Designing 26/11/21 8/12/21

4 Data collection for the 9/12/21 18/12/21

1. Yogesh Gangji
5 Front end designing 25/12/21 10/1/22 2. Azim Khairdi
3. Ganesh Kokate
4. Bharat Khalate
6 Back-end and database 11/1/22 30/1/22

7 Testing 3/2/22 9/2/22

8 Error/Defect handling 10/2/22 13/2/22

9 Hosting 15/2/22 15/2/22

10 Project report forming 16/2/22 18/2/22

References and Bibliography

We conducted reference that helped us a lot not only to build this report
but also to clear the design of our student management system from the
following References
❖ Reference 1:
❖ Reference 2:
also the following books are helped us a lot
❖ Pressman, Roger S., Software Engineering, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill
❖ Elmasri | Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, third edition,
Addison-Wesley, 2000.


By completing this report, we reviewed some of the

similar website for our project for reference and
understood and completed our planning for this capstone
project i.e. student management system


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