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Chapter I

Origin and early history

Earth is the namesake of the terrestrial planets, condense, and metallic iron condenses near
also known as the inner or rocky planets. The 1470 K (Table 1.1 and Figure 1.2). Below about
chemistry of meteorites and the Sun provide 1000 K, sodium and potassium condense as
constraints on the composition of the bulk of feldspars, and a portion of the iron is stable
these planets and they provide tests of theories of as fayalite and ferrosilite with the proportion
planetary formation and evolution. In trying to increasing with a further decrease in tempera-
understand the origin and structure of the Earth, ture. FeS condenses below about 750 K. Hydrated
one can take the geocentric approach or the ab silicates condense below about 300 K.
initio approach. In the former, one describes the Differences in planetary composition may
Earth and attempts to work backward in time. depend on the location of the planet, the location
For the latter, one attempts to track the evolu- and width of its feeding zone and the effects of
tion of the solar nebula through collapse, cool- other planets in sweeping up material or perturb-
ing, condensation and accretion, hoping that one ing the orbits of planetesimals. In general, one
ends up with something resembling the Earth would expect planets closer to the Sun and the
and other planets. Planets started hot and had median plane of the nebula to be more refi·actory
a pre-history that cannot be ignored. The large- rich than the outer planets. On the other hand, if
scale chemical stratification of the Earth reflects the final stages of accretion involve coalescence
accretionary processes. of large objects of different eccentricities, then
there n"lay be little correspondence between bulk
chemistry and the present position of the terres-
Condensation of the nebula trial planets (Table 1.2).
There is evidence that the most refractory
The equilibrium assemblage of solid compounds elements condensed fi·om the solar nebula as a
that exists in a system of solar composition group, unfractionated from one another, at tem-
depends on temperature and pressure and, there- peratures above the condensation temperature
fore, location and time. The condensation behav- of the Mg-silicates. Hence, the lithophile refractory
ior of the elements is given in Figures 1.1 elements (Al, Ca, Ti, Be, Sc, V, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba,
and 1.2. rare-earth elements, Hf, Ta, Th and U and, to
At a nominal nebular pressure of 10- 1 atm. some extent, Wand Mo) can be treated together.
the material would be a vapor at temperatures From the observed abundance in samples from
greater than about 1900 K. The first solids to the Moon, Earth and achondrites, there is strong
condense at lower temperature or higher pres- support for the idea that these elements are
sure are the refractory metals (such as W, Re, present in the same ratios as in Cl chondrites.
Ir and Os). Below about 1750 K refractory oxides The abundance of the refi·actory elements in a
of aluminum, calcium, magnesium and titanium given planet can be wealdy constrained from



Ca Sc Ti v
Sr y Zr Nb

Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os lr

Ra Ac 104 105 106 107 108 109 Uii

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Th Pa u Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lw

D Early Condensate D Silicate D Metal I I Volatiles 1300 - 600 K lil:llll."ll! Volatiles <600 K
Condensation behavior of the elements.
Short-lived radioactive elements are shown in italics (after
Morgan and Anders, 1980).

Fraction condensed
0 0 .2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(Na, K)AISi 30 8
Q) Silicates MnS
Cu. Ag, Zn, Ga
Ge, Sn , Sb
F, Cl , Br, I

Fe + H2 0 : ; FeO + H2

Fe + H 2S : ; FeS + H2


Condensation of a solar gas at Io- 4 atm (after

d Anders, I 980)

Table 1. 1 Approximate sequence of conden- I
Table 1.2 Properties of the terrestrial
sation of phases and elements from a gas of planets
solar composition at 10- 3 atm total pressure
GM R p D*
Phase Formula Temperature 10 18 cm 3 /s 2 km g/cm 3 I/ MR2 km

Hibonite CaAI1 201 9 1770 K Earth 398.60 6371 5.514 0.3308 14

Corundum AI203 1758 K Moon 4.903 1737 3.344 0.393 75
Platinum Pt, W, Mo, Ta Mars 42.83 3390 3.934 0365 >28
metals Zr, REE, U, Th Venus 324.86 6051 5.24
Sc, lr Mercury 22.0 2440 5.435
Perovskite CaTi0 3 1647 K
Melilite Ca2AI2Si01- *Es timated crustal thickness.
Ca2Mg2Si20 7 1625 K
flow is due to cooling of the Earth, which means
Spinel MgAI20 4 1513 K
that only an upper bound can be placed on the
AI 2Si0 5
uranium and thorium content. Nevertheless, this
Metallic iron Fe, Ni 1473 K
is a useful constraint particularly when com-
Diopside CaMgSi20 6 1450 K
bined with the lower bound on potassium pro-
Forsterite Mg2Si04 1444 K
vided by argon-40 and estimates of K/U and Th/U
Anorthite CaAI2Si 20 a 1362 K
provided by magmas and the crust. There is little
justification for assuming that the volatile ele-
CaSi0 3
Enstatite 1349 K ments joined the planets in constant propor-
tions. In this context the volatiles include the
Cr20 3
P, Au, Li alkali metals, sulfur and so forth in addition to
MnSi03 the gaseous species.
MnS, Ag
As, Cu, Ge
Feldspar (Na,K)AISi30 s Theories of planetary formation
Ag, Sb, F. Ge
Sn, Zn, Se, Te, Cd The nature and evolution of the solar nebula
Reaction (Mg.Fe)2Si04 1000 K and the formation of the planets are complex
products (Mg,Fe)Si03 subjects. TI1e fact that terrestrial planets did in
Troilite, FeS, (Fe, Ni)S 700 K fact form is a sufficient motivation to keep a
pentlandite Pb, Bi, In, Tl few widely dispersed scientists working on these
Magnetite Fe304 405 K problems. There are several possible mechanisms
Hydrous Mg3Si 20 72H20. etc. of planetary growth. Either the planets were
minerals assembled from smaller bodies (planetesimals), a
Calcite CaC0 3 <400 K piece at a time, or diffuse collections of these
Ices H20. NH3, CH 4 <200 K bodies, clouds , became gravitationally unstable
and collapsed to form planetary-sized objects .
Anders (1968), Grossman (1972), Fuchs and The planets, or protoplanetary nuclei. could have
others (1973), Grossman and Larimer (1974). formed in a gas-free environment or in the pres-
ence of a large amount of gas that was subse-
the inferred abundance of their heat-producing quently dissipated. Some hypotheses speculate
members. uranium and thorium, and the global that large amounts of primordial helium dis-
heat flux . But the present surface heat flow does solved in an early molten Earth. Others assume
not accurately represent the current rate of heat that the bulk of the Earth assembled gas-free and
production. A large fraction of the present heat volatiles were brought in later. TI1e intermediate

stages of planetary assembly involved impacts of ula increases, and a large temperature gradient
large objects. The final stages involved sweeping is established.
up the debris and collecting an outer veneer of If the relative velocity between planetesimals
exotic materials from the Sun and the outer solar is high , fragmentation rather than accumula-
system. tion will dominate and planets will not grow.
The planets originated in a slowly rotating If relative velocities are low, the planetesimals
disk-shaped ' solar nebula' of gas and dust with will be in nearly concentric orbits and the col-
solar composition. The temperature and pres- lisions required for growth will not take place.
sure in the hydrogen-rich disk decreased radially For plausible assumptions regarding dissipation
from its center and outward from its plane. The of energy in collisions and size distribution
disk cooled by radiation, mostly in the direction of the bodies, mutual gravitation causes the
normal to the plane, and part of the incandes- mean relative velocities to be only somewhat less
cent gas condensed to solid 'dust' particles. As than the escape velocities of the larger bodies.
the particles grew, they settled to the median Thus, throughout the entire course of planetary
plane by collisions with particles in other orbits, growth , the system regenerates itself such that
by viscous gas drag and gravitational attraction the larger bodies would always grow. The for-
by the disk. The total gas pressure in the vicin- mation of the giant planets, however, may have
ity of Earth's orbit may have been of the order disrupted planetary accretion in the inner solar
of 10- 1 to 10- 4 of the present atmospheric pres- system and the asteroid belt.
sure. The particles in the plane formed rings and TI1.e initial stage in the formation of a planet
gaps. The sedimentation time is rapid, but the is the condensation in the cooling nebula. The
processes and time scales involved in the collec- first solids appear in the range 1750-1600 K and
tion of small objects into planetary-sized objects are oxides, silicates and titanates of calcium and
are not clear. Comets, some meteorites and some aluminum and refractory metals such as the plat-
small satellites may be left over from the early inum group. These minerals (such as corundum,
stages of accretion. perovskite, melilite) and elements are found in
The accretion-during-condensation , or inho- white inclusions (chondrules) of certain mete-
nl.ogeneous-accretion, hypothesis leads to radi- orites, most notably in Type III carbonaceous
ally zoned planets with refractory and iron-rich chondrites. These are probably the oldest surviv-
cores, and a compositional zoning away from ing objects in the solar system. Metallic iron con-
the Sun; the outer planets are more volatile-rich denses at relatively high temperature followed
because they form in a colder part of the neb- shortly by the bulk of the silicate material as
ula . Superimposed on this effect is a size effect: forsterite and enstatite. FeS and hydrous minerals
the larger planets, having a larger gravitational appear at very low temperature, less than 700 K.
cross section, collect more of the later condens- Volatile-rich carbonaceous chondrites have for-
ing (volatile) material but they also involve more mation temperatures in the range 300-400 K, and
gravitational heating. at least part of the Earth must have accreted from
In the widely used Safronov cosmogoni- material that condensed at these low tempera-
cal theo r y (1972) it is assumed that the Sun ini- tures. The presence of He, C0 2 and H 2 0 in the
tially possessed a uniform gas-dust nebula. The Earth has led some to propose that the Earth is
nebula evolves into a torus and then into a disk. made up almost entirely of cold carbonaceous
Particles with different eccentricities and incli- chondritic material - the cold-accretion hypothe-
nations collide and settle to the median plane sis. Even in some current geochemical models,
within a few orbits. As the disk gets denser, it the lower mantle is assumed to be gas-rich,
breaks up into many dense accumulations where and is speculated to contain as much helium
the self-gravitation exceeds the disrupting tidal as the carbonaceous chondrites. This is unlikely.
force of the Sun. As dust is removed from the The volatile-rich material may have come in
bulk of the nebula, the transparency of the neb- as a late veneer - the inhomogenous accretion

hypothesis. Even if the Earth accreted slowly, as it forms. Even small objects can melt if they
compared to cooling and condensation times, the collide at high velocity. The mechanism of accre-
later stages of accretion could involve material tion and its time scale determine the fraction of
that condensed further out in the nebula and the heat that is retained, and therefore the tem-
was later perturbed into the inner solar system. perature and heat content of the growing Earth.
A drawn-out accretion time does not imply a cold The 'initial' temperature of the Earth was likely to
initial condition. Large impacts reset the ther- have been high even if it formed from cold plan-
Inometer. etesimals. A rapidly growing Earth retains more
The early history of planets was a very vio- of the gravitational energy of accretion, particu-
lent one; collisions, radioactive heat and core larly if there are large impacts that can bury a
formation provided enough energy to melt the large fraction of their gravitational energy. Evi-
planet. Cooling and crystallization of the planet dence for early and widespread melting on such
over timescales of millions of years resulted in its small objects as the Moon and various meteorite
chemical differentiation - segregation of mate- parent bodies attests to the importance of high
rial according to density. This differentiation left initial temperatures, and the energy of accretion
most of the Earth's mantle different in compo- of the Earth is more than 15 times greater than
sition from that part of the mantle from which that for the Moon. The intensely cratered surfaces
volcanic rocks are derived. There must be mate- of the solid planets provide abundant testimony
rial that is complementary in composition to the of the importance of high-energy impacts in the
materials sampled by volcanoes. later stages of accretion.
The Earth and the Moon are deficient in the During accretion there is a balance between
very volatile elements that make up the bulk the gravitational energy of accretion, the energy
of the Sun and the outer planets, and also the radiated into space and the thermal energy pro-
moderately volatile elements such as sodium, duced by heating of the body. Latent heats asso-
potassium, rubidium and lead. Mantle rocks con- ciated with melting and vaporization are also
tain some primordial noble gas isotopes. involved when the surface temperature gets high
(Reminder: primordial noble gas isotopes enough. The ability of the growing body to radi-
is a Googlet. If it is typed into a search engine it will ate away part of the heat of accretion depends
return useful information on the topic, including defi- on how much of the incoming material remains
nitions and references. These Googlets will be sprinkled near the surface and how rapidly it is covered
throughout the text to provide supplementary infor- or buried. Devolatization and heating associated
mation.) The noble gases and other very volatile with impact generate a hot, dense atmosphere
elements were most likely brought in after the that serves to keep the surface temperature hot
bulk of the Earth accreted and cooled. The 40 Ar and to trap solar radiation. One expects the early
content of the atmosphere demonstrates that the stages of accretion to be slow, because of the
Earth is an extensively degassed body; the atmo- small gravitational cross section and absence of
sphere contains about 70% of the 40 Ar produced atmosphere, and the terminal stages to be slow,
by the decay of 4 °K over the whole age of the because the particles are being used up. The tem-
Earth. This may imply that most of the K and perature profile resulting from this growth law
other incompatible elements are in the crust and gives a planet with a cold interior, a tempera-
shallow mantle. ture peak at intermediate depth, and a cold outer
layer. Superimposed on this is the temperature
increase with depth due to self-compression and
Magma ocean possibly higher temperatures of the early accret-
ing particles. However, large late impacts, even
A large amount of gravitational energy is released though infrequent, can heat and melt the upper
as particles fall onto an accreting Earth, enough mantle. Formation of 99% of the mass of Earth
to evaporate the Earth back into space as fast probably took place in a few tens of millions of

6 1 Ga (10 9 years ago). An extensive accumulation of

basalt or olivine near the Earth's surface during
accretion forms a buoyant layer that resists sub-
sz duction. An extensively molten , slowly cooling,
"'0 4 upper mantle, and a very slowly cooling deeper
':; 3 mantle are predicted.
"§ A magma ocean freezes from the bottom but
E 2 a thin chill layer may form at the surface. As
various crystals freeze out of the ocean they
will float or sink, depending on their density.
On the Moon, plagioclase crystals float when
they freeze and this is one explanation of the
Radius (10 3 km) anorthositic highlands. On the much larger
Earth, the aluminum enters dense garnet crys-
Schematic temperatures as a function of radius at
three stages in the accretion of a planet (heavy lines).
tals and a deep eclogite-rich layer is the result.
Temperatures in the interior are initially low because of the Although a magma ocean may be convecting vio-
low energy of accretion. The solidi and liquidi and the melting lently when it is hot, or being stirred by impacts,
zone in the upper mantle are also shown . Upper-mantle at some point it cools through the crystallization
melting and melt-solid separation is likely during most of the temperatures of its components and the subse-
accretion process. Silicate melts, enriched in incompatible quent gravitational layering depends on the rela-
elements, will be concentrated toward the surface tive cooling rate and sinking rates of the crys-
throughout accretion. The Earth, and perhaps the mantle, will
tals. Meanwhile, new material is being added
be stratified by intrinsic density, during and after accretion .
from space and is processed in the magma ocean.
The Melting Zone in the upper mantle or a near-surface
magma ocean processes accreting material. Temperature
A chemically stratified Earth is the end result.
estimates provided by D. Stevenson. Accretional and convective stirring is unlikely to
dominate over gravitational settling.
Magma is one of the most buoyant products
years , around 4.55 billion years ago. The core of mantle differentiation and will tend to stay
was forming during accretion and was already near the surface. A hot, differentiated planet
in place by its end. TI1ere was likely not a co r e- cools by the heat-pipe cool ing mec h anism
fo rming event . of ma n tle convection; pipes or sheets of
Accretional calculations, taking into account magma remove material from the base of the
the energy partitioning during impact, have proto-crust and place it on top of the basaltic
upper-mantle temperatures in excess of the melt- pile, which gets pushed back into the mantle,
ing temperature during most of the accretion cooling the interior. As a thick basalt crust cools,
time (Figure 1.3). If melting gets too extensive, the lower portions eventually convert to dense
the melt moves toward the surface, and some eclogite - instead of melting - and delaminate.
fraction reaches the surface and radiates away TI1is also cools off the interior. As the surface
its heat. A hot atmosphere. a thermal bound- layer cools further, the olivine-rich and eclogitic
ary layer and the presence of chemically buoy- parts of the outer layer become denser than the
ant material at the Earth's surface , however, insu- interior and subduction initiates. At this point
lates most of the interior, and cooling is slow. portions of the upper mantle are rapidly cooled
Extensive cooling of the interior can only occur and the thermal evolution of the Earth switches
if cold surface material is subducted into the ove r to the plate-tectonic era. Plate tectonics is a
mantle. TI1is requires a very cold, thick thermal la te-stage method for cooling off the interior, but
boundary layer that is denser than the under- it is restricted to those parts of the interior tha t
lying mantle . This plate tectonic mode of mantle are less dense than slabs . A dense primitive atmo-
convection - with subduction and recycling - sphere and buoyant outer layers a re effective
may only extend back into Earth history about insula tors and serve to keep the crust and upper

mantle from cooling and crystallizing as rapidly elements - such as Os, Ir- are in the core. Given
as a homogenous fluid, radiating to outer space. these circumstances, it is probable that the man-
On a large body, such as the Earth, the tle is also zoned by chemistry and density. Large-
dense mineral garnet forms and sinks into degree melts from primitive mantle can have rel-
the interior; on a small body plagioclase atively unfractionated ratios of such elements
forms and rises to the surface. In both cases as Sm, Nd, Lu and Hf, giving 'chondritic' iso-
an aluminum-poor, residual mantle forms, com- tope ratios. This has confused the issue regarding
posed of olivine and pyroxene. The chemical strat- the possible presence of primordial unfractionated
ification that forms during accretion and magma reservoirs.
ocean crystallization may be permanent features The assumed starting composition for the
of the planet. The importance of these processes Earth is usually based on cosmic or meteoritic
during the earliest history of the planet cannot abundances. The refractory parts of carbonaceous,
be over-emphasized. No part of the interior is ordinary or enstatite chondrites are the usual
likely to have escaped extensive heating, melting choices. These compositions predict that the
and degassing. What happened at high tempera- lower mantle has more silicon than the olivine-
ture and relatively low pressure is unlikely to be rich buoyant shallow mantle and that only a
reversed. small fraction of the mantle, or even the upper
mantle, can be basaltic. The volatile components
that are still in the Earth were most likely added
The 'initial' state of a planet to Earth as a late veneer after most of the mass
had already been added and the planet had
Partial differential equations require boundary cooled to the point where it could retain
conditions and initial conditions; so do geody- volatiles.
namic and evolutionary models. The present sur- A process of RAdial ZOne Refining
face boundary condition of the Earth is a contin- (RAZOR) during accretion may remove
uously evolving system of oceanic and continen- incompatible and volatile elements and cause
tal plates. The initial condition usually adopted purified dense materials to sink. Crystallizing
employs one edge of Occam's razor; the mantle magma oceans at the surface are part of this pro-
started out cold and homogenous and remains homoge- cess. The formation of a deep reservoir by per-
nous today. The more probable initial condition ovskite fractionation in a magma ocean
is based on the other edge of Occam's razor. is not necessary. The magma ocean may always
Although a homogenous mantle with constant have been shallower than the perovskite-phase
properties is the simplest imaginable assumption boundary - roughly 650 Ian depth - but as the
about the outcome, it is not consistent with a sim- Earth accretes, the deeper layers will convert to
ple process. No one has simply explained how the high-pressure phases. There is no need for mate-
mantle may have arrived at such a state, except rial in the upper mantle to have been in equi-
by slow, cold, homogenous accretion. This is an librium with the dense phases that now exist at
unstated assumption in the standard models depth.
of mantle geochemistry. The accretion of Prior to the era of plate tectonics, the Earth
Earth was more likely to have been a violent was probably surfaced with thick crustal layers,
high temperature process that involved repeated which only later became dense enough to sink
melting and vaporization and the probable end into the mantle. But because of the large stabil-
result was a hot, gravitationally differentiated ity field of garnet, there is a subduction bar-
body. rier, currently near 600 km. The great buoy-
That the Earth itself is efficiently differenti- ancy of young and thick oceanic crust, partic-
ated there can be no doubt. Most crustal elements ularly oceanic plateaus, dehydration of recycled
are in the crust, possibly all the 40 Ar - depend- material, the low melting temperature of eclog-
ing on the uncertain potassium content - is ite, and the subduction barrier to eclogite (and
in the atmosphere and most of the siderophile harzburgite) probably prevents formation of deep

fertile and radioactive layers, even after the onset MOAB


of plate tectonics.
The RAZOR process sets the initial stage for
m a ntle evolution. including the distribution of
radioactive elements. This step is often over-
looked in geochemical and geodynamic models;
it is usually assumed that most of the radioactive
elements are still in the deep mantle . The initial
temperatures may have been forgotten but the
stratification of major and radioactive elements
may be permanent.

Primitive mantle (I) is partially molten either during accretion

Evolution of a planet or by subsequent whole-mantle convection , which brings the
entire mantle across the solidus at shallow depths. Large-ion
Isotopic studies indicate that distinct geochem- lithophile (LIL) elements are concentrated in the melt. The
ical components formed in the mantle early in deep magma ocean (2) fractionates into a thin plagioclase-rich
its history. Zone refining during accretion and crys- surface layer and deeper olivine-rich and garnet-rich cumulate
layers (3) . Late-stage melts in the eclogite-rich cumulate are
tallization of a deep magma ocean are possible
removed (4) to form the continental crust (C. C.), enrich the
ways of establishing a chemically zoned planet
shallow peridotite layer and deplete MORBs, the source
(Figure 1.4). At low pressures basaltic melts are region of oceanic crust (O.C.) and lower oceanic lithosphere .
less dense than the residual refractory crystals, Partial melting of PLUME- or Primary Layer of Upper Mantle
and they rise to the surface, taldng with them Enrichment- in the upper mantle (5) generates continental
m a ny of the trace elements. The refractory crys- flood basalts (CFB) , ocean-island basalts (lOB) and other
tals themselves are also less dense than undiffer- enriched magmas, leaving a depleted residue (harzburgite)
entiated mantle and tend to concentrate in the layer- perisphere- that stays in the upper mantle because of
shallow mantle. its buoyancy. Enriched or hot-spot magmas (EMORB, OIB,
CFB) may be from a shallow part of the mantle and may
As the Earth accretes and grows , the crustal
represent delaminated C. C . Most of the mantle has been
elements are continuously concentrated into the
processed through the melting zone and is depleted in the
melts and rise to the sur face. When these melts heat-producing elements such as U and Th , which are now in
freeze, they form the crustal minerals that are the crust and upper mantle.
rich in silicon, calcium, aluminum, potassium
and the large-ion lithophile (LIL) elements. Melts
generally are also rich in FeO compared to prim- through the melting zone into the interior. Even
itive material. This plus the high compressibil- if the accreting material is completely melted
ity of melts means that the densities of melts during assembly of the Earth, these minerals will
and residual crystals converge, or even cross, as be the first to freeze , and they will still separate
the pressure increases . They cross again as phase from the remaining melt. The downward separa-
changes increase the density of the solids . Melt tion of iron-rich melts , along with nickel, cobalt,
separation is therefore difficult at depth, and sulfur and the trace siderophile elements, strips
melts may even drain downward at very high these elements out of the crust and mantle.
pressure, until the silicate matrix undergoes a The aluminum, calcium, titanium and
phase change. During accretion the majority of sodium contents in chondritic and solar mate-
the melt-crystal separation occurs at low pres- rial, restrict the amount of basalt that can be
sure . All of the material in the deep interior formed, but are adequate to form a crust some
has passed through this low-pressure melting 200 lun thick. The absence of such a m assive
stage in a sort of continuous zone refining. The crust on the Earth might suggest that the Earth
magnesium-rich minerals, Mg 2 Si0 4 and MgSi0 3 , has not experienced a very efficient differenti-
have high melting temperatures a nd are fed ation. On the other hand, the size of the core

and the extreme concentration of the large-ion, initial crust of the Earth, or at least its deeper
magmaphile elements into the crust suggest portions, can become unstable and plunge into
that differentiation has been extremely efficient. The the mantle. This is an effective way to cool the
lack of a thick plagioclase-rich crust on Earth mantle and to displace lighter and hotter mate-
has been used as an argument that early Earth, rial to the shallow mantle where it can melt
in contrast to the early Moon. did not have a by pressure release- adiabatic decompres-
magma ocean. sion melting- providing a continuous mech-
There is an easy solution to this apparent anism for bringing melts to the surface. This
paradox. At pressures corresponding to depths mechanism can also, on the smaller planets, cool
of the order of 50 km, the low-density miner- the core and, perhaps, start a dynamo.
als of the crust convert to a mineral assemblage The separation of melts and crystals is a
denser than olivine and orthopyroxene. Most process of differentiation. Convection is often
of the original crust therefore is unstable and thought of as a homogenization process, tanta-
sinks into the mantle. Any magma below 200- mount to stirring. Differentiation, however, can
400 km may suffer the same fate. Between 50 and be irreversible. Melts that are separated from the
500 km the Al 2 0 3 -Ca0-Na 2 0-rich materials crys- mantle when the Earth was smaller, or from the
tallize as clinopyroxene and garnet, a dense present upper mantle, crystallize to assemblages
eclogite assemblage that is denser than peri- that have different phase relations than the resid-
dotite. Eclogite transforms to a garnet solid solu- ual crystals or original mantle material. If these
tion, which is still denser and which is stable rocks are returned to the mantle, they will not
between about 500 and 800 km, depending on in general have neutral buoyancy, nor are they
temperature. Peridotite also undergoes a series of necessarily denser than "normal" mantle at all
phase changes that prevent most eclogites from depths. Eclogite, for example, is denser than peri-
sinking deeper than about 650 km. There is likely dotite when the latter is in the olivine, ~-spinel
to be a midmantle garnet-rich layer in the man- and y-spinel fields but is less dense than the
tle. This would explain both the absence of a deeper mantle.
thick crust, and the presence of an olivine-rich Removal of crystals from a crystallizing
shallow mantle. Mars may also have a perched magma ocean and drainage of melt from a cool-
garnet-rich layer. However, when the planets are ing crystal mush (also, technically a magma) are
much smaller than Mars-size, eclogite could sink very much faster processes than cooling and crys-
to the core-mantle boundary. tallization times. Therefore, an expected result
Subsequent cooling and crystallization of the of early planetary differentiation is a stratified
Earth introduces additional complications. A composition. Because of the combined effects of
chemically stratified mantle cools more slowly temperature and pressure on physical properties,
than a homogenous Earth. Phase change bound- shallow stratification may be reversible - leading
aries are both temperature and pressure depen- to plate tectonics - while deep dense layers may
dent, and these migrate as the Earth cools. The be trapped at depth.

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