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Field Study Learning

1 The Instructional
FS 1 10 Cycle

SPARK Your Interest

This Episode centers on the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching
methods. It will also tackle lesson development in the OBTL way. The K to 12 curriculum and
teacher education curriculum is focused on outcomes, standards and competencies. This means
that lessons must be delivered with focus on outcomes. Likewise, this Episode dwells on types of
questions, questioning and reacting techniques that teachers make use of. The type of questions
that teacher ask and their manner of questioning and reacting to student responses have a bearing
on class interaction. This Episode strengthens the theories learned in the course, Teaching
Methods and Strategies and in other professional subjects in Education.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
 Identify the application of some guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching
 Determine whether or not the lesson development was in accordance with outcome-based
teaching and learning.
 Identify the Resource Teacher’s questioning and reacting techniques.
 Outline a lesson in accordance with outcome-based teaching-learning.
REVISIT the Learning Essentials
These are the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching methods:
1. Learning is an active process.
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.
4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information.
6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life.
7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of
Realizing the importance of these guiding principles in teaching and learning, the
Department of Education promotes Standards-and Competency-Based teaching with its K to
12 Curriculum Guide. The Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has
been ahead of DepEd and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the practice of
Competency Standards-Based teaching and Assessment. CHED requires all higher education
institutions in the country to go outcome-based education (OBE) in its CHED Memo 46, s.
2012. Outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL) is OBE applied in the teaching-learning
process. It is equivalent to competency-based and standards-based teaching and learning in
the Kto12 Curriculum.
When you apply OBTL you see to it that the teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and in
turn the Assessment Tasks (ATs) are aligned with the intended learning outcomes. In other
words, in OBTL you first establish your intended learning outcomes (lesson objectives).
Then you determine which teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and also the assessment tasks
(ATs) you will have to use to find out if you attained your ILO’s.
In lesson planning, the ILOs are our lesson objectives, the TLA’s are the activities we use
to teach and the AT’s are the evaluation part.
OBE and OBTL are not entirely new. They are importantly new. With mastery learning
of Benjamin Bloom (1971), we were already doing OBE and OBTL.
Likewise, it is also important that teachers must be able to have a mastery of the art of
questioning and reacting techniques to ensure the effective delivery of instruction.
These are the types of questions that teachers ask.
Types of Questions that Teachers Ask
1. Factual/Convergent/Closed/Low-level Who, What, Where, When questions
with one acceptable answer
2. Divergent/Open-ended/High- Open-ended; has more than one acceptable
level/Higher-order/Conceptual answer
a. Evaluation
b. Inference e.g. When the phone rang and Liz picked it
up, she was all smiles. What can you infer
about Liz?
c. Comparison
d. Application
e. Problem-solving
3. Affective e.g. How do you feel?
These are also some of the reacting techniques that teachers use:
1. Providing acceptance feedback
2. Providing corrective feedback
3. Giving appropriate and sincere praise
4. Repeating the answer
5. Explaining the answer / Expanding the answer
6. Rephrasing the question
7. Asking follow up questions
8. Redirecting questions to other pupils
9. Soliciting student questions
10. Encouraging through non-verbal behavior
11. Criticizing respondent for his/her answer
12. Scolding for misbehavior or for not listening
13. Overusing expressions such as “okay”,” right”
Activity 10.1: Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Strategies
Jerwin Cortez Pampanga Institute
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Subject: Grade/Year Level: Gr-11 Date:
Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then analyze my
observations with the help of the guide questions.
1. The more senses that are involved, the e.g. Teacher used video on how digestion
more and the better the learning. takes place and a model of the human
digestive system.
2. Learning is an active process. e.g. The teacher calls for a recitation during
the class discussion.

3. A non-threatening atmosphere The teacher encourages the students to

enhances learning. express their ideas.

4. Emotion has the power to increase Comfortability inside the classroom is a must
retention and learning. that is why the teacher has set the atmosphere
first by means of some ice breakers.
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of They started with a review before proceeding
information. to the next lesson.

6. Learning is meaningful when it is The teacher has given them some application
connected to students’ everyday life. time for recitation and individual activity.

7. An integrated teaching approach is far The teacher presented different examples

more effective than teaching isolated from various references.
bits of information.
What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?
I think, all of the methods are effective. As long as all of us are willing to try different
methods every time we face the students, it is a good practice for us. There is no perfect
method because we have diverse students, but the fact that we were able to adjust and be
flexible is such a gift.

Reflect on this question.
How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lesson?
It depends on our objectives and students. Just make sure that these strategies can
absolutely be absorbed by our students. As much as possible, we must prepare more than
one strategy per lesson. It can be a trial and error for us but the good thing is we were
able to deal with it.
Activity 10.2: Determining Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning
Eljane Cunanan Sta. Maria Nat. High School
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Filipino Gr-11
Subject: Grade/Year Level: Date:

Observe a class and answer the following questions.
1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes (ILOs) at the
beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class? How?
Yes. She shared it to make sure that the students are well aware about the things that they
will acquire on that lesson. Also, it will be easier for them to identify if they can reach the
goal and objectives on that day itself. A win-win situation for both the teacher and the

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help him/her
attain his/her lesson objectives/ ILOs? Explain your answer:
The objectives for the knowledge, skills and attitudes helped them to clarify, organize
and prioritize learning. They help the teacher and students to evaluate and monitor
progress and encourage them to take responsibility for their learning. It is also important
by means of data whether written or oral.

3. What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/Are these aligned to the lesson
All of the tasks were aligned such as the group activity and oral recitation. She has put
these: Intellectual skills. With this type of learning outcome, the learner will understand
concepts, rules or procedures. ...
Cognitive strategy. In this type of learning outcome, the learner uses personal strategies
to think, organize, learn and behave, verbal information, motor skills and attitude.
1. What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?
Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on
what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they
"know and are able to do" whatever the required outcomes are. OBE reforms emphasize
setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes.

Reflect on the use of OBTL
The Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning system definitely starts with clearly stating,
not what the teacher is going to teach, but what the outcome of that teaching is intended to be in
the form of a statement of what the learner is supposed to be able to do and at what standard: the
Intended Learning Outcome or what we also call ILO. When students attend lectures, however,
their main activity is receiving, not doing. Hence, we need to devise Teaching Learning
Activities (TLAs) that require students to apply, invent, generate new ideas, diagnose and solve
problems—or whatever other things they are expected to be able to do after they graduate.
Similarly, we need Assessment Tasks (ATs) that tell us, not to how well students have received
knowledge, but how they can use it in academically and professionally appropriate ways, such as
solving problems, designing experiments, or communicating with clients. It is often difficult to
assess these applied and higher order outcomes in the examination room context.

Activity 10.3: Applying Effective Questioning Techniques

Ariel Torno Pampanga Institute
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Subject: Grade/Year Level: Date:

Observe a class activity. You shall focus on the questions that the Resource Teacher asks
during the classroom discussion. Write the questions raised and identify the level of questioning.
Types of Question Examples of Questions that the Resource Teacher Asked
1. Factual/Converg "What is an example of an adjective?"
Closed/ Low
2. Divergent/High Are you going to get a job as soon as you finish college?
a. Evaluation What is your overall impression to this lesson?
b. Inference What something is…?
c. Comparison What are the two dreams that you had when you were a child and a
dream that you want now?
d. Application What are the things that you will do to achieve your dreams in life?
e. Problem-solving How can we cope up with the changes while growing?
3. Affective What do you think will you feel once you graduated?

1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave school as
periods!” Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers ask and
the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?
As a teacher, its either we make or break the dreams of these learners. They came to
school to learn and discover something on their self.

Reflect On
The importance of using various reacting techniques
Many people have a preferred way to learn. Some learn best by listening, some have to
observe every step, while others have to do it to learn it. The fact is that individuals need all three
modalities to truly commit information to memory: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. We do not
have the same way of absorbing knowledge. What is easy for me may be difficult to other people
and vise versa. We tend to have differences when it comes on learning that is why we need to
make sure that we always remind ourselves about it and apply to the learners.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Show proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this Episode by interviewing at
least two (2) teachers on their thoughts on OBTL.

Learning will take place once we are able to set our goals for all the learners to learn and
no one will be left out. OBTL must be put in mind in every single teacher for us to be well aware
that we need to be flexible on the different outcomes from our diverse students.
LINK Theory to Practice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Episode 1
1. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this principle?
A. Avoid drills which are out of context.
B. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary perspective.
C. Group students for work or project, that way project becomes less expensive
c Let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the steps.
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning. Which practice is
aligned with this principle?
A. Employ cooperative learning.
B. Teach using mostly verbal symbol.
c Invite parents as resource speakers in class.
v Bring students to field trips with consent of school and parents.

3. In OBTL, upon which should my assessment be based?

A. Content C. Scope of subject matter
B. Intended learning outcome D.
c Teaching and learning activity
4. Which type of question will least promote interaction among students?
c Divergent C. Convergent
v Conceptual D. Inference

5. To obtain well thought-out answers, which questioning behavior helps?

A. Allowing sufficient time
c Asking open-ended questions
v Asking non-directed question
D. Involving as many as possible
Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory
Learning Episode 4 3 2 Need Improvem
Accomplished All observation 1 or 2 observation 3 observation 4 or more observation
Observation question/tasks question/task not questions/task not questions/tasks not
completely answered/accomplished answered/accomplished answered/accomplishe
Sheet answered/accomplish
All questions were All questions were answered Questions were not Four or more observati
Analysis answered completely; completely; answer are answered completely; question were not answ
answer are with clearly connected to answer are not connected answers are not connec
depth and are theories; grammar and to theories; one to three theories; more than fou
thoroughly grounded spelling are free from error grammatical spelling grammatical spelling er
an theories; grammar errors
and spelling are free
from error
Profound and clear; Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and shallow; Unclear and shallow; ra
Reflection supported by what supported by what were somewhat supported by supported by what wer
were observed and observed and analyzed what were observed and observed and analyzed
analyze analyzed
Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected on in Portfolio is not reflected Portfolio is not reflecte
Learning Artifacts on in the context of the context of the learning on in the context of the the context of the learn
the learning outcomes: complete, well learning outcomes: outcomes: complete, n
outcomes: complete, organized, very relevant to complete, not organized, organized, not relevant
well organized, highly the learning outcome relevant to the learning
relevant to the outcome
learning outcome

Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted 2 days o
Submission deadline deadline the deadline more after the dead

COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating:(Based on



Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7

18 b

Grad 1. 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5
e 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 b

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 10 – The Instructional Cycle

Learning Outcome: Identify the application of some guiding principles in the selection and use the
teaching strategies. Determine whether or not the lesson development was in accordance with
outcome-based teaching and learning. Identify the Resource Teacher’s questioning and reaching
techniques. Outline a lesson in accordance with outcome teaching-learning.

Alein F. Meneses
Name of FS Student: _____________________________________ Date Submitted: _________
Year & Section: _________________________ Course: ________________________________

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